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Page 1: Probiotics


Page 2: Probiotics


Intestinal Microflora Formation Gut Microflora (Microbiota) History Of Probiotics Probiotics definition Probiotics : An edge over Antibiotics Probiotic strains currently used Key properties of probiotics Established effects of probiotics Mechanism for the benefit of Probiotics

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Advantages of Probiotics1. Antibiotic associated diarrhea2. Probiotics and Cancer3. Hepatic Diseases4. Helicobacter pylori Infections5. Treat high cholesterol6. Use of probiotics beyond GIT (Allergy)

Effects of Probiotics in Livestocks Prebiotics Synbiotics Health benefits of Synbiotics Market Of Probiotics

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Intestinal Microflora: Location & Prevalence

Rare in the esophagusUncommon in the stomach

primarily gram (+)102 - 103

105 in the duodenum & jejunum – primarily aerobes

105 -107Ileum 109 – 1012 in the colon

primarily anerobes1000x more anerobes than aerobes

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More than total cells in the human body

At least 17 familiesAt least 50 genera400-500 species in any single

person80-90% unculturable

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Formation Gut Flora (Microbiota)

Genetic factors Age Gender Mother’s

microbiology Mode of delivery Feeding practices

Breast-fed – Bifidobacterium

Bottle-fed - Lactobacillus

Medications Diet

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History Of Probiotics

In 76 BC the Roman historian Plinius recommended the administration of fermented milk products for treating gastroenteritis .

Russian scientist Eli Metchnikoff in early 20th century suggested that it would be possible to modify the gut flora and to replace harmful microbes by useful microbes

The term “Probiotics” was first introduced in 1965 by Lilly and Stillwell, when it was described as growth promoting factors produced by microorganisms.

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Parker was the first to use the term probiotic in the sense that it is used today “organisms and substances which contribute to intestinal microbial balance”.

In 1989, Fuller attempted to improve Parker’s definition of probiotic with the following distinction: “A live microbial feed supplement which beneficially affects the host animal by improving its intestinal microbial balance.”

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‘‘Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host’’ as defined by WHO.

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Emergence of antibiotic resistance micro-


Unpleasant side effects




Free from undesirable side effects

Probiotics : An edge over Antibiotics

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Probiotic strains currently used

Lactobacillus species1)L. acidophilus

2)L. plantarum

3)L. casei subspecies rhamnosus

4)L. brevis

5)L. delbreuckii subspecies bulgaricus

Bifidobacterium species 6)B. adolescentis

7)B. bifidum

8)B. longum

9)B. infantis

10)B. breveContd….

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a.Streptococcus salivarius

b.Lactococcus lactis

c.Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris

d.Enterococcus faecium

e.Leuconostoc mesenteroides

f.Propionibacterium freudenreichii

g.Pediococcus acidilactici

h.Saccharomyces boulardii


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Key properties of probiotic

1. Non-pathogenic, non-toxic and non-allergic.

2. Capable of surviving and metabolizing in upper G.I. tract e.g. Resistant to low pH, organic acids, bile juice, saliva and gastric acid

3. Human in origin, genetically stable and capable of remaining viable for long periods in field condition.

4. Able to modulate immune response and provide resistance to disease through improved immunity or by the production of antimicrobial substance in the guts.


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5. Good adhesion/ colonization to human intestinal tract and influence on gut mucosal permeability.

6. Antagonistic against carcinogenic/ pathogenic organism.

7. Clinically proven health benefit, e.g. gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhoea, clostridium difficle colitis, antibiotics associated diarrhoea, acute infantile gastroenteritis.

8. Technologic properties for commercial viability such as stability of desired characteristics during processing, storage and transportation.

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Established effects of probiotics

Aid in lactose digestion

Resistance to enteric pathogens

Anti-colon cancer effect

Anti-hypertensive effect

Small bowel bacterial overgrowth

Immune system modulation

Blood lipids, Heart disease

Urogenital infections

Hepatic encephalopathy

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Mechanism for the benefit of Probiotics:

Adherence and colonization of the gut

Suppression of growth or epithelial

binding/invasion by pathogenic bacteria and

production of antimicrobial substances

Improvement of intestinal barrier function

Controlled transfer of dietary antigens (Iron


Stimulation of mucosal and systemic host


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• Produce lactic acid- lowers the pH of intestines and inhibiting bacterial villains such as Clostridium, Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli, etc.

• Decreases the production of a variety of toxic or carcinogenic metabolites.

• Aid absorption of minerals, especially calcium, due to increased intestinal acidity.

• Production of β- D- galactosidase enzymes that break down lactose .


Advantages of Probiotics

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Produce a wide range of antimicrobial

substances– hydrogen peroxide– organic acids– Bacteriocin– acidophilin

Produce vitamins (especially Vitamin B and

vitamin K)

Act as barriers to prevent harmful bacteria

from colonizing the intestines

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Effects of probiotics on pathogenic bacteria

Probiotics reduce levels of bacterial endotoxin concentrations, by inhibiting translocation of bacteria across the GI lumen into the bloodstream.

Decrease in translocation of bacteria may occur as a result of the ability of probiotics to tighten the mucosal barrier.

Probiotics disallow colonization by disease-provoking bacteria through competition for nutrients, immune system up-regulation, production of antitoxins, and up-regulation of intestinal mucin genes.


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• Probiotics lower colon luminal pH and

foster growth of non-pathogenic

commensal bacteria by SCFA (Short

Chain Fatty Acid) production. One SCFA,

acetic acid, has antimicrobial activity

against molds, yeasts, and bacteria.

• Probiotics exert protective effects

through production of hydrogen

peroxide and benzoic acid, which inhibit

many pathogenic, acid-sensitive bacteria


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Disease Antibiotic treatment

Diarrhoa Disturbance of

intestinal microbiota

Clostridium overgrowth

produces toxin

Antibiotic associated diarrhea

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Disease Antibiotic treatment


Disturbance of

intestinal microbiota

Microbiota Clostridium overgrowth

in balance produces toxin

Antibiotic associated diarrhea

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Enzymes (Glycosidase, B- glucuronidase , azoreductase , and nitroreductase) of the intestinal flora convert the precarcinogens to active carcinogens

Probiotics reduce Faecal concentrations of enzymes Reduce absorption of harmful mutagens that

may contribute to colon carcinogenesis.

Activity of L. acidophilus and L. casei supplementation

in humans helped to decrease levels of these enzymes

Probiotics and Cancer

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Several mechanisms have been proposed as to how LACTIC ACID BACTERIA may inhibit colon cancer

1. Enhancing the host’s immune response

2. Altering the metabolic activity of the intestinal microflora

3. Binding and degrading carcinogens

4. Producing antimutagenic compounds

5. Altering the physiochemical conditions in the colon

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Hepatic Diseases

Mechanisms by which probiotics may treat Hepatic Encephalopathy

1. Decreased portal blood ammonia by reduced bacterial urease activity

2. Decreased pH due to less ammonia absorption

3. Reduce intestinal permeability and improved gut epithelium

4. Decreased inflammation and oxidative stress due to reduced ammonia toxins

5. Reduced uptake of other toxins

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Helicobacter pylori Infections

Chronic gastritis, Peptic ulcers, Gastric adenocarcinoma, and a number of non-gastrointestinal disorders.

Bifidobacteria and B. subtilis may inhibit the growth or attachment of H. pylori.

Possible mechanisms by which L. salivarius eradicates H. pylori include the ability of the former to bind to gastric epithelial cells, to produce a high quantity of lactic acid, and to proliferate rapidly.

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Treat high cholesterol

Helping to treat high cholesterol.

Helping to lower blood pressure due to the ACE inhibitor-like peptides produced during fermentation of milk.

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Lactic acid bacilli

Increases production of Short chain Fatty Acid

Inhibits cholesterol syn by liver

Decreases blood chlesterol

Increases bile

.Bile syn. Increases

More cholesterol is used up

Decreases plasma cholesterol

Helping to treat high cholesterol

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AllergyTo modify the structure of antigens

Reduce their immunogenicity

Reduce intestinal permeability

Generation of proinflammatory cytokines that are elevated in patients with a variety of allergic disorders

Use of probiotics beyond GIT

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Effects of Probiotics in Livestocks

resistance to infectious disease improvement of digestion increased growth rate better absorption of nutrients provision of essential nutrients improvement of milk quality reduction of bad ordor in feces

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Probiotics: prescribing

– Lactobacillus best studied to date

– Combination products not well studied, but may work as well

– 10 billion organisms/day– Keep in fridge– Give in cool food/drink– 2% risk bloating/gas

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Probiotic Products

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• The term prebiotic was introduced by Gibson and Roberfroid who exchanged “pro” for “pre,” which means “before”.

A non-digestible food


Beneficial effects


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Concept of Probiotics and Prebiotics:

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Prebiotics- examples

• Inulin• Garlic• Onions• Chicory root• Asparagus• Wheat• Rye • Barley• breast milk,• tomatoes, • bananas, honey

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Prebiotics Biochemistry

Inulin : long-chain (2-60sugars)

fructooligosaccharides (FOS)



galactooligosaccharides(GOS) It is not clear which type of prebiotic is most


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Synbiotic = Probiotic + Prebiotic The concept of synbiotics has been

proposed to characterize health-

enhancing foods and supplements used

as functional food ingredients in


Potential synergy between pro- &


Improve survival in upper GIT

More efficient implantation

Stimulating effect of Probiotics


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Health benefits of Synbiotics

• Improved survival of live bacteria in food products, prolonged shelf life

• Increased number of ingested bacteria reaching the colon in a viable form

• Stimulation in the colon of the growth and implantation of both exogenous and endogenous bacteria

• Activation of metabolism of beneficial bacteria, antagonistic toward pathogenic bacteria

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• Production of antimicrobial substances (bacteriocins , hydrogen peroxide, organic acids etc)

• Immuno-stimulation

• Anti-inflammatory, Anti-mutagenic, Anti-carcinogenic, and production of bioactive compounds (enzymes, vaccines, peptides etc)

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Increased from $14.9 billion in 2007 to an estimated $15.9 billion by the end of 2008. It should reach $19.6 billion by 2013, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.3%.

Japan accounted for the largest share of total sales in 2007 with 39.5%, driven primarily by the country’s large and well-developed probiotic foods segment.

Market Of Probiotics

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Intestinal Microflora , Formation History Probiotics definition and strains currently

used Key properties of probiotics Established effects of probiotics &

Mechanism Advantages of Probiotics Effects of Probiotics in Livestocks Prebiotics, Synbiotics , Health benefits of

Synbiotics Market Of Probiotics

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