priority 1 registration: may 6 - 9 priority 3 registration ... · schedule of classes: summer 2016...

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  • Priority 1 Registration: May 6 - 9Priority 2 Registration: May 11Priority 3 Registration: May 12 - 13Priority 4 Registration: May 16Priority 5 Registration: May 17Schedule of Classes: Summer 2016


    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    An introduction to accounting as an inf ormation sy stem, examining why it is important and how it is used by inv estors, creditors, and others to make decisions. The course cov ers the accounting inf ormation sy stem including the process, purpose, concepts, rules, and theory . The course will include the application of accounting principles, concepts, and theory used to accumulate and summarize f inancial data into f inancial statements. The course will include issues relating to asset, liability , and equity v aluation, rev enue and expense recognition, cash f low, internal controls, and ethics. The course will include the critical analy sis and interpretation of f inancial inf ormation and f inancial statements. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. (C-ID: ACCT 110) ADVISORY: Intermediate Algebra (Math 233 or Math 240), English College Reading (English 260), English Practical Writing (English 250), and basic computerized spreadsheet knowledge.

    ACCT 20: Financial Accounting

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jwolowitz@gav ilan.eduACCT 2080199 15Wolowitz, Jason4.0Online:

    jwolowitz@gav ilan.eduACCT 2080286 21Wolowitz, Jason4.0Online:


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:D, IGETC:4H, GAV-GE:D2, F

    The history and philosophy of justice as it ev olv ed throughout the world; in-depth study of the American sy stem and v arious sub-sy stems; roles and role expectations of criminal justice agents in their interrelationships in society ; concepts of crime causations, punishments and rehabilitation; ethics, education and training f or prof essionalism in the social sy stem. (C-ID: AJ 110) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    AJ 10: Introduction to the Adm inistration of Justice

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    dpulido@gav ilan.eduAJ 10 BU-12006:00 pm - 08:50 pm TWR80005 25Pulido, Dav e3.0Lec

    Transf erable: CSU

    This 884 - 1062 v ariable unit course satisf ies required training mandates gov erned by the Commission on Peace Of f icer Standards and Training (POST) entry lev el Peace Of f icers. The course includes principles, procedures and techniques of law enf orcement, including: Criminal Justice Law, Patrol and Inv estigation procedures, Def ensiv e Tactics, Firearms/Chemical Agents, Leadership, Ethics, Community Relations, Police Vehicles Operations, Traf f ic Enf orcement, Cultural Div ersity , Report Writing, and First Aid/CPR. Course requires signif icant time commitment and outside course work including unif orm preparation, homework assignments and equipment maintenance. PREREQUISITES: 1) Completion of POST approv ed pre-entry English skills assessment examination and phy sical agility test. 2) Medical clearance by a licensed phy sician. 3) Penal Code Section 13511.5 requires that each applicant f or admission to the Basic Police Academy course shall be required to submit written certif ication f rom the Department of Justice that the applicant has no criminal history background which would disqualif y him or her, f rom owning, possessing, or hav ing under his or her control a f irearm.

    AJ 100A: Basic Police Academ y

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    cf ontis@gav ilan.eduAJ 100A OFFSTE-HHJTC108:00 am - 05:00 pm MTWR80001 FULLFontes, Clay22.5L/L

    1/20/2016 - 7/28/2016

    Transf erable: CSU

    Introduction to computer crime inv estigation processes. The student is introduced to the hardware, sof tware, networks and dev ices f ound in ty pical home and business settings. Techniques and equipment used to collect ev idence, ensure integrity , locate and prepare data f or f orensic inv estigation. Cov ers chain of custody requirements f or admissible ev idence, data f ormats f or a v ariety of modern equipment, and recov ery of deleted or encry pted inf ormation. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. This course is also listed as CSIS 184.

    AJ 184: Com puter Forensics

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:08 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mramos@gav ilan.eduAJ 184 BU-11806:00 pm - 09:05 pm M80235 28Ramos, Mario1.0Lec

    This is a Hy brid course.

    mramos@gav ilan.eduAJ 184 Ramos, Mario2.0Online:

    mramos@gav ilan.eduAJ 18480244 27Ramos, Mario3.0Online:


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E2, F

    Interaction of social, emotional, intellectual, and phy sical attributes related to the dev elopment and realization of human potential across the lif e span. (C-ID: PSY 180) PREREQUISITE: Eligible f or English 1A.

    AH 3: The Person in the Life Cycle

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    damaro@gav ilan.eduAH 3 HOB-10209:00 am - 11:40 am TWR80237 2Amaro, Debbie3.0Lec

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E2, F

    This course is designed to meet the needs of the Allied Health student and the general education student alike. The major aim of this course is to help the student acquire relev ant inf ormation about nutrition which they can use prof essionally and/or personally . The course will cov er the practical aspects of normal nutrition, way s to promote sound eating habits throughout the lif e cy cle, and phy siological contribution nutrients make to body structure and f unction. This course is also listed as BIO 11. PREREQUISITE: Eligible f or English 1A. ADVISORY: Chemistry 30A and Mathematics 205.

    AH 11: Nutrition

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    makrop@gav ilan.eduAH 1180201 7Akrop, Martha3.0Online:

    makrop@gav ilan.eduAH 1180203 8Akrop, Martha3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU

    Designed to af f ord selected students specialized opportunities f or exploring areas at the independent study lev el. The courses may inv olv e extensiv e library work, research in the community , or special projects. May be repeated until six units of credit are accrued. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. REQUIRED: The study outline prepared by the student and the instructor must be f iled with the department and the dean.

    AH 23: Independent Study

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    damaro@gav ilan.eduAH 2380291 FULLAmaro, Debbie1.0Ind

    6/6/2016 - 8/12/2016

    Transf erable: CSU; GAV-GE:F

    A course to prov ide a basic introduction to patient care in the conv alescent setting. Emphasizes principles, understanding and skills necessary to perf orm basic nursing procedures saf ely and ef f ectiv ely . Includes introduction to health care, planning, saf ety , inf ection control, personal care, basic procedures, rehabilitation, nutrition and clients' rights and needs. At the completion of this course students will qualif y f or state certif ication as a nursing assistant. PREREQUISITE: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260 and eligible f or MATH 205 or MATH 430. Clearance f rom the Department of Health Serv ices (Form HS283), f ingerprint card, and health clearance required prior to clinical placement. Health and f ingerprint clearance required prior to clinical placement. Unif orm, shoes, watch, and stethoscope required. Clinical in Morgan Hill or Hollister, as assigned.

    AH 180: Fundam entals of Nursing--Convalescent

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:09 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    dreid@gav ilan.eduAH 180 HOB-11408:00 am - 02:10 pm MT80260 5Reid, Diane8.5Lec

    6/13/2016 - 8/11/2016$50.00 Course materials f ee pay bale at registration.

    dreid@gav ilan.eduAH 180 HOB-11406:30 am - 02:30 pm WR Reid, DianeLab

    6/13/2016 - 8/11/2016

    Transf erable: CSU

    This two (2) week, eight (8) day course is designed to prepare students to prov ide basic health care in the home env ironment. This course includes interpretation of medical/social needs, personal care serv ices, cleaning tasks, nutrition, and the scope of limitations of a home health aide. All students who achiev e a grade of "C" or better will be eligible f or a Home Health Aide Certif icate f rom the State of Calif ornia Department of Public Health. PREREQUISITE: Activ e Calif ornia C.N.A. certif ication or successf ul completion with a minimum score of 75% or equiv alent in AH 180. Also, eligible f or English 250 and English 260. Clearance f rom the Calif ornia Department of Public Health Serv ices (Form HS283B), f ingerprint clearance, negativ e drug screen, required immunizations, negativ e TB screen, and health clearance required prior to clinical placement.

    AH 182: Hom e Health Care

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    dreid@gav ilan.eduAH 182 HOB-11409:00 am - 01:20 pm MTWRF80261 5Reid, Diane3.0Lec

    6/1/2016 - 7/1/2016$50.00 Course materials f ee pay able at registration.

    dreid@gav ilan.eduAH 182 HOB-11406:30 am - 02:00 pm F Reid, DianeLab

    6/1/2016 - 7/1/2016

    AH 18280262 STAFF, S Cancelled

    6/1/2016 - 7/22/2016


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B2, IGETC:5B, GAV-GE:B2, F

    This course introduces the concepts, methods of inquiry , and scientif ic explanations f or biological ev olution and their application to the human species. Issues and topics will include, but are not limited to, genetics, ev olutionary theory , human v ariation and biocultural adaptations, comparativ e primate anatomy and behav ior, and the f ossil ev idence f or human ev olution. The scientif ic method serv es as f oundation of the course. (C-ID: ANTH 110) ADVISORY: English 250, English 260 and Mathematics 205.

    ANTH 1: Introduction to Physical Anthropology

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rmitchell@gav ilan.eduANTH 180087 7Mitchell, Rachel3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:D, IGETC:4A, GAV-GE:D2, F

    The course explores how anthropologists study and compare human cultures. Cultural anthropologists seek to understand the broad arc of human experience f ocusing on a set of central issues: how people around the world make their liv ing (subsistence patterns); how they organize themselv es socially , politically and economically ; how they communicate; how they relate to each other through f amily and kinship ties; what they believ e about the world (belief sy stems); how they express themselv es creativ ely (expressiv e culture); how they make distinction among themselv es such as through apply ing gender, racial and ethnic labels; how they hav e shaped and been shaped by social inequalities such as colonialism; and how they nav igate culture change and processes of globalization that af f ect us all. Ethnographic case studies highlight these similarities and dif f erences, and introduce students to how anthropologists do their work, employ prof essional anthropological research ethics and apply their perspectiv es and skills to understand humans around the globe. Students will write a research paper based on original f ieldwork in a local community . (C-ID: ANTH 120) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    ANTH 3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    gmichaels@gav ilan.eduANTH 380088 4Michaels, Gina3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU

    An ov erv iew of the methodologies used in experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental research in psy chology . Students will learn how to design and conduct research, including f ormulating hy potheses, rev iewing the literature, ev aluating ethical issues, selecting methodologies, organizing data, apply ing statistics, and writing reports. This course is also listed as PSYC 32 and POLS 32. PREREQUISITE: PSYC 10 with a grade or "C" or better and MATH 5 with a grade of "C" or better.

    ANTH 32: Introduction to Research Methods

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:09 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ANTH 3280085 STAFF, S Cancelled


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:C1, IGETC:3A, GAV-GE:C1

    The history of western painting, sculpture, architecture and minor arts f rom the Early Renaissance to the present. (C-ID: ARTH 120) ADVISORY: English 1A

    ART 1B: Art History

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    YKarmi@gav ilan.eduART 1B MU-10110:30 am - 12:35 pm MTWR80108 17Karmi, Yael3.0Lec

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:C1, GAV-GE:C1

    A course that can teach y ou how to draw. Students learn basic drawing skills through the exploration of a v ariety of drawing materials such as pencil, inks, charcoal and pastels; processes include doodling, gesture and schematic drawing.

    ART 3A: Draw ing and Com position

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jadkins@gav ilan.eduART 3A AR-10201:45 pm - 03:05 pm MTWR80109 12Adkins, Jason3.0Lec

    jadkins@gav ilan.eduART 3A AR-10203:10 pm - 06:05 pm MTWR Adkins, JasonLab

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:C1, IGETC:3A, GAV-GE:C1, F

    An illustrated lecture course that surv ey s and introduces the v isual arts f rom historical to contemporary times, and teaches students the basic concepts of seeing and appreciating art. (C-ID: ARTH 100) ADVISORY: English 250 and English 260.

    ART 6: Art Appreciation

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jedberg@gav ilan.eduART 680110 21Edberg, Jane3.0Online:

    jedberg@gav ilan.eduART 680111 9Edberg, Jane3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; GAV-GE:F

    This course is intended f or students who hav e little or no experience in the f ield of ceramics. The curriculum introduces basic skills in a well-rounded approach. Forming techniques include pinch, coil and slab hand building along with beginning wheel work. Slips, underglazes, stains, and glazing will be introduced as surf ace treatments. Saf e studio protocols will be taught and f ollowed. Use of the internet and library resources are required. Portf olio dev elopment and personal assessment are introduced.

    ART 7A: Beginning Ceram ics

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jrekedal@gav ilan.eduART 7A AR-10108:30 am - 10:30 am MTWR80099 15Rekedal, Jane3.0Lec

    jrekedal@gav ilan.eduART 7A AR-10110:35 am - 12:45 pm MTWR Rekedal, JaneLab

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; GAV-GE:F

    This course is intended f or students who hav e completed ART 7A, Beginning Ceramics. The curriculum presents more adv anced skills and broader application of knowledge initiated in 7A. New skills and activ ities required in 7B include slip mixing and testing, more adv anced wheel and sculptural work, f acility with v arious surf ace treatment techniques, alternativ e f iring, and loading and unloading kilns with minimal superv ision. Students will be required to display work at a v enue on Gav ilan's campus. Additionally , students will be required to choose a studio maintenance task and perf orm it throughout the entire semester. Use of internet, classroom, and ceramics of f ice library resources are required. Portf olio dev elopment and self -assessment will be included. PREREQUISITE: ART 7A, Beginning Ceramics.

    ART 7B: Interm ediate Ceram ics

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:09 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jrekedal@gav ilan.eduART 7B AR-10108:30 am - 10:30 am MTWR80100 23Rekedal, Jane3.0Lec

    jrekedal@gav ilan.eduART 7B AR-10110:35 am - 12:45 pm MTWR Rekedal, JaneLab

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; GAV-GE:C1, F

    This course is a continuation of the ceramics of f erings, 7A and 7B. The curriculum demands a high lev el of skills and artistic thinking to dev elop a contemporary , personal statement in the ceramic medium. Students will draw f rom a wide v ariety of choices f or f iring and f inishing their works, including raku and maiolica. They will utilize mixed media and adv anced technology to dev elop their works. They will f ormulate, mix and test glazes and will be expected to tutor and mentor each other in studio maintenance tasks and practices. They will also exhibit their work on campus, dev elop an artistic statement and bio, and submit work f or display on the Gav ilan College website. Digital portf olios will be created, and in depth critiques will be utilized f or self -ev aluation. Use of the internet, classroom, and ceramics of f ice library resources. are required. PREREQUISITE: ART 7B, Intermediate Ceramics.

    ART 7C: Advanced Ceram ics

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jrekedal@gav ilan.eduART 7C AR-10108:30 am - 10:30 am MTWR80101 24Rekedal, Jane3.0Lec

    jrekedal@gav ilan.eduART 7C AR-10110:35 am - 12:45 pm MTWR Rekedal, JaneLab

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:C1, GAV-GE:C1, F

    An introduction to the historical dev elopments and cultural inf luences of ceramic art. Dev elopment of a personal expression is realized through the combination of historical elements, observ ation and actual creations in clay .

    ART 10A: Cultural History of Ceram ics

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jrekedal@gav ilan.eduART 10A AR-10108:30 am - 10:30 am MTWR80098 18Rekedal, Jane3.0Lec

    jrekedal@gav ilan.eduART 10A AR-10110:35 am - 12:45 pm MTWR Rekedal, JaneLab


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    This is a sport specif ic course designed f or our student-athletes. Fundamentals, strategy and rules of the game of v olley ball are included. May be repeated three times f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 21: Volleyball

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    kkramer@gav ilan.eduATH 21 GY-GYM09:00 am - 11:25 am MTWR80158 13Kramer, Kev in1.0Lab

    7/11/2016 - 8/11/2016

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    This is a sport specif ic sport designed f or our student-athletes. Fundamentals, strategy and rules of the game of soccer are included. May be repeated three times f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 25: Soccer

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    respinosa@gav ilan.eduATH 25 ATHFLD-SOCCER02:30 pm - 04:55 pm MTWR80159 36Espinosa, Ricardo1.0Lab

    7/11/2016 - 8/11/2016

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    This is a sport specif ic course designed f or our student-athletes. Fundamentals, strategy and rules of the game of basketball are included. May be repeated three times f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 27: Basketball

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:09 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    enelson@gav ilan.eduATH 27 GY-GYM03:30 pm - 05:35 pm MW80160 28Nelson, Erik0.5Lab

    7/11/2016 - 8/17/2016

    dkaplansky @gav ilan.eduATH 27 GY-GYM11:30 am - 01:35 pm TR80265 22Kaplansky , Dav id0.5Lab

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    This is a sport specif ic course designed f or our student-athletes. Instruction is in the f undamentals of sof tball. Fundamentals, rules, strategy and game play are included. May be repeated three times f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 37: Softball

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ndequin@gav ilan.eduATH 37 ATHFLD-SFTBLL01:30 pm - 03:35 pm TR80161 24Dequin, Nikki0.5Lab

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    This conditioning class is designed to improv e and increase agility and strength dev elopment of the student-athlete through v arious exercises and exercise programs. May be repeated three times f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Prev iously listed as PE 46 and KIN 46.

    ATH 48: Agility and Strength Developm ent

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mdov enberg@gav ilan.eduATH 48 ATHFLD-FTBLL04:05 pm - 07:15 pm MTWRFS80162 4Dov enberg, Michael1.0Lab

    8/8/2016 - 8/26/2016

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    This is a sport specif ic course designed f or our student-athletes. Fundamentals, mechanics, strategy and rules of the game of baseball are included. May be repeated three times f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 65: Baseball

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    nandrade@gav ilan.eduATH 65 ATHFLD-BASBLL01:30 pm - 03:35 pm TR80164 18Andrade, Neal0.5Lab

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    This activ ity class is designed to improv e the phy sical condition of our male and f emale student-athletes. It includes strength training, cardiov ascular endurance, ply ometric training, and sport specif ic techniques through an open lab f ormat. May be repeated three times f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Prev iously listed as PE 75 and KIN 75.

    ATH 75: Sports Conditioning

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ndequin@gav ilan.eduATH 75 GY-FITCNTR80169 14Dequin, Nikki0.5Lab

    This section is designed specif ically f or members of the Intercollegiate Sof tball team. Students will work out on day s and times specif ied by their team's Head Coach.

    enelson@gav ilan.eduATH 75 GY-FITCNTR80170 20Nelson, Erik0.5Lab

    7/11/2016 - 8/19/2016This section is designed specif ically f or members of the Women's Intercollegiate Basketball team. Students will work out on day s and times specif ied by their team's Head Coach.

    ATH 7580171 STAFF, S Cancelled

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:09 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • ATH 7580172 STAFF, S Cancelled

    kkramer@gav ilan.eduATH 75 GY-FITCNTR80173 15Kramer, Kev in0.5Lab

    6/21/2016 - 8/4/2016This section is designed specif ically f or members of the Women's Intercollegiate Volley ball team. Students will work out on day s and times specif ied by their team's Head Coach.

    respinosa@gav ilan.eduATH 75 GY-FITCNTR80174 43Espinosa, Ricardo1.0Lab

    7/11/2016 - 8/11/2016This section is designed specif ically f or members of the Men's Intercollegiate Soccer team. Students will work out on day s and times specif ied by their team's Head Coach.

    mdov enberg@gav ilan.eduATH 75 GY-FITCNTR02:35 pm - 04:00 pm MTWR80198 12Dov enberg, Michael0.5Lab

    6/20/2016 - 7/21/2016Class does not meet on these day s: July 5, 6, 7, 2016.

    mdov enberg@gav ilan.eduATH 75 GY-FITCNTR02:35 pm - 04:00 pm MTWR Dov enberg, MichaelLab

    6/20/2016 - 7/21/2016

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E1

    This is a sport specif ic course designed f or our student-athletes. Instruction is in the f undamentals of f ootball. Includes skills, rules and strategy with emphasis on the application of skills and strategies in game play . May be repeated three times f or credit. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    ATH 77: Football

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mdov enberg@gav ilan.eduATH 77 ATHFLD-FTBLL04:05 pm - 07:15 pm MTWR80197 10Dov enberg, Michael1.0Lab

    6/20/2016 - 7/21/2016Class does not meet on these day s: July 5, 6, 7, 2016.

    mdov enberg@gav ilan.eduATH 77 ATHFLD-FTBLL04:05 pm - 07:15 pm MTWR Dov enberg, MichaelLab

    6/20/2016 - 7/21/2016


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B2, B3, IGETC:5B, 5C, GAV-GE:B2, B3

    An introduction to microbiology with an emphasis on bacteriology . Includes the study of morphology , phy siology and classif ication of microorganisms, a surv ey of inf ectious disease, immunology and techniques f or culture and control of microorganisms. This course is also listed as Allied Health 8. PREREQUISITE: Biological Science 10 or 15 with a grade of credit or C or better. ADVISORY: Chemistry 30A and Chemistry 30B; Eligible f or English 250, English 260 and Mathematics 205.

    BIO 8: General Microbiology

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mlilles@gav ilan.eduBIO 8 LS-10311:10 am - 12:30 pm MTWR80068 FULLLilles, Milena5.0Lec

    6/20/2016 - 8/12/2016

    mlilles@gav ilan.eduBIO 8 LS-10312:35 pm - 03:00 pm MTWR Lilles, MilenaLab

    6/20/2016 - 8/12/2016

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B2, B3, IGETC:5B, 5C, GAV-GE:B2, B3

    An introductory biology course cov ering f unctions at the cellular and organismal lev els. Includes study of the basic principles of metabolism, heredity , ev olution and ecology . Primarily f or non-biological science majors. ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250, English 260 and Mathematics 205.

    BIO 10: Principles of Biology

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    skey s@gav ilan.eduBIO 1080003 3Key s, Sherri2.0Online:

    skey s@gav ilan.eduBIO 10 LS-10209:00 am - 10:50 am TRF Key s, Sherri2.0Lab

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:09 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • skey s@gav ilan.eduBIO 1080004 1Key s, Sherri2.0Online:

    skey s@gav ilan.eduBIO 10 LS-10211:10 am - 01:00 pm TRF Key s, Sherri2.0Lab

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E2, F

    This course is designed to meet the needs of the Allied Health student and the general education student alike. The major aim of this course is to help the student acquire relev ant inf ormation about nutrition which they can use prof essionally and/or personally . The course will cov er the practical aspects of normal nutrition, way s to promote sound eating habits throughout the lif e cy cle, and phy siological contribution nutrients make to body structure and f unction. This course is also listed as AH 11. PREREQUISITE: Eligible f or English 1A. ADVISORY: Chemistry 30A and Mathematics 205

    BIO 11: Nutrition

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    makrop@gav ilan.eduBIO 1180202 21Akrop, Martha3.0Online:

    makrop@gav ilan.eduBIO 1180204 19Akrop, Martha3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B2, B3, IGETC:5B, 5C, GAV-GE:B2, B3

    An introductory study of the structure and f unction of the human body . Includes study at the cellular and organ sy stem lev els, emphasizing integration of sy stems. Note that a cadav er will be observ ed in this course. This course is also listed as Allied Health 15. ADVISORY: Biology 10 or Biology 12 with a grade of 'C' or better. Eligible f or English 250, English 260 and Mathematics 205. Course will include the v iewing of a cadav er.

    BIO 15: Survey of Hum an Anatom y and Physiology

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    trobinson@gav ilan.eduBIO 15 LS-10303:10 pm - 06:00 pm TWR80066 11Robinson, Tay lor3.0Lab

    trobinson@gav ilan.eduBIO 15 Robinson, Tay lor2.0Online:

    rmorales@gav ilan.eduBIO 15 LS-10306:30 pm - 09:20 pm TWR80067 8Morales, Rey2.0Lab

    trobinson@gav ilan.eduBIO 15 Robinson, Tay lor3.0Online:


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; GAV-GE:D2, F

    A surv ey in business prov iding a multidisciplinary examination of how culture, society , the economic sy stem, the legal env ironment, international and political issues, f inancial institutions, and human behav ior interact to af f ect a business organization's policy and practices within the U.S. and abroad. Demonstrate how these inf luences impact the primary areas of business including: organizational structure and design, leadership, human resources management, organized labor practices; marketing; organized communication; technology ; entrepreneurship; legal, accounting, f inancial practices; the stock and securities markets; and theref ore af f ect a business's ability to achiev e its organizational goals. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Prev iously listed as GBUS 1. (C-ID: BUS 110) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    BUS 1: Fundam entals of Business

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    skurtz@gav ilan.eduBUS 1 BU-10301:00 pm - 03:50 pm MWF80018 15Kurtz, Sharon3.0Lec

    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    Introduction to the law applicable to business institutions and their operations; social f orces and their ef f ect upon the dev elopment of law; sources of law, agencies f or enf orcement, and court procedure and administration agencies. Substantiv e law, that law which includes rights and duties, will include contracts, agency employ ment relationships, torts and crimes. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Prev iously listed as GBUS 80. (C-ID: BUS 125) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    BUS 80: Business Law

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    sbanks@gav ilan.eduBUS 80 BU-11812:00 pm - 03:00 pm TWR80238 21Banks, Sonia3.0Lec


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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:09 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Transf erable: CSU

    Self -paced course in the operation of the electronic printing calculator. This course prov ides theory and practice in business applications with emphasis on mathematical problem solv ing. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: Eligible f or Mathematics 402.

    BOT 112: Business Com putations w ith Machines

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    llopez@gav ilan.eduBOT 112 BU-11010:00 am - 12:55 pm MTWR80006 3Lopez, Maria0.5Lab

    6/27/2016 - 7/7/2016

    Transf erable: CSU

    This course will introduce the student to the theory and procedure of coding f or medical diagnoses, an increasingly essential and specialized healthcare communication sy stem. The course is not a certif ication course. CPT coding is cov ered, with an ov erv iew of both ICD-9 and ICD-10 coding. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: BOT 180.

    BOT 183: Medical Coding

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    pmaroudas@gav ilan.eduBOT 183 BU-12002:00 pm - 05:05 pm MWR80200 30Maroudas, Patricia3.0Lec


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B1, B3, IGETC:5A, 5C, GAV-GE:B1, B3

    This is a f irst semester college chemistry course designed f or majors preparing to take Chemistry 1A, nursing and allied health students, as well as general education. The course will cov er the principles of chemistry including properties of matter, energy , atomic theory , the Periodic Table, stoichiometry , elements and compounds, the properties of bonding, molecular structure, chemical reactions, states of matter, acidity , solutions and gases, as well as an introduction to organic chemistry . ADVISORY: Mathematics 205; eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    CHEM 30A: Elem entary Chem istry

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    dclark@gav ilan.eduCHEM 30A PS-10512:00 pm - 02:05 pm MTWR80069 FULLClark, Dale4.0Lec

    dclark@gav ilan.eduCHEM 30A PS-10109:00 am - 11:05 am MTWR Clark, DaleLab

    dclark@gav ilan.eduCHEM 30A PS-10512:00 pm - 02:05 pm MTWR80070 FULLClark, Dale4.0Lec

    dclark@gav ilan.eduCHEM 30A PS-10102:30 pm - 04:35 pm MTWR Clark, DaleLab


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:D, E, IGETC:4I, GAV-GE:D2, E2

    This course examines ty pical and aty pical dev elopment within the psy chosocial, cognitiv e, and phy sical domains f rom conception through the preschool y ears. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to ev aluate theories and research of child dev elopment and ef f ectiv ely apply and communicate their understanding through observ ation and ev aluation. This course is also listed as PSYC 2. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. (C-ID: CDEV 100: CD 2 + CD 3) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 1A; transf er students consult with adv isor.

    CD 2: Early Child Developm ent

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mbumgarner@gav ilan.eduCD 280007 13Bumgarner, Marlene3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:D, E, IGETC:4I, GAV-GE:D2, E2

    This course examines ty pical and aty pical dev elopment within the psy chosocial, cognitiv e, and phy sical domains f rom middle childhood through adolescence. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to ev aluate theories and research of child dev elopment and ef f ectiv ely apply and communicate their understanding through observ ation and ev aluation. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. This course is also listed as PSYC 3. (C-ID: CDEV 100: CD 2 + CD 3) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 1A; transf er students consult with adv isor.

    CD 3: Child Grow th and Developm ent During the School Years

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:10 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mbumgarner@gav ilan.eduCD 380009 14Bumgarner, Marlene3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU

    An ov erv iew of Department of Social Serv ices and Department of Education regulations regarding early childhood prof essionals in Calif ornia. Self -assessment techniques with emphasis on building relationships with children, f amilies and colleagues. National standards, Code of Ethics, Public Policy and CA Early Childhood Foundations will be discussed as essential ingredients f or ef f ectiv e early childhood programs. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    CD 19: Introduction to Careers w ith Children

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    phenrickson@gav ilan.eduCD 19 CDC-10009:00 am - 12:00 pm TR80013 20Henrickson, Pat2.0Lec

    Transf erable: CSU

    A dev elopmental v iew of children's language and literacy learning in a f ramework of children's literature. Students will be presented with steps in children's literacy learning in order to help them organize classrooms and plan activ ities to support the growth of writing and reading. Students will study historical trends in children's literature and participate in practical experiences and activ ities that use a wide range of techniques and materials f or adv ancing language comprehension and usage. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    CD 20: Children's Language and Literature

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    phenrickson@gav ilan.eduCD 20 CDC-10006:00 pm - 09:00 pm TWR80014 12Henrickson, Pat3.0Lec


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:A1, IGETC:1C, GAV-GE:A1

    Basic principles of ef f ectiv e human communication and their f unction in contemporary public settings; emphasis is on the speeches to inf orm and persuade, with special consideration giv en to f undamental communication skills, including organization, reasoning, explanation, rhetoric and listening. (C-ID: COMM 110) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    CMUN 1A: Introduction to Public Speaking

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mpaulson@gav ilan.eduCMUN 1A HU-10310:30 am - 12:35 pm MTWR80113 7Paulson, Mary3.0Lec

    ewaddell@gav ilan.eduCMUN 1A CDC-11010:30 am - 12:35 pm MTWR80114 7Waddell, Ellen3.0Lec

    tteng@gav ilan.eduCMUN 1A MHG-1106:00 pm - 09:00 pm TWR80115 6Teng, Teresa3.0LecAbove class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:A1, IGETC:1C, GAV-GE:A1

    An introductory course that dev elops basic indiv idual reasoning skills, insights and experiences in inf ormation-sharing, interacting, decision-making, problem-solv ing, persuasion, and resolution of disputes and other issues central to group processes. (C-ID: COMM 140) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    CMUN 10: Sm all Group Com m unication

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ewaddell@gav ilan.eduCMUN 10 CDC-11008:00 am - 10:05 am MTWR80112 2Waddell, Ellen3.0Lec

    Transf erable: CSU

    This introductory course in presentation graphics will use Microsof t Of f ice's "PowerPoint" sof tware to create a computerized presentation with text and objects. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. This course is also listed as CSIS 129. ADVISORY: CSIS 126 or word processing skills in the Windows env ironment.

    CMUN 129: Presentation Graphics - MS Pow erPoint

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:10 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    llopez@gav ilan.eduCMUN 129 BU-11010:10 am - 01:00 pm MTWR80029 8Lopez, Maria1.0Lec

    7/11/2016 - 7/19/2016


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; GAV-GE:E2

    An introduction to terminology , design, operation f or the nov ice user. Student will gain experience using the Internet f or searches and email. They will complete projects using v arious sof tware including word processing, spreadsheets, database, presentation graphics, and integration. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260; completion of CSIS 122.

    CSIS 1: Com puter Literacy - MS Office

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduCSIS 1 BU-11101:05 pm - 03:50 pm TR80060 5Stoy kov , Alexandre2.0Lec

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduCSIS 180288 8Stoy kov , Alexandre2.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU; GAV-GE:E2

    An introduction to using Hy pertext Mark-Up Language (HTML) to create web pages which can be uploaded and display ed on the World Wide Web. Students will use HTML to create web pages with text in v arious sizes and colors, links to other sites, lists, background color or patterns, graphics, tables and email links. Interactiv e f orms, scripting languages (jQuery f or simple animation) and css media queries to make a web page responsiv e to multiple dev ice sizes will also be cov ered. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Also listed as DM 6. ADVISORY: CSIS 1 or CSIS 2 or CSIS 3/LIB 3 adv ised.

    CSIS 6: Webpage Authoring

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduCSIS 680226 14Stoy kov , Alexandre3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU; GAV-GE:E2

    Topics include networking f undamentals, webpages and HTML, online security basics, and business email etiquette. Students will learn techniques to search ef f iciently f or inf ormation and ev aluate its credibility . This is a pass/no pass course. ADVISORY: CSIS 124

    CSIS 8: Introduction to the Internet

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ev enable@gav ilan.eduCSIS 880030 6Venable, Ellen1.0Online:6/1/2016 - 6/30/2016

    ev enable@gav ilan.eduCSIS 880289 29Venable, Ellen1.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    Fundamentals of assembly language programming concepts and techniques. Topics include internal representation of data, arithmetic operations, logic statements, and general assembly language commands. Introduce low lev el language architecture including assemblers, linkage editors, and loaders. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. COREQUISITE: CSIS 12L Assembly Language Programming Lab ADVISORY: CSIS 45 (C++ Programming) or programming experience. Math 233 (Intermediate Algebra)

    CSIS 12: Assem bly Language Program m ing

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduCSIS 1280232 11Stoy kov , Alexandre3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    Supplemental practice in coursework associated with this course is prov ided. Concurrent enrollment in CSIS 12 is required. This is a pass/no pass course. COREQUISITE: CSIS 12 Assembly Language Programming

    CSIS 12L: Assem bly Language Program m ing Lab

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:10 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduCSIS 12L80055 11Stoy kov , Alexandre1.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B4, IGETC:2A, GAV-GE:B4

    Topics cov ered include set theory , logic, relations and f unctions, mathematical induction and recursion, combinatorics, discrete probability , trees and graphs, analy sis of algorithms, algebraic structures. Emphasis on topics of interest to computer science majors. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. (C-ID: COMP 152) PREREQUISITE: CSIS 5 or CSIS 45 or CSIS 46 with a grade of 'C' or better.

    CSIS 26: Discrete Structures

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ev enable@gav ilan.eduCSIS 2680056 4Venable, Ellen3.0Online:

    ev enable@gav ilan.eduCSIS 2680290 14Venable, Ellen3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    Introduction to computing using Py thon. Study and create programs that perf orm v arious tasks, including text and f ile manipulation, internet scripting, data structures, testing, and practical problem solv ing with examples. Cov ers object-oriented programming and the Py thon Standard Library . Introduces students to the f undamental concepts of programming. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. (C-ID: COMP 112)

    CSIS 42: Python Program m ing

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduCSIS 42 BU-11111:00 am - 12:50 pm TR80057 16Stoy kov , Alexandre4.0Lec

    This is a Hy brid course.

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduCSIS 42 Stoy kov , AlexandreOnline:

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduCSIS 4280058 8Stoy kov , Alexandre4.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; GAV-GE:E2

    An introduction to the concepts and methods of computer programming using C++. Students will be introduced to procedural and object-oriented programming design methodology . Topics cov ered include v ariable and constant declarations, selection statements, repetition, f unctions and recursion, array s, strings, pointers, and an introduction to classes and objects. This course will prepare students f or the Programming II class. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. (C-ID: COMP 122) ADVISORY: CSIS 10 or CSIS 42

    CSIS 45: C++ Program m ing I

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduCSIS 4580059 7Stoy kov , Alexandre2.0Online:

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduCSIS 45 Stoy kov , Alexandre1.0

    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    This course will prov ide the basics of the UNIX/Linux operating sy stem, including the history and the use of UNIX/Linux with hands-on experience using commands and f iles. Topics to be cov ered include basic UNIX/Linux commands, text editing, f iles and directories, electronic mail, pipes and f ilters, and shell programming. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: CSIS 1 or CSIS 2 or equiv alent computer experience.

    CSIS 48: UNIX/Linux Operating System

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    lbarreto@gav ilan.eduCSIS 48 BU-11806:00 pm - 09:05 pm T80236 26Barreto, Luis1.0Lec

    lbarreto@gav ilan.eduCSIS 48 Barreto, Luis2.0

    lbarreto@gav ilan.eduCSIS 48 Barreto, Luis1.0Online:

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:10 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • lbarreto@gav ilan.eduCSIS 4880263 23Barreto, Luis2.0Online:

    lbarreto@gav ilan.eduCSIS 48 Barreto, Luis2.0

    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    Introduction to the interpreted language called PERL, the Practical Extraction and Report Language. Writing of programs that perf orm v arious tasks, including text, f ile and process manipulation. Semantics and sy ntax of the Perl language, including discussion of the practical kinds of problems that Perl can solv e and prov ides examples. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Concurrent enrollment in CSIS 54L is required. COREQUISITE: CSIS 54L Perl Programming Lab ADVISORY: CSIS 45 C++ Programming or equiv alent programming experience.

    CSIS 54: Perl Program m ing

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    lbarreto@gav ilan.eduCSIS 54 BU-11806:00 pm - 09:05 pm W80240 28Barreto, Luis1.0Lec

    This is a HYBRD course, taught partially f ace to f ace/online

    lbarreto@gav ilan.eduCSIS 54 Barreto, Luis2.0Online:

    lbarreto@gav ilan.eduCSIS 5480242 25Barreto, Luis3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU, UC

    Supplemental practice in coursework associated with this course is prov ided. Concurrent enrollment in CSIS 54 is required. COREQUISITE: CSIS 54 Perl Programming

    CSIS 54L: Perl Program m ing Lab

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    lbarreto@gav ilan.eduCSIS 54L BU-11806:00 pm - 09:05 pm R80241 27Barreto, Luis1.0Lab

    lbarreto@gav ilan.eduCSIS 54L80243 26Barreto, Luis1.0

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; GAV-GE:C1

    An introduction to the f ield of digital media, including history , social impact, concepts, career options and industry trends. Apply ing learned v isual and aural design principles, students will explore the use of computer-based tools in the design and production of digital media by creating and editing digital images, sounds, v ideo, animation, and text. A comprehensiv e term project f or publication on the web or CD ROM will be required. This course is also listed as DM 77. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: CSIS 124, CSIS 1, CSIS 2/2L, CSIS 3, or f amiliarity using the Macintosh or Windows operating sy stem.

    CSIS 77: Introduction to Digital Media and its Tools

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    PWilliams@gav ilan.eduCSIS 77 LI-12809:00 am - 12:30 pm MTWR80166 23Williams, Philip3.0L/L

    Transf erable: CSU

    A self -paced course f or students who wish to master the alphabetic and numeric key board on the computer. This course is designed f or students who do not know the alphabetic key board by "touch" and f or those who want to improv e their ability to ty pe straight copy with increased speed and accuracy . The course prov ides "hands-on" instruction to help students reach optimum computer key boarding skills within a limited time. This is a pass/no pass course. Course may be repeated until 2 units are accrued.

    CSIS 122: Com puter Keyboarding

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    f mendez@gav ilan.eduCSIS 122 HOL-306:00 pm - 08:25 pm MW80019 13Mendez, Frank0.5LabAbove class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    llopez@gav ilan.eduCSIS 122 BU-11011:00 am - 12:55 pm MTWR80022 20Lopez, Maria0.5Lab6/27/2016 - 7/21/2016

    llopez@gav ilan.eduCSIS 122 BU-11009:00 am - 11:00 am MTWR80025 19Lopez, Maria0.5Lab6/27/2016 - 7/21/2016

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:10 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • llopez@gav ilan.eduCSIS 122 BU-11009:00 am - 12:55 pm MTWR80026 6Lopez, Maria1.0Lab

    6/27/2016 - 7/21/2016

    Transf erable: CSU

    This course prov ides f undamental inf ormation on the Windows env ironment f or the computer. Introductory Windows operations and f ile management are cov ered. This is a pass/no pass course. ADVISORY: Basic key boarding skill.

    CSIS 124: Window s Fundam entals

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    f mendez@gav ilan.eduCSIS 124 HOL-306:00 pm - 08:05 pm MW80027 9Mendez, Frank1.0Lec

    6/27/2016 - 7/27/2016 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    Transf erable: CSU

    This introductory course in presentation graphics will use Microsof t Of f ice's "PowerPoint" sof tware to create a computerized presentation (slide show) with text and objects. This course is also listed as CMUN 129. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: CSIS 126 or word processing skills in the Windows env ironment.

    CSIS 129: Presentation Graphics - MS Pow erPoint

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    llopez@gav ilan.eduCSIS 129 BU-11010:10 am - 01:00 pm MTWR80028 8Lopez, Maria1.0Lec

    7/11/2016 - 7/19/2016

    Transf erable: CSU

    Introduction to computer crime inv estigation processes. The student is introduced to the hardware, sof tware, networks and dev ices f ound in ty pical home and business settings. Techniques and equipment used to collect ev idence, ensure integrity , locate and prepare data f or f orensic inv estigation. Cov ers chain of custody requirements f or admissible ev idence, data f ormats f or a v ariety of modern equipment, and recov ery of deleted or encry pted inf ormation. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. This course is also listed as AJ 184.

    CSIS 184: Com puter Forensics

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mramos@gav ilan.eduCSIS 184 BU-11806:00 pm - 09:05 pm M80234 29Ramos, Mario3.0Hy brid

    This is a Hy brid course.

    mramos@gav ilan.eduCSIS 184 Ramos, MarioOnline:

    mramos@gav ilan.eduCSIS 18480245 29Ramos, Mario3.0Online:


    Transf erable: CSU; Work-Based-Learning-Activ ities

    Occupational work experience f or students who hav e a job related to their major. A training plan is dev eloped cooperativ ely between the employ er, college and student. (P/NP grading) 75 hours per semester paid work = 1 unit. 60 hours non-paid (v olunteer) work per semester = 1 unit. Student repetition is allowed per Title 5 Section 55253. Minimum 2.00 GPA. REQUIRED: Declared v ocational major.

    CWE 190: Occupational Work Experience

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    agutierrez@gav ilan.eduCWE 190 LI-101A80248 19Gutierrez, Annette1.0Wrk Ex

    6/20/2016 - 8/26/2016

    agutierrez@gav ilan.eduCWE 190 LI-101A80249 20Gutierrez, Annette2.0Wrk Ex

    6/20/2016 - 8/26/2016

    Page 14 of 42

    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:10 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • agutierrez@gav ilan.eduCWE 190 LI-101A80250 19Gutierrez, Annette3.0Wrk Ex

    6/20/2016 - 8/26/2016

    agutierrez@gav ilan.eduCWE 190 LI-101A80251 20Gutierrez, Annette4.0Wrk Ex

    6/20/2016 - 8/26/2016

    Transf erable: CSU; Work-Based-Learning-Activ ities

    General work experience f or students who hav e a job unrelated to their major. General work experience is superv ised employ ment which is intended to assist students in acquiring desirable work habits, attitudes and career awareness. A training plan is dev eloped cooperativ ely between the employ er, college and student. (P/NP grading) 75 hours per semester paid work = 1 unit. 60 hours non-paid (v olunteer) work per semester = 1 unit. Student repetition is allowed per Title 5 Section 55253. Minimum 2.0 GPA.

    CWE 192: General Work Experience Education

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    agutierrez@gav ilan.eduCWE 192 LI-101A80253 18Gutierrez, Annette1.0Wrk Ex

    6/20/2016 - 8/26/2016

    agutierrez@gav ilan.eduCWE 192 LI-101A80254 20Gutierrez, Annette2.0Wrk Ex

    6/20/2016 - 8/26/2016

    agutierrez@gav ilan.eduCWE 192 LI-101A80255 19Gutierrez, Annette3.0Wrk Ex

    6/20/2016 - 8/26/2016

    agutierrez@gav ilan.eduCWE 192 LI-101A80256 20Gutierrez, Annette4.0Wrk Ex

    6/20/2016 - 8/26/2016


    Studies and techniques in braiding, weav ing, glass nails, silk wrap, indiv idual lash and brow tinting, correctiv e make-up and low lights. This is a 6 week class of f ered in summer session only . ADVISORY: Satisf actory completion of Cosmetology 200. Eligible f or English 250, 260, and Mathematics 205. Intermediate and Adv anced cosmetology enrollments only .

    COS 207: Contem porary Styling

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    gramirez@gav ilan.eduCOS 207 COS-10208:00 am - 04:30 pm MTWR80191 3Ramirez, Gilbert4.5L/L

    6/6/2016 - 7/14/2016Approx $50.00 course materials f ees. Contact 408-848-4884 f or detailed inf ormation.

    nkhanna@gav ilan.eduCOS 207 COS-10208:00 am - 04:30 pm MTWR Khanna, NeenaL/L

    6/6/2016 - 7/14/2016

    DGastelum@gav ilan.eduCOS 207 08:00 am - 04:30 pm MTWR Gastelum, Dulce MariaL/L6/6/2016 - 7/14/2016

    gramirez@gav ilan.eduCOS 207 COS-10208:00 am - 04:30 pm MTWR80196 7Ramirez, Gilbert4.5L/L6/6/2016 - 7/14/2016Approx. $50.00 Course materials f ees. Contact 408-848-4884 f or detailed

    inf ormation.

    nboy d@gav ilan.eduCOS 207 COS-10208:00 am - 04:30 pm MTWR 7Boy d, Nicolette4.5L/L

    6/6/2016 - 7/14/2016Approx. $50.00 Course materials f ees. Contact 408-848-4884 f or detailed inf ormation.

    df ortino@gav ilan.eduCOS 207 COS-10208:00 am - 04:30 pm MTWR Fortino, DoraL/L

    6/6/2016 - 7/14/2016

    aljuarez@gav ilan.eduCOS 207 COS-10208:00 am - 04:30 pm MTWR Juarez, AliciaL/L6/6/2016 - 7/14/2016

    Designed to af f ord selected students specialized opportunities f or exploring areas at the independent study lev el. The courses may inv olv e extensiv e library work, research in the community , or special projects. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. REQUIRED: The study outline prepared by the student and the instructor must be f iled with the Department and the Area Dean.

    COS 223: Independent Study

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:11 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    gramirez@gav ilan.eduCOS 223 COS-10280193 FULLRamirez, Gilbert1.0Ind

    gramirez@gav ilan.eduCOS 223 COS-10280195 FULLRamirez, Gilbert2.0Ind

    6/6/2016 - 7/14/2016


    Transf erable: CSU; GAV-GE:E2

    An introduction to using Hy pertext Mark-Up Language (HTML) to create web pages which can be uploaded and display ed on the World Wide Web. Students will use HTML to create web pages with text in v arious sizes and colors, links to other sites, lists, background color or patterns, graphics, tables and email links. Interactiv e f orms, scripting languages (jQuery f or simple animation) and css media queries to make a web page responsiv e to multiple dev ices sizes will also be cov ered. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. Also listed as CSIS 6. ADVISORY: CSIS 1 or CSIS 2 or CSIS 3/LIB 3 adv ised.

    DM 6: Webpage Authoring

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    astoy kov @gav ilan.eduDM 680227 27Stoy kov , Alexandre3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; GAV-GE:C1

    An introduction to the f ield of digital media, including history , social impact, concepts, career options and industry trends. Apply ing learned v isual and aural design principles, students will explore the use of computer-based tools in the design and production of digital media by creating and editing digital images, sounds, v ideo, animation, and text. A comprehensiv e term project f or publication on the web or CD ROM will be required. This course is also listed as CSIS 77. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: CSIS 124, CSIS 1, CSIS 2/2L, CSIS 3, or f amiliarity using the Macintosh or Windows operating sy stem.

    DM 77: Introduction to Digital Media and its Tools

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    PWilliams@gav ilan.eduDM 77 LI-12809:00 am - 12:30 pm MTWR80167 18Williams, Philip3.0L/L


    Transf erable: CSU; CSU-GE:D, IGETC:4B, GAV-GE:D2

    Introduction to the principles of macroeconomic analy sis, economic institutions, and economic policy ; supply and demand, determinants and distribution of output, income, and welf are through the market sy stem; international trade and globalization. Measurement, determinants of , and policies relating to long-run economic growth, business cy cle f luctuations, unemploy ment, and inf lation. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. (C-ID: ECON 202) PREREQUISITE: MATH 430 or MATH 205

    ECON 1: Principles of Macroeconom ics

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jkearns@gav ilan.eduECON 180031 3Kearns, Julian3.0Online:Students are required to purchase access to "ME ECON LAB" online portal.

    Approx. cost $63.00

    jkearns@gav ilan.eduECON 180032 11Kearns, Julian3.0Online:Students are required to purchase access to "MY ECON LAB" online portal.

    Approx. cost $ 63.00

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:D, IGETC:4B, GAV-GE:D2

    Introduction to microeconomic principles, theory , and analy sis. Topics include scarcity and resource allocation, specialization and exchange, and the determinants and distribution of output, income, and welf are through the market sy stem, as well as elasticity , production and cost theory , and market f ailure caused by externalities and asy mmetric inf ormation. Includes consumer choice and utility maximization, as well as prof it maximization in v arious competitiv e settings. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. (C-ID: ECON 201) PREREQUISITE: MATH 430 or MATH 205

    ECON 2: Principles of Microeconom ics

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:11 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jkearns@gav ilan.eduECON 280033 6Kearns, Julian3.0Online:Students are required to purchase access to "MY ECON LAB" online portal.

    Approx. cost $63.00.

    jkearns@gav ilan.eduECON 280283 21Kearns, Julian3.0Online:


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:A2, IGETC:1A, GAV-GE:A2

    This is a writing course which emphasizes expository writing, argumentativ e writing, and critical reading of expository prose. It is meant to train students in clear thinking and reasoned support of ideas. Students will be giv en the opportunity to read models of good expository and argumentativ e prose and learn the techniques of good writing. These include choosing appropriate subjects, dev eloping restricted, unif ied, and precise theses and presenting supporting ev idence in a logical, lucid, and ef f ectiv e manner. To achiev e this end, students write no f ewer than six essay s (a minimum of 6,000 words) and read at least f iv e works, two of which are book length. (C-ID: ENGL 100) PREREQUISITE: English 250 and English 260 or equiv alent with grade of 'C' or better or satisf actory score on the English placement examination.

    ENGL 1A: Com position

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jroscher@gav ilan.eduENGL 1A HU-10108:00 am - 09:30 am MTWR80102 13Roscher, Jennif er3.0Lec6/20/2016 - 8/12/2016

    dluoma@gav ilan.eduENGL 1A80103 12Luoma, Debbie3.0Online:

    amora@gav ilan.eduENGL 1A MHG-1108:00 am - 10:05 am MTR80104 3Mora, Angela3.0Lec6/20/2016 - 8/12/2016 Above class meets at Morgan Hill Community site.

    jmcmillen@gav ilan.eduENGL 1A80105 12McMillen, Jennif er3.0Online:6/20/2016 - 8/12/2016This class is part of a learning community . If y ou enroll y ou must also

    enroll in LIB 200 #80150.

    gmora@gav ilan.eduENGL 1A HOL-206:00 pm - 08:05 pm MTR80106 17Mora, Glenda3.0Lec

    6/20/2016 - 8/12/2016 Above class meets at the Hollister Briggs site.

    josikomaiy a@gav ilan.eduENGL 1A80107 10Osikomaiy a, Olujide3.0Online:6/20/2016 - 8/12/2016

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:C2, IGETC:3B, GAV-GE:C2, F

    English 1B continues the work begun in 1A, but now the emphasis shif ts to writing expository prose in conjunction with reading and analy zing imaginativ e literature. Students are to write as f ledgling critics and use the text as a basis f or other f orms of ref lection. The reading requirement includes short stories, poetry , drama, and at least two nov els. Course work will also include f undamentals of research writing. Minimum 6,000 words of f ormal writing. (C-ID: ENGL 120) PREREQUISITE: English 1A with a grade of "C" or better.

    ENGL 1B: Com position and Literature

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    ssandler@gav ilan.eduENGL 1B80132 6Sandler, Scott3.0Online:6/20/2016 - 8/12/2016

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:A3, IGETC:1B, GAV-GE:C2

    This course is designed to dev elop critical thinking, reading, and writing skills bey ond the lev el achiev ed in English 1A. The emphasis is on critical analy sis of arguments and the dev elopment of the ability to integrate the principles of critical thinking into essay writing. Students will write a minimum of 6,000 words. (C-ID: ENGL 105) PREREQUISITE: English 1A with a grade of "C" or better.

    ENGL 1C: Critical Reasoning and Writing

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:11 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    tbrett@gav ilan.eduENGL 1C HU-10308:00 am - 10:05 am MTWR80133 10Brett, Ted3.0Lec

    dbrand@gav ilan.eduENGL 1C80134 11Brand, Dennis3.0Online:6/20/2016 - 8/12/2016

    cchaf f in@gav ilan.eduENGL 1C80135 8Chaf f in, Chery l3.0Online:

    MKov acs@gav ilan.eduENGL 1C80156 6Kov acs, Michael3.0Online:6/20/2016 - 8/12/2016

    Transf erable: CSU

    Introduction to and practice of the craf t of supplemental instruction. Dev elopment of ef f ectiv e communication and leadership skills to f acilitate collaborativ e, interactiv e, and productiv e learning as a supplement to classroom instruction. Students read, observ e, discuss, and ref lect on SI theory and application in SI sessions. Recommended f or supplemental instruction leaders employ ed on campus. ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 1A.

    ENGL 99: Supplem ental Instruction Leader Training

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    mwong@gav ilan.eduENGL 99 SS-20508:00 am - 11:10 am MTWRF80140 22Wong, Megan1.0Lec

    8/15/2016 - 8/19/2016

    This course cov ers writing clear, correct, ef f ectiv e essay s and learning preliminary research skills. Also listed as English 250P. PREREQUISITE: English 440 or ESL 563 with a grade of 'C' or better or satisf actory score on the English placement examination.

    ENGL 250: Practical Writing

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jroscher@gav ilan.eduENGL 250 HU-10110:00 am - 12:10 pm MTW80136 7Roscher, Jennif er3.0Lec

    6/20/2016 - 8/12/2016

    jroscher@gav ilan.eduENGL 250 HU-10110:00 am - 12:10 pm R Roscher, Jennif erLab

    6/20/2016 - 8/12/2016

    Transf erable: GAV-GE:A3

    This is a course presenting strategies in the technique and practice of college lev el critical reading and thinking skills. Also listed as English 260P. PREREQUISITE: Completion of English 420 or ESL 562 with a grade of 'C' or better or Assessment recommendation.

    ENGL 260: Preparation for College Reading

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jcollins@gav ilan.eduENGL 260 PB-2009:00 am - 11:05 am MTR80138 5Collins, Jacqueline3.0Lec

    6/20/2016 - 8/12/2016


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:B1, B3, IGETC:5A, 5C, GAV-GE:B1, B3

    A study of the earth and the phy sical properties which modif y the earth; minerals, rocks, geologic structures and processes. ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    GEOL 1: Introduction to Geology

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    dwillahan@gav ilan.eduGEOL 1 SS-20609:00 am - 10:20 am MTWR80071 FULLWillahan, Daune4.0Lec

    JSchundler@gav ilan.eduGEOL 1 SS-20610:30 am - 01:15 pm MTWR Schundler, JeanneLab


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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:11 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Transf erable: CSU; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E2

    This course is designed to assist the student in learning more about personal v alues, personality , interests, exploration of career choice, and occupational opportunities through the use of v arious personal assessment instruments. The deliv ery options f or this course also include online and self -paced f ormats. This course is also listed as PSYC 5. ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260. $12 f ee will be charged f or career assessment materials.

    GUID 1: Self-Assessm ent and Career Developm ent

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    rsharboneau@gav ilan.eduGUID 180035 9Sharboneau, Rosa3.0Online:This class is crosslisted with PSYC 5 CRN#80038. There is a $12.00

    materials f ee f or this course.

    Ltenney @gav ilan.eduGUID 180040 15Tenney , Leslie3.0Online:This class is crosslisted with PSYC 5 CRN# 80041. There is a $12.00

    materials f ee f or this course.

    GUID 180043 STAFF, S Cancelled

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E2

    Ev aluation and application of academic study methods to achiev e subject matter mastery . Dev elopment of critical thinking skills, and application of reading, writing, note taking and test taking methods to improv e personal strategies. Exploration of personal lif esty le and health f actors, including the causes and management of stress, as it relates to academic success. Assessment of academic and career goals, selection of majors, and dev elopment of education plans. Topics cov ered include creativ e and realistic goal setting, academic and lif e management, college and community resources, library and Internet use, time management, and techniques to reduce math and science anxiety . This class will address a multitude of cultural learning sty les, with emphasis on attaining prof essional, personal and academic goals in a div erse society . Topics f rom dev elopmental psy chology , learning theory and personality theory . ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    GUID 6: Life Skills for Higher Education

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    cmarquez@gav ilan.eduGUID 680047 15Marquez, Celia2.0Online:

    mserrano@gav ilan.eduGUID 6 MA-10210:30 am - 11:45 am MTWRF80048 4Serrano, Marcela2.0Lec

    6/20/2016 - 7/22/2016Open to all but designed f or TRIO/Summer Bridge students.

    cv elardebarros@gav ilan.eduGUID 6 SS-20310:00 am - 11:35 am MTWRF80049 9Velarde-Barros, Carla2.0Lec

    8/1/2016 - 8/25/2016This class runs 4 weeks f rom August 1st to August 25th.

    Transf erable: CSU

    Superv ised f ield work within the college and with local agencies. Students serv e in usef ul group activ ities in leadership roles prescribed f or them by f aculty or community agencies. A maximum of six units may be completed. This is a pass/no pass course. REQUIRED: Learning contracts must be f illed out and signed by the student and the superv ising instructor.

    GUID 22: Field Work and Service

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    jmaringer@gav ilan.eduGUID 22 LI-10580192 24Maringer-Cantu, Jane1.0Fld ExContact the DRC HTC (LI 105) Open Entry /Open Exit

    Transf erable: CSU; GAV-GE:E2

    An ov erv iew of the principles, skills and methods used in peer mentoring and education. Course emphasizes communication skills, goal setting, interv ention techniques, and ref erral skills f or peer leaders. Student will complete national Certif ied Peer Educator certif ication upon successf ul course completion. This course is also listed as PSYC 52. ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    GUID 52: Peer Mentoring, Education, and Leadership

    Page 19 of 42

    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:11 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    Ltenney @gav ilan.eduGUID 52 SS-20509:00 am - 11:15 am MTWR80052 19Tenney , Leslie1.0Lec

    8/1/2016 - 8/11/2016This class runs 2 weeks f rom August 1st to August 11th and is crosslisted with PSYC 52 CRN#80053. There is a $20.00 materials f ee f or workbooks.

    Students will acquaint themselv es with college and univ ersity requirements, educational alternativ es, and strategies f or academic success. This will include an orientation to college programs, serv ices, policies and f acilities. Students will apply assessment test results, dev elop an indiv idualized education plan and class schedule, and/or enroll in f irst semester classes. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass.

    GUID 210: First Year College Student Sem inar

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    barteaga@gav ilan.eduGUID 210 PB-1910:30 am - 12:00 pm MTWRF80050 13Arteaga, Blanca0.5Lec

    7/25/2016 - 7/29/2016This class meets 1 week f rom July 25th to July 29th.

    barteaga@gav ilan.eduGUID 210 PB-1910:30 am - 12:00 pm MTWRF80051 9Arteaga, Blanca0.5Lec

    8/8/2016 - 8/12/2016This class meets 1 week f rom August 8th to August 12th.


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:E, GAV-GE:E2

    This course f ocuses on attaining indiv idual awareness, critical-thinking skills and self -responsibility relating to personal health. The interaction of indiv idual phy sical, psy chological, social, emotional, spiritual and env ironmental f actors in determining health status is dev eloped through integration of major concepts. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    HE 1: Health Education

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    damaro@gav ilan.eduHE 1 HOB-10212:00 pm - 02:40 pm TWR80064 16Amaro, Debbie3.0Lec


    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:C2, D, IGETC:3B, 4F, GAV-GE:C2, D1, D2, F, US:1, US:2

    History of the United States f rom the time bef ore European contact with the Americas through Reconstruction. Emphasis will be placed on distinctiv e patterns of political, economic, social, intellectual, and geographic dev elopments within their global context. At the conclusion of the course, the student should understand major themes in the history of the United States, and be able to explain v arious way s in which ideas about f ederal v s. state power, ethnicity , class, and gender div isions hav e inf luenced the nation's dev elopment. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. (C-ID: HIST 130) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 260.

    HIST 1: United States History through Reconstruction

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    MBaker@gav ilan.eduHIST 1 SS-21010:30 am - 12:35 pm MTWR80089 FULLBaker, Miranda3.0Lec

    JGrohol@gav ilan.eduHIST 180279 7Grohol, Jennif er3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:C2, D, IGETC:3B, 4F, 7B, GAV-GE:C2, D1, D2, US:1, US:3

    History of the United States f rom Reconstruction to the present. Emphasis will be placed on distinctiv e patterns of political, economic, social, intellectual, and geographic dev elopments within their global context. At the conclusion of the course, the student should understand major themes in the history of the United States, and be able to explain v arious way s in which ideas about f ederal v s. state power, ethnicity , class, and gender div isions hav e inf luenced the nation's dev elopment. This course has the option of a letter grade or pass/no pass. (C-ID: HIST 140) ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 1A.

    HIST 2: United States History Reconstruction to the Present

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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:12 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    JGrohol@gav ilan.eduHIST 280090 6Grohol, Jennif er3.0Online:

    Transf erable: CSU, UC; CSU-GE:C2, D, IGETC:3B, 4F, GAV-GE:C2, D2, F

    The class examines the construction of womanhood in the US during the twentieth century . The class explores the ef f ects of gender, ethnicity , class, and sexual orientation upon women's experiences. Students will study the contributions of v arious indiv idual women and groups of women in creating the modern United States, and will analy ze social, political, economic, and cultural f orces af f ecting women to both join and resist mov ements f or social change. Students will also learn to apply contemporary f eminist theory to traditional historical approaches. ADVISORY: English 250

    HIST 6: Wom en's Lives in Recent United States History

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    MBaker@gav ilan.eduHIST 6 SS-20501:00 pm - 03:05 pm MTWR80163 18Baker, Miranda3.0Lec


    Transf erable: CSU

    This instructor training will assist and help prepare students to become instructors who can prov ide ef f ectiv e training programs. Students will identif y elements of a course outline, dev elop lesson plans and create audiov isual training aids.

    JFT 9C: Fire Instructor 1C

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    JFT 9C80224 STAFF, S Cancelled

    6/20/2016 - 6/24/2016

    Transf erable: CSU

    This is a ref resher course f or the Basic CDF Firef ighter Academy . Returning f iref ighters must pass the returning f iref ighter written examination bef ore working on an emergency incident. The subjects are intended to giv e the Firef ighter 1 a basic knowledge which is needed prior to emergency response. Students are required to meet the minimum standard as noted in the behav ioral objectiv e f or each subject/topic. Candidates f or qualif ication under this course must meet the basic requirements f or employ ment as a CDF Firef ighter 1. ADVISORY: Eligible f or English 250 and English 420.

    JFT 15: CDF Fire Academ y Refresher

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    scushing@gav ilan.eduJFT 15 OFFSTE-SNJOSE06:00 am - 07:00 pm MTWRF80280 FULLCushing, Stev e1.0L/L

    6/20/2016 - 6/24/2016

    This course prov ides training recommended by the Calif ornia State Fire Marshall to keep students current with new equipment, policies, laws and skills needed to be prepared in the line of duty . It also prepares the student with command awareness and the control techniques required to ef f ectiv ely manage a f ire f ighter emergency ev ent should the situation occur. PREREQUISITE: Graduation f rom a Calif ornia State Fire Academy .

    JFT 205: Fire Continued Professional Training

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    scushing@gav ilan.eduJFT 205 OFFSTE-SNJOSE08:00 am - 03:00 pm W80065 FULLCushing, Stev eL/L

    6/20/2016 - 6/22/2016

    scushing@gav ilan.eduJFT 205 OFFSTE-SNJOSE07:00 am - 06:00 pm MT FULLCushing, Stev e0.5L/L6/20/2016 - 6/22/2016

    scushing@gav ilan.eduJFT 205 OFFSTE-SNJOSE08:00 am - 05:00 pm MTWRF80300 FULLCushing, Stev e2.0L/L7/18/2016 - 7/30/2016

    scushing@gav ilan.eduJFT 205 OFFSTE-SNJOSE08:00 am - 05:00 pm S FULLCushing, Stev eL/L

    7/18/2016 - 7/30/2016


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    Open Seats Av ailable as of : 8/15/2016 3:01:12 AM

    Online Classes - To start y our course, go to: https://my .gav You must login by 11:59 p.m. the 1st day of the course and late adds must login within 24 hours of adding or y ou may be dropped. For help, email y our instructor.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Transf erable: CSU

    This 880 - 1080 v ariable unit course satisf ies all minimum required training mandates gov erned by the Commission on Peace Of f icer Standards and Training (POST) entry lev el Peace Of f icers. The course includes f undamental principles, procedures and techniques of law enf orcement, including: Criminal Law, Patrol procedures, Cultural Div ersity , Inv estigativ e procedures, Report Writing, Def ensiv e Tactics, Firearms, Leadership, Ethics, Community Relations, Police Vehicles Operations, Traf f ic Enf orcement, Accident Inv estigation and First Aid/CPR. This course is open to those students who meet and satisf y entry requirements including written examination, phy sical f itness examination, DOJ f ingerprint clearance and medical clearance. This course requires signif icant time commitments and outside course work including unif orm preparation, homework assignments and equipment maintenance. PREREQUISITE: 1. POST approv ed pre-entry English skills assessment examination prov ided by the Academy . 2. Penal Code Section 13511.5 requires that each applicant f or admission to the basic course of training certif ied by the Commission (including the P.C. 832 course) that includes the carry ing and use of f irearms, and who is not sponsored by a local or other law enf orcement agency , or is not a peace of f icer employ ed by the state or local agency , department, or district, shall be required to submit written certif ication f rom the Department of Justice that the applicant has no criminal history background which would disqualif y him or her, f rom owning, possessing, or hav ing under his or her control a f irearm. 3. Medical clearance by a licensed phy sician.

    JLE 100: Basic Police Academ y

    CRN Type Units Time Days/Dates InstructorLocationOpen SeatsCourse

    scushing@gav ilan.eduJLE 100 OFFSTE-SNJOSE08:00 am - 05:00 pm MTWRF80002 FULLCushing, Stev e22.0L/L

    2/16/2016 - 8/12/2016

    Transf erable: CSU

    This course is designed to giv e students the skills necessary to become an accomplished Background Inv estigator. This course applies the f undamentals of background inv estigation, interv iewing, the use of psy chological screening, poly graphs, legal aspects of background inv esti