problems of well being-technology is destroying us

Technology Is Destroying Us Problems of well-being Maranda Murphy

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Page 1: Problems of well being-Technology is destroying us

Technology Is Destroying UsProblems of well-beingMaranda Murphy

Page 2: Problems of well being-Technology is destroying us

Definition of technologyTechnology is the use of scientific knowledge for

practical purposes or applications, whether in industry or in our everyday lives. So, basically, whenever we use our scientific knowledge to achieve some specific purpose, we're using

technology. (What is technology? 2016)

Page 3: Problems of well being-Technology is destroying us

Is Technology ruining us? Do you talk to your family at dinner or stare at

your cell phone? Do you “tweet” everything that happens in your

life? Do you not hear what people say to you while

checking social media on your phone? Are you caught taking selfies on the daily? Do you see young children with iPhone’s and

iPad’s? Do you Google everything?

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Is Technology ruining us?As you can read from my previous slide, I’m sure you are questioning yourself right now, and asking “do I do those things?”. I did the exact same thing, and for those questions most of my answers were yes. This probably means that technology (like your cell phone or laptops) is apart of your daily routine, and maybe more.

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CellphonesI’m positive you’ve seen the young teenage boy blasting music from his headphones, or girls rapidly texting on their phones. The youth in today’s societies are pretty much submerged in technology so they can constantly communicate with each other. In school even when they are trying to get an education, they stare at their screens, because we are almost programmed to do this it feels. I can relate with this, and I admit when I am sitting in class dozing off I grab my phone if I feel bored.

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CellphonesNot only are teenagers bad for this, but adults as well. Almost everybody except elderly who don’t know how to program cellphones are on cellphones. I think the main causation of this is because we rely on them so much. Not only to communicate by texting, but to check Facebook or Instagram to see what people are doing in their lives. It’s like this desperate need that is addicting, to see what your friends are doing or wanting to stalk people you don’t know. Even my own mother stops in the grocery store mid conversation to answer a text or to check if her phone makes a sound.

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How are cellphones affecting our everyday lives? We don’t pay attention to people anymore, we

are too busy staring at our screens Your mind is not where you are Texting has ruined human interactions People always have access to you and know

what you’re doing from social media People don’t know when to stop texting, even

when they are driving

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What is it really doing? Technology is a negative influence on us because

it is separating individuals from reality. Even putting headphones on and ignoring the real world and real sounds is hiding from everyday life.

Technology is making us NOT face real life things. We are being cut off from personal interactions and new experiences because we are too busy listening to our iPod or updating Facebook. If young people are too busy with technology and not learning how to problem solve and basic human interactions, they are going to struggle as adults.

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What is technology affecting? Technology can change our brain and

bodies. It affects our memory, attention, what we focus on, and even our sleep cycle (Hovarth, 2015).

Our sleeping patters are affected by the bright screens we stare at, thinking it’s daytime and allowing us to not fall asleep.

Using apps such as Google maps, calendar alerts and calculators can cause memory issues and dependency.

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Is technology changing our children? Technology conditions the brain to pay attention

very differently than reading. (Taylor, 2012) Reading from your cellphone or laptop is totally different than actually reading a book, focus wise reading a book you are in a room quiet with no interruptions and reading your laptop comes with ads and links and distractions.

Too much screens and not enough activities like reading, board games and imaginative play can result with wiring your brain in certain ways that make children less prepared to thrive in the wild world of new technology.

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Is technology changing our children?

In summarization, this is a short clip of showing how media & technology affect our children. There are some benefits of using an iPad (learning games) but using these electronics instead of real life learning, will affect them. They aren’t getting real social interactions that we need. Children are sitting inside playing video games rather than interacting with their friends and playing outside.

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Privacy and safety The improper use of technology can expose a

child (and adult but less likely) to numerous risks. They share personal information without even noticing for strangers to see.

Sexual offenders get children's information off the internet by pretending to be someone else.

Sexting (which teens are now doing) can be dangerous by exposing their bodies to anybody who could post it to social media.

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Our health and obesity Childhood obesity is now on the rise with

all the technology children are faced with. Kids decide to pick up an iPod and play instead of going outside and getting physical activity.

Children now a days are sitting around more playing video games or watching television because its so easily accessible.

Even the amount of time we spend in vehicles takes away from how much we walk around and get physical activity.

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Possible solutions Monitor the use of technology. If you are the

parent of the child (or a teacher) make sure your kids know what to do and what not to do. Several sites can have restrictions, or by simply checking the history you get an idea of what sites they’ve been on.

Teach responsible and respectable usage. Discuss cyber bully, what it is and why they shouldn’t be doing it.

Become familiar with technology and know what children are doing.

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Possible solutions Have your children be apart of technology in the

classroom. This teaches them an appropriate way to use it, and to see how adults use it.

Give your children options when using technology. They can either use a laptop or a hard copy of a book when learning.

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Symbolic InteractionismSymbolic Interactionism tends to focus on the language and symbols that help give us meaning to the experiences in our life. (Definition of symbolic interactionism, 2016) We spend a lot of time thinking what to do next,

and adjust approach depending on how we think people perceive us.

It’s about the social interactions we get and how it forms reality.

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Symbolic Interactionism In the sense that this social theory is all about

social interactions (conversations, face-to-face) its very obvious that technology is interfering.

We lack social interactions by constantly texting people. You have no idea what their facial expressions are or how they feel, it’s just expressionless typing.

We also lack social interactions by talking to people over the phone. We are creating our own “reality” through our cellphones, more like a “virtual world”.

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References N.A. (2016). How Technology Affects Us. Retrieved


Hovarth, A. (2015). How Does Our Technology Affect Our Brains? Retrieved from

Taylor, J. (2012). How tecnhology is changing the way children think and focus. Retrieved from

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References N.A. (2016) What is technology? Definition and types.

Retrieved from

DeLoatch, P. (May, 2015). The four negative sides of technology. Retrieved from

N.A. (2016). Definition of symbolic interactionism. Chapter 11, lesson 6.