presidential weekly address assessment xii x mmxi a.a, a.b, a.c, b, c, d

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  • 8/3/2019 Presidential Weekly Address Assessment XII X MMXI a.a, A.b, A.c, B, C, D


  • 8/3/2019 Presidential Weekly Address Assessment XII X MMXI a.a, A.b, A.c, B, C, D


    The White House

    Office of the Press Secretary

    For Immediate Release

    December 10, 2011

    WEEKLY ADDRESS: Ensuring a Fair Shot

    for the Middle Class

    WASHINGTONIn this weeks address, President Obama told the American people that the

    United States succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, does their fair share, and engages in fair

    play. This is why the President nominated Richard Cordray to lead a new consumer-watchdog

    agency designed to protect families from being taken advantage of, but Republicans in Congress

    have blocked the nomination. They have also stood in the way of a balanced plan to extend thepayroll tax cut for working familiesand the President made clear he believes that electedofficials should not go home for the holidays until theyve done what is right for the American

    people and for the economy by extending this tax cut.

    Remarks of President Barack Obama

    As Prepared for Delivery

    The White House

    Saturday, December 10, 2011

    Today, America faces a make-or-break moment for the middle class.

    After the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes, some still want to return to the same policies

    that got us into this mess. Theyre the same policies that have stacked the deck against working

    Americans for too long. Theyre part of a philosophy that says were better off when everyone isleft to fend for themselves and play by their own rules.

    But I have a different vision. I believe that we are greater together than we are on our own. I

    believe that this country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share,

    and everyone engages in fair play.

    To ensure fair play, last year, we passed the toughest financial reform in generations.

    See, for too long, the rules werent the same on Wall Street as they were on Main Street. Riskybets were made with other peoples money. Some folks made a lot of money taking advantage

    of consumers. It was wrong. And this irresponsible behavior on the part of some contributed to

    the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

  • 8/3/2019 Presidential Weekly Address Assessment XII X MMXI a.a, A.b, A.c, B, C, D


    So this financial reform refocuses the financial sector on whats really important: getting capitalto entrepreneurs who want to grow their businesses, and financing to millions of families who

    want to buy a house or send their kids to college.

    A key part of that was putting in place the first-ever consumer watchdogsomeone whose job it

    is to protect American families from being taken advantage of by mortgage lenders, paydaylenders, and debt collectors.

    Tens of millions of Americans use these services. Protecting them from unscrupulous practices

    is an important job. And thats why I nominated Richard Cordray to serve as the head of this

    consumer watchdog agency.

    As the former Attorney General of Ohio, Richard helped recover billions of dollars on behalf of

    retirees and stood up to dishonest lending practices. He has the support of most Attorneys

    General across the country, both Democrats and Republicans. Members of Congress from both

    parties say hes more than qualified for the job. And yet on Thursday, Republicans blocked his

    nomination. They refused to even allow it to come up for a vote.

    That doesnt make any sense. Do Republicans in Congress think our financial crisis was caused

    by too much oversight of mortgage lenders or debt collectors? Of course not. And every day

    America has to wait for a new consumer protection watchdog is another day that dishonest

    businesses can target and take advantage of students, seniors, and service members.

    So I refuse to take no for an answer. Financial institutions have plenty of high-poweredlawyers and lobbyists looking out for them. Its time consumers had someone on their side.

    And while theyre at it, Republicans in Congress should stop the games and extend the payroll

    tax cut for working Americans. Because if they dont, nearly 160 million Americans will seetheir taxes go up at the end of this month.

    Congress cant end the year by taking money out of the pockets of working Americans. Now isnot the time for playing politics. Now is the time to do whats right for the American people.

    No one should go home for the holidays until we get this done. So tell your Members of

    Congress, dont be a Grinch. Tell them to do the right thing for you and for oureconomy. Thank you.

  • 8/3/2019 Presidential Weekly Address Assessment XII X MMXI a.a, A.b, A.c, B, C, D



    The White House

    Office of the Press Secretary

    For Immediate Release

    December 10, 2011

    WEEKLY ADDRESS: Ensuring a Fair Shot

    for the Middle Class

    To be a Muslim means to be close to a Force greater than man...

    That also means proper Reckoning of that Specific Force...

    Being too close may burn you or even worse may mislead the

    innocents and call this Allah with you so close to him...

    Be too far away even for less than a bees momentous flight and

    you only prove you are a blind man screaming his name even if he

    is only less than a Camel's Hair away from you while the still

    innocents claim 'Wisdom' in your name instead of his...

    Brothers of Innocence...

    The United States of America is a Friend and a Military Ally with the

    Egyptian Republic...

    The NorthEastern African Republic is a Transitional Period in what

    the people may call their own Democracy in time...

    If there is any time or no time at all in a rapidly emerging African


    [ Old English wice < Germanic, "series, succession"]

    [14th century. < Anglo-Norman enserer,alteration of Old French asserer, assurer(sassure)]

    [Mid-16th century. < Latin classis "political class"]

    [ Old English middel]

  • 8/3/2019 Presidential Weekly Address Assessment XII X MMXI a.a, A.b, A.c, B, C, D


    WASHINGTONIn this weeks address, President Obama told the American people that the

    United States succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, does their fair share, and engages in fair


    This is why the President nominated Richard Cordray to lead a new consumer-watchdog agency

    designed to protect families from being taken advantage of, but Republicans in Congress have

    blocked the nomination.

    They have also stood in the way of a balanced plan to extend the payroll tax cut for working

    familiesand the President made clear he believes that elected officials should not go home forthe holidays until theyve done what is right for the American people and for the economy by

    extending this tax cut.

    [14th century. Via Old Frenchadresser< assumed Vulgar Latinaddrictiare "direct to" < Latin directus(see direct)]

    [ Old English tellan < Germanic,"put in order"]

    everyone [vvree wn]oreverybody[vvree bddee]ronoun

    every person: every person, whether of a defined group or in


    Everyone is going to come to the office party.

    This is not just for one area; it will affect everyone around

    the country.

    [12th century. Directly or via French