probe asked in british cabinet shake-up^ · vol....

VOL. xxni. NO. 15-6 CENTS. FINNISH FORCES •Richest Girl’ Hubby to Canada N N O Iil AREAS WITK THE FINNISH ARMY. ROVANIKMI. m U n d , Jan* « 0 1 ^ WnnUh TlctorlM to th# wmr •bore Uie Arctic drc# h«d pushed th® main tatUe line* b«k today to the SaUa front, only » mllw from the Russian border. The Russian* left west of Sail* weit consWered now of little impor- Unee and Finnish patrols kept the advantaie orer them by consUnt sniping, which kept them always on the more. Full filr>Hlcancc The full Blenlllcance of five quick Finnish victories on this north- central (roTtt between Dec. IS and Dec. 33 was only npw being realiwd. On Dec. IB the Russians had reached Kemljaervl. W miles south- west of saila. to the middle of north central Finland. At that point they were half way to the Swedish border and when' they took Kemljaervl tlie Russians had called 11 "the front gate to Sweden." Now they have been driven from that region and the whole adrance appears to have been nullified. , RuMlan Lotse* . T ^ Russian 1ossea,ln the five days was estimated at from 3.000 to 4,000 men. Their losses farther south, in the Suomusalml sector,'were ttcav. ler. Estimates of ttie entire Rus' slan stnngth on this front ranged from .one to two divisions, of about 1«.000) men each. It Is estimated that more than half a diTUlop, prob- - ably '10.000 to 12AOO men, have been slala. II ms believed- that_the Russian* - .oa-th«-8alU fronl-eliher must re- treat cc await reinforcement*. W ith ttitM iuu holding BaTukoikl. north* west m Salla. the Ruaatuu vere in s le s teroraM* position to Adrance — ttMtn-Mape-they-lMt-ttw^b«Ule-«v the Kent river. They can not try another nterc toward Kemljaervl as 1 ^ as their right flank is open to atUM toy the Flnm fren Savukoekl. U. s. mlnlster'to Canada—Ihat't the nomination of President Roose- velt for James H. R. Crom'ivcll. husband of Doris Duke, "richest |lrl in the world." The couple is shown here in a recent picture. NLRB Probe Results WilT Go to Congress WASHINGTON. Jan. 6 <U.R) — C h a i r m a n Howard W. Smith, D., V s., promised today the house committee in- vestigating the national labor relations board would report to congress in time for action at this aeaaion on Wagner act amendments. His statement came as two ad- ministration supporters on the com- mUtce — Reps. Abe Murdock, D. UUh. and Arthur D. Healey, D. -Mas.1.—protested tlie_sroup was not geUirig a'tdniple»e'lecture of the labor board's work.' and suggested r'HU£UEls 4 iF tttlH D AaCROEEN. Wash., Jan. e Ol.R)— Tlie b o ^ of Mrs. Dick Law. wife of a 0!0 iabec union official, was found late last night in- her home, wlUi the BkuU crushM. The house was virtually wreckcd. M n.’ Ncster Uioma, the klaln wcHnan's mother, found the body sprawled on Uie floor of the living mm. A blood-stained, double- iltted a». with which Mrs. Law had been (struck, was found outside. Law. an officer In the Inter- nationa} Woodworkers of AinerlL-u. was at a union meeting and did not leam'*of his wlft^'s death until he relumed home. He had -asked police prolccJlon for himself and his fitmlly last month after the Finnish Workers Pederatioi) hall was wrecked Dee. 3 by rioicrs. VhHed’^ JU ta 'Oeet U Admiral James O. ^hardso«. *^ls Heek ia ready io^|K iai.A am lral Bloch Mid a* he fcld/tareweU t« hU officers aboard the batUeshIp Pennsylvania... Ttrming New Deal pollftlcs n "hot »tftto," Sen. Robert A. Taft, R., 0 .. advocated •oiitrlglU dPlCBfttlon of relief admlnlslratlon to the slnlcs. Tlte a. O. P. prcsldentlnl asplrnnt salct the change would cut federal relief cosU |7W,000.000 by IB^'l. . . Capl. Oeorge Skinner, of the telner Great NortJ-?rn IV. has been found alive in a erltlral ron- dllloi\ from 20 days of wander- ing on ihe west coast of Vancotivrr Ixland. . . Death took Charles Najel. attorney and fiecretary of rommrrce and labor In the Taft ■t (he aie of tKI. SPIRISMEHRAP PiER Fill B awii tioii last night signed a petltfoii « mg State Ilerlamntlon Comiiilwili ri' Jam es fipoCIorci to cejeijt Ute ouroi of the Idaho Power comimiiy ft ' the rinrilon uf power dams ai ihrre sites on Uie Snake rlvrr. 'Hie BKlhrrliiR wns lor rilrecii of the orHiinlsailon only and » lilnns compleird for the sinmal nireUng of Uie club's mciiibcrs. which will be held In the Idaho I'owar auditorium at 7:30 p. Duei^ar. Pi^clpal business al the TurMlny Rathinlni will be eleatlon ol ijfllrei'n lor Ihft coming year—filling nt Ihree vananclea on Ihe board of dlieou Recommetidations will also l>r li warded from thU meetlnR in iim ■late game and flah a will also be served. Heroism Marks Tragic Blaze PROBE ASKED IN BRITISH CABINET SHAKE-UP^ Newspapers Rap " Chamberlain for Sudden Changes > B* WALLACE CARROLL LONDON. Jan. 6 (UiR)—Demands for a parliamentary in- Ji-esliKHlion of W ar M inister Leslie H o r e - B c l i s h a ’s fortMd re.<^ignation from the cabinet were made today as news- pajiers of all political Iqaninps led a blast of criticism against the government. The liberal BirminKham Guzellt'. of Prime M iniutcr Nevillt* Chamberlain’s home town, led the demand for a parllumvntary inve.stigation uf the resignation and reasons for it. But no\v3|)«pers of every shade of jwlilical leaning, even those representative of important iKililical inleresta, made no effort to temper their anger. The genera] view seemed to be iduct ; A member nl the llrst Amcricnn Red rxiirdHlon to Slbcrln, Ida Plorencn Rolirer, died In Mnn- iKlnv nr perllonltln nnd clyh- y. '. . Col, Kjilgnirlo Diillhlii. "hti'ong mnn." propoM'd rv.nHomln and iwliU »«• lo n n s.ln Ills prcBidenllBl c«n»l>nlKn pliiirorni. ,. rresldrni Iloosevrlt niikcd rnn- crrns for «H,nT.000 for the n»vy to biillil Its first Hhtl-sxIimBrmr net Isyrr*. . . Assasnlnatlnii «f Ailnlf llllirr hy a ‘‘frirnd who- In now hi" lru!<lrd advlirr" was prr- dlr.ied by Torn <'Bm|tl)rll, IrUh 'i* er nlio rinlms e%rr|iilntinl oc- run puwerii. . . 'Olioilrn A. rU lirr, dh. illr^Ulrlit n llir Pm Nnllnnal bank nnil foimrr lUTsklMil ol llir Jf>iir»i l.nUHhlU Hlrel Coij),. died at PlltsburHh. ttrrvi<Tn were iirrnngrd al H1^ln•r Arle., for Mrs, i>irolhy I.iwcikIpi wlfp of lliirrlMin M. I.nvnidci', uen' ernl msnnner ol Phvljw 1Xii)hi Cnrp,. who dlrd n» rrsult (if Injuries suffered In an niilo ar.rldnit. . , An elglil • poHnd • Id - • u n <>e daiilhirr nas liiirn to llrilr Jayiir* and I)uti|las Marrhall, llhn sint- ers and player*, nliose last lUtn was '•lUlien III A nns" . . , |H\rty Oenrral Hrcre- quliy would be to hire '(wo equally- competent attonicys. telling one to get favorable nnd the oilier, unfa- vorable tatlmony about the iftncy, Murckjok, dAnyliic any Intention. «r-eritiuSig comnUtee eofih&et^* mund M. Toland. made the propoMi] for two lAwyora who would oppose each other in presenting facts to tiie comnilUee. His plan was ap- proved tft- peiiley. Rep. Harry N. Routzohn. R., O., opposed the plan, declaring "the committer Is not out to* prosecule the board, bul only to find out the ■facia," He aaW appolntmcnl. In el- of prospcutinft and defense counsel wouldn't be feasible because •'there cire no rhiivRes against the board nnd (he Issueji aren't Joined." lie conceded to i^Aie the commit- tee ha.' coiieeniraled "on wliat 1» wrong will) the hoard," but s«ld the board Inter.would bo Riven opjwr- tnnlty to defend Itself, A5_U«c. committer reces.ird until Monday, the labor board made pub- lic It.s fourth nnnual report In whlrh II dnilnl rluiVKcs of hitis In favor of the Connrr.'s of Indnstrliil Or- Kniili^iillons and iignliiht. the Amerl- Frdfriitlnii of Labor. lAFI PROPOSES MINIPIANIO BALANCE BODGE CHICAOO. Jan. tf Sen. Rob- *t A. Taft of Ohio, candidate for^ tlie Bepubllc&n presidential nomlna-Y tion. proposed last night a five- point program which he said would place the nation on a .sound *7,- 000.000.000 annual budget In two years. Addressing the ChicoRO Bar qis- soclatlonV T aft accejitcd President Roosevelt's budget-balnnclng chal- lenge after the Ohio senator had criticized New Deal spending. He entitled ht? fnJk 'M r. Presi- dent. Here's How lo Balance tlie BiidRet"—a direct to Mr. Roo.wvelt'fi proffered "handsome prlie" for a detailed plan on how lo equalize federal recelpu and penditures. It set lonii these uisUea: Burean Ellmiiiailon Determination by the President to balance the budget. Elimination of bureau.^ and reduc< tlon of number of employes. Return of relief administration to ales and changes in houslrjg. ag rlculturo and loaji aRencle.v Elimination of grnnt.'s for local public works, reduction of federal public w orks^d reduction of sub- sidies. f EIlminatlA .^ubjcctlon I to critical f Can Bef Balanced "If five polnt.<> are compiled with." Taft said. "I believe the budget can be balanced ai approxi- mately *7,000,000,000 without abati- doulng a. rea&oixable allowance fqr relief, old age penslon.s, housing and soil conservation.” Denying his e.stimRted budget unreasonably low. he explained U was twice the anniint cast of gfiU' eniment during the Hoover Mmln- istratlon "which Caridldainioosc- veil criticized'* as too high. Taft envisioned national bank- runtcy as the Wternntlve to a bal- anced budget by 1042. wmm CABINEI C H E K E R S GERMANS ^ilvHMN. .lull. <1 (U.pj-aerinan liolliuiil i|iiiiiH'is w rrr jileiihcd to (liiv wiiii iii>' M'KlKiiniInn ni ix-.s1li l[oir,-il<'li--li» Ih'ltlsh wiir mill' iNlrr'on Hm- iHiuljlr grdUiKl It Kun ai Indlciuliiii III Obhriiftion in ihi ^n^|ll\^ i>nil t^U lloir-llo nil iiniiu‘<lliiie iimioi hi mmlflolal lorpim ihr iTAliinallflii niiiilil V vwrHMVPit. Thlh ivrll Informed In I .Ipvi-loiiinrnls. in.itlc- I llrltlsh effurto to ex- New Irish Rebellion Members, Fire on Military Patrdi DUBLIN. Jan. 0 (U.K-A mililary patrol Manhlni for aminunttloi) believed tioi«n last week tiy th« out- lawed Irisli nepubllcan army, waa iim l on today at the liiilR village of rinaals. Iti mlWa 1mm Dtiblii), I1ia patrol move^ to quenllon tiva men neaied In an automobile and nt once the or^upanU opened fire. The military rriiiriird the fire. After a brief exchange of shots, tlin men, thetr autonuibtle tUtdled by buUels. s|>ed tway. , FKARH NO KNKMY KiaillNKtT. Uninniila. Jan. 0 OIRl I - King Carol, In a rndio addre»« 'M irre wlUilii «i«l>i of llis Rusilau rrontler, dMlared intlay Uiat "no mVmy-wlll ba able to put foot ott Rumanian aoll ................... avidtnce nf her jirfsent spirit of Wnity," ' liirv ICarl lliiiwdi cnndldary lur ninBiesn (run Yiirk'n IMIi •oiiurrKMoniil trici, . , i.ehlle irnve-llrllslui.'rr- hlgiiril Will' niliilnli'i' of Orenl tlilt- ttln. lold r.nistllurnl'' ‘'f the IVvon- |M>rl <llslrU'l llinl tliiring liln trriu nt Ihr war olfli.ii II wiin his timk lo drantlcally iniiguiilire llif nrmy and ihoroughly prejiain It fur wiir, FORGETFUL This li Hie stiiry of the irardn llHlil nnd''' "lont alisoiu-minil- ed fellow. This riioriilitH mi mitn ilnivn ii|i to Main avenue ut the Inlnset-llnn witli Beoond street iioiUi. 'I'lie rar itppped. The driver, without liH>k> ing M|i fur Die light, waltetl for the usual wliUlle. Ihit nil whtnlle ruiiie. 'I'lie nl<i|i. and'Ko HmIi I lisd hern iaiion down yesterdKV for leiinliH. Klnally soinnlHKly In the biii-K scat lold the waltinK ilrlvev ulxnit it. Ilo.drove on. voiy rdii ul laua. TM dtlvot WM Ityie M. W»»*, in Whose aleclrlnal sluip Ihp liaffio ilgliAla.Wire btbig repuiivd, lie had worked on Ihe IlHhiA hlinnelf until inl{ii)luli^ last iilglit al his esinhlUh ineiit. • of ' ivliin c r lit Kii iintrlrs i)i'fif.», h> u n iiwvjiired ird I Ihe <'<in<lliiiiuii>i iduiitrleK not to ■|i[’ liiKi.ii luiiiniiietil uld them- •K'i'x iiml lo permit liiltlsli.iiiH- 'iliiK liii MiiliiiKl 10 iMins thrnillll irli teiritni'v. m i'lM t I'ltOlllMTION DIUII'tl lt()l.'^l■, .Inn II itll'i-lflftho rreuni- V iioiK-i I...... droi*i>ed off liljioxliimtrh ilireo per cnnl «hir- IM III.- li'M U«| weeks, the anrleid. iinl mriikriiiiB service reporied io- A elcarette totsed down a garbage rhiiie In • Mlnhcapolis hotel Is blamed for the tragic blaze which took a toll of al least 18 ll'te*. Heroism marked rrsriie of many others by firemen and here one.(i/« fighter climbs down iry rungs of a ladder wllh the body of one victim. Final Bridge Hearmg Set at Boise Jan. 13 Final step toward determination of constitutionality of the oiicd fpr a yga.~„-_. Tragedy Ends Love Triangle OfPaulKeUy HOLLYWOOD,' Jan. « ai.B>—T h e tragic dentil ot Porothy Mackaye. hto wile who once went to prison with him. left Film Player Paul Kelly prostrate with grief today. The 38*yenr-oId former stage ac- trc!ss' . automobile overturucd In a fog ’^ue^dny nifiht. She died yes- terday. - Hec death wi^.s iinother ciU'.ptcr hi one of Hollywuud'.'^ ma^i iriieic love trlnnBle.v. fn 1927 »hc was the r;Ue of Ray RHymond. u musical come* dy fnvorite, nnd Kelly was a rising youne film actor. Raymond accused Kelly of making love to his *Ue .tnd there wn-s ab,»re fist flghl. Ravmond received xnrh a battering from ihe fists of the actor that he died ot his ;lnjurle.s. Both .\ri>sted' P<51Tce~ayrvs^ea " B0HV 'KC/iV ' a w M1s5 Miickaye. Kelly was convicted of manslaugh- ter snd sent to prison for f*-o MIm Mnckaye was convlctcd'of coit- cealiog faeu of her husband'^ death In order to shield K«Uy. »nd luprLs- firsi that djnamic Hore-BelishA had been thrown .out ot office at demand of reactionary elements tn the fighting services and politics and secondl>‘ the result might be a atorm which «c«W loTce a Janei tuA tmn more sensational slilft tn caMoet personnel. It was indicated the situation might continue to be In the spot- light until Hore-Beiiait and Cham- ,, berlaln made speeches In the houaa of commons on its re-assembly Jao. 1 «. . ' - Press Angty Anger. In.the. p»5Srreflectin».Ui*,^- iews of important political' Inti “ ' ests; bewUdermetit by the public i a general feeling of u ' More ilinn 350 person.s. Including members of the Opportunity cla-vi of tile Chrbtlan church. Joined be reaved relstlve.s in payhiK final trl' bute to the memory ot Mrsr Lisle SmlUi, motlier of three children, this morning nt the Twin Fotl.-> mortuary- chapel. Mrs. Smith wns killed Tue.sdiiy evening nt her home, Sixth aveiii: east. v,’Ucn she souxhl lo prole, herself from £red Bonnllght. wi had prevloasly threatened her. Rev. Mark C. Cronenberger, pn: tor of the Chrtsilan church, whir she Attended throughout her nun years' resldenro In Twin Palb, roi ducted the nervlrea, assisted by Ite W. E. Harmon, Jerome. "Tills iriiycdy is nii Indlciniri ngaliist oiir rominunlty, not uifuln any Indlvidunl or oi'gnnlr.atlon. need laws thiii will proteri nr shelter ^llo.^e who are unprcjteclr Our trsgfdy is that of a wlrtowrn mother of tlireo ehlldren nirctluK a rulliless killer nt Ihe door. In nn attempt tci deteiid herself luid home," Itrv. CrunciilKirgei- riocliiied. Mu«l<al Heleeilons ' K'lVlre liirltiiled Iwo iniisU'ul nelectUnm. "Miiiiirilinc We’ll Uiuln ■ itnnd'' >iiiil "I'lie Old KuHicd Cro-ss," huiiK hy II iiiUcd (juartet, Mrs. Clydi- 1‘arr. Ml nnil Mi.s. Kmi- ald Oinvrn slid Unyinim ihiiintire, accoinpiiiilril liy Mi". IJiinnliri' mill'll (If Ihe (i|i|)or- tiinliy ilii.-ft. wlilrli Mrs. Hmiili in - tended for ilip 1.IM limn thr Miimliiy moinlliH lUcredlnK her tragic drulli. Ilnral Trltiiites liilem iriii uiii In Twin I'lilU (emrlrr.v. iniOn' llie [lirrellon <il ih.' mortiiHi' hiiUs eHpir-..' she wi)s ii’K i PA»1inil'.'l: teacher ol I&lgur Khl.'i W. Itond. 1. tlinock. Mfinbois III the T, U, fUU. Lei Nnul nft^l^e^ KnlKhl. l.rotrliT > Kell, Hoyes, Blulii.- H'IKK. M nrllyii Welili, Kvelyii Hiiillli. lluiiiihy Kjirl, .luiir fleatan, Alice l.n-, ,lii Aim I.e C'liilr and Ollla Keiii Mnoi girls. Oilier mriiilH-i . . aie niialA Bubulii. Celr'slliie S mIiiuiii and Jielty Ann 'i'tiumei one week from today, in Ihfe stnte .siipi-eine coiii't. Twin Falls attorneys in the poniling test suit were advised this after- noon. At that tini^lu! Idaho hijjh li'ibtiniil will lieai; oral ai'KU- ments /in the suit which is expected to .settle defiiiilely w hether or not the ->;tate can .lurcha'se the Twin Fall; Jercyni' inlercotiniy t"H b rid g e iiiuU'i' 11)39 !(‘Ki«'iili(iii. Tlie oral lieiuing wns ordcMd by the aiiprrnie court .ifii-r aiKuiirvs had submUicd their priiii.'i* Inlcls coverhiK all eonn-lv.U)l<‘ iioliiis .il. arium enl In the loll hrldKC liiw De- cision Is e,-<|iccted luit Iniig nller the Jnn 13 hPtirlng since tlu' rniiri has already sludU-d llu- printed briefs. nrouKiil bv |.>.ini The ichl- .-'Mix wru Imuintil l>v Ployd W. l.ynns. Twin KiillN: to ic- eiire suprem e cnurl rulliiK <ni Ii'iikI ph^^eH wlilr-h blocked piik'Iik.m' of Iho-loll brldKe lor MHa.000. Tin' law lii'ovlded tor lult.iiiH iliiii Mini thvo«Bl\ ft nJ>e-mlU Kiisoim’- 'ws. I. R,. Bolhwell will ]irr*rn» tiir {iiinentK for l.vons, who <.ii|iriUi-il the high court when .lii<li;r <r. h: -lid, A<lii rdiiiilv ..................... I. OpiMii tunlly t lii.--^.. Ir.' Kirknii<n. t'trd 'I Denii and llniry SOl.ON^SUGGESTS GI/VNI !{[ L LOAN TO I'lNLAfSl) W AnlllN(ilt)N. .<«n. Q lUfii-Hon. WlllliiMi II. King. D.. Ul h, touched off .. ...............I eongroMional battle on iieiiinilliv Kulay by pr«i>oslng Hint iliiKiniiiiMrneilrHi finance cor- IMiuiliiii li'iiil K lnlaad 139,000,000. Kliiii .lid lir was drafilng auoh n idMiiiitioii 10 1*0 fonnaliy in tm . rtiicM hi thr *en»lo n e « wceJl. H 1a {'riiiiiii III iiinvoke atrenuoua op- |H»lili>ii itiiiiiiiK liie Isoiationint bloc. Kinu Mild Ills ilelermlDatiDn tv help Miiliiiiii I'll" prolnpled hy |i«r> noiiAl'*f<'i'lli>li* a n d lutm oroua sp* i.nld, would he ii«ed .rdlrlnix riiiliiii apimrenilv h iiiiuiilininu> in ><in ■rcM, neiillmnil m fnvnr nl a hm Is far fri)m*'lhiil. nen*. Mlllmd K 'n'dlnjis, n., Mi]. Many F. H'ld, D., Vii.; Ailhili Oapiwr, i t , Kan., mid Itnsh D. Holt D.. W. Va., nil ssld tlielr i>eiMiiiiil symiwihles were with niilaiid, but Ihat King’s |H'«i|io»al slioujd Im sub- jected (0 olune Miiiiiliiy. ird Ihe deir n. I'. I'll respondent, llnrry Henolt, ll^ ,i))eiiiii hr ali«rii'-y Heniuil v Miilse fill' tlie drfriinv / .1 . W. ■I'nylor. hi'udu ilir the n^ft|>onileiiU. Niinied nn ili'li'iidtiiil.' hildge tent mill me Oiiv ( i</tfi«-n. ('hnlniuiii <it ilw i I'oininlllee; H K. I'liiii. l•on)lnl^.^lonl•r <il imiilii' « r.'-ereliirv of ihi- loiuiiiiiii' IV Knklrm, sUil.- irn.Mun vm K. W rllim. .•'tnlr nuOll Mr. I.yoiin l>Vi>iiHlii Miit i< ' will lull • Hrlil lirory tlmt. hr ' Jnilliir ti(K|iiivei iildge esi'lnii le\> (rovers Ciillri 111 th e tenl Mill. itl1.>iiir\> ..Mills rnlse 17.i|ii('nlloiis iiKi liilliy ol (he lUJU brlilHe iniii anil the ciiuiihel for the slii llinilly answer nil I? imlnt. ■Iiirnllniis cover wlmi In ii' k tlir entire field of iihje.'lln iiiliilil l>e ralse<l to the nd liiniie court riillttt In Mie Ihiin Appiufiitly seltle ihi dellnitely. Major points ii) the ni.^' pliiintiff and apjiclliiiil nie llirM:: IDn slatiile is uiu-.iiiiillliillunii mill void beentiso II eonliniriK-t in liiiii ■ociinns of ihn hlnlin lllll^1l1ll (lull. Thene liiiliide: Over t.lmlt The Indoblclinvsii mhihIi I U> I h- in \ iiiiKd by the MeJ.WHL In irnihur iiolrn-.nUis the irglsteiPd*'i)iMiiihi iMiii'd by tlie stale trrnsiiin aIiii- Url. B, IBSP^wlll cxered Hi" i:i. IKHI.OOO itate debt limit ns imivlilr by the noiisllUillnn. 'lift ai l Iioi Iirovlde lor siibmlsiiloii to ii voi ......... .. pw>l>tt I'hn pro|n5Je«l EARLi SIORE U K LOOK Mdvcnicnl to sccure ft p. m. Sniii dny ^lo^lnK for Twin Falls letn ('.sinlilU,hmcnt.-i nppenied N\Miii;ing nrnr . miccosh today lifter nclileve- nieal of wlde.spread—nlLhnuKh iiii' \rl unniilmou.i-nBieement anioiii Btix'erh. Aimude'of the grocerjmen wil he the ileclslvc fnctor. A tliree-i^uiii I'oiilitrt coiinnillei will report Muiidiiy iit>on to tli< I...... .. whieh men \Ml tiike «lell»itv. tvi'ilon. CHmmU'vni-n'i wim nrr eanrlnii out the nintne wink are heufled liy John OiiidiiPi othnis .lie R. J. Vnllioii. nrw elinir until (if Ihe hiiienu. and U P H.itjlit I’jeliinlnary ic.sull ot Die Kiu>.ri< sun'er liidlrnteil (lint iiu.joiiu ii llic tlownlowii (iHKl «lore« Iwn MKiin nil iiHirniieliL lo I'ln^ie encli iliiv n down HiiUiidiiy Office in f a v o r ................. almost as well known bccau the y-ounger son ot the ] earl of Derby as bcciiUse' of tkal career. Afternoon __ agreed that a. quarrel between Hore- Belisha and army generals had. Jed to his resignation. She left prison saying that wh*n Kelly got out. they would be mar- ried. When the orison gates swung oi»n for Kelly ^ e met him. Tliey were married FeR"ll. 1931. Kelly made a movie coaieb:tck. Ml.vs Mackaye dtopjied her career and devoted her^clf iq m;il:ing a liomo for him. MU-* Mackaye wn^ ln)uiTd a.' '1 drove home Tiic.-vday nUht Iroiii r inRlng the fiinerni ot her la'.lu John Mackaye. who died a few duis ijefoic. It p. III. riilhiHl r IlilK Hcveinl I (1ml Inn the Kvelilli iielKlitiorliiMH njor .• 11 th.'l COLO WAVE m is ..CENlllALmiES tlly l.'nitrd Preui Cold Wlnd.^ .•nHCrtd over * ijre.iler meu of the nation tuduy 'imi Intenhliy ot the (rl^ld bliist^ ti-ni|iere(i by w.ivmili whuh orltil- natetl in the lower Itocky niouu' l.iin.1 . Light snow wll^ piedleted for •some seclldiis ot (lie mi<ldle weit. TllO U. H. wenllier buieiiii nl Ctil <i«go piedlrteil the rol.t wuuUl ilmie (liroiiRh the wi-ek-nid l.U« lulddle west nivd TA'teriv of Ihe pkhu. si»le.\. 'n ir rtiUl nh mas.V centeie<l over thr D.ik.iUi' mM IKilnted Mfutliensl iu(» .■.• iiU.i I'HII- nnd IndlmiH L>iw iriii|K'iuUUr.< reiiorted ai fur . muiUi ns Clenr- glii. bill AOiitlieiil e.HH|)c«l ilie bliiM. (It Ihn pro|xI9e<l tronsiiry imir<i will rueerrt Uie total tax prnvlded hy J«.w lor nia tUoa) year. 'llio act tmbraoei more lliaii otie nnli]e<-t, whlolt t« not properly «x- pie»cd In the Ulla of Uie.bill. I'liiit tha approprlatiuiii pui|hm}kI a.attM>*4 m U 0*l««a-Mi tolnl of B.1 nuxviy 111 1'wlA nilln. IJ of ilowiitiiwn iiieu. •Thr' inentiiiiil.i' liiirfaii, ni n vpe- i-lnl ^e^1h>ll '^hlll^dlvv, liulliiilnl innl (ill Otliei Aloii-!\ Mniid renily i<> ixl.ijil me n p. III.' HAiurdny iil<i-.|uu in .liiniiiirv, l''rhriinrv mid Man li il Uie tiH)d ieliillei» im rh iiKireiiidit. MoiulHV'e UKlUeilUK SV vi'hU U (liiii,! n.-lloii 1« ^lnled will be held nl ilic IdmeiMin hotrl, - Five Boys Muni Raise .$1 Apicee For Dead Goose nvii vriy ehUKi'lned iX-yrm-oti^ .Irolded lOrttry that a - goose iMi'l All t^c boys were leettired htelnlv hv i'rotiale .liiiliie A. Ilnllr> tor vliilntliig till' liiw which forbids riill- dien to eiirrv flirmins. 'Dien Jiulge Uwlley "Muirwe^l' each twy. I'lie senlenrr: ililna hi II each wllhln :i(i dnfn to |inv for Ihe goosa killed liy Iho'boys wllh a .33 caliber iltle 111 Hock nerk eailyon^. ■nie giMwe Wllh uwnuil by Ctiick llrunson, who tnlnos (<is and doines- (lenled Krmo. lie inilUjuted that even tha in Wim'l "nvange" tlu< .de- eeifsed hlid bn-ntine it n feiimlo and iie geta gooil prlrnH on rggi from Ills gease. Hut Uial II oaeh wilt IX a tniiKh eaoiigli ««»lgiimfiU lor llio live )»y» to Irnnreaa ah Uiem the fact Utat, they violated tdaiiQ alatutw. W lrtifi/' more, Uiey wer# shooting wllhln the city llnilta, which Is prohibited by Twin FalU ordinance, < oMri,KTK « «)nt) VKWlcr. Jnn. (1 ‘UPi (liilenico Claim and ........ .Sii'i :y. the llnlinn nnd llunp> loreign mlnlstein. touiul "nn H Illy of vlewjmlnlK nnd eoinplrie .landing ol all luuiiu" .m ; 01 a seile.i of lalks.'CU.ui) today, TftWtAT* PIIVHU'IAN IRKHZIiS A't'CHIHON. K»n . Jnn d iuri-.^l)i ilnda MeUiiloek. S3 oldenl «oiiini iliysli'lan in Kansas, was inuii' loren to dentil In a l>eil nt liri Iniii home near here rridsy.’ posts arid is known for his B .......... tegrity and intelligence. But th* first rlew of bis appolnttnent waa that he was lesa sti^-'irilled than Uore-Bellsha. U »t he wvi the a nominee »nd mA Iflielxtio b Borptlact It WM pointed out It present h« is in bed with grippa and It w u not toiown when he would be aUe lo take oyer his duUea in the Itey post in the war cabinet. As president ot the board of trade, the portfolio from which he was promoted, he was not a member of the Inner war cat>< Itwi. Hore-Bellsha. It was reporied. did not even know he was going to "of- fer" Ilia rejIgnaUon until he wa-n summoned to No. io Downing, street >esterday and offered Ihe allema- Uve post of Uie board o( tr&de. .. Pollllcat .quarters generally took the view Hore-Belisha had been for> ced out by high army men who objcted lo his drastic reforms which ihchidcd elevation of young, vigor- ous-minded officers regardless of seniority. These quarters, said Chamberlain, faced by Ihe prospect of -lack of harmony." decided that Hore-Beli.sha had lo go. One report was he and Viscount Oort, rommander In chief of the expeditionary iorce, were on bad letms. Fi|hl To ConUntte Til# ^ew,^|M^J^e^ crltlclMii and pos- hlt)tliiy of imlltlcai rei>er«u.%Aloii9 taler, did not mean there was any popular doubl of Ihe government's ileiermlnntion lo light on and end the war. viftorlously, as quickly a.i l«k-v\ible. Much of (lie crlilclsm was due to admliation of Hore-Belbhas Ixiylsli. grinning nadire. his eiierv)' e.\«l tulh«^t^sTO. nnd hts leaTWssnew) ol riltlctsm even when It came—as It hnd -frnm siirh men as Wliibton cimivhlll. nua llrat lord of the ad* munhy. .sii John Itnih. former head of the ttiveinmeni Miiieivljud ' BrllUit ntii.ide«.-.tlng .•omiMiiiy nnd more re- ienlt,v head of itin lmi>eilal Airways - • nd BritlfUk Oveisean Alrwa)-a ioi|Hiuillon, Wan nnined minister i>f intoiinatlon. lo .Mircerd Lord McMlI* Inn In a |xnt whii h had brtiiight'Mi - Mltlsn much crltlclMn because of tha len^<lr^lllp. Mir Aiidiew Rue UuiiLiin, a nuUoix* nlly kiio'U iiidu^wlIsT. wns name<l lo .Min retN*lUrtrte^> a t U» t Uto board o^ llulf Re|)orl4Kl Relieved Over C.olla|>s«^ of Argentine Treaty WABlimaTOTJ, Jan il lUH mlnlstrailon olticlai» wei* unollk'. lally "relieved" today a» a ie»iilt of the collapse ol negoilixiimis lor a veetptucal Hade alittm rnl wtih Ar- gentina. Wtiile the pro|)o»ed a«ieeiueiit wa» regarded as one of the neveieat teals ol Ihe iradt traaty |ir«igiiim. olfl< eiala saw in Us collaiwe relief from growing ortll^-lun t>y agricultural tn- ierrsts at Ihe moment when con- gress lieglns a tight over Us exl«n- sloii. tteereUry of oute Oordili Kiill apjwara ks Ilia first wiineaa be- fore the hotiie wr> i and means oooi' mUtec next ’nmraday to urge that hu |Mt program ba conUntied beyond Ihe June I) •xplrallon dau. Uvanl niiotu lini oInuMIXI k Hate dcparlmani Quarten nctnUy ttiat null waa »<»• too ke«n abovl Ui« ArtcnUn* aarA^Uooa, n 'l-he ncgotlallons vir« Urminated suddenly last night after a oonftr* enea at Buenoa Alras with Prealdent ftoWrlo 14. Ortii; For«i|n MihUter Jote Marla CanUlo. and Antarlcan Ambassador Norman Am^our at* tendlni. ' Tha olftcial announcement hgr Utt atata department simply aald: '-Hie m ipm ai trade akrewimi , negMtaUm bwW th* WmJ. nMt«i Thai

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Page 1: PROBE ASKED IN BRITISH CABINET SHAKE-UP^ · VOL. xxni. NO. 15-6 CENTS. FINNISH FORCES •Richest Girl’ Hubby to Canada N NOIil

VOL. xxni. NO. 1 5 -6 CENTS.

FINNISH FORCES •Richest Girl’ Hubby to Canada


ROVANIKMI. m U n d , Jan* « 0 1 ^ W nnU h TlctorlM to th # wmr •b o re Uie A rctic d r c # h « d pushed th® m ain ta tU e line* b « k today to th e SaUa fron t, on ly » m llw from th e R uss ian border.

T h e Russian* le ft w est of S ail* w e it consW ered now of lit t le im por- U nee a n d F in n ish pa tro ls k e p t th e a d v a n ta ie o re r th e m by c o n sU n t sniping, w hich kep t them alw ays on th e more.

Full filr>H lcanccT h e full Blenlllcance of five quick

F inn ish victories on th is n o r th - c e n tra l (roTtt be tw een D ec. IS a n d Dec. 33 w as only npw being rea liw d .

O n Dec. IB th e R ussians h a d reached K em ljaerv l. W m iles so u th ­w est o f s a ila . to th e m iddle of n o r th c en tra l F in land . A t th a t po in t they w ere h a lf w ay to th e Sw edish border and w hen' they took K em ljae rv l tlie R uss ians h a d called 11 " th e fro n t ga te to Sw eden." Now th e y h av e been driven fro m t h a t reg ion a n d th e w hole a d ra n c e a p p ea rs to have been nu llified . ,

RuM lan Lotse*. T ^ R ussian 1ossea,ln th e five days was estim a ted a t fro m 3.000 to 4,000 m en. T h eir losses f a r th e r so u th , in th e Suom usalm l s e c to r , 'w e re ttcav. le r. E stim ates of tt ie e n tire Rus' s lan s tn n g th on th is f ro n t ranged from .one to tw o divisions, o f ab o u t 1«.000) m en each. I t Is estim a ted th a t m ore th a n h a lf a diTUlop, p rob -

- ably '10.000 to 12AOO m en , h av e been sla la .

I I m s believed- th a t_ th e R ussian* - .o a - th « - 8 a lU f ro n l -e lih e r m u s t re­

tr e a t cc a w a it reinforcem ent* . W ith t t i tM iu u ho ld ing B aT ukoikl. no rth * w est m S a lla . t h e R u a a tu u v e re in s l e s te ro raM * position to A drance

— ttM tn -M ap e -th e y -lM t-ttw ^ b « U le -« v th e K e n t r iv er. T h ey c a n n o t t ry a n o th e r n te rc to w a rd K em ljae rv l a s 1 ^ a s th e ir r ig h t f la n k is open to a tU M toy th e F ln m f r e n Savukoekl.

U. s . m ln ls te r 'to C an ad a—I h a t 't the nom ination o f P re sid e n t Roose­velt fo r Jam es H . R. Crom'ivcll. husband of Doris Duke, " rich e st | l r l in th e w orld." T h e couple is shown here in a recen t p ic tu re .

NLRB Probe ResultsWilT Go to Congress

W A S H I N G T O N . J a n . 6 <U.R) — C h a i r m a n H o w a r d W . S m i t h , D . , V s . , p r o m is e d to d a y t h e h o u s e c o m m i t t e e in ­v e s t i g a t i n g t h e n a t i o n a l l a b o r r e l a t i o n s b o a r d w o u ld r e p o r t t o c o n g r e s s i n t i m e f o r a c t io n a t t h i s a e a a io n o n W a g n e r

a c t a m e n d m e n t s .His s ta te m en t cam e a s tw o ad ­

m in istra tio n su p p o rte rs on th e com- mU tce — Reps. Abe M urdock , D. U U h. a n d A rth u r D . H ealey, D.

-Mas.1.—pro tes ted tlie_ sroup w as no t geUirig a 'td n ip l e » e 'le c tu re o f the labor boa rd 's w ork.' a n d suggested

r'HU£UEls4i F t t t l H D

AaCRO EEN. W ash., J a n . e Ol.R)— Tlie b o ^ of Mrs. D ick Law . wife of a 0 ! 0 iabec un ion official, was found la te la s t n ig h t in- h e r home, wlUi th e BkuU c ru sh M . T h e house was v irtua lly wreckcd.

M n . ’ N cster U iom a , th e klaln wcHnan's m other, found th e body spraw led on Uie floor o f th e living m m . A blood-sta ined , double- i l t t e d a». w ith w hich M rs. Law had been (struck, was found outside.

Law. an officer In th e I n te r ­nationa} W oodworkers of AinerlL-u. was a t a un ion m eeting a n d did no t leam '*of h is wlft^'s d e a th u n til he re lu m ed home.

He h a d -asked police prolccJlon for him self and h is fitm lly la st m onth a fte r th e F inn ish W orkers Pederatioi) ha ll was w recked Dee. 3 by rioicrs.

V hH ed’ J U t a 'O e e t U A dm iral Ja m es O. ^ h a r d s o « . * ^ l s Heek ia ready io ^ |K ia i .A a m lr a l Bloch M id a* h e fcld /tarew eU t« hU officers aboard th e batU eshIp P e n n sy lv a n ia .. .T trm in g New D eal pollftlcs n "ho t

» tf tto ," Sen. R obert A. T a f t, R., 0 .. advocated •oiitrlglU dPlCBfttlon of relief adm ln ls lra tlo n to th e slnlcs. T lte a . O. P . p rcslden tln l a sp lrnn t salct th e change w ould c u t federa l relief cosU |7W ,000.000 by IB^'l. . .

C apl. O eorge S kinner, of the te ln e r G reat N ortJ-?rn IV. has been found alive in a e rlt lra l ron - d llloi\ from 20 days o f w ander­in g on ihe w est coast of V ancotivrr Ixland. . . D eath took C harles N aje l. a tto rney a n d fiecretary of rom m rrce and labo r In the T a f t

■t (he a ie of tKI.


B awiitioii la s t n ig h t signed a petltfoii « mg S ta te Ile rlam n tlo n Comiiilwili ri' Ja m e s fipoCIorci to cejeijt Ute ouro i o f th e Idaho Pow er comimiiy ft ' th e r in r ilo n uf pow er dam s a i ih r re sites on Uie S n a k e rlv rr.

'H ie BKlhrrliiR wns lo r rilrecii of th e orHiinlsailon only and » lilnns com pleird fo r the sin m al nireU ng of Uie c lub 's m ciiibcrs. which will be held In th e Idaho I'ow ar aud ito rium a t 7:30 p. D uei^a r.

P i^ c lp a l business a l th e TurMlny R a th in ln i will be elea tlon ol ijfllrei'n lo r Ihft com ing year—filling n t Ihree vananclea on Ihe boa rd of d lieou Recom m etidations will also l>r li w arded from thU meetlnR in iim ■late gam e a n d flah

a will a lso be served.

Heroism Marks Tragic Blaze

PROBE ASKED IN BRITISH CABINET SHAKE-UP^N ew spapers Rap " C ham berlain for Sudden Changes


L O N D O N . J a n . 6 (UiR)— D e m a n d s f o r a p a r l i a m e n t a r y i n - J i-e sliK H lion o f W a r M in i s t e r L e s l ie H o r e - B c l i s h a ’s fo rtM d re .< ^ igna tion f r o m t h e c a b i n e t w e r e m a d e to d a y a s n e w s - p a j i e r s o f a l l p o l i t i c a l I q a n in p s le d a b l a s t o f c r i t i c i s m a g a i n s t t h e g o v e r n m e n t .

T h e l i b e r a l B i r m i n K h a m G u z e l l t ' . o f P r im e M in i u t c r N ev illt* C h a m b e r l a i n ’s h o m e to w n , le d t h e d e m a n d f o r a p a r l l u m v n ta r y i n v e . s t i g a t io n u f t h e r e s i g n a t i o n a n d r e a s o n s f o r it .

B u t n o \v 3 |) « p e r s o f e v e r y s h a d e o f jw l i l ic a l l e a n in g , e v e n t h o s e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f i m p o r t a n t iK ililic a l i n l e r e s t a , m a d e n o e f f o r t t o t e m p e r t h e i r a n g e r .

T h e genera] view seemed to be

iduct ;

A m em ber nl th e l l r s t A mcricnn Red rxiirdH lon to Slbcrln, Ida Plorencn R olirer, died In M nn-

iKlnv nr pe rllon ltln nnd clyh- y. '. . Col, K jilgn irlo Diillhlii.

C iib .rs "hti'ong m nn." propoM'd rv.nHomln a n d iw liU »«•

lo n n s .ln Ills prcBidenllBl c«n»l>nlKn pliiirorni. , .

r re s ld rn i Iloosevrlt niikcd rnn - crrns for «H ,nT.000 for the n»vy to biillil Its f irs t Hhtl-sxIimBrmr ne t Isyrr*. . . A ssasnlnatlnii «f Ailnlf l l l l i r r hy a ‘‘f r i rn d who- In now hi" lru!<lrd a d v lir r" was p rr- dlr.ied by Torn <'Bm|tl)rll, IrU h

' i * e r n lio rin lm s e% rr|iilntinl oc- ru n puwerii. . .'O lio ilrn A. rU l ir r , dh. illr^U lrlit n

llir P m N nllnnal ban k nnil fo im rr lUTsklMil o l l li r Jf>iir»i l.nUHhlU Hlrel Coij),. died a t PlltsburH h. ttrrvi<Tn were iirrn n g rd a l H1 ln•r Arle., for Mrs, i> iro lhy I.iwcikIpi wlfp of lliirrlM in M. I .nvnidci', uen ' ernl m snnner o l Phvljw 1Xii)hi Cnrp,. who d lrd n» r rsu l t (if Injuries suffered In a n niilo a r.r ld n it. . ,

An e lg lil • poHnd • Id - • u n <> e d a ii lh ir r n a s liiirn to l l r i l r Ja y iir* an d I )u ti |la s M a r r h a l l , llh n s i n t ­e rs a n d player*, n lio s e la s t lU tn was '•lUlien III A n n s" . . ,

|H\rty O en rra l H rcre-

quliy w ould be to h ire '(wo equally- com peten t a tton icys. te lling o n e to get favorab le n n d th e o ilie r , u n fa ­vorable ta t lm o n y a b o u t th e i f tn c y ,

Murckjok, dAnyliic a n y In ten tion . « r - e r i t iu S ig c o m n U te e e o fih & e t^ * m und M. T o land . m ade th e propoMi] for two lAwyora w ho w ould oppose each o th e r in p rese n tin g fac ts to tiie comnilUee. H is p la n w as ap ­proved tft- pe iiley.

Rep. H arry N . R outzohn . R., O., opposed th e p lan , d ecla ring "the com m itter Is n o t ou t to* prosecule th e board , bul only to f in d o u t the ■facia," H e aaW a p p o ln tm c n l. I n e l-

of prospcutinft a n d defense counsel w ouldn 't be feasible because •'there cire no rhiivRes a g a in s t the board nnd (he Issueji a r e n 't Joined." lie conceded to i^Aie th e com m it­tee h a .' co iieen ira led "o n w lia t 1» wrong will) the hoa rd ," bu t s«ld the board In ter.w ou ld bo Riven opjw r- tnn lty to defend Itself,

A5_U«c. c o m m itte r reces.ird un til M onday, th e labor boa rd m ade pub ­lic It.s fou rth n nnua l r e p o r t In w hlrh II d n i ln l rluiVKcs of hitis In favor o f the Connrr.'s of In d n strliil O r- Kniili^iillons and iignliiht. the A merl-

F rd friitln ii o f L abor.


CHICAOO. J a n . tf Sen. Rob- *t A. T a f t of Ohio, can d id a te f o r ^

tlie Bepubllc&n presiden tia l n o m ln a -Y tion. proposed last n igh t a five- po in t p rog ram w hich he sa id w ould place th e na tion on a .sound *7,- 000.000.000 an n u al budget In two years.

Addressing th e ChicoRO B a r qis- soclatlonV T a f t accejitcd P re s id e n t Roosevelt's budget-balnnclng c h a l­lenge a fte r th e Ohio s e n a to r h a d criticized New Deal spending.

He en titled ht? fnJk 'M r. P re s i­dent. H ere's How lo Balance tlie BiidRet"—a direc t to M r. Roo.wvelt'fi p roffered "handsom e p rlie " for a de tailed plan on how lo equalize fede ra l r ec e lp u a n d penditures. I t set lo n ii these uisUea:

B urean Ellm iiiailon

D eterm ination by th e P re s id e n t to balance th e budget.

E lim ination of bureau.^ and reduc< tlon of num ber of employes.

R e turn of relief adm in istra tio n to a les a n d changes in houslrjg. ag

rlculturo and loaji aRencle.v E lim ination of grnnt.'s fo r local

public works, reduction of fede ra l public w o r k s ^ d reduction o f su b ­sidies. f

EIlm inatlA .^ubjcctlon I to critical f

Can B ef Balanced "If five polnt.<> a re com piled

with." T a f t sa id . "I believe th e budget can be balanced a i a p p ro x i­mately *7,000,000,000 w ithou t abati- doulng a. rea&oixable allow ance fqr relief, old age penslon.s, housing a n d soil conservation.”

Denying h is e.stimRted budget unreasonably low. he exp lained U was twice th e anniint cast o f gfiU' en im ent du ring th e H oover M m ln - istra tlon "which C a r id ld a in io o s c - veil criticized'* as too high.

T aft envisioned na tio n al bank- runtcy a s the W ternntlve to a b a l­anced budget by 1042.wmm


^ilvHMN. .lull. <1 (U .p j-a e rin a n liolliuiil i|iiiiiH 'is w rr r jileiihcd to (liiv wiiii iii>' M'KlKiiniInn ni ix-.s1li l[oir,-il<'li--li» Ih 'ltlsh wiir mill' iNlrr'on Hm- iHiuljlr grdUiKl It Kun ai Indlciuliiii III Obhriiftion in ihi^n^|ll\ i>nil t^U lloir-llo

nil iiniiu‘<lliiie iim ioi hi m m lflo lal lorpim

ih r iTAliinallflii n iiiilil V vwrHMVPit. Thlh ivrll In form ed In

I .Ipvi-loiiinrnls. in.itlc- I l lr lt lsh e ffurto to ex-


Irish Rebellion Members, Fire on

Military PatrdiDUBLIN. J a n . 0 (U.K -A m ilila ry

■ pa tro l M a n h ln i fo r am inunttloi) believed tio i«n la s t week tiy th « o u t­lawed Iris li n e p u b llca n arm y , waa iim l on today a t th e liiilR village of r in a a ls . Iti mlWa 1m m Dtiblii),

I1 ia pa tro l m ove^ to quenllon tiva men neaied In an autom obile and n t once th e o r^upanU opened fire . T he m ilita ry r ri iir iird th e fire. A fter a brief exchange of sho ts , tlin m en, the tr autonuibtle tU tdled by buUels. s|>ed tw a y . ,

FKARH NO KNKMY KiaillNKtT. U ninniila. J a n . 0 OIRl

I - K ing Carol, In a rndio addre»« 'M irre wlUilii «i«l>i o f llis R u s ilau

rron tler, dM lared intlay U ia t "no m V m y-w lll ba able to p u t foot ott R um an ian aoll ...................av id tnce nf her jirfsen t sp ir it o f Wnity," '

liirv ICarl lliiiwdi cnndldary lu r n inB iesn (run Yiirk'n IMIi •oiiurrKMoniil tr ic i, . , i.ehlle i rn v e - l l r l l s lu i . 'r r - hlgiiril Will' niliilnli'i' of O ren l tli l t- ttln. lold r .n is tllu rn l '' ‘'f th e IV von- |M>rl <llslrU'l llinl tliiring liln tr r iu nt Ih r w ar olfli.ii II wiin h is timk lo drantlcally iniiguiilire ll i f nrmy and ihoroughly prejiain It fu r wiir,

FORGETFULT his li Hie stiiry o f th e irardn

llHlil nnd''' "lont a liso iu-m in il- ed fellow.

T h is riioriilitH mi m itn ilnivn ii|i to M ain avenue u t th e In ln se t-llnn w itli Beoond s tre e t iioiUi. 'I'lie r a r itppped . T h e driver, w ithou t liH>k> ing M|i fur Die light, w altetl for the usual wliUlle.

Ih it nil w htnlle ruiiie . 'I 'l ie nl<i|i. and 'K o HmIi I lisd he rn iaiion down yesterdKV for leiinliH.

Klnally soinnlHKly In th e biii-K scat lold the waltinK ilrlvev ulxnit it.

I lo .d rove on. voiy rdii u l laua.T M d tlvo t WM Ity ie M. W »»*, in

Whose aleclrlnal sluip Ihp lia ffio ilgliAla.W ire b tb ig repuiivd , l ie had worked on Ihe IlHhiA h linnelf un til inl{ii)luli^ la s t iilglit a l h is esinhlUh ineiit. •

of ' ivliin c

r lit Kii iin trlrs

i)i'fif.», h> u n iiwvjiiredird I Ihe

<'<in<lliiiiuii>i iduiitrleK no t to ■|i[’ liiK i.ii luiiiniiietil uld them - •K'i'x iiml lo p e rm it liiltlsli.iiiH- 'iliiK liii MiiliiiKl 10 iMins th rn illll irli teiritni'v.

m i ' lM t I 'ltO lllM T IO N DIU II'tllt()l.'^l■, .Inn II i t l l 'i - lf lf th o rreuni-V iioiK-i I...... droi*i>ed off

liljioxliim trh ilireo p e r cnn l «hir- IM III.- li'M U«| weeks, th e anrle id. iinl mriikriiiiB service repo ried io-

A e lca re tte totsed down a garbage rh iiie In • M lnhcapolis ho te l Is blam ed for th e tragic blaze w hich took a toll of a l least 18 ll'te*. H eroism m arked rrsriie o f m any o thers by firem en and here o n e .( i/« f igh te r clim bs down iry rungs of a ladder w llh th e body of one v ictim .

Final Bridge Hearmg Set at Boise Jan. 13

F i n a l s t e p t o w a r d d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f c o n s t i t u t i o n a l i t y o f t h e oiicd fp r a y g a . ~„-_.

Tragedy Ends Love Triangle OfPaulKeUy

HOLLYW OOD,' J a n . « ai.B>—T he trag ic den til o t P o ro th y M ackaye. hto w ile who once w en t to p rison w ith h im . left F ilm P laye r Pau l K elly pro stra te w ith g rie f today.

T h e 38*yenr-oId form er stage ac- trc!ss' . autom obile ove rtu rucd In a fog ’ ue^dny nifiht. She died yes­te rday . -

Hec death wi .s iino ther ciU'.ptcr hi one of Hollywuud'.'^ m a^i iriieic love trlnnBle.v. fn 1927 »hc was the r;Ue of Ray RHymond. u m usica l come* dy fnvorite, nnd K elly w as a rising youne film actor. R aym ond accused Kelly of m aking love to h is *Ue .tnd th e re wn-s ab ,»re fist flghl. Ravm ond received xnrh a b a tte r in g from ihe fists of th e ac to r th a t h e died o t his

;lnjurle.s.Both . \r i> s te d '

P<51Tce~ayrvs^ea " B0HV 'KC/iV ' a w M 1s 5 Miickaye.

K elly was convicted of m anslau gh ­te r sn d se n t to p rison for f*-o MIm M nckaye was c onvlctcd 'o f coit- cealiog f a e u of h e r husband '^ death In o rder to sh ield K«Uy. » n d luprL s-

f irs i th a t d jn am ic Hore-BelishA h a d been throw n .out o t office a t dem and of reactionary elem ents tn th e figh ting services and politics and secondl>‘ the result m ight be a ato rm w hich «c«W loTce a J a n e i tuA tmn m ore sensational s lilft tn caM oet personnel.

I t was indicated th e s itu a tio n m igh t con tinue to be In th e sp o t­l ig h t un til H o re -B eiia it a n d C h a m - ,, b e rla ln m ade speeches In th e houaa of commons on its re-assem bly Ja o .1«. . ' -

Press Angty A nger. In .th e . p» 5 S rre f le c tin » .U i* ,^ -

iews of im portan t po litica l' In ti “ ' es ts ; bewUdermetit by th e public i a general feeling of u '

More ilinn 350 person.s. Including members of th e O pportun ity cla-vi of tile C h rb tla n church . Joined be reaved relstlve.s in payhiK fina l tr l' bu te to the m em ory o t M rsr Lisle SmlUi, m otlier of th ree ch ild ren , th is m orning n t the Tw in Fotl.-> mortuary- chapel.

Mrs. S m ith wns killed Tue.sdiiy evening n t he r home, S ix th aveiii: east. v,’Ucn she souxh l lo p role, herself from £ r e d B onnllght. wi had prevloasly th rea te n ed h e r.

Rev. M ark C. C ronenberger, pn: to r of th e C hrts ilan chu rch , w hir she Attended th roughou t h e r nun years' resldenro In T w in P a lb , roi ducted the nervlrea, assisted by Ite W. E. H arm on, Jerom e.

"Tills iriiycdy is n ii Ind lcin iri ngaliist oiir rom inunlty , no t uifuln any Indlvidunl o r oi'gnnlr.atlon. need laws th ii i will p ro te r i n r shelter ^llo.^e who a re unprcjteclr O ur trsg fdy is th a t of a wlrtowrn m other of tlireo eh lld ren nirctluK a rulliless killer n t Ihe door. In nn a ttem p t tci deteiid herse lf luid home," Itrv . CrunciilKirgei- riocliiied.

Mu«l<al Heleeilons 'K'lVlre liirltiiled Iwo iniisU'ul

nelectUnm. "Miiiiirilinc W e’ll U iu ln ■ itnnd '' >iiiil "I'lie Old KuHicd Cro-ss," huiiK hy II iiiUcd (juarte t, Mrs. Clydi- 1‘a rr . Ml nnil Mi.s. Kmi- ald O invrn slid Unyinim ih iiin tire , accoinpiiiilril liy Mi". IJiinnliri'

m ill'll (If Ihe (i|i|)o r- tiinliy ilii.-ft. w lilrli Mrs. H miili in ­tended for ilip 1.IM limn th r Miimliiy moinlliH lUcredlnK her tragic drulli.

I ln ra l T rltiiites liilem iriii u iii In Tw in I'lilU

(em rlrr.v. iniOn' llie [lirrellon <il ih .' mortiiHi'hiiUs eHpir-..'she wi)s ii’Ki

PA»1inil'.'l: teacher ol I&lgur Khl.'i W. Itond. 1. tlinock.

M finbois III the T, U, fUU. Lei Nnul nft^l^e^KnlKhl. l.rotrliT > Kell,Hoyes, Blulii.- H'IKK. M nrllyii Welili, Kvelyii Hiiillli. llu iiiihy Kjirl, .luiir fleatan, Alice l.n-, ,lii Aim I.e C'liilr and Ollla Keiii Mnoi girls. O ilier mriiilH-i . . a ie niialA Bubulii. Celr'slliie S mIiiuiii and Jie lty Ann 'i'tiumei

o n e w e e k f r o m to d a y , in Ih fe s t n t e .s iip i-e in e c o i i i ' t . T w in F a l l s a t t o r n e y s in t h e p o n il in g t e s t s u i t w e r e a d v i s e d t h i s a f t e r ­n o o n .

A t t h a t t i n i ^ l u ! I d a h o h i j j h l i ' ib t i n i i l w i l l l ie a i ; o r a l ai'K U - m e n t s / in t h e s u i t w h ic h is e x p e c t e d t o . s e t t le d e f i i i i l e ly w h e t h e r o r n o t t h e ->;tate c a n. lu r c h a 's e t h e T w in F a ll; J e r c y n i ' i n le r c o t i n iy t"H b r i d g e iiiuU 'i' 11)39 !(‘K i« 'iili(iii .

Tlie o ral lie iu ing wns ordcMd by th e a iip rrn ie court .ifii-r aiK uiirvs h a d subm U icd th e ir priiii.'i* Inlcls coverhiK all eonn-lv.U)l<‘ iioliiis .il. a r iu m e n l In the loll hrldKC liiw De­cision Is e,-<|iccted luit Iniig n ller th e J n n 13 hPtirlng since tlu ' rniiri h as a lready sludU-d llu- printed briefs.

nrouKiil bv |.>.ini

T h e ichl- .-'Mix w ru Imuintil l>v Ployd W. l.ynns. T w in KiillN: to ic- eiire suprem e cnurl rulliiK <ni Ii'iikI ph^^eH wlilr-h blocked piik'Iik.m' of Iho-lo ll brldKe lor MHa.000. T in ' law lii'ovlded to r lult.iiiH iliiii Mini thvo«Bl\ ft nJ>e-mlU Kiisoim’- 'w s.

I. R,. Bolhwell will ]irr*rn» tiir {iiinentK for l.vons, who <.ii|iriUi-il the high court when .lii<li;r <r. h:

-lid, A<lii rdiiiilv ..................... I.

OpiMii tun lly t lii.-- .. I r . ' Kirknii<n. t 'trd 'I Denii and lln iry


W A n lllN (ilt)N . .<«n. Q lUfii-Hon. WlllliiMi II. King. D.. U l h , touchedoff .. ...............I eongroM ional ba ttleon iieiiinilliv Kulay by pr«i>oslng Hint iliiKiniiiiM rneilrHi finance cor- IMiuiliiii li'iiil K lnlaad 139,000,000.

Kliiii .lid lir was d ra f iln g auoh n idMiiiitioii 10 1*0 fo n n a liy in tm .rtiicM hi th r *en»lo n e « wceJl. H 1a {'riiiiiii III iiinvoke atrenuoua op- |H»lili>ii itiiiiiiiK liie Isoiationint bloc.

Kinu Mild Ills ilelerm lDatiDn tv help Miiliiiiii I'll" p ro lnpled hy |i«r> noiiAl'*f<'i'lli>li* a n d lutm oroua sp*

i.nld, would he ii«ed.rdlrlnix

riiiliiiiapim renilv h iiiiuiilininu> in ><in ■rcM, neiillm nil m fnvnr nl a hm Is far fri)m*'lhiil.

nen*. M lllmd K 'n 'd ln jis, n ., Mi]. Many F. H 'ld , D., Vii.; A ilhili Oapiwr, i t , Kan., mid Itnsh D . Holt D.. W. Va., nil ssld tlie lr i>eiMiiiiil sym iwihles were with n iila iid , but Ih a t K ing’s |H'«i|io»al slioujd Im sub­jected (0 olune Miiiiiliiy.

ird Ihe deir n . I '. I'llre sp o n d e n t,

lln rry Henolt, ll ,i))eiiiii h r ali«rii'-y Heniuil v

Miilse fill' tlie drfriinv / .1. W. ■I'nylor. hi'udu ilir th e n^ft|>onileiiU.

Niinied nn ili'li'iidtiiil.' h ildge tent mill me Oiiv ( i</tfi«-n. ( 'hnlniuiii <it ilw iI'oininlllee; H K. I'liiii. l•on)lnl^.^lonl•r <il imiilii' « r.'-ereliirv of ihi- loiuiiiiiii' IV Knklrm, sUil.- irn .M un vm K. W rllim . .•'tnlr nuOll

Mr. I.yoiin l>Vi>iiHlii Miit i<

' will lull

• Hrlil

lirory tlmt. h r 'Jnilliir ti(K|iiivei iildge esi'lnii le\>

(rovers Ciillri 111 th e tenl Mill. itl1.>iiir\>

..Mills rnlse 17.i|ii('nlloiis iiKi liilliy o l (he lUJU brlilHe iniii anil th e ciiuiihel for the slii llinilly answ er nil I? imlnt. ■Iiirnllniis cover wlmi In ii'k t lir e n tire field of iihje.'lln iiiliilil l>e ralse<l to the nd liin iie court r iillttt In Mie Ihiin A ppiufiitly se ltle ihi delln ite ly .

M ajor poin ts ii) the ni. ' p liiin tiff and apjiclliiiil nie llirM::

IDn sla tii le is uiu-.iiiiillliillunii mill void beentiso II eonliniriK -t i n liiiii ■ociinns of ihn hlnlin lllll^1l1ll (lull. Thene liiiliide:

Over t.lm lt The Indoblclinvsii mhihIiI U> Ih- in

\ iiiiKd by th e MeJ.WHL In irnihur iiolrn-.nU is th e irglsteiPd*'i)iMiiihi iMiii'd by tlie s ta le tr rn s iiin aIiii- U rl. B, IBSP^wlll cxered Hi" i:i. IKHI.OOO ita te debt lim it ns imivlilr by the noiisllUillnn. 'l i f t ai l Iioi Iirovlde lo r siibmlsiiloii to ii voi......... .. pw>l>tt

I'hn pro|n5Je«l


M dvcnicnl to sccure ft p. m. Sniii dny ^lo^lnK for T w in Falls letn ('.sinlilU,hmcnt.-i nppenied N\Miii;ing n rn r .miccosh today lif te r nclileve- n ie a l of wlde.spread—nlLhnuKh iiii' \ r l unniilm ou .i-nB ieem en t anioiii Btix'erh.

A im u d e 'o f the groce rjm en wil he th e ileclslvc fnctor.

A tliree-i^uiii I'o iilitrt coiinnillei will repo rt Muiidiiy iit>on to tli<I...... .. w hieh m en \Mltiike «lell»itv. tvi'ilon. CHmmU'vni-n'i wim n r r e a n r ln i i o u t th e n in tne wink a re heufled liy Jo h n OiiidiiPi o th n is .lie R. J . Vnllioii. nrw elinir until (if Ihe hiiienu. and U P H.itjlit

I’je liin lnary ic.sull ot Die Kiu>.ri< su n 'e r liidlrnteil (lin t iiu .jo iiu ii llic tlownlow ii (iHKl «lore« Iwn MKiin nil iiHirniieliL lo I'ln^ie encli iliiv n

down HiiUiidiiy

Office in f a v o r .................a lm o st as well know n bccau th e y-ounger son o t th e ] e a rl o f Derby a s bcciiUse' oftk a l career. A fternoon __agreed th a t a. quarrel betw een H ore- Belisha a n d a rm y generals h a d . Jed to his resignation .

She le ft p rison saying th a t wh*n Kelly go t ou t. th e y w ould be m a r ­ried. W hen th e o rison gates swung o i» n for K elly e met him . Tliey were m arried F e R " ll. 1931.

K elly m ade a movie coaieb:tck. Ml.vs M ackaye dtopjied he r caree r a n d devoted her^clf iq m;il:ing a liomo for h im .

MU-* M ackaye wn^ ln)uiTd a.' '1 drove hom e Tiic.-vday nU h t Iroiii r

inRlng th e fiinerni ot h e r la'.lu Jo h n M ackaye. w ho died a few duis ijefoic.

It p. III. riilhiHl

r IlilK

H cveinl I (1ml In n

the Kvelilli iielKlitiorliiMH

njo r .• 11 th .'l

COLO WAVE mis. .C E N l l lA L m iE S

t l ly l.'n itrd P re u iCold Wlnd.^ .•nHCrtd over * ijre.iler

m eu of th e na tion tuduy 'imi Intenhliy o t the (rl^ld bliist^ ti-ni|iere(i by w.ivmili w h u h orltil- na te tl in th e low er Itocky niouu' l.iin.1 . L igh t snow wll^ p iedleted for •some seclldiis ot (lie mi<ldle weit.

TllO U. H. w enllier buieiiii nl C til < i«go p ied lrte il th e rol.t wuuUl ilm ie (liroiiRh th e w i-ek-nid l.U« lu ldd le west nivd TA'teriv of Ihe p k h u . si»le.\. 'n i r rtiUl nh mas.V centeie<l over th r D.ik.iUi' mM IKilnted Mfutliensl iu(» .■.•iiU.i I'H II-

nnd IndlmiH L>iw iriii|K'iuUUr.< reiio rted a i fu r .muiUi ns Clenr-

glii. bill AOiitlieiil e.HH|)c«l ilie bliiM.

(It Ihn

pro|xI9e<l tronsiiry imir<i will rueerrt Uie to ta l tax prnvlded hy J«.w lor n ia tUoa) year.

'llio a c t tm b ra o e i more lliaii otie nnli]e<-t, w hlolt t« n o t properly «x- p ie » c d In th e Ulla of Uie.bill.

I'liiit tha ap p rop rla tiu iii pui|hm}kI a.attM>*4 m U 0*l««a-Mi

to ln l of B.1 nuxviy 111 1'wlA n illn . IJ of

ilowiitiiwn iiieu.•T h r ' in e n tiiiiil.i ' liiirfa ii, ni n vpe-

i-lnl ^e^1h>ll '^hlll^dlvv, liu l liii ln l inn l (ill Otliei Aloii-!\ Mniid renily i<> ixl.ijil m e n p. III.' HAiurdny iil<i-.|uu in .liiniiiirv, l''rhriinrv mid M an li il Uie tiH)d ieliillei» im r h iiK ireiiidit.

MoiulHV'e UKlUeilUK SV vi'hU U (liiii,! n.-lloii 1« ^lnled will be held nl ilic IdmeiMin ho trl, -

Five Boys Muni Raise .$1 Apicee For Dead Goose

n v ii vriy ehUKi'lned iX -yrm -oti^ .Irolded lOrttry th a t a - goose iMi'l

All t ^ c boys were leettired htelnlv hv i'ro tia le .liiiliie A. Ilnllr> tor vliilntliig till' liiw w hich forb ids r iill- d ien to eiirrv f lirm in s . 'D ien Jiulge Uwlley " M u irw e ^ l ' each twy.

I'lie s e n len rr : i li ln a hi I I each w llhln :i(i dnfn to |inv for Ihe goosa killed liy Iho 'boys w llh a .33 caliber ilt le 111 Hock n e r k eailyon^ .

■nie giMwe Wllh uwnuil by Ctiick llrunson , who tnlnos (<is and doines- (lenled Krmo. lie inilUjuted th a t even tha in Wim'l "nvange" tlu< .de- eeifsed h lid bn-ntine it n feiimlo and iie geta gooil prlrnH on rg g i from Ills gease. Hut U ial I I oaeh wilt IX a tniiKh eaoiigli ««»lgiimfiU lo r llio live )»y» to Irnnreaa ah Uiem th e fa c t U tat, they violated tdaiiQ a la tu tw . W lrtifi/' m ore, Uiey wer# shooting w llh ln th e c ity llnilta , w hich Is p roh ib ited by T w in FalU ord inance ,

< o M ri,K T K « «)nt) V K W lcr. Jnn . (1 ‘UPi

(liilenico C laim and ........ .Sii'i:y. th e lln lin n nnd llunp>

loreign m ln lste in . touiul "nn H Illy of vlewjmlnlK nnd eoinplrie

.land ing ol a ll lu u iiu " .m ; 01 a seile.i of lalks.'CU.ui)


TftWtAT* PIIV H U 'IA N IRKHZIiSA't'CHIHON. K »n . Jnn d iuri-.^l)i

i lnda M eU iiloek . S3 oldenl «oiiini iliysli'lan in K ansas, was inuii' lo ren to dentil In a l>eil n t liri Iniii

home n e a r he re r r id s y .’

posts arid is know n for h is B ..........tegrity a n d intelligence. B u t th * f i r s t rlew of b is appo ln ttnen t waa th a t h e w as lesa s t i ^ - 'i r i l l e d th a n U ore-B ellsha. U » t he w v i th e a nom inee » n d m A Iflielxtio b

BorptlactI t WM poin ted o u t I t p resen t h«

is in bed w ith grippa a n d It w u no t to iow n w h en h e would be a U e lo ta k e oyer h is duUea in th e Itey post in th e w ar cab inet. As p residen t o t th e boa rd of trade , th e portfolio from w hich he was promoted, h e w as n o t a m em ber of the Inner w ar cat>< Itw i.

H ore-Bellsha. It was reporied. d id n o t even know h e was going to "of­fer" Ilia rejIgnaU on u n til h e wa-n sum m oned to No. io Downing, s tre e t >esterday and offered Ihe a lle m a - Uve post o f Uie board o ( tr&de. ..

Po llllcat .quarters generally took th e view H ore-Belisha had been for> ced o u t by h igh arm y m en who objc ted lo h is drastic reform s w hich ihchidcd e levation of young, vigor­o u s-m inded officers regardless o f sen iority . T hese q u a rte rs , said C ham berla in , faced by Ihe prospect o f - lack of harm ony." decided th a t Hore-Beli.sha had lo go.

One repo rt was he and V iscount O o rt , rom m ander In chief o f the expeditionary iorce, were o n bad letm s.

F i |h l To ConUntteTil# ^ew, |M^J^e crltlclMii a n d pos-

hlt)tliiy o f imlltlcai rei>er«u.%Aloii9 ta ler , d id n o t m ean th e re w as any popular doubl of Ihe governm ent's ileierm lnntion lo ligh t on a n d end th e w ar. viftorlously, a s quickly a.i l«k-v\ible. M uch of (lie crlilclsm was due to ad m lia tio n of H ore -B elbhas Ixiylsli. g rinn ing nad ire . his eiierv)'e.\«l tulh«^t^sTO. nnd h ts leaTWssnew) o l r iltlc tsm even when It cam e—as It hnd -frnm siirh men as Wliibton c im ivh lll. nua llra t lord of th e ad*m unhy.

.sii Jo h n I tn ih . form er he ad of th e ttiveinm en i Miiieivljud ' BrllU it ntii.ide«.-.tlng .•omiMiiiy nnd m ore re- ienlt,v head of itin lmi>eilal Airways - • n d BritlfUk Oveisean Alrwa)-a ioi|H iu illon , Wan nnined m in iste r i>f in to iina tlon . lo .Mircerd Lord McMlI* Inn In a |x n t whii h had brtiiight'M i - M ltlsn m uch crltlclMn because of tha len^<lr^lllp.

Mir Aiidiew Rue UuiiLiin, a nuUoix* nlly k iio 'U iiidu^w lIsT . wns name<l lo .Min retN*lUrtrte^> a t U»t Uto board o^

llulf Re|)orl4Kl Relieved Over C.olla|>s« of Argentine Treaty

W A B lim aT O T J, J a n il lUH m ln ls tra ilo n olticla i» wei* uno llk '. lally "relieved" today a» a ie»iilt of the collapse ol negoilixiimis lo r a veetptucal H ade a l i t t m r n l w tih Ar­gen tina.

W tiile th e pro|)o»ed a«iee iueiit wa» regarded a s one of th e neveieat teals ol Ihe i r a d t traa ty |ir«igiiim. olfl< eiala saw in Us collaiwe relief from growing ortll^-lun t>y agricu ltu ra l tn- ie rrs ts a t Ihe m om en t when con ­gress lieglns a tig h t over Us exl«n- sloii. tteereU ry o f o u t e O ordili K iill ap jw ara ks Ilia f irs t w iineaa be­fore th e ho tiie wr> i a n d m eans oooi' mU tec n e x t ’n m ra d a y to urge th a t h u |Mt p rog ram ba conUntied beyond Ihe Ju n e I ) •x p lra l lo n d a u .

U v a n l n i i o t u l i n i o InuM IX I k H ate d c p ar lm a n i Q u a r te n n c tn U y ttia t n u l l waa » < » • too ke«n abov l Ui« A rtcnU n* a a rA ^ U o o a ,

n'l-he ncgotlallons v ir « U rm inated

suddenly last n ig h t a fte r a oonftr* enea a t Buenoa Alras w ith Prealdent ftoW rlo 14. O rt ii; F o r« i|n M ihU ter Jo te M arla CanUlo. a n d A ntarlcan A m bassador N orm an A m ^our at* te n d ln i.' Tha olftcial announcement hgr Utt atata department simply aald:

'-H ie m i p m a i trad e a k re w im i , n e g M ta U m b w W th * W m J .


Page 2: PROBE ASKED IN BRITISH CABINET SHAKE-UP^ · VOL. xxni. NO. 15-6 CENTS. FINNISH FORCES •Richest Girl’ Hubby to Canada N NOIil

P ag e Two ID A H O E V E N IN G T IM E S . T W IN FA L LS, ID A H O Stturdur, A S, IMO--------- ■4.'




WASHINGTON, Jan , 6 (U.Pi -

coiifiirs-louBl oo inm lucr to siudy fliiaiirlal pmblCll1 broiiglil (Ir’iiiniid^ tixtav Ifii 111' lndei«‘n<lent soiint^ In'fxUgaU ou ol Prc<;lflem Roo'-p- Ti-lt s budgtl.

i^rn. Wllllnm E Bornli. R„ Iil» Joiiird o th rt Il^•I>ubll^nll^ In |n ii- p<v«iii'; ft .scimir-lioitse Infpiiry iiiio

• iJfJrii-r cupcjltlaure!., pnsL uihI prosfnl nor.iii .sni'l rlrfpin<*

» ir lion in iiipillrfl In tinli h:,/.u(l l-i.-luiili"

I iliiiil; n rH linvr liiiip riioinrll 10 iiMikp ilir 'U idy bclorr H itl' Ki>r>, over I’.rri'. ■ tir nddrti

lo ld ItPoriKloiiT lir lotiii ijiu lun LOinmlliec"

pl.iii, spnn.'-nrccl bv C lin irm an . Tat HuiitfOii. U , MLss.. 0 / (Tif sennie fiij.iii'-r rom m lllfe mill Pi)<l by R rpub llcna ', gol » cold le- r rp lio ii in Ilif CliBlrmnii nobcrl L, DouRlitoii. U.. N C.. of ilii' Hoii.-r w.iys iiiul iiipuii.'' com- u i ju r r npprovni « . b in oiiier in- fliicmlal iiicm brrs, alilioiigh riidor.'iiig 11 in principle, snld it

. tl-Ollld TlOtttlOrC ftl lM4l ftl tlllS;05 tloiiw scuU- I

incnt crvsiftlil7.od about llir tlm e | i tn n ic Republlciui* plunipoc; fo r llie H oribon plau.

•T<1 iBVor ftii m d fp tiia c n l .'vcimie •ludy of ihp budget If th e hou.^c tu rn s down H nrrlson 's propo-sltlon.” .•.ftlci Sen. P ren ttv i ,M Brow n. D . M ic h . « mcmtKr of th e flnniire rom m itife

.Stnkie Defend*M it i in tc »nd house leaders de*

b a led H arrison 's plan, .setiale R e­publicans. aJreadi enjagetJ In • bl- p « r t la n drive a fa ln s l M r. Roo^e- relt '.t request for new taxes and ex-

.tension of reciprocal tm d e asive- m e iu au ihorlly . defended l(.

•T herf. h*.i been no .iclrnllflc M udy of w hat's needed (or defense." Bortkh sa id . "W e’re naked to ap-

p rtaw y%iX sunw. each year as If h id n t- ip p r o p m te d any before.

f m ust be more lo jlc In 11.. t h a t Jin »M U km to Uw *my aiwl navy

■tA. th e uxpA yers ouBht to be 1. I th ink th e atudv would be cffecUTe U underU ken Jointly th e house. Coopertktlon Is

we need i t th is Utne."

News' in BriefAtlrnilK IlfUiilon

j . A K oiiiab ii lins retu rned trom Lincoln. Nrb . wh^ie he attendrri »


To*rii’<'iid No. *nn> new Tnw nhend club No < •

m pri TiiCMlii). Jun . ». a( 8 p ni

l>li> I K4J1

Sham rock AssemblyblinmrocV Ai>.seiiibly will m eet

Mondnv ai 8 i> m a i th e scliool I IxfUlw' I

I C u o t a t Rup<rt' Mr* W. O. Poindexter, Tw in . Fnil>. was n guest o( (he H elp tns I club llilo week a l th e hom e,oi Cliarle.s Ooff, Rupert.

r i Ciii^jloyed a t llif AllrmI Funeral locni SBlewav ^tore, will leave Sun- Mrs. O oum cy Wilcox. Id ah o FalU .

.......................... and Mr.n. Alice Fo.sler. Buhl; sis tersof Mrs. Lisle S m ith ; F. F . V arney.

h e r fa the r, and R icha rd

' ».eck. '..... ... ,|t T.,|trkfi Kan.

H resld r d i a lFtrc^ld^ Cliiii n iuup will meot a l

ilir honi'- of Ml and M rs. J A. Phil- llp.^ i n M lliiioir. Siiiulny evciiini; ntiM 1 D s t-liiiirli servlccs

l.r^tvri on TripJ w fa lo i i Ifd Tlnir.-,ilay loi ija’it

Utkv Cv'v 'Ml in«sii\fs!,, p rior to cun- ■tmuinii to Ui ow iu ijle . Neb., wjicrc he will visit hl.s m o the r lo r a m outh.

To Sun ValletMl.^s EKic I.chiiifln. New York

City, will leave Sunday fo r^ u n VoU U'\ to .'ppiitl .leverai days before Kuiim yii to till' west coflst. She lias been ilip the pa.'t we»’k ol her broiliri and .sl.sler*lii-liii\. Mr nnd Mi.s. Mllion Lehm an

StuihraE.slhri H om nicivedt will

leave lo inonow toi Po rtland . Ore.. to icsuine her .studies iit S t, Helen's ha ll, jun io r college, a f te r s im u lu is th e holkla\,s ivlili h e r i)aren(.i. Mr. nnd M l ' A R onim ctvedt.

W W l l S l t f iQ uota a llo tm e n t for. th is terrltor>-

Cnder th e NYA MsUip h a s been set a t / 165 o u t of school boya and slrls fo r each o f the f irs t th ree m onths of th is ye a r and 133 for th e following th r«e m ontha . It w as announced th li a rte m o o n by L. w . PoLiom. field represen ta tive .

I n a n n o u n e in t the quota. Folsom poin ted o u t th a t during each n( th e f l n t th re« m onths there can be up to 165 you th s on th e payrolls o f local p ro jec ts a n d d u r ln t the next th re e m on ths 132. He said th a t a t )he p resen t um e th e NYA In this aeetlon Is opera ting under full quota.

Folsom aU o announced th a t next w eek h e will to iy thlii d istrict for th e p w p o s t o l ’ i n a k ln i 'p r o J e a 'ln - BpectJoni* as to operation, personnel a n d efficiency. H e will also confer w ith .•tupervLw* on worker trans- t e r t o th e r de tatls. H e explain­ed th a t under NYA nile.i a youth h k ep t on a project fo r a period of six m ontlis and th rn . If It Is found th a t he or th e la n o t Aulted tn th a t t\-pe ol work* a -ira n sfe r M ilven a no ther projec t w hich offer* a l\ nr vocation the youth wiHlies (n I low

Hi.s vlAilatlnii w 'lieduir follow,*M onday and Tue.\dav: H eadquarl-

era a t Die N ational lintel In fiu rler dunitR whii'h tim e he will rovrf rnniiuuiiltles In (:n^sla and Mliildokn iountle.s

WetlncMlity llriid i|nai i n a Wed- T P 'day n igh t al th e HiawAlha holel a t llnlley w ith ITl. l r<Il0ll^ tha t day In iJiico ln and n ia lne couiillr>

T liu r» d av Vl*llHtlnnv 111 Camas. noo*tltn and Jeitiine lountle^ with n P A nllkrra jii th e vaiimi-i rom m un-

Frlday:Falls countv aside ticn T » ln FalU

In ■I'wiii

visited vesterduy Ui Bol.w were Mr. nnd Mrii. f(uy SinUh, W llllnm R, WoltvT. Jack LyiiCb, A. Balscii, Jr., and Jo h n O- Pence.

R abbits M lu ln rPollcs today had been asked to ! "on th e lookout ' /o r iwo rabblt.i

w hich w ere .stolen from BUI H erbst, S36 M ain avenue .south. O ne anl« m sl wll^ a m ale Clilitchllla and the olhCK a doc New Z ealand Red. Tlie thleve.s brokr in to a pen to Ket the anim als. '

Vnrney. Princeton. Ida., h e r b ro th ­er w'-re here to a ttend funera l se r­vices for her th is m orning a t the Twin Falls m ortuary chapel.

silJi Ci-lticalCiindlllon of Ralph A. Bacon. 48.

mmiHBiT of the Bacon Produce com - p a m o l Tw in Falls, who w as in ju r ­ed in an autom obile acc id en t' n ear Buhl on highw ay 30 early yesterday m orning, was still critical today , a t ­ten d an ts » t ihe county general hos­p ita l reported.

r a t l rn ts D iim luedMel Cofcgrlff. Leon Pozdenlev. M rs,

D alton Box. Mrs, Floyd M orris and (laughter, Tw in Fall.-i; M aster-B llly S lonem eu , Mrs, C. D, Owen.^ and f.oit and Harold Adclns and f/olan Prock, Buhl; Mrs. Qeorge Brow n, Filer, nnd Mr.i. Fred G entry and Joh ii D arling. M urtaugh . have been dism issed fro m 'th t 'T a 'ln F a lls coun­ty general hospital.

E xtended Trlp__D r. S. C. WyalL re tu rned la st eve­

n in g from a th ree week-s' tr ip to the soutliw est and coast, visiting hU son . Jo h n W yatt, a t A lbuquerque, N. M.. a n d 'h is da u g h ter, Mrs. B etly A llen, a t Sac ram en to . Calif. He also v isited rela tives In Los A agelcs and IX H i^ ^e a ch nnd loolt a brJel post- K prauate cour e a t Denver,


Choice of th e Tw in Falla Town H nll c lub 's Ja n u ary speaker tom p ie ted today wUh conclusion fina l a rrangem ents for appea rance of Dr. F rank Bohn Ja n , Ifi.

Dr. Bohn U . a . noted w riter on econom ics and lj\lcvna\ionttl prob- lem-»- HW addre .« Ja n . Ifi. Tiie.sdnv, will be a t tiie hlgh-achopl a u d ito r­ium, according to J . .A, C ederqulst. prc.-ildent of T ow n Hall.

D efinite d a te had also been a r ­ranged today for th e Feb ruary ipeake r. who ranks an one of llte

widely know n tnlKcrs to a ppea r In m any years. He Is D r. W ill

D u ra n t, noted ph lloM phei-nu thor, ho lectures In Tn'ln Falls Feb, fl.

T rl-C A lum naeT ri-C A lum nae w,R0clnli0n win

m eet T uesday. J a n . B. a t 8 p. rh, al th e hom e of M rs. A. C. Victor. All m em bers w ishing to a tten d , who h ave no t been con tac ted by th e hos­te ss com m ittee, a re asked to u le - phone M rs. J . T . Ander.son. Jr., 0384- R4. by M onday noon.

A t (he ilo sp ita t .C. >H. E ldred . Bus M onlague, Jr„

M rs. W ill W rig h t, Mis* Shirley Van H am m , P ra n k R o th and Mrs. J a n e t Y oung: T w in F alls ; Floyd Bowers, Billy C ulllm ore. Buhl; Cloyce Ed­w ards. F iler, a n d Edford Holbrook, B urley, have been adm itted to the T w in F a lls county general hospital.


C. K, M cNltl hn» been na.ned ln> s iru r to r fo r th e NVA work »hop p ro jec t a t th e h igh school, - announced here loduy

M rN Itt lakes th e place cil Virgil Cowle* w ho hiis acrcp trd ih r posi­tio n ol m atuiftl Rr^^ Hl^^luc\nr In th e n u rley school syMirin

T he w ork shop pio jri Ls under the mipeiAl.Mon ol Supt. T loiner Oiivw «nd tt\e U^^^uu•.• lo r iR.nwilKned by ihe ndiili ertura- n o n dlvi.'lon th rough C'ail Vnnlck, Mi|)eivlsoi' of Hint <livi.sic>ii loi this dlAtilct.

At the pie.seiil tini« NVA Dovs a re aji.slgneit to Ihe project They receive p rn rtlcn l in.sirurtlon In car- l>eniry and inechnnlrni draw ing and b1m> cnnhlriict rnb lnrl,', library table* and o iJ irr iiems as wtII coniiiletliiR lien era 1 riirix 'iiir) piili work nl the vurlmn srhool

(1’ I'uiiile^ Al 10:1,^ ji. II

F u n e r a l H e ld fo r

A c c iile n I V ic timFinal tribu te was paid E m anuel

S. M arlin . 65. yesterday a l th e T a in Fa lls m ortuary chapel. H e died T uesday a.s th e re.sult of In ju ries su sta ined w hen he was .struck "by au tom obile here De<v -23.

Rev. Ellis of Ihe F irs t Pen ­tecostal church. T«‘ln Falls; Rev, S. Ludlow. T a in Falls: and R e t. R R ohn. Caldwell, conducted th e sert-- Ices,- A qua rte t, Mrs. B. H- H nyner, Ly­m a n Cnlder, John Calder and, Al­fred H erron, accompanied bv Mrs. Famer McOlniil.v "sanK "W ill llie Clrole Be U nbroken?" "do ing Doa-n th e V alley" aiul " F a n h e r Along."

Pflllbeareis weie F. E, Yadon, E lm er M cOlniils, A. F. Miul.seii. John M rO lniils , O, C. Lockleai nnd H *P, U uff

In lerjne iit ws.s in ilie Filei Odd Prllow s_/enirteiV .

I j g I it s

ing.Heahoii WHS i Iiri the sym 'hronl-

sa llon ol Ihe th iee lights a-as "hayw ire" and ollicli«l.s de<-1iled sonie lhlng should t>e done a b au t It. 8o Ih r IIKhts tt'ciT taken down nnd lepalied liy K \le Walt'e, Me- chnn lrn l pnits weie also rhceked.

Polire nllldnlfl haid iha t the ligh ts would br "up and w oiklnx a gain" by iliis niieiiuHih Two were nlrrndv in idnce liefme noon,

JIKAU T ilt ; r iM K a WANT ADA.

U S I HEARING ON B R K U 1 I . 1 3 I I I

lf'»i> Ta<* On*l to be m ade by Uie a c t would no t be m ade pu rsuan t to d irec t ap p ro p ria ­tion by law from th e s ta te treasury .

Special LegUUlion T lia t tlte a c t In e ffec t Is a special

applying only to one Individual

cred it of th e s ta te fo r indiv idual O ther claim s by a tto rn ey s fo r Mr.

Lyons cite a&serted duplicate, ta x a ­tion because there Is a lready a live- cent p e r gallon gas ta x levy, decreed In 1933. and po in t o u t ti ia t th e bridge law confers legislative powers on executive b ranch of eovem m ent,

D ouct F a v a n u w 01st ol th e defense case, seeklnK

approval of the . bridge a c t and speedy purchase of th e toll span, siunm artLed in the conclusion, T a y ­lor. P a rry and B enoit rem ind the cou rt o f th e "well know n ru le" p re ­viously s ta ted by th e Id ah o high bentdi^ "Thfe -rale l» th a t before legislative en ac tm en t will be held to be unconstitu tional, it m u st clearly a ppea r to be so, and If th e re be any doubt as to th e conaVltutlonality oi a . act. It be resolved in favor o f th e a c t '

a w lft sketch of th e defense a s- a e r tlo tu sUowb:

Tlie treasury no tes auU iorlied by tlie a c t do no t constitu te a deb t or liability In con traven tion o f th e $2,000,000 deb t lim it prescrltM d In the Idaho constitu tion .

The expendlluieii fo r bridge pur- clmse do no t viola te th e c o n stitu ­tion because '‘to ta l ta x Uien p ro ­vided by law " Is to be rea d to ta l xeven^^s available fo r lia rm e iu of the expenditure. I t Is asserted th a t the c onstitu tional provision In ques­tion applies only to property valorem U xatlon ,

O ne Subject Tlie bridge a c t does no t em brace

more th a n one sub ject and m a tte rs ••properly cfinnected the rew ith ,- nor does It fall to express th a t sub ject In the title In v iolation of the slliu tlo ii.

A ppropriations m ade bv th e act ore n o t invalid eiU ier u nder article th ree , section 17. o r a rtic le seven, section 13. ol th e constitu tion .

Fact th a t th e bridge 1* th e only one ol th e c h a rac tc r ih n l may be

ffected by th e a c t does n o t make U\f a c t a special o r local law . U pointed o u t s ign ifican tly th (\t "If an act' for th a t purpose is local or .special, an a pp rop ria tion to build

c e rta in ste,tc htshv-ay js moreso ,'

D oesn 't G ive-C red it-'H ie a c t does no t give o r loan the

cred it of the M ati In v iolation of ■>e constitution.

The m otor fuol.s ta x levied by the ac t is no t Invnlld, In any icspect, .since toll brldRc.i o r nny bridges are p a rts of the hlghivny sy.stem. I t Is claim ed th a t there l.i no dl.scrlmlna- Uon because no cxcm ptipns are made. The tax Is term ed valid .nince it Is fo r a public pur-

T here is no duplication taxallon of p roperty as betw een th e m otor fuels ta x and th e toll bridge tion act. since th is constitu tional provision applle.s on ly to direct p roperty taxes and Uie con.stltuiion does no t ev*»^ Jorbld double taxation as to ad valorem taxes If all the p roperty subject lo the f irs t lew is also sub ject to the >econd.

•Not Vallrt O lii^ t to n 'T lie exem ption on n io tor fuel deal­

ers ' Income taxes l.s n o t a valid ob­jection In the bridge case, ’f ills l.i claim ed because the p lu ln tiff M m s no In jury nnd Ihe |Xilnt Is not en* sen tln l lo decision nl th is vase. Even

S P O R I S i N i L W E R

m m n n m

«> KIM MiB. Eua m . MT mM. niuM mmi•M mm ■ n ucwn - nmm Mnm. imi nut imni kh .

ftX tRA) IW fcta M*fUn> OffhM tf.t ,♦ • • . . . - " .m l 'n . i - . .


i(B( nDAND


Wh w • Ofk-ria Mem* Mfi MMlgMHry • Itkwl iMietVlifW. fl.M. Herrv Orm

« WH.

I 'Temperatures |M U .U a«.rtM .

Pgi»« ..................r«l»»ry ....................

■ « «

..........4 / i

;*ii.v»ii ....k>n»> Cttr ... i.ot Anifele#

MlntwiiiiaUi .'Omaha'” . . . ti^tlt i,«k» City . Sin Fr.ncI..o M

y»llo«iton« i: 2T ,tJ

A nnual m eeting of th e B C lub of Sportsm en will be held M onday a t 7 p. mi a t the I. O. O. P . ha ll,

was anpounced here th is a fte r - oon by Lud-D rexler. secretary.Drcxler said th a t several (ipcakers

,111 be heard during ihe banquet and th a t election ol o tiicers fo r 1B40

II as the adoption of a p ro - for th e 12 m onths will fol-

iov.Included among expected to

tIKnk a t th e session will be G eorge Booth, chAlrman of the .sinte guni< comtnl.-islon; G rover Davis, conser­vation otflccr, a n d Elmer Ros-i. U . S. forest ranger.

Drcxler jw lnlcd out tliiit th is will be Ihe la s t regular so.vsion before U ie-*taie commission koos in to ses­sion on Ja n . 13 nnd for th a t reason ill sporl.smen, Includln? non-m em - lers a re urged to a ttend .

P resen t officers of Ihe B club. In add ition to D rexler. a re Law rence M urphy, c h a ln n a n ; f^ny Atwood, v ice-chairm an, and G eorce G errish , treasurer.


D uring th e U m onthk 6( 1939 a to ta l of 4,068 persons, inc lud ing both m en and women, found p a r t ttm e and steady em ploym ent th ro u g h ser­vices o ffered by th e Idaho B ta te E m ­ploym ent service. It was announced he re th is a fternoon by W. Clyde W illiams, local office u\anager.

T h e figures w ere con to lned In th e itnnuai report o f th e em ploym ent o f­fice, located In th e new p a r t c f the Rogerson hotel building in th e 100 block of Second s tre e t east.

3.356 and 'U iere were a l s o ‘71J Jobi found in public (PW A) w orks, th e repo rt shows.

New applica tions received a t th e local office du ring the year to ta led 2J76.

Following- Is a m onth by m o n th

Priva te Public

. 227 . 105

Synthetic fuel for hlgii-.spced Die.sel ciiglne.s is beini: m ade in G erm any on a com m eiclal scale.

J a n ..............F eb ..............M arch ......April ........May ......Jiu ie ..........Jiiiy ..... ...Aug..........S e p t............OciNov...............Dec.............

N'fcrted W oikP riva te em ploym ent secured d u r ­

ing th e year included such occupa- tlon.s a.s farm lnt>or, sales persons, housekeepers, domc.ittc w ork, ehanlcs. clerks, sten og raphers, book­keepers and m iners. Public Jobs

PWA woik nnd Included cai-pen- ters . brick m asons. ^ e l w orkers a n d plumbers.

Wllll.-ims today announced th a t spring farm i^ork wljl be s ta r tin g bi th e near future nnd th a t fo rm ers .should keep ihe em ploym ent ^fllco In m ind when requiring experienced aid. I t « 'as pointed ou t H int the re l:i no charge for th e services, e llh e r lo th e employe or th e em ployer.

If section 10 .'gr.intiiiR th is exem p­tion on income tax. Is unc o n stliu - tionnl. "It does not a ffec t the re ­m ainder of the act.'’

Tlie bridge law doe.s n o t delegate legislative power In any respect.

SPACE-^ O n e local buainetam aa wanUNl to be tu re h e 'd h a n a p a r id n t ip a ce w hen h e came tA hla place of business th is momlDt>

S o h« placed a la rge , wooden v en tU ator In th e space w hen he w en t hom e la s t n lf h c T h e p a r­ticu la r business Is located o u t of th e o n e and tw o-l]our p a rk ln t rone*. ^

B u t th is m o m ln i t h ^ e n t i l a t o r w as gone.

P . S .. It's stand ing in th e police s ta t lo r r a t th e presen t tim e.

LAST CALL COMESO scar Doxrud, M l T h in ) avenue

e ast. local bu tch er a n d resid en t of T w in F klls fo r the p a s t 21 years, d ied a t lb :ao a, m . today a t th e Tw in P a lls county general h tisp lta l, fol­low ing a w eek's Illness.

Hla w ife, M rs. C lara O oxnid . pre­ceded W m In d e ath , dying Ju ly 5, 1939. a n d was burled In T w in Palis.

M r. D oxrud w as bom a t S p a r ta . W ls. H e cam e to T w in P a lb from F argo . N . D. H e was a m em ber o l (lie M odem W oodman lodge.

He U s u n lved by h is m o the r. Mrs. O. H. Doxrud. S p a r ta ; two d a u g h ­te rs . M rs. Naom) Brow n. L os An­geles. a n d Mrs. D orothy M atheny. T w in Palls ; a b ro ther, A lbert Dox­rud . B p a r ta . a n d two sisters, Mrs. F red M iddlem an and M n . O laf S w enson, both o f S p arta .

T he body rest* a t th e D rake and R eynolds funeral home.



Plead ing guU ty to h a v in g added coloring m a tte r to h a m b u rg e r m eat b u t aase rtlng th e re v a a no crim inal In ten t, tw o T w in F U k i g ro oerr m - tab lU hm enU p a id c o d a o] tb.40 eactv Id p robate c o u r t today a n d were g ran te d luspvnsion c f a 1150 flna.

T h e c o n e e m i w ere P e ttljo h n 's m a rk e t a n d O . P . f ik ag g t aUit*. H . R . Pe lU john a n d M . W , O art«r-ap< peaied before Jiidge C. A. Bailey w ith B. L. R a y b o ra . a tto rney .

A rra ig n m e n t o n a a lm lla r m isde­m eano r c harg e stU l a w a ilj tw o Buhl s to res on com plain ta signed by R. D. Bovey. d is tric t h e a lth u n it s a n ita ­rian , I t w as und e rsto o d unofficially th a t Bovey a lso w as to sign a lif lh com p lain t soon.

Com plaint* w ere filed u n d e r the 1939 Id ah o a d u U e ra tM food taw 's provision a g a in s t sa le o f m e a l “th a t c o n u ln s any dye o r a rtific ia l color­ing." .

Both P e ttl jo h n a n d C a r te r In - to n n e d Judge B a llty t h a t th e re was n o in te n t to s^ll a d u lte ra ted m eat and th a t sodium su lph ite h a d beer added onl)* fo r color. «

M a r r i a g e L ic e n s e sJA N . s

K enne th K Incheloe, 20. a n d WUma Bav;vett. 10. b o th o l T w in F a lls . -

M N . 5F rancis M. O lberd ing , 33, a n iy E r­

n estine W ate rs , 23. b o tii of E m m ett.R aym ond B. S tm s, U. atvd O rayce

E. M atson . 99. bo th o f T w in P alli.JA N . 4

Louis Alfred KeUogg. Bellevue. 3f), a n d E m a R lekenberg . 31, T w in Pall^,

Amoma Class *A moma of the B a p tis t

c hm ch Sundnv school will m eet n t the home of Mrs. A, D. Bobler. 235 S eventh avenue M onday eve- •nlng. X”

- V -

Attention SportsmenThe Annual MeetinR of the Southern Jdaho Fi<;h and Game Association Will Be Held

TUESDAY NIGHT, JAN. 9. 7:30 Idaiio Power Auditorium

Coffee and Sandwiche.s WiU Be Served A M , J t E . l l B E R S A R E R E t l U E S T E D T O A T T E N D !

---------wUNl LE JO K -K 'S --------Norge Air ( 'ondltloned

E.NOH T Q N IO U l Coiltliiuouft Nhows Dallvl

I S C to X r . M. — 2 0 c to S P. M .K iddles 1 0 c Ahyllme

S ggnfw T O i^m ii

S i l t !RiM*


C i> n I (] i‘ ^ <1 n (j t' I \H f I a n D 11 u 10 V ^

W hatevei ihe p iica range, what­ever make or model you have in mind, you'll probably iin d it here, and you'll have a quality bargain.

in:iH t>ONTlAC 4 - p i* i, f i C B ACoupe, R a d io , ^ e a te r , defr«<ler

in,17 Ot.DN Dik lu d n r Sedan |H ea te r a n d rtefroMer

HIM PLY M O U TH D el uxe

Ciiupe, Low m l |e a |f . ('Ie«n

1034 r t . Y M O i n i l 4-l>oor

Kedan .

IfllR ( H K V nO l.t;T D rI .u se


C lltV K O U '.’C

$ 5 2 5

$495$175$3755 1 7 5

11*37 V -l I> eU teCoupe ............

laift n o D c .K n ix V'oupe, New paln l, n*w uph o lsU r

IM I T K HK A ri.A NC Caupe.Radio a n d h e ate r . ,.............

ne.<iOTO l-Q o erKedan .. ,. , ..........


$ 6 5IIS3 DOIKIB D U riedan, M oter o rrrh a a le d ............ ........

C oaeh . ....... . $1251»:J7 Lincoln 'ZEPHYR VSedun .................. $7i>0

1937 Lincoln ZEPHYR Coupe ...................$650

c o n . . ;

1M9 V-* r>l» TOdor Hedan R adiu a n d h e a te r ................

m t V-a IM i Hedan, H eater a n d d if ro s le r '

10,1(1 NAMH P f l.u se Cniipe, l^ o h i and ru m like new


T R C C K fl-T R U C K S —T R U C K ! i m V -l One«lMt

,rk h H pIMB V-a Iftl-lnch trM fk

$625$650$ 1 5 0


II W il l S u r e P a y Y o u lo l l u r r .v O v e r T o

UNION MOTOR CO.Y o u r K O I t l ) . M K K C D itY a m i i . I N C O I .N X K f l l Y K D K A I .K K

Page 3: PROBE ASKED IN BRITISH CABINET SHAKE-UP^ · VOL. xxni. NO. 15-6 CENTS. FINNISH FORCES •Richest Girl’ Hubby to Canada N NOIil


ocia9 “

Eastern Star Plans Past Marthas’ Night

Past Marthas' Night will be observed by Twin Falls chai>-■ ter, Order of the Eastern Star, Tuesday evening a t 8 o’clock " a t the Masonic temple. New officers of the chapter will pre­

side for the f irst time, with Mrs. H. N. Champlin as worthy matron.

An addenda will be presented under the direction of Mrs. Roy Painter, following- the businesa session. Featured will

- be a solo by Mrs. Russell Pot- "' ter. Mrs. Fred Ojers will be

chairman of the refreshment committee.

H onor guesU of th e evening, m eni- • bers who have h e ld 'U ia office of

U » 6\&r po in t. M&rthfc, t a Oie th& p- . t« r. wUl be M rs. E m m a Clouchelt,• M rg. NeiUe O nnsby . M rs. Bulft Ma*

lone . M rs. H. C . D ickerson. Mrs.A urora B ran ln . M rs. J . A. K eefer,M rs. P ra n k Baldw in, M rs. E m m a Jones, M rs. C a the rin P o tte r . Mrs.J . A. Johnson , M rs. R a y D. Agee.M rs. A lbert P u trle r , Miss Lois S h o t- weU. M rs. C. J . Sah lbcrg . Mrs.Cham pU n. M rs. P a in te r . M rs. H . A.Salisbury A d M rs. B ert Sweet.

M rs. B ra n ln Is nlso a p a s t g rand M a rth a ol the Id a h o G rand c h a p ­te r , O. B. 8 . M rs. A nna Johnston , also a p a s t M a rth a , now living In Boise, will be unable to a tlen d , the c h ap te r h a s been Inform ed.

M em bers M rs. O Jers’ host com -■ m ittee InWude D r. and M rs. R . A.

P a rro t t, M rs. 0 . A. Ernes. M rs. Fe rn lo se t. M rs. O . C. P a tn o tt . M rs. H .E. Vocel a n d M rs. Clyde Carlson.

¥ ¥20th Century Club

, To H ear Address ;..Ey P ast PresidentI j IVs . W . W. T hom as will be th e • p rinc ipal speaker a t th e Ja n u ary •lu n c h eo n m eeting of th e Tw cnU cth

a ! c e n tu ry club T uesday afte rn o o n n t • r o ’clock a t th e P a rk hotel- Mrs.

T hom as w as presiden t o f th e club la s t v ta r .

H er sub jec t will be “D esign for;L lv lng ." a dc v elo p m e ^ o f th e year’s'I them e, "y es te rd ay . 'Today and T o- I morrow."’ M rs. V irgil Le^seU will p rese n t the ' in te rn a tio n a l re la tions top ic on F in ­la n d . s tressing th e ra c ia l t r a i ts of th e people o f th a t country.

M rs. D . L. A lexander Is a rra n g ­ing a m usical p rog ram fo r th e a f­ternoon .

M rs. R ona ld O ra v e s ,..M rs_ K -D . H odge a n d M rs. Aflyn D lngel will be In charge of th e decorations.

M rs. J . W . N ew m an will

“Screen Testing” Planned to Name Queen Candidate

A t a "screen te s t” pa rty M onday even ing ' a ( Uie borne of Carloe Phillips, one of 11 cand ida tes will be chosen as Q ueen of G ro w th 'to

the second w ard M.I..o f the L.D.8. c h u rc h a t the . a n n u a l stake Gold and O reen ball J a n . 17 a t Radloland.

Five of the I I gUta wUl be selected a fte r prelim inary tesla, a fte r w hich the .queen will be se lec ted by popu­la r vole.. Personality , beau ty and popuIsriCy wUl be. tiie basis fo r the f ina l decision. T h e orig inal 11 will be selected on th e b a ils of m erit. Two girls will t ^ n a m e d as a tte n d ­an ts . •

All M-Men a n d G leaner G irls of th e ward are Invited to a tte n d the p a rty which w lll,beg ln a t 8 o'clock. Mrs. Ella W o o fl^ lls s Naom i K lrk - m an and Mr. Phflllpfl a re In charge of the arrangem enla.

Refreshments will be served a t the close of the evening, and gam es will be Included’ on th e evening’s p ro ­g ram of en terta lranen t.


Jh em e of th e p rog ram for the Sunday evening service a t th e sec­ond ward, u i t « r D ay s a in ts church , tomorrow a t 7:30 p. m., wilt be "W hy Be C lean?”

Following the p resen ta tion of the M . 1. A. them e, “Love O ne A nother." th e 24th Psalm will be rea d by MUs

1st W ard Names Aloha McMurray

As M.I.A. QueenQ iieen of Pow er a t the an n u al

s ta k e U J J L O old a n d G reen ball will be M iss A loha M cM urray, who Was la s t n ig h t select«() to represen t th e T w in F a lla f irs t w ard , a t the 4aoce . H er selec tion was m ade a t th e w ard Queen’s baU la s t evening a t th e L .D.S. recreaU on hall. C lo thed in a gown o f gold, she will b e one o f five presid ing queens a t th e baU to b e staged J a n . 17 a t R adlo land .

M iss E llen Leavell a n d M iss M ar­g a re t M cA rthu r will be h e r a tte n d ­a n ts . T hey a n d Miss M ary Jane W rig h t a n d Mias J e a n D utson were a lso c c n tM ta n ts fo r w a n i <kueta honors.

E ^ r t to M iss M cM urray wUI be K a r l F ^ m a n : G ilbe rt B enton, Miss LeaveU’s e sco rt; T ed Poiilton, Miss W rigW 's e scort. M iss'i>uU on's esco rr la s t even ing w as Lorln O rchard and M iss M a rg a re t M cA rthur’s escort w as BIU M cA rthur.

M iss A ltha WeUs, w ho was queen o f th e M.I.A. baU la s t year, crowned M iss M cM urray . follow ing th e a n ­no u n cem en t of the se lection by Ly­m a n TyJer, r . M ..M . I. A. activity d irec to r. T h e th ro n e w as a rranged In th e c e n te r of th e sU ge, and covered w ith gold a n d green sattn . Snow -covered p ine tree s and w hite- topped m o u n ta in s form ed the back­ground for th e w ln te rland setting .

T h e e n tire rec rea tion h a ll was bo rdered by p ine boughs: green and gold s tream er* covered th e lights a n d ta rg e c lu ste rs o f m ulti-colored balloons h ung from th e celling a t In tervals.

D anc ing began a t 9 o'c lock to m usic by W ill W rig h t and h is o r-

Fashions for W artime Royal Neighbors Install Officers .A tL O .O .F .H all

W earing w hite costum es, oew of> fleers of th e I^oyal N eighbors o f A m ­erica w ere Installed w ith Im pressive cerem ony la s t evening a t th e O dd Fellows h e ll by Mrs. L ora Doss, In* sU llliig officer, a n d Mrs. A lta Dick* ey, ccrcm onlal m arshall. In th e p res - eiice of 46 m embers.

New officers will m eet w ith th e y e a r book com hilttee a t th e hom e of M rs. Effle W atk ins nex t T h u rsd ay for an a ll-day m eeting, a po t-luck luncheon to be served a t noon.

R e tir ing officers enW rtalned d u r ­ing the social hou r following.

Mrs, M able Young was re ln sU lled a s Oracle; M ia. C lara K elm , v lce- o rac le; M rs. M yrtle A nderson, r e ­c o rder; M rs. W inifred W hitehead , receiver; Mrs. Rebecca Ifn ap e ,

sha ll:, M n . M ary S tea m , a s s is ta n t m a rsh a ll; M rs. Lydia S trong , in n e r sen tine l; M rs. C ora O llrpan. o u te r sen tine l: M rs. R u th W hitehu rst, p M t oracle.

’Mrs. G ertru d e M ori, m usician ; M rs. D eaon M orrison, F a ith : M rs. V iola K nate . Courage; M rs. .Sophie R lssey, M odesty; M rs. Qoldle F u ll­m e r, U nselfishness; M rs. LUllan W ilson, E ndu rance: Mrs. A ngle I ro n , f lagbeare r; M rs. E ffle W atk ins, JuvenUe direc tor; -M rs . D o rth e a P u t ile r . c ap ta in of th e d rill s U f f ; D r. V ald l FuendeUng. physic ian ; M rs, Mae Pollgnot. M rs, M a rth a S in lth a n d M yrtle B ush , m a n ­agers.

Program of Expansion Occupies Camera ClubExtensive plans for expansion and reorganization of .the

Magic Valley Camera club occupied members of the organ­ization a t a meeting Wednesday evening in the club rooms under the Wiley drug store. In the round table dlBCUSsion. several suggestions were madp, to be acted upon later.'

I t was suggested that the group be divided' into two sections, beginners or amateurs, and advanced clasaes, since some of the lectures are too technical for those who are

just learning camera expert*

To Beat Jinx. mentation,' and o th en are too elementary to of vital concern to advanced photog­raphers, officers {Announced today.

The nex t m eeting w ill b e J a o . 11 . In the c l u b ^ m s , a n d a ll persona In terested u i pho tography a re In -

S tuden ts a t T vdn F a lls h igh Bcbeol who a re In teresC d In phoi& raphj^;;. wlU be given special Inv ita tions to a tten d certain m eetings, e ith e r as ‘individuals o r t o \m i t groups.

A nother dem onstration o f da rk room technique Is on schedule for 8ometUM to th e n e a r fuUire, and p rin t compeUtldns wUl be s ta r te d

. . . - .................. . amT y le r were In c h a rg e o f^ th e n r- ran g em en ts .j M rs, E ldren P a rker

Hostess Features ' New Year Theme

Ye»iM--»W 03eaa<Wd <tallie« w ere ap p ro p ria te <or th e des.^ert luncheon a t w hich M rs. Jam es G rogan e n te r ta in ed Friday a fte r ­n oon for m em bers of th e Bon Ton bridge club.

■J M rs. M lke ErtcitBon a n d Mra. An- d rew Dlngel won club honors.

M rs, .H ow ard W ilson and Mrs. F lave ^ d u m , guests of Uie club, won low score and irnveling prises, re­spectively.

M rs, Dlngel will be hostess to Uie y group a t th e nex t m eeting.' * ¥ *


F. M. clnb m em bers, m eeting yes­te rday ofteFRM n n t th e hom e of M rs. J . A. K ottrnbn , 301 F ltlli avenue ran t, elected M rs. l^itrah Bower as f)rc!ildcnt of the group.

■Mrn. S ch iflgen wun nnm rd vlre-

I p rexltlcni: Mr«. K oltrnbn . secrptjiry- treiiRurnr, nnd Mrn. M ary McAlils- te r, recorrtlng secretary.

T lie afte rnoon wan spen t n t k rn - nliiKlnii. and Mrs. Srh lf/R cn won the w h ite elp|)hniit. n e freslm icn ts were Borvefl,- - -------------

Music will Include q u a rte t seleC' tlons by Mel C a rter , W endell Brow ns Lee Klrkmon a n d S tan ley B row n; duet, two K im berly girls: so n , S tan ley Brown.

A talk, "W ho to Dlye a C lean U fe ,” will be given by an exp lo r­e r, F rank U w ren ce ; a talk , "R o­m ance Prom th e Jou rney ," by a Jun- lo r - g lr l rM ls rR n l^ -P h llU p s r - r e a d - Ing. T h e Price H e Paid ," E lla W heeler Wilcox, by a n M -M an. Douglas H ansen; a sto ry , 'T h e Wise and Foolish V i^ ln s ," a G leaner G irl, Miss Agnes B u tle r ; review of th e address given by J . R u b ra C lark a t the general conference , by B ishop Claude Brown. ... • ' BICKEL PRIN CIPA L ADDRESSES STU D Y G RO U P

Mrs. E thel H . G ray , p rin c ip al of Bickcl K hool. spoke bn "W hy Forent4 VIsIC fichool a n d W h at .They. Should Observe,’' a t a m eeting of th e Bickel P a ren t-T eache r associa­tion study group yesterday after* hoon n t the school aud ito rium .

Tlie pink and green sides In the a ttendance contest, cap ta ined by Mrs. Carl riafe r an ^ Mrs. G . T h rog - m artln . tied fo r honors yesterday. Mrs. lia fe r and M rs. T lirogm arlln served refreshm ent* to 80 m embers.


A chill d inner w as a ttended by 16 members of the H ighland View club yesterday afternoon a t the hom e of Mrs. H attie Fuller,

Crynlal aitd m yrtle form ed th e centerpiece, double candelabra ho ld- liUl red and w hite tapers flank ing ilie reiitra l a rran g e m e n t for the table. •

Mm. Mllld P ctso ld t won th e p riie a t gainrs following dinner.


P A rrE R N 0308

H nuls will tu rn on "ritrAa olrelo' Ofvnsltms when you a |i |» u r lii M url- a n Mintin'* I 'u lte rn oaoo, u muke.i a sweel afternoon frook or a slim d inner gown. D esigned in two-pleco style, Uie lop flU trim ly and the bluii sk irl has a graceful flare . TJiere'd a am ari loueh in acalloplng ntr^lio biitlom edgo of the blounr, lUHl the sMli eiidfl m ay be drapw l. Itudlle-etfect, In back, O ne version allows lace collar and cuffs, “Lord Fauntleroy" style, wlUi l o n g or Bhorl sleeves. AnoUier un lrlm m W style lias a rmind or square o u t neck­line. Unn iiuvolly bu ttons U> ligh t up th is charm ing dress.

Pattern 03BO m ay be ordered only In misses' and women's sises M, IS, I I , ao. 93, H, 18. att a i\d 40. BlM in nxiulres y a rd s -38 ineh fabric ami ' i yard contrast.

Bend r irT K E N OKNTH In oolna fo r this MARIAN M A K irm p a t tf m . Be sure (o write p la in ly your SU K ,j NAME, ADDRRSS a n d BTYLC NUMRRR.

Fashion Is a t your flnger«Upa . w ith a MARIAN M ARTIN W IN TER PA T T E R N ,BOOK In your h ands! r o r your lO 'nlmble r in ffen p lus paga a fte r page, of h e r easy p a tte rn s add uu to sure style siiocess. T h is book offers a fine aeleollon of aulla, d n s se i and coats; w hether you 'ra a career wom in, too la lite , hi c o .fd , T tie rs a re uiJore< ls;^ajr a n d


PREATED FO R PA RTYluplicatlng a sk iing scene, typical h e p ic tu re p resen ted a t S u n V al­

ley a t th is season o f th e year, waa cleverly a rran g e d by Mrs. Law rence H all w hen sh e e n terta in ed he r bridge club a t a dessert luncheon yesterday a fternoon .

C om pleting th e w in te r table se t- ng. silver ta p e ra - ln - jilv e r holders ood a t e ith e r end of th e U ble.M rs. W . G . W aU tra a n d M rs. Wel­

don C lark^w on honors a t c on trac t b ridge.

M rs. W frlstra. M rs. C larence W ag­n e r, M rs. E arl Sk idm ore. Mrs. C lark, M rs. Dee H art. M rs. Dean Million a n d M rs. H ow ard Shohoney were guests.

P a s t M atrons’ club, m eeting la st e ven ing a t th e hom e of M rs. J . B. D ouglass. 261 E ig h th avenue east, p a rtic ip a te d in an h is to rica l quiz, conducted by M rs. H: C. D ickerson.

M rs. J . A. Johnson conducted the business session In th e absence of th e p residen t, M rs, R cva Pence. Roll c a ll w as answ ered by 14 members.

M rs. D oug lou . assisted by Mrs. Belle W hite a n d M rs. H§r D. Agee, served refreshm enta .

M rs. F ra n k Baldw in will be hos­te ss to tlie club n t th e F ebruary m eeting , assU ted by M rs. Dickerson a n d M rs. A. P . Sen ior.


Mrs. M aU W eaver a n d Mrs. E v ere tt Rice e n terU tn ed members o f th e Aclrema* club a t a luncheon followed by a th e a te r p a rly yester­day a fternoon .

T h e group m et a t th e Ju stam ere Inn a t 1:30 o'clock. A business ses­sion preceded th e theatA ' p a rty M rs. O rr was a gueit. '

¥ ¥ ¥

CalendarM aglct-Y club will m eat M onday n p m a t the hom e of Mrs,

Irlfl U urktm iu'r, 830 Second avenue wr»t.

¥ ¥*" ♦Q uardluiin ' m eeting of Uie Cam p

F ire GIrlii will be held M onday a t 3 p. m. a t ihfl C am p Fire head - q iin rtrrn IVpea of cerem onial gown* Hill h r fttiulled.

* ¥ ¥'I'wlii KiiIIa c hap te r, DnuKlit^rs

of the A iiieilcaii Revolution, will m eet a t (he hom e of M rs H L H ngsett. 137 E igh th avenue east, a t i p m, fo r I'limheon,

Amrrlciiii I/tg lnn aunlllary, KliiitM'ily u n it No, 70, will m te r - ta ln a t n pa rty honoring p w l prcBlilenii. of the ftiill n ex t M on­day a t a p m . a t th b home of Mrs. D ceno uhlpley, K im berly. All ntPinlicrA are urged to a tten d , lIonorrrA will be M n . n a lp h T rag iir , Mri*. C arl Em erson, Mrs, Lloyd Janirn. Mrs. 8 , W alton , Mrs. F niirlirr, M n , Ahnl* M cFar­land and Mrs. G ene Day.

J JW ith so m u c h ta lk in P a r is these days abou t ireuM rs fo r women,

S«hiaparelU’s d ivided sk ir t s u it o f heavy gunm etal iw eed is p a rlieu la rly Interesting. T h e c o a t Is f in ished w ith tw o enorm ous poach pockets to replace Ibe ha n d b ag . T h e b e lt a n d bu ttons a re of brown ieatbe r.-K n lok - e n of b d rg n n d y re d velvet cordttroy a rc worn nnder tb e div ided s U r t H at a n d Jacke t lin ing also in red.

Joseph Lam bert Weds a t Temple

BURLEY. J a n . 6 (Special) — O f In leresL -to Burley friends Is th e m arriage of Joseph P . L am bert, son of Mr. and M rs. Tom 8 . U m b e r t , Burley, a n d M iss Zoe H oorn. S e a t­tle . the cerem ony tak ing p lace T hu rsday a t ^he S a lt U k e L . D . S. tem ple.

T h e bride g raduated from Roose­v e lt high school in SeatU e In 1038. a n d has been employed In th e school o ffice since th a t time.

M r. L am bert g radua ted from Bur> ley high school In 1634 a n d w as e m ­ployed a t th e Burley H erald p r io r to leaving o n a tw o-year roU slon -fo r th e L. D. S . church In H olland. H e a lso 'a ttended B righam Y oung u n i­versity and th e W ilson B usiness school a t S e a tU e_ H e w ni com pleU h is course a t Uie business school.

again, soon.T he club voted to reduce th e due t

to as cen ts a m on th , c u ttin g th em from.50 cenCs, bu t-agreed to keep th e m em bership en ro llm en t a t 91.

O fficers have been nom in a te d for- . th e coming year, th e elepUoo to take

place In the n e x t ia o n th o r ' two. How ard W isem an Is prea lden tlal

\ cand ida te ; M iss Jew el L u n d ln ia • I n o m ln e e 'fo rse c re ta ry -tre as tire r , and

Paul M agee's nam e b a a been poet* ed as cand ida te fo r v ice-presiden t.

I b j^ th e flavor o f peanut*, t ry add ­ing p e a n u t b u tte r to th e m ayon­naise sometim e. I t 's qu ite a s f lavor- some a s the choppM n u ts , a n d n u c h

I easier to prepare . ............ ........ ........

HEALTHFUL (__________D ates s tu l ted w ith w alnu

rolled In granula,ted su g a r i delicious confection. prunes a b o a re good : w ahiuts. ‘Severa l m ight b e j

I occasionally fo r a c h o o r~ n m ... desaert.. or. a fte r-M hoo l p ickup ..

^S'eachers UnitedBPW Executive Board

Miss Inez Wheeler''enlertaineci at an attractively ap­pointed dessert'siipper last evening a t her home, 242 Addison avenuel' Guests were members of the executive board of the Twin Falls Business and ProfeHsional Women's club.

Discussion of. business matters pertinent to the club, occupied the group during Ihe evening. Miss B. Marie Auker-

man, president, conducted the busino.s8 session.

OucfllB w ere sea ted a t one long tab le and soveriil q u a rte t tables. T he larger table lii»d a s a c en te r­piece a po tted po lnse ttla . Tall Ivory tapers In ho lders stood on e ith e r

C enterp lrccs fo r th e q u a rte t tab les e re Ivory tapers . M rs. Vera “

O 'L eary aM lsted Uie hOKless In s(Ing,

R egular d in n e r m rclljig of the club will be held M onday evening a t 9;S0 o'clock a t thn P a rk hotel, w ith Mrs. C. H. K rrnH fl as guest speaker, dhc usBing "O ur Economic O pportup llirs In a D eniocrnry."

¥ ¥ ¥

Women IncludedOn U. Pi Club’s

T raffic ' Survey


ler y o u 'r i lOUMwife

.. .( I s j ^ a y . ohetty hofnf «l«|fs.


Send your order to liTe Idaho Kve- ning iTlmes,. P a tte rn D epartm en t.

Three Circles of G.A:R. to Install A t Eden Meeting

E den. H ansen a n d T w in F a lls c ir ­cles o f th e Ladles o f th e G rand Arm y of th e Republic will conduct Joint In sta llation cerem onies nex l M onday afte rnoon a t 1 o 'c lock a t the Eden O range hall.

M embers o f tlie D a n M cCook4:lr- ole, meeUng yesterday a t the*Amer> lean Legion M em orial hn ll for n A l n e s s session, p receded liy a "school day” luncheon , m ade ptiiiin for th e ir pa rtic ip a tio n In tho rrrt*. monies. E ighteen m em bers nttPiuUtl,

A po t-luck luilOllcou a t 1 o ’rl(K'k W lll'precede th e Inntnllntlni:, Mm. Cora M urphy will bn liihtnlird rm

jw p residen t of D un McCook citi Ic M rs.. B ertha Clyde Wan naiiitd

chap la in to succeed M rs, N ora Fiil- oon a n d Mrs. Addle Liiak w as nnm rd Junior v lce-prrnlilenl lo nucciird M rs. M abel JohiiNon » t y r.ite rday 's mri-l> Ing. Mrn. rnlixiii a n d M rs. Jolirinon rCAlgnrd yn lcn in y .

O.E.S. of Jerom e To Fete HusbandsJPlltOMK, J hu II (H iierliih -•fiii 'R -

day evriiliiK, Jan . Id. han been as Uie dam lor tlve |>ot-luck d inn ri of th e Jfio tna cliHiiler of th e O. F. S.. I t wi«A uiuiouiiccd UUa wecK Ii>l- lowliiK III'- trKulxr 'rucniliiy iiliililmrrtliiK

llunlxillih -«( ini'iiilifl’n will In' gueala aiiil H>e niiiiniltl<'i* <>i> arranKnui'iiiA iiirliiileA Min. Vlulri K. FrauAon, eh iilrm aii; Mrn. Knr.rl PaU , Ml'fi. Ciiiollnn f itiu u l and Mm, fllililrv Miitliiiiil.

M rs, Mniiilr W alllnm on, wmlliy m a tron , p resldnl du rin g th e Imnl- ness sesnlnti.

In Holiday RitesPAUL. Ja n , ft «8pecla i)~M arU ia

Johnson , d a u g h te r of M r. a n d M rs. H yrum Jo h nson , a n d W endal L it- sa n , Burley, bo th g rad u a tes o f A l­bion S (a t« N orm al school w ith th e c lass of 1630, w ere un ited In m a r­riag e Dec. 27.

BoUi young people a r* engaged In teach ing , M r. L ltson In a ru ra l school in Uie vic in ity of B lackfoot a n d M rs. L itson Is teach ing Uie th ird g rad e 1» th e c ity school In Oakley.

A supper-iionorlng Uie newly wed­ded couple was given by Uie bride'! pa ren t* a t th e ir hom e W ednesday.

PEHMCt 'WALNUT HALVEST o c ra ck w alnu ts so U iat perfec t

ha lves ar® ob ta ined for decorating, s ta n d th e w a ln u t on th e f la t end a n d s tr ik e I t ligh tly wfUi a h a m ­m e r on th e sh a rp po in t.

AFTER' SCHOOL LUNCHG raham '- cracke r aandw lches are

good a fte r-schoo l snacks, Spread wlUi c ream cheese and chopped nu ts , d a u s or rais ins.

'nie.4ociU.. U , 'Ihe oijly u n i t In th e enU re U nion Pa- rifle syntem to have w omen repre- Acntatlvea on ih o tra tU o aucvey. it wan b m ugh t n u t a t thn bii.ilni m eeting of th e Hroiip thin wrek.

J , L. Fuller, jirM ldent, roiiiliicled the m eeting, staged a t th e U. P. pas­senger depot.

W omen reprenenta tlvea on Mirvey are Mra. Fay Miimm,I'om P a tto n , Mrn. J(l^ tln Doollttln iind Mrn. Jnm rn llcnnlmw ,


R onald R eagan a n d fianeee J a n e W ym an, w ho a re .“doing Jnst dandy* In Bollywood, tb ln k they hav e a clutBce a t beating th e ta a r- r lage d in r e e Jinx, because “even t h o n ^ w e a re now here n e a r th e lo p Id BoUywoo<^ we m ake enough m oney to do w h a t e ^ w e w an t to do a n d go w h e r e r e rV e w an t to go. A nd 1 th in k th a t m a tte rs . I t ’s foolU h to deny tb e In p o rU n c e of n o n e y ," ta y s B eagan .

BU N D AT S U P PE R DESSERT H ot g inge rb read U iortcake U a

g ra n d w ay to to p off Sunday n igh t supper. Serve w ith a generous m ound o f cold whipped cream sp rink led w ith chopped nu ts , o r slic­ed b a n a n a s a n d cream , or halves of d ra in e d c an n e d pears a n d c re am .

N 0 T I C E I N b r i c V t




Im p o rtan t Action Pending

a a i x o N l a D I X O N

JRtVKI.KY AD VK ’E Pro tec t you Jewelry In v e^ n irn t

i>y hnvliut your w ntchpa, rliiHn etc. ii'>|iecled rfKuliirly liy ilw ’"I'lMK )KN" n rx t T . I'V IJiink mid 'I 'runl in M ain, Wn alw ays w rli'oiiir ynu for a friendly vlnlt.—Adv,



4-PLy TlRESlfl.O O x U

Were I18.0B NOW

f l ,2 n x if l

Were *17.1)5 NOW

$10.95 $11.95arnard A u to Co.

Chrywler Phona 164 Ftymoulh

C O A LM any homes and business houses are tak ing fd v an t- age o t our quality con1i.H you are no t a user, then we ask th a t you oompare our prloes, quality and service w ith any o the r coal you have been using and see w hat a handsom e sav- t n i r n i can b a re in o r- d e rln f your eoal from ua

Idaho Bean and Elevator Company

A TTE N TIO N !F arm e^ and Shwpmen

Wo caU for and pay price of pelt for your dead nnd old sheep.


ALSO:’ We pay cas^ for your doud nixl worlhlcfls horses nnd cattlu — nnd pick up hogn.

C « l l C o l le c t * t


314 646

READ THIS) LISTThen como in and mnlfe tw un offer to trade for Ihc car, truck or trnctor that hiiUb you. Wo want, lo c)can up beforp the apriiuc rush stnrtii. -------

C arH a n d TruckslO'l? Kiiick HCdun, radio

and honter ...........lOHH Plymouth

Coiipu ....................$ 22 91U20 DodKfl Hfldnn....... $ e s1020 Rtiido, Sedan ....flOO ion? D-2 InU'rnatloiinl I*,U,

4>n)xnn1 Irnnn..........4>S2S10B6 Chev, l ‘ -T, truck

1. New..... ;......*SW>

loaii Dmlgn I 'i, T„ alock rack, good con­dition ......................tS 7 8 |

im C-1 Int, P. W,itohiiiil ................. f a r s l

inna Ohov. v^r. ib7 w .b ,truck, beiot bed....

Reconditioned Farm Machinery

Oliver 70 Tractor. No. 72Integral ..........m o w e r , f u l l y r o c o i id l t io n -

. vd, Like now ....... ( 9 0 0Narrow i .ru u d regular

Farmall Tractor, fully re­built and guaran­teed ...^ ..................9400

F '8 0 M c-T)k . o i\ r u b b ty . K U U y r o c o tv d l l io n c d a n dguaranteed ........... $S90

1 10-20 Mc-Dff. Troctor on rubber,'guaranteed $S 00

1 W-80 Mo-Dg. on atool. Specially priced fur (luicR sale o r trude.'This tractor has never been In iwrvice.

Let’s Tajik About BABY CHICKS

T his year w e a re g ( ^ to g lra you o u r H l-Q rade, P roduc tion B red W eite m O hleks a t B M tem prleea. L ast y e a r we to t 110 p e r 100 for o u r "Venr B est M ating" ch lc lu . b u t th is year we have p u t th e m down to I8.M per 100, and they a re from 24-ounce e n s and larger. Ohlcka from th e sam e Iden tica l nooka, b u t from 33 -tunc« e n s , a r t on ly VIAt per 100. Sexed L esh o m PuUeU from these tw o tr a d e s a re |1B a n d 111

- -- • - -leU »14 and <ia per lOO, W hy take chancea

sh lp p ln f your chicka 1,000 to 1.U0 mUea w h e try o u can g e t them here a t hom e a t theee -)ew prloee and see w h a t you a re t e t t t n t be­fore you ta k e them . >

Several people h av e a sked me w here UiU Colonial H atche ry la th a t they a re hearin g a bout. I ts head office U I n fr te a sa n t HIU. Mis* souri. D uring th e pM t tw o o r th rae years a lo t o f people have tpM m t about ordering c h lc lu from th em ex­pecting to com e from Colorado, bu t were very m uch surprised a n d d ls- Rualed w hen Uiey discovered th a t they were shipped a ll th e way frora Missouri. D id t t ever occur to you th a t perhape th e beet ehleke are sold In th e H atoherym an’a ew n s U te t Well, Uilnk Uiis over, U 'a .. d a rn sigh t easier to deal w ith a d lu a tls f le d custom er by m a ll 1,000 miles aw ay th a n w ith one w ho t i close enough to drWe over a n d ta lk t»>you by 'l ia n d , Isn 't I t t

T h is year 1^ add itio n to o u r r e f - u la r m ating chicks, we have some of our very fines t L e th o m (looka m ated w ith offlolaUr>,wlng banded U, B. R. O, P , a O O -t^ D oubU Pedl-

1 d lreo t fromtree m alee purohafarms. We a lso hava •....... imrKBbkerwBerad...

Roolu, mated with of/loUl U, B.R. O. P. malea from hem with records of aeo up to 900 egga. Tbia is poalUveiy Ute htghest produoUon- bred U. « . n. O. P. M n 4 ahloka betat offered by any oommereial hatchery In the sUte. The prteea of these straight 'ruh ehteka and pullets are very reasonable. Ask for eomplete literfture.

We take grain or ueM fuinltura

want aome of thm. doal in lU see us at onee end pM y------

Page 4: PROBE ASKED IN BRITISH CABINET SHAKE-UP^ · VOL. xxni. NO. 15-6 CENTS. FINNISH FORCES •Richest Girl’ Hubby to Canada N NOIil

P ' - .

1 * fa g e Foul IDAHO EVENING ?IM E S , TWIN FATXS, IDAHO Saturday; Jaooar7 6, 19M


r«U Lmm< w in OmIM rNn ' I rM lsn

P aklbM ft* B tn •

I nvonc}*. li.M l 1 raw , M.O'

■r Mall P«r*M* la Ad«*s««i WltktB tdahA (Dd Elko CfluntT. Nf»4*

tOti I Benllu. 11.00: I eionlb^ lltO i I Ouuldt l<Uh4

I b m U. W* I < BMItlM. *1 U I 4 ■ Itk*. I I rmr. W.M

___ j nqelrrt I»* •» Vj ordtf «f oouH •< eonip»i«iii }urlidlctto« u »■ tu ^4 WMlilr. ^11 t>« »sbIliM la tlM Thnndir Imu* of lil i P«P«t punaani to BMtloa ............................................................. * ...........................Mt Sm*ln U * i <rf tdaboII.IM L C. A. IHL a i a i tk tn ta b7 Cbapt«i


m iu T»w«r. m Both Sir*.!. Sib rnnclic<

Loan Sharks Have B l^’ ppetitesO ne-of the n a tio n ’s .biggest an d m oat successful

bootlegging en te rp rises is n e ith e r liquor n o r narcotics,

P o tS h o t sThe Gentleman in

the Third Row

I t is instead the nefa rio u s p rac tic e o f lH e g a l sm all ' loans.

A ccording to estim ates o f the Russell S age fo u n d a­t io n , people who fin d them selves sud4enly in need of "small loans w ere 100 m illion d o lla rs in deb t to loan sh a rk s a t the end o f 1937. Such loans a re alw ays dearly paid for. A recen t s tu d y of loan “ bootleggers” in Dallas, Tex., revealed th a t the average in te re s t pa id by victimized bo rrow ers to 'such illegal o p e ra to rs w as 271 per cent. The low est in te re s t w’as 120 p e r cen t; th e h ighest 1,131 p e rc e n t. v

A ccording to a c u rre n t rep o r t by. th e Public A f fa irs comm ittee, one o f th e su re s t w ays of ridd ing a com­m unity o f loan sh a rk s is to estab lish a legal m axim um in te rest ra te h ig h enough fo r honest loan com panies

r to opera te p ro fitab ly . C o-operative c red it unions am ong w orkers in a fac to ry , f requen tly aided by the em ployer, al^o help to d riv e th e .lo a n sh a rk s out o f business.

Obviously, the loan s h a rk m u st'w o rk u n d e r cover. :ten his records a re jum bled up o r even non-ex isten t :cept in h is head. I t is im p o r ta n t th a t no th ing tan g i- 3 is available fo r a u th o r itie s i f the bubble should irst, Buch illegal o p e ra to rs p r e y on people whose lowledge o f th e ir legal r ig h ts is sligh t. A lw ays these

...op le come fo r loans only because th ey need them badly fo r such em ergencies as h o sp ita l and docto r bills. T he v ictim s a re inva r ia b ly people who su ffe r g rea tly f ro m 'th e excesm vrioan ra te s .

M any s ta tes, s tran g e ly enough, e ith e r have no law s \vhatsoever to reg u la te the loan business o r have law s so ineffec tive -as to be a lm ost valueless. Only fo u r s la te s w est of th e M ississippi have effective leg isla­tion to cu rb illegal loan p ractices. T h ree w estern s ta te s have law s, b u t they a re m erely "papei* s ta tu te s .”

One o f th e reasons fo r th is, the P ub lic A f fa irs com­m ittee contends, is th a t loan s h a rk s have se t up an ex trem ely M te n t lobby system to f ig h t regu la tion and to keep leg a t m axim um ra te s dow n so low th a t leg iti­m ate c o m p a n ie ^ re unable to rem a in in buHiiieaa.

T ake the case of a m an in D allas, Tex., to illu.strate the ex ten t to which a victim m ay f in d him self in the jfrasp o f th e shark . The D a lla s m an needed $20, got i t f ro m an illegal lender. The loai) w as m ade in Novem ­b e r, 1929, and the m an ag reed to m ake paym ents a t th eT ^ te o f $2.25 a week. In N ovem ber, 1938 — nine y e a rs la te r — the m an w as s till p.aying. And he s till owed the company m ore th an he had orig inally bor-

, rowed 1F o r n ine y ea rs this m an di.-^hed o u t a to ta l of $1,0u3^

fo r the priv ilege of using $20. In te re s t in th is case am ounted to 585 p e r cent a y ear.

R ackets such as these, v ic tim izin g peoule in the lowest income brackets,>i‘lourIsh i)ig w idely of inadequate laws, can he a rre s te d only when s ta le log-

'Islature.*! take a .slnccre itite ro s t in s topping them . They a re even more vicious th a n the alcohol and n a r ­cotics rackets because they s tr ik e a t persons com­pletely innocent of the result.s. And they strike, u sua l­ly, w hen financ ia l ha rd sh ip ha.s causetl people, lo tu rn to an y fieasible plan of escape,

ResolUtions-John L. Citizen

S ty le--------D ear S h o t Pols:

PJciiire o f » m an m iic ln j m m Iu- iions for ihU brfind-new year of 1040:

O e u pencil anti p.npcr,Jow down "no cusalng."Decide# It's bnci loi anybody

keep rra c tJ bonded up In ce te s of justifiab le anger.

Crosses o u t "no cuulng .Jo ts down "no ge tting griped « t

i-lfe."D ebates th e Btrftnge w ays o l all

women, m arvelous to belwld.CroKses o u t "no ge tting griped

wife."JoLs down "no m ore snacks before

BoliiR to bed.”Chew s pencil.Declclcs th a t if lie ’s hungry when

he goes to bed. h e w on 't be ab le to sleep and everybody know s you’ve ROt to have s leep to re ta in your he a lth .

Crosses ou t "no more m a ck s b e ­fore golnif lo bed."

Jo ts down "save SIO p e r week." Ponders.Cro.wes o u t th e 110 a iul pu ts In 16. MetlUates.CroMf* ou t 15 a n d pu ts In 13. Looks over his bllli.CroMe.^ o u t whole line and Just

puu. ".snvc."Jo is dow n "do w ork m ore conscl*

enllously a t office."Considers size o f h is pay check. Crosses o u t "do work more conscl-

'ni^ously a t o ffice.”Jo ts 'd o w n "no s ta ring a t p re tty

girls."Decides p leasu res of life a re few

'iiouRh anj-way.Cms.^es o u t "no .«arlng a t p retty

;lrk ."Joifl down “no more politica l a r-

Kiimcnlfi."Rem em bers th is will be a juicy

im pnlgn year.Crosses 0V>V " n o m ore po\ltlcal

arRumeiU.i.”Ponders.Jo ts dow n "no_ i)ew au to .this

year."A rises w ith autlsfac tlon of good

Job well" done.


TBITlCBDATi Mary kv r f«e« baa kcaa M n lr a a * k r

Imfmtr ab« w C «rr4 Wk«a 4haM aravl* « •« > . O lla«• racosnls* k a r. Dr.«araa <• h«r. p r m l M th a ts . ' s r s ’ r . v . r ' K s . ' . v

t a s .C H / i P T m X

C A B R O LL th u d < S m d M • h t took o u t t h t U tt« r . w ith

A n n a 'i p a i f p e r t la s ld * I t S h e fe l t u U ( h t w ere tre««

p a i i l a f w h an th e u n f o l M th e pa g e t o d b t f t n to r«atf 1b« O M t. careluU jr n u r g lo a d le tte r .

To W hom I t M s v ' C oncern.' T o ^ I a U e t c t i tm p t

to v c tu n tte r m y t e r H m to r n p la n d . T h e re ( • n o uee in tr y in o » V lo n g e r. D o e to n to ld m e I h a v e a n In cu rab le h e a r t eotuiUUm. I 'm ^ n f f to th e S ta te s a^o in w h ere / e o n e t ieo Jt w o rk a n d te n d m oney ho m e to K n^Iand to h e lp m y eou»»*rv a t w a r .

I w ri te lhi< in /u U k n o u M f fe r m a y n e v e r r e a c h th « fftate*.

going to th e autiporch. O n e by one , th e re fu g ee s w ho 'd su rv iv e d th e M oravU d lu a te r , w ere d ischarged . M n . T u lly rc tn a in M en d , ta h e r d u m iy w ay , t r ie d -ttf be com lo rilng .

I t w u s h t w ho w a t beelde M a ry th a d a y th e c lr l finally cou ld p u t off n o lo m a r th a ta ik o f <ac- in « ha raaU aquare ly in th a m ir­ro r. R eso lu te ly , (h e d rew h e r «ye« ' th e f la M

'■My, y o u m u r t h a v e b a d p re tty h a ir ." U n . T u lly b egan to c h a t te r n e rv o u ily . "T h e f r a y io I t la from th a shock . I t 's a w o ad e r w e d id n 't a ll tu r n w hlte->htadad. I knew • w o tn an once and s h * go t w h ite o v m l g h t fro tn se e ln s h e rh u abaad k illed b e fo re ha r ayes.'

W earily , M a ry b ru sh ed h e r han d o v e r th e once silky, co n i' cc lo red h a ir . I t had tu m a d d a rk e r a n d th e g ra y itood ou t a h a x ^ .

T h ere w aa n o th in g abo u t her, ex cep t th a eyes, to lu g g e ft th e p iq u a n t fae « -o f o n lr a (ew w eek s ago. O ra y « tln f td sk in , a tw tite d cheek, a t a r i ^ eyes.

“Y ou oould w e a r a van,'* M rs, T u lly p r a t t le d on.

(!<;ii8oring J o h n

Several thuusartyl Chicagoan.s w ill not get to .sop a couplo-of skltB about Jo h n L. L ew is because Jam es P etiillo , head o f the C hicago F e d e ra tio n o f .MusiciaiiB, doesn’t w a n t them to.

New Y orkers who w atched the seijuences in "H ellza-.... poppin" and Geoi'ge W h ite ’s “ S c a n d a ls" though t they

w ere lota of Jun. M r. J e t r i l l o d id n ’t. N or did he liVr a reference to Mr. Lew is in a n o th e r p lay th a t opened in C hicago recently , VTho M an W ho t a m e to Din. n e r." Too m uch nub lilsto fo r C. I, 0 . I.eadei*Irf!wis, th o u g h t M r,.P etr lllo ,'an A t'F , 6 f L. m an. So the p ro ­d u cers toesed o u t fhe sk its an d th e lines abou t the C. 1. 0 . leader because M r. P c trillo sa id ho w ould clone th e BhowB If the cracks r ta y e d in.

A lo to t people— an d (Jiat Includes m any solid union m en on both sides of the fence— a re n 't going to like th a t . M r. P etrlllo , like too m an y o th e r labor leaders, h as lost h i t sense o f hum or. W hen they all begin lau g h in g ag a in , perh ap s th ere w ill be a chance lo ge t th em together.

D u r in g Soviet a i r ra id s on F in la n d , one w rite i ' re p o r t t , fo r« lgn co rresp o n d en ts " h a d a fine chance to l e i m m an y F ln n ls h ^ w e a r w o rd s .” Also some new

— n»in«» f o r Joe S ta lin , p robab ly .

T h e N «w Y ork s o n lta tlo n d e p a rtii ie n t renioyed n: f u H c a m a n d o th e r Im p ed im en ta th a t could bo heaved

. N ew Y e a r’a evo (fovele^-s. T he N orm and ie and •“ “ -TV w ere ulso bccurciy tied .

P IC T t 'B E - O F J II8 T HOW , BASKK’T IU L tritE K E RF.E




D eA r T O Is I f t)ln Is a icnod |Nime If von nay

It, Il m ay nOt Ire to gocMl in w riuiigi

O nre t h r r t was a niolli rpan Aiift a blrtille lum

AlddliiK nil Ihe stiirl)ron* Oncilng rliulibrv nim

Halil rii« iiioli(>i)Bn T u Ih r b lililk lum

•■fllvr in r Koiiir '"N ot bv I la in rtlir. ’

flalit Oir blil<l|r lum

o n 117 1 <10111 eltlipi—don h rra ld a

A n tn iT io N — uKo n r v i . t . ^

D ear P o t Hlinta;Ideal* r lu n s e . and while lliU

iilne-yoar-oU t Ia tmi yniini to (htnk of m ukliig New Y ear's rrsoU itloni, s h e ’s AliAt<(lv pU'krd i)ii,t h ri "D e­sign foi l iv in g , '

Askeil hy li r i fond aiiiU Hlial (Jii waa ifllnti to bo wliitn she Krew ilp, Ihe |>c)i m iss tossed her blond liair III • K »iii--wiih-llie-wliidward faah inn lUiil said, ' ■

"I'm HdlUK l() lie a glainiii utrl, w ith KulM of m n i jiisi ft-a-r-a-» .y nlmtil m>' "

As a fxi^iliiilii h r i niollier m arked . 'I vx miiy known wiiMx-ii ih u t Khr'n tv e r paid any tn ii id ii III »iKi iiiiiii arp blonds a n d hfllrn <il Hie bnll."

—H atdte flastt

f a th e r , P r tv a ta % tm » ? ^ W ln t i r i ; wa$ k ille d i n . r r a n c e in th e W o rld W or. M y m o th e r d ie d tn th e ep idem ic, I ta v tn p m e to be b rouffh t u p in a h o m e for v w orphant. w h e n m y few ajffdlrs a r e s e ttte d h e re I ih o t l s a y crood> bye to m |/ S o u rn e m o u th frimdM oncf com e to L o n d o n to a to o it MiU ng. M y o n ly re la t iv e ia m y U ncle D ou p lo i W in te rs w h o m I h a v e n e v e r eeen . H e Uue* in Canada. I encloee h ie add reee a n d a sk h e b e n o tif ie d in caee of a cc iden t.

Anna W in ters .Slow ly th e le t te r looeenad in

M ary 's hands. T h e te a r s sh e h a d be en too o v e rw ro u g h t to sh ed , tr ic k le d do'g^n h e r t-w lstod la c a .

W H E N M a ry n e x t o p e n ed h e r * ' eyes, m o rn in g f u n h a d p ie rc ed

th e L ondon fo g a n d w a s s il tin g lik e Irr id e sce n t d u s t th ro u g h th e w indow s. A n u rs e s topped u p to M a ry ’s s ide ..

“ I'U b a th e y o u a n d b r in g y o u a ■ w rapper," ih a sa id . “T h e n how. a b o u t a s ip o l h o t te a ? D r. L en o x g a v e o rd e r s y o u w e re to h a v e a t r a y th is m o rn in g . I n a n o th e r day o r tw o. h e 's go ing to le t y o u sU up . M y, M isa W ln U rs , h e ’a c er­ta in ly re liev e d th a t y o u ‘r « b a c k in th e la n d o l th e 'l i v in g ag ain . G ilb e rt L eftox figh ts fo r h is p a ­tien ts ,"

U nnotic lng . M a ry CorroU b egan to slip in to th e h o sp ita l Routine. F in ally she be ca m e a ccustom ed to h e a r in g h e rse ll. c a lle d b y A n - nit’s nam e. S t re n g th slo w ly r e ­tu rn in g to h e r . she acc ep te d h e r f a te w ith resignation .

D ays p n s s e d ^ n d soon sh e w as u p , ta k in g w a lk s tn t h e w a rd a n d


ia b la c k o u t lo r m e. I had e v e ry ­th in g to live f o r b e fo re th is h a p ­p e n ed . I w as in love—so v e ry m u c h In love . A nd n ow ,v th is a w fu l w a r b a a b la ck e d m e ou t,

,too . I ’m u g ly . I 'm m a n n ed . I d o n ’t w a n t to sea a n y e o e o r h av e :tn y o n a p ity in g m e ."

A v e r tin g h e r face , sh e fe l t OU- b e r t L en o x to u c h h e r sh o u ld e r g a a tly . "Y ou m u i tn ’t fee l lik e t h a t t don ’t k n o w m uch a b o u t

^lova b u t If i t 's a s g lorloua a s it’a supposed to be , n o th in g can ch an g e IL Y ou m u sf b ^ e v e I t I t 's y o u r life lin e . H av e you be en in to u c h w ith y o u r a w e e th e a rtl”

“ No. no ," M ar7 cried . "P le ase

G ilb e rt L an o x le d h e r to a ch a ir . T h en h e took , o u t a note? boo k a n d h is fo u n ta in pan . " W r i t ^ m e h la n a m e a n d add icaa a s d l« t m e e x p la in w h a t’s h a p p en e d to h b n .”

H a th r u s t th e p e n in to h e r han d a n d op e n ed th e book to a b la n k s h e e t

TV KV TR w o u ld sh e w iito V in - cen t'* na m e o r add ress . N ever

i n r IM niM

ItiB U M l

G H £ f e l t a to u c h on he r a lbow , "N ot to o m u c h a t one tim e,

young la d y ," D r. L enox w aa say - g rave ly . "C om e ou t t o th e

deck w ith m e f o r a m in u te . I t 's c lea r ettough today to s e e how ~ o ld o n U redoub ling its b a n i -

iw . "In^som e w a y h e h a d e x trica ted

h e r f ro m M rs. T u lly and gu ided h e r to th e d e se rte d porch .

'« e e h o w th a y ’v e ho isted a w ho le O ^ o a t i a g flee t o f bsU oons,’’ h e p o in M o u t “ A nd a w ho le new crop of ‘A . R . P .' signs have sp rou ted in th a p a rk . Looka like th e re l tn ‘t a m id -L ondon buU ding th a t is n 't k n e e ^ e e p in san d b ag s now . I t ’a p r e t ty r i m . I sn 't i t? "

M ^ shook h e r he ed in ag re e ­m e n t H e w e n t on, " I ’m o n a ir r a id e m ergency d u ty . Y ou fee l It’s p re tty close w h en those w a rn ­in g s ire n s be g in to howL”' S h e looked u p qu ick ly , w ords on h e r Ups. T h is v e ry young A m erican d o c to r s tand ing be fo re h e r w as th e one w h o 'd re sc u ed h e r in a n a i r ra id th a t la s t n ig h t in the r e s ta u r a n t w ith V incont.

T hen h e r Ups closed. D r. L en o x w ould n e v e r connect th a t g i r l In th e r e s t a u r a n t w ith th e p iti fu l pe rson s ta n d in g be fo re h im .

"Arid b lackou ts ,” D r. L enox w as say ing , “ I ’ll n e v e r g e t used to them . T h ere 's som eth ing frigh ten ing a b o u t a b la c k o u t"

B lackout! T h e w o rd s trU ck h e r sharp ly . She s ta re d a t D r. L en o x and h e seem ed to se n se h e r thought.

She b egan slow ly, each sy llab le to m fro m h e r to rtu o u sly . ‘T h is

BKOADOABT 0 S T 0 T I 0 N 8 R av . Z. L . Jenk in s o f th e Ascanatcpplaoopal chu rch of 'T w in P a lls w in

be th e speake r on th e m orn ing d e ­vo tional b roadcast n u t M ojiday, W ednesday a n d F rid ay m om lnga a t 7:30.

IM M A K inX LU TnEK A N F o u r th avenue a n d Second s tre e t

e a s tU . H . Zsgel. m inister.

10 a . m . S u nday school, u n de r th e direc tion o f Edw ard W arner, supe r­in te n d e n t ’

11 a . m. Divine worship, w ith se r­m on, "W U t Ye N ot T h a t I M ust Be A bout My F a th e r 's Business?"

3 p. m . A nnua) m eeting o f th e vo t­ing m em bers tn th e church .

8 p. m , T hu rsday . W alth e r league Bible hour.

\ 8 p . m . Friday . M eeting of th e alftult m em bersh ip group lo r atudy a n a discussion.

a m . 8 a tu :^ ay . C h ild ren 's Bible h o u r a n d In struction for conflrm a- Uon.

h e rse lf again— freed fro m th a b la c k o u t th a t h e ld h e r p risoner.

H e r h a n d w ith th e p e n In i t b e g an to m ove. In s te ad o f wrlt-^ Ing, sh e m a d e a few te n ta t iv e lines. L ondon In w a r . L ondon w ith H y d e P a r k d o tte d w ith A . R. P . s igns a n d buses ro llin g on a lm o s t tr a H ic -^ e e s tree ts . T he p e n m oved Je rk i ly a t f lrs t a n d th e n m o re fre e ly .

N ot s ince a r t school d a y s h a d M a ry C a r ro ll t r ie d a n y th in g e x ­c ep t fash io n sk e tch e s. I t g av e h e r t fu n n y , cho k ed fee ling to / see th is f ra g m e n ta ry sk y lin e s)tttc h .

D r. L enox w aa p s tl l sh o u ld e r encou rag ing ly . sw e ll k id a n d w e 're g< y o u w eU , A n n a W in ters .'

A n n a W in te rs , d h e w as now A n n a W in ters . S h e 'm u s t a c t a* A n n a W in ters , U lk a s A n n a W in­te r s a n d b e A n n a u n ti l th e day cam e w h e n h e r b la ck o u t co u ld bo lif te d . I t w ou ld h a rm no o n e and It w o u ld giv e h e r th e ch an c e to re m a in a s a B r itish su b je c t in L ondon unU l th e d a y w h e n th e te r r ib le d isfigu rem en t w as gone a n d sh e w as re u n ite d w ith V in­c e n t

" I ’v e a lre a d y ta lk e d to D r. O ’C onne ll, L o n d o n 's m ost f a m o u s p la s tic su rgeon ,” D r. L en o x sa id . " H e 's a t th e f ro n t now b u t w h en h e com es b ack . I 'm go ing to h a v e h im look a t yo u . A n d now h e re ’a som e good new s. Y o u 'v e h a d en ough h o sp ita l fo r aw h ile . Y o u 're so m u c h b e t te r and s tro n g ­e r th a t i t 's go in g to do you.*®®* to g e t - o u t - o f h e re a n d ~ b e w lU r y o u r ow n f rie n d s a n d people. S uppose w e m a k e th is y o u r la s t d a y h e re ?"

(T o B e C on tinued )

At the ChurchesST. KDWARO’l eATBOUORev. R . K. H eU oan . p ^ .

Rev. Jam es R. O rady, a a s ls tan t 8 and JO a . m . Sunday m asses. ^ S a . m . W ednesday m asses. Oonfesslona b e ard Sattirday , 1 to

4 p. m .: 7:30 to B:SOp. m .CTWimunlon Sundays: F i rs t S u n ­

day fo r m en; seccod Sunday for wom en: th ird Sunday for child ren ; fo u rth Sunday for young folks.

B aptism a fte r second m ass on Sundiaya .'

F IR S T U B T B 0 0 I8 TH . O . M cCsllister. m lnU ter

8:40 a . m . C hurch school. M rs. L.

U a . m . M orn ing w orship services w ith th e p a s to r b ring ing a m es­sage, ‘'S p iritua l p re p a ra tio n fo r T o ­m orrow ." Mias 'T h ro ck m o rto n a t th e console of th e pipe o rg an will play . "T lie P e rfe c t M elody" by O ’H a ra ; 'T n te rm e a o " by von L le- blch a n d “P ostludC ’-by B ach . TTje cho ir will eing "Come U n to to M e.'' by L ouis A . Coem e. T he cho ir Is .under d irec tion of Chas, E . C alvert,

S:30 p, m . All leagues will m e et in th e ir respective p laces fo r th e ir h o u r o f w orship, fellowship a n d study .

7:30 p . m ; E vening services, fo l­lowed by th e m onth ly m eeting of th e o fficia l board.

T h u rsd ay evening a t 7:30 o’clock In th e c hu rch parlo r will be -the re g ­u la r r e h e a r s ^ of th e choir.

CH RISTIA N SCIENCE 160 N in th avenua e a s t

0:49* a, m . Sunday school.11 a. m. C hurch service."O od" la th e sub jec t of th e lesson-

serm on w hich will bfe' read ' C hu rches o f C h r is t S c ie n tis t th ro u g h o u t th e world.

T h e G olden T ex t Lv "Ye ahaU know th a t I am In th e m id s t of Is ra e l , and th a t I am th e L ord your O od. a n d n one else ” (Joel 3:37),

W edneaday e v e n i n g testim ony m eeting a t 8 p, m .

B ead ing room, located a t 130 M ain avenue n o rth . Is open da lly except Sundays a n d holidays, from 1 to 4

F IR S T B A PTISTRoy E. B a rn e tt, pasto r.

9:45 a , m r-C hnrch -schoo l. C lle tiu a . general supe rin tenden t.

11 a . m . W orship. Com m u service. Serm on subject. "Pathw ays

ASCENSION EPISCOFAl.T h ird A re. and Second S t N orth

T h e Rev. Inn ls L . Jenk ins, vicar.T h e F irs t Sunday a fte r th e E pi­

phany .8 a . m . T ite Roly Oommtmlon.9:40 a . m . H je C hurch S ch oo l 11 a. m . T he Roly Com m union

w ith aermon.Ja n . 10, 8 p . m . Young People 's


CHURCH O F TH E NAZARENE S ix th avenue and F ou rth s tre e t

north.L. D . Sm ith, p u to r .

0:4A a. m. Sunday Bible sch o o l M rs. 0 . W. C hristian, s tiperln tend-

F .Q ia lia iii will lie lu th a ig a '

H I S T O R Y Of Twin Falls- City & County

IS Y E A R S AGOJAN. 8. 1915

Mr, a n d Mrs, O ustav F l rrh ln e r en tcrtalne<l at d inne r M trndsy eve* n in g before .the show, "T he T rn C om m andm en ts." In h ono r of Ons W ilder, th e cello p layer, a n d M, P a laclous, th e clarinet, p layer, m em ­b e rs of th e orcheAlra. Mr. F lech t- n e r a n d th e guest* of honor were m eipber.i of the P o rtland HvTnphony ch ib a num ber of yenrs •ano. ’tTiene gen tlem en were also gursta o f Mr. F lec h tn e r Sunday w hen they were d riv en over th e tow n and to the •cen lc po in ts nf IntereAt mid they expressed them"eW es as helng h ig h ­ly pleased with Ihe T w in Fsll* t r s r t

T w in F a lls Lyceum coune last n lB h t presen ted 'T h e c in d m l la M an" to a good sited hoii.te and sam e w as well prosenlod and plnas- e«i th e audience, U c rea ted qu ite a lautfh a n d yet U u g h t a woiulerful leason a t tha sam e tim e. Tlie next n u m b e r will tw Kmnm l-ucy O ates, th e g re a t ' U tah soprano

27 Y E A R S AGO

r ity . P rom ptly a t 13 o'c lock th« bell a l th e Uicksl Mhoo) rang th e old year o u t and th e new one In At th e sam e tim e Ihn n lsh t «iui sn* livened by. the discharge of gtins and bombs,

F rank D arrouah a n d Ml.u Vivian n ix le r were un ited tn n>attia«e a t til* C ta U r h w n t in th is vHy M onday nf th is week, Rev O . W. C ra te r pe rform ed th e rerrm ony, Mr. and Mrs, D arrougii are hltihiy respected p ioneer resident* of Mey- b u rn , Idaiio, M rs, DarriiiiHh haa a lso a ho st of friends a t H aiikrtt in th is rm in ty , w here she taiiKl>l »< hool a few' yeais aso. M r. O srio iigh took hla brido a t once lo his hntna In H aybum .

You May Not Know That—

RY n . I.. CR AK lTho fnll of Hnnko riv­

er AvnilAblfl fnr tlie ilu- vftlopmont of hydro-<*|«T- h lc power from J a rk - , Hon Iftko In Mllnnr In mtly ' nan foi't wlillo fioni Mil- iiur tn Woincr IL In 1.2U7 Ifrt. 'I'lu; river Imn an ndditlonal iinnl)ie fnll of Hf>2 font botvvcuil Wttlnor’, nnd I.iiwlnton iuiii 'Ml f r i 'l I jp lw i'. 'f i l.iM vl'^ toii itiid IIh nioiilli.

The Family Doctor

BY DR. M ORRIS p S H B E IN E ditor. Jo u rn a l ot th e A m ertran

M edical Association a n d ef Hygeia, the H ealth M agaatne

P ro te in s are th e m aieriaK out of w hich ou r bodies are b u i l t T liey con­sti tu te th e es.wntlal elem ents of the m H. E ighteen per cen t o f ou r ( ^ l e a consist;! of protein. Since th e pro­te in s nf our body a re constan tly being used up and destroyed. It Is nece,isaTy for us to supply th e body w ith add itional protein m a teria l for replacem ent.

W hen we starve, the p ro tein m a teria l of the body Is called up ­on . and the effects on our tissues a re obviously no t beneficial. A fter a n y ^ o n g continued fever o r w ast­in g disease, th e dem and fo r pro­te in is again In excess o P th e uniial ^requirem ent. In tim e o f reed, pro tein can also siipjily th e re ­qu irem en t o f the iKxly fo r energy; bu t tills Is w asteful perform anr.e F a ts and rarbohyd ra tea a re the re a l economical fuel m ateria ls,

T ha proteins Include a la rge Yn- riety of am ino acids. W hen pro- u ln food Is taken in to th e stom ­ach , It Is acted on by (he pepsin a n d hydrorh lorln acid w hich make up w h at Is called th e gastric rre tlo n or gsntric Juice. W hen the food pM sts on from tite a to insrh Into th e lntesttn<«, it breomes siib ierted to th e ac tion nf other se rretlnns. inc lud ing t r y p s i n , w hich comes from th e pancreas, T hese also help to d igest th e pro U ln m a teria l so th a t It can hi taken u p by th e body fluids nnd c a n le d to th e cells w hlrh iinr it for grow th a n d repair.

Most p ro tetns are ronnHnptl rlirm - Icaliy of a num ber of e lem ents. In ­clud ing cartMn, liydrogen. nitrniiii), oaygen and su lfur. Som e a lso ron* ta in phoephorus a n d sm all am nim is of o th e r e lem ents, Blnce several d if fe ren t p ro tein substances may co n ta in tlie sam e am oun ts of these va rlo iu e lem ents, we know th a t the na tu re of the p ro tein depends on th e way In w liich th e e lem ents are a rran g e d In th e molecule.

Not a ll p ro te lru a re equally iis«> fu l in th e d ie t of m an. While the re a re 31 am ino acids o r prnlein siib stan res In th e h um an body. It Is know n th a t (here a re 10 abso­lute ly easen tla l in Ihe d ie t fo r good gn iw lh and health , T lieae 10 am lnn a rtd s canno t be m an u fa c ­tu red In Ihe body a n d m iu t be Siinplled ^In th e d ie t. T Itey are raile<t ^ "nu tritionally eseenUal" oi ’‘nu tritionally IndU ptnsable" ami- h o arids.

W hen any one Of these 10 U a b ­sen t very long from th e dlei, grow tii and tissue repair sa tis fa r to iy . T lie 10 an ilno arlds th a t a re e M iitla l have strange oh sm lra l nam es Ilka arg ln lna, hla- lld ln e . lysine a n d Iryptnphaiie, n u t nobody buys th em hy such na m ss In th e grocery stores.

Wa do no t buy th em In pure rh em lra l form . We b u h th e in as coTuUtu«t\l« o t w all-know u (ood in a le r la ls ~ eggs, milk, rheeee, m e a t o r fish,

A studv m ade In New York on 1.000 resldenU allowed a tendency to Kike nn liinuirii'leni ninuuni ^>i good iirutelii food, M oreiner.

____ people have n o t enoughm oney to spend on food. I t Is t l « pro tein requ irem en t th a t su ffers m ost. W hen people try to reduce w eigh t by sU rv atlo n , they g e t I n ­su ffic ien t am ount* of necessary protein.

to Pow er," I I . Com pasilon,5:30 p. m . Young ad u lt fellowship,

a t th e parsonage.6:15 p. m . B ap tis t Y oung Peopie'i

U nion. Ju n io r H i a n d Senior g rdups 7:30 p. m . W orship. SermOn sub ­

jec t. ’"The H eavenly V ision." Bing- i t- th ro u g h gospel song service.

7:30 p. fn. W ednesday, m id-w eek service.

c a s s k H e rfOI! ZONE OFFICE

BURLBJY, V an . 8 (S p e c ia D -B u r- ley c ity comicll m eeting . >n regu la r session th is week offe'rcd office space and h e a t a n d tig h t to th e W PA should they desire to locate th e ir H)j|e office in Burley to serve Uio ccmnties of C assia, M inidoka. T w in Falls, Jerom e. O ooding. B laine, L in ­coln a n d Camas,

O rland Batem nn, w ho com pleted h is au d it for th e c ity books fo r th e second q u a rte r , repo rted th e f in a n ­cial condition of th e c ity as good and a ll rerurds a s c o rre c t

Beer llrrnses were g ran ted to th e Hose Clanr sto re . G ilbe rt T, Parke, aufew ny Stores, P rice 's L unch , Culi- ro C a t. H em ingway Moser, W lilte Hpot, •Willard W ood and H arry W, rong .

Two Paul Young Men Specializing

On Michels GrassPAUL, Jan , 0 (flpeclai)—Tw o

young m fu of P a u l com m unity. C lark and Hay FranclK O , sons of M l. a n d Mrs. C harles F ianclaco, a re 0 |>piutlnK "II extensive a g iic iiltu ru l i>iislnr»i iiiitier the firm nnnie* of Ku.ntl;n:u lliu ihera Seed com puuy, n i th heail(|u i>ilers In n o r th e rn Idaiio In I’alousc <'ounlv.

W hen a t home over Uis ho lidays, C lark, older m em ber of th e firm , said they were specia lising On MlrUels llytiiM g iaas a n d have 1,600 acres In I'a louse county seeded to th a t l u x (It g ia u , uelng grown prlnrlpally for seed uiop.

Mlclieli lilbrld sraaa requires a lte r - n a te frr tiln g and tiiaw ing w hen nrr<le<i nn:) u ie young m en nf Iha lirn t pU a to no to A risona in a sh m i iiiiir 111 I'nrry on a seeding cam paign, 'I1)ls varie ty Of g rasf haa th ree disiiiioi |nir|)Oses, pastu re , hay and K ed |irod iirilon . Prices la s t year ranged from 10 ceiiia to >1 per pound.

Frsni'lsro b rn thei a re ln t« resled also Ul stiiiw liriry <;lovtr a n d ralaed iHtween «oo and 700 pounds of th e seed liisl year, n w y p lan to In- • irasu lUfir s traw berry «lover a ere- sue to 100 acres th le season, U s t > s prlr* on s traw berry clover was niouiiil II jft |x r m nind, •

liotli i„ i) . R[fl UnlvBJslly " f •<l*l»o s iudents and Irath have sp e n t nuialt tim e In experim ental farm s ta tio n s nnd III reseaii'h work.

F IR S T PRESBYTERIA N O . L, C lark, pastor,

a. m . Sunday school. H . A’. SalU - bu ry , su p e rin ten d e n t

11 a. m. M orning w orship, A serv­ice on '•Securities," A nthem , "A New Y ear C horale," M an n ; solo. 'T h e Lost C hord ." Bulllvan, A llen Duvall. M rs. G era ld W allace, d irec tor. O rgan num ber, "Prelude," Schuler; o ffe r ­tory. "Chftrole on th e O lory of Im ­m o rta lity ," B rahm s; poatulde. "A l­legro M oderato." A rcher. Miss Louise K rengel. organist,

8:30 p, m. C h ris tian E ndeavor hour.

t ONFCR ON TAXKS l io i n r , .Ian 8 (u m _L sad ln8 Idk-

h o eduratcirk co iite ired today w ith the sta le lax revision com m ittee in ilie laM ol H sPiieA of conferences 10 prenani revoniinendations on prO' posed rhaiiges m Uis sU te U a Ht< n |i In hult a i.inidrn d iup in a tato levnnie*, .

o f th e school th is Sunday,11 a . m . M orning worship a n d aer-

m on. Subject. "G etting A cquainted W ith Ourselvsa.* The S m ith girls will sing a duet. J . W. S m ith will be In charge of th e singing.

8:30 p, m. Young people’s m eet­ing. AHen Edw ardf, th e president, will be In charge of th e aerrtce . T he Junior service_at th e same h o u r w ith

IsU c'

F IR S T C H R IS H A NM ark C. O ronenberger, m in ister. 9:45 m . The Bible school. T lils

Sunday m a rk s th e beginning of k contest leading up to E as ter and a lso tlie Inaugilra tlon of a m erit system of a ttendance . F ra n k W. Sluck. general superin tendent,

10:45 s.m . M orning w orship. M ed- I t a t t o . ' A t Uio M aster's T able." H ie f lio lrT rtlrec led by Fred I.. IliidoiDh, sings Ihe an them ‘’Jesus. U iider- n ta n d in g F riend" by W ilson. wltJi

he soprano solo sung by Miss Fe rn W hlli:el.,T lie ]m slor's serm on them e will be, "Beyond Ihn G re a t G u lf "

30 p. m. D epartm en ta l C lirls- lla n E ndeavor meetings.

7:30 p, m, Evangellslli; service. CongreRalloniii song service w ith o r­ch estra a rm m pnn lm en t, Hem inn topic for a world of tragedy , "T he M oat HorriblB flin In the W orld,"

T h e cho ir m eeta for reg u la r re ­hearsa l on T hu rsday a t 7:80 p, m. In th e "C orner lloom " of Ihe church .

CHUKCII O F T H E HRETHRENT h ird avenue a n d F ou rth s t r e e t

A, 0 . M iller, pastor.10 a. m Nunday u h o o l.11 a, m. M orning iforshlp. Serm on

ubjoct, ’’T ljo E xceptional a n d th eC»«imonplivce."

7:15 p m . Ad\ilt Bible s tudy and B, Y P D

a p ni, Evening w orship. Serm on sub jsc t, "New C reatu res in C hrist,"

BETH EL TEM PLEB, M .,D avid, pastor

a. m , Hunday school. B. K , All-

M rs, Jen n ie Field tn chargsi.7:30 p. m . Evening evang_____

service. W. F . G raham will lead th e singing, w ith a large cho rus choir a n d orchestra. Special singing and m usic. Serm on subject, “T h e Road to T arsh lih ."


360 3nd A re. W est B.E,A. H offm sn, pastor.I. m . Sunday school. F o r th e

n e x t qua rte r we will be studying from th e Gospel o f Luke. T h e B irth of Jo h n the BapUst" will be th e lesson for Ja n . 7,

11 a. m . Communion service. Rev.S . Ludlow will be m inU tering th e W ord.

8:30 p, m . Young People 's service, th e leader, W inifred Eads.

1:30 p. m- Evangelistic service. T h is service will m srk th e begin­n ing of an evangelistic cam paign w ith Evangelist Ellis S h afer as ev an ge lis t ^ rv ic e s wlU be held n igh tly a t 7:30, (Saturday exceptf <d>-

H R S T PENTECOSTAL363 F ifth avenue e a s t

Ellis Seism, pastor.. 10 a. m. Sunday school. Jo h n Calder, supe rin tenden t Classes ^or a ll ages.

II a . m. M orning w orship, w ith com m union service following.

7 p. m. Young People's service.’B p. m . BvangeUstice servtce. Good %

sing ing by congregation a s well a s ^ special num ber. Booster A nderson of

: O akland, C a lif .rw in bring th a eve- _ n Ing message.

8 p. m . W ednesday. P ra y e r ,and praise. •'

8 p . m. Friday . Bible s tudy for an ages, • •' * _

CHURCH O F .CH RIST 33S T h ird Ave. E ast fl.Q.OJ*. hsil)

O rland W ilkerson. evangelist.0 a . m, Bible study.1 a. m. serm on subject. "Helping

O thers,"11:45 a. m . Lord's Supper.7 p, m, Bible Study,C ongregational singing begins a l

7:45 p, m . Serm on subject. "A ccept­in g th e Lord,"


330 3rd Ave, E.0 . W. Severn, pastor.

9:46 Sunday school. Mrs, A, W. . BarbeuL , s

11 a. ni. Morning w orship? D e­votional singlKg'alia sfrfiion oyTRe pastor.

8:45 p, m. Yoimg People's m eeting.7:30 p. m. Evangellsiifi service.7:30 p m. W ednesday prayer

m eeting iinder Ihe d irection of thn c lass leader, Mrs, C lara W eaver.

( itI iR C H OF O O P Quincy street,

C laud P ra tt, pastor, m Runday srhool. I.en

C arney, superintendent,II a. m. Morning worship,fl:30 p. m. Young people'n m eeting,

CIJtford P ra tt, president.7:3D p. m, CvangellstIo services.7:30 p. m. W ednesday. P rayer

m eeting,

AMERICAN LUTHERAN T lilrd UUeet and T h ird Ave, N orth

E. W, K ssten, p u to r .T he d ra t Sunday a fte r E plpliany;10 a. m . Sunday school.11 a. m. Morning w orship w ith

serm on by Uie pastor: "Arise, S h ln e l" (Isa iah 80).

3 p. m . CongrtgaU onal biislnsss meeting.

All services are iield in Uie S eventh Day A dventist building.

11:30 a. m. M orning worship. S e r ­m on by th e pastor,

Hadio U ospel service... Young people's meeUng.

M rs, O live Sellers, speaker,1:30 p. m. EvangeilsUo Mrvioe,

w ith p ray e r for th e sick a n d oppor­tu n ity for baptism , Q ospel serm on by th e pasio ri "W ill lasUng peace com e to th e world th ro u g h appea l to F sd era led religion? I f n o t. bow will I t com e?"

8 |>, ni, T uesday, BeUtel T em ple B ible school, T lie M sto r 's class,

8 m, W ednesday. C hu roh praye r

8 p. m . T hulsday , B ethel T sm ple B ible K hool, Special ronsecra tJon service In p rep a ra tio n fo r tiis work of tlis fall and sp rin g classes. B ring B ible a iu l no te book,

8 -II, n meollnfi

a p . m , S a tu rd ay . B s th s l T am pia c h ild ren 's ohiireh. '

All o lliei nn vices «it th e w rrh nouMi^ed Ironi Uie pulpll.

Neighbors' CliurcheslH 0 U .I8 T E R - ROQERflON

P resbyu rlan churoh Invites a ll be­lievers tn Uis teaching of Jesus (o u n ite w ith them in celebration of Uie Lord's Supper, J sn , 1.

HolllsUr, l l ' a . m, >Rogsrson, 7:10 p, m.

H, N. W agner

BUHL FRBSBYTBRIANJ . A. Howanl, m inister,

10 a, m . Sunday Mhooli Wllliftm iCnsale, supe rin tenden t

11 a, m , O hurah servloe; th e q tla r-. U riy oommunkm will bo observed th is first Sunday o( Uie q u a rta r , .

7:30 p. m. T he Ohrlsrtlan E n - d tavo r; C atherine O rendorff lead ­ing; (he subjecti "Uoy a n d O lri R e­lations '

«T, P a {|I,'H LtlTIIKRAN d H u n o i i JEROME 'i

P, w ssu rk a m p , pastor,ia .30 a. m , StTvlcea a n d Sunday

Solimil,7:30 p, m . T bs Y. f. 8 . m n U a t Uis

horn* of J iu r l Ftsoher.S m lo M a t nie lrlch . 8 i t 0 p. m Mriiil>ei nieotlng Jsn . H,'<1 p, in nl


Page 5: PROBE ASKED IN BRITISH CABINET SHAKE-UP^ · VOL. xxni. NO. 15-6 CENTS. FINNISH FORCES •Richest Girl’ Hubby to Canada N NOIil



LOS ANGELES, Jan. 6 (U.R) — Edwin N. Atherton, former G-man who spent two years finding oat how the Pacific Coaat conference col­leges get their .athletic stars, embarked today on a new job of seeing to it that they^tick

, to the rules henrpfnrth,

feruins Cop Thriller Froiri Rupert Club By Score of 22-20

RUPERT, Jan. 6 ( S p e c i a l ) — As h a s been t h e c a s e for every game played here in recent years between the Twin Falls Bruins and the Rupert Pirates, the two clubs staged another thrilling battle last night with the visitors finally coming out on top in the second over-time period by a score

A therton w»» h ired by th e confer^ ence u lt« tlh leU c com m lisloner or "CUT" over lueto m t t w n u a th le te «ub»ldltaUon. e n d « t th e sam e tim e the confercneo edopled a haM 6aum new n ilee tor h im to enforce . T hese c racked d o v n on th e m a tte r of e n - U rU ln J n r h igh K hoo l « ta n a n d p ay tnc th e ir way th ro u g h th e col- lege to w hich they w ere lu red .

iO a lm m e o o R eport A the rton , w ho m ade a MO.OOO r e ­

p o r t on a tb le te -h M n g fo r th e c o o - le rence . wae h ired to r a th ree y e a r t« n a ita r t ln c la i t J a n . 1. H erb D an a ’s office of com m U iloner of •th le tlo offtcla ls w as aboUahed.

. The conference made a »Urt at provldlni roacWneiy for enforee- aaat of-aubaldUatlon rulM. Enter- talWHant and free Ulsa for proapM- tlra ethletei were tabooed. «reo by ft^iaaat t ry tn f to t e e i t th a lr a h n a matcr^ tMmi. Vtolatlon of the rulea wUl render the aUilete Inell- tlble.

' ao-ealled “aihletie ■cholarahlpt" were dealt a hard blow, -nie con-

1 adoptton of. a

a ltn ia aU a ii o ( IQecal a id f lv e n a th - le tea before o r a fte r enro llm ent, n - i H t l ftld. In le n e n L to a n y a id f lv en a th la taa a od -oo t qp en A a l l a tu d in U a n d for w h ic h .a w w h e th e r to th e fo rm of m on ty . board , etc.. la f lv tn

t j r lm a n iy fo r a th le tio reaaona."P ra a lty I ttrrcB e*

A nother ru le i t a tn e d a t th e p r e ­ven tion ^ d l n n l e o o f a th le t ic fu n d s in to echolarsh lp t. loana o r donations lo r th e subaid lsln i o f a th le te s .”

T h e penalty w as stiffened for sup ' p resa ln i o r fals ify ing In form ation a bo u t a pU yer’k a th le tic ellflblU ty.

T here w as one ra y of hope for th e a th le te—a ru le deslfned to a llevU te “th e ha rdsh ips caused by th e loss o f tim e f r o m regu la r em ploym ent th rough In juries. Illness a n d neces- s i ^ absence on a th le tie trips."

Osgood Named As President Of Ski Club

S h e rm sn Osgood today held th e post as presiden t o f th e T w in F a lls Ski club a fte r Ihe e lection o f o fd c - m Ih n t saw a com plete c h an se lA t)ie perKonnel o f th e o rg a n lu t lo n .

O.ixood Auccfeded Dr. F ra n k J . McAUe as th e leader, l ^ n n Blewavt «'BA elected v ice-p residen t to follow K enne th Olvena a n d M iss M argare t K ennedy fallowed Miss BeUiene H ag- le r as necretnry. Jo h n W eaver took over th e du ties of tteas iirp r, p re ­viously Jmnclled b y .n o y P a in te r.

At th e m retln s . nelrl In tl»B Itlnho pow er auditorium , speclnl tllma tfo m Sun Valley were presen ted ««

O lh e r eh terta ln m e n t Included sh o r t ta lk s by Jo i)n Robertnon and D r. M cAtee—th e la te r on th e new ski lil t on Baldy m ountain.

o f . 22-_2Q.__________________________The gam* was a th r ille r from

s ta r t to fin ish , w i t h C oach W es eh u rU U fs team pu ttin g on a g rea t scoring spree In the f in a l period to t o o l th e eounV aV »0-aU . I n Uie f irs t over-tlm e can to bo th team s w en t scoreless, b u t In th e second e:ilra period Ira C artney connected for a pivot sho t a n d th a t concluded th e scortng for th e evening despite a desperat* R u p e r t drive for th e basket.

Coach Jo h n F la tf s boys pU yed steady ba ll d u rla* th a t t t a t h a lf a n d h e ld a 7*S advanU ge a t th e q u a rte r a n d ia-7 a t th e h a lf- tim e lo U rm ls- slon. T he m arg in was sUll th e sam e a s th e f ina l fram e opened—18-13.

B u t In th e la st q u a rte r th e R u p e rt te am w ent to tow n to k n o t th e count a n d send th e gam e In to th e ex tra periods.

H igh scorlnc h ono rs fo r th a gam e w en t to C artney. v e teran T w in F a lls forw ard, w ith n ine to u n te r i . w hile Schenk got e igh t fo r th e losers.

Prelim inary con test saw th e Tw in F a lls seconils chalk up a 3 8 - u v ic­to ry over the P ira te youngsters,

Lineups:K a p e r t - - T w tn F a U iachow (5) r <9) C artney W hitley (1) F (3) E vansSchenk (6) C (4) L arsen W ilson (J) O f«) Davison Johnson (3) Q « ) T hom as

substitu tions ; R u p e r t^ -S e am o n s , D e lti « ) : T w in F a lls — R andall, S m ith . Bates 1.

O fficials: Fou ler a n d Fagg.

2KmgHill Glub rWin Close Games

K IN O H ILL. J a n . 6 ( S p e c la l) - K lng Hill basketeers annexed a cou­ple of th rillers here ]ss( n ig h t from th e Invading M ounta in H om e clubs.

In the f ina l con test th e local boys eked ou t s n 18-17 victory a f te r th e lend had changed h a n d s on nearly

f po in t th roughou t th e gam e, visitors held a lead o f 11-9 a t

even \T S l

H RA RIN n CO N TIN t'BD CHICAOO. Ja n . 8 Wfi) - Two.

tli lrd i or th e Illinois a th le ilo com- inlsnlon and Iwo pernonH c sIIhI *i witnesse* failed to a ppea r y r/iler' (Iny so Uie commission hearing oi. rhargea b y H eavyw rlgh t l la r ry

O O L r RDI.K REPORT NEW VO RK , Ja n , 8 l\)K )-C onU n-

nance of the trlttl stym ie ro le In r t - f r r l (he la s t two years a n d a rule prohlbUliig p layers d raw ing Ih rir p u tle r i along Ihe Bfftfare of Ihe Krern to tent th e co n ils ten r th n Kruns were fe a tu re s o f Uie

. iiuni reiKtrl n( tlir. m eciitlve rom n tll- of the U nited s ia le n n n i r asso-

claMnn today.

L is te r Hall led th e scoring for King Hill wlU) seven hom es, whUu BUIonIs topped th e Invaders ' six.

I n the girls' contest th e score Just as close w ith K ing Hill ending o n lop with the co u n t of 37-38. How­ever. the locsl girls led m ost o f the way In thU one. H alf-tim e coim t w as IS-U . H tn d tis o n topped th e lo­cal scoring w ith 13 points, w hile Arl- Isga led the losers w ith 10.

Jerome Kennels Sell Dog to -NationaUExpert—

Glenns Ferry Cage Teams Edge Wendell

WENDELL, J a n . 6 (S p e c la l)~ In vad lng G lenns P e rry h ig h achool basketba ll team s sw ept bo th e n d s of a doub le -heade r he re to n ig h t by s tag ing b ig ra llies in th e la s t h a lf to tu c k th e gam es away.

I n th * (Inal gam e th e PUota s ta g M a b ig ra lly In th e f in a l five m in u tes o f pT«y to c h s lk u p a 33-17 victor^-. P rav lous to th a t th e t(ame h a d been fou g h t on fa ir ly even U rm s a ll the w ay th rough — w ith a n y edge In fav o r of W endell. Score a t th e en4. o f th a f irs t q u a rte r was fl*8 fo r the T ro jan* and a t th e h a lf th e locals s till h e ld a 15-10 advsn taR e. T h ird period coun t w as 17-14 for Conch CIco Sho rthouse 's gnng, b u t the ligh tn in g s tru c k In th e flnn l few m inu tes oi p lay as th e P ilo ts s ta r te d to click.

H igh scoring honors w en t to V em Parm ley for th e w inner?, w ho col­lected a to ta l of six po in ts . clOf.ely followed by Ja ck N eucll w ith five. F lelschm an topped th e losing club w ith seven.

T h e g irls’ gam e was p re tty m uch th e sam e—only m ore close l o r th e f irs t ha lf. T h f (Inal c o u n t w as 43-33 for th e Invading m a id en s ; b u t fo r the f irs t tw o qu a rte rs th e going w as n lp -an d - tu c ^ . C oun t a t th e end of th e f irs t period w as 7-7 and a t t h « h a l f - U m e l tw a s l3 - 1 3 . T h ird

Id th e v isito rs w ith th e

Buhl Indians Edge Jerome In Close Tilt

BU H i.. J a n . e ( S p e c la D -T h e B uh l Ind iana nosed ou t Invading Je ro m e T igers by k score of 30-27 In a h a rd - fought b a ttle on the local f loor la s t n igh t.

T h e vlslto ra heW «. U -i* the h a lf tim e w ith Jo h n SteUe, sliarp -shoo tlng gua rd connec ting for m ost o f h is c lub 's polnU , H ow ever, Uic I l i a n s cam e back s tro n g In

t m i f to ga in th e decision.-njin..H igh scoring honors for th e n ig h t

w ent t9 Stelle who oollect«d 13 counters fo r the Tigers, whUe 81*e- more led th e Buhl o u tf it w ith 11 and O rlm es go t 10.

In th e prelim inary c o n tes t th e J e n m e frosh-soph club won a closo IB-It decUhn.

Lineups:BU H L — B klnnsr a n d Slxem ore

( ID .fo ra k rd s ; P .H sm ilto n ( 4 ) .c en ­ter; J im H am ilton (3) a n d C a n in e i2>. gua rds; substitu te s: O rlm es (10), B ristow . •

JE R O M E — P eters <4) £ n d F la i- tino (4). fo rw ards; M euser (3 ). c en ­te r: Beddle (3) sn d Btelle (IS ), guards; substitu te s: Jo rgenson a n d B lam lre (3).

ran g e a n d they SB-14.

M . Johnson led th e w inner* w ith 16 po in ts w hile Iva D een W illiam s collected 11 fo r W endell.

W. B. WDUnma kennel nounce the nnle n( a po in te r th is werk to OtniK n ip ley . n a tionally known s* a w riter lo r spo rts m aga- r lnes and a Judge In th e na tio n al field tr lsb .

An Irlul) e rlle r pun w as a lso sold to a iiariy In C lm ll«nooitu, T rn n ., during Uie pA^t week—giving Mr. WIIMsmi a n itlnn -w lde scope In hla b u sln ru .

Murtangh.Cage Clubs Score Double Wins

C A 3T L E P0R D . J a n . 6 ( S p e c ia l ) - T lie Innadlng M urtau g h basketball team * scored a double v ic tory over th e Wolvea here la s t n ig h t a s the girls edged o u t a 19-17 v ic tory and th e boys scored a 38-11 tr iu m p h .

In the g iriv gam e th e score was n lp -and -tiick a ll th e way th ro u g h wlU» the Red Devils w inn ing in the la s t m lnute.i o( play. Savage le d the w inners w ith 11 points . b u t-H o u k to p p e d th e counting for th e even ing by scoVlng 14 po in ts fo r CasU eford.

In (he boys' con tr'st th e M u rtaugh club waa ahsad a ll the w ay th ro u g h a n d held an 11-8 advan tage a t the Interm ission. High scoring honors (o r th e gam r w ent to P e rk in s of

D rj 'a n t topprd C astleford w ith seven.

Acequia Cage Teams Take Three Games

E D O /. J a n . 8 (S pecia l)—Ace- quls's oage crcws sw ept a ll th ree games of a tr ip le -h e ad e r h e re la s t n igh t in regula tion Class B enco im - ters,

In th e m a in boys' e v en t th a v is i­tors chalked u p a 30-31 vieUtry &f- ta r lead ing a ll th(r w ay. T h e acore a t th e h a lf-tim e w as 14-8. J o h a n se n waa h igh m a n fo r A cequia a n d M ntheny led th e losers, e ac h w ith W points.

In th e girls' encoun te r th e pow er­ful Acequia sex te t h a d an easy tim e of it a n d r a n up a count o f 31-6 -at-U ie-'half-tlm e. In th e la s t h a lf a string of Acequia subs played a lot oC th e gam e w ith th e flni^l scoro being 36-18. B adger a n d O irau rd topp i^ th e «1nners w ith 13 po in ts each w htle W aUilns le d th e loseia w ith seven.

T he f irs t gam e o f Uie evening saw th e A cequia soph -froeh five a n ­nex a n overtime th r ille r by ji score of 18-14. C ount a t th e end of reg­u la r-p la y in g tim e w as 14-Rll and th e n Chugg scored th e w inning bas­k e t In th e overtime.

H ollister team s p lay h e re on T ues­day.

M I’ST q t t l T nANKETBALLfllCATTLC, Ja p . 8 (O.W — ?Yeddy

initch lnaon , the D etroit T ige rs ' »80,. 000 rookie pltrlicr, q u it a profr»- Monal bsskethnll i<-t\m today on orrt- e rs n( W alter O. lirlggs, Jr., D etro it club owner.

HON rO R PltlM O UDINI^;, I tsly , Ja n . 8 IU.»»)-A aon,

weluhlng 11 pounds w as bo rn today lo Mr, nnd M rs. P (lm n O a m rra . C n rn rra la the form er heavyw eigh t cham pion d j th e wovW.

Apostoli Asks Title Shot Against Corin After Bettina Victory


NEW YORK. Jan. 6 (U.R)-rFred ApostoH .says, “i t’s Billy Conn in a hurry or the sticks.”

What ApoBtoli means is this: He fijyures his .upset victorj’ last niffht over Melio Bettina, former light heavyweight champion, a t Madison Square.Garden, entitle.^ him to e quick title shot at Conn, current light heavyweight chnm- jiion.

And if Conn will not gi'ant ApostoH this title phot, the lard-hilting Italian from San Pranciaco will start taking bout.s of lesser importance R p a f f i R p f tS n ; ) around the country. I > e d l » O e i l H M

ApostoH a n d h la m anager. L arry W hite, believe F risco P re d deserves a ti t le sh o t because of h is unex- w cted 13-round decision la s t n ig h t cner B e ttin a . M anager W h ite says.‘A postoli d id som eth ing th a t n o one else ever accom plished—a n d th a t Includes Conn. H e floored B e ttin a ’or th e c o u n t of n ine in th e lo th round. Coim w ent 30 ro u n d s w ith S ettina a n d never h a d h im off h e floor."

N o t In terestedO kay . BvU -w hy sh o u ld n 't Apoa-

loli nex t U n g le w ith Q ua L esne- vlch of New Jersey to p rove hla rig h ts to a sh o t a t Conn’s t it le ?

W hite says. ‘ W e’re n o t in te re s te d ..I L.e*nevich. P rom oter M ike J a ­cobs assured us th a t If A postoli -beat B e ttin a . h e would be given » tit le sh o t a t Conn.”

Apostoli won th e 13-round deci­sion la s t n ig h t a fte r r ising f ro m 4 h e floor th ree tim es In th e f i r s t th re e rounds. F risco F re d took no coun t In th e f irs t round, nine in th e Sec­ond a n d n ine In th e th ird . ;

ApostoU w on a a p l l t ’decialon a f ­te r a close, slam -bang b raw l, In w hich R eferee Johnny M cAvoy a n d Judge Artie M cO ovem vo ted fo r th e C aliforn ian and Ju d g e C harlie D rsy co tt balloted fo r a draw .

B e ttin a H olds Sportaw rlters ' score sheeta w ere

In d isagreem ent b u t v irtu a lly a ll a d ­m itted B e ttin a could h av e lo s t th e f ig h t because of h la h o ld ing ta c tic s In th e la st four rounds, w hen h e c lam ped elbow locks, etc.. o n ApoS' to ll tn p reven t a possible kayo .

Apostoli w eighed 189*.i pound*. ju.rt four a n d a q u a rte r leas th a n B e ttina .


H IG H SCH OO L ; . (Boys)

Twin FalU 21, R u p e rt M (two

Heyburn Quintets Score Double Win

HEVBURN. J a n , « <8 j»c la l) — H eyburn lilKh srhool's lia ike tball team s won a d n ub le -h sader here Inni n i ih t frnm th e Invading P au l clubs.

In the main ti l t th e local boys chalked up a 37-11 vIcIoiT. H igh srorinn .lionora w en t to C om eilson ' o f Paul vim ron n rc te d fo r e ig h t of hiK lesni ii i» inU ,

In Un) jirrU m lnary co n test, th a Inrsi loam squeeted o u t an srrow 13-U victory.

rA tm O T ItK ArPOlNTK D( r r lX)Uin, Ja n . 6 (U.g>—M issouri

uiilvrrnlt) rtnnounced today th a t IV)n Jfaiirol. head foo tball c o ach a t th e »rlu>0l, will* reappo in ted fo r a n ­o the r yfM an liw raaa* In aa la ry .

“Clean-Up” of Pacific Coast’ Athletics Gives Mac a Laugh

B ; MBNRY MeLKMORE IX3B A N O E J a n . 0 IU.R>-Aa

a fellow who lost h is glee club s ta n d in g becanse o( th e f tm t O ar- negle foundation Investigation (1 w as being piild 110 a week n o t lo s ln i i . the n ir r e n t " le a n in g up" o t th e Pacific C oast c tm le tanoa aiHirts glvaa m a a laugh.

And I d o n 't m ean any lit tle laugh, e ither, bu t a rm in lin , b « |. ty>type one. w orthy o l th e facu lty oomedlana who ar* ineeilnu b e ­h ind locked doora he re to con- s idar the 800,000 w onis of d a U g a thered by Edwin N., A the rton , ona -llm e 0 >man

'T l i t r s Is no ' te lling how m any pa ir of nibber sneakers a n d fHlaa faoos and w l | i th a t D eteotlva A therton UHd In ga thering proof th a t a ll waa no t itr lc tly a m ate u r a long the Pacirifl coast. B u t i io|) you This; He d lda ’t g a th e r a aln- | l a b it o f evidence U ia t w asn 't a lready kiw w n to every a tliletln direc tor, coach a n d apnrtsm lnded a lum nus in the conleience ,

W hnt do you Uilnk Kheilock A therton found o u t a l te r m ore Ilian l» i) y rsra o f snooping, p rek - inB niKl nnklng qutallonsT N o th ­ing exi-fljit w h at everybody Knew all the tim e, nam ely , th a t boys who eould run , klok, oi nase a footbsll were subsidised a n d given opporKinnies to e x h ib it th e irprow ew ir-----------

T hia wsa common kjiow ledie, I t hiippena a t every school tlm t hsn a decent football U ain . Rai>l, west, n o r th and w u th , th e aohoola ih s t Iwve w inning team s yeiir a fte r year go o u t a n d get the plkyer who m ake w inning p o t- klbW, No Is na lva t n m g h ^ believe th a t hordas of One foot- bsll players a rrive a t school each y ts r ]u it becauH they love th e colors o r the |>roressor u ( l om anoa IsuRusgea or Uie drli«klng w ater th a t the school a((or<ia T hey g rav itate to rs rta li) a)>uts because they are offered moTe In th a way of money; And w hen I aay m oney 1 mean no t only a riu a l ou rre iiry bu t m iiiia I h s i It takea mpnoy

lo buy, iiKh as c lo thes, books, enicrlftliunru t and lodging.

Why l» II. do you suppose , th a t aufli /'‘•liooln aa R w artliinora. Bow - doin. rom ona, K noa a h d . a h a lt 4 hundred n ihe rs d o n 't h a v e w in- niuit football team s eac h year? And wlial ilo you th in k th e rnn- 101) IX ihsv Ohloago h a d to give up Hie Komet Tlferg is b u t one leanon 'l l '' 'f e w asn 't any m oney Iw lnl "I"'” '’ to bring in foo tball plBvern,

'Mil" lin t sa id- In oonriem na- tion of th* prao ilce of subsld ls- inK collesa players, As a m a tte r o l (aci. I (titnk it'a a ll r ig h t. G ood loo^t'sl' •sl^^«* a ra f tn a lu n . a n d lifn In loo flio rt to c u rb a n y th in g Ih a i b ilu i" liapplness. All I ob jec t

.10 IK Ihe rnKe fro n t th e collegea liiii >H> 'n iln Q iirrent I’aoirio const lnvf>UHSil<Mi, to r exam ple, w ith aupiKmeitly h igh -m inded m en , w ith ideslA i« nifltch, p u ttin g on a ahow over a el'idy o t coiidlU ona UtesKtteadv know.

I »oiii[ri who ihey th in k they 're fwillni.

B uhl to . Jerom e >7.Bwrley >3. Filer 10. flhoahone t8. S ich fle ld 7. M u tta u ih M . CastU «iTd IS.

Ferry I t , W n d e l l 17.K ing Hill IB, M ennU ln H em e 17. iU y b a m r , Paul 11.Aoeqata 10. M e n <t.K imltcrly O . H oilU ter IB.

ia irta»AhMh«M a , R lch fteU >1. M urtaogh II, C astle ferd 17. Ace^uU IS. t l .O lenna f 'rrry 41. W endell U .King Hill t l . M ennU in H om e t« .

CO U .CO B W athlngtoB SI, W a sh ln g tra flta le

Prom oter M ike Jacobs, w ho a n ­nounced th e paid a tU n d an c e as 7.707 and th e gross g ste a s »l#.083.07 fo r th e G ard en ’s opening f ig h t show o f 1940, declined to com m ent on Apostoll’s fu tu re .

Shoshone Cage Clubs Trounce Visiting Teams

8H O 6H 0N E . J a n . 8 (apecla l)-> Bhoshone high school Ind ians Sjcalped the InvndInK Richfield boj-a by a 35-7 score here In th e second h a lf of a doub le-hender th a t nftw th e hom e girl'* trounce tlie visit­ing mnldeuh by a coun t of 43-31.

T h e local boys' r lu b w as in fron t irom th e a ta r i sn d held a 4-1 an- van tage a t th e q u s r te r nnd I?-) a t th e half Ume, T liird period rount was 30-8, H igh scoring honors for the w inning club w en t tp O, B au­m a n n w ith e ig h t a n d A lbright w ith seven . ^

In th e girls’ con test, H errnxlifia connected for 34 counter* while Pow ell led th e Iom ts w ith V3.

Burley Downs Filer By 23^10 Score

BURLEY, Je n . 8 iS i» c lfiH -C o a ch Rulon Rudrfc's Burley BobCRU con- tliiiied on Uiclr u nde feated « n y in sou th c en tra l Id ah o basketball r an k ; here Inst n ig h t by h a n d ln t th e Invad­ing n ie r W lldcaU a sound 23-10 drubbing In a ragged basketball game.

Tl)e local club disp layed a tig h t defense th a t allow ed th e vlaltora only one field goal du rin g th e en tire game—but m ade 17 pe rsona ls in ch ck lu R Uie Invading th ru s ts .

Tiio Bobcats he ld a 0-5 advantngc a t tlic end of th e q u a rte r a n d Uie count a t th e h a lf- tim e was 16-C. T h lid period saw only four iw ln ts scored—all by B urley.

High co u n t, h ono rs fo r th e eve­n ing w ent to ' f e e l e r , B obcat guard , who collected seven po in ts .

In th e p re lim in a ry co n tes t Uie Filer frosh-soph o u tf it scored a 39*18 victory to give th e Invaders a sp lit fo r the evening.

Lineups:BURLEV—A caitu rri a n d Toolson

(4). fon^a rds: M illard , cen te r, (3); C hurch (4) a n d W heeler (7), guards; su b stitu tio n s : L arson , S im ­ons. eilcock. Seeds, Brad ley (3). B ra n d t. K n ig h t (1), Brow n (3).

FYLBR—B w to n s in <l> a n d P e te r ­son (1). fo rw ards: Schnell O ), cen ­te r; B u rk e tt (4 ) a n d P ond (1), gua rds: su b stitu tio n s : Ebersole. V in­cen t and M o n a h an (1).

Amateur Leads Pro Field in Golf Tourney

LOS A N OEIES. J a n . 6 tU .B-A 2S-ycar-oIU imiK.cur from C hica­go. W ilfard Wehrlc, led a field of Uie nnUon's golfers a t U\8 l« s Angeles C ouniiy club tcday In th? second roijnd o f the 85,000 •Las Angele* open.

The foim er w estern am ateu r cham pion held a one-stroko a d - van tase wUh a cord of 87 over. Jim m y Hines D utch H arrison.

Bunched close behind were Olln D utra w ith a 70, ^ n J Eaisworth y inc j. form er teim ls professional • bu t a Roll am ateu r: C h y to n H e t f - ner. Chuck K-jcsls, T ed Long- worth, Ben C oltrln . B ruce McCor­mick and H prry Bessler. a ll w ith

W hen Uie .bulky field completes the second round la te today, it will be trim m ed to 90 fo r Sunday’s p;ay. T hen th e best 80 will m a tch the following day Jor th e seCson's first rich w in ter purse.

N ational open cham p lo n -B y ro ir-------Nelson, na tional a m ate u r king. M arvin (Bud) W ard, defending cham pion Jim m y D em aret, R alph Ouldohl and Paul R unyan a ll were back In th e 74 bracket, while U w son Little and G eorge too E lm were two strokes be tter,

o th e r scores Included:74 -O eorge Schnelter, Ogden.

tJ tah ; Jo h n O eertsen, S a it Lake City.

KimberlrEdges Hollister in Weird Battle


Wilson’s Store Takes^Four _ From Orange

W ilson's s to re c am e th rough w ith a fou r-ln -a-row v ic to ry over O range T ran sp o r ta tio n la s t n ig h t In the f ea tu re of th e bow ling a t Stone's alleys. T he gam ea were C ity league

a n d th e w inners hadth e high score fo r th e evening for b o th leagues.

H igh honors fo r th e Wil»on club w en t td P au l OalliA w ith a S5S count fo r th ree gam es, w hile Roy W eller h a d a 233 h is (irst, gam e (or top s ing le count. M erlin E dw ards lopped th e losers w ith a 4B8 to ta l and a 300 single.

I n the Com m ercial com petition, S c h llts and Z lp-W ay sp lit even, with th e Z lp-W ay club w inning one game a n d to ta l points.

DeAt bowling In th is en counter wsa tu rn ed In by D om er B ertscli who got a 583 to ta l a n d th e top single ot 304, O eorge P au lson led the Zlp- W ay club w ith a 804 to ta l.

Redskins Defeat Declo Quintet In Close Battle

W sker JC M. ( larii U .C.I.A . U. HI. M ary 's I t . rM 4lan4 M, r a r U k V. H.T sa a i Teed U . New M saloa U . B an r ra n rtsM S U U H . N ««ada M. M a d e lU sw l S la ia M . M arrU n tf

U .HI. r ra n r la IB, W ll l la a a n 4 Mary

It.VUUnava 41, O ble tl . ««.O ragan Btatn 48. Id ah o S*. M ontana Minsa I I , i;n lv a ra l tr *1

l« a b e N eathem 84.T e n p is I t , n*«rgst«w n »8.V irginia Teeh I I . H»«»« of Da-

t«4 14.St. r r a n r l s 31, W llU an and Mary

it.K an»aa 4B. D hU hom a tA. a r ln n e l l i t . M m m o u th I I V llUnova 4*. Ohio U n lv r rt ll j 44. KIre 81. T fsa s C hriM lan 4>. lluU er 48, U H alls.37 .K ra th D akota D nlversily 14. N orlh

D ake t* U niversity 10.Mlnaeurl 13. O resley lO el».| S U ta

34.D raha \)nW »nity 47, ftt. U « ts

V nlvanU y t*.' O m aha U 88, N ebraska >Vesl«yan II.

C oloraae (le llri* 91, Colorado M in t! SI,

n r lg h am Voung t ln lv rn l iy 47, M uiilana n ta ir C o llria II.

M ontana 18. ICaatsm W ashlnglon ColUga 10.

0 « n v sr U nlvsrslty M, Colorado S la ta 4».

BID WOIII4> BK W RLCO M I e a s t I,ANB1NQ, MIOh. Ja n . 8

(U.Ri ~ M ichigan S U M oollaga aUi- U tlo offieia ls said they w ould ”wsl- comn” an invlUUon by th e Big I'an eoH leranrit to llll th e vacancy o r ta t - Ml l)v O hlrago'a w ithd raw a l from

football oom pstltlon.

B naka V alley outlaw league rb:h t r * on T h u rsd ay n ig h t by coining 'from bahlnd to sdge th a local e iiiiy . T h e f in a l score w as 40-33 In « ''o ttle th k t w as cloaely fough t a ll tl« ' 'v»y th rough .

T h e Denlo team held an 8 1 a<I- v a n tag e a t th e enil of the iiiM fram e, b ttt th e visitors took ovn ilia K Orlng in th a second period aiiii a t th a h a lf tim e held a 1 7 -P ad- van t«ge .~ a lead w hich they re tn lnrd

■Mirough the re s t of the gsm s.

Bowlind: ScheduleCOM M ERCIAL I.BAOIIE

M en., J a n . fr-K lks vs. Zlp-W ay. Taee., J a n . I — Slm lobalier vs.

■ H * Milk <181.W ad., J a n . I t^ N a tta s u l l.aun*

4 r r va. SehlMs (I) , /T hars .. J a n . I I— Dell'a va. Idaho

f a w a r (7).

C IT Y I.KAOUE ' M oq„ J a n . I —W ilson’s llta ra vs. I ro n n r e m r n .

T m s h J a n . » - - re r r ln s H eU I va. Tw in r a lU L um ber (34).

W ad., J a n . 1^—O range T rnna- p o rla tlan vs. T w in Falla M»ur.

T hsran J a n . I I —r ir e t to n s va. lU lla 'a CftBVoa ( » ) .

M eBPA D IN HOLDS LEAD M A N IU . J a n . 8 IU.RI - H arold

(/iu g ) M o0p«d»n of Hoston fell back a itro k * on th e ^ e ld b u t con tinued to la«d th e *0,000 ^ l l lp u in e a open golf (o u m am en t today w ith a n ag - g re g a u eoort of 140 for th e f irs t two rounds. O the r a«or«« Incladad, Emory and Al Z im m erm an, Pnrt land . O re , 147 and IM lespectlvsly .

J tnhlnii m \\\ Imt,' .... r i?n m'V'.

. !•>Ill

“^ ilV -'w .rT»T nl-i 5101

1?" I7<Iti (7ft 171 »n4.....i l l..... 1(4


T..UI. . . . T H ''iM '«':7 iiTiC'lTV l,KA(itlR

Illllrilrai, M M H1)1

I'dVIM tn

n - . r . l . inn im IJfl «6

S i ? - ' ....Ko*«

.................1*1III l i t «•'

T..UI. ~» l ' "iio ll l l

Special Bowling Match Sunday' BpecUl m a trh gam a is soheduleA for Hundsy a t th e bowling allevi, It waa announced today by M snager Prod Htons.

'The Twin P a lls O range T ^ n ^ ' po rta tlo it team w ill m M t U n O r­an g e TranaiMirlatltwi c lub ^ Poca­te llo In a th r e e - g a m e aertea. o n th e local r lu b ,a r e M srlln Edward*, Dick Bogn, M ct\l« >Andeiso«, W all IMx and Clyde Roaa.

KXMBERLY, J a n . 0 ( S p e c ia l) - K im berly a n d H ollis ter h ig h school basketball team s engagST in one of the w eirdest scoring apreea ever staged on th e local c o u rt he re la s t n ig h t w ith th e Bulldogs finally com ing o u t on to p by a score o f 43-38.

T he-^ball w hizzed th ro u g h th e basket) fro m a ll a n g les fo r M urray of K im berly a n d C lu te o f K oi- llstcr—th e tw o ga rne ring a to ta l of 4 t po in ts betw een th e m . Of these. M u rra y ooUectfed 31.

I h e v is iting plub m a d e Its strong b id fo r vlotory i s th e f irs t f ra m e b y -n m n ln g -u p » - l i i a ”g d ~ van tage . I n th e second period, th e ' Bulldogs sU r te d to click a n d took th e p lay c w p le te ly iw a y from th e H aw k* ko b ring th a c o u n t to 30-14 fo r K im berly a t th e h a lf tim e. I h l r d period count w as 13- 33 for K im berly .

I n th e p re lim in a ry co n tes t th e Bulldogs v«m a n easy 33-7 victoiT over th e invaders w ith Rg,thbun leading th e locals w ith eigl^i points.

Bearded Aces and Redskins to Clash at Gooding

O O O D IK O , J a n . 9 (Special)—T he Renrded Acea of th e House of David will tang le w ith th e Shoshone R ed­skins, s ta t« a m a te u r hasketbnl) cham pions, he re on M ondny. Ja n .

T he tutu scheduled aa a "grtidgo" a ffa ir, Inasm uch as th e Redskins handed th e Aces a 13-30 d e fe a t on the S hoshone floor e arlie r In the weak a n d tiie traveling teom de­m anded a r e tu rn gsm e on a neu tra l floor.

As a p re lim ina ry ti l t th e Declo te am and O oodlng Jayceea will m eet in a refiulntinn fltinke V alley O utlaw league gam e. T h e firs t IIU will s ta r t a t 8 p. m.

Oregon^tate Wins Over Idaho Cagers;rs

m(By U oilad PrMa)

I h t Uaiveraltgr- a t - W a s t a n d O regon S U te coUeg* ; th e lead In th e n o r th e n tMu-. th e PacUk: Coast conferenc* U by Virtue o f th e ir yictorieg — WashlngtOD 8 U t« a n d Id ah o re - specUvely. O regon a n d M ontan* . - th e o the r tw o no rthw est ( e a iu , did n o t see acUoa.

Bob Voelker, W ashlngU o guard, M e gam e o u t o f th e T lr t

w ith ^ free th ro w l a t h t l u t tee* ends o t an overtim e duel to gif* th e Huskies a 89 to 38 w in over W ashington ' SU t*.— O regon s u t e h a d eom paraU rely little trouble in dow ning Id ah o U

^ k M iBdki. T«t«raa fot^rard. led th e B eare rs to th e ir v io to n over th e V andals w ith 10 polnt«. Both team s saw m any substitutions.

T h e team s m e et a g a ta tc n lg b t


S ou thern university 's T iger basket­b a ll team esU bllshed a n «arly lea'd la s t n ig h t over M o n tan a eohool of m ines a n d bulK on i t th roughou t the gam e to de fea t the w ea ir Butte team , 84 to 33.

BUTTONSRruin c lub trea su ry was conald-

e inbly boU tered tndny a.i Ihe sale o t b asketba ll "booster ' bulto iw eit- lis u ite d th e in ltln l auppl.v of 13 dow n. P re a ld e n t I rs rn r l iie y a'llil.

UTKS PLAY nitONCHSAN UOHIC, C n i lf , .Uii 8 aiB^ -

llnlverfiiiv o t O kliiliom s sn d tli il- vorslty o f U tnh have ben i added to the 1040 foo tball sclirriule n( S a n ta O lsra un iversity . It wnn annoim ced today. U ta h will plav the Urnncon In 8 s n P ran clsco Kept ae, while O klahom a will via lt Ihs coaat on Nov. 10.

T h e Sw edish a i r force will aug ­m ent l u pow er w ith n I s r ie ntmi- ber of llr lt lsh w arplane*, ranked as Uie speediest b ip lanes In the royal a ir fo rc e ;- '


UY FROM BARNARDl1838 CIIRYHLEK8 MEDAN ..................^ i |t i l l CHRYSLER Royal CM pc,

.... ...$6951038 FLY M O U Tli D eLnse Cespe,

....... $575IMS rL Y M O U T Il D eL aie Conpe, beater anddefroster .................1037 PLYMOUTH 4 door Sedan 1M7 rL Y M O U T Il 1 donr K rtlan 1938 FORDfoUJM'11133 l,ilKVHOI.KT (o a r lito il tJnK>’ltO l.i : i Cosflli10.11 r i i r v i t o i .K T OoUJH'10*8 CHEVROLET CnujM. .....i n ? n t i i o K Wrdan .....................




Chrysler P h . IM Plym M lli



Page 6: PROBE ASKED IN BRITISH CABINET SHAKE-UP^ · VOL. xxni. NO. 15-6 CENTS. FINNISH FORCES •Richest Girl’ Hubby to Canada N NOIil


Page 7: PROBE ASKED IN BRITISH CABINET SHAKE-UP^ · VOL. xxni. NO. 15-6 CENTS. FINNISH FORCES •Richest Girl’ Hubby to Canada N NOIil

Bfttnrday, J a o o u y 6,1940 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO

Response to Farm Sale or Rent Ads Is Increasing Daily...List Yours NW A N T A D R A T E S

F or PubU catloo tn Both T D a S ADd NEWB

S A T tS PB E U N B PBX DAY:■ l i d v a . p a r U m M day . . . . U« TIUM dayi. per lim per dftjr • . • «to O M per Ita* ..................I4c

S8 1/8 Discount For Cash

C u b d b e o u n t allow ed U a d v e r tiu - e u o t U paid (o r w lth lo seveo days • f f l r t t law rU on.K o c liH tfled ad taken (or le s t th a n M e. tndud lQ c d l«co im t U o a of c la u H M adverU slag com ­pu te d OD baoT V if (Ive m edium - le n g th words p e r line.


IN JS310M B Leave Ads a t K W Root Beer

IN RtTPERT Lea?e Ade a t R ealdence of M n . Ida W lieeler. 7 U B St.


T h e T IM E S a a d K EW S w ish to n u k e K -c lear to tb e lr readers th a t ’ U n d ada" (ad s contalnlDS a tKuc

' Dumber, tn o a r e « I th e two papers) a re s tr lc t l ; c on llden tla i a n d no In­form ation can he given concerning th e advertiser. Anyone w anting to answ er a d a ss tf ied a d carry ing a TIMBB-N&W S box num ber should w rite to th a t box and e ith e r m all or b ring I t to th e TIM BS-N BW S office. T h ere U oo e x tra charge (or box num bers.


Over 15,000 Employes On Your Payroll


W ANTED - Y our w elding repair work. Save m oney du rin g th e win­te r season. K RE N O EL ’8 SH O P.

W ELL drilling a n d repa iring , by ex­perienced w orkm en w ho Runrantee ih c lr work. W rite H cn lfln As Rug* a lts . Box S3. W endell. Idaho>

GOOD THINGS TO EATM O. sorghum . M kt.. 490 B. L. N.

S K Jt foods a t Pufcllo M a ^ t .

CHIROPRACTORD O your h a n d s o r fee t ;-go to sleep-

o r ( e e r num b? A djustm ents cor- i r c i th is a ilm ent. D r. Almii H ar-

- (im. 130 M ain N. P hone 1W 2.

*” b a t h a n d m a s s a g e ’U A lA -O R 'i. U * M ato P h . \l* -R .

MCCONNELL. SSO M aln- S .-1330-J:-

SCHOOLS AND TRAININGNEW te rm begins J a n . 8. Dny and

n igh t school. T . 7 . Buslnes.«; Unlv

MEN to take up « lr condlllonlng and e lectric rcfrlBcratloii a n d bct-

.■•‘ te r th*fi»etve-rJrfiM t■^•■ m echan­ically Inclined, willing to tra in In ■spare tim e to qunllfy. W rite U tU ' itles Inst., care Ncws-Ttme.-;.

LOST AND FOUNDL O ST: Ring of keys. nci*r Olbbs

Bean Elev, Co. R ew ard. P h . 03.

SH E E P Dog. Collie s n d p iir t 6 hcp- herd. <lnrk brown. ReWHrdl F rsn k Buchan, jjhone B uh l 324-J3.

bO S T Femnlff U cw cllyn SH ier, w hite w ith black iirad . black M »t on roo t of tiili and blnck upecks. O lh K. Byslrr, Bull), plu).

420 rew ard.

When You Use Times and News

Want Ads!

Yes SIrl T he m om ent you place your w an t ad In th e classified co l­um ns of the T im es and News over 15,00 sa les­m en go to work for so u l Y our ad Is placed in to over 15.000 homes dally w ith th e resu lt t h a t your w an ts a re solved w ithin a sh o r t tlmal

pilGNE38 or 32

- Ask for the Adtaker -


t30 WEEKLY - G row M ushrooms, cellar, shed. • We buy 35c lb World;s la rgest com pany PRCE B O O iy M ushroom s. 1937 Third Avenue. S eattle . W ash.

Q U IE T fro o t room. ? h . SM-W.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESFO R L E A S E ^-^ rv lce J ta tlo n . gro­

cery store, living quarte rs . Ph. 351.

rO R SALE O R LEASE—1st Class beam y shop equip. Box 52. News- Tlmes.

OTRVICE staU on fo r lease. M eter pumps, grease lif t a n d equipm ent. W rit* P . O . Box 208. P h . 134.

GOOD dairy l o u ^ and equipm ent fo r sale. W holesale a n d reta il W rite Box 35 Tlm es-News.

FO R RENT: ?deri lu n c h service, 017 liliiliway. ccjulpped. 115 m o. W rite Box 66, Eden, lUalio.

BEAUTY Rliop. doing good business, reasonable for cash . M ust sell by Ja n . 15th account of 111 health . Box M, N ew s-T lnicsr "

FO R SALE—G eneral store, 1 st class cond. Good' loc, 2 blks to school. Doing buslnes.s. A sn a p for .v)meone Interested. Box 51, News- Tlmes,



16x120 buBlne.u loc,—117 M ain E. Reas, rent. Inq, W estern Optical.

3'R M , ap '., RAmii-, bnrn, chlricen litrnsp, lot lor several cows, tjfir- den. 3 ’, ml. E .o ii Adcilhon. Mrs. 8 . J. Kelly. ■

TIIK more |>roi>l«' voii li-ll thr; c|iilck- IT ,joii"«i/'<'lll Newil-■^lnn•. WaiU Adr rnkcli SS '. of Ihc lioini‘.\ in Magic Vsll.'v. •___

nEAUTY SHOPSSPPJC IA L H -perm anenla »1.50 up.

Mrs. Neeley, 183 3rd E. Ph. 366-R,

JJKLEN O 'C .mniir, over Snow ball'.. Pii. 3mi-\v. rpviii. II.AO iiii. m b ii-

I tlu lc l, Ann I’l'tei'soii, O ladys

DEAtlTV AltTU ACAUKMY O il. I’l-iniiini^nln iin ii>w lut 11.00

Ju n io r titiuli^iit work Irco Pit 30a 135 M uin West

M A nO fL l.ltH 151 T h lii i Avo N .'Ilie ntiop III iniiinuiil iiRiinunentA and liialliiK lin iin wnve* Oil alinmiHW mill riiiiiRi wiivR, M)c ICventngi by

i'lione SSa

^ SITU ATIONS \n N T K l) 'W AN'rtl>--HlHnKillig. I'll. 2060-J.

I '..\i ', wiiniiiii wtiiilA <'()<iKin« lor M irrp vismi*' *’■ O I'iW, J r i -IIIDC.

M ID D I.r-A d l'-l) hKly >f(iil|ln linwk,(III liimu- iilKlilv HiJX S .’ Npws- ■rimr,i

inU K tA T lO N Joli w unted. All 111* . ^l|lll^^ nnn'n<'ir(i. i)ii)t 4AI, (iood-

liig, Iilit,

FI^IA l.E n m * WANTICI)W ANTKU-'lOili. Htil for <HH>kliig

niKl gen. Iiiiwle. PU, UIB-W.

MAKK III I J ] III a wk. DiriMnii givrii ll^ h ln w "rtatert" rtrensrn,Ni> exper, Nn ('Bnva»slng. O u lfll liirfi. jR iialene, U f|il. W-'J. I|i<llnn- a)K)liN, IlHi.

" MALE HELP w a n t e d ”AHl.E 'm an lo d inlrlbulo aamiilM]

Iniiidln coffee loiile. G ood living, llealliilu i, li)dfl|iendent occu|ia- iKiii. d e l free partlou lara. Zanol, 1(101 I'oplHr, O akland , Calil,

“ SALICSMEN WANTED~“A D VEltriHlNC i la lea m e n -R B p -A - • lU<0'/> MHiiiey m aker, n e iu a-

IIoiihI nprrlitlly; advertlaea m er- cliant'a^UBineaa on c ig are tU paok- Mgtia: pm tM ta park from nruahiiig: •7ft-»l()0 wrrklv i i)nim, Pifi> nmn- (i|p». xnletKll Iliiii-A -l'uk. 'm Kr;ii,iiriii)ii, ciiii'AKu.


OUT.SIDE riilVnnrc. 43. 3rtl Avr. N,

3 UMH. fiirii, 313 4tii Avp. JC.

1-RM. furii. 3rd Avr W,

PARTLY furn apt Pii. MO,

PURN~ Alit«. 25r-5Ui Avc,' E n s l~

HEDUCKU la lca alO-fiUl Avr. hJ.

Al*T. \33 Main W UfUBi>nal)le,

3-Knu., irr'iul Hr 20<1 niuo Lakes N

ii-llM. apt. A<lulifl only Pii. UOli


SL EEPIN G rm . 313 4 th Ave. E.

. F ireplace, a ir-con . P h . 1652

UNFURNISHED HOUSESPA R TLY fu m . ir . house. 0389-RL

3 RM S. Inq, 383 Sidney. So. P ark .

8-RM . ra(M. house. 3 bdrm s.. full c e ­m e n t i>taem ent, furnacc , desirable loc. 18S7 6 th A ve. E. Ph, 289.’

5.-RM. house, 3 ]ots. on Lois St., S. Pk.. IIS . R e n t In advance. Inqu ire 388 Sidney SI,. 8 , Park.

UNFURNISHED HOUSES5-RM, ilousc on HnrrI.'on street.

Inq , 414 3rd Ave. We.'i,

ATTRACTIVE S-rm . house, iidwd,. floors, fum nce. flrcplnce. close In. reasonable. Swim Inv, Co.


3-RM. m odem a t 459 -Ash S t. I n ­qu ire 131 H arrison ,


Fred P . B a t« - N o r th e m Life Ins. C o . Peavey-T aber BIda. Ph. 1378


MODERN houles In Buhl, 4 to 6 rooms. WUI trad e for Tw in Falls p roperty. E . A. M oon. P h . 6 or 31


VACANT lots. Close tn. P h . 97 o r 338,

EQ UIPPED farm for sm. business, p refer grocery. Box 3, News-Tlmes.

TO TRA D E: 40 acres 3 mL S.W. of Buhl, 20 acres apples a n d com ­plete equipm ent for handling them . N ice, m odem homo and o th e r good Improvements. W ill trad e fo r T « ln Falls residence property. H arry Bnrry, 127 M ain Ave. w est, T?.-ln FalLv

REAL ESTATE WANTED^0. 80 or 130 acre farm eas t of T ^'ln

Falls . M ust be choice, C. A; RO B­INSON, 117 61io.shone S.


Jurn hom e or ap t. Coll 317."^

40-80 Acres. W ould pay cn.'.h for 40. Have ow n equipm ent, can finance self, box O ne, News-TJmes.

' WANTED! .SiTiall AcreageClose to' TwiTTTallfi

n iili m odern 5 room home, ba rn and o ther outbiillrilng,'!. Desire t< ren t lor one year w lili option to buy

P hone 0481-Rl.


1937 Ford V-8 In ick , good contlll.loh, low mileage, fully equipped, to triide for pootl m ilk cow.s. ,J. E. Brown, 7 miles 8 . W. of Jerome.

Business and Professional


H u ild ing and C o n trn c tin e

H icycte Repairirifim 'AHlUH" CYOLKRV Piiuna >81

( ^ r p e n te r s

JUSTAMKRE Inn P h 4&lltC>nsli> 071

AP'I'H. 'I l i r Oxliml, 4k Mnlii N orllii

3 UMt!. comp, liirii.. cle»-. rqu lpped , slkr. h t, pii„ laundry, 710 3d Av, K.

HOU^tBKEI^PING ROOMSnmn. 3Bfl 4 th Aviv K.


2 iiiii


n iJ, and rin. l?(l fltii Ave. N.

KM, and bd. 33(1 6ili Ave. K. I'll. iUMl.

I IM .'a; Ix i 'f t ir 3, Pii, I1R3J.

ho O M nnd Iwurd. f a i - l l l i 'A t r . N

m O B t t6 0 M -i lF 7 th T T B im o Kuat.

ItM, and bd. 3S1 3iid A v e.^ v i 1313

HOOM and board. M rs, U, F, Olark, 717 BhMh'one N, P h , 687,


MICE rm*. 304 7Hi N. Pli. ia74-M.

FH O N T heated iw nn.

FUJINAOJC h t„ p iiv . ei

P h J3 i0 -n

ir . l*iiT IW7.

NIOB room, oloae In,

ItM, aliikfr h i. 411>3rd W. Ph , lAiA

N iU CU aige im |>li, 457J.~f

fiquT lrnced . leiiMinable Pli. 1413,

C’ofif an d W oodAUEllUUEN COAL

Movinu l ia iu lr r McCiiy Coal • IV n ln lrr I’liulio 3 or 3(H)

C u rta in Shopa

D clirery Servicv

f lo o r S a n d in ffn o m nnntUng, U. A. « eW er. 3668-J

Job l*rin tingQ i : A i . iT V ^ I ' o h T m N T i N ( ;

l.rii.i lir .iiin 1 . , M ail P l« « a ’ 1111..I1 1 1 Ciiiiln . , , PolderA

n ta tlonery Ni'iWH and TIMEB

c:oMMI I » '1 M ^ » I N T I N O bKI*T.

IntiuranceI 'nu i-v 'i’idier Co„ Ino P h m ii 301

Ja n ito r S u p p U etK IIK l’l mWKEPIMO O O M rO U N ll

• IIIKII liiiionrn. P h o n e ,10^1.

K ey ShopI'LArtluw o V otX H Y . P ltfme l« l

nchaiie Key Bhop 130 3nd Bt. MuTh ll«,ic of Idaho D ept. Store,

Launderte»rI'Arlniaii iJaundry, Phone afco"^

M oney to Loanp«rn. and c ity loam , 4H % . prom pt

urilnii Hwiin Inv Co JMt Ml

u ,|„|I<'H (111 luan i on liumea ll4Miin fl, •Uftiil. lU I 'lu a l UiUi I'h , a04l.

M o n ey to Loann ii . i ,a i HILL.SI n iL i.H i

tf iliry IP n rlllim you down Ihrii i.i U i'lpymi! ;4iiliirii'il iit iMim u inly llii-li^ M riia iilir lo boiniw

.ffi t o $r)0U|> lo a m oiillin III 11‘pavl

CA.Slf C H K D rr CO n m s. 1-3 Hllfklioldpr niilK. I’ll. 77(1

O aieopaUdc P h ysic ia nUr .1; J M lltrr, 412 Muln N Ph iU77

D r. O W Ronr 114 M.iln N Pli 037

P a in tin n 'D eco ra tin gany A llxe Phono 1607-W

B L b tin lIrr ..P U o i.e r j0 3 - j

F lu m b in q an d U va tiu q

R ep a irin gPOW El.L ItA O IO -P H O N K 809

0 VEIIN YATICH Phon# 788

THIS CURI0U8 WORLD By William FergiiBon

A N e X P > E R TC A M i p e r s m p v a R I J C 2 .B y e x U V N M fs /lN J® T H E S C A t _ E S O M ACA/A u t s j D E t a .

T H E /V M C R O S C O P E .

W H A L .es0 C C A S (0 ^4A U -V G>fVE B I R T H T O 7 yw /\is» B t_ JT A S i r v J 3 l _ E

O F F S P C 5 ( rv « £ > 1& T H E <=>E fN IE R A L . R U L E .

/ - t


3 ACRES, Vj m l. from tow n on oil road. 5 -rm . m od. house, fu rnace , fvill cem ent basem ent, double g a r- aRt, C hicken a n d cow b a m . Inq . K . L. C anfield. K imberly.

60 A. N orth ^ f CastlefonS: Im m . Pos-s. Good Soil, 4‘’« te rm s. 15 yrs. $1800 dn . W L. H enderson. Buhl • \ ml. W . on Hlway No. 30, Ph, 301-R3, Have a few o th e r p laces w ith down paym ent# a s low. as 1320.


•i- liHve farm prices been c u t so ns in th e bl* sale now In prog-

30 GAL. used H ot Po in t elec tric ho t w ater healer, used very little . Ph 1807.

If yoi^ have n o t nlrehdy Invcstl- sniPd ilii'.'P barRaln.s. d o n 't delay a noih 'T nilnule.

•nils once w hen Hn Investm ent such iis you c an m ake should re tu rn

a quick p io fll. Everyone likes 10 mnke money, nnd th is Is your golden opportunity .




FO R K A I.F -equ lly In Novak e.-iHite.5 mlli'.s of Ilulil. Con-

^ s h t .1 nf nil, 3 room-house and o the r out.ildo Impiovemeiits. MoitRHKf balance about 14300, W ill kcil ffiuily for cash to h ighest bidder. H urry Bnrry, ndm ln b tra - lor, 127 Mtiln Ave. weM. IMi'ln F n lh

F AU M S^N l) T c u k a (;e s KOR RENT

40 A, rll.^ll ri'iK. Ilox fi, Newd-Tlinc.i.

' ^ h a v .< ;r a in . f i :k i) “May, barley for sale, Ph, 0183 J I ,

VVlllCAT, barley, iu y . Pii. 01D. *K3

CUSTOM corn fllielllng; all Kinds Kiiy H anbiiry, Pimiio 331. lliilil.

n TONH (It icood vrtlow .•nrii, Hiielled a t 11.30 cwt. bulk iil furnv K rnrht A. Kelnke, fl nil. (i I K . m n i r iin n i ' 74-J12, PH-t

j . i ^ s t (k : k H A r.ic ”

os lirril owes. Ph . 1031 eve.

W KANER piKi. 4 '. ml^K. of r. Main.

PEEDKIt plHft, ^ n o ' 2' s im rtrrrP , U iilna niiilrs. 14 ino. Kniidson nincli, I '•! m l. tj. llulliAiri,



DRY wood. 137 2nd Ave. E.


The WPA sono office will be lo­c a ted u t Bulil. Mayor Joe K oehler announced today.

K oehler m ade the announcem ent a fte r h e was advlacd a t th e ta c t W PA officials had re jected an of­fe r by th e c ity and county of Tw in. F a lls to furn ish ren t-fre e qua rte rs here.

The office, K oehler said, will have a sta ff of approxim ately 10 persons a n d a m onthly payroll o f 13,000. I t will bo located In B uh l’a c l l / ‘bulld- InR.

A lom m litec of th ree local nessm en h as been m aking a n m - tensive survey here to locate pos­sible office sites and (he leasing of one such site, a t 231 M ain avenue, WB.-i con.<ildered. I t w as fo r­m erly occupied by a business sthooV I n addition to free r e n t, th e WPK also desired l ig h t ^ e a t and j a n i ­to r service withoW ^cost, T h e office la exp<>cted to open In B uh l about J a n . 15.

M embers of . th e com m ittee m ak Ing th e office s ^ e y he re wen A rthu r J. P e a v ey .T M lrm a n ; L ion­el A. D ean a n d Carl N . A nderson.

Location of th e W PA h e adquar­te rs a t the w est end c ity m arks the aecond such move by federa) ag en ­cies. T he farm security a d m in is tra ­tion 's county office w as form erly In Tw in Falls , bu t w hen request Tor ren t-fre e q u a rte rs failed he re th a t agency tran s fe rred f o th e iB u h l c ity hall.

Woman in Ohio : Asks About Old

Friends of 1912If you lived In or around Twin

F a lls In pioneer days of 1913. ttUs o u g h t to In tere st you In'^the wiy of A uld L ang Syne.

M rs. H arry Kirk, now realdlQf a t 310 M aple stree t. Lisbon. O.. vrots a le tte r - to th e Cham ber of Com ­m erce asking about some o f th e folks she knew 38 years ago.

Specifically, she w anta to know: la Mr. Lee G lass stlU Uvlog; M *6.

w here; and Is he m arried? it a M r. seav e r s till Uvlng in Twin F alla? (He l* - in fac t, two of th e m ). Do a M r. and M rs. QameweU MQler a llll hve here?

W hat's m ore, the O hio ree lden t asks ano ther question delving back to pioneer days of th e tra c t. Baya she: "My husband was w orking for, th e G re a t Shoshone a n d T w in FU la W ate r Power com pany. I a m anx i­ous lo know w hether o^not the above company was luocenfnL "

As fo r th a t cpiery, a Uttle raaearoh aided and abetted by Maoaier R ^lph Carpen ter of the Idaho Pow er com pany o nsw en M rs. S lrfc th u s : T h e G re at Shoshone and Twin Falla W ater Pow er company was not suc­cessful. In fac t. It w en t Into tht h a n d s of receivership a f te r building th e Shoshone falls p lsn t. The con ­cern was one of the five p ropertiea consolidated by Idaho Pow er com­pany. ___ _


POCATELLO. J a n . 8 (U-FO-Em- m a n u el Seefrled. 84, A m erican Falls, died la s t n ig h t a fte r a h e a r t a t ­ta c k whUe driv ing h is c ar n e a r th ea irp o r t np rth .of-pocaw llo .---------- —

According to S ta te Police O fficer J . H . Bowns. th e c a r le ft th e road w en t over a barrow p i t and th rough a wire fence T h e c a r w as n o t d a m ­aged a n d th e o the r occupan t, Mrs. K rls tlnna Seefrled, w as un in jured ,

. Seefrled 's body w as taken to A m erican F alla fo r burlsii.

FA IRBAN K S - MORSE deep well e jec tor pum ps and p ressu re sys­tems. T he m ost ecm om lcal pum ps

-you c an buy.K R E N G EL S HARDW ARE

W HAT you have and d o n 't w ant, 5omeone w ants b u t d o e sn t havet Sell those "D on't W ants" th rough th e use of an Inexpensive Classi­fied Ad.

A UTO door glass; w indshields, and ^window glas.%. No c harge fo r se t­

ting, We alu have a large slock o \n o n - s h a t te r gloss w hich c an be c u \ t o f it any m ake o f auto.


FURNISHINGSELEC, Stove. Box 48. Times-News.

■Wednesday, Ja n u ary S Deed. W. P, S h inn to B , D . Long

$300, P t . 17 10 18.Lease. H, 0 , G eK ert vs. J . H . S h a rp

Crop' R e n t L ots 4 'and 6; SW H 16 10 19.

Deed. E, F . P ra te r to J . E . Cress, •10, Lots 15 a n d 16 Blk llS Tw in PrfTls,

Deed, E. A, Moon to Elsie May W alters. 810, L ot i M oon's 1st Sub- div T w in FalU , ' \

D eed. J . W. MilU to I, L G am an d , •8,000. P t, 30 10 17,

D eed, J . A, Schulund lo 0 . A. S trohm eyer, •2,000. Lot 11 Blk. 37. T w in Falls.

Deed. J . 8 , Lorain to H, jrH u d d les - ton , I187J0 : Pt. 8ENWNW 8 10 18,

USED HEATERSE very One a Bargain I


3 Elcclric Washcra1 A utom atic ....................................1 T iio r ........ ................. ...................1 H aag .


v a o u u m o I e a n e rElectrolux, good condition. Com­

plete a ttachm en ts , |30. C. C. An- deroon. Co.

AUTOS FOR s a l e ”•30 FO R D cpe„ e»c. cond. Filer, 8J10,

M U ST sacrifice a t once—E quity In •37 Pontioo 2-door sedan.80, TlmeS'News.

*38 Chev. P lrkiip on ly 14,000 mi.. •38a, o r will trude. See a t DInrs Coal ya rd or K 8, o f Curr>'. J . N M oqpt.

'30 Htude. dlx. rrulnlng nrd. O. I)., cliinatizcr. radio, like new . t07ft

'37 Htudr*. r<iu|Mi expreiss .....M4S'37 Nasli-LaC. coupe, O. D., nnw 1400 '33 Plym outh m l a n ...................... 1276

R e a l lHntaCe'Infmrancer. O. OitAVICH and Sons. PImna 318

Itn lph K. r u in r r a t iludnun-Clark 's

TralleraT ta lU ra lo t io ta iftt W est

lY ailer llousra U fin I'inllet (.0.

T ypcw l'iterBSales, renlHls ami nrivioa S'lmne DO.

U p h o ln te i^ gR epairing, refini«liliig O ra u A iln i

ley F u m I80 and u t C I'll 1D8

y e n e t i a n ItlindBO iiara iiteed iteiUlontliil V niollaii

llllnilpi, :i»(i Ml ( ( . liu iiilln i PENNjrV'fl, Tw in Faiii

IIABY OHIOKH ......... »7 00 p n 100Heavy Breed Piille ls .............l.rKiioin Piillftta ..........................

U, H. » . O. p HIrrrt rlilfkd /ind piiileU Irnm offli'lal 2»u mul 300- I'Rg (lUkle.i—f in e tt In liUtlio— Chlckn lie , 13>: iiixl 13r; piillels iBo to 30r. Com iilele lltrra iin e FUEKI

HAYEU Hi-CIHAOE llA TCtlRU Y Twill Fulla


chUkenn nnd liiriteys Independent M eal Coinpaiiy

WANTED TO UUYClOOD tw in l)«ds. o a n p ls ti . Ph. 130.

r duplex.

or •* H P, alnitlfl phase m otor. fiihtiHn 'I’a iin rry , S m i, H. of *. ft .Pta



TH E TW IN FALI.H CANAL COM­PANY;You n ie hereby notified iliai the

regu la r nifeling or (tie stockholrlers o f (he 'IV in Falls C anal Com pany will Im< helii <m n iesilay , th e Olh ilay of ,Januaiy . 1040, a t 10 o'cloi K A, M a t tile g^Tfice of said Com |)«iiy in 'I 'w in I'VtllK, Idalio, for th e |nii|ionp of rli'rlUiK live luenibeia of Uom d <il D Irertois anA .iruiinii'd iiH Aiirli o tiier biulness a s m ay < brtom snUl nieellng.

T he (KHiks Will clone for th e Ira n i- fer <i[ Alork Irn ilaya iMfoin milit m erthiK and lOl proxies iniiHl be In th e h ands ii( the U ecrelary no t less th a n rive iliivn ix-lore salil inrelliiK.

T W IN F A I.ia CANAL COMPANY lly Mnima I.. W kh, N rorelarr

Publish Tliiirs l)«i:. J9, 1038; Jan 1940.

NOXrCK TO nxbcKIIOLDnitN Notice ii hereby given that Uie

ragiilar annua) meeting of (he Stock- holdtrs of Uie Mome Loan Company, for the purpose of efectlng DlrecWri for the ensuing year, and for the traniafltlim ol suoit nUier btuiness as may pru|>erly come IwfOre said meet- hti(, will be held Tueaday, )*n. 10. 1940, at 4iao o-ctook P, M.,rln the Baiiklni Room of the Twin Falls Sank M Trust Company, Twin FalU, Idaho.

IIAJUIY lA T O N . • ^ r e l a r y . f u b . T Im e s -Ja o , I , I I , IHO.

R«al Estate TranBfereI n fo n n a tW fam ish ed by

Tw in FalU T itle an d A bstrac t Com pany

- 7 ^

V E O A N E D I MBO ISE, Ja il. 8 (U J V ^ - > • Y e a - >

m an . 65, editor, legislator a n d s ta t* liquor commUsioner. died l i« t n ig h t a f te r a prolonged Illness. ^. Y eam an was appointed to a fo u r- year te rm on the sU te liquor con­tro l commission by Qov. c , B en Ross in 1835. Previous to th a t h e . w as a Republican m em ber o f th e s u te - i« g is ta tu r e - - m io ~ B to n B v n ie ~ county for five 0------- *---------------

a n d also was a m em ber of s ta f f o f . th e Idaho Falla RegU Kr.

B uria l wlU be a t Id ah o FaUa. fu n e ra l will be se t la ter . IMan Drops Fight

On Divorce Mo’W ithdraw ing hU dem urrer to hl«

wTIeV Tm it-ror-atvorc*, a K lm lierly” husband had advised th e d is tric t co u rt today th a t he refu se^ to pleajl f u rth e r In th e action.

H e is Ja y Newman, w ho h a d filed d em urre r a n d 'a petlUon fo r d lsm U - sa l of th e divorce case filed T h u ra - day by Mrs. G ladys M w m an , m o th ­e r o f two children, Mre. N ew m an c harged no n -su p p o rt T he couple m a rrie d D e ^ S a . 1938, in T w ht F a lls a n d th e w l ^ a s k s custody of th e c h ild ren , a g ^ tw o and th ree . '


J a n . 8 (U.PJ—G ilbe rt Beesmyer, fo r­m e r so u th e rn C a lifo rn ia ' financier, w as pa ro led by the s la te board of .prison te rm s and paroles yester­day a f te r serving nine years of a 40-year sen tence for em betsilng >8,- 000,000. •


P^RRINEW. D . Elklngton. Id aho FalU , waa

In P e rrin e buying hay and looklnf a f te r h is sheep In terests th^re ,

M rs, L ou Abbott was ta k en to Tw in FalU general hospital J a n . 1.

Max P u rdum spen t some tim e vla- itlng friends in Jerom e on th e New Y ear.

M rs. R u th Geomer, Jerom e, waa a v is ito r a t th e home of M r.' a n d . M rs, WUI Brown,

Id ah o Pow er com panr U JuatooR i- p le tin g th e pow er line In to P e r r in * . '


show m an.12 T o p la ce In

lin e , .13 A fternoon

m eal,14 P re ce p t. lO W rll ln g tab le. 17 S u rfe i ted .1» D ese r t f ru i t , 20l>uci.31 Penc il ends.23 M endow .

■^4 A nd,39 S o u n d of

sorrow .28 P o rta l.28 Road.30 T h ree .

A nsw er t» F rcv lo u a F u i i le

13 H e fe a tu re d------ from a llove r th e w orld,

17 E x pense o f coinage.

18 G od o f lo v «31 C ircus beast.32 Fallacies,35 B rsnch .27 R iver.39 L ight b row n , 31 Bucket.

2 i » p , . . . i o r cl43 To SUbaist.44 S ix th m onth ,

30 R oasting rod . 40 n ro k e n teeth .33 V agabonds. ^ H ea lth re so r t ? "!■>>•■ ** P r« « o d g r sp c34 M oham m edan b3 T hrobs.

nyro i\h , &0Sea eogle,3 flE lcc lrm e d 37 H e w as nn

— - by hlrl'li.SB H e sp e c la lu c d

In ■ —— type of show .

piirtlclc .7 L au g h te r

sound , s a n is c u i t .30 C om pass po in t40 T o lo iter ,41 S t re e t . .

8 O ceans.7 Fautvded.8 R ight,0 To bow.

\ 10 Russian m oun ta in s .

U M other,

skins.48 D tstlncttv*

theory ,90 A frican

a n telope ,33 B efo re C h r is t93 Each.94 F o rm o (SB S ou th .

C aro lina ,

Page 8: PROBE ASKED IN BRITISH CABINET SHAKE-UP^ · VOL. xxni. NO. 15-6 CENTS. FINNISH FORCES •Richest Girl’ Hubby to Canada N NOIil

7^ .

• -Page ID A H O E V E N IN G T IM E S , -TW IN F A L L S , ID A H O S « t i ^ y . i iuiuBry 6, 1940

WASHINGTON. 6 'U P '- Dl-leclor J. EdKnr Hoovrr of Uir fed­eral bureau oJ Invcsilgailon <1ouWed his sta ff In Mlnml lodny in rom bal ■'otllclftl oorruptlon ' niitl ph In fh u of iior'lhcrn liofKlliitns.

.anm blliiR cnsinofi nmi nouscs of prosUmiinii i» r r "ruiinliig. wide open." rioover said. R r |« ir« b>' his (iinJt sliO-K "ft hnli rtiiTeii o t moTt" iiicmbcr.<; ul lUe Mlnml B ead) pollcc dcpartniciii hnve criiiiiiinl rccords.

Blame ToleranceClinrscs bv F B I . InvM tlgator

Bgdliikl the pohrrm cii range from aulomobllc ilie fi >n '•Impersonnilon of B low officer." Hoover said- He blnmert tolcrniKc of "wide oiicn' condlUons by public officia ls fo r ihe Bitractlon of racketeers from large no rilicn i cliic5.

"As^v place lUM hft« RambUin and prostitution, alw ays U a mecca for hoodl'ims and fugitives from Jin- iicf." h r snld. •T lic only way tlipy can spend ih c tr l ll -g o tu n money Is

12 E x tra MenImprr.s.<;cd disclosures m ade by

his »ri>fl in th e -cleB n-up c n m p a lsn ' ordered by A ttorney O enern l Pranlc Murpliy. H oover h as ordered 12 nd- ditJonal O -m cn to Florida In a n ti­cipation of in tense gang rivoln- f * control o f the lucrative w inter resort rackets.

He declined to dl-scuss Uic Justice departm en t's surveillance of hench­men o f A1 Copone, form er Chicago Kangster^who is scheduled to go to Ills Mlnml e sta te a fte r hLi release from a Baltim ore hosp ital w here he Is being trea ted for paresis. T he de­p a rtm en t h as adm itted , however. Lhat Is was w atch ing form er Capone cronies In F lorida.

Lincoln SchoolMUs D orothea Cook’s room 11-0.

I.liicoln school, has been ntudvlni; wool a n d as the clim ax of (heir study , each ch ild In th e room wuve u rug- Tliey also m ade sliccp nnd o the r anlmnl.s o f wool and colion.

J im m ie s1ioi\vpll e n te r ta in ed room Ida Allen’s c^|m . w ith n p a rty on hl.s b h tliday . Ja n . 2. Rr- frc.ilinieni,« a e re Icr crcnm and ciikr.

Room 5-N, Ml.i.' P lo m ic r Sclinlt?' room. I.'i enjoylnii (h r |>ostrr. -’Wnlt on C u rb " T hey r t t v r t t tn c f,(OTSfs about ■trnfflc iwM.v.'' plso fabies III snfply Tlipy liopr tills will helii liniii to be more carefu l titid akoUl iccUlent.n • ■ '

Mrs. Oliiclys Domounlln's room Is brRlnnlni; s mill of .study on Ja p an nnd Clilnn. An exhibit Is on dls plflV in room 3-N. ,

Room <-N. M1.S1 LaVon Harrl.son' room, had an n itrnc llve Christm as Tliey prrpiirrd two ba.slccts to take cnrr i>f nendy fnmllles, T liry are Ix-KinnlnR s new un it ol study Hiiwall.

Rooms lO-N and I l-N . L incoln school, have been lis ten ing to serle.s of broadcasts on "School the Air."


Word Tells Death - Of Alice Raedels

BDHL, Ja n . .6 (Sptfclal)—Prleiids received word th is week of the

ith o f MKs Alice R aedels. oldest igh'ter of M r. and M rs. P ren tiss fdcls of C edar D raw com m unity, Ihe died T hu rsday . Dec. 28 a t the

Diego lioapital w here she had «V since O ct. 25, w hen she u n ­

it an em ergency operation rup tu red appendix . H er paren ts

called to h e r bedside, where . h ave since rem ained. She is

also survived by one sister. R uth , a ttend ing coUefe in S a n Clego.

Funeral- servlc ttlw e re lh e ld -3 u n » - (tay. Dec. 31. a t 3 p. m . a t th e Ben- nough chapel In San Diego, and her body w as c rem ated.

She w is bom a t Buhl, Peb, U. lOlB, a i f t a ttended C edar Draw

Whool in 1036. Slie studied the com m ercial c o u n e a t hlgli school and won th e com m crclal contest fo r two years, a h d also won a schol­a rsh ip to th e BcViDot ol business a t T>wln Palls, .

She w as ctoss 4 rensiirrr for two years a n d com pleted her high •choo) w ork w ith high honors in th ree years. P o r one year Mie a t­tended business college U\ Hai\ Uk- •go and was w orking there before he r lllne^a,

William Powell Marries Actress

HOLLYW OOD. Ja n . 6 m P )-W ll. Ham Powell, film actor, todny nns m arried near L as Vegni>, N«v., to D iana Lewis, young actress, accord' in s lo th e Mi«llt> w h rrr both an employed.

The Aludlo niuiounccd tlu cdiijiIc imd driven to (h r Mldtleii Wells I'oncli, 18 m llo li'om Liu VeKus hikI were ina rilM by Jii.Mlcc ol i'einc K. O H ickm an.

Rotarlans Told of ^ Weed Kradicatioii’’nU PE R T , Jnli. fl iH po 'lnh Jiunr»

Bell, of Ihc MlniiluXii voimiv wrrd riintrol <le|mriniriu„i,n<l Joim Itm berg. Jr.. AOll rlirm U t uiuI'Iih i<l (ill er. were n|>rnkris iil tin- iuhh, Umrli. roil m enting of the | | | | h'ii Itoini' rtu b a t Hir t'liln loiiiiiu lioti WodueMtnv.

Kiich m an fpoke <ni ilic jiiohhu III oprrn tliin lieie miO on ili cliriiik-ni.s iisril In n m i ru« liiiiiioi

Albrri W. I'-ilrkp «,i.. n, .luirwe ol Wriliie.iUii.v'n lUoh^mm sml liiretliiR Will |ii(-sl<lr<| iivii»-liv picAlilrni, Triicy Coll,

Liuns Club SlateH ' M c m b e rN h ip D r iv e

uui'En-r, J.III. (I .......... t)tlin iie iie in l d ll<-<'11011 i>r iin' iii r ’<i< Thiiyer the iiniii'ii i.icnisI'liil) and onr uiicsi, AiiiiriMinBurley, n irl in h nixm liindiroii session n t f-iedn rliili cn ir 'riiui». itav

I’lnns Jiti M lrm liris||l|i ili lir Wllli'll la lo III- In I'liiiIKe Cil K W H afle ir nnd Hdlien Hiiii|iii «rci

. Plans lor ilir iiiisi'ikuiioii oi > d l^ s ' iilKlit, wllli'll will hr ilK la tte r p a r t of th e m nnlli, were bI^o made. 'I lie M a rt dn ir hiii I)* lerm lned and nniioM Kcd imei.

BUHL, Jftti S iSpcc iali—O fficers of four west end G ranges were in ­stalled a t a special jo in t Installation W ednesday In Falrvlew hall. Ray Sm ltli. W endell, s la te O range trea.s- urcr. WO.S In.stalllnii officer. assLiled by four m arshals, M rs. W ilm a Voss. Mr.^. Hudson, A nton S u chan and, Holnnd Harding. S tan d a rd bearers w rrc Mr.*.. Harding a n d M rs. No* vaccli. Mrs. PranX ' Alltlns acted a-s p ianist. .

O fficers of Uie Buhl O ran g e In­stalled were muster, J . J . B rennan: overseer. Alfred K ast; lectu re r, Mr. , ElvB M ason; sloward, P . E, South- wlclt; chaplain , M rs. P e te r K cxbp'. a.ssl.stant -steward. J o h n Sm ithson; secretary, W alter T an n le r ; treas­urer. F rank Southwlck,

C « es—M r* ,-S ,-C ;-O rp :—Pom ona, Mrs. H arrj' Davis; Flora , Mrs. Mary Plercy: gatekeeper. M. Sandgren: lady assl.stant stew ard, Mcs., Alfred K ast; executive com m itteem an, I. E. Stanscll,

Fairview Officers Falr%’iew G range officers In itia ted

fo r IMO were P rnnk A tkins, maKter; Jack Campbell, overseer; M rs. O. O . Broolcs. lecturer; H ^rshel H arger. stew ard : Chester Noh, a s s is tan t s te ­ward; M rs. C he l C ham berlain , ch ap ­la in ; E rnest Voss, trea-surer; Mrs. Elvin Noh, secretary; Tom Novacek. gM ckeeiwr; M rs. L u ther HowQvd.

-Pomona. •Mrs. E rnest P ritch a rd . Ceres; Mrs.

E. O. Denney. F lora; Mrs. Chester Noll, lady a ssistan t stew ard . A' K ram er was elected to the execu tive board for th ree yeans, Will Cham bers to fill out th e te rm of Charles Brandon, and G eorge Bax-

T. business agent.Northvlew O range

Northview O range officers M aurice C urrlngtim . m aslM ; Mrs. Currlngton, chap la in ; H . V. M iller, stew ard; Mrs, R obert Maxwell, .sec- re ta ty ; O lenn H art, a ssistan t s te­w ard: M artha B onar. Indy ass is tan t stew ard ; Mr.i. Jo h n Kaloii.sek, gate- kecpfr; C harlie Reed, ovcr.'err; Mrs. C h a ilfs Reed, Utosvvret', Mrs. Della Kingsley. Ceres; Mrs, John Teels, Pom ona, and Mrs, Ethel Bonar, Flora.

C edar Draw G range o lfirers m aster, Harold M cKnlglit; o

Leonard po.splsll; lectu re r. Mrs. Sam Rleder, Jr.; stew ard, Bijm Rieder. Jr.; asjilstant .strward, Lee Coblentc; lady asslslan i stnv im l, Florence Coblrntr.; secrelary, Mrs. 1, T . Creed: ireusuter, I. T. Creed; executive ron im llire iiian , F rank Posplsll: gatekerpe i. ^red nipn*. grnces. C erts . Mi.s Krrd lile tu ; Pom ona, Mrs Krniik Pos- plnll; Florii, Mrs. Fannie ^.iiik. i'lui|>- lain, Mrs W. J. Hcilnie.i.

, Profrar^i Fullow lni UihUlUtUin rririiio iiy

irs 0 _ O ^ J 3 r o u k 4 u l Uic iio»t O ninge presriiled a pro«ii»iii 'IVo harlione lioin solos » e ie pliwrd l>y Fred Olds, "My Uid K rniuckv Home" and "Hod Hlrss A inrrlrii. nrcoiiiim iilrd by M l' IIh u v Hmvj, llal'olil M rKnIijlil. lieu im isln ' nt (,'rdnr Draw llraiiHe. tnlked In irllv

"Iiiiliroveil IIlKliwiivn in ciiii- C o m iliv ' Twci vislim.s « r i r pirsnill

1 Oaklry ( tin iig r who esrli spoke I'ltlelh otj "(.•(M.|irinll\r Work ol

Mi% I'lim k Alkli>>. iriurM-iiiiiUve ol H ilivlrw OniiiKi'. miiik n .-wilo, liIiiyliiK lii'i own iti'i'ompiiniinriii, 'O vr:- the ilnlnbon M » Ci foul. l 'iilt\lrw (liiinH<' 'iHikr (m* "Uiiinl Mnll l>fllvrrle.< M is, Mm'v K liiier NorUivlrw (liiiiiMr "(icxl n ic 's Allieilrii." w llh .\li.> Al- h1ii3 acrom iw nU i.

A MN'liil hour Uiis riijiiM'ii nnil ir fiesliiiiriil.^ seivril iMHi |-,i|iv lr (linnK r nrliuK as tuisi

ItAIN IIKCOIIIt IIIIOKKNj'o riA T n i.U ), jiici II ■iir-.M i.i

Miiiii nil liK li ol inin Ims Itillrn I.. n iM fin Idaho diiiinN ilir jiani m \ davs, liim kliig a ll evM ini; lec lor R sliiiiliii' p(.||iK| I hr fi-drinl w niitiei buirnii rin>'Tir.i

8M5C1AMO u r n f-iu U r ID.M

New a n d during the

j Lodge S tfll/r rs of th e l.C

o o f : h k a h sRUPERT. Ja n , 8 tS p ec laD -M o re

ilinn 100 m em bers of th e local O rder of Odd Fellows a i d R ebekahs and u iirsi' of th e orders from AmerlcoJ) KiilLs and Burley gnU iered ' a t the I. o o T. ha ll W ednesday for Joint InMnlln'lon o l oUleers,

Insinuation service was In charge of Kraiicl officers. Al B u ttcane, n r.rriice B lehl. O. M. M lUhell. Bertie M cCain. O verton B ray. H or- tciise w isn a ll. f;. K . Jensen. K ittle Jiick.'-on. Robert NeUon. E va Coliln. Webb Snffell. G ladys Willis. Fred Ijirv .and M aude L. Hunter,

'i ta f f i.0 .0 J ’. who were

liiMnllrd a re Jo h n Carson, noble RiniHl; LcRoy Fen ton , vice noble Krand; Glen W alton,, financial sec- rciiiry; H enry Stanley , recording secretary; E. W. Snffell, treasu rer; M. A. 01111 pie . w arden ; W. A. M c- R obrrls, conducto r; Rube McCain, inside gu a rd ian ; Ja m es Connervey. out.slde g u a rd lah ; Al B u ttcane, rlchi su p p o rte r, to noble grand ; Joiin S im m ers, le ft supporter to noble g ran d ; R obert Nelson. R. 8, S.: W. K. M cDonald. L . S. S .; O. M. Miurhell. c h ap la in : Dnve M orgart. noble g ran d ; A lbert Priest, R. S. V-: Lee Pa rk er . L. S. V.

flcbeJcaJi orffcerfl a re Bdlth Clev­enger. noble g ran d ; H enrie tta Nlel-

vlce noble g ran d ; Maude Clarke, recording secretary ; Zella M arie Bovfrn&n. flnanct&l a c c r tia ry r V irginia H aw k, tre a su re r ; H ortense W ignall, r ig h t supporte r to noble grand ; O ra Joe H anks, left support-^ e r to noble g ran d ; F ran ce s RucXer. m aslc ian ; S ophron la Predm orc, conductor: A gnes Brockie, w arden: Della Cox, c h ap la in ; K ittle Jackson, righ t supporte r to vice noble grand; Elsie Dickson, le ft su p p o rte r to vice noble grand ; K a t h n n McDonald. Inside gu a rd ia n ; Anne D utton , o u t­side guardian .

Jew els P rrae n trd ‘ Tlic out-going noble grands, Mrs, H ilda B allard and Dave M orgarl. were each presen ted w ith noble grand Jewels, M rs, B a lla rd was aL‘o pre.v^nted ^ -Ith a beau tifu l corsage by her paren ts. M r. and M rs. l.iiKe W illiams, a n d h er sisters, Florence Blehl, G ladys W lllls. Miss Mildred W imnms and M iss D ora W illiams, a ll mem bers o f th e orders.

Mrs. B a lla rd p resented each of her officers 'K ith m in ia tu re gavels, made by her son . Bari B allard , chief ru ler oi th e Ju n io r O rder of Odd Fellows.• The Insta llation service was lowed by cards and dancing and th e evening concluded w ith n \en u ser%ed by com m ittees from the two orders headed by M rs. M il­dred W alton from th e Rebekahs and Rube M cCain from th e Odd Fellows.

Rchekali G roup Installs Officers

GOODING, JTin, 6 iSpeclaD—I n ­s ta lla tio n of officers for tlie coming year of Rebekah lodtic of Oooding was held W ednesday a t th e Odd Fellows hall. In sta lling offlcer.s were deputy president, Mrs. Jo h n K orn- her, a n d g rand m arshall, Mrs, Miirie Wood. I

O fficers ^ u n l l r d were noble g ian il, Mrs. B rE . A dam s; rig h t sup- l>orl of the noble grand , Min. John K ornher; le ft sup iw rt of Ihe noble grand , Mrs. Ray Albiin; vlcc-grahd. Mrs. Alex G ard n er; righ t MigijKirt of vice-grand, M rs. Jen n ie Lakin: left sujsport of vlce-gviM'd, Mrs. E ail

'S ch re lber.Secretary , Mrs. M I., nobcrw :

treasu rer. M rs. John Clouser; chap* liiln, Mrs. M nrle Wood; warden, Mrs. Bob B ryan; coiulWrtor Mr». C. ■£. H am m ons; Insldr Kumdliin. Mrs, E. C. Webb; n iits ld r HUarillaii, L nrelta Woody; m usiiian , Mrs. Floyd Mall,

R e tiring nohle jirniKl, Mls.i Kvii- d ln r Coclinui. was piesi-nird with a Jewel liy Mrs, K. H. lliiHlies, PIniis were m ade lo e n trr ia ln Ih r pres|- d m t - o f the-.R i'U rtah nssrmlily of Idaho ,' Mrs. KMIicr C onisd , Will* lace, a l the iirM mertiiiK Jsu : 17. A d in n er will be se rvn t p irredm g th e meeting,

Albert Uomi^ DicnPAUL. Jan fl iHiircinli Allier

nom lg. broilirr-lii-lHW of Mii>. K atie Cornelsen. died fiimdnv iti llm ltui*fvl hiwpHal. l-Miirralserv1(^rs weie liiOil a l ilir llniieiL I 'rn te ro s ta l rh iiii li iin Wcdnesdiiv nnd liui'liil WHS iii Il'- 'U m n r^nie- in y iiniler d iifciU m ol tioodm iui


O ltA iN HITN I IK illJlOIflP:, J a n . fl HJI’> • 1‘iiiri, of

Ktalns rose to new Irv rls dmiiiR Dr r rn ilie r Wlillr pi ires of potnlors iiiid Ih-iiiis ifiTlvpd liv hluhii f» <lmpt>ed aud d«-lli\r^ ’ n r reRjs- tr r ril In ihiiilliv. Ilvrsiork nnd eg|^

A'ccidentt Increase Daily

r ro l4>ct Voiinifllf AkaIiiM

Thin l>r»My

I'tiuna ror Itrp tv acn ta llv a TodaV

l.tM.'AI. Afir.NIM

Twin Fall* JAY M.

M KHKIU, Phone 01


I.VNCII I'hone I I

Idaho Joins ‘March of Diriies’ .

G-men stream to m iam i to FiGHT4‘W ie iA % o 0 « i i> f io NFEAl! i n i E lOODLUMSAran w

Id ah o c ltizeo i. again w i l l ln g A assist In Ihe “fig h t Infantile parA lyib” cam paign, a rc solidly b e h l r A H r drive and will take p a rt Jn the “m arch of dim es," Sen. D. W orth C ia ff ’ lrlghtl tells G eorge E. Allen lle f tl. 'co m . m lssloner of th e D istric t''o f Columbia. Alien is chairm an of the dime phase «f th e paralysis cam paign, which « lll «ee gree ting card« dl’tr lb u l- ed In 'Id ah o and o th e r s ta tn i, then m ailed with d im es to PresldriU Ro««- evelt a t th e W hite H ouse.before h is M th lilrthday Ja n . 30, H alf th e do­na tio n s from Id ah o will re tu rn to th is stale.

Alwortli Heads County Drive In U. S. Paralysis Campaign

Tom F. A lw orth, Filer, was appointed today a s Twin Fnlls county chalrm iin fo r th e 1040 P rM ld rn t’s birthday obsep’ftncc, an n u al n a tio n ­wide cam paign to ba ttle in fan tile

Mr. A lworth, re c e n t succc.«ful chairm an In charge of the R>'d Cross to ll ^ \ 1 , waft tkppolntrd to head th e paialy.sls drive by J . Leo Hood, Boise, who h as boon .-irleclpd a s sta te d trcctor. v

C hairm an A lw orth .said he expected to bculn a t once contacUnR aides in th e varioua cominunKle.'i of the_couiiiy Type of ob.servancc for the P resident's b ir th d a y Ja n . 30 has not yet been announced, a lthough it will -probably tak e th e form of b m eflt danrr.<: as In’ pa.^t year.s. One p hase ol th e pa^n\y5S^ drive Ls a litiu ly c i'i\u i» —t h r "m nich ol dimes," by w hich ind iv iduals th roughou t Idaljo and ll ie 'n a llo n may .scud dim es to th e W hite House In special b irthday Kioetlng cards.

U nder , th e p lan of th e na tional foundation for control of Infantile parolysls, h a lf th e funds raU rd In any sini«' o r com m unity will be re-_ tu m e d - to - th o se -n rc a s fo r local u.'ic. T lie rem ainder goes to the W arm ' SprtnRs tO ft.i foundn tlon , '

IntcnslJU’d ln in th e a n n u a l drive is expectcd lo be show n In th is catm ty, "and 'clsew hcro In .south Idaho, o f .th e fac t tha l^one Twin Fall-5 w om an Is now slowly recovrrlng a f te r free trea tm en t^ a t th e W arm Springs In stitu tio n and an o th er lin.s bc^n accepted. In a d d i­tion, th r "Iron lun g " drive by the la in lt club of B uhl, w ith n il Magic -VaW«>y-eWle:-serrtct:-BTirtT>nTTtotlfitTBUl>f, iissisung, n as locused In terest on th e ba ttle to contro l th e paralysis scburcc.

46, HEFOSES 32BO ISE, Ida.. J a n . fl n ji*J-T he Id a ­

h o p ardon board was forced -to free m any convicts who did n o t paii' th c li fu ll debt to 's c td e ty because th e 1039 le g l^ a tu re ,f>l|ed to pro­vide adequate housing facilities a t th e s ta te pen iten tiary . A tty. O en, J . W . T aylor said la s t n igh t.

T aylor i>olnted to .th> score on th e fo u rth day o f th e )» rd o n board session w ith 48 pardon^. 32 denials , n in e eases c o n tin u e d , '^ \e te rm re­duced a n d one case u n d e r advLse- Inen t.

T lie Iward denied a pardon to ;>Irs. M ary Crum roy. R upert, sen­tenced to life fo r poisoning h e r hus­band. Sept. 30 .' 1625. Mrs. Edan Eckersley, Lewis county treasu rer, convicted of emt>ezzlement of >35.- 000. was denied.v .Q p trigh^ pardons were g ran ted H arry '.W ilson, W aa,hington. b u r­g la ry; A lbert Haflrey. Bonneville. a.-»au\t; M mon.tfTchola. W ashington, forgery; R obert Clarlc. Bonneville; forgery; E arl R . D odds. Ne* Perce, forgery: W ilM ftm,T, N ugent, Ncz Perce ; D en l ^ b y . T w in Falls, forg­e ry; B u rto n A. .Lyle. Canyon, grand la rcen y ; W llfo td M clvcr. Botxner, g jo n d la rceny; G eorge W. H lttle. B onner, g rand la rceny ; T liojnas O. C h arlto n . Ne* Perce, burglary : Rob­e r t J . W illiam s. Lem hi, burglary : E van F . Moore, B ingham , forgery; Howffrd L. Pyle, Benewiih. forgerj-. a n d G eorge Burwell, Canyon, adu lt.- crj'.

C o n d i tio n a l'^ rd b n s w 'ere"gfanled F ran k Foster. C anyon, forgery; A r­th u r Ring.stead. Valley, burglary: W ayne Cox, Valley, bu rg lary ; Ivan H ow ard. Jr.. Canycm, forgery; G il­b e rt E. Raff. Canyon, burglary : El­m er W. F inch . K ootenai, burglary; V ernal S. Pu n ilss. B ingham , stA tu- tory offense.

Jerom e G roup to Hold Open House

JERO M E. J a n . fl (S p e c la l) - J a n . 29 a t 7:30 p, m . n f th e high school m uh to rium h th e d a te lo r th e open m eeting and m en 's n ig h t of Jerom e P.-T . A, It w as announced following an executive l>oard meet« Injf Tliursday.

Owen Davls. p rincipal of Lincoln school a n d vlce-pvesldcnl. w ill en gage a speaker.

D ale of th e card p a rty a t W ash­ington school is Feb, 8, for anyone wl.shlng to play bridge o r pinochle. Persons desiring to o ttc n d m ay con­ta c t elUier M ra. K . G .. M atla iid -o r M rs. S h a ro n A lbertson, it was a n ­nounced. A qu ilt m ade by P resby­te rian ladles la to be auctioned off.

Legion Auxiliary Meets ill Jerom e

JERO M E, Ja n . 8 (S p c c ia li-E lK h t hundred popples to be sold by Am­e rican Legion aux iliary have been oixicrcd for M ay. i t wa.i announced following a m celln g of th e iis.socla- tion Wednc.sday, L as t y ear the aux­iliary .sold m ore th a n bO.

A nnouncem ent was- m ade of ihir con tribu tion of S3 to th e a n tl- tu b c t- cuIo,sls association . Replacing M t.n. D aim Mes-HMiger, Mr^. WllMmn M rl- ,srr will be In charge of th e iiatlonul d efense es.say co n ies t th is year. Pliins were dlscus.'ed c o iu riiiim ; prlees. I t a b n an n o tin rn i a JS l»rlre will be awardo<l for poppy IKWlei.s th is year.

M rs. L. W . Snnberg. rh lld welfaie

oha ln iian . reiw rtcd on th e n eed-fo r clothliiK among needy ch ild ren of th is com miinliy. H ostesses were.MVs. P . H. Beveridge and M rs. L ucian Burdick,


d e a th of Ear.l Swenson, 357 tjig o d is­tr ic t trap p e r and rancher, was cau.sed by an accidental discharge of h is gun, Bi^nnnok county Coroner A rth u r W . Hull said today.


announces ihe removal of h is of- fiefJfioiii“'nvfr KiiigstJIlf 'H 10*

i n S|IOSH()NK ST. W.G round Floor, Perrine H o te l HIrti. -




$10.95 $11.95

B a rn a rd A u to C o.ChryHJer 1'hnnc Ifil I'lymotilh







ROXYNow ohowing—“S outh of th e Bor­

der." G ene X utrj’,Sun., fcjon.. Tues,—"Alieghefiy U p­

rising.” Jo h n W ayne-C ltire T revor.

IDABONow show ing—"R ide Kim, Cow­

boy," Jo ln i W ayne,Sun., Mon.. Tue?.—"ClKO K id a p d

the Lady." C esar Rom ero-M arjorie W eaver.

ORPUEUMNow showing — "Charlie M c­

C arthy . D etective/' M cCartiiy and Bergen.

Sun., Mon., Tues. — ••Oeronimo.’ Preston Foster-E llen Drew.


BOISE. Ja n . 6 (U.PJ-Roscoe C. R ich. Burley, p residen t of Uie N a ­tiona l Wool Grow ers association, lashed the n a tional adm in istra tion lo r \Xs trad e pollclcs. opposed a sales tax fo r Idalio and predicted a n e ra o f cooperation w ith grazing offi­cials In a speech la s t n ig h t before th e s ta te association's a n n u a l c o n ­vention. . '

"G ovcm cncnt o tflc lals m aking trAde trea tie s have been .so busy be­ing-good neighbors tliey h a v i for- BOtten all abou t us follw a l hom e.” R ich said.

R ich said h* hoped congress would take back lt.s righ t to m ake trade trea tie s or a t least require ra tlftc a- tlon by th e senate . He said h e c o n ; .<«ldered federal .biireaus-w ei'c over­em phasizing th e conservation p ro ­gram .

RU PERT. Jan . 6 (BpeciaD-^Mr.s. M . S. Rasm aason. superin tenden t of th e R u p e rt g« r» ra l hospital and form er p h a id e n l of th e Idaho N urses' association, was guest speak­er a t th e R u p e rt W om an’s club w hich m e t T hursday In th e city li­brary.

Siie took as her subject "M aternal a rid Child W elfare" a n d emphasUed th e need of g rea ter care along th b line. She also s tre u e d th e need of a county nurM 'a o d urged tlie esi- ta b llshm en t.o f a clinic in M inidoka county.

O ther program num bers, under the direction of M rs. Floyd B ritt, were a vocal solo. "A Brown Bird Binging," by Mrs. O ordon Goff, ac ­companied by M rs. B ritt, and two trum pet solos by D uane Broadliead. accom panied a t th e piano by Boyd Schenk.

T h e pre.Hldent. M rs, P. J . Toeves. presided a t the meetlnft. T h e nex t clu\> sesslcn^ will b e held In lh« li­b rary a t 2:30 p. m, Thursday, Jan . 18. and all women a re Invited.

Ex-Mayor Unhurt; Machine Wrecked

Lem A. C hapin , form er m ayor of Tw in • F a lb , escapcd InJurj- Friday w hen th e m ach ine h e was driving skidded from tlie h ighw ay fo u r mlle.s

w es t of Tw in Falls , a report a t th e sh e riff ’s office shows.

A fter leaving th e iilghi^ay the struck a power pole. T h e c ar dam aged to U\e e x ten t of a n e s t i­m a ted »200. T he m ishap occurred on highw ay 80 a t 10:30 ». m .

LOANSAuto — Secured

When You Need Money Call on Us



• Small Payments• .Local CompanyWESTERKFIHANCE

Merit Badges Go -To Jerome Boys

Two Jerom e Boy Scout troops were represented as applications for Is­suance o f th ree m e ri t badges were ' approved here , o fficia l records show.

F red B u ric h a lt^ v - troop 40, r e ­ceived m erit badges in pn th flndlng and bugling and D on 'R tce, m em ber of th e sam e u n it, received one in woodcarving. ScUi J . T aylor receiv­ed m erit badges in fooking, garden­ing an d life saving.

I t Is estim ated th a t autom otlv# tAxea thl.s year will to ta l about $1,600,000,000,




With trunk, radio, heater, ^lew paint. Car is in fine condition. Saturday and Sunday s|)ecial.,



SPRING STYLESIraugh t to y «u In our iMW pattarn kook by

boiiffaM an4 >uM(« •yanini d r i i i t i - icutUand »porliw«*r (• "f«<* lha hm*'—«hrt«* for inmll toH— aitrf

' «|.-illn< illhaufltii la tS iX 'M '-U v W ln a ii lo,

metufa w«rH«n-iin<irt **•! wsrtd *r faihlsn In awr M w Marian iiaHiink»l< . Onlar II M a y ( »m