production log for my front cover


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Post on 12-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Production log for my  front cover


Page 2: Production log for my  front cover

Step 1:The making of my masthead started with the construction of just using the ‘T’ tool to just type in the ‘G’ by itself and with two other text boxes to imprint the word ‘ospel’ and ‘eneration’.

Step 2: To emphasis the ‘G’ the usefulness of the effects and of the swatches were demonstrated. By highlighting the letter and removing all colour. Then using stroke with the colour usage of purple and drop shadow to centralise the ‘G’. Moreover to make the masthead look more attractable to my audience and unconventional; the rotational tool was used turn the ‘G’ slightly.

Step 3:Then the ‘eneration’ and ‘ospel’ were highlighted with the colour purple. Then with the use of effects the of stroke of white with drop shadow to emphasise the two words.



Page 3: Production log for my  front cover

Cover lines :The cover lines are made in a series of fonts, for example, using the ‘T’ tool to type in ‘Youth Choir’ then I did the same for writing the rest of the text for that one cover line. Then by highlighting the text and changing the font size, finally grouped the text to make them into one whole cover line which I aligned to the left. Except for the main cover line which I made it larger with the selection and aligned of the text to make attract the audience.

In the making of the cover lines, the difficulty was constructing how the cover lines will be illustrated in used of size and font whilst attracting the audience through the cover lines.

Page 4: Production log for my  front cover

• The central Image was not edited but when placing the image within the magazine not all of the picture could not be placed inside so the image only 2 of my models and half of the other. However the image did bot hinder my actual Magazine from the genre.

• The central image of the my three models dressed in choir robes are youth. I chose this as my main image because it relates to my colour scheme which consists of purple.

• The chosen image subverts the traditional convention of a gospel magazine as the central image distributing direct addresses, this is because they are in the choir which also shows the traditional element of the gospel and by them looking up it shows the connection they have with god relating to my target audience being Christian.

Page 5: Production log for my  front cover

After taking consideration into what the magazine the alignment and the organisation of my cover lines need to look more professional and conventional to other Gospel magazine.

Firstly the change of colour to all white, to make the magazine simplistic. Also because to has to blend in with the main image whilst balancing the colour scheme of purple and white.

Secondly In the illustration of the cover lines, they were too long so I shorted them down to leave some mystery and thought into the reader by displaying the cover lines in short and sharp terms.

Then the size and font of the text had to be changed. To create interest and impact towards the magazine the main topic had to be highlighted with a large font, and a little teaser about the topic was addressed in smaller font as shown which aligned to the right.

Finally the main cover line bust be presented to stand out and appeal to the audience. And the initial Idea was to make it bigger and bolder to the audience.

Page 6: Production log for my  front cover

The strapline underlines how that the magazine is made for Gospel music. Everything in the magazine relates to elements of the Gospel.

The date shows that the magazine is issued monthly; because it leaves the audience in anticipation of the next issue.

The masthead ‘Gospel Generation’ elevates the what the magazine stands for and it appeals to the target audience straight away.

The main image is of the 3 young models that are in choir robe in a long shot. The illustration of the central image compliments to the colour scheme which is purple and white. Furthermore the young models in the picture shows the relation to the magazine

The cover lines I have chosen relate to the genre of gospel and the elements that will interest my target audience . A series of font sizes have been used to attract the main important issue with a highlight of text. The man cover line has been issued with the illustration of two colours attract the audience to what it is about.