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PRESS RELEASE – TIME SCALE - a project in the HORIZON 2020 EU-programme Astronauts are also humans – needing air, water and food TIME SCALE meets crucial needs for future space missions and for sustainable food production on Earth The HORIZON 2020 EU-project TIME SCALE meets the crucial need for future space missions and sustainable food production on Earth. The project is a part for the Horizon 2020 program, and will be conducted over three years during the period 2015-2018. The project will gain scientific knowledge on health and growth conditions for food plants (crops) in space as well as on Earth. The knowledge will impact on innovations of life supports systems in space as well as on agriculture on Earth. So far humans have experienced short duration journeys to the Moon and humans live on space stations located close to Earth surface. Regular supplies of the basic needs such as oxygen, water and food are shipped to the station. For longer space journeys we need life support systems that can recycle oxygen, water and produce food. Basic research on plants has taken place on the space stations and presently on the International Space Station (ISS). The TIME SCALE project will procure the basis for a new generation of experiments on food plants (crops), algae bioreactors and mice. The TIME SCALE project will bring closed regenerative life support system (CRLSS) at next technological level by further development of the European Modular Cultivation System (EMCS). The EMCS has been successfully operated on the ISS for 7 years with rotors allowing scientific research under Moon and Mars gravity exposures in addition to microgravity conditions. The EMCS modular design provides the possibility to replace the individual subsystems including the entire rotor system. The project TIME SCALE emphasizes research, develop and test of future technologies for human life support systems. Besides new generations of sustainable food production systems on Earth, TIME SCALE will support the vision to enable space exploration, especially long-term travels and stays in space, as well as on the surface of Moon and Mars.

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PRESSRELEASE–TIMESCALE- a project in the HORIZON 2020 EU-programme

Astronauts are also humans – needing air, water and food

TIME SCALE meets crucial needs for future space missions

and for sustainable food production on Earth

The HORIZON 2020 EU-project TIME SCALE meets the crucial need for future space missions and

sustainable food production on Earth. The project is a part for the Horizon 2020 program, and will be

conducted over three years during the period 2015-2018.

The project will gain scientific knowledge on health and growth conditions for food plants (crops) in

space as well as on Earth. The knowledge will impact on innovations of life supports systems in space as

well as on agriculture on Earth.

So far humans have experienced short duration journeys to the Moon and humans live on space stations

located close to Earth surface. Regular supplies of the basic needs such as oxygen, water and food are

shipped to the station. For longer space journeys we need life support systems that can recycle oxygen,

water and produce food. Basic research on plants has taken place on the space stations and presently on

the International Space Station (ISS). The TIME SCALE project will procure the basis for a new

generation of experiments on food plants (crops), algae bioreactors and mice.

The TIME SCALE project will bring closed regenerative life support system (CRLSS) at next

technological level by further development of the European Modular Cultivation System (EMCS). The

EMCS has been successfully operated on the ISS for 7 years with rotors allowing scientific research

under Moon and Mars gravity exposures in addition to microgravity conditions. The EMCS modular

design provides the possibility to replace the individual subsystems including the entire rotor system.

The project TIME SCALE emphasizes research, develop and test of future technologies for human life

support systems.

Besides new generations of sustainable food production systems on Earth, TIME SCALE will support the

vision to enable space exploration, especially long-term travels and stays in space, as well as on the

surface of Moon and Mars.

Key outline of the project

The Project with the acronym TIME SCALE is a part of COMPET-07-2014 – Space Exploration – Life

support – Research and Innovation action, i.e. within the Horizon 2020 envelope of EU.

The acronym TIME SCALE refers to the title Technology and Innovation for Development of Modular

Equipment in Scalable Advanced Life Support Systems for Space Explorations.

The three year project (2015-2018) includes eight partner organizations:

− The Norwegian CIRiS (Project Coordinator)

− Wageningen University (Netherlands)

− Ghent University (Belgium)

− University of Stuttgart (Germany)

− DTM (Italy)

− Interscience (Belgium)

− Prototech (Norway)

− CleanGrow (Ireland)

The main goal of the TIME SCALE project is to develop an advanced life support system breadboard and

to demonstrate the operational capability for the EMCS, located on ISS (flight model) and CIRiS (ground


The EMCS rotor baseplate will provide generic interfaces to several compartments of a CRLSS such as

higher plants (crops), algae bioreactors and mice.

Scientific knowledge on whole higher plant (crop) physiology and fundamental processes under Moon

and Mars gravity conditions are essential to ensure a safe and reliable food supply in future space

exploration and integration of higher plants into a CRLSS.

As part of the project an EMCS crop cultivation system will be developed and tested. The closed water

and nutrient management research and development will include solution for challenges such as lack of

thermal convection, buoyancy and the need of optimized technology (e.g. ion specific sensors to monitor

nutrients available for plants). Remote sensing diagnosis of plant health will be implemented using

sensors and imaging techniques and Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry (SIFT‐MS). Knowledge

and technology on nutrient and water recycling and early warning for crop suboptimal growth conditions

has significant terrestrial relevance for greenhouse systems.

The TIME SCALE project brings together Universities and SMEs with the state of the art knowledge and

experience needed to develop regenerative life support systems for space applications as well as for

terrestrial applications and benefits. Closing the water and nutrient system in greenhouse horticulture is

one of the prerequisites for development of a sustainable agriculture in Europe and is a key investment to

increase profit through savings on fertilizer and water and increased process control and predictability in

production. With the ever increasing pressure on available arable land and water resources, plant stress

alleviation and avoidance will becomes of prime importance in agriculture.

The project will leverage on the advent of multi‐sensor detection of volatiles and nutrient/water sensor

technology to monitor and regulate emerging stresses in plant crops.

The project will also have strong synergies to other ongoing and planned technology development

projects where gas transport, gas monitoring and humidity control are important elements, e.g.

regenerative fuel cells and methane recovery systems.

To maximize the outcome of the project, a Science Advisory Board has been established.

Further information can be found on

Impact - innovations and technology transfer potential

Partner Exploitation potential of the TIMESCALE results


Space The activities are considered to be highly complementary to the company strategy and on-

going activities for established customers such as ESA and NASA.



The results expected in the area of plant cultivation in closed/controlled system will provide

a valuable for our company and our future customers in terrestrial agriculture and


The evolution of tools, methods/analyses and standards applied for the lean project

management, safety and quality is expect to have good exploitation opportunities with

customers in maritime and offshore sector.



Water and nutrient supply systems that can deal with reduced gravity are critical

requirements for life support systems. Therefore providing exploitation potential to space

exploration activities.



In Horticulture there is a huge market for accurate and fully automated water and nutrient

supply systems, including ion selective monitoring of nutrients.

The developed models can be used to predict water, nutrients and oxygen availability to

roots. These models can be exploited in horticulture.


Space The results expected in the area of plant health monitoring will add effective possibilities for

life support in space, allowing control of sustainable crop growth and yield.



The results expected in the area of plant health monitoring will provide ample possibilities

for exploitation in terrestrial precision agriculture and horticulture.


Space Research activities on a photobioreactor system for space are conducted since 2010. The

concept development for this proposal offers a unique opportunity of realization.



Development of miniaturized sensors and diagnostic tools will provide a valuable for our

partners involved in terrestrial application (e.g. the company Subitec GmbH).


Space The activities are considered to be in line with the company strategy and on-going activities

for firmly settled customers such as ESA and NASA.



The study of high technology devices for fluid handling, monitoring and control of sensors

and actuator is of great importance to consolidate the skills of the company. The evolution of

tools, methods/analyses and standards applied for the lean project management, safety and

quality is also needed by non-space industries. We expect to take advantages in finding

opportunities with customers in biomedical field mainly in the area of blood handling




Sensitive early detection, monitoring and diagnosis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in

general, and as indicators of plant stress allow effective monitoring and optimizing the use of

water and nutrients in space plant production systems.



Improved rapid, non-destructive and low cost techniques for the sensitive early detection,

monitoring and diagnosis of plant stress allow effective management responses. These aims

are an integral part of precision agriculture, which strives to limit the inputs of nutrients,

pesticides and herbicides



Fluid components, e.g. valves, filters and flow control, are a targeted area for space

applications. Integrated energy and life support systems e.g. regenerative fuel cells systems

for satellites, methane recovery and CO2 electrolysis systems for use in life support systems.



The current project will have strong synergies to ongoing and planned technology

development projects, in particular where gas transport, gas monitoring and humidity

control are important elements.


Space Improved monitoring and control of ions in nutrient solutions. Relevant for the monitoring

and control of nutrients in a CRLSS.



Replace time-consuming and costly analyses with a single handheld device providing multi-

ion sensor with a meter for on-site measurements and real-time feedback on potential yield-

threatening nutrient levels

For further information:

Ann-Iren Kittang JOST

Research Manager

NTNU Dragvoll, N-7491 Trondheim,


Telephone: +47 928 80 298

E-Mail: [email protected]

NTNU Samfunnsforskning , CIRiS

Dr. Ann-Iren Kittang Jost

Dragvoll allè 38B NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway

Phone: +477359 0172

Email: [email protected]

Wageningen University

Department of Plant Science

Prof. Leo Marcelis

Droevendaalsesteeg 4, 6708 Wageningen, The Netherlands


[email protected]

Ghent University

Department of Physiology

Prof. Dominique Van Der Straeten

KL Ledeganckstraat 35, 9000 Ghent, Belgium


[email protected]

University of Stuttgart

Institute of Space Systems

Dr. Stefan Belz

Pfaffenwaldring 29, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany


[email protected]

DTM SRL (Design and technologies for high performance

mechanics SRL)

DTM R&D department

Davide Santachiara

Via Tacito 65, 41123 Modena MO, Italy


[email protected]

Interscience Belgium

Dr. Joeri Vercammen

Avenue Jean-Etienne Lenoir, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve,



[email protected]

Prototech AS

Dr. Bjarte Solheim

Fantoftvegen 38, NO-5072 Bergen, Norway


[email protected]

CleanGrow Ltd

Dr. Roy O’Mahony

2 Park Place, Cork, Ireland


[email protected]