product & symptom information

PRODUCT SYMPTOM A-Beta- CarE The combination of these vitamins (A, Beta Carotene and E) with selenium greatly improves the absorption and activity of the vitamins, and work well together as an excellent rejuvenator. Contains selenium (v important to help reduce the incidence of cancer of the oesophagus, also VERY important for men to reduce possibility of prostate cancer, and maintains healthy liver). Anti-oxidant, repairs damaged cells, good for skin, vit A, good for the digestion, helps w psoriasis, preventative measure for Crohn’s disease, regulates body temperature (eg. hot flushes in menopausal women, also good for fatigue). Good for eyes (not for the elderly though, nothing helps ‘old age eyes’!) Absorbent C Aids absorption of vitamin C, powerful anti-oxidant (it protects cells from oxidative damage, and it interferes with the production and activity of free radicals), natural anti-histamine, beneficial for skin and joints, respiratory problems and cataracts, contains no sugar, preservatives, starch or artificial colourings. It is safe to take this supplement during pregnancy. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is required for the synthesis of collagen and connective tissue. Collagen strengthens tendons, cartilage, bones, arteries and veins, for example. It also strengthens the immune system (eg. increasing your body’s resistance to colds). Also, helps to reduce risk of stomach cancer. Vitamin C is one of the body’s main antioxidants, ammunition in the fight against free radicals. The more you smoke, the more vitamin C you lose from your tissues and blood and your body therefore needs more of it to counteract the damage that smoking causes to your cells. Smokers require double the amount of vitamin C compared to non-smokers (around 2000mga day). This cannot be achieved by diet alone, so a supplement is needed. Having a high level of vitamin C in your blood, consistent with that achieved by supplementation and eating a high fruit and vegetable diet, reduces your risk of diabetes by 62% Alluring eyes Due to the concentration of the pure vitamin E in this product, if it is applied too heavily the eyes become over saturated with moisture and they react by becoming puffy. It is not the case of more the better; just apply a very small amount, very gently to underneath the eyes (not on the eyelids). Alluring Eyes has been formulated using modern technology to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and under eye circles. After 28 days you should start to notice the difference. Aloe Activator Mix 50:50 with purified water as an eye wash (eg. for sties and conjunctivitis)Activator diluted 50:50 with sterile water and then inhaled 1-3 times a day is good for chronic sinusitis – can also be used neat from an atomiser spray if desired (very effective) Aloe first Soothes sunburn, prickly heat, itchy scalp, nettle rash, midge

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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PRODUCT SYMPTOMA-Beta-CarE The combination of these vitamins (A, Beta Carotene and E) with selenium greatly improves the

absorption and activity of the vitamins, and work well together as an excellent rejuvenator. Contains selenium (v important to help reduce the incidence of cancer of the oesophagus, also VERY important for men to reduce possibility of prostate cancer, and maintains healthy liver). Anti-oxidant, repairs damaged cells, good for skin, vit A, good for the digestion, helps w psoriasis, preventative measure for Crohn’s disease, regulates body temperature (eg. hot flushes in menopausal women, also good for fatigue). Good for eyes (not for the elderly though, nothing helps ‘old age eyes’!)

Absorbent C Aids absorption of vitamin C, powerful anti-oxidant (it protects cells from oxidative damage, and it interferes with the production and activity of free radicals), natural anti-histamine, beneficial for skin and joints, respiratory problems and cataracts, contains no sugar, preservatives, starch or artificial colourings. It is safe to take this supplement during pregnancy. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is required for the synthesis of collagen and connective tissue. Collagen strengthens tendons, cartilage, bones, arteries and veins, for example. It also strengthens the immune system (eg. increasing your body’s resistance to colds). Also, helps to reduce risk of stomach cancer. Vitamin C is one of the body’s main antioxidants, ammunition in the fight against free radicals. The more you smoke, the more vitamin C you lose from your tissues and blood and your body therefore needs more of it to counteract the damage that smoking causes to your cells. Smokers require double the amount of vitamin C compared to non-smokers (around 2000mga day). This cannot be achieved by diet alone, so a supplement is needed.Having a high level of vitamin C in your blood, consistent with that achieved by supplementation and eating a high fruit and vegetable diet, reduces your risk of diabetes by 62%

Alluring eyes Due to the concentration of the pure vitamin E in this product, if it is applied too heavily the eyes become over saturated with moisture and they react by becoming puffy. It is not the case of more the better; just apply a very small amount, very gently to underneath the eyes (not on the eyelids). Alluring Eyes has been formulated using modern technology to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and under eye circles. After 28 days you should start to notice the difference.

Aloe Activator Mix 50:50 with purified water as an eye wash (eg. for sties and conjunctivitis)Activator diluted 50:50 with sterile water and then inhaled 1-3 times a day is good for chronic sinusitis – can also be used neat from an atomiser spray if desired (very effective)

Aloe first Soothes sunburn, prickly heat, itchy scalp, nettle rash, midge bites, shingles or chickenpox (soothes pain and reduces inflammation), reduces temperature, spray onto burn before using gelly, spray onto hair to protect from sun (comb through), spray before/after waxing your legs for a smooth unmarked skin, good for sensitive skin. For wounds, stops bleeding immediately, pain disappears and heals very quickly (eg. fantastic on vaginal wounds from giving birth – use immediately after birth)

Aloe lips Cold sores, lip balm/gloss, first aid stick, haemorrhoids, (nasal stick) Also, if you suffer with Hay Fever, rub some Aloe Lips around the edge of each nostril to “trap” the pollen before it hits the nasal passages. It acts in the same way as Vaseline, but smells a whole lot better.

Aloe lotion (contains Lanolin)

~50% aloe vera gel – good moisturiser for hands/arms/body/legs. Thinner lotion than our moisturising lotion, contains elastin and collagen. Excellent after-sun lotion because of its high aloe vera gel content; also therefore better on dry, chafed skin or weathered skin (than our moisturising lotion). Both the Aloe Lotion and the Aloe Moisturising Lotion are moisturisers for the face and body – the Aloe Lotion contains a higher percentage of Aloe Vera but the Aloe Moisturising Lotion is much richer in texture, which some people prefer. The Aloe Lotion is also useful to heal and soothe minor skin irritations, because of its high aloe content.

Aloe scrub Works immediately! Very good exfoliator – soothing moisturising power of 100% stabilised Aloe Vera plus jojoba and the deep-cleansing properties of a scrub! Gentle enough for you to use every day on your face and body


Aloe Vera Gel drinksFreedom, 87% gelAloe Vera Gel, 97% GelBits & Peaches, 91% gel Berry Nectar, 90% gel

Natural detoxing, cleanser, anti-inflammatory, balances immune system, boosts energy levels and packed full of 75 nutrients. Good for IBS, digestive disorders, skin problems, arthritis, asthma, ME, migraine, reduces blood pressure. Excellent for combating stress. Gels from other companies you will find are called juice, as they only need to be 10% aloe to qualify for the name. If you look at the ingredients list on the back of other’s bottles you will find the Aloe will come far down the list – that indicates it is weak in contents. Our Gel uses the Aloe Barbadensis Miller and is 97% pure. Children from the age of two years old can take any of the gel drinks. Adults take 60-120 ml, children aged 12+ take half the adult dose (30-60 ml) and younger children take half again (15-30 ml). Note – if your client has an artificial heart, they should always check with their doctor/consultant first.Gardening expert uses aloe-soaked bandages to wrap around broken branches to mend them!! Works wonders!Most important to take on an empty stomach. AV gel then passes rapidly through the stomach, through the valve into the small bowel so it’s OK to have a drink after taking the gel. If you take the gel twice daily, take the 2nd amount at ~4pm prior to food (ie. still on an empty stomach)Aloe contains vits B1, B5, B6, B12, A and C plus calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, zinc, iodine and titanium…Can children be given Aloe Vera Gel? Yes, in proportional amounts, e.g. adult amount over 12 years old, half amount for 6-12 years, quarter adult amount 3-5 years and a sixth of an adult amount from 3 years and below.Can infants under the age of one be given Aloe Vera? It is not recommended to give Aloe Vera Gel to infants under year old because they have an immature gut and are prone to colic. The Gel may exacerbate this, as it increases the transit time of the bowel contents.

Alpha-E Factor oil

Try this on stubborn patches of eczema. Forever Alpha-E Factor is a light emollient fluid fortified with vitamins A, C and E, borage oil and Bisabalol. Vitamin E heals from the inside out, moisturises and breaks down scar tissue. Vitamin A enhances elasticity while moisturising and reducing dryness. It also has natural antibiotic qualities, which helps to fight acne and common skin infections. Vitamin C enhances the formulation of inter-cellular collagen and is the third vitamin in this powerful antioxidant serum. Bisabalol is a natural essential oil, and has the same pharmacological effects as many healing herbs such as camomile. It has a light citrus aroma and can be used on the most sensitive of skins. Great for use when skiing to help protect your skin from the elements. Also, fantastic to shave with, and great to use on your neck to help with ageing/wrinkles!

Arctic Sea Arctic fish oils (Omega 3 & 9), NOT taken from the liver but from the flesh of the fish (from the Arctic) – it’s been confirmed (and reiterated on a Radio 2 programme in March 2004 and again on TV’s Horizon programme in October 2005) that fish oils from the flesh are better for you than


from the liver. Good for heart disease (protects heart and blood vessels), strokes, high cholesterol, achy joints, joint immobility, Omega 3 (oils from Arctic fish, away from all pollution), Omega-3 fatty acids play a part in reducing heart disease, Omega-3 and Omega-9 fatty acids have a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels, may help arthritis, reduces blood pressure, depression, learning difficulties and skin disorders, chronic dandruff, dyslexia (food for the brain), hyperactivity, ADHD, unruly teenagers, autism (reduces aggression), irritability, proven to reduce risk of Alzheimer’s disease (omega 3 oils help sufferers of Alzheimer’s with concentration & mood swings). If the capsules are too big to take (eg. for children possibly) or you suffer with nausea when taking them, try freezing them and take them frozen (they defrost once they’re in the stomach and so don’t cause the nauseas feeling) – if they’re too big, cut them into smaller pieces whilst frozen and take immediately. Alternatively, you can pierce the softgel capsule and massage the oil directly onto the wrist at night (on the pressure points) – only do this at night, otherwise you’ll have every cat in the neighbourhood after you!! – your body will absorb the oils extremely well in this way (good for children who can’t take the large capsule, for example)For pregnant women, Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids from fish are vital for the formation of the new tissues (ie. vital for foetal development) particularly the development of the brain, nervous system and retina with research showing enhanced effects in IQ and learning, so we certainly recommend our Arctic Sea. Note – tip from a distributor: if you/your customers have experienced difficulty with the safety screw lids on the Arctic-Sea Omega-3, you may be interested to know that the tops are interchangeable with the Aloe drinks bottles so save these and give them to your customers who have hand mobility problems.Arctic Sea provides the insulation for the myelin sheath that surrounds the nerve cells, so is great for those with MS. I have an MS customer who is taking the standard AV gel plus Arctic Sea and Forever B12+ and is feeling HUGELY better already – lots more energy, less aches and pains, and just a general feeling of well-being…Fish oils help recovery from depressive illness

B12+ Rich in folic acid. It is safe to take this supplement during and before pregnancy – It has long been recognised that a deficiency in Folic Acid can increase the likelihood of developing a congenital disorder. Great for those trying to conceive. Also, excellent for MS sufferers.

Bath gelée A senior Home Office executive at the Rally in the USA this summer recommended using the Aloe Bath Gelee as a ‘superior’ shaving gel – it is fantastic, just the right ‘gel’ consistency, great for the skin and gives a fabulously silky finish!!

Bee honey All natural, nothing added. Contains all 92 elements, 22 amino acids, purest food, ‘nature’s most perfect food’, no chemicals, from desert plants in Arizona (Sonora desert), replenishes and increases energy levels rapidly to relieve fatigue, contains royal jelly and pollen.

Bee pollen Complete food (can survive on this + fibre + water), hay fever, natural source of energy, boosts stamina, packed with 96 nutrients (eg. zinc, B vits), desensitises to allergies, assists in maintaining a healthy circulatory/digestive/immune/nervous system, good for depression and PMT (naturally high source of zinc and vitamin B6), antioxidant to fight the free radicals (eg. pollutants in the atmosphere). This is FLP’s version of a multi-vitamin/mineral tablet It is suggested to start taking these tablets slowly (ie. ¼ tablet daily to start with and build up gradually – this is for two reasons: 1) if the person is taking it for hay fever then they need to slowly build up the pollen otherwise they may have a hay fever ‘attack’ and 2) it CAN (but not always) increase your heart


beat so again it’s suggested to start with ¼ and gradually build it up to avoid palpitations)For hay fever, we suggest bee pollen is taken ALL YEAR ROUND not just during the season – in this way, your body builds up a resistance to the hay fever and will, in the worst case, be dramatically reduced in year one and eliminated by next year, but at best it may be eliminated immediatelyOne of my clients, Holly Hinton of H2IT in Huntingdon, commented: “I decided to try some of Julie’s natural products to help my hay fever…after only a few weeks of drinking Berry Nectar and taking the bee pollen tablets I was feeling the benefit so that I am now almost completely free of antihistamines and associated asthma medication – something the doctor told me I’d have to live with every summer…!”

Bee propolis Used by Ancient Greeks to defend against illness. Raw material taken by bees from the bud sap of certain trees in Senora desert. Treats wounds, fights colds (take lots in short bursts when reqd, eg. 2 x 3 times daily), natural anti-biotic, acne Rosacea, probiotic (only kill off bad bugs – bees line their cells with this)

Bee royal jelly Turns ordinary bee into Queen Bee! Youth enhancing!, stress, vit B, Alzheimer’s (calms nerves, lowers stress), keeps calm, greatly increased energy and rapid recovery from fatigue, superb for skin and also relief from stress, excellent for PMT, great natural alternative to HRT (along with other supplements).

Berry nectar Gout, cranberries are good for urinary tract problems (cleanses kidneys), vitamin C and pectin in apples good for cleansing liver, great for asthma sufferers

Conditioning rinse

Conditions and protects the hair, pH balanced, use sparingly (highly concentrated), aloe and jojoba based (ensuring great conditioning with a fresh and silky feel)

Deodorant Free of aluminium salts which have been linked to Alzheimer’s and breast cancer, can be applied directly after shaving or waxing without stinging, will not stain clothes. AV kills bacteria. Can be used for ‘smelly feet’ too! Lasts for ages – about 8-9 months, so very cost-effective

Echinacea Also contains Golden Seal (natural anti-biotic, anti-inflammatory) and Grapeseed extract (most powerful anti-oxidant), take when a cold/flu symptoms start to appear, also for abscesses, thrush, burns, Candida. NB – do not take for more than 2 weeks at a time. The only products we would not suggest giving to a pregnant lady is the Gin Chia, Echinacea and the Ginkgo.

Epiblanc Lightens dark patches of skin (takes ~ a month to be effective)Essentials Simple way to get ALL the essential daily vitamins and mineralsFields of Green

Diabetes, all-purpose multi-vitamin and multi-mineral, rich in minerals, combats the deficiencies of ‘convenience eating’, chlorophyll helps to counteract the effects of radiation. Helps with relief of morning sickness

Forever Kids Suitable for 4 year olds +Freedom Joint pains, morning stiffness, bone enlargement, tenderness on pressure, pain on moving,

osteoarthritis, research now proven Glucosamine is OK for diabetes sufferers too. The small amount of vit C helps to absorb the Glucosamine (so usually OK even if can’t take citrus flavours). There are no contraindications in using the Freedom whilst on blood pressure tablets (eg. Atenol(?)); also, no problems taking Freedom when also taking Ibuprofen. However, it has been suggested NOT to take Freedom if taking Warfarin, due to the Glucosamine (check with your doctor). Maintains healthy cartilage and joints – especially good for sports people.

Garcinia Good for weight lossGarlic & thyme

Reduces cholesterol, good antibiotic for chest, coughs, clears lungs

Gelly One of the best-selling products. Good for bites, stings, wounds, burns, bruises, cuts, spots, athletes foot, mouth ulcers, thrush, sore throat (can be taken internally), mozzie bites, sunburn, verruca’s, warts, teething babies, haemorrhoids, acne, reduces cellulite, speeds healing process, heals without scarring, reduces old scarring… Leaves no scars from wounds. For chickenpox, use to clear/heal spots – also, can swallow gelly to help soreness in throat caused by the spots/blisters

Gentleman’s Alcohol free, discourages razor rash, smells great too!


PrideGin Chia Colds, flu, energy. The only products we would not suggest giving to a pregnant lady is the Gin

Chia, Echinacea and the Ginkgo.Gingko Helps to increase blood flow in the small vessels of the body’s extremities, such as hands/fingers,

feet and brain (so good for Reynaud’s disease as they often have poor circulation), great as an energiser. In the brain this improvement of circulation has shown good results in cases of mild dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, improving short-term memory (great for exams, driving test, etc), mood and concentration – more alert, less irritable. Not to be taken if on Warfarin or aspirin, as it also thins the blood. Good for DVT. Tinitus has also been linked to circulatory probs, so could try Gingko. Good for diabetics (blood thinning effect) and asthma (due to its relaxant effect on the bronchial muscles). Ginkgo should not be combined with aspirin or an anticoagulant or be taken by a child under the age of 12Possible treatment for mouth cancer (published in the BMA – extract inhibits spreading of cancer and actually kills off cancer cells)The only products we would not suggest giving to a pregnant lady is the Gin Chia, Echinacea and Ginkgo.

Heat lotion Soothes aching joints and muscles, joint pain, muscle pain (eg. neck, shoulder), cramp, rub on chest for colds (also, good decongestant when used on hankie), combine with MSM gel for even better results, arthritic/muscular pain (brings relief to rheumatoid arthritis), headaches (massage onto temples & nape of neck), sinuses, PMT pain (rub across low back). Great for animals and humans alike on injuries to ligaments, muscles, or joint problems (can be used successfully with MSM gel). Use to warm muscles BEFORE playing sport

Liquid Soap Gentle enough to use on babies (also for shampoo on babies, ‘no tears’), cleanser, helped with tight skin on hands, can shave with it and moisturise with it to avoid shaving rash, make-up remover (even removing mascara doesn’t give that ‘panda’ look!), great for ‘cradle cap’. Use on hands before gardening to avoid ingrained dirt; similarly for heavily greased hands (eg. car mechanics). Aloe liquid soap makes an ideal substitute for shaving foam/gel – “it penetrates the skin better, and gives a closer cut. It also feels better whilst shaving” Distributor tips:Knowing that Aloe Soap is good for removing oil from mechanics’ hands I have now started using it to remove oil and grease stains from clothing etc. My washing machine broke down and covered my towels with black oil. I put neat Aloe Soap onto the extensive marks, put everything into my new machine with a 1/2 capful of MPD and, hey presto, ALL the marks are gone. I have also used it neat to remove oil from a carpet, rinsed with warm water and all traces were gone…I love our Aloe Liquid Soap with its moisturising texture, I rub two/three applications into my hands before commencing delicate jobs in the garden. Jobs like planting-up containers, which are difficult with gardening gloves on. When I’m finished I find that the dirt is not ingrained and lifts off with the Soap when you wash your handsCradle Cap is a dry skin condition that most babies seem to get in varying degrees. Ordinarily one has to use quite a severe ‘tar’ shampoo to combat it, but I have found that massaging my son’s hair in the aloe liquid soap and leaving it in place for a minute, has been highly effective. It takes a few bath sessions to take effect but if you tackle it early enough, which we have, one can effectively control the condition until the child ‘outgrows’ it

Lycium Plus The most powerful antioxidantMarine mask provides deep cleansing while balancing the skin’s texture with natural sea minerals plus the

super-moisturising and conditioning properties of Aloe Vera, honey and cucumber extractMascara Contains no filaments, which have often been found in eyes when operated on. Aloe activator

stops mascara drying out – simply add 2-3 dropsMoisturising lotion

Face and hand lotion, penetrating to cellular level and counteracting the ageing process, effective in preventing/reducing stretch marks, contains elastin and collagen (so good for skin structure and prevents wrinkles), does not contain lanolin, rich in texture, maintains skin’s natural pH balance, counteracts ageing effects of the sun. Both the Aloe Lotion and the Aloe Moisturising Lotion are moisturisers for the face and body – the Aloe Lotion contains a higher percentage of Aloe Vera but the Aloe Moisturising Lotion is much richer in texture, which some ladies prefer.


The Aloe Lotion is also useful to heal and soothe minor skin irritations, because of its high aloe content.

MPD (multi- purpose detergent)

Gentle on your skin and clothes, biodegradable, mix in different concentrations according to use using the MPD spray bottles (for laundry, floors, bathrooms, kitchens, ovens, cars, appliances, mirrors/windows, carpets, dishes, etc), concentrated so very economical (and no need for lots of different bottles of household cleaners, saving lots of money!). Kills ants ‘kindly’ without use of chemicals. Cleans ink from skin, again kindly. “Four large splodges of auburn coloured hair dye ended up on my light beige carpet recently!!! I recently bought a bottle of MPD but for some reason was reluctant to try it or anything for that matter. Anyway after several hours, I put a tiny drop onto one splodge, gently rubbed it in to the carpet and low and behold the stain went – I couldn’t believe it – my partner need never know –phew!!”“I was looking for an environmentally friendly way to clear paths of slippery algae and green moss that was safe for my pets and the wildlife in my garden. I decided to mix up a solution of MPD in hot water with a dash of vinegar, scrub the stones and then wash off with clear water. The results are perfect – no need for a power hose! I used about 60ml of MPD in a bucket of hot water and about a tablespoon of vinegar. If you live in an area of hard water you may need to use more MPD in the mixture.”

MSM gel Joint pains (+ heat lotion – ie. on acute pain, use MSM gel first and then heat lotion once pain has subsided somewhat) – good for osteo-arthritis sufferers – also helps acne – good for sprained ankle

Multi-Maca Contains coenzyme Q10 (which increases stamina and energy, and a great antioxidant) and Saw Palmetto (which has helped reduce hair loss and actually promote hair growth in men/women. Also, it’s this ingredient that helps to promote a healthy prostate in men), FLP’s version of Viagra! Also, fantastic benefit for menopausal women (alleviates 34 menopause symptoms including hot flushes and fatigue, restores hormone levels). Take 6 tablets per day (instead of HRT) to alleviate hot flushes (also provides lots of energy). Also, can help to reduce heavy periods and alleviate period pains.For more info on FLP’s Maca product. Also, another good website with general Maca info is client takes just Maca for her menopausal problems and feels SO much better and totally energised (this happened within a month of taking Maca)

Nature-Min It is safe to take this supplement during pregnancyPomesteen A VERY powerful antioxidant, containing Pomegranate (a Superfood) and Mangosteen, plus four

fruits (blueberry, raspberry, pear and blackberry) as well as Grapeseed. Try adding to yogurt, apple juice and Ultra Lite for a scrummy breakfast! This can be taken together with AV gel drink (they complement each other). Forever Pomesteen Power is the antioxidant solution to poor eating habits and improper nutrition. This powerful antioxidant supplement fights free radicals with two of the most potent fruits found in nature: POMEGRANATES and MANGOSTEENS. Just one to two ounces daily provide your cells with everything they need to fight free radicals and the damage they cause.

Probiotic It is safe to take this supplement during pregnancy. If taking a course of prescribed (!) antibiotics and suffer from diarrhoea, then take Probiotic to counter these effects

Propolis cream (contains lanolin)

Dry skin, Rosacea, dry eczema, psoriasis, barrier cream, moisturising cream for older people, propolis is a natural antibiotic, promotes healing, anti-itching, helps with cold sores and acne – aloe gel + propolis, blended with chamomile and comfrey, two of nature’s best-known skin care herbs, together with vitamins A and E (for their natural skin conditioning properties). Suitable for ALL ages, including babies (perfect for nappy rash when used daily)Remember that SOME people go through a ‘healing crisis’ occasionally when using propolis cream on eczema – this is the body saying ‘it’s working’! by pushing out all the rubbish through the skin; this may happen during the first few days but will then stop and start to heal – PLEASE go through that healing crisis and then you’ll enjoy the benefits (this does NOT happen to everyone; most people start getting the benefit immediately)


Pro Set Use on wet hair then dry as normal – keeps hair looking fantastic ALL day!Royal Jelly Superfood – rich in minerals and vitamins and contains all essential amino acids, helps alleviate

stress, good substitute for HRT. Good to take for those trying to get pregnant, works brilliantly! Excellent for those with sleep problems (especially menopausal women)

Shampoo Dandruff, itchy scalp – good for all hair types, cleanses hair as it washes. Helped old lady’s hair from falling out! Strengthens hair, helps thinning hair. Can also be used on coloured hair – because it’s so mild, it will not affect the colourfastness. Cocamide DEA and Cocoamidopropyl Betaine are derived from coconut and used in our products as surfactants. Aloe is an adaptogen, so it adapts to all hair types. Helps to prevent head lice when used regularly (use with conditioner – see notes on head lice) PRODUCT TESTIMONIAL (from Jan Backhouse) – I used to suffer with dry scaly skin on my legs, but since rinsing my tights in a little Aloe Shampoo, I have eradicated this problem. Miss Lovely Legs again!

Styling gel Can be used on wet or dry hair, alcohol-freeSunscreen lotion

gentle, non-greasy & water resistant (it retains its SPF even after 40 minutes of activity in water)Contains natural ingredients that help to soothe, lubricate, moisturise and protect the skin against sunlight and wind – its primary ingredient is stabilised aloe vera gel. It also helps to prolong your tanExcellent on both children and adults alike, you can still get a tan! – although it has an SPF of 30, it blocks out 90% of sunlight’s harmful ultra-violet rays yet allows in 70% of the tanning raysalso a natural insect repellent (very effective against mosquitoes, we found!) and after-sun lotionNB – aloe sunscreen does NOT block the pores

Supplements Majority of supplements can be taken by anyone aged over four years old.Tooth gel – only need to use a pea-size amount

Naturally flavoured (peppermint and spearmint), fights plaque, whitens without bleaching agents, soothes mouth and gum infections (eg. bleeding gums) with its anti-bacterial action, keeps breath feeling fresh all day, helps with mouth ulcers, does not contain fluoride (which is a poison and a by-product of aluminium salts), suitable for vegetarians (no animal by-products), also contains propolis. Fluoride can make bones more brittle and produce white flecks on the teeth (this is fluoride poisoning). However, it has been suggested that children ought to use a fluoride toothpaste just once a week. The percentages of saccharin in our product is proprietary. Saccharin has been used to sweeten foods and beverages without calories or carbohydrates for over a century. This ingredient is also used in cosmetic products, vitamins and pharmaceuticals. Saccharin is approved in more than 100 countries around the world and has been reviewed and determined safe by the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) of the World Health Organization and the Scientific Committee for Food of the European Union. JECFA noted that the animal data which earlier raised questions about saccharin are not considered relevant to humans. ”Several years ago, experiments on rats suggested that saccharin might cause cancer. Since then, however, studies of primates and humans have shown no increased risk of cancer from either saccharin or aspartame” - American Cancer Society, 1996 Dietary Guidelines. Chlorophyllin Copper Complex is derived from chlorophyll (from plants) and copper and is used as a colorant in this product.

Vet spray As well as its usual use for animals, this can also be used very successfully for scalp problems…spray into area affected, massage and leave in hair. NB: although this product states on the bottle that it should not be used near eyes, this is in fact because it is a ‘vet’s product’ and so since we’re not vets, they have to include this statement; in practice though, the vet spray can be used, for example, on damp cotton wool in and around the eyes or indeed mixed with boiled water as an eye bath…it is NOT dangerous to use here, although may sting if sprayed directly into the eyes.