

Upload: cassieli

Post on 11-Jul-2015




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This is the start of my poster. I took a picture of the cathedral in Coventry

that got bombed during world war 2 ; this being in the Coventry blitz's. In the

image I have given the image a cartoon effect because I love how it looks

like its been drawn like how a lot of image would have been presented

during the war to remember buildings like this one. The effect brings out the

image making it stand out.

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This is a image of Jack taken in our photo shoot. This was intended to be on my poster which I

drawn as well. Jack is wearing what I also intended him to wear which is a blue shirt, grey

waist coat and grey tie. On photo shop I then drawn round the pen tool to cut the

background out.

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In this screen shot I have cut the image of jack out to fit in with the back ground and make him look

like he is in the picture. I will then add effects to the image of jack to get him to look effective with the

background image

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In this screen shot you will see I have added a cartoon effect on the image of jack to enhance

he effect on the audience and make the poster stand out. The image looks more like a

painting that the cathedral would have had loads of.

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In this screen shot I have added the image of tom and also added the same effect on Tom as I

have on Jack. This makes the audience know who the two main presenters are in the documentary.

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In this screen shot I have added a image of jets I took a video at the Bough mouth air show which

has many old planes from the war. This is effective and stands out but the jets are too modern for

the image

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In this image I have edited the sky. I took this image at the air show of the planes but I liked the way

the clouds had different shades off grey . I have then added a effect to have the clouds separate

there colours from each other to blend in with the poster.

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This is what the poster looks like so far with all the editing effects. All the colours bend in and from

feed back I got told the image is very presentable and sticks out to its target audience.

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This is a image of a plane I took at the air show flying low. I was able to capture the pilot in the plane

which produced a good image for my poster. I want to cut around this image and have it above

Jack and Toms heads in the poster. This plane was used in world war 2 so as it is a excellent caption I

intended to use this image.

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I have cut around the image of the plane and in the screen shot you will see that I am testing

effects on the image. I went through a variety of effects to see which on would blend in with the

poster and fit in with the purpose of the poster.

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This is the first texted I done in my draft . I have made the text large and stretched to make it

stand out. I have the title of the documentary on the wings of the plane because it gave a

professional expression in my opinion of the poster. I have also added effects on the texts to have

a shadow effect making the text stand out and making the texts one of the main attractions of

the poster.

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I took a picture of different flames which I then cut and edited to look different to the other flames.

This would represent the burning cathedral in the Blitz and so far making the poster look effecting.

In the drawn copy of the poster this looked effective and I intended to use this .

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In the scene shot I have took away the image of Jack and Tom to concentrate laying out the

flames. I have left a gap in the middle for where Jack and Tom will stand walking through the

flames. I have added a effect to the flames making it blend in with the poster.

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In this scene shot I have added Jack and tom back to the poster to see if it fitted in with the

poster and looked presentable. I have also took away the title because it didn’t look as

professional as I wanted it to look.

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In this I have reviews of my draft of the poster so far by different people. I have been told in it

that the flames do not fit in with the professionalism of the poster. And that the poster needs

more detail on when the documentary is to begin. In the image you will see as well I have

added a new title on the wings of the plane.

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In this screen shot I was testing different type of texts. I was using different sizes and different type of

fonts. I was also putting the texts in different layouts on the page to see where it would fit in most.

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These are different types of texts I could use for my poster. I have used a Varity of different texts

appropriate for my poster and the style I intend to use. Each text has been edited to be different

like I have used different shades of colour inside the text.

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In this image I have used a line behind the text to see if it would stand out more and be

more effective to stand out for the target audience. I wanted the text to be the main

attraction for the poster and so I want to highlight this but using different effects. On the line

I have used red as that is my main colour theme I have used through out my double page

spread and now my poster. I have also used a lighting effect to make it more brighter whicg

makes the line look white in the middle.

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In this screen shot I have started to add mote effect to the text and finish it off making it look

professional. I have also added a shadow effect to make it stand out from the background. Having a

shadow effect makes the text the main attraction and more noticeable on the page for the target

audience to know what the documentary is called and will also know what documentary it is. In the

text I have also used a overlay using the same style of text but making one a but snaller and putting it

behind to make the text a more 3D shape.

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In this screen shot I have finished editing my text and laying it out on the plane wings. I have

stretched it out to stand out more and used a tilting effect to make the text fit onto the wings


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In this screen shot I have added a red text box to add the information the reader will need

to know about the documentary like when it is on and what it is kind of about with out using

to many words. I also used effects to make this text box stand out from the background.

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I have different styles of texts used in the information box. This makes different sections of the

text stand out and more noticeable. I used different styles of font.

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In this screen shot I have added all the information in the text box with a

background glow to make the text stand out and easy for the target audience

to read. I want the text to stand out also as I want the audience to notice it and

read it. I have also started to add comments of reviews from news papers and

articles on the left side of the poster.

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This is my final edit of my poster. I have used different fonts for the reviews of my documentary on the

left hand side of the page. I have also made the image of Jack and Tom stand out. I used the

sharpening tool on the images which gave more of an enhanced effect .