production diary – part 1


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Page 1: Production diary – part 1

Essay, Mood board, Short comparison with another film, Film synopsis, Storyboard, Character Profiles, Script for your opening, Theories, Genre, Camera angles, still-images, Institution, Script analysis.

Page 2: Production diary – part 1

• Today I wrote my essay based on the question ‘Discuss

the ways film openings draw in their audiences’

• I feel that my essay was successful as previously to

constructing the essay I researched all of the key film

theories. By doing this it enabled me to apply them in my

essay, therefore developing my knowledge as to why

certain theories are used in certain genres of films.

• This task will help me when constructing my own film

opening as I will now be able to apply some of these key

theories, therefore I will be appealing to a certain age


Page 3: Production diary – part 1

• Today I created my horror movie mood board, by doing

this it allowed me to research/consider what costumes,

lighting, actors, make-up, props and settings go into

horror films.

• This therefore has made me have a clearer

understanding of all things horror and I can now offer

more to the audience on genre based connotations when

I come to create my horror opening.

Page 4: Production diary – part 1

• Today I compared my potential opening with ‘The Purge’.

From doing this I saw the similarities and differences

between the two films and way in which I could improve

my potential opening to get it to be more like an existing

film opening.

• This will help me when I come to make my final film

opening as I am now aware of all of the

connotations/elements which make up a popular horror


Page 5: Production diary – part 1

• Today I planned my film synopsis, this is helpful as I have

a stable concept/idea to focus in on. This is helpful for

when I come to make my final opening as I have an idea

already in mind and changes will be easier to construct

as a result of this.

Page 6: Production diary – part 1

• Today I planned my storyboard with 12 different scenes,

by doing this I now have a clearer view of what I want to

happen and how I want this to come across throughout

my opening.

• This was very useful as it made me think about what the

audience would like to see in the opening and how I

could go about doing this in an effective/successful way.

Page 7: Production diary – part 1

• Today I have put together suitable character profiles for

my horror film. By doing this it gave me a clearer idea of

what costumes my characters will need to wear in order

to fully represent their genre character in my film e.g. the

popular one.

• This will help me when constructing my opening as I

have a clear view/connotation of how I want each of the

characters to be in order for them to give off the horror

genre connotations to the audience potentially watching

my horror opening.

Page 8: Production diary – part 1

• Today I put together the script for my opening, doing this

enabled me to reinforce the characters roles and how I

want to present them once I begin filming my final piece.

• This also allowed me to consider what makes a script

and how to format it correctly when making my own.

Page 9: Production diary – part 1

• Today we looked at the theories of Claude Levi-Strauss,

Roland Barthes, Propp and Todorov. From looking at

these four different people and their opinions on what

films are made off, I now understand why certain features

go into films and how they are used for affect.

• Todays lesson will help me when constructing my own

film opening as I can use some of the research found in

my opening.

Page 10: Production diary – part 1

• Today we looked at Andrew Tudor and the ‘chicken and

egg’ dilemma. From looking at this I now understand

what genre consists off and why different cultures might

think differently about culture signifiers whether its to do

with religious/personal views/opinions etc.

Page 11: Production diary – part 1

• Today we looked at six different camera angles and

why/how they are used in films.

• This was very beneficial as it reinforced what I already

knew about why camera angles are used to create affect.

Page 12: Production diary – part 1

• Today we analysed two still images, one from ‘You’ve Got

Mail’ and the other from ‘The Shining’.

• This task was very useful as it made us look deeper into

the images, therefore enabling us to interpret more


• From doing this task I've learnt that you shouldn't assume

the genre of the film from quickly glancing at a still image

as there is a lot more you need to take in e.g. lighting,

setting, actors etc.

Page 13: Production diary – part 1

• Today I compared a high budget film to a low budget film.

• From doing this I've realised why different companies

have different budgets and the affects this can cause on

the film in various ways, e.g. the actors who act in the

film, the props used and the location of scenes.

Page 14: Production diary – part 1

• Today we analysed different genres of scripts and picked

out the key elements and discussed why they were used.

• This lesson was very beneficial as I've learnt key features

used when analysing a script and how to apply it to my

own script.