price 8 id., new edition f. winpenny, ••• :t, cassell's...

I THE TEBSDALEMERCTJRY—WBDNESD43T, OCTOBER 20, 1875. AUTUMN AND WINTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS. F. WINPENNY, ••• :T, H O B S K M A R K E T , B A R N A R D cQ/A S U3. * , H AS great piwwnip in announcing that his S T O C K of, C L O T H I N G for Autumfa and Winter is now well supplied with NEW GOODS M every department, BLUE BLACBL' and O X F O R D E L T S I A N S . for Overcoats ; B L U E B R O W N OLIVE and F A N C Y B E A V E B S , for Overcoat*.; PILOTS, MOSCOW BEAVEBS, Ac., for Reefers ; Fancy Checks and Mixed ScotehTweeds for Suits. W E S T O E E N G L A N D and Y O R K S H I E E T E O W S E E I N G S , iu the Newest Designs. A Large and Varied Stock of SILK and EELT HATS^in all the New Styles. Seal and fmitatio^EALSKIN CAPS, from 4s. 6d. to 14s., in Turban, French, Yankee,! and Helmet Shapes. Scotch and Dogskin Cape iu various styles and prices. Gloves, Hosiery, Collars, Ties, Scarfs, and Mufflers, in all the New Patterns and Colours. Sole Agent for Messrs John Fann & Co's Registered Pants, Vests and Shirts, warranted not to shrink. Fancy Woollen Shirtings of the best qualities. Gentlemeii's Wove Shirts made to order, •—' * and thoroughly shrunk. -- Best Cloth Blankets ; White and Scarlet Flannels. A large assortment of MACKINTOSH COATS in the Cyen, Zephyr and S.V. Cloths, ' always in stock. Silk and Zanella U M B R E L L A S in Ladies and Gents, from the best London Houses. Agent for the Simpson SEWING MACHINE. TODD'S Q U I S I S J -vri IT H stand, pre-emmart for Parity Wid Strength. It is the beet known remedy for Indigestion, xbtf ou» Complaints, Debility, Wasting Diseases, Ac., i»JWoonuaencM by:4aofctfssW;<*>«" .it ToDD:s: vIXis B < yr -I-KE strengthens fbo sysUsrn. Xbe genuine is H innufnetured only by Jon Taoi>, Chem- ist, Carlisle, and bears bis name on the Government Stamp. Sold by all Chemists. Ask for and have only TODD'S Q U I If I If JC W I K L t i ct) Ij^i AJ G E N E R A L CABINET, P I I O L S T E R Y AND HOUSE F U R N 1 GEORGE DODDS AND SON, SHIN 9 EST A B L I S H M E HORSE MARKET, BABNABD CASTLE. N T d the public that their new Show Rooms and to keep an extensive and well manufactured RN DESIGNS rpAKE the earliest opportunity to inform their customers J A Warehouse are now open. It will be their endeavou STOCK OF THE MOST MO: DRAWING ROOM. DINING ROOM. AND BEDROOM F0RNITURE; BRASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS, COTS, Ac.: SPRING, HAIR, WOOL, AND STRAW MATTRESSES ; BRUSSELS, T A P E S T R Y , A NVD K I D D E R - HEARTHRUGS, OIL CLOTHS, COCOA MATTINGS, AND FENDERS, FTBE IRONS, BRUSHES, Ac. •Jar" AN INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED ——_ _ CAR MATS ; PETS, O F S E W I Y E R Y KIND T H E C H E A M J NG M A C H I N E S BY A L L T H E B E S T M A K E R S PEST IN T H E T R A D E . INSTRUCTIONS FREE. M . MOORE, BANK, BARNARD CASTLE. BEFORE BUYING Call and see the E U R O P E A N PRIZE M E D A MACHINE, And the Cyclops (Best prin- ciple) the best Machines made. PKICE £b 10s, CASH. PARKINSON, DRAPER. TUTONKHOUSE A CO.'S SEWING MACHINE M. DEPOT, rB. BLACKETT-STREET, NEWCASTLE. SKIN-IXC MACHINES OF ALL KINDS. Knitting, Washing, Wringing, And Mangling Machines. The Best Machines for Dressmakers and Tailors in Stock. Guaranteed of the Beet Quality, Design, and Workmanship. W. BARNET, NEWGATE, BARNARD CASTLE. /%MJi.—Repairs Executed with. Dispatch. In consequence of spurious imitations Lea & Perrins Sauce, <hich are calculated to deceive the blic, Lea and Perrins have adopted A New Label, bearing t/uir Signature, thus, which will be placed on every bottle of Worcestershire Sauce after this date, and without which none Sir- Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse and Blackzv.ll, London ; and Export Oilmen generally. Retail, by dealers in sauces tkrougltout the World. November, 1874. READ DR. BARNES' NEW WORK, ENTITLED HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH; or, the CONFIDENTIAL FRIEND." On the LAWS GOVERNING LITE, and the CAUSES, SYMPTOMS, and TREATMENT of all diseases depending on Exhaustion of Nerrons Vitality, such as Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical De- pression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head, and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Loss of Energy and Appetite, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Timidity, Self-Distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, and many other ail- ments, which, if neglected, bring the sufferers to an early Death. Together with Hints on Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Epilepsy, Hysteria, and all diseases of th< Nerrous and Ailmentary Sys- tem. Illustrated by numerous testimonials from grateful patients who bare been restored to health through the author's instrumentality. Sent post free for 2 stamps: or by letter post 3 stamps. Special advice in all'disorders peculiar to females Address, Dr J . A. BARNES, 48, Lonsdale Square Barnsbury, London, Nj IMPORTANT TO COUNTRY PATIENTS. Advice by Letter Gratis. D R. BARNES may be consulted personally or by letter, in all private and confidential cases; and for the benefit of Nervous Sufferers who cannot visit i him, be will on receiving a description of their case, enclosing a stamped envelope for reply, be ready to give his opinrbn upon the naturo of the case, and the principles of treatment necessary to efleeta perfect cures Address Dr. BARNES. 48, Lonsdale Square, Barn- bury, London. N. IVEN A W A Y for the benefit of nervous sufferers who may eure themselves by the new system of treatment, which hat bcei successful in thousand* of cues of nervous and general debility, loss of memory, falling sight, epilepsy, consumption, indigestion, giddiness, headache, and the long list of fearfnl <1.SC|LSCS known as nervous complaint*, many of which had been givten up by the doctors as quite incur- able. Send four pennv stamps to DR. TIIOMSON 1 , 55, Bartholomew Itoad, Kentish Town, London, and he will forward, post-free, six doses] of the medicine, with directions* for use, by the aid of which every one may recover permanent health in a very sdiort time,thus saving themselves from a life of misery, and the extortionate chnrsres of those who advertise to core these diseases. Extracts from genuine Testimonials My general health is so m have remarked the chang ich improved that oven my friends in my appearance. H.W." ** JCy J.W." " I was so nervous was unable to write, J.TV* stomach is in a healthy sta *, and I can enjoy my mrals now. before taking your medicine, that I The trembling of the bands and knees is gone, T.J.** " I hjive had no palpitation of the heart or headache, since I took it. I Mrs. G.L." "My wite suffered for years from nervousness, biddhiess in the head, pain across the forehead, and loss of appetite ; I am thankful to say your medicine cured her in a very short time. G.G.'* " My friends consider your cure of my case a perfect miracle. Rev. J. Harcourt. 1 * HEMING'S CHLORODYN& T HIS is a judicious combination of some of the most powerful and valuable Medicines we R BARKER, Barnard Cattle, lias now secured a I possess, and will be found an effectual remedy in all . choice selection of CLOVER AND GRASS cas'es of Cholera, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cough, In- cipient Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, Neuralgia, Headache, Ac, and every case in which an Anodyne is required. Numerous Testimonials as to its efficacy may be seen on application.—Prepared onlvbv MOORE HUXLEY'S BISHOP BLAZE TOBACCO. ! (late Heming), Chemist,3 Norfolk Street, SC»DEKI.AND, T HL3 celebrated and favourite smoking Tobacco is a n r ] s 0 'd_ in BotQei at Is. l^d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. and 10s. sold in Joz., loz., 2oz., and Jib. packets, by all A saving is effected by taking the larger sizes. By dealers in Tobacco. To be obtained vrholosale of Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors in Town and JOSHUA BURN, agent for Barnard Castle and dis- : Country. . - BARKER, Barnard Castle, has now secured a . . . choice selection of CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS-, well worthy the attention of agriculturists. Agent for Langdale's celebrated Manures, Nitrate of Soda, Ac. B 1 EAEDLESS FACES & BALD HEADS. A Physician w b e #>r thirty years has practised In Diseases of the Hair, has discovered a POMADE which he pledges his honour will ir every case Restore the Hair in baldness from any cause, ant produce whiskers and moustache km, eyebrows, &c. For toilet use, it nourishes and preserves the hair, strengthens and prevents its falling off, checks dryness, and restores tiic proper colour, eradicates scurf and daiidriff, keeps the heal delightfully clean and cool, and the hair soft and glossy. Lijes will And It promotes the carl and wave of the hair, and thatUtie exquisite perfume is unique and not attainable in any other compound. Heing free from any injurious mineral or other admixture, it is used by thousands of Mothers in the Nursery, to beautify children s hair, and prevent baldness, scurf or any falling in after life. The Recipe, in plain English, which any one can prepare at home, lor a few pence, wrill be sent free by post, on receipt of a directed envelope and six poany stamps, by M r . H . ER2JEST, 17, Crown Terrace, Haverstofi Hill, London. Mfcr ready, P A E T £ , price 8 Id., Of the NEW EDITION of CASSELL'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND, 2,000 ILLUSTRATIONS. NOTICE.—Every Parch Bar at PART L is en- titled to receive a copy Of the NEW PORTRAIT Of HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, printed on Imperial Paper. 2ft. 6in. by lft. 10in., produced specially for issue with this New Edition of the History of England, in a manner worthy of being framed and preserved. CP The most thorough anil complete Work on COOKERY ever published. la Monthly Parts, 7d. L 8£d., and Weekly Numbers, 1 Jd., CASSELL'S DICTIONAEY OF COOKERY, ILLUSTRATED WITH FULL-PAGE COLOURED PLATES And numerous ENGRAVINGS. Part I., including COLOURED PLATE, ready Oct. 25, price Sid. That the art of Cookery, upon which the happi- ness of the domestic circle so largely dermis, should be so little understood in this country m.iy he just'v considered a national calamity.. What' is really wanted is an inexpensive means of carrying into every household throughout the land a practical knowledge of how to make :lie m-ist ofervry article of fiM which the head of the household is "accustomed to provide for '.lis sustenance of the members of his home. Messrs. CA--<SEM. PBTTER & GALPIN have deter-/ mined, therefore, to issue the most thorough aud com- plete work on Cookery ever published. CASSELL'S DIOnONARY of COOKERY will con- tain UEirly 10,9'JJ 3'OOipts, bcin; several ti..m*nnl more thun is containc.i . any existing wrork nn the s;iVti jet. CA.3SBU/S DICTIONARY of C90KSRY will'con- tain the - latest additions to the cotinary ! CASSELL'S DICTIONARY of COCKS** v.ill be thoroughly INTELLIGIBLE, DEFINITE, and T-lt.ALl'ICAL. CA"-SELL'S DICTIONARY of COO»33RY con- -•m ;ull insiiuajons f .ir the preparation o f fuo-J for CHILDREN and- INVALIDS. CA sSELL'S DICTIONARY of COOKJdY will give the most" complete directions hoir to make tlie nio^t of COLD .MEATS. CASSELL'S DICTIONARY of COOK3RY will esti- mate the COST of nearlr ovary ,lish. CASSELL'S DICTIONARY of COOKBRY will «atc the necessary quantities for CERTAIN NUMBERS of CUESTS. CASSELL'S DICTIONARY of COOICKRY will con- tain BILLS OF FARE FOR EVERY D A Y I N T H E YEAR. CASSELL'S DICTIONARY of COOKERY will on- tain explanations of all FOREIGN TEKM.4 used in the receipt. CASSELL'S DICTIONARY Of COOX3RY will h- a guide to the choice of I.M BEST (JUAU II \.i at .Meat, Fish, Vegetables, Fruits, &c. CASSELL'S DICTIONARY of COOldnY wiil Le for VARIETIES of DISHES, unequalled in extent. CAF .fJELL'S DICTIONARY of COOXKRY will con tiiin DRAYVINOS of the most approved and modern shapes for LJL .., Tuddutgs, -M.nil.U. Tarts, Basket., and Orna- meiual Dishes of every kind. , CASSELL'S DICTIONARY of COOKERY will alio be fully ILLUSTRATED with COLOURED as well as with plain Engravings. IX SHORT, CASSELL'S DICTIONARY of COOKERY will be, beyond question, the most COMPREHENSIVE work, and, regard Ijeinj; had to its contents, the CHEAPEST WORK on the important subject of Cookery also, which has ever emanated from the press. Orders /or Part I., which contains a Coloured Plato, are now received by all Booksellers, and at tlie Bookstalls. trict. Cope's Smoking Mixture, Will's Bristol Birds I £y Sales and Co.'s Red Cross Fancy Chop, Kendal .Returns, Cut, Twist, and Cavendish Tobacco, 4c., 4c. JOSH IT A BURN, G-ROCBB, Horse Market, Barnard Castle. QLENFIELD. GLE1VFIELD. THE QUEEN'S LAUNDRESS 3ATS THIS STARCH IS THE BEST SHE EVER USED. G LEXFIELD. GLENFIELD. " FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.' SMi&RKES WORLD FAMED JONATHAN RUTTEE, j Whitesmith and Bellhanger, BRIDGE-END, BARNARD CASTLE, B EGS to announce that ov«p 200 KITCHEN" RANGES, with Hot-air Ovens, hare beet) made and fit up by him in the town and neighbourhood i during the past few years, which is a test of their \ utility and superiority. Also Palisading, Tomb 1 Railing, Hot Water Apparatus, Piping, Spouting, &c..j COUGH SMJCIFIC. TTEMING'S COUGH SPECIFIC will be found I 1 the most efficacious remedy extant for relieTinff Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Bronchitis, and all affections of the Throat and Lung$, having been administered in thousands of cases during the last tiO years with unvarying success, and may with con- fidence be relied on as a Specific for tlie above- named complaints. Prepared only by MOORE (late Heming) Chemist, 3 Norfolk Street, SUXDBIILAXD.— Sold in Bottles, price Is. I*d M 2s. 0d„ and 4s. 6d., by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors in Town and Country. -vy ERVOU5 DEBILITY.—GRATIS a MEDICAi ' 1 WORK, showing Sufferers how they may be cored wilhout the aid of Quack*. Fr»e on receipt of postage stamp Address, SECRETARY. Institute of AoJ'oiiy, Birmingham Trade Mark—" Blood Mixture.' The Groat Blood Purifier and Restorer. For cleansin!: and clearing the blood from all impurities, cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all kinds it is, a never-fAilln^ ami permanent cure. It Cures old Sores. Cores Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerate;! Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or dimples on the Face. Cures Scarry Sores. Cores Cancerous Ulcer;!. Cures Blood and Skisi Diseases. Cures .Glandular Swellings. Clears* the Blood from all impure Matter. From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant tothe taste, and Warranted fr»e from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the proprietor solicit* sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. Sold In Bottlos 2s- 6d. each, and in Cases, containing six times the quantity, lis. each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the sreat majority of lone-standing cases, B Y A L L CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICIN'E VENDORS through- out the United Kingdom and the world, or sent to any address on receipt of or \Z2 stamps, by F. J. CLARKE, Chemist, High Street, Lincoln. Wholesale: All Patent Medicine Houses. A DVICE GrKATIS. A Medical man upwards »f twenty-s!r years in London practice, has published a work showing (he true cause of Nervous, Mental, and Physical Debility, lowneis of spirits, indigestion, want of energy, premature decline, &t., with the mean* of cure ; where- by the following maladies are speedily and permanently removed and vigorous health restored. Every form and variety of debility, iassituije, depression of spirits, loss of energy and appetite, pains iu the b*ck and limbs, timidity, self- distrust, dizziness, love of solitude, grouudless fears, palpita- tion of the heart, noises in the head and ears, indecision, impaired sijjht and memory,indigestion and bodily prostration of the whole system. The moat important fact that these alarming complaints, may be easily removed Is clearly demonstrated, and the enttrdly new and uniformly successful treatment as followed out iy the author fully explained, by which all sufferers are enabled to cure themselves perfectly, and at the least possible cost* without taking quack medicines, or running a doctor's bill. The book will be sent on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope, nv Dr. RUSSELL, 61, CLARENCE ROAD, KENTISH TOWN, " ON DON. Thousands of sufferers who had fallen into a bad sta -have borne gratefal testimony to the value and simplici f tlie advice given, which has perfectly restored (hem to healiu. TO T H E N b R V O U S A N D DEBILITATED. E VERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR A New Work on the Self-Cnre of all diseases, by a never failing mode of trcatnent successfully practised by a Hospital Physician for many /ears past. This Book Ja a true guide to sufferers from depression of spirits, loss of memory, headache, dimness of slsht, deafness, indigestion, rheumatism, pains in the back and limbs, loss of appetite, palpitation of the heart, cough, premature detllno, consumption, prostration, lassitude, nervous debility, and any form of mental or physicn 1 weakness, resu itim: from loss t»f vitality or nerve power, which, if not arretted, ends in early death or chronic disease. In hundreds ol cases patirnts hate cured themselves, after electri- city, quack medicines, and oHinary medical men, hare failed to give relieve. A copy will he sent rree, on receipt of two penny stamps, by the publisher, Mr. ERNEST, 17, Crown Terrace, Haverstock Hill, London. " This remarkable Work, by an accomplished Physician, will trlng comfort to many who have been the victim* of quacks, impostors, and incapable practi- tioners."—.Medical Journal. "There Is no quackery or learned mystery in this book, but-a plain exposition of (tie causes symptoms, and rational treatment of this pernicious class of disease, all set forth with the clearness of a practical man, who wishes to be undeutood, and the earnestness o f a conscientious ">an, who only wishes to be useful."—Dublin Hospital Gazette. " This wotk is * papular* in every sense of the word, and its worth is nnto'd, to those who cannot, from a feeling of sLame, consult Hie family physician."—Belfast Magazine. '1 HE MAGrIC REMEDY. ONE BOX i OF THE VERNON PILL instantly relieves and speed- ily cures nervousness and gtneral weakness. The first dose will convince any sceptic of its marvellous power in any cases of indigestion, depression of spirits, cough, palpitation of the heart, rheumatism, deafness, headache, stomach and liver complaints, and all formsof neiroos irritability. It strengthens, renovates, and gives healthy^one to the brain aud nervous system. A box sent, post free, on receipt of four penny stamps, by Dr. VERNON, 19, Ryland Road, Kentish Town, London. Thousands of testimonials from grateful patients attest the wonderful efficacy of the VEBKON PILL. Now ready, PART I . , price G d . , of The NEV/ EDITION of Cassell's Illustrated Readings, comprising a Choice Selection in Prose and Verse from the Works of the Best Authors. With 4 0 0 I l l u s t r a t i o n s by eminent Artists. " The work is admirably adapted for its purpose, but it is adapted for other purposes as well, and is a book which any lover of books would be charmed to put on his shelves. It is, in fact, a delightful miscellany of prose and verse, to which some of the greatest authors in the English language have been made to contribute."—Daily News. THE QUIVER: for Sunday Reading. NOTIoi.— On Ootober 25 is pubiishtd the First Fart of a Wew Volume, affording a favourable opportunityfor New Subscribers. •V The YEARLY V O L U M E OS ."HE Q U I V E R for 1875, now ready, contains upwards of 300 Original Contributions, including Pour Com- plete Serial Stories, and is enriched with more than One Hundred Original Illustrations. Super royal 8vo, 830 pages, price 7s. 6d. Tie following Almanacks and Annuals for the New Year are now in preparation :— The Quiver Christmas Annual, 6d. The Stock Exchange Year-Book, 5s. Morton's Farmers' Almanack, Is. Cassell's Illustrated Almanack, Gd. The Quiver Sheet Almanack, Id. O NB B O X O F CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is war- ranted to cure all discharges from trie Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gravel, and Pains in the Back. Sold In Boies, 4s. 6d. each, by all Chemists and j Patent Medicine Vendors; or sent to any address for 60 stamps I by the Maker, F. J. CLARKE, Consulting Chemist, High I Street, Lincoln. Wholesale Agents, BABCLAT & Sons, Lon- ! don, and all the Wholesale Honses. VTERYOT7S DISEASES and THEIR i S SPEEDY CURE. An otlilnal Work on the real causes of IMPAIRED VITAL ENERGY, PREMATURA DECLINE, ITXCTIONAI, DERANGEMENTS and the various disorders of tile NERVE STRUCTURES. This Essay has been in>tly considered tuo GREATEST MEDICAI, WORK OF T H E A G E ; it describes the cattses, symptoms, and mode ol treatment to be mloptcd to atfect a permanent cure ol all the most dangerous maladies. Amongst these are NERVOUS DEBILITY leailing to a thorough breaking up of the constitu- tion'; AFFECTIONS of the EYra and EARS.ondmg In TOTAL BLINDNESS and DEAFNESS; MELANCHOLY and DR PEESSIOXOF SPIRITS, terminating in INSANITY ; PAIN8 in the BACEgSBd LOINS, forerunners of FATAL AFFECTIONS OF THE KfKNEYS, &c. Dr. Vernon has for TWENTY YEARS onttod himself to this class of diseases, and has dis- covered a most SIMPLE METHOD OF TREATING THEM, wlthoiit the use of any ueleteFrfms drug. I t Is worthy c f not/? that ufatil recently the physiraan had a delicacy In treating cases df " Debility," simply because sueb disorders did not re- ceive due attention, and were thus left to unqualified persons, much to the prejudiee of the sufferer. Such a state of things has induced the uuthor to publish his experience for the benefit of those requiring aid from legitimate sourrei. Bent post free on receipt of two penny stamps, by Dr Venion, 19, Kylaud Road, Kentish Town, London. Cassell's Family Magazine. MONTHLY, Id. •"CASSELL'S FAMILY MAGAZINE' is most assuredly the MagOZltie f o r t h e household." Civil Service Gazette. "We have no hesitation in giving * CASSELL'S FAMILY MAGAZINE 1 the first position among the monthlies for the people.'*—Edinburgh Courant, Little Folks' Magazine. MONTHLY, 6d. Impurity of the Blood.—Enfeebled Existence. This merteine m\mcm every nttrlboier^lmiin, and rtonwHtK remedy; It <mrttirn» the USEEmM TT^ laid by defective food and Impose air. I n S S . pwUcms of the liver, lnngi, bowels, or any OUMT nrain. ,h PiHs are e^iocially servioeable and eminently roccwsfi,''' V."" •hould In kept m readiness la every family, hrim, » m J . . ~ 2 BiSpSySS for7 a a t TmaB1 - »<«»^™£ Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, Head- ache, and Lowneas of Spirits. Those Pills effect a truly wonderful oh arise In dehflltat..' oonrtitntions, as they create a healthy appetite, eorrert av» eestion, removo excew of bile m d overcome nJIdlnan haadx-i, and palpitation of the heart. - '* Indigestion, Stomach, and Liver Complaints. Persona soflering from any (Wsorders of the liver, stonwrt or other organs of digestion, ahonld have immc-Uaf reennrw i, the>e Fills, as there U no median.' known that acU on time particular complaints with such certain succesl. Nervous Debility. Person* who fed weak, low, mvt nerrrm*, mar mot i»—in* I wimo wrioas ailment U looming in the d-stance, atminct whirn instant action should }» taken. The* mnowned PUk pn^-nf the ready mean* of eicitinft ennvrtlc action <m Uic UTFT, Ii»*rr .• ing aocumulated hiie, nod Jiftintr at once a load from the «T Wt- and expeUing a pouon from the boUj. llollbmmf* Pills are the lot rrmsdi/ known In th - 1 world for the fallotting diseaset:— Atme A 4hma Bttifnw Complaint* Blotohe* on the Skin Bowel Coraplaiafti Debility Dropsy Female TrrecnlaritiM w eTers of i*ll kimii Gout Herv-liicV Indigoxtion Lhrer Complaints l.amh.i.;; j PilM HhenmntUm Retimtion of TTrlne BcrornLi, or EUu/« Bute Throat* Ptotv an-1 Ct HITH K-cnodary >>u tnma Ti>-Dolcronx I Inert Venereal AiTtvrtior). W . . of ma kir-.i. Wenktiew from wlioterur canxA, The nils and Ointment are roll at Vmtemx HOLLOW Art BrTtablwhment, 5:*3, Oxford Street, IVmoVm. al»o b> mm every rospeetable Vendor of M k l thron^non*-. tne (Ivfll-oi World, in Boxe» and PoU, at IK lfct. '2*. ii -L. 4<. *>i.. i ]„. 7?- ind tic each. The smallest Box of nils cAtttauu fuur ilia; and the Smallest Pot of Ointment ODti onorc, Fnll printed direction are affixed to each Box and P-X. nnd can be had in any lanfmage, even in Tnrxi*b, AinWc AntMiaiao Persian, or Chincae. Ka 15-a. PEiM'LKS tDfflON. IMPORTANT MEDICAL WORKS. BT DR . HENBT SMITH. H EALTH LOST ANT) If K (I A T X K D ; *r ADVICE and IN'STKUCTION;* for 1 lie Cora of Iwhtllmt- in? D\»cA*e$. By HENRY M.D.. of the ftnyal University of Jena. Author of the *' Vvlsntcer't Xaaual,"ltc. HEALTH LOST AND REOAlN 'EB- (U4 p.p.. cr»wn 9ro) I* a Medical Work on the Treatment of >'crv«o>, XentaL nr.' Physical Debility, Low new of Spinta, ladlgrfttifm, Dimaeaa <A Si-ht, Want of Energy, Irritability, DCAHHM , Epiietiay, resulting from Loss of Nerve-Power, which. It neglected, end hi premature decline. Gire* ISSTliUtTIONK by mhieb tbesj- sands bave been restored to Health, Illoatrated with «'a*t- aad Tettlmoulaia from grateful Patients ; with meaas o f core o*ed in earh case. " There Is a dally trrowina neces-hr for sneh wort« a« fhe present if we are to be saved as a Nation from retrograding.'— Stirling Journal, July 10, ltC*. 1 The Pamphlet will be sent free by post to any address on re- ceipt of two penny stamps. THIS BOOK 11 Srrr Fnrr. TO ALT. PARTS or THE WORLD. Free by pest (109 page*), seven stamp- in envelope. /OM.VK; I I K R DUTIES, RELATIONS, AVD r PottUon. Subjects treated 1 Girlhood, MaMenaood. Courtship. Marriage, liothcrhood. Female Ednration, fee., kc. It is a treatise en suhjecrs of vital Importance to Wotoan. K.B. - A Special Edition, lleantltaliy Illustrated with En- gravings on Wood, Cloth gilt. One Shilling. NOTICE , the above medical works wll 1 he sent direct from thr Author, in an Envelope on the receipt of the amount In Mams*. Address, Dr. HENKY SMITH, 8, Burton-cresecnt, Umi.:: W.C. Important to Country Patients. CONSULTATION »T LCTTEB WITH'/Ur FEZ. D R. H. SMITH, the Eminent Specialist, for the cure of all Debilitating Diseases, will, for tae benefit el Country Patients who caunot consult him personally,on receive lng descriptions of their Case, send his opinion, with advice ana directions for the most successful restoration to health ana vigour Address, Dr. H . SMITH. 8 Burton-crescent, London, W.C, iM'Vtca TO MOTHKKSI— Are you im-i-r, ssj v-»*w .est bv a su-k child millenii^ with the yjiu 01 r.iitu-^ tsjetltr Go at once to a c!i'jni>t 1 ilm. AV: ..- LOW'S SooigniO Sviutp. It will n-liea, the poor stifTercr irnnttrttately. It is ••.. (ottly 1. .nu- le»K eftd pleasant to ta..te, it produces bsWsjrslj ouiot eioep, by relieving'tho ehil-1 irom pain, ntjil the littlo clier^b awakes "aa bright as a button." It Joo;ii"8 the child, it aoftens the (rams, alUrs all pain, relieves vied, regulates the bowtda, aud la tiis> Best known remedy for dysontery and diarrhreev whether arising from teething or other causes- Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup is sold by Medicine dealer* everywhere a t ft ltd per bottle.—Manufactured La New York, and at 493 Oxford-street, London. FLORTLrsr* 1—FOB THI TEETH am BREATH.—A few drops of the liquid " Floriline " sprinkled on a> wet tooth-brush produoee a pleasant lather, which thoroughly cleanses the teeth from all parasites or impurities, hardens the gums, prevent! tartar, stops decay, gives to the teeth a peculiar pearly-whiteness, and a delightful fragrance to the breath. It removes ail unpleasant odour arising bom decayed teeth or tobacco smoke. "The Fragrant Floriline," being composed in pari of Honey and sweet herbs, is deli- cious to^the taste, a n d t h e greatest toilet discovery or the age. Price 2s 6d, of all Chemists and Perfumer*. Prepared by Henry 0. QALLOT, 403 Oxiord-streei London. VALUABLE DISCOVERT TOT THE Him.—If TOT* aWj "'LITTIJC FOLKS' is as high i a merit as it is wide in scope."—Daily Telegraph. ** LrrTLJE FOLKS' aims not only at informing the young, but also at inducing them to become contributors."— Daily News. " ' LITTLE FOLKS' is charming alike in iu engravings and stories."—Standard. t A Copy O/MESSRS. CASSELL PETTER & GALPIN'S Complete Catalogue, including a list of their various New and Forthcoming Works, will bt tent post free an application to the Publishers. hair is turning grey or white, or falling off, TABS "The Mexican Hair Benewer," for it will potititely restore in every eaee Grey or White hair to its original oolour, without leaving the disagreeable smell of most "Restorers." It makes the hair charminglybeaotifnL as well as promoting the growth of the hair on bald spots, where the glands are not decayed. Ask your Chemist for " T H E MEXICAS HAIR REKEWT.R," pre- pared by HKNEY C. GALLUP, 493 Oxford Street, London, and sold by Chemists and Perfumers everywhere at 8e 6d per Bottle. THROAT AiTECTton AJTD HOABSXXXSS.—All suf- fering from irritation of the throat and hoarseness will be agreeably surprised at the almost immediate relief afforded by the use of " Brown's Bronchial Troches." These famous " lozenges " are now sold by most respectable chemists in this country at Is lid per box. People troubled with a "hacking cough, a " slight cold," or bronchial affections, can- not try them too soon, as similar troubles, if allowed to progress, result in serious Pulmonary and Asthmatk affections. See that the words " Brown's Bronchial Troches" are on the Government Stamp around each box.—Manufactured by Jora I. BROWR & SOSTS, Boston, United States. Depot, 493 Oxford-street, London. I 'r'rt©^. byRlol»AU> WILLIAM ATaiasor. and Published at t»t Ttetimlt Mtrenr, OnVa, W«r*et-pl «e», fUrnard Castle, oa Wednesday, October 90th, 1875. SOUTH DUUI BRt'SSS N80N. ANUFACrCREH, ft-MlKXIT. O H T T H H . Dl will 1 Ke- lt'!; la Isxind e»d I advantage* at S in Oavnail. wtsnWdwruli:.' is SBBSsiiy SBrovided for ia \ K.i WHABTOrTI Ball A L D 1FOT Dtiinir «-- •HSTVs^ aSVBBSBBBBBBBBr-BBg sry frosa thegi sal aisiii ii atsM! B»wf tstths. sfttsis ~ Ua Kitohen B***'' Good.. I Owttars, Llir Brieks. ' Chsurs and saad fQIs^Hi Oast-iram -asses Gases ssad Bailings. «?, At. Lastl. Latexes. IweriBsiaa of Builien' I WheXwt Bartfas and I at a peat savinf is oloura, 6d. easch. PEATHEB8, [10 aaioutes THE EAG] 1 ft all Chemists and At S»«B.—Jcoeos't I erTeetual. Bibbons i, vails, benderrhiefs. Ishawls. or aay small [dyed ia a few minutes " magenta, crimson, [rlaret. 4v SIC PAPEB rOBITITBS 1 in hat —Isr and of swot'* mrm. ucad in Green. Pink lifal eaiovrs.—Use •Kg! Vaaasas. rwswsas. and aieite colours. Green, by simply dipping ft eras. Charming I—nrs—A StEpennv Bed or Magenta, •t writing ink ia esse •ring Air+jiteetural r be saved in grinding They mar be Boos Pink, Pui pie. Bine, Magenta, ftaining Wood, diluted blr into the tbta and will be most economical stain f or mehofBstT solaar is srsJanst; Oanssrv for satin and if 1 E" be has 1 Which not G«K)I B B j II •BOl

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A U T U M N A N D W I N T E E A N N O U N C E M E N T S .

F . W I N P E N N Y , ••• :T, H O B S K M A R K E T , B A R N A R D cQ/A S U3. * ,

HA S great piwwnip in announcing that his S T O C K of, C L O T H I N G for Autumfa and Winter is now well supplied with N E W G O O D S M every department,

B L U E BLACBL' and O X F O R D E L T S I A N S . for Overcoats ; B L U E B R O W N O L I V E and F A N C Y B E A V E B S , for Overcoat*.; P I L O T S , M O S C O W B E A V E B S , Ac.,

for Reefers ; Fancy Checks and Mixed ScotehTweeds for Suits. W E S T O E E N G L A N D and Y O R K S H I E E T E O W S E E I N G S , iu the Newest Designs.

• A Large and Varied Stock of S I L K and E E L T HATS^in all the New Styles. Seal and f m i t a t i o ^ E A L S K I N CAPS, from 4s. 6d. to 14s., in Turban, French, Yankee,!

and Helmet Shapes. Scotch and Dogskin Cape iu various styles and prices. Gloves, Hosiery, Collars, Ties,

Scarfs, and Mufflers, in all the New Patterns and Colours. Sole Agent for Messrs John Fann & Co's Registered Pants, Vests and Shirts, warranted

not to shrink. Fancy Woollen Shirtings of the best qualities. Gentlemeii's Wove Shirts made to order,

•—' • — * and thoroughly shrunk. - -Best Cloth Blankets ; White and Scarlet Flannels.

A large assortment of M A C K I N T O S H C O A T S in the Cyen, Zephyr and S.V. Cloths, ' always in stock.

Silk and Zanella U M B R E L L A S in Ladies and Gents, from the best London Houses. Agent for the Simpson S E W I N G M A C H I N E .

T O D D ' S Q U I S I S J -vri IT H stand, pre-emmart for Parity Wid Strength.

It is the beet known remedy for Indigestion, x b t f ou» Complaints, Debility, Wasting Diseases, Ac.,

i»JWoonuaencM by:4aofctfssW;<*>«" .it

T o D D : s : v I X i s B < yr -I-KE strengthens fbo sysUsrn.

Xbe genuine is H innufnetured only by Jon Taoi>, Chem­ist, Carlisle, and bears bis name on the Government

Stamp. Sold by all Chemists. Ask for and have only

T O D D ' S Q U I If I If JC W I K L t i

c t ) I j^ i A J G E N E R A L

C A B I N E T ,



F U R N 1

G E O R G E D O D D S A N D S O N ,



d the public that their new Show Rooms and to keep an extensive and well manufactured


r p A K E the earliest opportunity to inform their customers J A Warehouse are now open. It will be their endeavou





•Jar" AN INSPECTION R E S P E C T F U L L Y S O L I C I T E D — — _ _


P E T S ,







B E F O R E B U Y I N G Call and see t h e


MACHINE, And the Cyclops (Best prin­

ciple) the best Machines made.

P K I C E £b 10s, CASH.

P A R K I N S O N , D R A P E R .


N E W C A S T L E .


Knitting, Washing,

Wringing, And Mangling


The Best Machines for Dressmakers and Tailors in Stock. Guaranteed of the Beet Quality, Design, and Workmanship.

W. B A R N E T , N E W G A T E , BARNARD C A S T L E .

/%MJi.—Repairs Executed with. Dispatch.

In consequence of spurious imitations

Lea & Perrins Sauce, <hich are calculated to deceive the

blic, Lea and Perrins have adopted A New Label,

bearing t/uir Signature, thus,

which will be placed on every bottle of

Worcestershire Sauce after this date, and without which none S i r - Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse and Blackzv.ll, London ; and Export Oilmen generally. Retail, by dealers in sauces tkrougltout

the World. November, 1874.


HOW TO ENSURE H E A L T H ; or, the C O N F I D E N T I A L F R I E N D . "

On the LAWS GOVERNING L I T E , and the CAUSES, SYMPTOMS, and T R E A T M E N T of all diseases depending on Exhaustion of Nerrons Vitality, such as Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical De­pression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head, and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Loss of Energy and Appetite, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Timidity, Self-Distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, and many other ail­ments, which, if neglected, bring the sufferers to an early Death. Together with Hints on Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Epilepsy, Hysteria, and all diseases of th< Nerrous and Ailmentary Sys­tem.

Illustrated by numerous testimonials from grateful patients who bare been restored to health through the author's instrumentality.

Sent post free for 2 stamps: or by letter post 3 stamps.

Special advice in all'disorders peculiar to females Address, Dr J . A. BARNES, 48, Lonsdale Square

Barnsbury, London, Nj IMPORTANT TO COUNTRY P A T I E N T S .

Advice by Letter Gratis.

DR. BARNES may be consulted personally or by letter, in all private and confidential cases; and

for the benefit of Nervous Sufferers who cannot visit i him, be will on receiving a description of their case, enclosing a stamped envelope for reply, be ready to give his opinrbn upon the naturo of the case, and the principles of treatment necessary to e fleet a perfect cures

Address Dr. BARNES. 48, Lonsdale Square, Barn-bury, London. N.

I V E N A W A Y for the benefit of nervous sufferers w h o may eure themselves by the new system

o f t rea tment , w h i c h ha t bce i successful i n thousand* of c u e s o f nervous and general debi l i ty , loss of memory , f a l l i ng s i g h t , epilepsy, consumption, indigestion, giddiness, headache, and t h e long l i s t of fearfnl <1.SC|LSCS known as nervous compla in t* , many o f w h i c h had been givten up by the doctors as qui te i n c u r ­able. Send four pennv stamps to D R . T I IOMSON 1 , 55, Ba r tho lomew Itoad, Kentish T o w n , London, and he w i l l forward, post-free, s ix doses] o f the medicine, w i t h directions* for use, by the aid of w h i c h every one may recover permanent hea l th i n a very sdiort t i m e , t h u s saving themselves f rom a l i fe of misery, and the extortionate chnrsres o f those w h o advertise to core these diseases. Extracts f rom genuine Testimonials

M y general heal th is so m have remarked the chang

ich improved t ha t oven m y friends i n m y appearance. H . W . " ** J C y

J . W . " " I was so nervous was unable to w r i t e , J.TV*

stomach is in a heal thy sta *, and I can enjoy m y mra ls n o w . before t a k i n g your medicine, tha t I

The t r embl ing o f the bands and knees is gone, T.J.** " I hjive had no palpi ta t ion o f the heart or headache, since I took i t . I M r s . G . L . " " M y wi te suffered for years from nervousness, biddhiess i n the head, pain across the forehead, and loss of appetite ; I am t h a n k f u l t o say y o u r medicine cured her i n a very short t ime . G.G.'* " M y friends consider your cure o f m y case a perfect mi rac le . Rev. J . Harcour t . 1 *


THIS is a judicious combination of some of the most powerful and valuable Medicines we

R B A R K E R , Barnard Cattle, lias now secured a I possess, and will be found an effectual remedy in all . choice selection of C L O V E R AND GRASS

cas'es of Cholera, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cough, In­cipient Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, Neuralgia, Headache, Ac, and every case in which an Anodyne is required. Numerous Testimonials as to its efficacy may be seen on application.—Prepared onlvbv MOORE

H U X L E Y ' S BISHOP B L A Z E TOBACCO. ! (late Heming), Chemist,3 Norfolk Street, SC»DEKI.AND,

THL3 celebrated and favourite smoking Tobacco is a n r ] s 0 ' d _ in BotQei at Is. l^d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. and 10s. sold in Joz., loz., 2oz., and Jib. packets, by a l l A saving is effected by taking the larger sizes. By

dealers in Tobacco. To be obtained vrholosale of Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors in Town and JOSHUA BURN, agent for Barnard Castle and dis- : Country. . -

B A R K E R , Barnard Castle, has now secured a . . . choice selection of C L O V E R AND GRASS

SEEDS-, well worthy the attention of agriculturists. Agent for Langdale's celebrated Manures, Nitrate

of Soda, Ac.

B 1 E A E D L E S S F A C E S & B A L D H E A D S . A Physician w b e #>r t h i r t y years has pract ised I n

Diseases o f the H a i r , has discovered a P O M A D E w h i c h he pledges his honour w i l l i r every case Restore the H a i r i n baldness f rom any cause, an t produce whiskers and moustache km, eyebrows, & c . For toi let use, i t nourishes and preserves the ha i r , strengthens and prevents i t s f a l l ing off, checks dryness, and restores tiic proper colour, eradicates scurf and daiidriff , keeps the heal de l igh t fu l ly clean and cool , and the hair soft and glossy. L i j e s w i l l And I t promotes the c a r l and wave of the ha i r , and thatUtie exquisite perfume is unique and not attainable i n any other compound. Heing free f rom any injurious mineral or other admix tu r e , i t is used by thousands of Mothe r s i n the Nursery , to beautify ch i ld ren s h a i r , and prevent baldness, scurf or any fal l ing i n after l i f e . The Recipe, i n p la in Engl ish, w h i c h any one can prepare at home, l o r a few pence, wril l be sent free by post, on receipt o f a directed envelope and six poany stamps, by M r . H . ER2JEST, 17, C rown Terrace, Havers tof i H i l l , London.

Mfcr ready, P A E T £ , price 8 I d . ,

O f the NEW EDITION o f


N O T I C E . — E v e r y Parch • Bar at P A R T L i s en­t i t l ed to receive a copy Of the N E W P O R T R A I T Of H E R M A J E S T Y T H E Q U E E N , p r i n t e d on I m p e r i a l P a p e r . 2ft. 6 in . by lft. 10in. , p r o d u c e d spec ia l ly for i s sue w i t h th i s N e w E d i t i o n of the H i s t o r y of E n g l a n d , i n a m a n n e r w o r t h y of b e i n g f ramed a n d preserved .

C P The most thorough anil complete Work on COOKERY ever published.

la Monthly Parts, 7d. L 8£d., and Weekly Numbers, 1 Jd.,



FULL-PAGE COLOURED PLATES A n d n u m e r o u s E N G R A V I N G S .

P a r t I . , including COLOURED PLATE, ready Oct. 25 , price S i d .

That the art of Cookery, upon which the happi­ness of the domestic circle so largely dermis, should be so little understood in this country m.iy he just'v considered a national calamity.. What' is really wanted is an inexpensive means of carrying into every household throughout the land a practical knowledge of how to make :lie m-ist ofervry article of fiM which the head of the household is "accustomed to provide for '.lis sustenance of the members of his home.

Messrs. CA--<SEM. P B T T E R & G A L P I N have deter-/ mined, therefore, to issue the most thorough aud com­plete work on Cookery ever published.

C A S S E L L ' S D I O n O N A R Y o f C O O K E R Y wi l l con­tain U E i r l y 10,9'JJ 3 ' O O i p t s , b c i n ; several t i . . m * n n l more thun is containc.i . a n y exis t ing wrork nn the s;iVti j e t .

C A . 3 S B U / S D I C T I O N A R Y o f C 9 0 K S R Y w i l l ' c o n -tain the - l a t e s t additions to the cot inary !

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y o f C O C K S * * v . i l l be thoroughly I N T E L L I G I B L E , D E F I N I T E , and T - l t . A L l ' I C A L .

C A " - S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y o f C O O » 3 3 R Y con-- • m ; u l l ins i iua jons the preparation of fuo-J for C H I L D R E N and- I N V A L I D S .

C A s S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y o f C O O K J d Y w i l l give the most" complete directions ho i r to make tlie nio^t o f C O L D . M E A T S .

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y of C O O K 3 R Y w i l l esti­mate the C O S T of near l r ovary , l ish.

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y of C O O K B R Y w i l l « a t c the necessary quantit ies for C E R T A I N N U M B E R S o f C U E S T S .

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y o f C O O I C K R Y w i l l con-tain B I L L S O F F A R E F O R E V E R Y D A Y I N T H E Y E A R .

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y o f C O O K E R Y w i l l o n -tain explanations o f a l l F O R E I G N T E K M . 4 used i n the receipt.

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y Of C O O X 3 R Y w i l l h -a guide to the choice of I.M B E S T ( J U A U I I \.i at .Meat, Fish, Vegetables, Fruits, &c .

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y of C O O l d n Y w i i l Le for V A R I E T I E S o f D I S H E S , unequalled in extent.

CAF . fJELL 'S D I C T I O N A R Y of C O O X K R Y w i l l con t i i in D R A Y V I N O S of the most approved and modern shapes for L J L . . , Tuddutgs, -M.nil.U. Tar ts , Basket . , and Orna-meiual Dishes o f every k ind . ,

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y of C O O K E R Y w i l l a l io be ful ly I L L U S T R A T E D w i t h C O L O U R E D as wel l as w i t h p la in Engravings.

I X S H O R T ,

C A S S E L L ' S D I C T I O N A R Y of C O O K E R Y w i l l be, beyond question, the most C O M P R E H E N S I V E work, and, regard Ijeinj; had to its contents, the C H E A P E S T W O R K on the important subject of Cookery also, which has ever emanated from the press.

Orders /or P a r t I . , which contains a Co loured P la to , are now received by all Booksellers, and at tlie Bookstalls.

trict. Cope's Smoking Mixture, Will's Bristol Birds I £y Sales and Co.'s Red Cross Fancy Chop, Kendal .Returns, Cut, Twist, and Cavendish Tobacco, 4c., 4c.

J O S H IT A B U R N , G - R O C B B , Horse Market, Barnard Castle.

Q L E N F I E L D . G L E 1 V F I E L D .

T H E Q U E E N ' S




G L E X F I E L D . G L E N F I E L D .

" F O R T H E BLOOD IS T H E L I F E . '

S M i & R K E S W O R L D F A M E D

J O N A T H A N R U T T E E , j Whitesmith and Bellhanger,


BEGS to announce that ov«p 200 KITCHEN" RANGES, with Hot-air Ovens, hare beet) made

and fit up by him in the town and neighbourhood i

during the past few years, which is a test of their \ utility and superiority. Also Palisading, Tomb 1 Railing, Hot Water Apparatus, Piping, Spouting, &c..j


T T E M I N G ' S COUGH S P E C I F I C will be found I 1 the most efficacious remedy extant for relieTinff

Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Bronchitis, and all affections of the Throat and Lung$, having been administered in thousands of cases during the last tiO years with unvarying success, and may with con­fidence be relied on as a Specific for tlie above-named complaints. Prepared only by MOORE (late Heming) Chemist, 3 Norfolk Street, SUXDBIILAXD.— Sold in Bottles, price Is. I*d M 2s. 0d„ and 4s. 6d., by al l Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors in Town and Country.

- vy E R V O U 5 D E B I L I T Y . — G R A T I S a M E D I C A i ' 1 W O R K , showing Sufferers h o w they m a y be cored

w i l h o u t the a id o f Quack*. Fr»e on receipt o f postage s t a m p Address, S E C R E T A R Y . I n s t i t u t e of A o J ' o i i y , B i r m i n g h a m

Trade M a r k — " Blood M i x t u r e . '

The Groat Blood Purifier and Restorer. For cleansin!: and clearing the blood f r o m a l l i m p u r i t i e s ,

cannot be too h igh ly recommended. For Scrofula, S c u r v y , S k i n Diseases, and Sores o f a l l k i n d s

i t is, a never-fAilln^ ami permanent cure. I t Cures o ld Sores.

Cores Ulcerated Sores on t h e Neck . Cures Ulcerate;! Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or dimples on the Face. Cures Scarry Sores. Cores Cancerous Ulcer;!. Cures Blood and Skisi Diseases. Cures .Glandular Swel l ings . Clears* the Blood f rom a l l impure M a t t e r . F r o m whatever cause ar is ing.

A s th is m i x t u r e is pleasant t o t h e taste, and Warran ted fr»e f rom a n y t h i n g injurious t o the most delicate const i tu t ion o f e i ther sex, the proprietor sol ic i t* sufferers t o g ive i t a t r i a l t o test i t s va lue .

Thousands o f Testimonials f rom a l l parts . Sold In Bot t los 2s- 6d. each, and in Cases, containing s ix t imes

the quan t i t y , l i s . each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure i n the sreat major i ty of lone-standing cases, B Y A L L C H E M I S T S and P A T E N T M E D I C I N ' E V E N D O R S t h r o u g h ­ou t the Uni t ed Kingdom and the w o r l d , or sent to any address on receipt of or \Z2 stamps, by

F . J . C L A R K E , Chemist, H i g h Street, L i n c o l n . Who le sa l e : A l l Patent Medic ine Houses.

A D V I C E GrKATIS. A Medical man upwards » f twenty-s!r years i n London practice, has

published a w o r k showing (he t rue cause of Nervous, M e n t a l , and Physical Deb i l i t y , lowneis of sp i r i t s , indigest ion, wan t o f energy, premature decline, & t . , w i t h the mean* o f cure ; where­by the fo l lowing maladies are speedily and permanent ly removed and vigorous health restored. Every form and v a r i e t y o f deb i l i ty , iassituije, depression of s p i r i t s , loss o f energy and appetite, pains i u the b*ck and l imbs , t i m i d i t y , self-dis t rust , dizziness, love of so l i tude , grouudless fears, pa lp i ta ­t i o n of the heart , noises in the head and ears, indecision, impaired s i j jht and memory, indiges t ion and bodily pros t ra t ion o f the w h o l e system. The moat impor t an t fact t ha t these a larming complaints, may be easily removed Is clearly demonstrated, and the enttrdly new and u n i f o r m l y successful t reatment as fol lowed out iy the au thor f u l l y explained, by w h i c h a l l sufferers are enabled to cure themselves perfect ly , and at the least possible cost* w i t h o u t t ak ing quack medicines, or r u n n i n g a doctor's b i l l . The book w i l l be sent on receipt o f a stamped and directed envelope, nv D r . R U S S E L L , 6 1 , C L A R E N C E R O A D , K E N T I S H T O W N , " O N D O N . Thousands o f sufferers who had fallen into a bad sta -have borne gratefa l tes t imony to the value and s impl ic i f t l ie advice g iven , w h i c h has perfectly restored (hem to h e a l i u .

T O T H E N b R V O U S A N D D E B I L I T A T E D .

EV E R Y M A N H I S O W N D O C T O R A N e w W o r k on the Self-Cnre of a l l diseases, by a

never fa i l ing mode o f t r ca tnen t successfully practised b y a Hospital Physician for many /ears past. Th i s Book Ja a t rue guide to sufferers from depression o f spi r i t s , loss o f m e m o r y , headache, dimness of s lsht , deafness, indigest ion, r heuma t i sm , pains i n the back and l i m b s , loss o f appeti te, palpi tat ion o f the heart, cough, premature detl lno, consumpt ion, pros t ra t ion , lassitude, nervous deb i l i t y , and any f o r m of mental or phys icn 1

weakness, resu i t i m : from loss t»f v i t a l i t y or nerve power , w h i c h , i f no t arret ted, ends i n early death or chronic disease. I n hundreds o l cases pa t i rn t s hate cured themselves, after e lec t r i ­c i t y , quack medicines, and oHina ry medical men , hare failed to give relieve. A copy w i l l he sent rree, on receipt o f t w o penny stamps, by the publisher, M r . ERNEST, 1 7 , C rown Terrace, Haverstock H i l l , London. " This remarkable W o r k , by an accomplished Phys ic ian , w i l l t r l n g comfort to many w h o have been the v i c t i m * o f quacks, impostors, and incapable p r a c t i ­tioners."—.Medical Journa l . " T h e r e Is no quackery or learned mystery i n this book, b u t - a p la in exposition of (tie causes symptoms, and rational t rea tment o f th is pernicious class o f disease, a l l set for th w i t h the clearness o f a practical man, w h o wishes to be undeutood, and t h e earnestness o f a conscientious ">an, w h o only wishes to be usefu l . "—Dubl in Hospi ta l Gazette. " This wotk is * papular* i n every sense o f the w o r d , and i ts w o r t h is nnto 'd , to those who cannot, from a feeling of sLame, consul t Hie family physician."—Belfast Magazine.

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VTERYOT7S D I S E A S E S and T H E I R i S S P E E D Y C U R E . An o t l i l n a l W o r k on t h e real

causes o f I M P A I R E D V I T A L E N E R G Y , P R E M A T U R A D E C L I N E , I T X C T I O N A I , D E R A N G E M E N T S and t h e various disorders of t i l e N E R V E S T R U C T U R E S . This Essay has been in> t ly considered tuo G R E A T E S T M E D I C A I , W O R K OF T H E A G E ; i t describes the cattses, symptoms, and mode o l t reatment to be mloptcd to atfect a permanent cure o l a l l the most dangerous maladies. Amongst these are N E R V O U S D E B I L I T Y leailing to a thorough breaking up o f the const i tu­t ion ' ; A F F E C T I O N S o f the E Y r a and EARS.ondmg I n T O T A L B L I N D N E S S and D E A F N E S S ; M E L A N C H O L Y and D R P E E S S I O X O F S P I R I T S , te rminat ing i n I N S A N I T Y ; P A I N 8 i n the BACEgSBd L O I N S , forerunners of F A T A L A F F E C T I O N S OF T H E K f K N E Y S , & c . Dr . Vernon has for T W E N T Y Y E A R S o n t t o d himself to this class of diseases, and has dis­covered a most S I M P L E M E T H O D OF T R E A T I N G T H E M , w l t h o i i t the use of any ueleteFrfms d rug . I t Is w o r t h y c f not/? tha t ufatil recently the physiraan had a delicacy I n t reat ing cases d f " D e b i l i t y , " simply because sueb disorders d id not r e ­ceive due a t ten t ion , and were thus left to unqualif ied persons, much to the prejudiee of the sufferer. Such a state o f th ings has induced the uuthor to publish his experience for the benefit of those requ i r ing a id from legitimate sou r re i . Bent post free on receipt o f t w o penny stamps, by D r V e n i o n , 19, K y l a u d Road, Kent i sh T o w n , London.

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Nervous Debility. Person* w h o f e d weak, low, mvt nerrrm*, m a r mot i»—in* I

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B T D R . H E N B T S M I T H .

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in? D\»cA*e$. By H E N R Y M . D . . o f the f tnya l U n i v e r s i t y of Jena. A u t h o r o f the *' V v l s n t c e r ' t X a a u a l , " l t c .

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Cour tship . Mar r i age , l i o t h c r h o o d . Female E d n r a t i o n , fee., kc. I t i s a treatise en suhjecrs o f v i t a l Importance to Wotoan .

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I m p o r t a n t to Coun t ry Patients. C O N S U L T A T I O N »T L C T T E B W I T H ' / U r FEZ.

DR . H . S M I T H , t h e E m i n e n t S p e c i a l i s t , f o r t h e cure o f a l l D e b i l i t a t i n g Diseases, w i l l , for t ae benefit el

Count ry Patients w h o caunot consult h i m persona l ly ,on receive lng descriptions of the i r Case, send his opin ion , w i t h advice ana direct ions for the most successful restoration to hea l th ana vigour

Address, D r . H . S M I T H . 8 Burton-crescent, London , W . C ,

i M ' V t c a T O M O T H K K S I — A r e you im-i-r, ssj v-»*w .est b v a su-k child m i l l e n i i ^ with the yjiu 01 r.iitu-^ t s j e t l t r Go at once to a c!i'jni>t 1 ilm. AV: . . - L O W ' S S o o i g n i O S v i u t p . I t will n - l i e a , the p o o r s t i fTercr irnnttrttately. It is ••.. ( o t t l y 1. . n u -le»K e f td pleasant to ta..te, it p r o d u c e s bsWsjrslj ouiot eioep, by relieving'tho ehil-1 irom pain, n t j i l the littlo clier^b awakes "aa bright as a b u t t o n . " It Joo;ii"8 the child, it aoftens the (rams, alUrs all pain, relieves vied, regulates the bowtda, aud la tiis> Bes t known remedy for dysontery and diarrhreev whether arising from teething or other causes- Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup i s sold by Medicine dealer* everywhere a t ft l t d per bottle.—Manufactured La New York, and at 493 Oxford-street, London.

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** • L r r T L J E F O L K S ' aims not only at informing the young, but also at inducing them to become contributors."— Daily News.

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hair is turning grey or white, or falling off, TABS "The Mexican Hair Benewer," for it will potititely restore in every eaee Grey or White hair to its original oolour, without leaving the disagreeable smell of most "Restorers." I t makes the hair charminglybeaotifnL as well as promoting the growth of the hair on b a l d spots, where the glands are not decayed. Ask your Chemist for " T H E MEXICAS HAIR REKEWT.R," pre­pared b y HKNEY C. GALLUP, 493 Oxford Street, London, and sold by Chemists and Perfumers everywhere at 8e 6d per Bottle.

THROAT AiTECTton AJTD HOABSXXXSS.—All suf­fering from irritation of the throat and hoarseness will be agreeably surprised at the almost immediate relief afforded by the use of " Brown's Bronchial Troches." These famous " lozenges " are now sold by most respectable chemists in this country at Is l id per box. People troubled with a "hacking cough, a " slight cold," or bronchial affections, can­not try them too soon, as similar troubles, i f allowed to progress, result in serious Pulmonary and Asthmatk affections. See that the words " Brown's Bronchial Troches" are on the Government Stamp around each box.—Manufactured by Jora I . BROWR & SOSTS, Boston, United States. Depot, 493 Oxford-street, London.

I'r'rt© .̂ b y R l o l » A U > W I L L I A M A T a i a s o r . and P u b l i s h e d a t t » t Ttetimlt Mtrenr, O n V a , W « r * e t - p l « e » , f U r n a r d Castle,

oa Wednesday, October 90th, 1875.


B R t ' S S S


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