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Print Net Solutions Graphics & Printing Web Submission Job ticket (rev 32217)

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Post on 25-Mar-2020




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Print  Net  Solutions      

Graphics  &  Printing  Web  Submission  Job  ticket  

(rev  3-­‐22-­‐17)  

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*  Open  web  browser  at:  *  

*  Bookmark  this  in  your  favorites  for  future  use.  *  First-­‐time  users  will  need  to  create  an  account  by  signing  in  with  your  current  CRCSD  login  and  

password.  *  Sign  in  under  the  PrintNet  Solutions  site  from  the  drop  down  menu  (see  screenshot  below)  *  IMPORTANT:    When  creating  your  account—you  must  use  the  drop  down  menu  to  choose  your  school/

department.  It  will  otherwise  default  to  the  wrong  account.    Look  for  your  School  or  choose  ELSC  and  then  select  your  department  (listed  alphabetically).  

Logging  on  

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*  Go  to  the  tool  bar  at  bottom  of  screen  and  select  your  job  type:  *  New  Print  Order  (regular  copy  job)  *  New  Wide  Format  Job  (posters)  *  New  Specialty  Items  Job  (envelopes,  name  tags,  business  cards,  tabs,  

labels,  laminate  only,  paper  only)    *  Preview  Job  (previous  print  order)  *  Copy  (select  previous  job  and  copy  as  a  new  job)  *  Delete  (delete  a  job  that  has  not  been  submitted  yet)      

Choosing  a  Job  Type  

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*  Enter  job  Name:    *  Customer  P.O.:      This  may  be  left  blank.  *  Department:    Menu  drop  down  should  only  contain  account  #’s  for  your  school/department.    

Choose  from  list.    “Budget  Code”  should  auto  populate.  *  Quantity:    enter  number  of  copies  needed:  

*  If  your  piece  prints  multiple-­‐up,  enter  the  number  of  finished  copies  you  need.  *  If  you  are  printing  a  packet  with  multiple  pages,  enter  the  number  of  finished  packets  

you  need.  *  If  you  are  printing  sets,  enter  the  number  of  finished  sets  you  need.  


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*  Enter  Due  Date:      Click  on  calendar  and  choose  a  due  date.  *  Add  File:    Attach  an  electronic  file.    (NOTE:  You  will  not  be  able  to  submit  a  job  without  attaching  a  file.)    

Please  see  page  labeled  “ ”  for  details.  *  Upload  all  files  before  entering  the  job  specifications  (i.e.,  paper,  1  or  2  sided,  bindery  options,  etc.)  0r  

it  may  default  back  to  the  original  setting  when  you  upload  the  file.  *  If  you  have  a  job  that  prints  both  color  and  black  &  white,  click  “file  Default”  from  the  drop  down  

menu.  *  If  you  need  further  instructions  go  to  the  upper  right  corner  of  the  blue  tool  bar  and  click  “Support”  

to  view  a  tutorial  video.  


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Notes  regarding  files:  •  For  best  results,  use  the  original  electronic  file/pdf  rather  than  scanning  a  print  

copy.  •  In  the  past,  we  asked  that  files  be  placed  on  the  “O”  drive.    You  will  now  attach  files  

directly  to  your  job  ticket  instead.  •  A  job  may  not  be  submitted  without  a  file  attached.    •  If  the  file  you  need  is  on  file  at  Graphics  &  Printing,  email  [email protected]  to  

request  a  copy.  We  will  e-­‐mail  it  to  you  to  attach  to  your  job  ticket.    (Phone  requests  for  files  cannot  be  accepted.)  


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•  When  scanning  an  original  on  your  office  copier  to  save  as  a  PDF:  •  Scan  at”  600  x  600  BPI”  resolution  and  “Super  Fine”  settings    for  best  reproduction.  

•  To  scan  multiple  pages  into  1  single  PDF  file:  •  Select  Scan/Fax  on  your  office  copier.  

•  Choose  where  to  send  your  scan  -­‐-­‐  to  your  email  or  to  the  scan  folder.  •  Click  on  “Application”  in  the  lower  right  hand  corner  of  the  screen.  •  In  upper  left  hand  corner,  click  “Separate  Scans”  so  it  reads  “On.”  •  Next  click  on  “Close”  to  get  out  of  that  screen.  •  Across  the  bottom    of  the  screen  click  on  1  sided  or  2  sided.  Click  on  “Resolution”  and  change  to  “600  x  600  dpi”  

and  “Ultra  Fine”  then  click  “OK.”    (  Note:    if  the  original  copy  is  on  color  paper,  make  a  copy  on  white  paper  to  scan  from)  

•  Click  on  either  “Color”  or  “Black”  and  then  click  on  “Close.”  •  Place  first  original  on  glass  in  upper  left  hand  corner,    close  lid,  press  the  lit  blue  “Start”  button.  Once  the  scan  is  

complete,  repeat  this  step  until  all  pages/originals  have  been  scanned.  •  Press  “finished”  on  the  screen  and  then  press  the  lit  blue  “Start”  button.    This  will  send  the  completed  scanned  

file  to  your  email.  •  Review  each  page  of  your  scan  prior  to  attaching  to  the  job  ticket  to  ensure  quality  of  your  scans.    

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*  B/W  or  Color:    Click  on  drop  down  and  choose  an  option.  *  1-­‐Sided  or  2-­‐Sided:    Click  on  drop  down  and  choose  an  option.  *  Paper  Size:  Click  on  drop  down  and  choose  an  option  -­‐  choose  your  finished  size:  8  ½  x  11,      

11x  17,  postcard  or  pads.  If  you  choose  pads  you  will  also  need  to  select  a  size  -­‐    ¼  sheet,  ½  sheet,  or  full  sheet  –  and  then  how  many  sheets  per  pads  you  want.  

*  Paper  Color:    Click  on  drop  down  and  choose  a  color.  (Not  all  colors  will  be  available  for  all  paper  weights/thicknesses.)  


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*  Paper  Weight:    Click  on  drop  down  and  choose  a  color.    Only  the  thickness  of  paper  available  in  the  color  you  chose  will  appear  as  an  option.    

*  Paper  Type:    Choose  from  “paper  weight”  and  “paper  color”  options.  *  Paper  Color:    This  bar  will  show  the  color  of  paper  you  have  chosen.  (These  colors  are  not  exact  matches  to  

the  paper  colors  but  will  be  close  enough  for  reference.)  *  Orientation:    Click  on  drop  down  and  choose  between  Portrait  (vertical)  or  Landscape  (horizontal).  *  Collated  vs.  non-­‐collated:    Choose  non-­‐collated  if  you  will  be  handing  the  sheets  out  individually  or  collated    

if  you  will  be  sharing  the  entire  packet  at  one  time.    

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*  Covers:    Choose  from  this  drop  down  menu  to  include  a  cover  on  your  packet/book.  *  Bindery:    Most  options  under  this  drop  down  menu  pertain  to  collated  material  (i.e.,  1  stitch,  2  stitches,  

perfect  bind,  coil  bind,  pad,  drilling).    Choose  only  one  option  from  this  drop  down.    For  a  second  option,  go  to  Folding/Additional  Bindery.  

*  Folding/Additional  Bindery:    The  bindery  options  under  this  drop  down  menu  are  mostly  for  single  sheets  (i.e.,    fold,  cut,  laminate,  drill).    If  you  need  a  third  bindery  option,  note  that  in  special  instructions.    

*  Delivery:    On  this  drop  down,  you  choose  whether  to  have  the  job  mailed  back  to  you  or  to  be  called  for  pick  up.    (Please  provide  your  cell  phone  #  for  any  job  being  produced  during  the  summer.)  

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*  Special  Instructions:    Use  this  area  to  clarify  details  of  your  job  (i.e.,  25  books,  printed  2  sided,  with  Cosmic  Orange  covers,  spiral  bind  or  “need  25  pads,  with  50  sheets  each,  on  60  Cosmic  Orange”).    Use  this  space  to  summarize  your  order.    This  will  be  especially  helpful  in  minimizing  confusion  as  we  begin  using  the  new  system.    


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*  Once  you  have  entered  your  job,  you  have  the  option  go  “Back”,  “Preview.”  or  “Continue.”      *  Back:  Use  this  button  to  navigate  back  to  an  area  you  wish  to  change/review.  *  Preview:    This  button  will  give  you  a  preview  of  your  job  as  you  have  entered  it.  (This  feature  currently  

under  construction  and  not  yet  available.)  *  Continue:  Once  you  have  previewed  your  job,  click  “continue”  to  move  to  the  next  step.      *  Order  Review:  This  is  a  preview  of  your  job  based  on  the  information  you  have  entered.    If  everything  

is  correct,  click  “submit”  to  place  your  order.  

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Click  “Submit”  AFTER  reviewing  and  confirming  that  your  order  is  correct/complete.    APPROVAL:    Once  you  have  submitted  your  job,    it  will  be  sent  electronically  to  your  school/department  administrator  for  approval.  (This  is  the  person  designated  by  your  supervisor/principal  to  approve  jobs  going  to  production.)  Once  it  is  approved,  your  job  will  automatically  be  sent  to  Graphics  &  Printing.    You  will  receive  a  confirmation  e-­‐mail  as  this  time.  

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•  Enter  job  name:  •  Customer  P.O.:    This  may  be  left  blank.  •  Quantity:    Enter  number  of  finished  posters  needed.  •  Department:    Choose  department  from  drop  down  menu.  The  “Budget  Code”  will  

then  auto  populate.  

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•  Date  Needed:  Choose  a  due  date  from  the  calendar.  •  Add  File:  Upload  your  file.    The  size  from  your  file  will  automatically  populate    in  the  

“original  file  size”  box.    If  the  size  needed  differs  from  what  is  uploaded,  please  indicate  under  “Special  Instructions.”  

•  B/W  or  Color:    Choose  option  from  drop  down  menu.  •  Ink  &  Resolution:    Choose  “KIP  Toner”  from  drop  down  menu.  

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•  Select  Media:    We  will  automatically  print  on  24#  white  bond.    If  you  need  a  different  stock,  please  indicate  this  in  the  “special  instructions”  box.    Options  are:  •  Neon:  orange,  pink,  yellow,  or  blue  •  Other:    Call  G  &  P  @  319-­‐558-­‐2200  to  discuss  you  project  and  alternatives  options.  

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•  Original  File  size:  This  size  will  pull  in  from  the  file  you  uploaded.    If  the  desired  size  is  different  than  what  is  uploaded,  click  on  the  “finish  size”  needed.    You  can  also  indicate  this  in  the  “special  instructions”  section.    

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•  Additional  Finishing:  Choose  an  option  from  the  drop  down  menu.  You  will  only  be  able  to  choose  1  option;  if  you  need  your  poster  to  be  laminated  and  have  grommets,  specific  this  information  in  your  second  option  under  “special                      instructions.”  

•  Delivery:    Choose  and  option  from  the  drop  down  menu.  •  Special  Instructions:  Use  this  section  to  clarify/summarize  your  order.  

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•  Back:    Use  the  “back”  button  to  navigate  to  previous  sections  of  the  job.  •  Preview:    Use  the  “preview”  button  for  a  visual  review  of  your  job  as  entered.  (This  

feature  is  under  construction  with  our  vendor.)  •  Continue:  Click  “continue”  to  move  to  the  job  summary  screen.    Click  “Submit”  

AFTER  you  have  reviewed  your  job  and  are  satisfied  it  is  correct.    

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•  Continue:  Click  “continue”  to  go  to  the  job  summary  screen.    Click  “Submit”  AFTER  you  have  reviewed  your  job  and  are  satisfied  it  is  correct.  You  will  receive  an  e-­‐mail  confirming  receipt  of  your  order.  


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New  Specialty  Items  Job  (envelopes,  business  cards,  labels,  tabs,  name  tags)  

Some  items  are  considered  “Specialty    Items”  in  this  new  system.  Click  the  “New  Specialty  Items  Job”  tab  to  order:      Envelopes  

       Business  Cards          Tabs          Name  Tags          Labels          Laminate  only  jobs          Paper  only          

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New  Specialty  Items  Job  (envelopes,  business  cards,  labels,  tabs,  name  tags)  

Enter  job  name,  quantity  needed,  date  needed,  and  attach  your  file.  Click  the  “Specialty  Item”  drop  down  menu  to  select  your  product.  

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New  Specialty  Items  Job  (envelopes,  business  cards,  labels,  tabs,  name  tags)  

Click  “Continue”  AFTER  choosing  your  product  and  adding  any  notes  under  special  instructions.  

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New  Specialty  Items  Job  (envelopes,  business  cards,  labels,  tabs,  name  tags)  

Carefully  review  your  order.    Click  “Submit”  to  place  your  order.    You  will  receive  a  confirmation  e-­‐mail.      Production  time  will  vary  depending  on  the  product  ordered.