production diary p4


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Post on 30-Jul-2015




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COMPARISON OF A HIGH BUDGET FILM (CARRIE 2013) V A LOW BUDGET FILM (28 DAYS LATER) – 6/10/14 Today, I compared a high budget film (Carrie 2013) to a

low budget film (28 Days Later). Looking at the difference in gross figures, production companies and target audience, from looking at the features I was able to determine which institution was more successful. 

From doing this I've realised why different companies have different budgets and the affects this can cause on the film in various ways, e.g. the actors who act in the film, the props used and the location of scenes.

This will enable me to include some of the details learnt today in my film opening when it comes to make it.

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ANALYSED STILL-IMAGES - YOU'VE GOT MAIL AND THE SHINING – 6/10/14 Today I analysed two still images, one from ‘You’ve Got

Mail’ and the other from ‘The Shining’. This task was very useful as it made us look deeper into

the images, therefore enabling us to interpret more connotations.

From doing this task I've learnt that you shouldn't assume the genre of the film from quickly glancing at a still image as there is a lot more you need to take in e.g. lighting, setting, actors etc.

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PRELIM TASK – STORYBOARD – 9/10/14 Today, I produced a storyboard containing the six most

important shots, within our prelim task, which we decided would tell the story of our romance genre for our Prelim task. 

This task helped us to plan our story-line for our prelim task, therefore allowing us to know what shots we needed to film and how to go about filming them. 

An aspect to improve upon this task may have been if we had planned for some of our shots to last slightly longer, as some scenes (especially the dialogue) went to fast, therefore it was harder to hear the characters.

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SCRIPT FOR PRELIM TASK – 9/10/14 The following is the script that we used for our Prelim task,

our aim was to keep the dialogue as minimal as possible so that it wouldn't take the main focus away from our editing e.g. transitions shots.

Caitlin - I'm really sorry I'm late Ed       - It's fine Caitlin - So, how have you been? Ed       - I've been good, good ... You look great! This task enabled us to think about the script in order for

us to make our romance genre more effective and by us discussing the potential lines we were going to include before filming our final piece it made us consider the location in more depth, as we aimed for the smart restaurant location.

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PRELIM TASK – VIDEO & ANALYSIS – 9/10/14 In this task we had to create a short film of a given

genre, in this case my group were given the genre Romance. The task consisted of us opening a door, walking into a room, sitting on a chair and exchanging some dialogue.

This was the first time that I had used, Premier to edit our footage on. Therefore the process took slightly longer, than expected.

I believe that our first attempt of creating a short film opening using Premier was reasonably successful and that we can take away a lot from doing this. This Prelim task helped us to understand each aspect of filming more and will we learn from our mistakes and hope to improve/remove them while constructing/making our own film opening.

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THE ART OF A TITLE – 12/10/14 Today, I researched into ‘The Art Of A Title’, this consisted

of looking at different film and the functions of particular titles within the title sequence. During this task I also researched Richard Morrison and found that he thought film openings were successful and ‘that you could not just press delete’ as he had it ‘all planned in advance’ therefore trying to get as minimal mistakes as possible during filming and editing.

This task enabled me to think/consider why title sequences are put together for effect and how they affect our interpretation about the film, such as what genre is this film. The task also made me consider why title sequences are successful or not and what factors contribute into making them.