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Abraham Maslow 1908-1970 was a humanist, believed in hierarchy of needs- needs at a lower level dominate an individual's motivations Abraham Maslow 1908-1970 was a humanist, believed in hierarchy of needs-needs at a lower level dominate an individual's motivations Albert Bandura 1925-present sociocultural, pioneered in observational learning, stated that people profit from the mistakes/successes of others invented the Bobo Doll Alfred Adler 1870-1937 neo-Freudian, believed in inferiority/superiority complexes, childhood influences personality formation. Anal Stage 2nd stage. Child's development during which bowel control is the primary conflict ages 1-2

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Abraham Maslow1908-1970 was a humanist,

believed in hierarchy of needs-needs at a lower level dominate

an individual's motivations

Abraham Maslow

1908-1970 was a humanist, believed in hierarchy ofneeds-needs at a lower level dominate an individual's


Albert Bandura

1925-present sociocultural,pioneered in observational learning,stated that people profit from themistakes/successes of othersinvented the Bobo Doll

Alfred Adler1870-1937 neo-Freudian, believed

in inferiority/superioritycomplexes, childhood influences

personality formation.

Anal Stage2nd stage. Child's

development during whichbowel control is the primary

conflict ages 1-2

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Applied Psychologist

Psychologists who use theknowledge in an attempt tosolve human problemsEx: Pavlov's ideas used to helppeople with addictions/helps

Archetypes Universal belief that we modelafter patterns

Autonomy vs Shame andDoubt

Independence and self-sufficiency

Behavioral Approach

An approach to psychology emphasizing that human behavior isdetermined mainly by what a person has learned

Ex: Positive/ negative reinforcement or punishment

BehaviorismA theory based on that

scientific psychology shouldstudy only observable


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B.F. Skinner

A leading behaviorist, who rejected introspectionand studied how consequences shape behavior

The Big FiveConscientiousness,

Agreeableness, Neuroticism,Openness, and Extraversion.

Biopsychological Approach

an approach that views behavior as stronglyinfluenced by nervous system functions

Blank Slateidea that there were no fears

at birth, all comes fromenvironment

Cardinal TraitAllport's term to describe

personality traits thatdominate an individual's life

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Carl Jung

1875-1961 was a Neo-Freudianhe believed people hadconscious and unconsciousawareness, archetypes,collective unconscious.

Carl Rogers

1902-1987 humanistic, he foundedperson-centered therapy, theorythat emphasizes the quality ofhumans especially their potentialfor personal growth

Central TraitAllport's idea of personalitycharacteristics that have a

widespread influence on theindividual

Charles Darwin1809-1882 English scientist whosecame up with the theory of evolutionthrough natural selection.Ex: Inspired the study of psychology

Classical ConditioningA type of learning where they

learn to link two or morestimuli and anticipate events

to another event

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research on the causes of mentaldisorders and offer services to helptroubled people overcome thosedisordersEx: in private clinics, mental hospitals,homeless shelters

Cognitive Approach

behavior is a result of information processing, such asperception, memory, thought, judgment, and decision


collective unconciousCarl Jung's concept of a

shared, inherited reservoir ofmemories.

Conscious The person's awareness to theworld around them

Defense MechanismsIn psychoanalytic theory, theego's protective methods of

reducing anxiety. such asdenial

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study child development, help disturbedchildren and their parents who are tryingto understand problems they faceEx: Works in Clinics, or private practicesor Universities

Eclectic Approach

An approach to psychotherapy that,depending on the client's problems, usestechniques from various forms of therapyEx: using the Cognitive approach,Behavioral approach as treatment for apatient

EgoThe rationalist self, the

mediator between id andsuperego

Ego-Identity vs. Roleconfusion

achieve knowing who you areand how you fit into the rest of

society and avoid confusion

Emotional Stableable to handle stress (mental

health) Social - need tosocialize calm at stressful


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Engineering/Human FactorsPsychologist

do research on how people function best withmachines, and to design effective layouts of stores

Extraversion A personality indicating theyare "outgoing" in nature

Free Association Technique used to reveal theunconscious

Generativity vs. Stagnation30-60 years: To achieve the

life goals established foroneself, while considering

welfare of others

Genital StageConflicts from childhood

reappear. focus onrelationships

ages: Adolences onward

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Gordon Allport1897-1967 trait theory of

personality, 3 levels of traits-cardinal, central, and


Hans Eysenck1916-1997 stated thatpersonality is largely

determined by genes, usedintroversion/extroversion

Humanistic PsychologyIdea of the growth potential of

healthy people and theindividual's potential for

personal growth

Humanistic Psychology

A theoretical view of human nature whichstresses a positive view of human nature

The Iceburg MetaphorThe Conscious was the layer

on top and the Unconscious isall that is hidden underneath

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Id Contains basic needs anddrives, devil-like


deal with relationships between peopleand their work environment to helpemployees who have problemsEx: works usually in large companies orindustries

Industry vs Inferiority

6-12 years. Children need to copewith new academics success leadsto a sense of competence, whilefailure results in feelings ofincompetence

Inferiority ComplexAdler's conception of a basicfeeling of inadequacy due to

childhood experiences

Initiative vs Guilt3-6 yrs. Initiates new activitiesand considers new ideas and is

interest in exploring.

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Integrity vs. DespairMaturity 64-Death sense lifesatisfaction and to face death

without despair

Intimacy vs. Isolation(Young Adulthood) The stage

at which meaningful andintimate relationships are


Ivan Pavlov

1891-1951 he was the first toresearch into learned behavior

(conditioning)Ex: Developed Classical


John B. Watson

1878-1958 American psychologist whofounded behaviorism. He believed in thestudy of observable behavior andrejecting the mental process theory.Ex: Little Albert experiment/ Published abook about child rearing

Karen Horney

1885-1952 A neo-Freudian whofocused on more equalrepresentation of men and womenand also the role of basic anxiety asa motivating force

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Latency Stageages 6-preadolences. Conflicts

from earlier stages remainsubdued. No conflicts

Libido Freud's term for sexual urge ordesire/ energy force

Nature-Nurture Issue

The debate between which affects us more our parents orthe environment around us

Ex: parents or others that affect our behavior more

Oedipus Complexa boy's sexual desires towardhis mother and feelings hate

for the father

Operant Conditioning

A type of learning in whichbehavior is strengthened iffollowed by a reinforcer or

lessened if followed by apunisher

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Oral Stage 1st stage. First year of life,primary conflict is teething

Personality A person's characteristics orpatterns of thinking.

Phallic Stage3rd Stage. Freud's concept ofages 2-6 tension begins to bean attraction to the parent of

the opposite sex.


Freud's idea of a level ofawareness that containsmaterial just beneath theconscious awareness that caneasily be retrieved.

Projective TestA personality test, such as theRorschach or TAT, that helps

lead into possible therapy

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A medical specialty dealing with thediagnosis and treatment of mental disorders

PsychoanalysisA therapeutic approach thatfocuses on analyzing their

thoughtsEx: Free association

PsychoanalysisA therapeutic approach thatfocuses on analyzing their


Psychoanalytic Theory

Freud's theory to explainpersonality, motivation, andmental disorders using the

unconscious determinants ofbehavior


The scientific study of human or animalbehavior and mental processes

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Psychosexual StagesDevelopmental periods that

effect and model yourpersonality

Punishment An event that decreases thebehavior that it follows.

Raymond Cattell

1905-1998 3 domains ofpersonality sphere (personality,ability, & motivation), 16Personality Factors (personalitytest)

ReinforcementAn event following a responsethat increases the tendency to

make that response.

ReliabilityA test to yield very similar

scores for the same individualover repeated testings

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Research Psychologist

Psychologists who study thecause of certain behaviors or

the origin of the behaviorEx: Pavlov's Operant


Rorschach Inkblot Test

A projective personality testwhere individual interprets themeaning of a set ofunstructured inkblots and areanalyzed.


involved with teachers andstudents, help those with learning

disabilitiesEx: Works primarily in K-12


Secondary TraitAllport's idea of specific traitsthat influence behavior in few



Maslow idea of psychologicalneeds that arises after basicphysical and psychologicalneeds are met and self-esteemis achieved

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Sigmund FreudKnown as the founder ofpsychoanalysis, focused

animal-like behaviors

Sigmund Frued

Founder of Psychoanalysis, proposedthat dream images are disguised in theunconscious, and the internal energyforceEx: Believed in libido, Free association,Defense mechanisms

Sociocultural Approach

An approach to psychology that examines the ways inwhich social and cultural environments influence


Superego "Moral mind" theperfectionist/ Angel

The Talking CureBy talking through a bad

experience it will help makethe pain go away.

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Thematic Apperception TestA projective test where people

express their inner feelingsthrough stories they make up

about scenes.

TheoriesBroad explanations based on

observation, andexperimenting.


A idea backed up by research and datagathered

Trait TheoryA theory of personality thatfocuses on identifying and

measuring individualdifferences in behavior

Trust vs MistrustA conflict in early life that

deals with trusting others andthe world

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Unconditional Positive RegardRogers idea of an attitude of

total acceptance towardanother person

UnconsciousAccording to Freud, a

reservoir of mostlyunacceptable thoughts,feelings, and memories.

Validity A test that measures exactlywhat you intend to measure

Wilhelm Wundt

He was a physiologist who founded psychology as aformal science he also opened the first psychology

research laboratory

William James

1842-1910 believed in functionalism, hestudied how humans use perception tofunction in our environmentEx: Published a widely used 1400 pgtextbook of pysch, DevelopedFunctionism