prices slashed r new year's >q witch fon red tickets i 21/buffalo ny courier/buffalo … ·...

*P>MP nsnstii • ,— / AN ECONOMY TIME THAT IS WITHOUT EQUAL Prices Slashed New Year's usirii AD goodi pnrehaeed the balance of this month Jrffl be charged on nil to be rendered February First. WeVe maMke4 ev'ery small lot aid broken kss< slashed the heart pi^t of the price to clear decks | for Jj The tremendous selling of! the past month lis n desirableJines o^Jmerchandisc being reduced to such desirable #Tthis!late season—late for 1 us but just in Be here eakiv tomorrow t(> shajre in these wont Red Tickets on Apparel—Bid Saving ^ Tailored Suit De|)iartment 1^30.00 TComen's and' Misses' Tailored Suitd [..,.., •.. 4*73.00 Women's and Misses' Tailored "Suits .......... ,. Tailored Dress Department #25.00 Tailored Serge .Dresses J.L .......... 135.00 Tailored* Serge Dresses t . .... J .... , ..... ,..' 139.50 Tailored Wool Jersey Dresses *25.00 Tailored Satin Dresses . I J .......... , 15.00 15.00 L5.00 .... . «|. $ 19.10 .. .$25.00 ....... $15.00 Tailored Coat Department id Misses' Winter Coats (I..., .... J..., $125.00 Natural Muskrat Coats. $175.00 Natural Hare Seal Coats $200.00 Natural Raccoon Coats $175.00 American Sable Fox Set. $100.00 129.50 Women's and 1*39.50 Women's and Misses' Seal Plush COJWS 155.00 Women's and Misses' Fur Collared Goats Misses' and Juniors' Coats *12.50 Girls' Coats, 6 to 14 years. $15.00 Girls ? Coats, 6 to 14 vears. $25.00 Girls' Coata, 6 to 14 years. Tailored Skirts Department $7.50 to $1Q.00 Separate Walking Skirts ,. | Fur Department $85.00 I $200.00 Georgette f a i Set j . .$115.00 $18.50 >.50 $65.00 |7.50 $10.00 $15.00 $150.00 Black Fox Set .... $150.00 j $65.00 Jap, Cross Fox Set $40.00 Siberian Wolf Set ...... Fine Silks .;• if $125 $84 $45 $25l Monday you can select from a wide range of the most practical shades in a 36-inch Chiffon Taffeta; extra fine weave: regular $2.25, #1 0Q $2.00 36-inch Satin Mescalines; assorted #4 M colors; heavy and firm; Monday W * •**» $2.89 40-inch Meteor Crepe; the best qual- # 0 IUI it v : in various colors, assorted; Monday »JSJ.IUU Several hundred remnants of Silks; assorted lengths from 1 to 6 yards.., .HALF PRICE .59c Sateens, 36-inch wide; a good line of . AQf* colors assorted .' Tfill# Remnants of Sateens, and other linings; assorted lengths and colors; Monday.. HALF PRICE linens 29c brown crash part linen: a crash fhjrt will wear; .Monday, yard JU$2.75 scalloped «.«« .UJM^WUU weight; assorted desij jus.' Monday, for hand or roller towels. that is 2c feed Spreads; full size, tnacliurn .00 00 .00 .00 LOO .' ! ,TH |best qi jeost is pre I whi iarc Mei gray mi at .. Me, Shirts Me! in med at ... .Me turnovc broken Mel fringed! Mi ait ... Mf Swcatci Mei Sweatei 73c Mercerized' Tjible Damask, J63' inches wic signs; good weight an id finish. ' Monday, Mens $1.75 Gloves, $1.48 MWi $175 Khaki Knit Wool Jtwy GttvM, ons- # I 1(1 clasp. P. X. M. Mwn. pair •o»#s? Boys' Clothing Satin and They are all re* i«*. each sign; yard 50c large size helbmed• Hand > Towels that } linen; very heavy anqj firm. ; Monday,. each $1.00 heavy weiitit bleached .Tablet Damasji; very fine and firm; 4 desljiis. to select from'; 'Mondjay yard .*., 39c Bath Towels, plain; while they last. ! ddi (2125 e, 4; de- 59c re part 38c $1.00 sill assorted lot;'colored and 'tir Hats, $4 boys' $1.25 Blouses in stripe Madras and Qlftft Percale; attached collars, at IIUM Boys' $2.98 slip-on Sweaters with^sleeves; # 0 9Q in heather and gray; all sizes, at ajstivtl Boys' $2.25 navy blue worsted Sweater Coats with collar and pockets; broken sizes. #1 CI) at • ' W * Boys' $1.00 Cloth Hats in mixed colors; all sizes v - • took well with youavfiir coat; prominent New \ork de- j signers sent us a beai|:iful lot of the ney? Hatis they arc wearing on Fifth Ave hue; sealiiie and satin moline and at in nutria and sathj tores would askC$7,5: 55c y to wear out an<jl will match pr 18c Linen Hi,: Women's Pur* Irish I: •red initials in fane On account of br«||i« price, each .... ;. exclusive millinery .One day' sale ...... 88c 25c L95 R95 ndkerchiefs, 12V 2 c Each .linen Handkerchiefs ' with em y designs. Regular price 18c n initial assortment, sale 1 I Women's $1.00 Olovet at 68c Women's $1.00 Suedene Fabric Gloves, in black, ftQ|» whits, »rpy and tan, pair WJ* Women's Hosiery Women's $1.35 silk and fibre Hose in black QCp and white; all sizes, at tJlHi Women *s 95c black, white and dark brown TC^ Dreais Goods l<stir no • • • fibre silk Hose in all sizes, at. e> Women's T5c black and white lisle Hose CAp with seam up tne baek, at UUu $1^6 Glass Atomixars sir Tto $1^5 fancy opalescent hand-decorated Glass Atom- 1A« izsrs, many styles, ssch Furniture Balance of the mahogany library Ubles, $37.50, $40 and $45 grades. f99 Cfj Monday tpsJ •JnlU The $25.00 and $27.50 mahogany - cane f i r e side L-hairs and rock- #1Q 7R ers. Monday.. #Iiiil i W $45 quartered oak, plank top dining tables, # M Cfl , •ffJfiiuU 54-in. size. Monday Monday you can Coating in stock—Ye reduced price $2.00 40-inch Fre weave; good line of co 75c Dress Goods, colors $1.59 50-inch Stall quality: colors assortqd $8.50 56-inch 12 quality made, in black proid- each. 2ic lOi combini 45c Serpent 75c and p!a Hit 2 to 8 ! w I high. n« kprice . W< I SuktS; Wc Pants ; Boj I ] | 1 ^ ^ l | Mis I aha Pat have vour choice 1 of &n\ $7.50 , Bolivia eloth-f-at the # J QQ !•• •P h Serge; very close, firm dM OQ >rs and black; Monday. .. W MOU ssorted ehecks -$n|l plain it Serge; very good Ri tz Gabardine, the! best and navy only. .1 .... 59c $1.39 15.98 4 $36- •v« %3&M and* $40.00 F Manicure Sets, c satin-lined cases raiH con Ivory Sets at $25 ich Ivory Combination Toilei listing of 15 pieces; #4 Draperies Mahogany Floor Lamps witk baiul- aome silk staa/lf^. values to S40.W to close out the lot. Monday— 123.50 $37.50 to $42.50 Mahogany 4 - Post Bed. Moadaj $27. $30.00 and tM Brass Beds. Monday— $28.50 m. ritts i i.e fiber rockers are marked low for Mon- day. All the fiber rockers to S^: $14.50 Close out the mahogany or walnut tea carts; values to £ M : M0B C8.50 All the fiber rockers to S^."": ,$M5 $350.00 10-piece Queen Anne dining suite in either mahogany or American^ wal- nut. Mon- day..••••••• • ncricaui wavi- $255.60 and .00 spring J-0x7-0 65c it. or 14.49 Oil Opaque Windf w Shades, mounted on goot rollers: light and darl: colors^ sizes 3-0x6-0 and feet; $1.05 and $1.25 sjhades. Red Band Salp^ price, each .] ....... ; ^ 25 pairs lot of fine living room ajid dininlg r»>oin Curtains; rich eluny cltrtains; >Iarie Antoinette arid nov- elty effects; all made of best quality .-net, \\i beige; $6.00 Curtains J Rs/1 Band Sale price/ pair j 24x24 Tapestry $ ilk Damask, Arinurc and Velour Squares for chair covet ings and sofa pillows; $l.2i 7l|p regular; Red Band S| lie price, each... L • *»v 50 pairs white Mirquisette Curtains!; wide t hum edge with 4-inch lace insertion; $3.00 regular.; |M ^Q 200 pairs white, j ream and beige Marquisette Cur- tains; choice of plaiij hem8titche4 or edge ; tiimmed; $2.50 Curtains; Red Bind Sale price, JM 7Q jwur •••••••••••••••^•••••••••••••••••••••• :# w * ^ Living room, dining room and reception hull Cur- tains ; made in pretty Combinations of fine voile ai]d fancy scrim with separate medallion motifs and fine! lice edge trimming; $7.50Vegullir; Red Band Sale price, o #IJ OQ 36-inch white Cu»;ain Swiss Ahislin in coin s^ot and_ figured patterns; 25c regular f Red Band Sale jfljl'C, ^ttlQ e * * e « s * « * i « « * e e « « * * * s * * « * « * * « * * ' Cream Curtain MJidras; neat, pretty patternf; regu- lar 75c grade; Red Ba| id Sale price, All remnant lengths of Curtain piece goods in $4( splencli( If' of $37. Tin 9x12 sij Thj Monday Lot Rugs; $31 Monday 2'i .$3.75 t( each . 4 Dol leum, m colors t| Th« square : voiles. Marquisettes', jlain and fancy and curtain nets, marked at - HALF Single and two-pi ir lots of all style CuTtainsj at one- iuring Red Band Sale. half and one-third off ik^kl 18c regu- 55c scrims, inch base (no k air tt| suresI fire, and d nickel j All -4largj 31 incf •'' ^ ,1' li , r A . . r >Q witch fon Red Tickets ^ and Red Baids [meiit 4i|h a Jted'Ticjwft and literally narv iponsiblel for this salle jii extonn-that.replacj?tjient is hardh ie for yofu. rful bardains. Watch |ned Ve |ty velve )t consider ffor a bi last .. In'd Boys' Id colors, m s hi shirts Id Draw |s $4.50 and li Un illiner .§0 Hats, No w^ Hats taken f trimmings of d in this wonfle (iirprise; black fc r R e d T i c k e t s tfs 69c Gloves at warm fleece-linsd sbbject to slight 69; .95 our regular stoc ich in the lot; t fui bargain; come aolors; Jersey Gloves, as- impsrfections, 4Qf* Furnishings ierwear; good A inter weight, natuijail and drawers; in a 1 sizes. Re|s make m all sixes R4is make" per fee ?a y weight; all s|zejs , ', and $1.50 NegliTe<! Shirts-with sdffr IS «f 1 .wp ;uffs; idaclfe of fine count fees, at . fs 75c Mi inds.; wh 55e si lit ff ers in solid cok rs ile they last, each ; nleckwear k $4.50 ipniy and heather korsted boats wit li boll ar and pockets, at I *b'.50 f.nd $7.00 heavy H "oats witfh fargc roll colla $1. 9 afl vool mixed $1.89 feet4 ed^es and bancl|i patterns, printe< sashes UK ing Union Suits Worier fancy percale; $1.0C C lass Mustard Jarp it Glass Mjstard Jars with plated fyasp, each |6-inch C )n; strcc .iniono i qua! it 12 inch colors: Ireds of Ms; M OIK , ? _ , Wash GcM»ds yOiDj with haker knit aid pockets 99c 50c 35c $3.49 $5,75 69c •ieat pierced fiQr D. itterns;;put up| price, suitable for regular price, 25c yaifc Fine] French Y^" good staple pieces I regular price, 40-iich all-silk f)a ems; excell^ etc.; regi lar price, $1. Short lengths of ja fancy l!loral printed m s igns; ^e sale prjice, y a r d . . h all-silk Mclialine Ribbons p ; sale ppce, y -silk hajr bow ular p esigns; goof price ltgulai Women s •s $1.25 back leathers, [joloirs for hair 15c yard $1,51 large size roll . $ weight ) 3-pound rol comforts, s|o 4 4 t \ .50 72x90-inch 1 [emmed and finish; Jfclpday, eajeh 2|t 36-inch fine suitable i and rooming house; $!.SM0 70xS0-ineh blue o^> yellow borders blanket. I Monday, pa r #13.^0 all-wool pkid rjipe de Chine, si t and evening she Jrepe, 27 inches w Mondav rre»s Ginghams Vft ndaj AVash Goods rem day tit lens $1.35 with lone; leu's $2.4 HI ter wei«rh1 ;- all sizes, at. (en's "89c lokcn siz^s and girls Id ; all si;:es $1.18 $1.18 Aerliog Sit k and cotton ijde s; Monday.. id<j; the famous QHp aisotted plaids bi Bached fleece lined Vests and at 50c 44 been spr\ nk; fast coloi J: a blanket tha weight and warmth to it. Monday, pai c 27-inch Robe Eiderdown ; you have in stock;!! onday, yard udjits in lengths from . HALF PRICE Underwear heavy fleece 1 in*d Union Suits, or short sleeves ; sale bleached fine iibl)ed Union $1.35 Waist Union Suits; up to 15 years a and Chi dren's 69c fleepe sizes t,p to 15 years, at and Cream Deposit Sugar a and $-.: ran^re of li need a p-wire g: ko.00 Woo Monday 160 t(^$( |f $35.00 unlay . . 8.3x10 miss this fyou can bi ough to ttj |1.50 Co|-k Ird ... d id Li id firm; for chi' Iren's wear and Monday, yar 1 for full siz j59i all we 4^e ^7-inch heaty fine and dresses. are soiiec pair 0.00 large size! ^ ool mixed plaid Women' styles etc., 59c: in Musli $1.69 65c A big finest ri At Marcella C assjortment of "h batiste, elab from $1.20 Cl'( lined Vests 55c Sets, 95c Cream Sets, A C * oleum >0 9x12 Axminptejr Rugs; patterns; Monda, Tfapestry Rug, here at e Monday and -Fibre Rugs, 7;50 Wilton Velv;t flugs . 8L?X10.6 9-wire lapestrj^ « *;»'•••» * * * » Si Axminster Rugs; -inch Asit inpter Rugs; values from K-50; Mori lay , |4x36-inc li iag Rugs; lim: t 3; Monday, chance if you y $2.25 Inlaid back; Monday, Square yd Linoleum; splendid patterns; 4 : s?pile $25.00 $1§.7fe $48.50 $22.50 r^9.75 $2.79 59c ieed a room of Lino-j linoleum, #4 * pull All good and Fine mat play. Odd U for At I" ' : ^ si> and Sale of Houschol Sizes t son lo\t g? ch Ribbons Laces; also mUny new Filet cf- ka; 2V2 to 4 inc 1 ;s wide; exquisite |ll sorts"c-f fancy jyork; IQg sale price, yar I JL* nciennes Laee ltdges and Inser- n 12-yard jj eee. \\<ay Prinjted Chiffons; dainty fou- colbrs |for entjte waists, 7|Jp $1.25 Hand 4trap Hai ass irted styt Cofton Battirtj t and fluffy. ibbons; plain and attractive floral » s and 25C sale pi ice, yard f niest ics--Blankets 72x90 inches, for Dday $1.15 Bed Sheets; good J 1 OC q lality br|own Shaieting; 911P or sheets aid cases; Monday, yard stllu 45x36-inch riJow-Cas^s, suitable for hotel 3 onday, feach Wool blankets a very warm Blankets i s smart nevi* made of G« slightly soilfd sale price, c!a Clearance of jChildrjei |'s Toqujes, one A good assortment of down or plain quality !bleaehe| \Outing Flannel; fligt " 35c beds: nfhile th< y last, 59c Neckwear, sckwear od<|s and ends, vdi te and Colored. j>9 s Toques, 29c. Itareella combina rately trimmed, 35c white with pink, ».50 all colors; have; te "$10.00 choice of 9Qp Bed Blankets that $6.50 all up-to-date organdy, pique, ular price £5C eir^vear bmations Hal Price. $6.98. olors, fdr boys | tvk's. Choice. lpns, made of the in plain models. Half Price special lot, I E A Corsets Red u ied—$2.00 Cora i Is $1.50. well-known bakes, ef coutil medium bust; 19 t > JO sizes . . . . . , . . IL $1.29 En [elope Chemise, 89c. M-ials, .flightlj j mussed] and soi id from dis jrettily trimn ed backjand frcnt, 36 to 44 Legging and J SweatersReduced to 59c. nsand swelajkrs of wjool and cotton and wool, ildren to 4 J-e jirs, ^1.09 to i|?l.|jp value. choice mod; $5.00 SU Shetlapd lar;|sl bant Waists $6.95 |U Wajistk New Wa sts bought and c cinl|)roidcr.v. 3^ |to 46 '. . $3.45 Crcp^ Made 6f i»ootl iqualiti wh|te, Oa* Coal! ifceaters—Casl iron top, ftr« pot, grate and base— rruio«blp nickel parts. two| sizes; 0-ineli fire pot. S9.U 1 l | inch fire pot, ' ' ' $25.00 New Process Gas Heater, triple effect. $1».SS -Three-pipe I coistruetion, Wh|u s^^.^ ciUaa large fire chamber, two rittttr*. choice of wfvural trie valves, large sizes, Kite. heater, B r l » h t « « jAII FarnHare and Hardwoed Floor Fal ess Cep- !••». reg. 25<S at. 11B iter, $4.44 iner, full Ifck ebony '••. SNwrewi fpot, heavv . long firs [heat up cqi constru* ITfect contra 11a ran teed saver, hs liuiining, ai irtiron Coal pot, good high, at 14- te. vel iimfey). •t|iohl in-' ol of *| ater 35c, 8-In burners, sdj Our regular at S19.M. $3.00 New per front ft -16 light dress guard finish, at IM $9.| 7ft iter ----- •- tea, died Olive or S5c. 10e> American seml-porcelala Dinner Set. neat gold b$ud cut glass border decoration. [100 pieces, $1S.M. SOc light est blass ban $2.00 Havlland < l.ina Spoon Trays, Chop Plate*, choice of sev eral pjitlcms, $1.00. can, 6£)c to $1.00 Ve vet and Corduroy Bonnets Reduced to 49c. o $ year Your choice]. on Sweaters, li.98. odd colors ajud stylfe, this sea- nd girls. 29q $1.50 89c Wool Sweaws, slip-on MfUt clevclcss moceip. Red Greatly Reiii ced During Our $7.95 Georg< ^te Crepe 59c 49c ought f?>r the Holidays high 7 flnd round nee flesl , [white and sui! Kaamei »»-{•••' **all«, 12" qt. size, mum white lined, $1.29. [white a 'e Chine frcpe de large and si (all collars, 36 t Nece, large sailor col- u $2.98 Red Band Sale. tV"83 pvery one fresh , pretty blading shades. Blouse chine, I $4.95 rei $255. esh and #1) AC 44... -MiZtl j: 1 ities outside. $1.71, at 40c Japanes* I 'hina May- onnaise Sets.: li iwl. plate and ladle. 31k| » t. Wasb Boari s, Cilobe, it 27c. Jewel pure Sin , reg. 43c, Sets, complete Is, stand, awl, tacks, rcg. 0?H-, Wa».h Tub* ..f \,*>:v c.tlvHub^d Iron, l«rg*» s'•,•.«. *" i,h wfiuptr ntta«-hmeiit, rcg. $2,fla, ; ,t «*.* . I I I I It! -1 m > it Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: Prices Slashed r New Year's >Q witch fon Red Tickets I 21/Buffalo NY Courier/Buffalo … · *P>MP nsnstii • ,— / AN ECONOMY TIME THAT IS WITHOUT EQUAL Prices Slashed New Year's

*P>MP nsnstii • ,—




Prices Slashed New Year's usirii

AD goodi pnrehaeed the balance of this month Jrffl be charged on ni l to be rendered February First.

WeVe maMke4 ev'ery small lot a id broken kss< slashed the heart pi^t of the price to clear decks | for Jj

The tremendous selling of! the past month lis n desirableJines o^Jmerchandisc being reduced to such desirable #Tthis!late season—late for1 us but just in

Be here eakiv tomorrow t(> shajre in these wont

Red Tickets on Apparel—Bid Saving ^ Tailored Suit De|)iartment

1^30.00 TComen's and' Misses' Tailored Suitd [..,.., •.. 4*73.00 Women's and Misses' Tailored "Suits . . . . . . . . . . , .

Tailored Dress Department #25.00 Tailored Serge .Dresses J.L . . . . . . . . . . 135.00 Tailored* Serge Dresses t . . . . . J . . . . , . . . . . , . . ' 139.50 Tailored Wool Jersey Dresses *25.00 Tailored Satin Dresses . I J . . . . . . . . . . ,

15.00 15.00

L5.00 . . . . . «|. $ 19.10 . . .$25.00 . . . . . . . $ 1 5 . 0 0

Tailored Coat Department id Misses' Winter Coats ( I . . . , . . . . J . . . ,

$125.00 Natural Muskrat Coats.

$175.00 Natural Hare Seal Coats

$200.00 Natural Raccoon Coats $175.00 American Sable Fox Se t . $100.00

129.50 Women's and 1*39.50 Women's and Misses' Seal Plush COJWS 155.00 Women's and Misses' F u r Collared Goats

Misses' and Juniors' Coats *12.50 Gir ls ' Coats, 6 to 14 years . $15.00 Girls? Coats, 6 to 14 vears. $25.00 Gir ls ' Coata, 6 to 14 years .

Tailored Skirts Department $7.50 to $1Q.00 Separate Walking Skirts , . |

Fur Department $85.00 I $200.00 Georgette f a i Set j

. .$115.00

$18.50 >.50


|7.50 $10.00 $15.00

$150.00 Black Fox Set . . . .

$150.00 j $65.00 Jap , Cross Fox Set $40.00 Siberian Wolf S e t . . . . . .

Fine Silks

.;• i f

$125 $84

$45 $25l

Monday you can select from a wide range of the most practical shades in a 36-inch Chiffon Taffeta; extra fine weave: regular $2.25, # 1 0 Q

$2.00 36-inch Satin Mescalines; assorted # 4 M colors; heavy and f i rm; Monday W * •**»

$2.89 40-inch Meteor Crepe; the best qual- # 0 IUI it v : in various colors, assorted; Monday »JSJ . IUU

Several hundred remnants of Silks; assorted lengths from 1 to 6 y a r d s . . , . H A L F P R I C E

.59c Sateens, 36-inch wide; a good line of . AQf* colors assorted .' Tfill#

Remnants of Sateens, and other linings; assorted lengths and colors; Monday . . H A L F P R I C E

l inens 29c brown crash

part linen: a crash fhjrt will wear; .Monday, yard

JU$2.75 scalloped «.«« .UJM^WUU weight; assorted desij jus.' Monday,

for hand or roller towels. that is

2c feed Spreads; full size, tnacliurn




.00 LOO

.' ! , T H |best qi jeost is pre

I whi iarc

Mei gray mi at ..

Me, Shirts

Me! in med at . . .

.Me turnovc broken

Mel fringed!

Mi ait . . .

Mf Swcatci

Mei Sweatei

73c Mercerized' Tjible Damask, J63' inches wic signs; good weight an id finish. ' Monday,

Mens $1.75 Gloves, $1.48 M W i $ 1 7 5 K h a k i K n i t W o o l J t w y G t t v M , ons- # I 1 ( 1

clasp. P. X . M . M w n . pa i r • •o»#s?

Boys ' Clothing Satin and

They are all re*



sign; yard

50c large size helbmed• Hand > Towels that } linen; very heavy anqj firm. ; Monday,. each

$1.00 heavy weiitit bleached .Tablet Damasji; very fine and firm; 4 desljiis. to select from'; 'Mondjay yard .*.,

39c Bath Towels, plain; while they last.

! ddi

(2125 e, 4; de-

59c re part


$1.00 sill

assorted lot;'colored and

'tir Hats, $ 4

boys ' $1.25 Blouses in stripe Madras and Qlftft Percale; attached collars, at I I U M

Boys' $2.98 slip-on Sweaters with^sleeves; # 0 9 Q in heather and gray ; all sizes, at a j s t iv t l

Boys' $2.25 navy blue worsted Sweater Coats with collar and pockets; broken sizes. # 1 CI) at • ' W *

Boys' $1.00 Cloth Hats in mixed colors; all sizes v- • • •

took well with youavfiir coat; prominent New \ o r k de-j signers sent us a beai|:iful lot of the ney? Hatis they arc

wearing on Fifth Ave h u e ; sealiiie and satin moline and at in nutria and sathj tores would askC$7,5:


y to wear out an<jl will match pr

18c Linen Hi,: Women's P u r * I r ish I:

• r e d ini t ia ls in fane O n account of br«||i«

price, each . . . .

;. exclusive millinery . O n e day' s a l e . . . . . .

88c 25c


R 9 5 ndkerchiefs, 12V2c Each .linen Handkerchiefs ' w i t h em y designs. Regular price 18c

n in i t ia l assortment, sale 1 I

Women's $1.00 Olovet at 68c W o m e n ' s $1.00 Suedene Fabr ic Gloves, in black, ftQ|»

w h i t s , » r p y a n d t a n , pa i r WJ*

Women's Hosiery Women's $1.35 silk and fibre Hose in black Q C p

and white; all sizes, at tJlHi

Women *s 95c black, white and dark brown T C ^

Dreais Goods l<stir


• • • • fibre silk Hose in all sizes, at . e>

Women's T5c black and white lisle Hose C A p with seam up tne baek, at U U u

$1^6 Glass Atomixars sir Tto $ 1 ^ 5 f a n c y opalescent hand-decorated Glass A t o m - 1 A «

izsrs, m a n y styles, ssch

Furniture Balance of the mahogany

library Ubles, $37.50, $40 and $45 grades. f 9 9 Cfj Monday tpsJ • J n l U

The $25.00 and $27.50 mahogany - cane f i r e side L-hairs and rock- # 1 Q 7 R ers. M o n d a y . . # I i i i l i W

$45 quartered oak, plank top dining tables, # M Cfl

, •ffJfiiuU 54-in. size. Monday

Monday you can Coating in stock—Ye reduced price

$2.00 40-inch Fre weave; good line of co

75c Dress Goods, colors

$1.59 50-inch Stall quality: colors assortqd

$8.50 56-inch 12 quality made, in black

p r o i d -e a c h .



combini 45c

Serpent 75c

and p!a Hit

2 to 8

! w

I high. n« kprice .

W< I SuktS;

Wc • Pants ;

Boj I ] | 1 ^ ^ l |

Mis I aha Pat

have vour choice1 of &n\ $7.50 , Bolivia eloth-f-at the # J QQ

!•• •P h Serge; very close, firm dM OQ

>rs and black; Monday. . . W M O U ssorted ehecks -$n|l plain

it Serge; very good


tz Gabardine, the! best and navy only. . 1 . . . .

59c $1.39 15.98

4 $36- • v «

%3&M a n d * $40.00 F Manicure Sets, c sat in- l ined cases

raiH con

Ivory Sets at $25 ich Ivory Combinat ion Toilei

l i s t ing of 15 pieces; # 4


Mahogany Floor L a m p s w i t k baiul-aome si lk staa/lf^. va lues to S40.W to close out the lot. Monday—

123.50 $37.50 to $42.50

Mahogany 4 - Pos t Bed. Moadaj

$27. $30.00 and

tM B r a s s Beds . Monday—

$28.50 m.


i i.e fiber rockers are

marked low for Mon­


All t he fiber rockers to

S ^ : $14.50 Close out the mahogany or

walnut tea ca r t s ; values to

£ M : M0B C8.50 All the fiber rockers to

S^."": ,$M5 $350.00 10-piece Q u e e n

Anne dining suite in either mahogany or American^ wal­nut . Mon-d a y . . • • • • • • • •

n c r i c a u i wavi-




spring J-0x7-0


it. or


Oil Opaque Windf w Shades, mounted on goot rollers: light and darl: colors^ sizes 3-0x6-0 and feet; $1.05 and $1.25 sjhades. Red Band S a l p ^ price, each . ] . . . . . . . ; ^

25 pairs lot of fine living room ajid dininlg r»>oin Curtains; rich eluny cltrtains; >Iarie Antoinette arid nov­elty effects; all made of best quality .-net, \\i beige; $6.00 Curtains J Rs/1 Band Sale p r ice / pair j

24x24 Tapestry $ ilk Damask, Arinurc and Velour Squares for chair covet ings and sofa pillows; $l.2i 7 l | p regular; Red Band S| lie price, e ach . . . L • *»v

50 pairs white Mirquisette Curtains!; widet hum edge with 4-inch lace insertion; $3.00 regular.; | M ^ Q

200 pairs white, j ream and beige Marquisette Cur­ta ins ; choice of plaiij hem8titche4 or edge ; t i immed; $2.50 Curtains; Red Bind Sale price, JM 7 Q jwur • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ^ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : # w * ^

Living room, dining room and reception hull Cur­tains ; made in pretty Combinations of fine voile ai]d fancy scrim with separate medallion motifs and fine! lice edge trimming; $7.50Vegullir; Red Band Sale price, o #IJ OQ

36-inch white Cu»;ain Swiss Ahislin in coin s^ot and_ figured pat terns ; 25c regularf Red Band Sale j f l j l ' C , ^ t t l Q e * * e « s * « * i « « * e e « « * * * s * * « * « * * « * * '

Cream Curtain MJidras; neat, pretty patternf; regu­lar 75c grade; Red Ba| id Sale price,

All remnant lengths of Curtain piece goods in

$4( splencli(

If ' of $37.

Tin 9x12 sij

Thj Monday

Lot Rugs;

$31 Monday

2'i .$3.75 t(

each . 4 Dol

leum, m colors t |

Th« square :

voiles. Marquisettes', j l a in and fancy and curtain nets, marked at • • - H A L F

Single and two-pi ir lots of all style CuTtainsj at one-iur ing Red Band Sale. half and one-third off

i k ^ k l

18c regu-

55c scrims,

inch base (no k air t t | suresI fire, and d nickel j

All -4 largj 31 incf

• ' ' ^ , 1 ' l i , • r A . .

r >Q witch fon Red Tickets ^ and Red Baids

[meiit 4 i |h a Jted'Ticjwft and literally narv iponsiblel for this salle jii extonn-that.replacj?tjient is hardh ie for yofu. rful bardains. Watch

| ned Ve |ty velve )t consider ffor a bi

last . .

In'd Boys' Id colors,

m s hi shirts

Id Draw |s $4.50

and li


illiner .§0 Hats, No w

Hats taken f trimmings of d in this wonfle

(iirprise; black

fc r R e d T i c k e t s

tfs 69c Gloves at w a r m fleece-l insd

sbbject to slight 69;

.95 our regular stoc ich in the lot; t fui bargain; come aolors;

J e r s e y G l o v e s , a s -i m p s r f e c t i o n s , 4 Q f *

Furnishings ierwear; good A inter weight, natuijail

and drawers; in a 1 sizes.

Re|s make m all sixes

R4is make" per fee ?a y weight; all s|zejs,',

and $1.50 NegliTe<! Shirts-with sdffr IS «f 1 .wp

;uffs; idaclfe of fine count fees, at . fs 75c Mi inds.; wh

55e si lit

ff ers in solid cok rs ile they last, each ; nleckwear

k $4.50 ipniy and heather korsted boats wit li boll ar and pockets, at I *b'.50 f.nd $7.00 heavy H "oats witfh fargc roll colla

$1. 9 afl vool mixed $1.89

feet4 ed^es and bancl|i patterns,

printe< sashes


ing Union Suits W o r i e r

f a n c y


$1.0C C lass Mustard Jarp it Glass M j s t a r d Jars w i t h

plated fyasp, each

|6-inch C )n; strcc .iniono i

qua! it 12 inch

colors: Ireds of Ms; M OIK

— , ? _ ,

Wash GcM»ds



haker knit a id pockets

99c 50c 35c

$3.49 $5,75

69c •ieat pierced fiQr


i t terns;;put up| price,

suitable for regular price, 25c yaifc

Fine] French Y^" good staple

pieces I regular price, 40-iich all-silk f)a

ems ; excell^ etc.; regi lar price, $1.

Short lengths of ja fancy l!loral printed m s igns; ^e sale prjice, y a r d . .

h all-silk Mclialine Ribbons

p ; sale ppce, y -silk hajr bow

ular p

esigns; goof price ltgulai

Women s •s $1.25 back


[joloirs for hair 15c yard

$1,51 large size roll .

$ weight

) 3-pound rol comforts, s|o

44t \

.50 72x90-inch 1 [emmed and finish; Jfclpday, eajeh

2 | t 36-inch fine suitable i

and rooming house; $!.SM0 70xS0-ineh

blue o> yellow borders blanket. I Monday, pa r

#13.^0 all-wool p k i d

rjipe de Chine, si t and evening she Jrepe, 27 inches w

Mondav rre»s Ginghams

Vft ndaj AVash Goods rem day

tit l e n s $1.35

with lone;

leu's $2.4 HI

ter wei«rh1 ;- all sizes, a t . (en's "89c lokcn siz^s

and girls Id ; all si;:es

$1.18 $1.18 A e r l i o g S i t

k and cotton ijde s; Monday. . id<j; the famous Q H p

aisotted plaids

bi Bached fleece lined Vests and at



been spr\ nk; fast coloi J: a blanket tha weight and warmth to it. Monday, pai

c 27-inch Robe Eiderdown ; you have in stock;!! onday, yard

udjits in lengths from . H A L F PRICE

Underwear heavy fleece 1 in*d Union Suits, or short sleeves ; sale

bleached fine iibl)ed Union

$1.35 Waist Union Suits; up to 15 years a

and Chi dren's 69c fleepe sizes t,p to 15 years, at

and Cream Deposit Sugar a

and $-.: ran^re of li need a p-wire g: ko.00 Woo

Monday 160 t(^$(

|f $35.00 unlay . .


miss this fyou can bi ough to ttj |1.50 Co|-k Ird . . .


id Li


firm; for chi' Iren's wear and Monday, yar 1

for full siz

j59i all we

4^e ^7-inch hea ty fine and dresses.

are soiiec pair

0.00 large size! ^ ool mixed plaid

W o m e n ' s t y l e s e tc . , 5 9 c :

i n Musli $1.69

65c A big

finest ri


Marcella C assjortment of "h

batiste, elab from $1.20 Cl ' (

lined Vests 55c Sets, 95c

Cream Sets, A C *

oleum >0 9x12 Axminptejr Rugs;

pat terns; Monda, Tfapestry Rug, here at e Monday

and -Fibre Rugs,

7;50 Wilton Velv;t flugs • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • •

8L?X10.6 9-wire lapestrj^ « * ; » ' • • • » • • * * * • » • S i

Axminster Rugs;

-inch Asit inpter Rugs; values from K-50; Mori lay ,

|4x36-inc li i ag Rugs; lim: t 3 ; Monday,

chance if you y $2.25 Inlaid

back; Monday, Square yd Linoleum; splendid patterns;


:s?pile $25.00 $1§.7fe $48.50 $22.50

r^9.75 $2.79

59c ieed a room of Lino-j linoleum, # 4 *


All good and

Fine mat play.

Odd U for At

I" ' : ^ si>

and Sale of Houschol

Sizes t son


g? ch

Ribbons Laces; also mUny new Filet cf-

ka; 2V2 to 4 inc 1 ;s wide; exquisite |ll sorts"c-f fancy jyork; I Q g

sale price, yar I JL* nciennes Laee l tdges and Inser-

n 12-yard jj eee.

\\<ay Prinjted Chiffons; dainty fou-colbrs |for entjte waists, 7 | J p

$1.25 Hand 4trap H a i

ass i r ted s ty t

Cofton Battirtj t and fluffy.

ibbons; plain and

attractive floral »s and 25C

sale pi ice, yard f

niest ics--Blankets 72x90 inches, for Dday $1.15

Bed Sheets; good J 1 O C

q lality br|own Shaieting; 911P or sheets a i d cases; Monday, yard s t l l u

45x36-inch riJow-Cas^s, suitable for hotel 3 onday, feach

Wool blankets a very warm

Blankets i

s smart nevi* made of G«

sl ight ly soilfd sale price, c!a

Clearance of jChildrjei |'s Toqujes, one

A good assortment of down or plain

quality !bleaehe| \Outing Flannel ; fligt" 35c beds: nfhile th< y last,

59c Neckwear, sckwear

od<|s and ends, vdi te and Colored. j>9 s Toques, 29c.

Itareella combina rately trimmed,

35c white with pink,

».50 all colors; have;

te "$10.00 choice of 9 Q p

Bed Blankets that


al l up - to -da te organdy, pique,

ular price £ 5 C

eir^vear bmations Hal Price.


olors, fdr boys | tvk's. Choice.

lpns, made of the in plain models.

Half Price special lot, I E A

Corsets Red u ied—$2.00 Cora i Is $1.50. well-known bakes, ef coutil medium bust; 19 t > JO sizes. . . . . , . . IL

$1.29 En [elope Chemise, 89c. M-ials, .flightlj j mussed] and soi id from dis jrettily trimn ed backjand frcnt, 36 to 44

Legging and J SweatersReduced to 59c. n s a n d swelajkrs of wjool and cotton and wool, ildren to 4 J-e jirs, ^1.09 to i|?l.|jp value.

choice mod; $5.00 SU

Shetlapd lar; |sl bant Waists

$6.95 |U Wajistk

New Wa sts bought and c cinl|)roidcr.v. 3^ |to 46 '. .

$3.45 Crcp^ Made 6f i»ootl iqualiti


Oa* Coal! ifceaters—Casl iron top, ftr« pot, grate and base— r r u i o « b l p nickel parts . two| s izes ; 0-ineli fire pot. S9.U 1 l | inch fire pot, f l l . s e .

' • • • • • • ' '

$25.00 N e w Process Gas Heater, triple effect. $1».SS - T h r e e - p i p e I co i s t rue t ion , W h | u s ^ ^ . ^ c iUaa large fire chamber, two r i t t t t r * . choice of wfvural

trie valves, large s izes, Kite. heater, Br l»ht«« jAII FarnHare

and Hardwoed Floor Fal ess Cep- !••». reg. 25<S a t . 11B

i ter, $4.44 i n e r , full Ifck ebony

'••. SNwrewi fpot, heavv

. long firs [heat up cqi

constru* ITfect contra 11a ran teed

saver, hs l iui ining, ai irtiron Coal pot, good

high, at


v e l i i m f e y ) . •t|iohl in-'

ol of * | a t e r 35c, 8-In „

burners, s d j Our regular at S19.M.

$3.00 New per front ft - 1 6 l ight dress guard finish, at



7ft iter ----- •-tea, died Olive or



American seml-porcelala Dinner Set. neat gold b$ud

cut g lass border decoration. [100 pieces, $1S.M.

SOc l ight e s t b lass ban $2.00 Havlland < l.ina Spoon Trays , Chop Plate*, choice of sev

eral pjit lcms, $1.00.


6£)c to $1.00 Ve vet and Corduroy Bonnets Reduced to 49c.

o $ year Your choice] .

on Sweaters, l i . 98 .

odd colors ajud stylfe, this sea-

nd girls. 29q



Wool S w e a w s , slip-on MfUt clevclcss moceip. Red

Greatly Reiii ced During Our $7.95 Georg< ^te Crepe



ought f?>r the Holidays high 7 flnd round nee

flesl , [white and sui!

Kaamei »»-{•••' **all«, 12" qt. size, mum white lined, $1.29.

[white a

'e Chine frcpe de

large and si (all collars, 36 t


large sailor col-

u $2.98 Red Band Sale.

tV"83 pvery one fresh , pretty blading shades.

Blouse chine, I



$255. esh and #1 ) AC 4 4 . . . -MiZtl


1 ities

outside. $1.71, at

40c Japanes* I 'hina May­onnaise Sets.: li iwl. plate and ladle. 31k| » t.

Wasb Boari s, Cilobe, it 27c.

Jewel pure Sin , reg. 43c,

Sets , complete Is, stand, awl,

tacks, rcg. 0?H-,

Wa».h Tub* ..f \,*>:v c.tlvHub^d Iron, l«rg*» s'•,•.«. *" i , h w f iuptr ntta«-hmeiit, rcg. $2,fla, ;,t «*.* .








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