
BBFC BBFC is the age ratings for movies. They have these because parents will know which movies they should let their children watch or in other cases it could be games.

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Post on 26-Jul-2015



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BBFC is the age ratings for movies. They have these because parents will know which movies they should let their children watch or in other cases it could be games.

The symbol ‘U’ means universal, therefore movies which have the universal sign should be suitable for all ages. But the kids that watch these types of movies will be from the ages four and over. These movies don’t allow any bad language the highest they will go with strong language would be something like ‘damn’ or ‘hell’. Also in U rated movies you may tend to see kissing or cuddling but nothing further than that. You may also see violent scenes where the film character will be in danger.

PG stands for parental guidance. This means it is suitable for general viewing. Movies like these should be supervised by their parents when kids are watching because there could be a few upsetting moments. PG movies may tend to have hard moments where the character of the movie may be getting bullied. There might be strong language in PG movies in important moments like ‘shit’ when the character is going through a hard moment if anything stronger then that the BBFC will be increased.

The 12a Symbol means: cinema release suitable for 12 and over The symbol 12 means: video release suitable for 12 and overNo one younger then 12 should be allowed to watch a movie without parental supervision. At this age you can see violence but it is not allowed to go into detail. Some swearing may occur such as f**k or b***h but it depends how it is used.

The symbol 15 means only suitable for the age 15 above nothing lower than that. The age rating 15 you will see strong violence, strong language and it will be frequent. At 15 sexual activity can be portrayed, but usually without strong detail.

The symbol 18 is only restricted for 18 as it has bad language and sexual and nudity scenes which no one under the age of 18 should see; it also has real sex. Violence you will all types of fighting in horror movies you will see someone getting murdered and blood will appear. Also in 18 rated movies you will see people taking drugs.