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Facilitator Guide Written and developed by: DEBBE KENNEDY

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Facilitator Guide

Written and developed by:


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Copyright 2000 Joel A. Barker. All rights under International and Pan-AmericanCopyright Conventions. No part of this book or video may be reproduced in any formor by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, unless specifically

permitted in the text or by written permission from Joel A. Barker.

This Wealth, Innovation & Diversity Facilitator Guide contains Leadership Solutionscopyrighted material and processes developed by Debbe Kennedy and

illustrations created by Sally K. Green. The material, processes and illustrations used in this guidehave been customized especially for Joel A. Barker. Permission is granted expressly to Joel A. Barkerto include them in this Wealth, Innovation & Diversity Facilitator Guide and its associated materials.

Address all inquiries to:

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St. Paul, MN 55101

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Table of Contents

Introduction◆ A Message from Joel Barker 7

✚ About the Video 8

▲ About Joel Barker 9

● About this Facilitator Guide 10

About the Viewing Options 11

✚ Introduction to the Viewing Options 13

■ All-At-Once Viewing Matrix—Five Custom Solutions 14

▲ 3-Step Viewing Matrix—Four Custom Solutions 15


◆ All-At-Once Viewing—Facts & Figures 19

✚ How to Facilitate All-At-Once Viewing—With or Without Discussion 19


▼ 3-Step Viewing Workshop—Facts & Figures 29

✚ How to Facilitate 3-Step Viewing 31

Preparation 51

◆ Your Important Role—As the Facilitator 53

■ Video Script Outline for the Facilitator—Key Messages, Facts & Stories 55

● About the Supporting Materials 65

▼ CD-ROM Contents—List of Session Materials to View and Print 67

✚ Preparation Checklist 69

Follow-On 71

◆ Keeping Momentum Alive!—Six Follow-on Actions You Can Take 73

▲ More Books & Tools—Diversity Breakthrough! Strategic Action Series 75

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In this section, you will find:

• A Message from Joel Barker

• About the Video

• About Joel Barker

• About this Facilitator Guide


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A Message from Joel Barker

Wealth, Innovation & Diversity: Putting Our Differences to Work in the 21st Century is the result of more than eight years of research, almost a year of filming across the world, and the creative collaboration of a great team.

I gave my first speech on Wealth, Innovation & Diversity in 1996 to 250 leaders from around the world in Istanbul, Turkey. I had been invited to address this group by its chairman, Tor Dahl. He gave me a simple request: “You may speak about anything you wish,” he said, “but remember that whatever you say, your audience will act on it, and your ideas will be carried around the world.”

The presentation was very well received. And that is when I realized I had to turn the idea into a film. In early 1998, I received a phone call from Paul Hopkins, a film maker from Seattle. After talking to him, I invited him to my home in Florida to have an extended conversation. I liked his film work, I liked his attitude, I liked his intelligence and I liked his integrity. You can see all of that in this program. He showed me a whole new quality in film making. This film is, I hope, the beginning of a long and fruitful relation-ship. He was a delight to work with. Thank you, Paul.

I began writing the script and when I had a pretty solid first draft, I called Debbe Kennedy, a long time colleague, who had created the outstanding discussion guide for my film, The Power of Vision. I asked her if she would author the discussion guide for this effort. Debbe laughed when I told her what I was working on. She laughed because she was in the midst of writing her own book series on diversity entitled Diversity Breakthrough!® This series is a wonderful, in-depth examination of diversity and is filled with excellent, specific activities for developing the leverage of diversity. I invite you to examine her books and tools on her website at www.diversitybreakthrough.com for ideas and activities that extend far beyond this guide.

It was a perfect fit so she signed on to help. The result of her work is the most effective discussion guide I have ever had for any of my films. You can see her deep knowledge of the subject, her honor of its importance and her profound craft of getting people to explore important issues in thoughtful and meaningful ways. Thank you, Debbe.

I have just one more person to thank: you who are about to utilize this creative package. I believe the message of this film—that wealth is created by innovation and innovation is the result of ongoing diversity—is a key-stone message for the 21st Century.

This message gives us a pathway to make the world better for everyone without having to do harm to others along the way. This message is not based on just “good feelings” or ambitious hopes. It is based on data and research and results from across many disciplines.

But it will take leaders to implement it. And by using this video package, you put yourself in a leadership position whether you like it or not. Remember, “a leader is someone you choose to follow to a place you would not go by yourself.” This place in the 21st Century is rich with much more than money. It is rich is variety; it is rich in possibility; it is rich in opportunity; it is rich in fairness; it is rich in heart. But it is a challenging climb that will require much effort. We all must do our best to get there.

Thank you for your courage and your willingness to reach. I look forward to seeing you up the pathway, around the turn, where “a thousand different flowers bloom.”

I bid all of you a peaceful and prosperous future,



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Wealth, In n ovation & Diversity takes you on a journey around the world to understand a fundamentaltruth: Without diversity, there can be no innovation. Without innovation, there can be no newwealth. Therefore, diversity is the key to creating wealth for all.

Hosted by best-selling author and futurist, Joel Barker, Wealth, Innovation & Diversity contends thatyour organization will experience long-lasting success only when you reap the benefits of diversityby collaborating with individuals and enterprises that are different than yourself. Lessons are taughtagainst such backdrops as Machu Picchu’s ruins, a farm in Ireland, skyscrapers in Singapore and theforests, mountains and plains of America. Drawing from history, science and the innovations oforganizations and nations, Ba rker introduces a new premise for thinking and understanding dive r s i t yand a compelling need for change, offering a new vision for the 21st Century. He also explores theadvantages of diversity and its role in our lives and world, bringing his powerful messages to a con-clusion with a call-to-action for every organization and individual.

Diversity is the key that opens the door tothe new wealth of the 21st Century.

—Joel Barker

Wealth, Innovation & Diversity is fully supported with a comprehensive facilitator guide, workbookand a CD-ROM with ready-to-use workshop materials, offering multiple options for viewing andinteractive learning, including a 3-hour workshop or three 1-hour sessions to accommodate theunique needs within any organization.

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Joel Barker is an independent scholar and futurist. Because he was the first person to popularizethe concept of paradigm shifts, he is known around the world as the “Paradigm Man.”

He began his work in 1975 and pioneered the concept of paradigm shifts to explain profoundchange and the importance of vision to drive change within organizations. His book, Future Edge,published in 1992, was listed as one of the most influential business books of that year by the prestigious Library Journal.

Most of us know Joel Barker from his extraordinary videos on the future. They have been translatedinto 14 languages and have been the #1 international best sellers for over a decade.

Two of his newest videos, “Joel Barker’s Leadershift: Five Lessons for Leaders in the 21st Century,”and “Tactics of Innovation: How to Make It Easier for People to Accept New Ideas,” are now on thebest sellers lists, as well.

Joel Barker has worked with organizations, both for profit and not for profit, all over the world as well as with nations, including Singapore, Venezuela, Canada and Peru.

His honors include an honorary Doctorate in Visionary Leadership from St. Mary’s University inMinnesota in 1999; the Excellence in Education Award given to him by the international educationassociation, Pi Lambda Theta, in 1993; the Doris Carpenter Education Award in 1997, from theCity of Chattanooga for his part in supporting educational innovation.

Formerly director of the Futures Studies Department of the Science Museum of Minnesota from1974 to 1978. He has spoken to more than one million people around the world.

To learn more visit…www.joelbarker.com

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This is a facilitator guide with options. It is designed to provide you with multiple ways to put the powerful messages in Joel Barker’s Wealth,Innovation & Diversity video to work to bring new thinking and a compelling call-to-action to everyone in your organization.

We’ve included five options for viewing the video ALL-AT-ONCE forinteractive learning or for impact in larger meetings or seminars. We havealso provided 3-STEP Viewing for more in-depth learning experiences. 3-STEP Viewing gives you the flexibility of having either one 3-hourworkshop or three one-hour sessions. Each option is fully supported with step-by-step facilitation guides, an array of ready-to-use session materials on CD-ROM and a comprehensive preparation section to help you create a successful learning experience for everyone using any of the viewing options.

The ALL-AT-ONCE and 3-STEP Viewing Matrixes will help you decidewhich option works best for the time you have to invest and audience you want serve. Refer to pages 14–15.

Learning and organizational change do not happen in one session. We have also included recommended follow-on actions, as well as recommended action-directed books and tools to guide your next steps in the perpetual cycle of action it will take to create an organization that seeks the advantages of diversity and turns this strength into newinnovations and new wealth.

Best wishes to you as you put your differences to work in the 21st Century.

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Joel Barker’s Wealth, Innovation & Diversity video is rich with new thinking and far-reaching ideason how d i ve r s i t y is connected to i n n ova t i o n—a n d i n n ova t i o n to new we a l t h . He brings a new messageabout diversity, a topic that has been an ongoing challenge to every element of modern society.The video is a wake-up call and a compelling call-to-action for any organization positioning them-selves to respond to the extraordinary opportunities of the 21st Century.

Because Joel Barker’s key messages are ones you will want everyone in your organization to hear,the video comes with two viewing options, offering nine ways to help you customize the learningexperience to meet the diverse needs and multiple opportunities for educating everyone in yourorganization. In this section, you will find two matrixes that will help you see the multiple waysWealth, Innovation & Diversity can be incorporated into your organization’s life. It presents ideas to help you choose learning opportunities based on your needs, time you have to invest and thegroup size.

Within this facilitator guide, and its companion workbook and CD-ROM, you will find everythingyou need to bring this powerful program to everyone in your organization, customizing it eachtime to fit the unique needs of your viewing audience.

Turn the page and explore the possibilities!

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• You want to imprint learningfrom the video with discussionand some interaction, but timeis limited and/or audience sizeand location prohibits moreinvolved group work.


with discussion1 to 1.5 hours


OPENING:5 minutes





CLOSING:5 minutes

100*or less

• staff meetings

• team meetings

• board meetings

• faculty meetings

• diversity and HRtraining

• management and employee develop-ment programs

• setting up or revitalizingdiversity task forcesor councils

• small seminars

• network gro u p s

• small foru m s


You want to set-the-stage andtone for your meeting, trainingsession or conference.


You want to ignite interest forplanned interactive break-outsessions or follow-on smallgroup meetings held indepen-dently.


You want to incorporate at h o u g h t - p rovoking, educationaland inspirational message, butit is not feasible to have inter-action.


You want to emphasize or bring together points made in a meeting, training session orconference to an impactful conclusion.


without discussion30


or more• large meetings

• departmentmeetings

• conferences

• forums

• seminars

• diversity and HRtraining

• management and employee develop-ment programs

• energizing orrevitalizing diversitytask forces or councils

* NOTE: Larger audiences may need more time; programs are designed to be easily adjusted to meet your needs.

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• 1 - HO U R LE A R N I N G FO RU M S

Maximum time you have tospend is 1 hour at any givenmeeting; a 3-part series works!


A little at a time works for yourgroup. You want them to havetime to take in and discuss thepowerful lessons in each videosegment; internalizing key messages is a critical objectiveto accelerate understanding,acceptance and ownership forputting differences to work inyour organization; interactionand group involvement isimportant for your group’slearning.

Three 1-HourSessions

1 houreach session


OPENING:5 minutes







CLOSING:5–10 minutes

100*or less


50or less

• staff meetings

• team meetings

• d e p a rtment meetings

• board meetings

• faculty meetings

• diversity andHR training

• management and employee develop-ment programs

• brown-bag lunch sessions

• training diversitytask forces/councils

• small groups

• network gro u p s


You want concentrated timefor group learning; interaction,internalizing key messages ineach segment of the video and buy-in for follow-onaction by participants is a critical objective; applying lessons is essential in meetingyour organizational goals.


You want to incorporate newthinking, a new message and a new dimension to new orexisting training, aligned withthe opportunities, needs andpriorities of the marketplaceand community; you need aready-made solution.

One 3 - Ho u rWo rk s h o p

3 hourseach session


OPENING:10 minutes


SEGMENTS:30 minutes

total run time



2 hours

CLOSING:10 minutes

75*or more


40or less

• diversity and HR training

• leadership training

• management and employee develop-ment programs

• off-site meetings

• managementmeetings

• planning retreats

• staff retreats

• board/executivedevelopmentprograms

• training diversity task forces/councils

* NOTE: Larger audiences may need more time; programs are designed to be easily adjusted to meet your needs.

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With or Without Discussion

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• Agenda for ALL-AT-ONCE Viewing (with discussion)• Viewing Journal• Joel Barker’s Key Messages• Wealth, Innovation & Diversity Anthem• Session Reflections

• Wealth, Innovation & Diversity Memento CardOrder in advance from Starthrower Distribution

• Introduction to Wealth, Innovation & Diversity Video

Handouts and overhead slides on WID CD-ROM.

See Preparation section.

30 minutes

With or Without Discussion

Refer to the ALL-AT-ONCE Viewing Matrix on page 14 for ideas of how the Wealth, Innovation& Diversity video can be used for impact in large meetings, conferences, seminars, training sessions,manager/employee development programs and other such gatherings. If you choose one of theoptions for impact (eg. meeting opener, finale), facilitation may not be required. For a more enrichingexperience, it is recommended that you review the other options and reconsider incorporating discussion time if at all possible

FOR BEST RESULTS, it is highly recommended that you preview the video, the session materials and the contents of this guide. It will help you customize your video learning experience to meetthe needs of your situation, your audience, as well as achieving maximum impact and results. It will also ensure that as the facilitator, you are positioned and prepared for taking an importantstep in leading the way for change.

Use this step-by-step facilitation guide for ALL-AT-ONCE Viewing. Enhance it with your own thoughts, stories and personal style. Best wishes for a meaningful learning experience!

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Agenda for ALL-AT-ONCE Viewing(CD-ROM, file name: AAO_1.pdf )

Viewing Journal (Four pages)(CD-ROM, file name: AAO_2.pdf )

ALL-AT-ONCE Viewing overhead slide(CD-ROM, file name: AAO_7.ppt)

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(with discussion)

• Review the Preparation section of this facilitator guide.• Pass out the Agenda for ALL-AT-ONCE Viewing with discussion.• Pass out the Viewing Journal.

SAMPLE LEAD IN REMARKS—supplement with your own perspective:

As we move into the 21st Century, it is clear that our organizationneeds to focus on being a more diverse and inclusive place than weare today. Our customers and the marketplaces and communities weserve are demanding that we understand and relate to theirissues—and bring new innovations to them to solve the problemsthey are facing. We cannot respond without really understanding theadvantages that diversity brings and its important role in our future.

To help us broaden our knowledge and understanding, we aregoing to travel around the world in a video learning experience with Futurist, Joel Barker to learn about the connection ofWEALTH—INNOVATION—and DIVERSITY. There are three mainthemes in the video. Use the Introduction overhead slide.

Take a minute to quickly review your Viewing Journal. As you watchthe video look for these key points. Jot down your thoughts. We willhave some time following the video for discussion, so we can alllearn from each other’s perspectives.

Refer to the Viewing Journal handout.

Lights out; start video.


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Joel Barker’s Key Messages (Four pages)(CD-ROM, file name: AAO_3.pdf )

Anthem(CD-ROM, file name: AAO_4.pdf )

Memento CardNeeds to be ordered in advance.

(Preview on the CD-ROM,file name: AAO_6.pdf )

Session Reflections(CD-ROM, file name: AAO_5.pdf )

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Although you have previewed the video already, watch the video withyour audience again. You’ll see things you’ve missed and you will bereminded of points you want to emphasize. More importantly, if youdemonstrate your interest, it sends a powerful message to others aboutthe importance you place on the learning experience. Be a role modelfor others!

When the Wealth, Innovation & Diversity video is over, be still for a fewseconds. Take your time to turn the lights on. Give the viewers a chanceto make the transition. Then give the audience a few minutes to reviewtheir Viewing Journal to add any points they might want to capturebefore discussion. The Viewing Journal will prompt their thinking.Within 3–5 minutes, most will be ready to proceed with the discussion.When the majority is ready—go!

If you have a larger group [50+], you may want to break the audienceinto discussion groups for some preliminary discussion time. This willtake more time, but will help everyone get involved in some way andwill ignite energy in the room. Follow with report back on the keythemes aligned with the time you have available.

Use the Video Script Outline for the Facilitator, beginning on page 55, as a guide to facilitate the discussion. You may not be able to coverevery topic in this content-rich video. Instead, align the discussion to the interests of your viewers by focusing on three questioning themes:

• What did you see that was most important to you?• What messages or lessons stood out?• What key messages have implications for our organization?


Pass out closing handouts:

• Joel Barker’s Key Messages• Wealth, Innovation & Diversity Anthem• Wealth, Innovation & Diversity Memento Card• Wealth, Innovation & Diversity Session Reflections

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Briefly introduce each handout you selected to give to your participants. The Session Reflections handout will provide you with meaningful “feedback” on each individual’s experience. Remember,the only goal is that each person gained something valuable. What isvalued may differ. You will also get input for follow-on work.

The Wealth, Innovation & Diversity video has an impactful finale. Refer to your Video Script Outline for the Facilitator (pages 62–63) forJoel Barker’s closing messages that will give you a framework to closeyour discussion with an inspiring tone:

• Reiterate Joel Barker’s summation, relating it back to your organization’s future.

• Use some of the closing words from the anthem.

• Use key points brought out by your group.

• Add your own personal touch.

Thank everyone for participating.

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• Agenda(s) for 3-STEP Viewing WORKSHOP or 1-Hour SESSIONS

• Wealth, Innovation & Diversity Workbooks for each participant *• Wealth, Innovation & Diversity Anthem• Session Reflections

• Wealth, Innovation & Diversity Memento Card *

• Introduction to 3-STEP Viewing Concept• 3-STEP Viewing—Setting the Stage for Change• 3-STEP Viewing—Learning More About Diversity• 3-STEP Viewing—Making the Connection• Points of View - Part 1 - Individual Work Activity Slide• Points of View - Part 2 - Group Work Process Slide• Points of View - Part 2 - Group Work Report Back Slides• Points of View Presentation and Discussion Slide

Handouts and overhead slides on the CD-ROM

See Preparation section, page 51

Three segments - 8–14 minutes in length


* Order in advance from Starthrower Distribution

This Wealth, Innovation & Diversity 3-STEP Viewing FACILITATOR GUIDE is designed for either running one 3-hour workshop or three 1-hour sessions. Refer to the 3-STEP Viewing Matrix onpage 15. Also, review the 3-STEP Viewing materials on the CD-ROM and the Workbook. They will help you decide on which approach will work for your circumstances. This guide will step youthrough the process.

PLEASE NOTE… The size of the audience and the depth of discussion will influence length of your session. If you have time to invest, expand the times allotted. If you need to adhereto the one hour format, follow the suggested times. If it isn’t enough, plan follow-on discussionsat team meetings or other gatherings.

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Making the Experience Valuable(Page 9 of the workbook)

Agendas for three 1-Hour Sessions(CD-ROM, file name: 3SV_9.pdf )

Agenda for one 3-Hour Viewing Workshop(CD-ROM, file name: 3SV_8.pdf )

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• Review the Preparation section, beginning on page 51.

• Review this 3-STEP Viewing FACILITATOR GUIDE.

• Pass out the Agenda for the 3-STEP Viewing that meets your needs. (See the samples on the adjacent page.)

• Pass out the Wealth, Innovation & Diversity Workbooks; oneper participant.

SAMPLE LEAD IN REMARKS—supplement with your own perspective:

As we move into the 21st Century, it is clear that our organizationneeds to focus on being a more diverse and inclusive place than weare today. Our customers and the marketplaces and communities weserve are demanding that we understand and relate to theirissues—and bring new innovations to them to solve the problemsthey are facing. We cannot respond without really understanding theadvantages that diversity brings and its important role in our future.

Because our future depends our ability to grow and change—andcreate a diverse, inclusive organization from all its vantage points,this gathering is important for all of us.

Ask the participants to turn to page 9 in their workbooks, Making theExperience Valuable. Have them spend a minute thinking about what it will take to make this session valuable for every one participating. Ask them: “What group commitments do we need to make that will ensurewe use this time for the benefit of our organization and ourselves?”

One 3-Hour Workshop or Three 1-Hour Sessions

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Table of Contents(From the workbook)

Introduction to 3-STEP Viewingoverhead slide

(CD-ROM, file name: 3SV_13.ppt)

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Solicit responses. Encourage participants to summarize the commit-ments in their journal. Summarize their responses on flip chart. Keep it up during the session.

TYPICAL RESPONSES:• Listen to each other• Value everyone’s input• Be present• Participate fully• No voicemail

To help us broaden our knowledge and understanding, we are goingto travel around the world on a video learning journey with Futurist,Joel Barker to learn about the connection of WEALTH—INNOVATION


Joel Barker’s video, Wealth, Innovation & Diversity: Putting OurDifferences to Work in the 21st Century will be our guide. Due to itscontent-rich messages and stories, we are going to view the video inthe three natural stages it follows.

Use the 3-STEP Viewing overhead slide to introduce the concept ofwatching the video in three segments.

Refer participants to their workbooks—Table of Contents to help them familiarize themselves with the workbook and how it will guide the process.


These workbooks when we have finished this workshop will be filled with your insights and the perspectives of others. Together, with JoelBarker’s powerful messages, you will have a keepsake of knowledge—an enduring reference of new thinking for a new century. So, youare encouraged to use it. I will work with you to make the most ofthis workshop tool.


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Setting the Stage for ChangeViewing Journal

(Page 13 from the workbook)

Setting the Stage for Change overhead slide(CD-ROM, file name: 3SV_14.ppt)

What Do We Value? activity(Page 16 from the workbook)

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Use the 3-STEP Viewing—Setting the Stage for Change overheadslide to set-up the first video segment.

Ask the participants to open their workbooks to the Setting the Stage for Change Viewing Journal, page 13. Direct them to review the key themes and watch for them during the video.

Lights out. Start the 1st video segment. Check the volume to be sureit is loud enough. [11 minutes]

STEP 1 (the 1st video segment) is defined as:

The beginning of the video through Joel Barker’s wrap-up comments on location in the Eastern Washington wheat fields: “To wrap this up,any system—biological, organizational, cultural—based on similarity,sameness, purity, homogeneity—however you want to say it, will ultimatelylead to stagnation, and stagnation to collapse. Not the stuff on which tobuild a long term future.”

GROUP DEBRIEF (5–7 minutes):

• Invite the participants to summarize the key messages they heard.

• Don’t use this as a time for debating the issues around samenessand differences. The GROUP WORK that follows will give the group an opportunity to share their perspectives.

• Encourage participants to use their Viewing Journal for reference and the Knowledge Cache on the adjacent page for capturing thenuggets they want to remember.

Have the group turn to the What Do We Value? activity, page 16.Summarize the process for the group and point them to the instructions in the workbook.

If you are adhering to the 1-hour timetable, the group work would be approximately 15 minutes.


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3-STEP Viewing—Learning MoreAbout Diversity overhead slide

(CD-ROM, file name: 3SV_15.ppt)

Learning More About DiversityViewing Journal

(Page 21 from the workbook)

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Follow the group work with a debrief of each group’s discussion. Encourage participants to use the Knowledge Cache on page 17.

To Wrap-up a 3-STEP Viewing—Setting the Stage for Change1-Hour Session:

• Use Joel Barker’s key messages in the Setting the Stage for Changesegment, page 15 in the workbook or page 57 in this guide.

• Look for opportunities to link messages to the groups discussion and recommendations for change.

• Preview your next session using the 3-STEP Viewing—LearningMore About Diversity slide.

• Use the quote in the workbook, page 15, to bring the session to a close.

To Transition to 3-STEP Viewing—Learning About Diversity:

Use the 3-STEP Viewing—Learning More About Diversity overheadslide to set-up the second video segment.

Ask participants to open their workbooks to the Learning MoreAbout Diversity Viewing Journal, page 21. Direct them to reviewthe key themes and watch for them during the video.

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Wall Signs(CD-ROM, file name: 3SV_21.ppt)

Points of View—Mutualism &Our Organization activity

(Page 24 from the workbook)

Point of View - Part 1—Individual Activityoverhead slide

(CD-ROM, file name: 3SV_17.ppt)

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Lights out. Start the 2nd video segment. Check the volume to be sure it is loud enough. (14 minutes)

STEP 2 (the 2nd video segment) is defined as:

The video picks up with Joel Barker at the Cedar Creek Long TermEco Site and goes through to Joel Barker on the harbor vista inSingapore. He wraps-up his story about Singapore: “… So let me say it again, Mutualism is the process that converts the inventory of diversity into wealth.”

GROUP DEBRIEF (5–7 minutes):

• Have participants summarize the key messages they heard.

• Again, don’t use this as a time for debating the issues. The GROUP

WORK that follows will give the group an opportunity to share their perspectives.

• Encourage participants to use their Viewing Journal for reference and the Knowledge Cache on the adjacent page for capturing the nuggets they want to remember.

DURING THE BREAK: Put Post-it® Notes on each table. One package per work group.

Put wall signs up on the walls with flip chart paper under each sign.

Have the group turn to the Points of View—Mutualism & OurOrganization activity, page 24.

Summarize the process using the Points of View—Part 1 IndividualActivity slide.

Participants can follow along with the instructions in the book.


Suggested BREAK here

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Point of View - Part 2—Group Group Processoverhead slide

(CD-ROM, file name: 3SV_18.ppt)

Blank Points of View Report Back overhead slides(CD-ROM, file name: 3SV_19.ppt)

Points of View—activity(Page 26 from the workbook)

Point of View - Part 3—Group Presentations andDiscussion overhead slide

(CD-ROM, file name: 3SV_20.ppt)Knowledge Cache

Page 27 from the workbook)

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If you are adhering to the 1-hour timetable, the group work would be approximately 10 minutes. If you have more time, you can allowpeople more time to contemplate their points of view. Input will be rich either way.

As people finish and post their points of view, let those who finish early read the perspectives. It won’t hurt the process and it will keep the group together while others finish.

Use the Points of View—Part 2 Group Work overhead slide to set-up Part 2 of the exercise. Assign a topic area to each group.

Point them to page 26 in their workbook for the process.

Based on the time you have to spend, tell the participants how much time they have to complete the assignment. Also, give them an idea of the time they have to present. If you are sticking with the 1-hourtimetable, this would give the groups approximately 12–15 minutes to group the themes. If you have more time, you can allow people more time to work together.

As they get started, give each group the Points of View overhead slide for their assigned topic and overhead slide pens.

Be flexible. Using the slides are not essential; just an aid for those that need it. Allow the groups the freedom in the time allotted to get the job done collaboratively.

Follow the group work with a debrief of each group’s discussion. Use the Points of View—Part 3 Group Work overhead slide to set-up the report back.

Encourage participants to use the Knowledge Cache on page 27 of their workbooks.

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3-STEP Viewing—Making the Connectionoverhead slide

(CD-ROM, file name: 3SV_16.ppt)

Making the ConnectionViewing Journal

(Page 31 from the workbook)

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To Transition to 3-STEP Viewing—Making the Connection:

Use the 3-STEP Viewing—Making the Connection overhead slide to set-up the third video segment.

Ask participants to open their workbooks to the Making the ConnectionViewing Jo u rn a l , page 31. Direct them to review the key themes andwatch for them during the video.

Lights out. Start the 3rd video segment. Check the volume to be sure it is loud enough. (7 minutes)

STEP 3 (the 3rd video segment) is defined as:

Picks up with Joel Barker at the Ford Museum for his closing messages; the video concludes with the finale—the Wealth,Innovation & Diversity Anthem:

Let a Thousand Different Flowers BloomLyrics by Joel Barker • Music by Melissa Cuddy

Sung by the students from Saint Benilde’s Academy,Saint Louis Park, Minnesota, led by Kate Cuddy

© 2000 Joel Barker

To Wrap-up a 3-STEP Viewing—Learning More About Diversity1-Hour Session:

• Use Joel Barker’s key messages in the Learning More About Diversity segment, page 23 in the workbook or pages 57–61 in the guide.

• Look for opportunities to link messages to the groups discussion and recommendations for change.

• Preview your next session using the 3-STEP Viewing—Making the Connection slide.

• Use the quote in the workbook, page 23, to bring the session to a close.


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Making the Connection activity(Page 34 from the workbook)

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GROUP DEBRIEF (5–7 minutes):

When the Wealth, Innovation & Diversity video is over, be still a fewseconds. Take your time to turn the lights on. Give the viewers a chance to make the transition. Then give the audience a few minutes to review their Viewing Journal, page 31 to add any points they mightwant to capture before discussion. The Viewing Journal will prompttheir thinking. Within 1–2 minutes, most will be ready to proceed with the discussion. When the majority is ready—go!

• Have participants (briefly this time) summarize the key messages they heard; quick and lively facilitation.

• Again, don’t use this as a time for debating the issues.• The GROUP WORK that follows will give the group an opportunity

to share their perspectives.

• Have the group turn to the Making Our Own Connection activity,page 34. Summarize the process using the workbook this time for a change of pace.

• This time the groups will guide themselves through the process; allocating time and resources to the creative, mutualistic task.

• The instructions in the workbook will guide them; encourage them to review the instructions, use the worksheets and achieve theend results their own way, using the strength of their differences.

• Put out creative materials for their presentations, if you chose toinclude them. (OPTIONAL)

If you are adhering to the 1-hour timetable, the group work would be approximately 20–25 minutes. If you have more time, you can allow people more time to enjoy this mutualistic work experience.

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Anthem(CD-ROM, file name: 3SV_10.pdf )

Session Reflections(CD-ROM, file name: 3SV_11.pdf )

Making Our Own Connectionactivity

(Page 37 from the workbook)

Memento CardNeeds to be ordered in advance.

(Preview on the CD-ROM,file name: 3SV_12.pdf )

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• This activity will be fun and generates energy.• Follow the group work with a report back from each group.• Encourage participants to capture highlights of the group

presentation in their workbook, page 37.• Make sure you have someone assigned to take notes. • Let the work groups volunteer to present. • Enjoy the innovations that emerge! If you pay attention, you will

see symbolically the creative talent that resides within your group to be fast, flexible, forward-thinking and fired-up in just a fewminutes. Imagine if this could be multiplied and used to bring new organizational breakthroughs to your unique marketplace orcommunity.


1-Hour Session or Workshop

Pass out closing handouts:Wealth, Innovation & Diversity AnthemWealth, Innovation & Diversity Memento CardWealth, Innovation & Diversity Session Reflections

Briefly introduce each handout you selected to give to your participants. The Session Reflections handout will provide you with meaningful “feedback” on each individual’s experience of the workshop.Ask everyone to take a few minutes to reflect upon what they havegained from working together and learning together in the Wealth,Innovation & Diversity Workshop. Remember, the goal is that each person gains something valuable. What is valued may differ. Thistechnique of getting “feedback” on the experience, and input for follow-on work, is highly effective.

The Wealth, Innovation & Diversity video has an impactful finale. Refer to your Facilitator Video Script Outline, page 63, for Joel Barker’sclosing messages. They will give you a framework with which to closeyour session with a personal call-to-action—incorporate your own personal thoughts from the experience of the workshop.

• Reiterate Mr. Barker’s summation and relating it back to your organization’s future.

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Thank everyone for participating and taking an important step forward. Promise to follow-up within a few days to share the feedback.

Have people leave their Session Reflections sheets as the leave.


Refer to the Follow-On section, beginning on page 71 of this guide for ideas of what to DO next.

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As the Facilitator

A successful learning

experience is a “system.”

All its parts work together

to make it impactful and



the recommendations.

If you make changes,

consider the implications

on other parts of the system.

As the leader, you have the most important role of all in having a successful Wealth, Innovation &Diversity video workshop. Common to other forms of communication, how you open the session,facilitate it and bring it to a close, will have a significant impact on the outcome. Personalize theformat with your own style and remember, there is truth in the adage, it is all in how it is presented.

• View Wealth, Innovation & Diversity video twice:- Once for content.- Once to familiarize yourself with the “PAUSE POINTS” for 3-STEP Viewing.

• Review the VIDEO SCRIPT OUTLINE in this section; mark key points you want to emphasis.

• Review the Wealth, Innovation & Diversity Workbook; walk yourself through its organization,activities and flow; at best, try it out as if you were a participant. It is easier to lead people whereyou personally have been. The process will contribute significantly to your own effectiveness.

• Use you own thoughts, impressions and ideas on how key messages in the video relate to your organization to help you with:

- Your opening remarks.- Leading discussions and group work.- Bridging from viewing to group work.- Closing remarks.

• Review and print your overhead slides and handouts from the Wealth, Innovation & Diversity CD-ROM and gather the supplies you will need for the session. Order the workbooks and thetake-away memento cards, refer to page 65–69 in this section.

• Make this Facilitator Guide a tool for your own success:- Write notes in it.- Highlight important sections.- Flag other points of reference that you may need to access in a hurry.- Add it to your tool kit for future reference.

Make a personalinvestment…


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Key Messages, Facts & Stories

Covered in the Segment:• A new premise for thinking and understanding diversity is presented.• A compelling need for change for the 21st Century is established.• A new vision for the future is introduced.

Viewing Time: 11 minutes

Ireland—The Potato Blight of 1845• The potato was brought back from the new world.• It was embraced as a cheap, plentiful food resource.• The mistake: Over two centuries they bred out all the differences.• They created a potato crop with essentially the same genetic makeup.• All potatoes, being equally vulnerable, were destroyed in the blight.• Result: A Great Famine caused 1.7 million to flee their country; one million starved.

KEY MESSAGES IN THE STORY:• The Irish chose to maximize the advantage of sameness.• They received short term benefits, but in the end, paid a terrible price.

Peru—On the Harsh Slopes of the Andes• The people here domesticated the potato staring nearly 2000 years ago.• The zenith was reached during the reign of the Inca (12th-16th Century).• The potato, like the Irish, was used as main calorie source.• Unlike the Irish, they cultivated over 100 varieties of potatoes. • They had potatoes that flourished under many conditions.

some in wet and some in dry timessome were resistant to one kind of pest; some to otherssome grew best in cloudy conditions; others intense sun

• Every year they planted new varieties.• The potato diversity guaranteed plenty to eat no matter what happened.

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KEY MESSAGES IN THE STORY:• The Inca maximized the advantage of diversity.• Under very difficult conditions, they prospered for over 15 centuries.

KEY MESSAGES FOR THE 21ST CENTURY FROM THESE STORIES:• These two stories are symbolic of the great choice we have to make.• One leads us back to societies where sameness is rewarded; differences demonized.• One leads us toward societies where diversity is prized.• Sameness leads toward impoverishment, in every sense of the word.• Diversity leads upwards toward a new level and kind of wealth not seen before.• Diversity is directly connected to innovation and innovation to wealth.• The benefits of one come from enlisting the power of the others.

The Deep Fear of Differences Across the Centuries; Around the World• The Inca were destroyed by a European culture that believed there was only one

right way to do things.• Today, we still have many groups who believe in and continue this practice.• In so many words, they are saying, “If you aren’t just like me, go away!” Or worse.• It has been happening all over the world...

in Serbiain Japanin Afghanistanin Africain Germanyin the United States of America

• Regardless of outward appearances, these groups share a common characteristic:a deep fear of differences.

• We need to understand why these people are afraid of difference.

George Land, Scientist and Author of Grow or Die• All things grow and develop in the same three-stage pattern.• Once one stage is accomplished, the next stage can begin.

- 1ST STAGE: AccretionFocus is on the growth and development of the single individual;in humans this stage takes us from birth to adolescence; babiesseek food, love, security in order to flourish and grow.

- 2ND STAGE: ReplicationFocus is on creating or joining with other elements; self-similarity;bacteria split into two; Aspen trees send out new shoots; childrenbecome teenagers.

(NOTE: In STEP 2, the video returns to George Land’s work, 3RD STAGE)

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2ND STAGE ADVANTAGES: (high school setting with teenagers)1. A group can accomplish more than a single individual.2. Your personal is existence validated by others choosing to be like you.3. With everyone thinking alike, its easier to communicate and make decisions.4. With all the similarities, predictability within the group is increased.

2ND STAGE RISKS:1. A homogeneous crop is extremely vulnerable to a single threat; if one plant

if vulnerable, then all are vulnerable. (Eastern Washington Wheat Fields)

2. Innovation is nearly impossible, if everyone thinks the same. 3. Without new ideas, there can be no progress or improvement.4. Any system—biological, organizational, cultural—based on sameness leads

to stagnation; stagnation to collapse.

STEP 1 - SUMMARY MESSAGES:• A more enduring future must be built on differences not similarities.• A future based on diversity has the capacity to sustain us for centuries, even millennia.• Diversity brings with it opportunity for ongoing innovation.• Innovation provides increasing abundance for everyone.• Diversity can help your organization, community, and nation flourish long term.

“Societies and organizations that most creatively incorporatediversity will reap the rewards of innovation, growth, wealth and progress.”

—Joel Barker

Covered in this Segment:• The advantages of diversity are dramatically illustrated.• The important role of diversity in a complex world is demonstrated. • The concept of mutualism is introduced. (Stage 3, George Land’s work)• The concept of mutualism is experienced. (Stories: Pine Forest, Ford and Singapore)

Viewing Time: 14 minutes

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University of Minnesota—Cedar Creek Long Term Eco Site• Dr. David Tilman, Director has run ecological experiments since 1982.• One area of his research is done in a series of 100 squares of land (2 meters by 2 meters).• Each plot has varying numbers of 24 different prairie species in different combinations.• The GOAL: To uncover the effects of bio-diversity.

KEY FINDINGS FROM THE 10 YEARS OF RESEARCH:Highly diverse ecosystems…• can deal better with large-scale shocks (i.e., drought, flood).• recover from damage faster than simple systems.• utilize resources better and waste less.• withstand attacks from predators and disease.• are healthier over the long run.• are more productive; yet higher payback from investment.• are much more stable.• are much more predictable, across a greater variation of change.

KEY MESSAGES FROM THIS STORY:“More and more, organizational theorists are looking at complex ecosystems to find lessons for enterprises of all kinds. What we are seeing is part of the new definition of wealth:

The wealth of sustainability.The wealth of efficient resource utilization.The wealth of lowered risks and increased predictability and improved productivity.

We need to listen to these lessons.”—Joel Barker

Belgium—Ilya Prigogine, Nobel Prize winner—ground-breaking work on complexity• With increasing complexity, comes increasing diversity.• All systems will grow more complex when one condition exists: excess energy to grow.

KEY QUESTIONS FROM THIS STORY:• If the world is going to be more complex tomorrow than it is today:

How do we cope with all this complexity?Where can we find solutions to the problems this complexity creates?How can we access the diverse opportunities that accompany complexity?

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George Land, Scientist and Author of Grow or Die (3rd Stage of growth)(Video returns to George Land’s work to find the answers; adds 3RD STAGE)

• All things grow and develop in same three-stage pattern:- 1ST STAGE: Accretion—individual pulling resources together to sustain existence. - 2ND STAGE: Replication—multiple individuals join, high degree of similarity- 3RD STAGE: Mutualism—diverse individual elements join to create new

combinations; each element in the new combination mutually benefits.

KEY MESSAGES FROM THIS STORY:• Mutualism creates a condition where almost an infinite set of new combinations

can be generated using the differences available.• The diversity of mutualism gives us more choices to solve the problems caused by

our increasingly complex world.

Pine Forest—north of Vancouver, Canada—Mutualism at Work• Research led by Suzanne Simard, British Columbia Ministry of Forests.• Fungi and the trees have developed a mutualistic relationship.• Fungi is very good at librating certain nutrients from the soil that the trees need.• The trees are very good at making sugars that the fungi needs.• Neither is good at doing the other’s work.• They cooperate.• They collaborate.• They work mutualistically, using their differences to help one other.

KEY FINDINGS AND OTHER FACTS IN THIS RESEARCH:• The fungi has the power to borrow excess carbon from trees getting plenty of sunlight.• The fungi moves the carbon through its filaments to fir seedlings not getting enough sun.• The deciduous trees and the fir seedlings have no “family” connection.• The exchange mediated by the fungi guarantees the seedlings survival.• The exchange keeps the forest diverse and healthy over the long term.• There are no immediate benefits for the deciduous trees to give up excess carbon.• The fungi is the broker, making sure elements needed for growth go to those in need.• The whole forest benefits.

KEY MESSAGES IN THIS STORY:• Collaboration between very different species is necessary for everyone to do well.• No one species can survive, for long, all by themselves—that’s mutualism.

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Designing the First Ford Taurus—Human Mutualism at Work• In the early 1980’s, Ford was struggling to compete with the Japanese.• They were losing billions of dollars each year.• They decided to build the best passenger car in the world for the money.• They knew, if they did it the old way, using only their designers, it would fail.• A mutualistic team of more than 100 people was assembled from all over the landscape.• They picked people from the assembly line, marketing and sales within Ford.• They invited mechanics from Ford dealerships• They invited housewives and travelling salesmen who drove Fords.• They invited people who didn’t like Fords and people who drove foreign cars.• This very diverse group got to help make sure the car would be right.• The designers were distraught—“too many cooks spoil the broth.”• By listening, they learned the power of mutuality is built on diversity.• One idea alone that emerged saved Ford millions of dollars—the shingle door.

KEY MESSAGES IN THIS STORY:• Diverse input resulted in a car that dominated the industry for 10 years.• Ford changed the very way it went about designing cars.

Singapore—Mutualism at Work for a Nation• Singapore gained its independence in 1965.• It has a diverse population mixture of Chinese, Malay, Anglo and Indian.• This cultural diversity had the potential for major cultural problems.• The newly-elected leader, Lee Kuan Yew, turned cultural diversity into a strength.• He made mutualism the bridge between cultures.• His vision for Singapore made mutli-racism, multi-cultualism and multi-religion

key components of the new Singapore society.• Everyone, regardless background, was invited to participate in building a new nation.• To train and prepare everyone, Singapore built a world class public education system.• As they all learned to collaborate with each other, building on the strength of their

diversity, they were also becoming adept at working across the cultures of the world.

FACTS ABOUT SINGAPORE’S RESULTS ACHIEVED AND THEIR NEW 21ST CENTURY VISION:• No race riots since its independence.• Emerged to be the most trusted nation in the world.• 2nd most competitive nation in the world• 5th wealthiest nation, per capita, in the world.• Recognized it will take more than cultural diversity to compete in the 21st Century.• Strong controls on the flow information into their country beginning to be rolled back.• Establishing an environment where freedom of expression, artistic diversity and intellectual

d i versity can flourish.

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STEP 2 - SUMMARY MESSAGES:• Mutualism combines many diverse elements to create new ideas that benefit all the

participants.• Mutualism requires the ability to collaborate with individuals and enterprises different

from yourself—only then will you reap the benefits of diversity.• Without diversity, mutualism is impossible.• Mutualism converts diversity into wealth—the forest, Ford, Singapore

Covered in this Segment: • The connection between innovation and wealth is introduced.• Paradigm-shifting innovation is explored and demonstrated.• The connection is made between wealth-generating innovators and diversity.• The role of the outsiders in discovering new paradigms is presented.• A meeting of wealth, innovation and diversity at intersection of differences takes place.

Viewing Time: 7 minutes (includes the finale)

INTRODUCTION: The Connection of Innovation & Wealth• Diversity sets the stage for new ideas.• Mutualism manifests new ideas into new innovations.• Successful innovations add new value to the world.• New value creates new wealth.• As much as 40% increased wealth each year comes from innovation. (Economist)• Ongoing innovation enlarges the economic pie from which the whole world can dine.• Paradigm-shifting innovations add the most new value and the most to new wealth.

The Cellular Phone—A Paradigm-Shifting Innovation• The cellular phone did more than improve the old paradigm like touch tone dialing did.• It created a in paradigm by changing the basic rules:

No wires.Carry in your pocket.Minute by minute billing all the time.The phone number travels with the customer.

• The new telephone paradigm—clearly a revolution.• Opened up a whole new territory of communications with huge growth opportunities.• It is creating new wealth all over the world not in percentages: 10, 50, 1000 times.

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KEY MESSAGE IN THIS STORY:• Paradigm-shifting innovators are the most powerful generators of wealth on earth.

The Outsiders—Their Important Role and Their Differences• The people most likely to discover a new paradigm are almost always outsiders.• The people that create all that opportunity for new wealth are almost always outsiders.• Outsiders know little or nothing about the normal way of doing things.• It is people unlike us who bring to us the source for new wealth.

KEY MESSAGE IN THIS STORY:• By definition, outsiders must be different from you and me.• You can only access these people if you are open to diversity.

Ellis Island—Opening the Doors to Outsiders• America opened its doors to more immigrants than any other nation in history.• Immigrants came from many different cultures; every social and economic status.• America gained more diversity—therefore more innovation.• All the revolutionary ideas led to more wealth than any other nation in history.

KEY MESSAGE IN THIS STORY:• America is living proof that wealth, innovation and diversity are connected.

STEP 3 - SUMMARY MESSAGES:• New wealth of all kinds—economic, cultural, ecological—comes from innovation.• Economic, cultural, ecological wealth are all connected and cannot be separated.• Innovation is driven by diversity.• Diversity opens the door to new kinds of wealth…

The wealth for sustainability for both ecosystems and and culturesThe wealth of varietyThe wealth of new combinations and new innovationsThe wealth of outsiders whose new thinking is the direct result of diversityThe wealth of new value added to the world.New economic wealth, too.

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STEP 3: FINALE MESSAGES (2–3 minutes)• The world has crossed the threshold of the new Millennium.• Much ahead is unfamiliar to all of us; nobody has ever been there before.• The easy response might be to go back down the pathway to where we belong.• Our true nature has never been to stay where we belong, but going where we become!• The new world is beginning to flower…

new ideasnew technologynew musicnew artnew businessesnew industriesnew friendshipsnew cultures new opportunities await us all;

“So, we need to begin the climb. Together—and we must climb with a common vision, one that will form the foundation of the 21st Century:

To build a world, on the strength of our differences,where all of us can be happy and healthy at the expense of no one else.

…let’s get started, we don’t want to keep the millennium waiting.”—Joel Barker

Anthem follows.

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THE FACILITATOR GUIDE:This facilitator guide is the facilitator’s toolkit for success. Due to the content-rich video learning experience of Wealth, Innovation & Diversity, even a seasoned facilitator will find this guide an invaluable reference.

Additional copies are available through Star T h rower Distribution. Quantity discounts are offere d .

THE WORKBOOK:The Wealth, In n ovation & Diversity Wo rk b o o k is an essential component of any 3 - Step Viewing Workshop. During the session participants will actively use the workbook for individual andgroup work. Joel Barker’s key messages have been incorporated into the workbook. When theworkbook is also filled with the insights from the participant and from other participants, it will be a keepsake of new thinking and knowledge—an enduring reference.The workbooks are available through Star Thrower Distribution. Quantity discounts are offered.

OVERHEAD SLIDES:• Supporting overhead slides are created in POWERPOINT®; customize them to meet your needs.• Print your copy from the masters on the CD-ROM.• See the Wealth, Innovation & Diversity CD-ROM index on page 67.

SESSION HANDOUTS:• Supporting handouts are in Adobe Acrobat® PDF format on the CD-ROM.• If you don’t have Adobe Acrobat Reader®, you can install it from the CD-ROM or

download it free off the Adobe website: www.adobe.com• PDF format allows for print-like quality handouts that are ready-to-use.• See the Wealth, Innovation & Diversity CD-ROM index on page 67.

PARTICIPANT TAKE-AWAY:• Wealth, Innovation & Diversity memento card (Must be ordered in advance.)

OTHER MATERIALS YOU WILL NEED (not included in the video package):These materials are needed for your session. You will find them at an office supply store.• Post-it® Notes—2-7/8 inch x 2-7/8 inch ( 73 mm x 73 mm) or 3 inch x 5 inch (76,2 mm x 127 mm) size.

One package per work group will be easiest. • If you are extending the session and want more in-depth input, you may want to use a larger

Post-it® size. TIP: The size does have an impact on the time participants use. Bigger takes longer.• Felt tip pens for overhead slides.• Flip chart easel, paper and markers.• Creativity supplies (use your imagination) for STEP-3: MAKING THE CONNECTION work group

(OPTIONAL). Refer to page 34 in the workbook and page 45 in this guide.


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Ready to print Adobe Acrobat® PDF files• Agenda for ALL-AT-ONCE Viewing with discussion AAO_1.pdf• Viewing Journal (Four pages) AAO_2.pdf• Joel Barker’s Key Messages (Four pages) AAO_3.pdf• WID Anthem (Let a Thousand Different Flowers Bloom) AAO_4.pdf• Session Reflections AAO_5.pdf

• Wealth, Innovation & Diversity Memento Card—Sample only AAO_6.pdf

Ready to print in Microsoft PowerPoint®

• Introduction to Wealth, Innovation & Diversity Video AAO_7.ppt


Ready to print Adobe Acrobat® PDF files• Agenda for 3-STEP Viewing Workshop 3SV_8.pdf• Agendas for 3-STEP Viewing (in 3 sessions) 3SV_9.pdf• WID Anthem (Let a Thousand Different Flowers Bloom) 3SV_10.pdf• Session Reflections 3SV_11.pdf

Order from Star Thrower Distribution in advance• Wealth, Innovation & Diversity Memento Card—Sample only 3SV_12.pdf

Ready to print in Microsoft PowerPoint®

• Introduction to 3-STEP Viewing Concept 3SV_13.ppt• 3-STEP Viewing - Setting the Stage for Change 3SV_14.ppt• 3-STEP Viewing - Learning More About Diversity 3SV_15.ppt• 3-STEP Viewing - Making the Connection 3SV_16.ppt• Points of View - Part 1—Individual Activity 3SV_17.ppt• Points of View - Part 2—Group Work Process 3SV_18.ppt• Points of View Group Work Report Back Slides (Four slides - one per group) 3SV_19.ppt• Points of View - Part 3—Group Presentations and Discussion 3SV_20.ppt

• Points of View wall signs (Four signs) Ready to print in Microsoft PowerPoint® 3SV_21.ppt• Video Transcript (Eight pages) Ready to print Adobe Acrobat ® PDF files 3SV_22.pdf

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“…Attention to small details, makes perfect a large work.” —Rumi


• Go see it, if possible.• Make sure it is large enough and will accommodate small groups working together.• Table or chairs with a writing surface will be most useful for the activities.

RESERVE VIDEO EQUIPMENT.Due to the powerful messages and picturesque scenery from around the world…

• Use the largest video monitor available; you may want two for more than 10 people.• At best, large-screen projection is highly recommended.


• Order workbooks and take-away momento cards for each participant.• Review and print overhead slides, participant handouts and wall signs from

the CD-ROM.

THE VIDEO EQUIPMENT:Equipment is in working order, video has been tested and cued up to push play.Volume is adjusted; test it from the back of the room; make sure it is loud enough.You or your assistant knows how to operate the equipment.Make sure you know how to turn the lights ON and OFF.

A potential lifesaver…Put a small flashlight near the equipment so you can see the equipment controls. Thiswill allow you to react to problems when the lights are down with minimal disruption.

THE ROOM:Room set-up is correct.Tidy up the room; remove clutter; wipe down boards and desks, if they are dirty.Test overhead projector.Session materials are in the room (e.g., workbooks, Po s t - i t® Notes, wall signs, handouts,take-away memento cards and ove rhead slides).Pencils, pens and extra note paper are available.

THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT—create a welcoming placeCreate a “welcome” sign or flip chart for the front of the room.Bring a CD or Tape player; pick an instrumental with a soothing tone; music welcomes.Be ready and present when participants begin to arrive; welcome them.Talk to every person before the session starts; be a role model of inclusion.Learn with the participants; enjoy the experience of helping others discover how much the know.

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Six Follow-on Actions You Can Take

Below are five follow-on actions you can take to capitalize on the enthusiasm and momentum that was created during your Wealth, Innovation & Diversity video workshop:

Send a follow-on message to everyone who attended, summarizing the report backactions and c o m m i t m e n t s f rom the closing group presentations. Thank eve ryone for p a rt i c i p a t i n g . If you used the Wealth, Innovations & Diversity Session Reflectionshandout, include a summary of the group’s write-in comments submitted following the session.

Walk your talk and acknowledge others doing the same. Make sure your own day-to-day actions reflect behaviors and actions that cultivate the advantages of diversity in your organization and serve as a role model for others working to change themselves. Talk about successes and progress every chance you get.

Save 10–15 minutes in each team meeting to check in with people and see whatis going well, what still stands in the way and what can you all do about it by workingtogether—mutualistically. This regular communication will help you and everyonein the organization stay focused on achieving the goals you established for change. It will also help you gain familiarity and confidence about talking with each otheroften, feeling free to be open and honest about inhibitors to progress.

Encourage people to share their success stories about how a new consciousness about cultivating the advantages of diversity is bringing about opportunities for innovation and growth. Tell those stories wherever you go to inspire others; inviteothers to do the same at meetings and other gatherings.

Plan a Wealth, Innovation & Diversity follow-on session to revisit where you started, review key messages and discuss what you all have learned in the process.Have everyone bring their original workbooks for reference. Establish one or two new goals or align and refocus on the ones you are still working to achieve.Cultivating the advantages of diversity within an organization, workplace and community, takes an ongoing cycle of perpetual action and consciousness.

Read about the Diversity Breakthrough! Strategic Action Series on the pages that follow. You may find resources that will help you and everyone in your organizationin your effort to create a diverse, inclusive organization positioned to serve the marketplaces and communities of the 21st Century.

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…with forewords by

New Thinking and New Tools for a New Century

“I strongly recommend you take a look at Debbe’s more extensive work on diversity.Below is a detailed overview of her series.”

—Joel Barker

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Diversity is a strength. It is a hallmark of thriving organizations now, and will only grow in i m p o rtance in the years to come. Howe ve r, efforts to create diverse andi n c l u s i ve organizations, w o rkplaces and communities are often plagued by the samep roblems common to any change initiative: Lack of leadership. Too much talk andtoo little action. Lack of clear goals and measures. Breakdowns in communication.Denial. Finger pointing. Resistance. Disinterest.

Di versity Bre a k t h rough! is an integrated series of booklets and tools specificallyd e s i g n e d to overcome these kinds of roadblocks. Diversity Breakthrough! bringsnew thinking and a new approach to one of the most important challenges facingorganizations today.

Take a New Action-Directed ApproachUse an Integrated Change System

Engage Everyone in the ProcessCreate a Diversity Breakthrough!

Every leader in your organization interested in serving the people in the market-places and communities of the 21st Century. Including…

• Managers and administrators in any organization, business or community

• Human Resources Managers and Professionals

• Diversity Managers

• Change Management Program and Project Managers

• Diversity and HR Consultants and Trainers

• Management Development Program Managers and Instructors

• Human Resource Management Professors

• Educational Curriculum Developers

“The topic of DIVERSITY has been an ongoing challenge to every element of modern society. Debbe Kennedy hastaken on this challenge and produced, with her new book series, a process which, I think, does the best job of generating action and growth toward understanding diversity and utilizing its extraordinary advantages.Particularly important is the powerful and novel set of activities and exercises that draws in everyone and enables them to climb to a new plateau of understanding and commitment.

Debbe’s work is going to change a lot of people’s paradigms!”

—Joel A. Barker

Who needs it?

Anyone leading change.

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The Diversity Breakthrough! Strategic Action Series isbuilt around this simple model. It depicts the ongoing cycle of action that has always brought about great change in organizations, institutions, businesses, communities, countries and the world. It applies whether you are just beginning a new initiative, taking a next step in an existing one or revitalizing an effort well under way. Its imperfect circlesymbolizes the realities of change. Change is hard work, often with big swings of effort and sacrifice necessary to arrive at the next step—andwhen you reach a moment of success, you soon realize that there remains much more to do to keep the momentum alive. So, we begin the cycle again, alwaysworking toward new levels of progress and achievement.

Central to achieving a “diversity breakthrough” is to get people at all levels to talk with each other, to figure out what’sgoing right, what’s standing in the way and what action will create change. This is easier said than done. Even the bestleaders often lack the confidence and know-how to conduct meaningful, productive discussions about diversity and inclu-sion—and more importantly, a discussion unintentionally bumbled can have far-reaching implications on morale and theorganization itself. Also, many are reluctant to share the truth or have a hard time formulating observations in a clear,concise way. Diversity Breakthrough! Action Dialogues is designed to relieve these problems and elicit honest, succinct feed-back in a safe, welcoming dialogue.

This boxed-for-travel set includes an inspiring book thatdescribes step-by-step processes for conducting three distinc-tive action dialogues. One dialogue focuses on exploring yo u rown thinking, another is designed for one-on-one discussionsand one is tailored for small group conversations. Each ofthese dialogue formats has a goal of getting core issues on thetable, mobilizing action and accelerating change.

Diversity Breakthrough! Action Dialogues also comes with itsown innova t i ve problem identification tool, a deck of custom-illustrated, ove r s i zed cards, which serves as a powe rf u l aid forencouraging honest, open communication. The cards identify52 common organizational problems in seven key areas ofinfluence—Leadership, Culture, Involvement, The Business,

Strategies & Measures, Staffing & Development and Ownership—and include a quote from a notable leader that illu-minates the importance of solving the problem. Tough issues are put on the table, making it easier to discuss sensitivetopics. Through a simple sorting process, core issues can be pinpointed within minutes, leading the way for discussionabout next steps to begin moving t ow a rd resolution. Because this can be a silent, anonymous, and even enjoyable pro c e s s ,fears of being singled out as “d i f f i c u l t” or “n e g a t i ve” are eased. Action Dialogues c reates a safe place for real action-dire c t e ddialogue. It helps you see pro g ress and identify what still needs attention and action. Boxed set, 84-page book and 52 illustrated cards. (Dimensions: 41/4" X 7" X 1 1/8") ISBN 1-58376-056-3 $69.95

Available from www.amazon.com • www.diversitybreakthrough.com • www.bkconnection.comAlso available customized for your Intranet. Contact Debbe Kennedy, [email protected] • 650-728-0909

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Six Action-Directed Books to Help Transform Your Organization—One to Support Each Phase of Change

Helps you take an in-depth look at your organization to deter-mine the current realities and inhibitors related to creating adiverse, inclusive environment. Includes action strategies, stories,insights and ideas about how to do ASSESSMENTS in seven keyareas that influence organizational effectiveness. 64 pages. ISBN 1-58376-050-4 $10.95

Focuses on how to develop support for change in your organiza-tion, including engaging leaders at all levels, connecting withsponsors to help drive results and getting buy-in from eve ry b o d yi n vo l ved. Includes action strategies, stories, insights about h ow t ogain AC C E P TA N C E of the need for change and its implications inseven key areas that influence organizational effectiveness.64 pages. ISBN 1-58376-051-2 $10.95

Helps you launch a new diversity and inclusion initiative or revitalize and renew an existing initiative in your organization(business, workplace or community). Includes action strategies,stories, insights and ideas about how to take ACTION to create amore diverse, inclusive environment. 64 pages. ISBN 1-58376-052-0 $10.95

Focuses on how to develop shared ownership and accountabilitythroughout your organization. Includes action strategies, stories,insights and ideas about h ow to establish shared AC C O U N TA B I L I TY

for diversity and inclusion, including integrating it into main-stream principles, strategies, your organization’s “scorecard” andstandards for individual contributions. 64 pages. ISBN 1-58376-053-9 $10.95

Helps you learn how to monitor, measure and celebrate progressas you work to create a diverse, inclusive organization. Includesaction strategies, stories, insights and ideas about h ow to monitor,m e a s u re and celebrate AC H I EV E M E N T and progress. 64 pages. ISBN 1-58376-054-7 $10.95

Focuses on how to re-evaluate, renew commitment and starta next phase of ACTION in your organization. Includes actionstrategies, stories, insights and ideas about how to keep momen-tum alive with MORE ACTION throughout the organization. 64 pages. ISBN 1-58376-055-5 $10.95

Debbe Kennedy is awriter, problem-solver,consultant and facilitator.She is the founder andpresident of theLeadership SolutionsCompanies, specializing in leadership and organi-zational communications.She is also the author of

Breakthrough!: Everything You Need to Start a SolutionRevolution.® Kennedy, a former manager of EqualOpportunity for IBM Corporation, has had a long-held conviction and continuing leadership influencein working to help organizations work towardachieving the ideals of a diverse, inclusive environ-ment. Her efforts have resulted in award-winningcorporate leadership communications solutions andtraining products distributed throughout the world.

For ongoing support and information visit:www.diversitybreakthrough.com.To learn moreabout Debbe Kennedy’s work and otherBreakthrough! products, visit www.lscompanies.com.Contact Debbe Kennedy at:[email protected].

• Self-Assessment Tools• Personal Stories from Others• Action Strategies to Mobilize Change• Action Planning Worksheets• Call-To-Action

… all in a concise 64-page format

Available from

www.amazon.com • www.diversitybreakthrough.com • www.bkconnection.com

Also available customized for your Intranet.Contact Debbe Kennedy, [email protected] • 650-728-0909

“Once in a great while, someone comes up with a truly unique approach to human relationships.Debbe Kennedy is that someone. Her approach to diversity is the most innovative, insightful,

practical, helpful set of concepts and tools I’ve seen in a very long time.Diversity Breakthrough! is destined to become a ‘classic.’”

—Barbara “BJ” HateleyCo-Author, Peacock in the Land of Penguins: A Tale of Diversity and Discovery

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This series is different. It transcends traditional talk andhelps you engage eve ryone in a new level of action. The series is designed to support leaders at every phase of changeas they work to create diverse, inclusive organizations, businesses, workplaces and communities with a focus on sevenkey areas of organizational influence:

Leadership • Culture • Involvement • The Business

Strategies and Measures • Staffing and Development • Ownership

D i versity Bre a k t h ro u g h ! is a leader’s diversity andinclusion reference library that comes with turn-key tools and action-prompting strategy ideas. This set of ready-to-use books and tools can be incorporated into your diversity dialogues, training programs and meetings, enablingevery leader in your organization to walk away with a personal tool kit for success that complements the guidingprinciples and priorities you have established as an organization.

Organizations need different support at differe n tt i m e s . Diversity Breakthrough! was designed to give you what you need when you need it. You can use any of thebooks and tools together in any sequence. They are all built with a familiar easy-to-follow format with unique con-tent to support you at each phase of change.

The Diversity Breakthrough! Strategic Action Series includesits own action dialogue p rocesses to help you, and engage others, in assessing what is going well, what isn’t and w h a tyou can do about it. The integrated series comes with an easy-to-use problem identification diagnostic tool, three dis-t i n c t i ve dialogue processes and six supporting 64-page books for each phase of change. Each of the books has an invitational f o rew o rd, an introduction, self-assessment tools, stories f rom other organizations, strategy ideas in the seven key areas of organizational influence, action planning worksheets and a call-to-action.

They can be used and reused as you move through the perpetual cycle of action n e c e s s a ry to achieve results in your organization. Each component comes in a concise, easy-to-read format focused on a specific phase of change. The series is an action-directed re f e rence library for leaders. Yo u’ll find it helpful in many s i t u a t i o n s . The assessment and planning tools and worksheets can help you track your own progress over time.

Woven into the series are stories told by people across industries and sectors that are working to create diverse, inclusive organizations. They will inspire your thinking andaction. Included are stories emerging from leaders’ personal experiences in these organizations:

The Drucker Foundation • Hewlett-Packard • IBM Corporation • U.S. ArmyGrace Cathedral • Cellular One • Leap Wireless International • Lowell Area Schools

Mars Exploration Program • City & County of San Francisco Commission on the Status of WomenGTE Service Corporation • California School of Professional Psychology • The Burgundy Group

1993 Australian Executive Women of the Year • Lotus Printing • Resource Center for the Handicapped

…how it can help you lead change.

“Debbe Kennedy has given us multiple gifts—first, the gift of her deep experience with diversitywork, and second, her creative gifts of presenting these ideas in a way that makes them intriguing and compelling. We have a great need for her work, because until we learn to work together in all our awesome, disturbing, and intriguing diversity, we will not be able to create organizations that can dance through these turbulent days.”

—Margaret J. WheatleyAuthor, Leadership and the New ScienceCo-Author, A Simpler Way

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