president suburb is existing houseamong catholics and noncathottos alike of charity and was known...

WASHINGTON TIMES SUNDAY NOVEMBER 20 1904 t THE f 9 l President and Cardinal to Participate- A WEEK OF CEREMONIAL Archbishop Keane Formerly Rector of Catholic Uaivwity te ennon Impriselve ceremonies win mark celebration of the hundred and tenth anniversary of St Patrick Church which will begin today and continue throughout the week The first ceremony will be held at 839 oclock this morning when Cardinal GMb bona will bestow the sacrament of con- firmation upon a large ems Following thla a solemn high mass wilt be cele- brated at which the cardinal will as- sist Archbishop Joha J Keane of Dubuque Iowa will deliver the anni- versary sermon Archbishop Keane WM formerly rector of the Catholic University ex- tremely popUar in Washington He has remained over froth the conference of bishops in order to participate m the ceremonies at St Patricks Event of Celebration What promise to be the most impor- tant event of the week to a contem- plated open air to be held at 3 this afternoon when President ooseveU will make an address front the rectory Should the weather prove stormy the service will be held In the church All arrangement how- ever have been made for an open air service in order everyone who la- i Interested in St Patricks parish may have an opportunity to participate The President will address the people tnr3X Street end of the balcony In addltdgbto the President other prom- inent melt who will address the peo ple Habeas the Rev Dr Staled pastor of St Patricks Church alid the Hon H B F Macfar land president of the Board of District Lonamlrsioreni New Buildings Dedicated At the conclusion of the open air the new building which have added to the property of St Patricks will be dedicated These In- clude the rectory and the schoothoose A choir composed of children of the parish will furnish the musical program for the afternoon The children will he stationed on the terrace from where they will slag a series of hymns special- ly prepared for the day Cardinal Gibbons wilt dedicate the new buildings and in this ceremony k9 wilt be assisted by all the church dignitar- ies present including presidents of Cath- olic colleges and the entire faculty of the Catholic University of America Solemn vespers will be sung at Td oclock The sermon be preached by Archbishop John IrHand of 9t Pawl Minn and a special program of music will be given by tie choir At the 11 mass and the evening service the ehelr will be assisted by a of twenty pieces New Carroll Hall The now aehoeihouse which is to be knows a Carroll Hall will he formally opened on tomorrow evening at S oclock when Bishop SoaUin of Peoria will deliver a lecture on education The bishop be Introduced b William T Harris ttaUo States Commissioner of Educatio It is expected a number of distinguished meo will be guests of the pastor on that occasion An oratorio concert will be given on Tuesday evening when the choir of St Patricks Church accompanied by will give a reading of The Legend of St Cecilia tIe Joint work of Henry Chorley and SIr Jtttes Benedict Rehearsals have been held for several weeks and the preaentaUon of this work promises to be unusually Interesting in that it be its that reading in Wash- ington he work is intensely dramatic and very beautiful Armand Qumprecht organist nd director of the choir wilt direct th recital On Wednesday evening the the parish wilt an a d- on Thursday a minstrel perfornutBoe has arranged by the K v Charles Warren Currietv pastor St Marys Church and a speaker wilt lecture oevi history of the perish on Priday even- ing UN ftddrtjos wW be illustrated with ter views of various church iulldlpsd and tin posters have df- icct d tint church inteivota since its be- ginning The orphan children are to be given an nttrtnment oa Astnriay afternoon which will end weeks ceremonies St Patrick although SW JTSJU old load but six pastors to all those Tftey have been as follows Kutiitr prey tV4 te ttfe ifeChar Mat- thews to UN Father OTooJe 14 iw Father Walter 1M to Ifttt Father Gtoyd UN to 1M sad Father In Fteth r Wmhtegton found un of It iuals aad mod character The priest was known among Catholics and nonCathottos alike of charity and was known time and again to jp without tine iieeeesarles of life ores alleviutf the suffering of the with whom he ease in contact coat in winter and would never penny on himself until it was lufly iie i u ry The pries waa ly beloved ijy evetyoa IrruipecUra ttf A pretty little story U told any jsa membered by pttnsons who were dated with him at the lime Father Walter was called ors very cold night to sick woman Two little children to the rectory and w re at lu hand when the priest call Thy told their ill and Was in immediate need 9f the eervkes of a rather Walter accomuanled the Chi- ldren to a tenementlike home Ttoey him direct to the womans rootB and directed him in The priest attend 6U the ick woman who was coiuwioua and who asked him how be knew she was dying He told her that her chit dren come for him The mother wars very rind told the priest her two children had been dead and that was alone In th Father Walter looked for the children toe mother slightly IHH U hut th wen never was there trace of the little ones wno came to the priest and begged him to go to their mother ST PATRiCKS TO OBSERVE BIRTHDAY tnt one and the that from re- cently gill IIhM Jt operetta en boyL- e t the the Six bat y arc 1 to Wt t pad tlon I- to lie rarely to wear a d ttailtr 1st tUtll she IJtlhtin ai fIr arty De- liver t Is t service o balcony ser- vice been iu s o clock orches- tra or- chestra ave ta tiugutat eel Opt cbn Who PIN a tinily W ba Curt ar the Slur owe krwtrr an ever spud aM0 grrsltt treed itrott 1100 ls tlrlll a eain anew h was es- corted t mush war r d ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > + Suburb Is Remote From Existing House POSTOFFICE WAS ROBBED Town Is Poorly Patrolled and a Sub station Is Greatly Needed There Bfferta are to be made by the mem- ber of the Brookland Citizens Asso- ciation to h ve the next police substa tion created by Major Sylvester located- in their suburb which is more than a mile from any police proolnct station and at present Is patrolled by only four policeman It is understood that Major Sylvester realises the need for better police pro- tection as well as the citizens of the town which a population of about 13M persons Last May the little post office in the heart of Breokland was en tered th safe blown open and of about 100 Since then the deplorable need for better service has been freely commented upon At the last meeting of the association the matter was brought up but tabled because of the consideration of the grade crossing discussion The Brooklanders feel confident that Congress will grant appropriation of SfiOQ which has boon asked for In order that the road leading into the town can be graded so as to run un- derneath the railroad The citizens of jthe suburban town point with pride to the fact that Congress has not yet turned the Commissioners down on any- thing for the betterment of Brookland and they do not expect to get the cold shoulder this time CITIZENS OF EAST END WILL SOON BE BUSY The failure of a quorum of the least Washington Citizens Association to put In an appearance on the night of the last regular meeting leaves some doubt as to what will be done at the next meeting which has been called for Thursday December 1 The great before this association at the be- ginning of the year was the proposed OMMtruotion of the railroad tunnel by the open cut system and now that this baa been abandoned there lu only the regular run of business to look after The Waahlngtonians are a busy lot however and they will Clad plenty to do They are strong advocates of public playgrounds for children and will heartily support The Times in its effort to have them provided As a mat- ter of fact the East Washington Asso ciation took this matter up long ago and had grounds sot aside at the Inter- section of Virginia and South Carolina Avenues southeast Another question which is always of interest to this association is the cross- town street railway and this season will witness renewed efforts on its part to put this project through Alphonse CHrooard an active member of the asso- ciation has interested himself in the block paving question and as chairman of the committee on that matter has made an Investigation of it The aoee elation is advocating the replacing of concrete in the eastern part of the city with block The reclamation of Anacostia title is also a vital subject thorn and will receive its share of attention CATHEDRAL HEIGHTS BODY TO MEET IN DECEMBER- The first meeting of the Cathedral Heights Citizens Association will prob ably be called next week to meet early in December This organization has no regular meeting days but i called to- gether when the occasions demands The secretary William Peachy has however received a number of com mun4catkme this week m regard to the playground and police salary questions which he feels should be laid before the whole association at the earliest opportunity In spite of the irregularity of its meet iags the Cathedral Heights Association sly active and has a eem- pfleltefl many things for the far north western section of Washington THE DOGGER BANK If the floor of the North Sea were raised rather more than 100 feat the Dogger hank would form a third mem ber of the British isles supposing neighbors agreed te let us have it abwft half the of Scotland Even without the intervention of Neptunes trident to turn the bank into dry it hi almost a BrttlaH in MINt year out shallow waters liNt over by hundreds of British tmwls cur itghinff fleets every year bet ter organised are like permanent vll over the bank with churches stores hospitals canteens fish carriers and and some half million toss of the beat nh the werld produee a brought from it annually to by Hull and London It is Chat the trawls sometimes disturb the bones of mammoths and the dismembered limbs of rhinoceroses which browned on the submerged forests of the North Sea AT DALYS At Dalys the audience appreciated a most Ingenuous interruption It was in the teat act of The School Girl Bdrm May had brought together th sjaM a scene of love making T3owI some would me a voice from the second Bal- cony to miss very much New York sun Alway Keeps Chamberlains Cough Remedy In ills House We would not be without Chamber Cough Remedy It to kilt im hand r W W Kearney of the Independent Lowry City Mo That J just what should do When at hand for Instant may be checked in the and cured in less time than after it has be- ccme settled In the system This rem also wlthnut a peer for croup In- ren and will prevent attack as soon as tn child hoarse or after the cough ears can be done when te at hand It ha woo its jereat popularity and extensive cures of cold and croup and can always be upon Fur sale by all druggists BROOK LAND WANTS POLICE STATION haft robbed the East its poMtu ftc d sad fa which j t- It responded like lat th W n fd1 becomes tM b1 Its i ques- tion with oar also gnat lend possession plowed lanes said once lover she took as 1 one kiss s sa s editor av- e k ready ape outset old d even ed ke t sale ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ JAPANESE INFLUENCE II Chin Hoi Society Makes Great Strides in Hair Horace N Allen United States min- ister to Korea has written the State Department tinder date of QotoUer 17 last from Seoul of what must be oon sldared an evldanoe of the ground which Japanese influence has gained in that country since the beginning of tho present war It is the advance which is now being made by a secret society called the II Chin Hal or tho Society for United Progress It was started by ono Song Pyung Chun refugee from Japan and one of its tenets calls for the shearing of the hair instead of wearing it in a coil upon the top of the head Mr Allen says of it This society has boon under sus- picion from the first but it is succeed- ing among a certain class who are in- telligent enough and bold enough to accept the inevitable and to try to make peace with the Japanese The significance of the hair cutting lies in the faot that this is one of the reforms which the Japanese attempted- to introduce ten years ago but In which they failed is apparently mak ing headway Mr Allen also reports that the organi zation called the Poh An Hoi Society for the Preservation of Peace and un- favorable to the Japanese has been sup pressed GROWING IN KOREA SeoulTo Cut- Off a Now It ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ MUST EMPLOYERS PAY FOR COLLECTORS AnT Question Raised by Suit in Baltimore- of Boy Who Says He Was Scared Into Fits BALTIMORE Nov a bill col Iwter a boy so that It will coat the collectors employers 36OOQ This to the Question involved In the damage suit brought by Alfred Handley- on behalf of his minor son David M Handley against Julius Hines Sons proprietors of an installment furniture house Senatorelect Rayner for the defence and a number of mediool exports are en- deavoring to prove that the lads ad mitted illness which followed his en counter with Bill Collector Richard and which subsequently resolved Itself Into St Vltus dance is due to natural causes and not to Higgins Young Handley testified that he was SMIled by Higgins who asked him whore his mother lived When the refused to tell It is alleged Higgins dragged him a square before releasing The boy ran his grandmothers house where he in a lit He he had been ill denies he dragged tho boy a admits following A HAND LIKE A FOOT Mrs Browne I dont soft how you maaage to reed your husbands letters- at all his handwriting Is so very peeu liarMrs Malaprop His is queer but Im used to It Philadelphia Press 19Can him chIro ad Hig- gins b 1il lne Moll sin e- H ins rs questioning ¬ ¬ ¬ ON TRIP TO IRELAND Will Assist in Unveiling Statue in Honor of the Manchester Martyrs- on November 28 Q17HBN8TQWN Nov 19 ODonovnn- Roasa the wellknown agitator for the indopdndencg nf Ireland was a passen- ger on the Cunard Line steamer IBtrurJe- Whlah called today on her voyage from New York for Liverpool Mr Rossa when he came ashore was met by several deputations headed by a bAnd There were no speeches The object of Mr Rqs ts visit to Ire- land Is to unveil a monument to the Manchester martyrs In his native town of Sktbbereen Cork The mon- ument is in honor of Allen Larkin and OBrien who killed a policeman in tho rescue of two Feniajt prisoners from the Manchester jail All three were exe- cuted The monument will be dedleted on November 28 Mr Roses will receive the freedom of Cork DOING HIS WORST I have withdrawn from ouah amateur acting olub said Willie Wlshlngton- Whyl I couldnt stand it say J ngeh you know I was cawst fer the and Miss Popporton was the heroine she was to say do youah worst That was easy Ya aa but wouldnt ropeat the words She sam I had already as badly as reason ably expect Chicago Journal ODONOVAN ROSSA county hems an ain P erton coif ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ Red D Line Steamer Reaches San Juan P R After a Tem pestuous Trip SAN JUAN Porto Rico Nov H The Red D line steamer Caracas Captain Wdodrlek from New York November for San Juan La Qualm slid other ports has arrived here in slightly condition She report that Sunday night whet oft Cape May she encountered a hurri cane which lasted thirtjaix hours Heavy seas hoarded the steamer Hood- ing the saloon and wrecking flight staterooms Several woman passengers wore nearly drowned by the mrashlng seal Captain Woodrick says that it was the worst storm in his experience which years The Caracas was somewhat over- due here Her passengers are all well CORRECTING DAUGHTER- A mother whose little hlld had gath- ered numerous slang expressions from her companions used a novel method to correct her daughter the other day At the dinner table the child was asked if desired some potatoes No answered the ypungster guess Ill pass em up Daughter you must cut that slang out said the mother Dont correct the child that way said the husban- dI wasnt correcting her the mother I was putting her next Needless to say the child thoroughly undoratoed Press THRDUHH THE GARAGAS HEAVY SEAS SWEPT 12 extends over a ot t she HI dam- aged e led 1 P Y A ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Venerable Man Was Overzfalous in of Two Church inactions WORCX8TER Maaa Nev llam P Squires pastor of the First Baptist Church East 9ro kfldld has been found guilty of contempt 61 court and ordered to pay a flue of W or go to jail for thirty days said he could not pay the fine and was com- mitted He Is a man of advanced age He was accompanied by his wife who threw her arms about him and kissed him good tfy in the court room For more than a year two factions in the church have been righting for pos- session of a trust fund Last after evidence had been presented Squires wrote a letter to the court three of perjury The court held that this was an attempt to influence his decision He the let- ter was the most Improper communica- tion he had ever received SquirM explained that he merely wanted to the court in mat ter although he admitted he have been Injudicious in his methods SURE FIGN Yes remarked the party who some- times leta an audible thought escape Its a sure sip a man is getting old Whats sure sign Queried the youth with the robber habit he goes areand telling people that he feete just as young as ever explained the thihkerChi PASTOR GOES TO JAIL FOR WRITING TO JUDGE Warfare olItJ 19Wll Squires a 7 Moray ac- cusing witnesses ide mi t did aa sY sago ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 1 w 1 the Eve of Thanksgiving Day the day of genuine home comforts and when every housekeeper desires each room of the house to look its best We are prepared to help you make the home resplendent with attractive furnishings and without requiring you to make any considerable outlay of money We cheerfully you to choose from our immense stock of Furniture Floor Coverings etc any articles you may need and will be glad to arrange the payment of same to fall due in small amounts from time to time to suit your convenience without any extra charge t r t tM- j r- i i l H- On e DIi M y t r a 4 t i Y i l 5 a o i allow z < < Astonishingly low prices prevail oa All Kinds of Floor Coverings Immense variety of patterns in all grades many exclusive designs Velvet Rugs 27x54 inches many handsome patterns special price H Tapestry Brussels Rug room size 9 ft CDlf f EL x 11 ft 6 in good quality only e Ingrain Carpet full yard wide pretty patterns O r special price per yard Tapestry Brussels Carpet heavy quality choice of several patterns per yard only Good Quality Oilcloth many new patterns square yard only No extra charge for sewing laying and lining We show all kinds and sizes of Ranges and Heating Stoves also Oil Heaters and Blue Flame Cook Stoves Oak Sideboard V exactly like cut has good finish neat carvings and beveled mirror a special big value j II II rmt 1 69 Ii II Ii 62c II if B B B A r B j Ii mf J I II 1095 Ii r er i nt i i k c for- t t = > + = We offer many special buying advantages in Our Crockery Department Immense assortments to choose from covering a wide range of styles and grades 100piece Dinner Set pretty floral decora- tion nicely shaped pieces special price 100piece Dinner Set handsome goldlined decoration pretty shape only green decoration neat shape special je 100piece Dinner Set Carlsbad ware elegant decoration handsomely shaped pieces very special at Pretty Toilet Sets large pieces choice of several decorations good value only Handsome Couch exactly like cut has oak frame velour cover and good upholster- ing special price Oak Extension Table exactly like cut round top 6foot size is well constructed and has good finish only III 7 95 ° II 9 85 100piece Dinner Set English warepretty 112 50 pr 2 o If J J 6 55 II 0 II 7f 11 t e c a w q r b ¬ ¬ > ° + IfUJSta COMPLETE HOMEFURNISHERS When in doubt buy of B if 4925 I- I Ii House Herrmann Seventh and I Eye Streets No R Wo- t I i r Y 1 i L t j- t1t f f r t i = > < > > <

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    President and Cardinal toParticipate-


    Archbishop Keane Formerly Rector ofCatholic Uaivwity te


    Impriselve ceremonies win markcelebration of the hundred andtenth anniversary of St PatrickChurch which will begin today andcontinue throughout the week

    The first ceremony will be held at 839oclock this morning when Cardinal GMbbona will bestow the sacrament of con-firmation upon a large ems Followingthla a solemn high mass wilt be cele-brated at which the cardinal will as-sist Archbishop Joha J Keane ofDubuque Iowa will deliver the anni-versary sermon

    Archbishop Keane WM formerly rectorof the Catholic University ex-tremely popUar in Washington He hasremained over froth the conference ofbishops in order to participate m theceremonies at St Patricks

    Event of CelebrationWhat promise to be the most impor-

    tant event of the week to a contem-plated open air to be held at3 this afternoon when President

    ooseveU will make an address front therectory Should the weatherprove stormy the service will be heldIn the church All arrangement how-ever have been made for an open airservice in order everyone who la-

    i Interested in St Patricks parish mayhave an opportunity to participate

    The President will address the peopletnr3X Street end of the balcony

    In addltdgbto the President other prom-inent melt who will address the people Habeas the RevDr Staled pastor of St PatricksChurch alid the Hon H B F Macfarland president of the Board of DistrictLonamlrsioreni

    New Buildings DedicatedAt the conclusion of the open air

    the new building which haveadded to the property of St

    Patricks will be dedicated These In-clude the rectory and the schoothooseA choir composed of children of theparish will furnish the musical programfor the afternoon The children will hestationed on the terrace from wherethey will slag a series of hymns special-ly prepared for the day

    Cardinal Gibbons wilt dedicate the newbuildings and in this ceremony k9 wiltbe assisted by all the church dignitar-ies present including presidents of Cath-olic colleges and the entire faculty ofthe Catholic University of America

    Solemn vespers will be sung at Tdoclock The sermon be preachedby Archbishop John IrHand of 9t PawlMinn and a special program of musicwill be given by tie choir At the 11

    mass and the evening servicethe ehelr will be assisted by a

    of twenty piecesNew Carroll Hall

    The now aehoeihouse which is to beknows a Carroll Hall will he formallyopened on tomorrow evening at S oclockwhen Bishop SoaUin of Peoria willdeliver a lecture on education Thebishop be Introduced b William THarris ttaUo States Commissioner ofEducatio It is expected a number ofdistinguished meo will be guests of thepastor on that occasion

    An oratorio concert will be given onTuesday evening when the choir of StPatricks Church accompanied by

    will give a reading of TheLegend of St Cecilia tIe Joint work ofHenry Chorley and SIr Jtttes BenedictRehearsals have been held for severalweeks and the preaentaUon of this workpromises to be unusually Interesting inthat it be its that reading in Wash-ington he work is intensely dramaticand very beautiful Armand Qumprechtorganist nd director of the choir wiltdirect th recital

    On Wednesday evening thethe parish wilt an a d-on Thursday a minstrel perfornutBoe has

    arranged by theK v Charles Warren Currietv

    pastor St Marys Church and aspeaker wilt lecture oevi

    history of the perish on Priday even-ing UN ftddrtjos wW be illustrated withter views of various church

    iulldlpsd and tin posters have df-icct d tint church inteivota since its be-ginning

    The orphan children are to be givenan nttrtnment oa Astnriay afternoonwhich will end weeks ceremonies

    St Patrick although SW JTSJU oldload but six pastors to all those

    Tftey have been as followsKutiitr prey tV4 te ttfe ifeChar Mat-thews to UN Father OTooJe 14

    iw Father Walter 1M to IftttFather Gtoyd UN to 1M sad Father

    In Fteth r Wmhtegton foundun of It iuals aad modcharacter The priest was knownamong Catholics and nonCathottosalike of charityand was known time and again to jpwithout tine iieeeesarles of life ores

    alleviutf the suffering of thewith whom he ease in contact

    coat in winter and would neverpenny on himself until it was

    lufly iie i u ry The pries waaly beloved ijy evetyoa IrruipecUra ttf

    A pretty little story U told any jsamembered by pttnsons who weredated with him at the lime

    Father Walter was calledors very cold night to

    sick woman Two little childrento the rectory and w re atlu hand when the priestcall Thy told theirill and Was in immediate need 9f theeervkes of a

    rather Walter accomuanled the Chi-ldren to a tenementlike home Ttoey

    him direct to the womans rootBand directed him in The priest attend6U the ick woman who was coiuwiouaand who asked him how be knew shewas dying He told her that her chitdren come for him

    The mother wars veryrind told the priest her two children hadbeen dead and thatwas alone In th Father Walterlooked for the children toemother slightly IHH U hut th wennever was there traceof the little ones wno came to the priestand begged him to go to their mother











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    Suburb Is Remote FromExisting House


    Town Is Poorly Patrolled and a Substation Is Greatly Needed


    Bfferta are to be made by the mem-ber of the Brookland Citizens Asso-ciation to h ve the next police substation created by Major Sylvester located-in their suburb which is more than amile from any police proolnct stationand at present Is patrolled by only fourpoliceman

    It is understood that Major Sylvesterrealises the need for better police pro-tection as well as the citizens of thetown which a population of about13M persons Last May the little postoffice in the heart of Breokland was entered th safe blown open andof about 100 Since then the deplorableneed for better service has been freelycommented upon

    At the last meeting of the associationthe matter was brought up but tabledbecause of the consideration of thegrade crossing discussion

    The Brooklanders feel confident thatCongress will grant appropriationof SfiOQ which has boon asked for Inorder that the road leading into thetown can be graded so as to run un-derneath the railroad The citizens ofjthe suburban town point with pride tothe fact that Congress has not yetturned the Commissioners down on any-thing for the betterment of Brooklandand they do not expect to get the coldshoulder this time


    The failure of a quorum of the leastWashington Citizens Association to putIn an appearance on the night of thelast regular meeting leaves some doubtas to what will be done at the nextmeeting which has been called forThursday December 1 The great

    before this association at the be-ginning of the year was the proposedOMMtruotion of the railroad tunnel bythe open cut system and now that thisbaa been abandoned there lu only theregular run of business to look after

    The Waahlngtonians are a busylot however and they will Clad plentyto do They are strong advocates ofpublic playgrounds for children andwill heartily support The Times in itseffort to have them provided As a mat-ter of fact the East Washington Association took this matter up long agoand had grounds sot aside at the Inter-section of Virginia and South CarolinaAvenues southeast

    Another question which is always ofinterest to this association is the cross-town street railway and this season willwitness renewed efforts on its part toput this project through AlphonseCHrooard an active member of the asso-ciation has interested himself in theblock paving question and as chairmanof the committee on that matter hasmade an Investigation of it The aoeeelation is advocating the replacing ofconcrete in the eastern part of thecity with block

    The reclamation of Anacostia title isalso a vital subject thorn and willreceive its share of attention


    The first meeting of the CathedralHeights Citizens Association will probably be called next week to meet earlyin December This organization has noregular meeting days but i called to-gether when the occasions demandsThe secretary William Peachy hashowever received a number of commun4catkme this week m regard to theplayground and police salary questionswhich he feels should be laid beforethe whole association at the earliestopportunity

    In spite of the irregularity of its meetiags the Cathedral Heights Association

    sly active and has a eem-pfleltefl many things for the far northwestern section of Washington

    THE DOGGER BANKIf the floor of the North Sea were

    raised rather more than 100 feat theDogger hank would form a third member of the British isles supposingneighbors agreed te let us have it abwfthalf the of Scotland Even withoutthe intervention of Neptunes trident toturn the bank into dry it hialmost a BrttlaH inMINt year out shallow waters liNt

    over by hundreds of Britishtmwls cur itghinff fleets every year better organised are like permanent vll

    over the bank with churchesstores hospitals canteens fish carriersand and some half milliontoss of the beat nh the werld produeea brought from it annually toby Hull and London It is Chatthe trawls sometimes disturb the bonesof mammoths and the dismemberedlimbs of rhinoceroses whichbrowned on the submerged forests ofthe North Sea

    AT DALYSAt Dalys the audience appreciated a

    most Ingenuous interruption It was inthe teat act of The School Girl BdrmMay had brought together th

    sjaM a scene of love making

    T3owI some would mea voice from the second Bal-

    conyto miss very much New

    York sun

    Alway Keeps Chamberlains Cough RemedyIn ills House

    We would not be without ChamberCough Remedy It to kilt im handr W W

    Kearney of the IndependentLowry City Mo That J just what

    should do When athand for Instantmay be checked in the and curedin less time than after it has be-ccme settled In the system This rem

    also wlthnut a peer for croup In-ren and will prevent attack

    as soon as tn childhoarse or after the cough

    ears can be done whente at hand It ha woo

    its jereat popularity and extensivecures of cold andcroup and can always be

    upon Fur sale by all druggists








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    II Chin Hoi Society Makes GreatStrides in


    Horace N Allen United States min-ister to Korea has written the StateDepartment tinder date of QotoUer 17last from Seoul of what must be oonsldared an evldanoe of the ground whichJapanese influence has gained in thatcountry since the beginning of thopresent war

    It is the advance which is now beingmade by a secret society called the IIChin Hal or tho Society for UnitedProgress It was started by ono SongPyung Chun refugee from Japan andone of its tenets calls for the shearingof the hair instead of wearing it in acoil upon the top of the head Mr Allensays of it

    This society has boon under sus-picion from the first but it is succeed-ing among a certain class who are in-telligent enough and bold enough toaccept the inevitable and to try tomake peace with the Japanese

    The significance of the hair cuttinglies in the faot that this is one of thereforms which the Japanese attempted-to introduce ten years ago but In whichthey failed is apparently making headway

    Mr Allen also reports that the organization called the Poh An Hoi Societyfor the Preservation of Peace and un-favorable to the Japanese has been suppressed


    SeoulTo Cut-Off


    Now It











    Question Raised by Suit in Baltimore-of Boy Who Says He Was

    Scared Into Fits

    BALTIMORE Nov a bill colIwter a boy so that It willcoat the collectors employers 36OOQ

    This to the Question involved In thedamage suit brought by Alfred Handley-on behalf of his minor son David MHandley against Julius Hines Sonsproprietors of an installment furniturehouse

    Senatorelect Rayner for the defenceand a number of mediool exports are en-deavoring to prove that the lads admitted illness which followed his encounter with Bill Collector Richard

    and which subsequently resolvedItself Into St Vltus dance is due tonatural causes and not to Higgins

    Young Handley testified that he wasSMIled by Higgins who asked him whorehis mother lived When the refusedto tell It is alleged Higgins draggedhim a square before releasing

    The boy ranhis grandmothers house where hein a lit He he had been ill

    denies he dragged tho boy aadmits following

    A HAND LIKE A FOOTMrs Browne I dont soft how you

    maaage to reed your husbands letters-at all his handwriting Is so very peeuliarMrs Malaprop His is queerbut Im used to It Philadelphia Press



    chIro ad


    b 1il lneMoll

    sin e-H insrs






    Will Assist in Unveiling Statue inHonor of the Manchester Martyrs-

    on November 28

    Q17HBN8TQWN Nov 19 ODonovnn-Roasa the wellknown agitator for theindopdndencg nf Ireland was a passen-ger on the Cunard Line steamer IBtrurJe-Whlah called today on her voyagefrom New York for Liverpool MrRossa when he came ashore was met byseveral deputations headed by a bAndThere were no speeches

    The object of Mr Rqs ts visit to Ire-land Is to unveil a monument to theManchester martyrs In his native townof Sktbbereen Cork The mon-ument is in honor of Allen Larkin andOBrien who killed a policeman in thorescue of two Feniajt prisoners from theManchester jail All three were exe-cuted

    The monument will be dedleted onNovember 28 Mr Roses will receivethe freedom of Cork

    DOING HIS WORSTI have withdrawn from ouah amateur

    acting olub said Willie Wlshlngton-WhylI couldnt stand it say J ngeh you

    know I was cawst fer the andMiss Popporton was the heroineshe was to say do youahworst

    That was easyYa aa but wouldntropeat the words She sam I had already

    as badly as reasonably expect Chicago Journal





    P ertoncoif







    Red D Line Steamer Reaches San

    Juan P R After a Tempestuous Trip

    SAN JUAN Porto Rico Nov H TheRed D line steamer Caracas CaptainWdodrlek from New York November

    for San Juan La Qualm slid otherports has arrived here in slightly

    conditionShe report that Sunday night whet

    oft Cape May she encountered a hurricane which lasted thirtjaix hoursHeavy seas hoarded the steamer Hood-ing the saloon and wrecking flightstaterooms Several woman passengerswore nearly drowned by the mrashlngseal

    Captain Woodrick says that it was theworst storm in his experience whichyears The Caracas was somewhat over-due here Her passengers are all well

    CORRECTING DAUGHTER-A mother whose little hlld had gath-

    ered numerous slang expressions fromher companions used a novel method tocorrect her daughter the other day Atthe dinner table the child was asked if

    desired some potatoesNo answered the ypungster

    guess Ill pass em upDaughter you must cut that slang

    out said the motherDont correct the child that way

    said the husban-dI wasnt correcting her the

    mother I was putting hernext

    Needless to say the child thoroughlyundoratoed Press




    extends over a ot




    e led1P Y






    Venerable Man Was Overzfalous inof Two Church


    WORCX8TER Maaa Nevllam P Squires pastor of the FirstBaptist Church East 9ro kfldld hasbeen found guilty of contempt 61 courtand ordered to pay a flue of W or go tojail for thirty days said hecould not pay the fine and was com-mitted

    He Is a man of advanced age He wasaccompanied by his wife who threw herarms about him and kissed him goodtfy in the court room

    For more than a year two factions inthe church have been righting for pos-session of a trust fund Lastafter evidence had been presentedSquires wrote a letter to the court

    three of perjury Thecourt held that this was an attempt toinfluence his decision He the let-ter was the most Improper communica-tion he had ever received

    SquirM explained that he merelywanted to the court in matter although he admitted hehave been Injudicious in his methods

    SURE FIGNYes remarked the party who some-

    times leta an audible thought escapeIts a sure sip a man is getting old

    Whats sure sign Queried theyouth with the robber habit

    he goes areand telling peoplethat he feete just as young as ever

    explained the thihkerChi







    a 7


    ac-cusing witnesses

    idemi t

    did aa sYsago








    the Eve of Thanksgiving Daythe day of genuine home comforts and when every housekeeper desires each room

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    Astonishingly low prices prevail oa

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    Ingrain Carpet full yard wide pretty patterns O rspecial price per yardTapestry Brussels Carpet heavy quality choiceof several patterns per yard onlyGood Quality Oilcloth many new patternssquare yard only

    No extra charge for sewing laying and lining

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    We offer many special buying advantages in

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    Handsome Couch exactly like cut has oak framevelour cover and good upholster-ing special price

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