presented by: cay goude, assistant field supervisor sacramento fish and wildlife office u.s. fish...

Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation Planning

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Page 1: Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation

Presented By:

Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor

Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Lessons I Learned In Conservation Planning

Page 2: Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation

Why I Love Conservation Planning?!

Page 3: Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation

• Local control• Involves local community • Certainty in project planning• Assurances• Funding opportunities• Ecosystem/landscape approach• Streamlining

Why Do a Regional HCP?

Page 4: Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation

•Not all areas are appropriate for a HCP

•AND Not all Plans are appropriate to be a NCCP

To Do a Plan or Not Do a Plan..That is the Question

Page 5: Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation

• Merced Conservation Strategy• Gabbro Plants (not complete)• Santa Rosa Plains

Conservation Strategy• East Alameda County

Conservation Strategy

Other Types of Conservation Plans

Page 6: Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation


•Large existing open space areas•Available funding sources•Critically endangered species •Engaged public and local jurisdictions•Development needs•Collaborative Process

Santa Clara and East Contra Costa HCP/NCCPs

Page 7: Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation

•Required as part of the NCCP Act•Time taken = Benefit

How often was the Agreement used and can we shorten this time period?

Time Taken… The Planning Agreement

Page 8: Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation

• Too many • Too rare• No knowledge• No impacts• Not there• No conservation opportunities• FISH

Covered Species

Page 9: Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation


Covered Activities

• Not adequately defined• Activities jurisdictions do not have control over• Agricultural activities• Activities too far into the future

Page 10: Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation

Who Pays..

•Nexus•Outreach•Paying for long-term endowment•Funding sources

– Fees

– Federal/State


Page 11: Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation

• Attorney involvement at the correct time• Make it simple• Do not rewrite the plan –summarize the plan• Use template

Implementation Agreement

Page 12: Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation

• Champion• Use templates in conservation easement and IA• Make it simple- less said is often better• Give direction and guidance• Brief everyone OFTEN• Do not reinvent the wheel

– Use an example HCP

Lessons Learned

Page 13: Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation

• Stakeholder involvement is critical• Demonstrate forward momentum • Be realistic and prioritize what can be accomplished • At the end have a writing party

Lessons Learned -- Continued

Page 14: Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation

• Be ready• GIS• Have a handbook• Training

Lessons Learned -- Implementation

Page 15: Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation

• Yes .. Please do a plan it is well worth the effort.

• Forming new partnerships• Endangered species recovery• Large scale conservation• Regulatory streamlining• And it’s FUN


Page 16: Presented By: Cay Goude, Assistant Field Supervisor Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lessons I Learned In Conservation