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Proceeding2nd International Conference on Current Issues in Education (ICCIE)

Publishing InstituteYogyakarta State University

Director of PublicationDr. Dwi Siswoyo

Chief EditorDr. Siti lrene Astuti Dwiningrum

Board of Reviewers

Prof. Dr. Achmad DardiriDr. Suwarjo

Prof. Madya Dato Abdul Razaq Ahmad, Ph.D.

Dr. Mohd. Mahzan Awang

Prof. Dr. Yoyon Suryono, M.S.

Prof. Dr. Farida Hanum, M.Si.

Dr. Ali Mustadi, M.Pd.

Dr. Udik Budi Wibowo, M.Pd.

Dr. Sugeng Bayu Wahyono, M.SiProf. Dr. Suparno, M.Pd.

Yulia Ayriza, Ph.D., M.Si.

EditorsSuhaini M. Saleh, M.A.Sudiyono, M.A.Titik Sudarrinah, M.A.

Lay OutRohmat Purwoko

Syarief Fajaruddin

AdministratorPramusinta Putri Dewanti

Graduate School, Yogyakarta State iJniversity


@ 2015 Yogyakarta State UniversityA11 right reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior written permission ofYogyakarta State University

All artices in the proceeding of lnternational Conference on Current Issues in Education (ICCIE) 2012 are

not the official opinions and standings ofeditors. Contents and consequences resulted from the articles are

sole responsibilities of individual writers.

Table of Contents

Foreword of the Rector

Forervord of the Director

Table of Contents

Invited Speakers

Education for A Globalising World: From Australia to Indonesia and Beyond

Ben lVadham

Quality of Education in Malaysia: A Sociological Perspective

Mohd Mahzun Awang

Teacher Preparation for Better Multicultural and Inclusive Classrooms

Ratchaneekorn Tongsoo kdee

The Role of non Formal Education: Expectation and Challenge


Paralel Session Speakers

I. Sub Themes:

- Strategic Poticy for Quality and Equity of Education

- Politics of Education toward quality and equity in School

Multicultural Education in the Perspective of Teachers and Students in High School in Yogyakarta, 25

IndonesiaAchmad Dardiri, Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum, Zamroni

Identifying Level of Historical Consciousness of College Students of History Education in Terms 30

of Ethnicity, Especially Javanese and MinangkabauAisiah, Sumarno

Strategies to Prevent Students Violence in Education Service of Yogyarta City 38

Ariefa EJianingrum .:

Developing Academic Culture of The Students of Junior High School 3 Jetis Bantul 43

Arif Rohman, Farida Hanum, Dwi Siswoyo

Quality and Quantity of Preparing Students Dignified Lesson Study Approach 50

Arina Restia

Educational Languages for Foreign Learners: Equal Classroom Integration for Equal Quality of 56

EducationD o minique S avio N sengiy umv a

Political Education Role in Primary School in Improving Social Knowledge and Human Resources 62

Emy Yunita Rahma Prutiwi

Thinking Skills Framework for Constructivist Instruction in Literature Class to Meet the Needs of 68

Inclusive and Differentiated ClassroomE unice W. Setltaninglysg

-\ddressing the Delinquency Problem among Teenagers: Psychological and Educationional 14

PerspecritesFaidah Saleh, Zurina Ahmad Saidi





Effect of The whole Language Approach on the Learning Achievement in Indonesian Language 296

n.uOlng Comprehension of Elementary School Students

N oor Alfulaila, IY ashrullah P ettalolo

The use of English Language in Teaching and Leaming at Institutions of Higher Learning: a 302

Challenged Position for Malay Language? - - .

l,{oor Aiam Abdul Ruhmon,lVo,oiioh Mohd Amin' Mohd Mahzan Awang

Development of Economy Token Model in Early Childhood Learning 309

Nar Hayati, Muthmuinnah, Raiika Ruhmawati

Impact of Drama Education on The Self-Confidence of Students of Primary School Education and 215

the Relation Between ft.i,"*- Solving Skills and Self-Confidence Levels

PALAVAN, 0zcan, QIQEK' Volkan

The Effect of Family well-Being towards children Behavior : Issue and challenges

Rahmatul Sutbiah Binti Ghazali

The Effectiveness oflearning through Play Approaches for Pre School Education 326

Sn*"i Bin Saruii, Abdul Razaq Ahmsd' Mohd Mshzun Awang

Impact of Drama Education on the Problem-Solving Skills of Students of Primary School 330


QIQE K, Volkan, PALAVAN, dzcan

Exploring Teachers' Perspectives on Effective Teaching Strategies in History Education

Win Mahirah lAan Khalid, Anuqt Ahmad

IV. Sub Themes:

- Sociocultural and Religious Capital in Education

Drama Appreciation Learning Based Multicultural Perspective

Abdul Aziz HunaiJi

Educating The Public on Religious Tolerance; Political Reflections in Addressing Apostate Issues

in MalaYsiaAbdullih suni Bin Mohd Zin, Zaid Ahmad, samsu Adubi Mamat

Socialization of Multi-Ethnic Students in Malaysian Venercular Schools: Issues and Challenges

Andrew Huang Dung Kui, Mohd Mahzun Awung

The Welfare of Women Through Multicultural Counseling

Ari khusumudewi, Najlatun NaqiYah

Organizational Culture: a Stud! on Frictions between Invisible Bureaucratic Rules in School and 361

Professional Demands bY Teachers







Bakure Kazeem KaYode

Sociocultural Reciprocal Learning Approach for the

MalaysiaCelinea Lasan, Zamri Mahamod

Sasi Culture: an Effort to Maintenance Preserving Mother

n"tigiorrt Education to Preserve Mother Earth in Maluku

Flavius Floris Andties

Freedom, Independence and Responsibility

(Multicase Stuiy In De Britto College High

High School)

Indigenous Bidayuh Pupils in Sarawak' 373

Earth a Cultural Approach on Christian 3'18

of Students In Democratic Culture in Schools 384

School Yogyakarta And Yogyakarta I State Senior

Herly Janet Lesilolo




Intemational Confbrence on Current Issues in Education 2015 - 30g

DEVELOPMENT oljgoNoMy roKEN MODEL rNEARLY CHILDHOO' iNANXTUCNur Hayatir, y.*TTrrrnah2, Rafika Rahmawati3, r.rpc_pa

u o,pr,a,[email protected]


frl"r- #ffit;:,i:Xli'd:fi : -J:::iT::l"r{ roken moder ror young ch,dren rhis research was rhephase of the product by an expert. The data rnat

tncluded preliminary stuay, s"tage of ;;;p-"nt and testinsthe developm"", "i'rr,il "..orJ.ny ,"i."r"-"Jis

analyzed using quaniitu,i"" "nJ'quu]i,"ir,""nr,nues. Througipositive bihaviors ana r"au"" n'e;;;i;; ;#''

rt was expected that the.e.arry .n'id,,""i"*lre abre to deveroo

i:i!!fi :#"nff ff :ff J:?i;:;T;l,,rili.:.f "-ff h.T#JiJiil'#ir-:Ti,'j,":ffi :'.fu :f

l;J,f,:Tili?fJ:l,JJ"l::*,*f i*i,l;l,tr"1k1**:,T:;3i1fi r:**:J**l#::'H;be enforced in rhe orovisi",

"rp*iri".'r;l;"d;.r."t incruded: .orr,rrllo orrr,. p.i= ;; il" rures that n."o ,oof administration' and the type of *rri.n was given.

:ency of rules, trr" i",.rriry and frequencyKeywords: economy token, positive habituation, earry childhood

l. Introduction

, o*. *?ll T iil ?U,: j;.T, [: #,. il, Io:[:l:ilsand adulthood. The g9lg"1

"s" ;i-rii;'ul" in

"u.ry:l:lLi,r_"^. is 1 spelal rrnZ- r".",i"'.#1d.., inrecelvlng a varietv of knowledg" urA-opforruniti.,to stimulate variou,

crr,anooJ'ie":,"Hff il'J:r:',:1.Jitff :l":"lithe attcntion and educ.ation to optimize the potenriatof the chitd. Child develoo;;;; .Jntinu" in:::i.9*.^..wirh age urd

"rp"ri"n.". O"r" "r rfr.aspects of.development that ,".a ," i"lriroducedrn early childhood is the emotionJ ,"i,

"rr..".In accordance w^ir! ,n. ,,'Ti .rr,,childhood education _of the Minister Regulation ofNational Education No. ss v"u;'iro, iir"J.rr,"rr,social aspects that must be mastered ai childrenaged 5-6 years; cooDerating with [l"lrao ,f,"*irgtolerance, showing empathy and respecting for rheexcellence of others. TIru., ii,"

"iii"r.a ."?"r" ,n.emotional and social aspects needs to be introducedas early as possible in order to helf .rrij."rl""_ .coexist with others urA ar"i. "rui'.*_]ni.^rr".rrrywith the provision skills ,fr",'ir"lra" ,".i.fand inrerpersonal skills, ."grii.",*ii,'.lrl" _,.,.emotions skills, they muy b! u",* f..p"."Jto faceall the challenges.

The problems frequently encountered byteachers of kindersarren in DIy durinq rheinrerview of pLpc i.,irii",'in Ioi, ,ll'llii,, ,n.number of children agecl 5_6 ,."^^vrfr",tuu. no,had a cooperative auitud" "r;

-;;p;;;, ,,n n,,friend. The behaviors

seizing rh. 1;;,' ;'i ;1:: 'l?;:,:r,,tu',H,lishouting, often hining rh. fii"n;l;;;y O?ffi r",

wJra,t thel wanted, and being selfish. This condition

ffi::"j""":"^.fr:uig.d special attenrion so tharchildren are abie to tru, "t-"'qr otLc,trolt so thal

make themi;;;#;#" a pro_social aftitudes rhal

stages. rnce in the next development

Development of children as their pro_socialattitudes is infl uenced uv *.i"rri"#..ran,,o..nwill develop into inaividuats --;;;r.

highrntelleoua-l and power ctraracter wi.r';h.; grow insupnnrr of the famiry, schoot .rd ;;;l';;;racter ofsociety. One effectivl *ry to deveiop the socialskitls of young childr.n ;o; ;;' ,:ilji, and inkrndergarten is bv implem.n,ing ..o*ri]'tot .n in1le-

lelnine. proi.u.. e.orori i"i.r"oi"**. ,,one of implementat:that*i;#...;"',;l:'"1";',J;,:"1'."T:T;..::1""7

II:C*T is a behavjoral modifica,lon"'pio..Ou."usrng the conditioned ..infor....ii^.",,10,"0.r,that are used in reinforcing rhe desired behavior onthe client (Miltenberger , 2004). Epstein, er al(Bernard, cohen *. win n, ztiodl n#"orJren rhareconomy token was effeciive i,

-'i.ipi"i,rg ,rr"compliance in children and provide children ausetul

.option exerciscs. Thi: ";;;y"';i;.


:; J : l,"jj :',; #: : :,T o r

". ; ; ;, ;' lli., i',1 . u.,,

,k, r, w;; ;;il"";#rr;*: :hT,f :? ::;H1token program, it can L" ,r"a "r- " ,r,J" iii .*,,childhood educators in applying the concepts of

l:li:"1.: appropri atetf '*i,ffi ,,''u#"ll!u,, u.rmpacts in long time.

2. Formulation of the problems

Tl" formulation of the problem of thisresearch js: ..How to develop the Economy Tokenrn early childhood learning?,,. ---- ""v,v'rJ I t

Inrernational confbrence on Current Issues in Education 2or5 _ 30g

Df ITLOP}IENT OF ECONTOMY TOKEN MODEL INE.{RL T- CHILDHOOD LEARNII\G\ ur Hay ati'r rlluthmainnah2, Rafika Rahmawati3,,2,,PG-PAUD,FIP,

[email protected]

Abstract::;e"rrch aimed at developing a guide of econcmy token model for young children. This research was the::",





:.:-::r-3:.: such as a token was important to be given to the chiildren to strengthen or reinforce the ernlrsence

;.':I:',j:j11?T:"':"0*"i::"0:'.:11'l::3_d.g p."ri*r,u.v ,tic:u;';f ;";.r;;ffi;:#;product by an expert. The data was analyzed,i.irg qr"rllr"ii:::';'T:I-:,",11.:^::_:-I ]"I* Tld.l: it was expect.a *,ut the earty childhood were able to develooearly childhood were able to develop

I;:l:3 fi ,':"':::,,::.e::'^'-"0:.Y',o"^, rh'. J:,,.,i,i:l

"i 'r* J'jv^;;;r; r."#; ff;:-.;,,:;i;l;;::l::;,:",Ti,y:,,':-"::::'.*::o *,,:rop the r,"L,t',"i liiia;;;; il^ffi'";t'il;,i;;';;;,,.,:.;"liil""-;",".'""1f**..::T-1"i11,::":-"11 t"1., 1'"q.t ,i il;-ffi-';;H:; **;T::ffi:

:_".1::: :1":-'l::i..'::idministration was^that the chitd d;"';";J;;;; ;;;;;; ;j il" *H,fi|#lill;:-1;:::-j:j:'lj:li'lr-"^'::"::::::1r::::T:':incruded: coniii.".v "i*ril;il ["^,ffi#ffi::J;: i;;n:nisirarion. and the type of reinforcement which was given.

Ker n ords: economy token, positive habituation, early childhood

, - !3:i!', IOrS

:: e ner.i such

I. Introduction

Optimization of education in early childhoodeducation is the key to one's success in adolescenceand adulthood. The golden age of which are in earlychildhood is a special time for the children inreceiving a variety of knowledge and opporrunitiesto stimulate various aspects of development. Earlychildhood development needs to be iupported bythe attention and education to optimize the potentialof the child. Child development will continue inaccordance with age and experience. One of theaspects of development that need to be introducedin early childhood is the emotional social aspects.

In accordance with the standards of earlychildhood education of the Minister Regulation ofNational Education No. 58 year 2009 foremotionalsocial aspects that must be mastered as childrenaged 5-6 years: cooperating with friends, showingtolerance, showing empathy and respecting for theexcellence of others. Thus, the abitity to manage theemotional and social aspects needs to be introducedas early as possible in order to help children learn tocoexist wirh others and their environment. Starringwith the provision of life skills that include socialand interpersonal skills, cognitive skills and mimicemotions skills, they may be better prepared to faceall the challenges.

The problems frequently encountered byteachers of kindergarten in DIy during theinterview of PLPG activities in 2013 is, still, thenumber of children aged 5-6 years who have nothad a cooperative attitude and empathy with hisfriend. The behaviors were shown by frequentlyseizing the toys of other friends, talking byshouting, often hitting the friend if they did not met

what they wanted, and being selfish. This conditionneeds to be provided special attention so thatchildren are able to have a pro-social attitudes thatmake them have endurance in the next developmentstages.

Development of children as their pro_socialattitudes is influenced by various factors. Childrenwill develop inro individuals whose highintellectual and power character when they grow insupnort of the family, school and good character ofsociety. One effective way to dwelop the socialskills of young children both at school and inkindergarten is by implementing economy token inthe learning program. Economy token program isone of implementation of positive reinforcementthat reinforces the behavior. Economy tokenprogram is a behavioral modification procedureusing the conditioned reinforcement call;d tokensthat are used in reinforcing the desired behavior onthe client (Miltenbergel 2004). Epstein, et al(Bernard, Cohen & Moffett, 2009) had proven thateconomy token was effective in improving thecompliance in children and provide childien auseful option exerciscs. This study aims atdeve-loping a program of economy token in earlychildhood learning, in particular to develop socialskills. With the development of model of economytoken program, it can be used as a guide for earlychildhood educators in applying the concepts ofbehaviorism appropriately without any negativeimpacts in long time.

2. Formulation of the problems

The formulation of the problem of thisresearch is: "How to develop the Economy Tokenin early childhood learning?,,.

3 10 - iniernationai Conference on Current Issues in Educatron 2015

3. Objectives of the Research

The objective of this research is to produce aprototype model of the economy token economy inearly childhood learning in particular to developemotional social aspects

4. Literature Review

4.1 Behaviorism Theory

Behaviorism theory of development is atheory that was developed based on the philosophyespoused by John Lock (Martini Jamaris, 2006:104). Based on the concepts of behaviorism, aperson is considered to have learned something ifhe shows changes in behavior. According to thistheory, the most-important thing in learning isinputs which is in the form of stimulus and outputswhich is in the form of a response. Stimulus isevery.,thing the teacher gives to the student, whilethe response or reaction can be in the form ofstudent responses to the stimulus provided by theteacher. The stimulus and response can beobserved, therefore what is given by the teacher(stimulus) and what is received by the students(response) must be observed and measured. Otherfactor that is considered important by behaviorist isa reinforcement factor. When the reinforcementgetting biggcr (positive reinforcement), theresponse will be stronger.

4.2 Economy Token

One form of positive reinforcement that canbe used in forming and reinforcing the desiredbehavior is the economy token. Economy Token isa behavior modification procedure using theconditioned reinforcement called token (sign) thatis used in reinforcing the desired behavior on theclient (Miltenberger, 2004). Epstein, et al (Bernard,Cohen & Moffett, 2009) has provren EconomyToken effective in improving the 'adherence inchildren and providing children a useful exercisechoice.

Soekadji (1983) said that the economy tokenis a program that uses chips or marks given as soonas possible whenever the behavior of the targetappears, then chip or mark that has been collectedcan be exchanged with support (reward) which ispreferred by the subject. Rezky Sahyani (2014)concluded that the economy token can improveeating behaviors for children who have trouble ineating manner. The statement was reinforced byresearch conducted by Rafika in 2013 who statedthat early childhood who is getting token programat some stage will try to get the reward, which isdedicated to someone else. In other words, it can beconcluded that the token program which rs initiallyconsidered more controlled teachers, the nextprocess is determined more by the studentsthemselves. The main purpose of a token economy

program is to increase desirable behaviors andreducing undesirable behaviors.

4.3 Early Childhood Education

Learning in early childhood, in principle, ismuch influenced by learning theories ofbehaviorism and constructivism. The dominance ofboth theories in early childhood education happensbecause ofthe characteristics ofchildren in the agerange of 0-6 years in the fufure which is still beingegocentric. Teacher planned learning throughconditioning the environment will foster children'slearning response and in certain circumstances,children can build their own conclusions aboutwhat they are doing and observe the current study.

Learning can be ciefined as a grocess ofbehavioral changes in a person, as an indicator thatsomeone has an activity that is reflected in thechange of behavior. For early childhood, behaviorthat appears is an incredible experience as a resultof interaction with the environment. The acquisitionof new experiences not merely of growth andmaturity of the child, but they gain it with effort orexercise. According to the constructivist theory,both Piaget and Vygotsky, learning is a process thatis done by the child actively to build ideas or newconcepts which are based on knowledge orexperience both old or new. Thus to favor theoccurrence of these conditions, the child must begiven the freedom and opportunify to explorethemselves and their surroundings in order toacquire the knowledge itself.

B. F.Skinner in theory Behaviorism wrote"Learning is the acquisiticn of new behaviorthrough conditioning". (Suparno, 2001). Accordingto Skinner, learning is acquiring a new behaviorthrough conditioning where the child is controlledby a system of reward and punishment. Learning inthe behavior theory is a process ofshaping behaviorand improve children's desired behavior byproviding assistance, reward and punishment toform the desired behavior and educators no longerneed to give a reward to the child. (Slameto: 2003).

Globally, in the opinion of Muhibbin Shah(2007), the factors that influence student learningcan be divided into three kinds: (l) internal factorsor from within the students, namely physical andspiritual condition of the child; (2) external factorsor factors outside the sfudent, that the condition ofthe environment around the child; and (3) approachlearning factors that is the lypes ofstudents'effortsthat include leaming strategies and methods thatstudents use to conduct leaming activities inunderstanding the material being taught. Some ofthe factors that affect children's learning processbecome very meaningful input for educators inorder to pack a learning process so the materialscan be interpreted by the students.

! 3 10 - Iniernational Conference on Current Issues in Education 2015

3. Objectives of the Research

The objective of this research is to produce aproto[pe model of the economy token economy inearly childhood learning in pamcufa. io developemotional social aspects.

4. Literature Review

4.1 Behaviorism Theory

Behaviorism theory of development is atheory that was developei tu".a on iil pr,itoropt yespoused by John Lock (Martini, ZOOO:104). Based on the conceprs of irnul,io.ir_, uperson is considered to have learned something ifhe shows behavior. A;;.d*g to thistheory, the most-important tfring inl"arning isinputs which is in the form of ,tlrn'rfus uid oupr,,which is in the form of a respons".- Siimutu, i,everything the teacher gives to the student, whilethe response or reaction can be ir'*l'mr* ofstudent responses to the stimuf* p."riO"a by theteacher. The sdmulus and ."r'porr"--'"un t"observed, therefore what is glu"n'by"th" teacher(stimulus) and what is receired Uy'tt. ,tra.nts(response) must be observed "rd ;'"";;;"d. orherfactor that is considered l*po.tu,rt fV l", i,a reinforcement factor. When the reinforcement

gettins biiq". (positive ."ini;r.;;";, theresponse will be stronger.

4.2 Economy Token

, 01. . form of positive reinforcement that canoe used rn lbrmins and reinforcing the desiredbehavior is the econ'omy token. Economy Token isa behavior modification p.o..aur"..''u.*g theconditioned reinforcement called token (sign) thatis used in reinforcing the desired""i"i"on ,,,"client (Miltenberger,'?9OCl Epstein, et al lBernard,

9*., &- Moffett, zoolj has p;;;;; eluno*yToken effective in improving ifr. ,Jfr."r.r.. l"children and providing .t itarJn u u#fri^"choice.

:- Soekadji (1983) said that rhe economy tokenls a program that uses chips or marks given u, ,oo,as possible whenever the behavior If it"'rurg",appe,ars, then chip or mark that has U""n".oU".t"acan^be exchanged with supporr ,irri.r, i,lTf:o:d. by the subject.

-Rezky srrry""i' fior+lconcluded that the economy token can imDroveeating behaviors lor children *h; h";;';r;;ili;;;

eating manner. The statement *u, ."irfo.."a Uyresearch conducted by Rafika l, ZOf : ivfro .tut.athat early childhood who is *.nir* at.r;;"_1t gome stage will try to get the riward, J".n i.dedicated to someone etr.."fn ott .. * ,i .., O"concluded that the token program which is initiallyconsidered more controllej teacherq


"^^'n.*,process is determined more by the studentsthemselves. The main purpose of a token economy

program is to increase desirable behaviors andreducing undesirable behaviors.

4.3 Early Chitdhood Education

, Learning in early childhood, in principle, ismuch influenced by leaming tireories ofbehaviorism and constructivism. Tie dominance ofboth theories in early childhood

"a*u,io, happensbecause ofthe characteristics ofchildren in the agerange of 0_6 years in the furure which is still beiigegocentric. Teacher. planned learning throughconditioning the environment will foster children,s,:13,n* response and in certain

"ir.u.r,un..r,children can build their own .*"].rior. uUortwhat they are doing and observe tfr" .uo.rt ,ruay.. Learning can

. be ciefined u, u

-p.o."., ofbehavioral changes in a person, as an indicator thatsomeone has an activity that is reflected in thechange of behavior. For early .hild;;;;, behavior

th_at appears is an incre,Jibl";^p;;i;;ls a resultof interaction with the "rulror*iri. itiJ u"quiritionof new experiences not merely of growth andmaturity of the chitd, but they gain it *lit .ifon o.exercise. According to the cJnskuctivirt tt eory,both piaget and Vy[otsky. l.u*G-;;'process rhatis done by rhe child actively to build ideas or newconcepts which

?r." based on knowledge orexperience both old or new. flrr"-io Aror theoccurrence of these conditions, the child must begiven rhe freedom .una oppo.r,rrity'^ii ."pto."themselves and therr surroundings in order toacquire the knowledge itself.

B. F.Skinner in theory Behaviorism wrote"Leaming is the acquisition of new behaviorthrough conditioning,,. jsupu_o, )ooil.' e..oroirgto Skinner, Iearning is acquiring u n"* behaviorthrough conditioning where the child is controlredby a system of rewaid ana pl.rnirhm"nr. i.u*irg i,the behavior theory is a process ;il;;l;l"haviorand improve children,s desired 'U"f,?ri". byproviding assistance, reward ara*ent toform the desired behavior una

"ar.itorr"no long..need to give a reward to the child. fSf"rn.t", ZOO:1._- , Globally, in the opinion of r,arfriiii, siruf,(2007), the factors that lnfluenc" *a"n,"i.u.nlngcan be divided into three kinds: (l) lrrt"rnui from within the students, pivri.uf unaspiritual condition of the child; (2);;;;i'factorsor factors outside the student, thaithe .oniiUon ofthe environment around-the child; urJ 11'[prou.f,learning factors that is the rye., or.n jJrit],that include learning strategies and methods thatsruoents use to conduct Iearning activities inunderstanding the material being ;rght.- So.. ofthe factors that affect children,J t.uiring*iro...,become very meaningful input r"r'.jr?"I"^ i,order to pack a learning pro..r, ,o ,t .-rnui..iut,can be interpreted by the students.

5. Research Method

5.1 Type of Research

This research is R & D study with the

development model by Borg and Gall (1983). The

research model development because researchers

have been seeking to develop an economy tokenprogram in early childhood learning. The modeldeveloped is the concept of economy tokenprogram adapted to the social and emotionalcharacteristics of a child in TPA Darma Yoga Santi,

State University of Yogyakarta, especially to a

positive habit.Broadly outline, research and development

activities consist of two main stages, namely: 1)

feasibility study and literature review to map thesocial and emotional problems that exist in the fieldand support resources in the location (TPA), and 2)

draw up models of appropriate economy token forearly childhood in TPA Darma Yoga Santi, State

University of Yogyakarta, which is validated by the

relevant experts and practitioners.

5.2 Data Collection Technique

This research data collection techniques

are obseration, interviews and documentation.Observation technique was chosen to determine the

description of the social and emotional abilities ofchildren of kindergarten age. Observation ofactivities carried out in the classroom and outsidethe classroom by observing the behavior ofchildren. Interviews were addressed to the data

sources involved in the development of social-emotional skills of kindergartner with a structuredinterview technique. The documentation wasintended to determine the success of the economicprogram of the work token / performance of the

students during the learning process in schools.

5.3 Data Analysis Technique

Data obtained through assessment instrumentsduring the validation test were analyzed usingqualitative descriptive statistics. Experl test analysis

results are used as a basis for revising the economytoken models that are appropriate for youngchildren. Quantitative data was obtained throughthe scoring of economy token models by the

experts. The quantitative data was then converted to

a qualitative data using percentage formula to

determine the quality of the product. Conversionperformed on the data was referring to the opinionof Suharsimi Arikunto (1998:244), namely:

5.4 Assessment Criteria of Economy TokenModel

No. Criteria PercentI Verv Good 86%-100%

Sood t%-85%A.verage s6%-10%\ot Good 40%

International Conference on Current Issues in Education 20 I 5 - 3 1 1

6. Research Result and Discussion

6.1 Research Result

Researchers conducted a study of literature,identification of economy token implementationnecessity for the development of positive habits ofearly childhood. This activity is done by exploringthrough literature and interviews withadministrative coordinator of TPA Dharma YogaSanti UNY. Literature exploration was made byreviewing the various theories of token and social-emotional development of children, especially those

of 2-4 years. The selection of 2-4 years old was onthe basis of observations that children who are oftendeposited in TPA Dharma Santi Yoga UNY are 0-4years. But the fact showed that those who can be

active in learning activities are children of 2-4years. Children of 4-5 years are no longer entrustedto TPA because they had followed the educationalprogram in kindergarten which there was not beenin TPA Dharma Yoga Santi.

Instruments testing by validator of materialsexperts showed that 18 indicators assessed byvalidator 1 using the draft guidelines, it can be

concluded that 3 indicators (16.6%) were declaredgood, 15 indicators (83.3%) were expressed verywell. The results of expert assessment of material 2

can be concluded that one indicator (5.5%) wasstated quite good, 4 indicators (22.2Yo) weredeclared good and 13 indicators (72.2o/o) wereexpressed very well. Based on the assessment of thevalidator, the guidebook that has been made by theresearchers was declared eligible tested withrevisions.

6.2 Discussion

Positive habits are positive things that oftendone by people in everyday life related to socialinteraction. Based on behaviorism theory, that toestablish individual behavior needs habituation ofsome positive habits that can be developed in earlychildhood, among others: social responsibility,manners and independence.

Through the development of the economytoken model the children who studied in the TPADharma Yoga Santi may develop those positivehabits. All children of 2-4 years have a highermotivation in following the study in TPA DharmaYoga Santi. Giving token in this study did not use

the gifts of objects, but the prizes were awarded inthe form of a sticker remembering the age of the

child was very young. Thus changes in the behaviorof children appeared are not considered as a gift,but because of changes in motivation.

7. Implementation of Economy Token Model inLearning Process

7.1 Preparation Phase

The preparation stage includes several

activities including the following:

312 - Intemational conference on current Issues in Education 2015

Figure 1. The preparation stage of implementatroneconomy token model

7.1.1 1. Providing a Token Board

Token board is the boards or media to attach

stars or marks obtained by children on any points

that have been defined in the rule made by the

teacher. Token board is made of white board with

the size is adjusted to the number of children' The

child's name is written with declining or downward

position coupled with the implementation or

effective teaching written horizontally'

Table 1. An ExamPle of Token Board


7.1.2 Providing Token Sign

Star sign or other token markers are pins star

image that *ltt U. affixed by the teacher on the

boaid based on the name of each child' Star or pin

is a sign that the child has been able to implement a

rule oi rule set. Tokens can also be stickers, bottle

caps and other objects that can be affixed on board

the token.


7.1.3 Determining the Rules

Rules to be set, generally, refers to the

development of positive habits set by the teacher'

Determination of the type or target of positive

habits should refer to the condition of the child's

behavior in school that needs to be improved' Here

are examples of some rules that will be applied in

the token model.

Table2. ExamPle of Rule

1. lnviting friends to PlaY

together.2. Responding friendlY to the

people who greet him.3. Performing the game

according to the rules.

4. Willing to disPose of waste

in proper place.

5. Not scribbling in anY Place.

6. Being on time to school.

7. Saying thank to anY PeoPlewho help him.

7.1.4 lntroducing children on the application ofthe token sYstem

Educators mention a few of rules that will be

applied in the token system, including:

u. ^ typ" of positive habits that will be observed in

toGn modets such as being good attitude of

Time of Token GivingToken or a sign is given every day by the

teacher to the child, when the child is carrying

out one rule that has been set. For every 1 (one)

rule that can be implemented by a child then the

Figrr." 3. Picture of Board Rules

Figure 2. ExamPles of Token




child gets one (1) star. If in a day there are some

rule that a child is able to do then the child willget also some stars in that day. Acquisition of a

star or token will be evaluated or reported every

teacher in early next week when the learningbegins. It is intended that the child's progress

last week may spur children to do better and do

more in this week's rule.

7.2 ImplementationPhase

Implementation phase includes activities such

The actor of token program that is educators orparents should carefully observe the emergenceof positive habits in accordance with the rules

that has been set.

2. Educators give signs (markers) on token board

in accordance with emergent behavior.3. Educators save the data collected by the child

every day.4. Educators accumulate the number of tokens

earned each child during a predeterminedperiod, for example, Monday-Thursday (4


Table 3. Token Board containing tokenaccumulation

5. Educators manage stocks (gifts) to be given as a

token that must be paid to the child. Gift or

token should be objects that are interesting to

children so as to motivate children to developpositive habits. If the reinforcement or token

assessed children less attractive, there is a worythat the children will be reluctant and

unenthusiastic.b. Educators present the results of a child token

acquisition and give appreciation to childrenqhtr received the token at most, for example bygivine token in the form of stickers objectsprettned bv children or other gifts that appeal

to children.7. Educators motivate children to keep them

develop positir c habit.8. Educators anticipate possible contingency

punishment for children. u.ho received the

International Conference on Current Issues in Education 2015 - 313

token, but the positive habits or good behavtordoes not reappear. In this case the educator can

provide contingency penalty by pulling back the

token has been given in the past, in the hope ofpositive habits children can reappear with a

promise ofreturn token that has been obtained.9. Educators supervise the implementation of the

token program and deal with potential problems,

for example, children are forced and crying to

be given token though the child is not doingpositive habits.

l0.Educators evaluate the implementation of the

system so that the next token system can ntnbetter.

8. Conclusion

Development activity is a development guide

prototype of the economy token model in earlychildhood learning, especially children of 2-4 years

containing an introduction, literature review ofsocial-emotional development and the theory ofeconomy token, implementation of economy tokenmodels in the learning and conclusion. Thisprototype guide results in a two-step

implementation of economy token consisting ofprocurement token boards, providing a token sign,

the determination of rules, introduction ofapplication systems such as the tlpe of token inchildren positive habits that will be applied. The

results of prototypes formulation were then

validated by experts and users that the results state

that the prototype models deserve to be tested.

The implementation of giving positivereinforcement such as token which is to establish

and develop habits of children needs to carry out

the rules of administration so that the child does notdepend on the prize. Economy token modificationsapplied in the behavior of children of 2-4 years isnot using gift items, but in the form of sticker as an

encouragement prize for children in developingpositive habits. Rules that need to be enforced inthe provision of positive reinforcement include:

consistency of rules, the intensity and frequency ofadministration, and the type of reinforcement whichis given.


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