pride and prejudice.docx

PRIDE AND PREJUDICE Jane Austen was born at Steventon Parsonage, Hampshire, England on December 16, 1775. The seventh of eight children, she was educated by her minister-father and the Abbey School in Reading, England. The first twenty-six years of her life were spent in the rectory. In 1801, the family moved to some places in hopes of restoring her father´s health finally he died so they moved again to Hampshire in 1809. Austen´s novels incorporate her observation on the manners of her time and class, related courtship, love and marriage. She was beautiful woman as well she had some proposal but Austen never married. Austen began to write parodies and sketches for her family. Pride and prejudice was her first novel it was the most important novel in English literature. The novel focused on the manners in the class social in that time. the main theme was that marriage was important to individual and society. The author described the various types of marriages and reason behind them. It can be for economic reasons such as charlotte´s marriage to Collins. Marriage can be to sensual pleasure Lydia´s marriage. The marriage of James and Elizabeth were true love. Elizabeth

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PRIDE AND PREJUDICEJane Austen was born at Steventon Parsonage, Hampshire, England on December 16, 1775.The seventh of eight children, she was educated by her minister-father and the Abbey School in Reading, England. The first twenty-six years of her life were spent in the rectory. In 1801, the family moved to some places in hopes of restoring her fathers health finally he died so they moved again to Hampshire in 1809.Austens novels incorporate her observation on the manners of her time and class, related courtship, love and marriage. She was beautiful woman as well she had some proposal but Austen never married. Austen began to write parodies and sketches for her family. Pride and prejudice was her first novel it was the most important novel in English literature. The novel focused on the manners in the class social in that time. the main theme was that marriage was important to individual and society. The author described the various types of marriages and reason behind them. It can be for economic reasons such as charlottes marriage to Collins. Marriage can be to sensual pleasure Lydias marriage. The marriage of James and Elizabeth were true love.Elizabeth Bennet

Another major theme was Darcys pride and Elizabeths prejudice, only when they changed their attitude they can relate each other and find happiness together.For the women of the time, life was largely restricted to the home and the family. For the poor and the lower-class women, there was ample work in the home and in the fields to keep them busy. But for the ladies of the landed upper-classes, life was one big round of dances, dinners, cards, and visits to friends and relatives. They were not required to do any household work. "Ladies," thus, lived a life of ease and leisure, mainly concerned with society, children, and marriage. By the nineteenth century, the upper classes no longer arranged marriages. Instead, a girl was introduced to society at a reception hosted by a married woman who had herself been presented. Generally, a girl "came out" only after her elder sister was married. No wonder Lady Catherine is shocked when she hears that all of Elizabeths sisters have started dating before she is wed.Womens education in the nineteenth century was restricted to the daughters of a few families of the upper classes. In most cases, it was thought to be a waste of time to educate girls. Rich and noble families like that of Lady Catherine de Bourgh engaged governesses for educating their daughters or sent them away to boarding school, but most women were self-educated at home.This novel was published in the 1813 during this period England was ruled by king George III who was born in England and he spoke english he also was clever than his father. He chose Primer Minister William Pitt who was just and honest man which managed the state. During the George IIIs reign the population of England and Wales nearly double. This new urban population grew up in the industrial district such as BIRMINGHAM, GLASGOW, MASCHESTER, LIVERPOOL, LEEDS, BRADFORD and SHEFFIELD grew to be huge, sprawling cities. With the exception of London, they were all the creation of the Industrial Revolution, there were immigrations of people from the south to the midlands and north.The King George III

ATTITUDE OF STATESMEN TO THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTIONThis new industrial Britain came when England lost the thirteen American colonies and helped to defeat Napoleon. The statesmen who governed Britain during that time had small conception of the fact that a revolution in the habits of mankind was taking place before their eyes. For this reason two problems emerged, THE SLUMS and the relation between CAPITAL and LABOUR.The towns of the Industrial Revolution, were (barracks for cheap labour, not homes for citizens) they had no sanitation laws, consequently the (jerry-builder) appeared, they could work his will. Houses for the workers had to be built as quickly as possible, these houses were built without sanitation, lacking light, lacking air. For this condition their descendants often grew up stunted both in body and in mind, so, generations grew up divorced from nature.LAISSEZ-FAIREThe second great problem of the modern word was the relations between Capital and labour.The age of mechanical invention, and the age of steam power, both began at the moment remarkably well timed for the expansion of British trade, the population of the United States grew rapidly, and they were an agricultural not a manufacturing people, trade with America grew apace, England imported American cotton and exported to the United.India was one of the best markets for Lancashire cotton goods. Britain captured the trade of the world, west as well as East.The merchants made their fortune by this world trade. England was rich in supplies of coal and iron, the essential materials of the new industries, the wealth of British merchants and the skill of British workmen, during the first phase of the Industrial Revolution, enabled the country to carry on the long war against France (1793-1815). The weapons which beat Napoleon were made in Birmingham.The men who made the business world of modern industry claimed to right to manage their affairs in their own way, Laissez-faire (leave things alone), Adam Smith was the prophet of free trade, and he held that all government interference was harmful to trade. He made a convert of the new Prime Minister, William Pitt, who reduce many trade restrictions, and prepared the way for the Free Trade of the next century. Besides desiring free trade foreign nations, the masters of the new industries were anxious to have complete freedom in dealing with their own work-people; they wished to abolish all the laws which had, from olden times, regulated industry.The suffering of the work-people during the Industrial Revolution was undoubtedly great. The workers had the necessity to live near the factories, in the new towns, built to house them. They were also compelled to suffer the iron of the factory itself.Men, women, and small children were made to work for 12, 14, or even 16 hours a day, tending dangerous machines, breathing foul air. The social effects of the industrial revolution were enormous, workers tried to join together to protect themselves against powerful employers. They wanted fair wages and reasonable conditions in which to work. The government supported the factory owners, and made the breaking of machinery punishable by death. The government was afraid of a revolution like the one in France.