presents project crimson march 1, 2006 sarah grace cade harrelson cochrane jamison libby probst...

presents Project Crimson March 1, 2006 Sarah Grace Cade Harrelson Cochrane Jamison Libby Probst Justin Williams

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Project CrimsonMarch 1, 2006

Sarah GraceCade Harrelson

Cochrane JamisonLibby Probst

Justin Williams

3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson



Layout of SiteSpecifics of each aspect of the layout

Technical AspectsClearing and Grading the SiteRoad and Railroad Cross SectionsParking Lot Cross SectionsRailroad Spur SpecificsBuilding

3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson


Overview (continued)

Technical Aspects (continued)Water DistributionStorm Water Sewer DesignCulvert

Results and RecommendationsAmount of Grading RequiredWater Demand Recommendations


Facility Overview

Industrial Manufacturing FacilityImport/Export docking for trucks and railcarsStorage trailers and rail carsSecure, gated facilityEmployee parking lot separate from truck parking areaAccessible from east and west side of siteFire protection to requested standardsWater/Sewage services

3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson


Specific Layout and Design Details


Building Layout

Total Size:500,000 ft2

Office Side: 94500 ft2 of available office space

Train Docks: Located on East Side

Truck Docks:Located on West Side


Employee Parking

425 Regular Spaces 10 Handicap SpacesLot Size: 706’ x 236.5’

Shortest Walking Distance: 36’Furthest Walking Distance: 376’


Trailer Parking

West Lot23 Spaces368 ft long

North Lot27 Spaces426 ft long

•Minimum Available Turning Radius: 50’

•Space Dimensions: 14’W x 54’D

Truck Docking

Import Export Docks2 Docks – accommodates 12 trucks per dock

DimensionsDock Height – 4’Length of dock – 162.5’Each Truck Space

8.5’ wide 5.5’ space in between trucks

3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson


Railroad Spur

Comes onto Project Crimson’s property at north-west cornerTwo spurs run parallel to east side of building

Loading and unloading for 3 cars at a timeStorage for 12 rail cars

Dock Dimensions180 feet long14 feet wide

“Rail King” will move cars

3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson


Access Roads

Access site by Boone Boulevard and Industrial Park DriveThree lanes at each entrance for two driving lanes and one turning lane12 feet wide lanesDesigned for truck traffic and passenger carsCul-de-sac provided for truck turn around

3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson


Fire Access

Fire access on three sides of the buildingAccess by vehicle around three full sides of the buildingFire zones will be shown with painted markings

3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson


Technical Aspects of the Design

3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson


Clearing the Site

Must remove1.5 feet of topsoilTrees and unwanted materialOther debris and/or trash on siteLarge boulders or fill material hidden underneath the surface

3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson


Grading the Site

GradingAll areas to be built on must be graded to desired elevationMust grade back to the original terrain at property lineGrading will be done to ensure runoff away from building

3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson


Road and Railroad Cross SectionsRoadway – Traffic Class 3


3/01/06 17

Parking Lot Pavement Cross Sections

Truck Parking Area – Traffic Class 3

Passenger Car Parking Area – Traffic Class 2

3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson


Railroad Spur

Old spur will have to be moved 145 feetNew spur branches off at north-west corner of siteRadius of spur is 575 feet115 Pound Dudley Rail to be usedFollows KCS Guidelines

3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson


Industrial Building

Set above the 100-year flood plane at 154 feetFire Protection to be provided500,000 square feet with a maximum of 94,500 square feet for office space

Meets requirements24 truck docks3 Loading docks and doors for rail carsParking for 200 employees per shiftStorage for 12 rail cars and 50 trailers

3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson


Water Distribution

RequiredMin. pressure of 75 psiSuitable pressure and supply for a fire situation

Available12” Pipe Delivery provides 49.4 psiOther pipe systems were tried

3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson


Storm Water Sewer System

Will be designed in final phase of the designCan carry the runoff for a 100-year flood eventDetention Pond to store 100-year flood event runoffGravity flow to detention pond

3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson



Will be designed in final phase of projectWill be located at every crossing of a creek

3 road crossings1 railroad crossing

Will be designed for a 25-year flood event

3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson


Results and Recommendations

3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson


Results and Recommendations Grading

Rough Totals for Preliminary Report

Cut=39,230 yd3


Total=132240 yd3 Fill

Will change with final phase of the projectThis is a lot of fill, however, the cut from the detention pond will account for some of it.

Total Amount of Cut and Fill



132,240 Cut



3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson


Results and Recommendations Water Demand

Water demand is higher than amount providedWater Pressure Needed = 75 psiWater Pressure Available = 49.4 psiThis does not account for the fire demand that will also be needed.

Possible SolutionsStorage Tank System- Elevated or GroundWater Pump

Booster Pump Fire-Service Pump

3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson



Concerns about the Layout?Concerns about the Design?Possible Ideas to Better the Design?Comments?

3/01/06 REC Preliminary Presentation for Project Crimson


Civil Engineers

Tuscaloosa, Alabama