presenting yourself to an employer


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Post on 22-Feb-2016




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Presenting Yourself to an Employer. Presented by Delicia Lewis. This Workshop Covers…. “Tell me about Yourself” Elevator Pitches Posture Clothing Handshakes Eye Contact Speech Enthusiasm Courtesy What NOT to do. “Tell me a about yourself”. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Presenting Yourself to an Employer


Presented by Delicia Lewis

Page 2: Presenting Yourself to an Employer

THIS WORKSHOP COVERS… “Tell me about Yourself” Elevator Pitches Posture Clothing Handshakes Eye Contact Speech Enthusiasm Courtesy What NOT to do

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“TELL ME A ABOUT YOURSELF” Don’t got into details that are on the

resume Do stress your passion for the job Do explain briefly why you love your job Video

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MAKE AN “ELEVATOR PITCH” You and the CEO of your dream company are in an

elevator going up 8 flights, what do you do? Talk to them! Make a point why they should hire you! “Hi! My name is BLANK, I’m here for an interview for X

position. I would make a really good addition to your team because…”

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POSTURE Sit up straight Stand to greet others Don’t fidget

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CLOTHING Professional, conservative

clothing is always the best choice!

Dress to Impress

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HANDSHAKE Have a firm handshake Don’t extend the length of the shake- up, down, up-done!

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EYE CONTACT Look the employer in the eye Eye contact is very important! Don’t look at the floor

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Add a touch of energy and passion to your voice

Watch how fast or slow you are speaking Are you on the phone? Add a little extra

voice inflection to convey that you are very interested!

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ENTHUSIASM! Enthusiasm and passion are what

employers are looking for. They want to know you are excited about being a part of the company and would be happy with your job.

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PROFESSIONALISM AND COURTESY Always be polite, professional, and courteous. Say “Yes Sir or Yes Ma'am” unless they tell you otherwise. Do not say “yeah” or “sure” Try to watch how many Um’s you say, keep it minimal Don’t forget to say “Thank you”

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ALWAYS FOLLOW UP Send a ‘Thank you’ email or note. Be patient- send a thank you the day of the interview,

or the next day Wait a week to hear back-THEN follow up with the

employer to let them know you are still interested. Wrap it up: Video

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WHAT NOT TO DO… Do not bring a coffee with

you Do not chew gum Do not have bad breath Do not use too much

cologne or perfume Do not have food in your

teeth Do not pick at your teeth

around the employer/building

Do not call or email 100 times a day

Do not forget a thank you note Do not slouch Do not complain about your

previous boss or position

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