pro choice pregnancy center methodology

Pro-Choice Pregnancy Centers? Purpose: Pro-choice organizations have established and funded “pregnancy centers” that attempt head-to-head competition with life- affirming centers. This is a research document that collects major and local media on these centers, information about their funding, methodology, messaging, counseling, advertising, options support, available resources, etc. Updating the research: Please add useful links, screenshots, scanned marketing materials, notes from conversations, or other useful information. About Backline Has run pro-choice call center, Talkline, since 2005. It is staffed by volunteer “Advocates,” based in Portland OR & Bloomington IN, who receive 40+ hours of initial training and 4 hours / mo of ongoing training. Talkline had a 2014 call volume of 605 and is open five hours a day, seven days a week. Their acknowledged funding comes overwhelmingly from abortion providers and abortion advocacy organizations. Their annual revenue for 2012, as reported on form 990, was $61,672, with $1,400 spent on advertising and promotion. This is up from $32,001 for 2010. In 2015, they planned the launch of “All Options Pregnancy Resource Center,” in Bloomington, IN, a college town with 40k+ students on the campus of Indiana University. On Twitter On Facebook

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Page 1: Pro choice pregnancy center methodology

Pro-Choice Pregnancy Centers?

Purpose: Pro-choice organizations have established and funded “pregnancy centers” that attempt head-to-head competition with life-affirming centers. This is a research document that collects major and local media on these centers, information about their funding, methodology, messaging, counseling, advertising, options support, available resources, etc.

Updating the research: Please add useful links, screenshots, scanned marketing materials, notes from conversations, or other useful information.

About Backline

Has run pro-choice call center, Talkline, since 2005. It is staffed by volunteer “Advocates,” based in Portland OR & Bloomington IN, who receive 40+ hours of initial training and 4 hours / mo of ongoing training. Talkline had a 2014 call volume of 605 and is open five hours a day, seven days a week. Their acknowledged funding comes overwhelmingly from abortion providers and abortion advocacy organizations. Their annual revenue for 2012, as reported on form 990, was $61,672, with $1,400 spent on advertising and promotion. This is up from $32,001 for 2010. In 2015, they planned the launch of “All Options Pregnancy Resource Center,” in Bloomington, IN, a college town with 40k+ students on the campus of Indiana University.

● On Twitter● On Facebook

All Options Pregnancy Resource Center● Promo video from Backline ● on Facebook● Cosmopolitan article ● Why Indiana? ● Funding sought through crowdrise; 25,025 raised as of 3/17/15.● Originally slated to open in February, the open date was moved to May 2nd.

Buffalo Women’s ServicesCo-located abortion provider and natural birthing center.

● Website -abortion / Website-birthing center● Cosmopolitan article

Page 2: Pro choice pregnancy center methodology

● Slate article ● MSNBC interview

Choice NetworkAdoption agency co-located with an abortion clinic. It seems like their most frequent adoption client is a woman too late in her pregnancy to have a legal abortion in Ohio.

● Website ● On Facebook ● On Twitter ● Columbus Dispatch article

Founder wins 2015 Person of the Year from Abortion Care Network

3rd BoxApparently life-affirming; unaffiliated with national pregnancy center organizations; unclear whether they will ever refer for abortion.

● Website ● Buzzfeed article

PregnancyOptions.infoOffers online “decision workbook” and referrals to pro-choice organizations

● Website