prnt scrns front page

Once I had opened Photoshop I placed my picture in the position I wanted it in.

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Post on 28-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Prnt scrns   front page

Once I had opened Photoshop I placed my picture in the position I wanted it in.

Page 2: Prnt scrns   front page

I then added the Masthead, Strapline. I wanted my masthead and strapline to standout therefore I added a drop shadow and bevel and emboss this gave them a 3D effect. I then added my skyline I decided to put a black box with white writing in it as I thought this would stand out and would also go with my colour scheme for my magazine.

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I wanted to create an effect to make it look like Josh had shattered the word EXCLUSIVE I did this by using the polygonal lasso tool to split the box up, I then added a drop shadow, inner and outer glow and bevel and emboss to make it have a 3D effect, and I finally skewed some of the pieces to make them look like the were shattering outward. I also added my main feature article that links with my main image, I decided to put this in white writing because I thought this stood out.

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I added the date, issue number and price and placed it above the masthead. After looking at different examples of magazine cover I thought this was the best place for it to be as a lot of the examples I looked at placed it there.

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I then added the other cover features, I used size 18pt and 24pt as I wanted them to standout.

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I decided to put black boxes with white writing for the main part of the features titles, I did this so that it stood out more, but I also think that it links in well with the colour scheme and design of the magazine.

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I finally decided to add a website link underneath the masthead, most magazines have a website link somewhere on there front page, I chose to put it underneath my masthead because when the reader looks at the masthead they would then see the website.