principles of effective communication game

Principles of effective communication Nathan Kirby Next

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Post on 01-Nov-2014




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Powerpoint game on barriers to effective communication.


Page 1: Principles of Effective Communication Game

Principles of effective communication

Nathan Kirby


Page 2: Principles of Effective Communication Game

Cultural Differences

People with different cultures may behave or speak in a certain way, it is important that you use words and phrases correctly and appropriately. For example: A word you may use to explain something might have a different meaning to them. Try and use more of a “Global” word.


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Adapting to the Environment

The way you speak in different environments is key. For example: If you need to speak to an audience, you need to be loud and clear in order for them to understand you and take in information. If it is a “Formal meeting” then you need to speak formally, clearly and appropriately. This may differ from the way you speak to your social group or at home. When making points, you need to make your ideas and opinions clear so that the audience can understand it from your prospective.


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Engaging an Audience

When speaking to an audience, you don’t want to speak in one tone of voice and speak constantly. They will get bored fast. There are many different ways in which you can engage an audience. Some of these are:• Use a presentation or visual representations to demonstrate

ideas and information. Add images, sounds and videos.• Keep them involved, ask questions and get them to

contribute.• Change the tone of your voice for different parts of

information. Be productive, be cheerful and try and make the audience smile (May be a little informal). Needs to fit the situation.


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Exploring information.

When showing a PowerPoint to an audience, explain the information in your own words instead of directly from the slide itself, give your own opinions on the subject/topic in order for the audience to obtain a better understanding of more than one point of view.


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Presentation – Quality and Quantity

Making sure that when preparing the presentation, that the information is relevant and focuses on the main/key points linking directly to the purpose. Try and bullet-point the key points instead of plastering each slide with loads of information. Keep an appropriate font size so that the text can easily be scanned through and the audience don’t like enthusiasm. Make sure that you spend the appropriate amount of time explaining each of the slides. Allocate appropriate time slots.


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Be presentable…

It is important that you are setting a good example for the audience, if they see that you are confident and invest your time into supplying the presentation they will pay more respect and be more likely to pay attention better. It is important that you keep a natural body language but avoid slouching, lounging, putting your hands in your pockets and hair flicking. Make sure that you aren’t late and you are prepared, this is important.


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Question Time

You will now be asked a series of questions, there will be 2 options for each one. One of

which is right.

Good Luck!


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When speaking to someone from a different culture/country, what do you need to make sure that you do?

Use personal vocabulary and behave how you would normally with friends and family members.

Widen your vocabulary, speak formally and appropriately to the audience. Try and find words that

can relate to them, rather than slang and second meaning words.

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It is important that you use words that are globally used and has the same meaning in your own environment and theirs. It is also important that the terminology that you use is appropriate to them.


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It is important that you don’t use any personal “Slang” as it may be offensive towards the audience of a different culture. Use words which are relatively global and maintain the same meaning.


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When giving a lecture/presentation, what is important for you do to in order to keep the audience engaged.

Constantly talk to them, giving them random parts of information in detail, covering every single little area. Speak in one, formal tone of

voice. Stay still and don’t move about. Talk to the audience.

Change the tone of your voice to fit the information and formality of what you

are telling them. Cover information with key points and not massive chunks of text and information. Move around, across the given area to make sure all

areas of the audience is absorbing information.

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If it important that you keep the audience engaged and allow them to take in information efficiently. If you do not keep them engaged, then they may miss important information that is needed to understand the outline of the subject. Changing the tone of your voice for different attitudes to different areas, it is important not to drone them out. Covering information with key points and not massive chunks of text will work better with the audience, this is because massive chunks of text can be frustrating for some people to read.



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If you don’t work through the information in some sort of logical order, then they will miss the base outline of the information, keeping all the information related to different sub-sections of the subject is important. If you just talk and don’t allow a change in attitude.



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When giving presentation, what is important to remember when supplying information?

Keep focused on the PowerPoint and read everything on there word

for word.

Cover the key points shown on the slide, interpret your own opinion into

your answer, give them a variety of facts.

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It is very important that you don’t just pay attention to the presentation, and you interact with the audience. When explaining a certain subject/topic make sure that you give your own opinions ideas along with the important, factual information. This will allow the audience to have a better understanding.



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No! If you focus too much on the presentation, it won’t flow and it will not be as interesting for the audience. It is important that you express your own view points and ideas in order for them to obtain a greater understanding.



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When giving a presentation, how should you behave (body language)?

Keep your hands in pockets, stand up still and straight. Try and keep to one

spot/area when explaining/talking. The presentation of your dress code e.g. If wearing a suite, keeping the shirt un-

tucked. – Making sure that you are comfortable.

Move around the front, make sure that when you are explaining

information that it is reaching all of your audience. Project your voice.

Keep your personal appearance tidy.

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It is important that you move around the allocated space so that the audience doesn’t just watch you stand in one spot, if you inform the whole audience, then they will obtain a better understanding and they wont disengage from the presentation. Make sure the way you are dressed is appropriate to the situation, making sure that they can see that you made the effort.



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If you don’t present the way you dress appropriately, then the audience will think that you don’t show an interest and don’t want to set a good example. Keeping a good dress-code is important and it is important that the first impressions are positive. If you don’t move around, you will not engage all of the audience e.g. If you are standing at one side, that particular side might understand but the other side may lose concentration and not pay attention.



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The End

This is the end of the PowerPoint game.

Hopefully, you will have a better understanding on the key aspects of giving a presentation and

the importance of being organized and down-to-earth with the audience.