pressure sores beds and mattresses against pressure sores


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pressure sores

COMFORT ON BOTH SIDESclinical literature


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pressure sores

COMFORT ON BOTH SIDESclinical literature

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Despite the advance in medicine pressure sores (bedsores) remain a serious problem. They cause patients to suffer and even threaten their lives. For nurses this means that patients suf-fering from bedsores are an even greater burden and increase physical exertion. Hence the fightagainst pressure sores has become one of the priorities for health workers. The incidence of pres-sure sores ranks among ten of the major criteria by which the quality of nursing-care is assessed in hospitals.

The situation is all the more frightening that mostly older people, the world population of which is growing, are exposed to the risk of pressure sores. So the amount of money is also increasing that hospitals require for treating pressure sores.

Open pressure sores are painful and increase the risk of infection entering the organism. Care for a patient suffering from pressure sores is physically and time demanding. Treatment of pressure sores is six times more expensive than prevention.

Linet offers anti-decubitus systems which help effectively prevent the appearance of bedsores. An active decubitus mattress even contributes significantly to the treatment of pressure sores.

Linet mattresses significantly extend the intervals of patient positioning and bring the patientcomfort when the patient is bedridden for a long period.

Thanks to regular changes in positioning of the patient, electrically adjustable beds reduce the excessive effect of pressure.

Linet beds are equipped with an auto-regressive function which significantly reduces the pres-sure of the mattress on the patient’s skin in the pelvic area and improves the patient’s com-fort.

Linet’s active anti-decubitus mattresses reduce the load of parts of the body and renew blood circulation.

In order to select appropriate anti-decubitus aids, Linet has developed a software of determin-ing the most convenient type of system according to the type and state of health of patients.

Beds and mattresses against pressure sores

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Pressure sores represent a serious problem for bedridden patients. They cause great pain and are also an open gate to infection in a weakened organism. The mortality of patients with pressure sores is five times greater than people of thesame age who do not suffer from bedsores.

In the US 115,000 patients die every year due to the development of pressure sores. To compare – 154,000 patients die in the US of lung cancer and 48,000 patients die of colon cancer. The number of people who die as a result of car accidents is 42,000 a year.

Pressure sores are found in patients of all fields of medicine. However the mostfrequent cases are patients with lesions and mobility disorders; pressure sores are common in patients in orthopaedic and geriatric wards and in long-term care facilities. A pressure sore is defined as local skin damage. The cause isdisorder in blood circulation of tissue as a consequence of:

Increased pressure in the tissue Immobility Bad condition of the patient

Excessive intensity of pressure in the place of contact between the mat and skin means blood circulation stops in the capillaries and tissue cells gradually die.


PRESSURE SORES: INCIDENCE AND PREVALENCE IN DATA (Agency for Health Care Policy and Research – AHCPR)Incidence by number of beds 2.7% to 29.5%

Prevalence by number of beds 4% to 69%

Prevalence by number of hospitalised patients 3.5% to 29.5%

Prevalence in quadriplegics 60%

Prevalence in fractures of the femur 66%

Prevalence in ICU patients 33%

The appearance and development of pressure sores contrib-utes to various factors which can be divided into two groups.

1. Internal factorsAge

The probability of pressure sores in older people is higher. This is due to skin changes, particularly loss of skin flexibility.

0.3% of the US population suffer from bedsores. 50% of them are people over 70 years old. Currently 12.4% of the US population is over 65 years old and this number is rising.

Facts about pressure sores

Most common areas of incidence of pressure sores



Torso (area between the shoulder blades, blade points)


Upper limbs


Small of back (coccyx)






Lower limbs(knees, shinbone)

5 %

What causes pressure sores?

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Prevention against pressure sores


2. External factorsPressure

If the fat acting on the tissue exceeds 32 mmHg, compression results and small blood vessels close which ensure blood distribution to the tissue. Tissues in which waste products of the metabolism collect, begins to die as a result of insufficient blood circulation and oxygenation. This is a result of long-term pressure.

The duration of pressure particularly affects the appearance of pressure sores. Small pressure for a long period is far more dangerous than short-term intensive pressure. Periodic changes in pressure are positive in the sense that they support blood circulation by massage. This effect is used by active anti-decubitus aids.

It is stated that in high risk patients (patients with neurological diseases, plegics) pressure sores arise after only two hours of the effect of pressure.

Shearing and frictional forces Shearing and friction along a mat causes dying and irritation of

skin thereby substantially reducing the resistance of skin to the effect of pressure. If a patient is placed on a bed by having greater back support tilt (more than 30°), he can slid downwards by the action of his own weight. So forces arise in the opposite direction in the area of the buttocks which cause compression of the vascular system in the tissue and reduced blood circulation.

This means that for a long-term bedridden patient being moved or slid along an inflexible sheet is a major cause of frictional forces in the area of the heels and elbows.

Sex Some studies provide a more common incidence of pressure sores in wom-

en – this may be associated with the fact that women live to a greater age than men. On the contrary, further studies show that men are more at risk due to a smaller amount of subcutaneous fat and greater average weight.

State of health Chronic patients are more at risk. Patients with heart diseases and high

blood pressure are more prone to pressure sores due to interruption of blood circulation. Patients with neurological diseases or patients with diabetes mellitus are also high risk.

� Clearly the biggest percentage of patients stricken by pressure sores are plegic patients. A Veteran Affairs Medical Center study showed that of the total number of 219 monitored plegics, 80% had pressure sores.

Mobility Immobile patients are dependent on the assistance of medical personnel

for positioning. A healthy person alters his position during sleep about every 3 minutes,

while this interval is extended in a risk patient and some do not move at all during sleep.

Incontinence Incontinence (urinary and excremental) may result in obstruction

contaminating bacteria inside skin. Urine in contact with the skin increases the probability of maceration

which reduces skin health. This effect virtually eliminates the natural barrier against the entry of infection which forms the skin. The negative effect of friction and sliding also increases.

Weight Obese people more often suffer from circulation disorders, have bad food

habits. Greater weight means greater pressure on tissue possibly resulting in

quicker development of pressure sores. But even patients with inadequate weight are exposed to a greater risk

of the effect of frictional forces due to less thicker “protective” layer of subcutaneous fat. Sensitive muscular tissue is more burdened.

Torso (area betweenthe shoulder blades, blade points)


Upper limbs


Small of back (coccyx)


Lower limbs(knees, shinbone)

5 %Shearing and frictional forces on a bed only with greater back support increase the risk of pressure sores.

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Effective prevention means a 95% avoidance of pressure sores. Therefore Linet offers a range of modern anti-decubitus aids preventing patients from suffering and significantly eases the work of medical personnel.

Prevention against pressure sores

Linet passive anti-decubitus mattresses are appropriate for preventing and treating up to third grade pressure sores, however Linet mat-tresses clearly extend the intervals of patient positioning and bring long-term bedridden pa-tients comfort. The cover and core of the mat-tress meets the demanding requirements placed on hygiene and safety.

Medically safeThe Lintex material meets international stand-ards relating to the content of toxic substances and heavy metals, but the material’s biocompat-ibility, rate of irritation and allergy is also tested.

Reduced flammabilityUsed materials are tested in accordance with demanding British Standards (BS) for the level of reduced flammability in accordance with the Crib 5 test.

Passive anti-decubitus mattresses

�The vapour permeable cover enables air movement throughout the mattress and air circulates inside the mattress with the aid of cuts in the core.

Flexeffect cuts in the core: individual core segments thanks to the special shape react to pressure as required. This thereby creates great comfort and safe lying.

tress meets the demanding requirements placed on hygiene and safety.

Flexeffect cuts in the core: individual core segments thanks

Convenient shape of the profiling increases the softness of the mattress, improves permeability and enables air movement in the mattress.

Pressure sore prevention Vapour permeability Maximum hygiene Easy maintenance Safety

Flexeffect cuts in the core:

Anna Soběslavová, Healthcare manager, Bystřany Nursing Home, CZ

What is best is if pressure sores do not appear at all – so we lay great emphasis on preventing pressure sores by increased and correct hygiene, correct nour-ishment, general mobility and correct manipulation with the client. An important condition of successful prevention is having sufficiently adequate aids. Anti-decubitus mattresses hold an irreplaceable role in the system of prevention and treatment as their positive ef-fect is demonstrated almost daily in our home.

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Prevention against pressure sores

Anatomic core profiling The core in Prema, Duotera and Clinicare

mattresses is developed in line with the anatomy of the human body. Lengthwise and crosswise cuts are made into the central part of the mattress to support the greater weight of the patient allowing greater weight distribution and preventing the risk of the patient’s bottoming-out.

A different cut is used at the head and foot sec-tion. It is here that the weight is less, but acts on a far smaller surface – therefore the heels are a very common place for pressure sores and they must be supported properly. The softness of the mattress in the dangerous area of pa-tient’s body is essential for effective relieving of pressure and prevention of pressure sores.

Linet mattress core profiling facilitates access of air into the inner mattress sections.

Some types of Linet mattresses are reinforced along the circumference with stiffer foam. This ensures the patient’s stability and comfort when sitting on the edge of the bed. It is also easier for health workers to handle mattresses with reinforced edges because they keep a better shape.

Lintex cover The special Lintex cover is used on Linet pas-

sive mattresses as its upper section consists of bilateral extendable Lintex material and the

X-sensor determines optimum pressure distributionLinet passive mattresses are developed on the basis of measurement of pressure distribution with the aid of an X-Sensor de-

vice which scans pressure distribution in time so mattresses can be measured on which a patient changes position when ly-ing on it. The result is pressure maps with a resolution of up to 7,000 points depict-ing the mattress’ ability to distribute pres-sure. An optimal anti-decubitus mattress achieves pressure values in risk spots be-low 32 mmHg (so-called “Critical Pres-sure Point – CPP – when the tiny capil-laries in tissue close). On normal hospital mattresses the pressure on some parts reaches as much as 150 mmHg.

The mattress area in % on which the pressure value exceeds the limit of 32 mmHg. On normal foam mattresses as much as 20% of the area exceeds the critical limit of 32 mmHg while on Linet’s Clinicare mattress it is a maximum of 2%.


bottom section consists of resistant Porotex material. Lintex allows the use of the foam’s softness and its sufficient flexibility also lim-its the effect of shearing and frictional forces. The bottom Porotex is adapted to the require-ments of surface rigidity and smoothness.

The Lintex material can be extended on both sides – up to 60% along the length of the mattress and by 240% across the mattress. This orientation is chosen due to the fact that the minimum equal flexibility needs to be ensured in a crosswise direction (mattress width) just as in the lengthwise (mattress length).

Hygiene and safety The Lintex cover’s water-resistant external

layer, consisting of a special multi-layer polyurethane coat, prevents moisture penetrating into the mattress core. Likewise the water-resistance facilitates daily mattress cleaning and disinfection.

The inner membrane prevents the penetration of moisture drops but also due to its microporous structure is air permeable. The value of water-resistance of Lintex material is a min. of 2,000 mm of the water column, the material’s vapour permeability value is 600 g/m2 per 24 hours.

Although the Lintex is air permeable, thanks to the admixtures, this prevents bacteria penetrating into the mattress core.

Normal mattress Clinicare mattress20%


Below 32 mmHg



over 32 mmHgTYPES OF MATTRESSESName Risk of pressure sores Recommended CoverCLINICARE III hospitals Lintex

DUOTERA II hospitals Lintex

PREMA II hospitals/nursing care Lintex

EFECTA 20 0 hospitals/nursing care washable cover

EFECTA 10 0 nursing care washable cover

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nPrevention against pressure sores

Lateral tiltA highly valued function is the lateral tilt for pa-tients requiring daily care, immobile and long-term bedridden patients. The lateral tilt signifi-cantly facilitates turning patients on their side and changing their clothes. Hence Linet plans to integrate the lateral tilt into some nursing and universal care beds.

The lateral tilt allows nursing personnel to simply position the patient to the side thereby replacing difficult manual positioning and un-der-laying of the patient. In combination with other bed positions, the lateral tilt actively acts to prevent and treat pressure sores. It is also a convenient position for drains and therapeutic purposes.

A highly valued function is the lateral tilt for pa-tients requiring daily care, immobile and long-term bedridden patients. The lateral tilt signifi-cantly facilitates turning patients on their side and changing their clothes. Hence Linet plans to integrate the lateral tilt into some nursing and

The lateral tilt allows nursing personnel to simply position the patient to the side thereby replacing difficult manual positioning and un-der-laying of the patient. In combination with other bed positions, the lateral tilt actively acts to prevent and treat pressure sores. It is also a convenient position for drains and therapeutic

Electrically adjustable beds

PositioningPositioning is the basic and most effective means of preventing pressure sores when regu-lar changes in the patient’s position prevent the excessive effect of pressure.

Linet electrically adjustable beds enable simple lifting of the mattress platform, variability of the multi-section mattress platform enables its position to be adjusted by pressing one button to the sitting or cardiac chair position. The lateral tilt is used to position patients in risk of contracting pressure sores.

Positioning by electric motors removes the physically demanding work of personnel.

Controls on the siderails increase the patient’s self-reliance. Adjustment to the cardiac chair position.


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Normal bed vs. Eleganza De Luxe bed with double auto-regressionThe pressure load in the lumbar area, which is one of the most critical areas for pressure sores, is reduced by 40%. Red on the pressure maps depicts the most at risk areas, blue repre-sents the lowest risk. The ideal situation is the most equal distribution of pressure.

18 cm

The space in the pelvic area is extended by 18 cm, the pressure load is 40% lower.

The critical spots are compressed and the risk of pressure sores grows.

The lumbar area is one of the most critical spots for pressure sores.

Bed double auto-regressionA special function of Linet beds is the so-called double auto-regression – removal of the back and thigh rest when positioning the patient in the sitting position.

In the sitting position there is an increase in pressure on the buttocks and coccyx which is most at risk to bedsores. With the aid of dou-ble auto-regression the space is automatically increased during positioning for the pelvic area by 18 cm. This significantly reduces the mat-tress pressure on the patient’s skin and signifi-cantly increases comfort in the sitting position.

Auto-regression limits the negative effect on moving the patient to the foot end, and thereby reduces the need to subsequently manipulate the patient.

Thanks to auto-regression enough room arises in the pelvic area even for an obese patient.

Eleganza and Image beds’ positioning mechanism increase the pelvic area by 18 cm.

Prevention against pressure sores



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lem GRADE 1

In the first stage a pressure sore is visible only as a non-fad-ing blood congestion (hyperemia) of the skin. The skin is not broken but the fat layer and muscle is dam-aged. The redness persists even when slight finger pressure is applied. This condition maybe difficult to distinguish in darkly pigmentedskin.

Treatment:Spontaneous healing is still possible at this stage – however pressure must be

relieved on this specificspot.

Treatment:The affected spot is very painful to the patient and it must be professionally

treated. If careful bandaging is neglected this spot may easily become a gate to infection of the organism.

Treatment:The third stage presents a serious problem for the patient’s immune

system because it is usually accompanied by a massive onset of infection. The wound of such a size must be treated surgically.

Treatment:Extensive surgery is required for stage 4 pressure sores and in some

cases accompanied by secretion of bone protrusions.

GRADE 4The fourth stage of the pressure sore means loss of all soft tissue between the underlying skin and bone projection. These wounds are normally accompanied by a serious septic condition. This results in risk of bone infection. So-called heterotrophic ossi-fication may appear on the bones – pathologi-cal growths which after the healing of the pres-sure sore may result in another pressure sore appearing.

GRADE 3The third stage results in loss of all skin layers. This wound is often considerably extensive, but outwardly appears only as a small opening. The subcutaneous tis-sue is damaged or is dying which may extend down through the ligament. The pressure sore appears as a crater or so-called conditioned edge (tissue disintegration affects the subcutis deeper than is visible on the skin surface).

GRADE 2The second stage of a pressure sore is loss of the top layer of skin. This reveals the sensitive subcutis layer. The partial disappearance of the skin thickness affects the dermis/epidermis. The pressure sore is su-perficial and looks like a graze, blister or smallhole.


Pressure sores are usually assessed by the rate of four-grade progress while there are a whole range of assessment scales (Norton scale, Braden scale, Hibbs scale, Waterlow scale and others).

Unlike other skin wounds (such as burns), pressure sores first appear inside the tissue, inthe so-called subcutis and in the muscle, and only subsequently become externally visible. This is the consequence of different pressure resistance of individual types of tissue – deep-lying muscle suffers quicker and more damage due to insufficient blood circulation than layersof skin and subcutaneous fat.

How to fight pressuresores

Removal and minimisation of internal and external factors causing bedsores

Assessment of pressure sores – localisation, size, depth, healing stage, surroundings, cause.

Ensuring conditions for treatment – removal of necrotic and fibrotic tissue (antiseptics,mechanical removal of necrosis).

Focused support of the healing process. Prevention of pressure on predilection spots.

Use of special soft mattresses, foam mats, air mattress systems and compensation aids.

Positioning the patient. Recommended rhythm is alternating the positions on the back with the lateral and semi-lateral tilt. The positions must be alternated within at least every two hours so positioning is effective.

Ensuring nourishment – additional food (trace elements, vitamins), sufficient liquids.

Principles of pressure sore treatment

Grade of pressure sores and their treatment


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The features which Linet’s active anti-decubitus systems offer are appropriate for treatment of highest grade pressure sores. They also play an irreplaceable role in prevention of all risk groups. The main principle of active anti-decubitus mattresses is relieving parts of the body and renewing blood circulation.Unlike passive mattresses, active systems provide significantly effective prevention and speed up the treatment of pressure sores. They support the renewal of adequate blood circulation of tissue. This is the most important condition for effective defence against appearance and progress of pressure sores.

Although the effect of active mattresses has been established by a number of studies and clinical tests, these aids are not effective in themselves. Responsible and careful nursing-care always plays an irreplaceable role. It is

recommended combining active systems with a regular check of risk spots and any possible positioning of patients with a high risk of pres-sure sores or existing pressure sores.

grade pressure sores. They also play an irreplaceable role in prevention of all risk groups. The main principle of active anti-decubitus mattresses is relieving parts of the body and

Unlike passive mattresses, active

sores. They support the renewal of adequate blood circulation of tissue. This is the most important

against appearance and progress

themselves. Responsible and careful nursing-care always plays an irreplaceable role. It is

sure sores or existing pressure sores.

Treatment of pressure sores

Currently an entire range exists of active mattress concepts:

Mattresses with alternating function – alternating relief of individual body parts that come into contract with the mat or direct effect of short-term pressure on the tissue – massage supporting sufficient blood circulation.

Mattresses with a Low Air Loss system – maximum distribution of the patient’s weight in combination with air flow from the mattress under the patient’s body.

A combination of these two types.

Linet active anti-decubitus mattresses

pressure sore risk grade

recommended for clinical care

mattress height

convenient for socialand home care

quick air release from the mattressIn case of resuscitation

type of interval (dynamic mode)

possibility of replacing individual cells

cooling and drying of patient with air micro escape

possibility of patient transport

alarm signallinga feed power cut

interval duration

patient comfortadjustment level

“Low Air Loss” system of air coolingand drying of patient



5–95 min



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nTreatment of pressure sores

Linet offers a range of active anti-decubitus mattresses called Proderm which help prevent and treat bedsores. The systems work on the basis of alternating function of individual segments, the most perfected Proderm 4 combines the alternating function and Low Air Loss system. The Proderm 1 (Plus) range is appropriate for nursing and home care, Proderm 2 is designed for patients with increased risk of pressure sores, the Proderm 3 mattress and higher meets the requirements of specialised departments (ICU) for care of patients with high risk of pressure sores or with advanced third to fourth grade pressure sores.

I 6,5cm

2:15 min

II 13,5cm

10 min2:1

II 13,5cm

2:110 min




III 24cm

3:120 min

IV 24cm

3:15–30 min 1–6

IV 24cm

3:15–95 min 1–8

Proderm – solution for hospitals and nursing homes


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Treatment of pressure sores

The Proderm 5 mattress makes use of the Low Air Loss principle and newly also enables the lateral tilt.

The lateral tilt of the Proderm 5 mattress is achieved with the aid of two lengthwise inflat-able cylinders which inflate or deflate depend-ing on the selected programme. The patient is thereby automatically positioned semi-laterally so the risk is significantly reduced of pressure sores, possibly speeding up their treatment. The nursing personnel will also appreciate the markedly eased work when manipulating the patient. The positioning of patients is one of the physically most demanding activities of health workers.

In order to limit the undesirable movement of the patient during the lateral tilt, special mats form part of the mattress used to stabilise the patient’s position. The sliding wedge defines the position of the patient’s legs and the head is supported by a pillow with a raised edge. These aids are made of polyurethane foam and are covered with washable fabric.

DEFINING WEDGE prevents accidental movement

of the patient during the lateral

tilt. The position of the wedges

can be adjusted to the patient’s


INFLATABLE CYLINDER enables the cyclical alternation of

the horizontal position and lateral

tilt as required.

LATERAL TILT up to ± 20º is used to position

patients with high risk pressure

sores or when relieving pairing



time interval for alternating the

positions can be set at a range of

5–95 minutes, for unilateral and

bilateral tilt.

also enables the lateral tilt.

Proderm 5 mattresses enable the lateral tilt

IV 27cm

5–95 min 1–8


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Pressure sores do not present a problem only for patients. They also increase demands on medical personnel, patient care becomes more intensive and usually more physically demand-ing. Moreover the treatment of pressure sores is long and means a considerable financial bur-den for the hospital.

Physical exertion of nurses when caring for patients with pressure sores can be considera-bly reduced with the use of features offered by electrically adjustable beds and anti-decubitus mattresses.

Patients who contract pressure sores, spend considerably more time in hospital and this goes hand in hand with the increase in treat-ment costs. The treatment of pressure sores is up to six times more expensive than their pre-

vention. The sums of money spend on pressure sore therapy stated in literature are very high. For example, A.G. Moriss estimated costs of treating pressure sores in England in 1989 at £ 160 million (237 million EUR).

The HSE (Health and Safety Commission) case study in Great Britain of 2004 followed the economic effect of the facilities of the NHS Surrey and Sussex Hospital Trusts which have a total of 850 beds, and stated that:

Material costs for standard treatment of

pressure sores (medicaments, wounds covers and food accessories) came to £ 33,500 (50,000 EUR) annually.

Personnel costs associated with care of patients with pressure sores mean an extra

321 working days a year. These figurescorrespond to the treatment costs of 36 other cases or to constant care of 4 geriatric patients.

The time of medical personnel spent in assisting the positioning of patients which could be reduced by using better equipment was recorded at 486 hours daily and estimated at costing about £ 2 million (3 million EUR, these costs do not represent net savings, but were used as part of other nursing duties).

Absence for reasons of sickness and injury caused by manual positioning of patients was determined at 212 days annually and is associated with costs of £ 15,114 (22,500 EUR) only for the replacement of nursing personnel.

Hiring 500 modern beds, 435 anti-decubitus mattresses and further equipment has brought the following results just after the first year:

69% of time saved required for assisting or positioning patients, representing 16,741 days or £ 1,440,808 (2,138,160 EUR) annually in total, which could be used for other aspects of nursing-care.

Reducing the incidence of pressure sores from the original 11% to 3%.

Pressure sores as a quality indicatorPressure sores are one of the basic indicators which follow the quality of nursing-care and their incidence is carefully monitored. Hospitals may be exposed to legal actions for inadequate quality of care in the event of the development of pressure sores. For example, in Great Britain a similar successful action resulted in compen-sation of £ 100,000 (149,000 EUR).

At the Teaching Hospital of St. Ann in Brno

The HSE (Health and Safety Commission) case study in Great Britain of 2004 showed a significant decrease in incidence of muscular-skeletal illnesses among mid-dle medical personnel if modern beds and anti-decubitus mattresses are used to care for patients with pressure sores. By comparing the period of 1998/99 (before the pur-chase of anti-decubitus aids) with the period of 2001/02 (when anti-decubitus aids had already been used for a year) the number of reported muscular-skeletal illnesses among personnel fell from 28 to 4 cases.

(Czech Republic) all-year monitoring of pres-sure sores has been conducted since 1997. Their incidence has fallen in 2004 and 2005 by 22%. A significant role in the positive trendhas been played by the education of the nurs-es about the problems of preventing and treat-ing pressure sores. The situation was also improved by investment into preventive aids – passive and active anti-decubitus mattresses.

Pressure sores: a problem for health workers and hospital management


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Pressure sores as a quality indicator

Clinical studies confirm that Linet anti-decubitus systems considerably prevent pressure sores; some types of mattresses are even successfully used to treat pressure sores.

Linet trains health workersTo produce hospital equipment which could bring real aid to patients and health workers require excellent orientation in the clinical en-vironment. Linet therefore has been cooper-ating in the long-term with a number of health workers. Mutual contact brings benefit to both sides. Linet gains practical knowledge which is used to design new products. Health work-ers are again informed about the possibilities which new technology offers them.

orientation in the Linet range – the programme for selecting the most appropriate type of anti-decubitus system depending on the type and state of health of patients. Based on the sim-ple task of several important criteria you will ob-tain a list of Linet mattresses which best comply with the needs of the specific patient. The pro-

Nina Müllerová, Head nurse of the Plzeň Teaching Hospital, CZ

What is important is that the nurse can use the equip-ment as effectively as possible. So it is good that firms – manufacturers of medical equipment – organise train-ing for health workers, are in contact with them and base the development of new products of their needs.

Purchase of appropriate aids

to select the appropriate mattress depending on the state of health of the patient.

Linet ScholarisIn cooperation with the EuroProfis agency, Li-net is organising an entirely new education pro-gramme entitled Linet Scholaris. One of the modules of this programme directly deals with the problems associated with pressure sores.

The NURSES programme is designed for nurses in health and social care. Emphasis is placed mainly on acquainting and training to use modern medical technology. Lecturers, who hold the seminar, are professionals from the field, a number of them also lecture at universities.

Programme to select the appropriate type of Linet anti-decubitus systemLinet has developed a practical aid for the sim-ple selection of the optimal mattress and easy

gramme can be downloaded from or used at Besides this you will also find an overview of all Linet passive and active anti-decubitus systems with brief characteristics. The programme is very simple to use and in sev-eral minutes will help you to obtain an overview of Linet anti-decubitus systems, but also be able


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Prevention against pressure sores

Treatment of pressure sores

Pressure sores as a quality indicator

Pressure sores

Open pressure sore wounds are painful and increase the risk of infection in the organism.

Care of a patient with pressure sores is physically and time demanding. Treatment of pressure sores is six times more expensive than prevention.

LINET spol. s r. o., Želevčice 5, 274 01 Slaný, Czech Republic tel.: +420 312 576 111, fax: +420 312 522 668, e-mail: info @,

Passive anti-decubitus mat-tresses are appropriate for prevention and treat-ment of pressure sores.

Mattress core profiling increases its softness and improves air permeability.

Positioning is the basic and most effective means against pressure sores.

Thanks to auto-regression pressure is significantly reduced in the critical pel-vic area.

Proderm 4 mattress com-bines the alternating func-tion with the Low Air Loss system.

Proderm 5 mattress uses the principle of Low Air Loss and enables the lat-eral tilt.

Programme for the selec-tion of the appropriate type of an anti-decubitus system.

Thanks to training health workers indirectly contrib-ute to the development of medical technology.

The new education project entitled Linet Scholaris.

Proderm 1 active anti-decu-bitus mattress for home and nursing-care.

Proderm 2 mattress for patients with increased risk of pressure sores.

Beds and mattresses against pressure sores