privilege, proviso, and paradox leadership in and …...interactive workshop privilege, proviso, and...

Interactive Workshop Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership inand fora Changing World Jay Hays Unitec Institute of Technology atem Regional Conference 2015: Leadership ReframedMoving from Myth and Misunderstanding to Inspiration and Influence Cliftons Conference Centre, Wellington, New Zealand 9-10 Jul 2015

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Page 1: Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in and …...Interactive Workshop Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in—and for—a Changing World Jay Hays Unitec Institute of

Interactive Workshop

Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox

Leadership in—and for—a Changing World

Jay Hays

Unitec Institute of Technology

atem Regional Conference 2015: Leadership Reframed—Moving from Myth and Misunderstanding to Inspiration and Influence

Cliftons Conference Centre, Wellington, New Zealand 9-10 Jul 2015

Page 2: Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in and …...Interactive Workshop Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in—and for—a Changing World Jay Hays Unitec Institute of

Terrain We’ll Traverse

Limitations of Conventional

Leadership and Leadership

Development Programmes and


Conventional Views

of Leadership

Current, Emerging, and Prospective

Realities (the Shape of the World and

Where it’s Headed)

How Leaders are Developed

(and on what they are Promoted)

How Leaders Behave

Consequences / Implications

of Leader Behaviour

Requisite 21st Century

Leader Behaviour

Closing the Gap


Implications / Demands of

Leadership for the 21st Century









Page 3: Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in and …...Interactive Workshop Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in—and for—a Changing World Jay Hays Unitec Institute of

Develop a shared understanding of the 21st Century leadership

environment, and its issues and opportunities.

Articulate common assumptions and beliefs about the leader’s role

and how leadership is best developed.

Explore the outcomes and implications of conventional leadership

development in the context of 21st Century challenges and


Enumerate essential qualities of the 21st Century leader that

overcome outmoded and counterproductive beliefs and practices.

Based on an informed understanding of the shortcomings of

current developmental practices and 21st Century leadership

demands, formulate an action plan for individual professional

development and organisational leadership development.

Workshop Objectives

Page 4: Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in and …...Interactive Workshop Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in—and for—a Changing World Jay Hays Unitec Institute of

Background and orientation.

Round 1: Small Group Discussions.

Reporting-out / Sharing with the plenary – Large Group Dialogue.

Round 2: Reflective Questions.

Reporting-out / Sharing with the plenary. Reflecting on Reflecting.

Concluding, Synthesising, Commitments, and Next Steps.

Workshop Format / Overview

5 mins.

10 mins.

10 mins.

5 mins.

10 mins.

10 mins.

Page 5: Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in and …...Interactive Workshop Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in—and for—a Changing World Jay Hays Unitec Institute of

► What are the characteristics we look for (and promote)

in leaders today?

► How do we identify potential in prospective leaders?

► What do leaders do that is different than non-leaders?

► What does it take to get ahead (as a leader) in today’s


► What traditional views of leadership continue to reign

in today’s organisations and institutions?

Conventional Views of Leadership I

Page 6: Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in and …...Interactive Workshop Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in—and for—a Changing World Jay Hays Unitec Institute of

► How do we develop leaders?

► How do we identify and select potential leaders for

further development?

► How do we know that a leadership development

strategy or program is effective?

► What are the components / essential features of a

leadership development program?

► What capabilities and dispositions are we

emphasising, and what do we dismiss or neglect?

Conventional Leadership Development II

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► What are leaders doing or failing to do that compounds

the problems of today or explains our continued failure

to resolve them?

► What are the results of / what can we expect from

current leadership development strategies?

► Do we train leaders to meet our expectations or to

create new ones?

► Are leaders likely to break with tradition or maintain it?

Limitations and Implications of Existing

Leadership Development Programs


Page 8: Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in and …...Interactive Workshop Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in—and for—a Changing World Jay Hays Unitec Institute of

► Given prevailing views of leadership and conventional leadership development programs and strategies, what is the most we can really expect of leaders?

► What are our likely responses to leadership weakness and failure?

► What might be the downsides of leader behaviours such as decisiveness, authoritativeness, charisma, and other heroic leader traits?

► What do leaders do (often with best intentions) that undermines the effectiveness, performance, and growth of others?

► [What] do we really learn from leader successes and failures?

Leader Behaviour IV

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► What, if anything, makes the world today different than

any other time in history?

► What problems (and opportunities) exist today that

make our modern period unique?

► What special demands and challenges does the

modern age pose?

► In what ways are leadership issues today new or

different than in the past?

Current Realities, Challenges, and Demands


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► Given your understanding of current views of leadership,

leadership behaviour, and leadership development, what

are the implications for leadership theory and practice?

► What is likely to happen if we persist with current

leadership views and practices?

► What must change if we are to become more effective in

developing and promoting leadership for the modern age?

► How would you describe “the best case scenario” for

leadership in the 21st Century? What are its key features?

Implications and Demands of

Leadership for the 21st Century


Page 11: Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in and …...Interactive Workshop Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in—and for—a Changing World Jay Hays Unitec Institute of

► What capabilities and dispositions do leaders need to possess and demonstrate in the modern age?

► What new and different demands of the emerging 21st Century suggest / require leaders today do differently?

► How must leader behaviour change to assure organisations and communities thrive in an uncertain world?

► What should be priorities for skill development for leaders today?

► How must the leader of today (and tomorrow) be and act to help others create and sustain a world worth living in?

Requisite 21st Century Leader Behaviour VII

Page 12: Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in and …...Interactive Workshop Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in—and for—a Changing World Jay Hays Unitec Institute of

► How aligned are leadership development programs and

strategies with the realities and demands of the modern


► Can we expect contemporary leadership development

programs and strategies to sufficiently equip and enable

leaders to contend with today’s realities and issues?

► How large is the gap? Do we need to deal with it?

► What are some of the ways existing programs and

strategies fail to meet contemporary demands?

► What are the implications of persisting with current

leadership development programs and strategies?



Page 13: Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in and …...Interactive Workshop Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in—and for—a Changing World Jay Hays Unitec Institute of

► What do we need to do differently to better prepare the

next generation of leaders for the modern age?

► In what ways do we need to “shift” current leader views

to arrive at a way of viewing leadership that is more in

keeping with modern times?

► What leader behaviours need to change to make our

organisations and communities more effective in

contending with contemporary issues and challenges?

► What can we as followers and peers do to help our

leaders become more effective?

Closing the GAP


Page 14: Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in and …...Interactive Workshop Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in—and for—a Changing World Jay Hays Unitec Institute of

► How can we measure our progress /success in closing

the gap? What will we see more of or less of? What

differences will we see in leader behaviour? What

differences will we see in the behaviour on “non-


► How would our organisations, communities, or society

be better or healthier if our leaders were more

effectively equipped to deal with the realities and

demands of the world today?

► What kinds of training, education, and professional

development are needed to help today’s leaders

become more effective?

Closing the GAP


Page 15: Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in and …...Interactive Workshop Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in—and for—a Changing World Jay Hays Unitec Institute of

► How do we need to change to become more effective leaders ourselves?

► How do we need to change / what must we do differently to support those in leadership positions to become more effective in meeting the demands of the modern age and better prepare for the uncertain emerging 21st Century ?

► How can we better equip and prepare our young leaders of tomorrow for the unpredictable, chaotic, and complex world of the coming era?

► Can we / should we prepare for the unknown and unknowable?

Closing the GAP


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► Why do we need leaders?

► Do we need leaders?

► What do we do when there are no leaders around?

► What do we do when our leaders fail us? Which of our

responses are really constructive?

► Why do leaders get all of the blame and all of the glory

for how things go?

► In what ways do leaders get in the way of getting things


► In a perfect world our leaders would…



Page 17: Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in and …...Interactive Workshop Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in—and for—a Changing World Jay Hays Unitec Institute of

► What are the key take-aways from this session?

► What are some of the big questions remaining or generated?

► What does it mean for you?

► What are some of the major linkages between this session and the conference?

► How does this session reflect the conference title / theme?

► What can we do individually and collectively to keep the conversation going?

► What are the main practical, theoretical, and research implications and possibilities spawned by this session?

Conclusions, Synthesis,

Commitments, Next Steps


Page 18: Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in and …...Interactive Workshop Privilege, Proviso, and Paradox Leadership in—and for—a Changing World Jay Hays Unitec Institute of

Thank You

Till We Meet Again

Jay Hays

Unitec Institute of Technology

[email protected]

Tel +64 9 815 4321 Ext 8599 Mob +64 (0) 21 024 77707

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