prevention of genocide and crime against humanity

Prevention Of Genocide and crime against Humanity By Maliha kazi “Those cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

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Prevention Of Genocide and

crime against Humanity

By Maliha kazi

“Those cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Crime against humanity:

Crime against humanity are particularly odious offence in that they constitute a serious attack on human dignity, or grave humiliation or a degradation of human-being .

What is crime against humanity?

According to international criminal code Murder Genocide Torture Slavery Disappearance and others

What is genocide?

Genocide is a form of one sided mass killing in which a state or another authority Intends to destroy a group.


Geno- from the Greek word, genos, Meaning birth, race of a similar kind.

-CIDE from Latin word, cida Meaning to cut or kill

The term genocide was coined by Raphael Lemkin, During world war II to describe the crimes committed Against the Jews by the Nazis.

History of Genocide:


Canada is a country in North America ,consisting of ten provinces and three territories.

Canada is the world's second-largest country by total area and the fourth-largest country by land area.

Canada’s institutions who works for human rights:• Canadian museum for human rights.• Health human rights.• Humanity first Canada.• Canadian Centre for international justice.• University of Manitoba.• Habitat for humanity.

Canadian museum for human rights:

• The Canadian museum for human rights (CMHR) is a National museum in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

• It is the first new national museum created in Canada since 1967.

• The purpose of the museum is to "explore the subject Of human rights with a special but not exclusivereference to Canada, in order to enhance the public's understanding of human rights, to promote respect forothers and to encourage reflection and dialogue."

• The university of Manitoba brings people together, igniting collaboration, energizing interdisciplinary connections and providing education and training opportunities for students.

• The CHRR is housed at the University of Manitoba, home to scholars from all over the world who center their work on human rights issues.

• More than 150 researchers at the University of Manitoba focus on issues related to human rights and there are numerous related research projects.

Thank you“I believe if the people know what is happening, they will help to stop it.”