primary research


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Post on 20-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Primary Research
Page 2: Primary Research

The first question in my research was used to specify my target audience. I have always admired Tim Burton’s

style and therefore I wanted to create this kind of feel for my film. The results (below) show that this would be a good idea and would most likely be successful with my

target audience.

Are you a fan of controversial film makers such as Tim Burton?








Yes No

Are you a fan ofcontroversial film makerssuch as Tim Burton?


Page 3: Primary Research

Do you like the idea of watching a girl with 2 different personalities?








Yes No

Do you like the idea ofwatching a girl with 2different personalities?

Once again the results from my questionnaire told me that the idea I have in mind would most likely be successful among my target

audience (Male and Female, Aged 16-25, and fans of film makers such as Tim Burton). The three people that said that they would not enjoy watching a girl with two different personalities were also the people that said they were not fans of controversial film makers

such as Tim Burton. The suggests that these people are not part ofmy target audience and

therefore I will not be using their

questionnaires in the rest of my research. This will hopefully make my primary research more


Page 4: Primary Research

These are the results of this question. The results of this question show that people think my film would be easy

to follow as 9 out of 10 people answered no to my question. The one person that said maybe suggested that it would be slightly difficult to follow. But when

asked to expand they said that this may make the film

Do you think such a short film would be hard to follow?




more interesting. Quote ‘I think I would like it more if it were a little more difficult to understand and made you think’. So according to these results I think that I am safe

to proceed with my film with no worries as to whether it will be too

confusing to follow.

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When I asked this question 8 out of 10 people said that a change in the colour scheme would be the best way to differentiate

between these two personalities, and they suggest black and whites or monochromes.

The 2 people in myDo you think changing the colour scheme is the best way to show these different personalities?



survey who said no, failed to elaborate on therefore these answers were not

very helpful to me.

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Below is a list of suggestions i got when I asked this question.

Colours Hair and make-up

Clothes Expression and movement

Music Lighting

Make the characters stereotypical Speech

Now when I make my film I will try and incorporate as many of these as possible (with out it being to

confusing) to make it clear that the two personalities are very different.

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When I asked this question I got a very mixed response. Three people said that they thought a subtle difference would be more effective, 5 people said that an extreme difference would be better and 2 people replied with a little of both. One of the suggestions I received said that ‘’Completely different, but still have a specific character trait that the

audience will recognise’’. Do you think it would be more effective for the personalities to be completely different or for them to have only a subtle difference?








Subtle Extreme A little of both

Do you think it would bemore effective for thepersonalities to becompletely different orfor them to have only asubtle difference?

This made me think about giving the character

something that cannot be changed even when the personality is different.

And I think a scar or anything visual will be


Page 8: Primary Research

And so from these results I understand that to satisfy as many members of my target audience as possible I

should perhaps use a combination of both. I came to the conclusion that the two different personalities

would have very different wardrobes, and instead of changing the colour scheme all together I would

make it only very subtle, so that it is not all in black and white, but there is much less colour for one of the

personalities then there is for another.

Using Darker clothing Got 3 ticks

Changing the colour scheme all together in post production (black and white/sepia)

Got 4 ticks

Both Got 3 ticks