productivity programs questions

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  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    Microsoft Digital Literacy

    Productivity Programs

    Test Item File

    Lesson 2: Common Features and Commands

    Objective 2.1 Identify the main components of the user interface.

    1. Markus creates a document by using Microsoft® Office Word 2003 and saves it with

    the name Office.doc.

    Which of the following components of Word 2003 will display the document name

    !. Menu bar ". #oolbar 

    $. #itle bar

    %. &tatus bar 

    2. $ornelia uses Microsoft Office '(cel® 2003 to create a worksheet that contains the

    estimated costs of her business pro)ect. &he wants to update certain costs.

    Which component of '(cel 2003 will display the changes in the worksheet

    !. #itle bar 

    ". Work area

    $. &croll bar %. #ask bar 

    Objective 2.2 Identify the purpose of the commands on the menu bar.

    3. &tephan creates a business presentation by using Microsoft Office *ower*oint® 2003.

    +e saves it with the name *resentation.ppt. &tephan opens the file to make some changes,and he wants to save it with a different name.

    Which of the following commands on the -ile menu will &tephan use to save the file with

    a different name

    !. &ave". &ave !s

    $. &end #o

    %. *age &etup

  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    . ina uses Office '(cel 2003 to create a work plan for her team. &he wants to print the plan and discuss it with the team members in a meeting.

    Which of the following menus will ina use to print the plan

    !. -ile

    ". /iew$. -ormat

    %. #ools

    !. ou use Office Word 2003 to create a business document. ou copy te(t from another

    document and want to add it to your business document.

    Which of the following commands on the 'dit menu will you use for this

    !. *aste". 1eplace

    $. o #o

    %. -ind

    ". 'wa creates a table by using Office Word 2003 to record some data. &he wants to

    increase the sie of the te(t in the table to make it more readable.

    Which command on the -ormat menu will 'wa use to change the sie of the te(t in the


    !. -ont

    ". *aragraph

    $. !uto-ormat%. $olumns

    Objective 2.4 Work with the pointer in a program.

    #. ou use Office Word 2003 to write an essay about uses of computers. !fter typing the

    document, you notice that a few words have a red wavy underline as shown in the


    4sing the mouse, which action will you perform to view the shortcut menu for the

    underlined words

  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    !. 1ight5click

    ". %ouble5click $. $lick 

    %. &croll

    $. ou want to send an e5mail message to your friend to describe your meeting with

    Michal. +owever, you incorrectly type the name as Michael.

    Where will you place the insertion point if you want to use the %'6'#' key to removethe letter e in the name Michael

    !. !fter the letter l

    ". "efore the letter l$. "efore the letter e

    %. !fter the letter e

    Objective 2.5 Work with tet and characters in a program.

    %. ou want to access your M&® +otmail® account to check e5mail messages. #he

    characters in your password are in upper case.

    Which key will you press on the keyboard to type the password correctly in upper case

    !. 4M 6O$7 ". $!*& 6O$7

    $. 8&'1#

    %. $#16

  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    1&. ou create a document in which you forget to include an important line in a

     paragraph. When you type the missing te(t, you begin to overwrite the e(isting te(t.

    Which key do you press on the keyboard to ensure that the new te(t does not overwrite

    the e(isting te(t in the paragraph

    !. 8&'1#

    ". "!$7&*!$'

    $. &*!$'"!1 %. '#'1 

    Objective 2.! "p#ain the use of primary keyboard shortcuts and key combinations.

    11. ou create a business presentation by using Office *ower*oint ® 2003.

    Which key will you use as a shortcut to display a slide show in *ower*oint 2003

    !. -9". -:

    $. -;

    %. -<

    12. ou are at the tenth page of a 205page document. ou need to make changes on the

    last page of the document.

    Which key will you use in combination with $#16 to move to the bottom of the last page

    !. '&$

    ". &+8-#

    $. +OM'%. '%

    13. *eter wants to protect a confidential document by using a password. +e wants to usean asterisk and an ampersand symbol in his password.

    Which of the following keys does he press in combination with the number keys tocorrectly type the symbols in his password

    !. &+8-#". 8&'1#

    $. &*!$'"!1 

    %. "!$7&*!$'

  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    1. ou create a document by using Office Word 2003. ou need to enter the copyright

    symbol in this document.

    Which key combination will you use to add the copyright symbol

    !. !6#=0>:?". #!"=0>:?

    $. 8&'1#=0>:?

    %. &+8-#=0>:?

    Lesson 3: 'ord Processorsbjective $.1% &erform basic tasks in a word processor.

    1!. !nna is learning how to use a word processor. &he wants to know the various tasks

    that she can perform by using this program.

    Which of the following options will answer her @uestion (elect four.!. $reate documents

    ". 'dit videos$. +ost a Web site

    %. -ormat te(t

    '. 'dit documents-. *rint pages

    . *erform real5time communication

    1". our friend sees you working on Microsoft® Office Word 2003. +e wants to know

    how to start this program.

    !rrange the steps in the following list in the order in which you will perform them to startWord.


    !. $lick &tart.

    ". *oint to Microsoft Office.

    $. *oint to !ll *rograms.%. $lick Microsoft Office Word 2003.

    1#. Waleed creates a >005page document. +e wants to review the document from the

     beginning. +e does not want to scroll up, but he wants to reach the beginning of thedocument by using the shortest method.

    Which of the following keys will he use!. $#16=4* !11OW

    ". +OM'

    $. $#16=+OM'%. 4* !11OW

  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    21.  Bim wants to insert the logo of his company at the top of a document in Office Word

    2003. #he logo is saved in the My *ictures folder.

    !rrange the steps in the following list in the order in which Bim will perform them to

    insert the logo from the My *ictures folder.


    !. $lick the 8nsert menu.

    ". &elect the file that contains the logo image.

    $. *lace the pointer where the logo should be inserted.

    %. $lick -rom -ile.

    '. $lick the 8nsert button.

    -. *oint to *icture.

    22. 7arim uses Word 2003 to create a table that lists his e(penses for Banuary and

    -ebruary, as shown in the e(hibit. +e also wants to include his transportation e(penses

    for Banuary and -ebruary.

    What will he do to include in the table the information about his transportation e(penses

    !. !dd a column.". 8nsert a row.$. !dd a cell.

    %. Modify the paper sie.

    23. 8sabel wants to write an essay in &panish by using Office Word 2003. &he wants to

    use the language tools for &panish, such as the spelling checker that Word 2003 provides.

    Which of the following menus will she use to set the language to &panish so that she can

    use the language tools for &panish

    !. #ools

    ". /iew

    $. -ormat%. 8nsert

  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    2. %aniela creates a document by using Office Word 2003, as shown in the e(hibit. &he

    uses the &pelling and rammar tool to detect a misspelled word.

    Which of the following buttons will %aniela use to correct the spelling of this word

    throughout the document

    !. $hange !ll

    ". !ccept $hange

    $. !uto-ormat

    %. #rack $hanges

    2!. our friend wants to know about the !uto$orrect feature of Word 2003.

    What will you tell her about the !uto$orrect feature

    !. 8t helps you define the formatting attributes in a document.

    ". 8t identifies spelling errors while you type and suggests alternatives for them.

    $. 8t formats the styles of the te(t.%. 8t enables you to set default paper margins.

  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    Objective $.4% Identify the various benefits offered by 'esktop &ub#ishing (')&*.


    2". "arbara wants to create a newsletter. &he needs a program that provides severalnewsletter templates.

    Which of the following programs will meet her needs

    !. %esktop publishing program

    ". *resentation program$. '5mail program

    %. &preadsheet program

    2#. %avid wants to know the benefits of desktop publishing programs.

    Which of the following benefits do desktop publishing programs provide (elect T*o.

    !. !dvanced formatting techni@ues

    ". $ontrol for longer documents$. /ideo editing

    %. /irus scanning

    '. Web site browsing

    Lesson : ()reads+eets

    Objective 4.1% Identify the components of a spreadsheet. 

    2$. &yed wants to know how to properly refer to the intersection of a row and a columnin a spreadsheet.

    Which of the following options answers his @uestion

    !. $ell

    ". 6abel$. /alue

    %. Worksheet

    2%. 1ichard creates his monthly budget on a worksheet in Microsoft® Office '(cel®2003. +e enters data in the worksheet, as displayed in the e(hibit.

    What is the collection of cells containing the data called

  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    !. $ell range

    ". 1ow

    $. $olumn%. $ell pointer 

    3&. $harlotte creates her e(pense sheet for the month, as shown in the e(hibit.

    Which column will she use to enter the amount spent on fuel

    !. "

    ". $

    $. ;%. <

    Objective 4.2% "nter data into a spreadsheet.

    31. our friend sees you working in '(cel 2003 and wants to know how to start this


  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    !rrange the steps in the following list in the order in which you will perform them to start



    !. $lick &tart.

    ". *oint to Microsoft Office.

    $. *oint to !ll *rograms.%. $lick Microsoft Office '(cel 2003.

    32. Oliver plans to buy some household items. +e lists all the household items and their

    e(pected prices in a worksheet in '(cel 2003. +e wants to sort all of the items by price,

    in ascending order.

    !rrange the steps in the following list in the order in which Oliver will perform them to

    sort the items in the budget.


    !. On the toolbar, click %ata.". &elect the cell range that needs to be sorted.

    $. $lick !scending.%. Open the worksheet.

    '. $lick &ort.

    -. $lick O7.

    33. Bohn creates budget sheets for his pro)ect by using Office '(cel 2003. +e wants to

    replace the name of the current budget sheet with another name.

    !rrange the steps in the following list in the order in which Bohn will perform them to

    rename the worksheet.


    !. *ress '#'1.

    ". #ype the new name.$. &elect the worksheet that needs to be renamed.

    %. %ouble5click the worksheet tab.

    Objective 4.$ &erform basic mathematica# tasks in a spreadsheet.  

    3. !le(ander lends some money to ira). !le(ander maintains a worksheet that lists the

    amount and the date when he lent money to ira), as displayed in the e(hibit. +e wants tocalculate the total amount of money he lent to ira). #he list is very long, and he wants to

    know if there is a button that he can click to calculate the total amount due.

    Which of the following toolbar buttons will !le(ander click

  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    !. !uto&um

    ". !uto$orrect

    $. !uto&ummarie%. !uto-ormat

    3!. 'rik receives his report card and wants to calculate his average marks. #he e(hibitdisplays the worksheet that 'rik created.

    8dentify the formula that 'rik will use to calculate the average.

    !. C!/'1!'D!2E!:F". C!/'1!'D"2E":F

    $. C!/'1!'D!:E":F

    %. C!/'1!'D!2E":F

  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    3". /ladimir borrows some money from /ictor and then returns some of the amount to

    /ictor the ne(t day. /ladimir wants to know how much money he still owes to /ictor. +e

    maintains all of the records in a worksheet, as displayed in the e(hibit.

    Which of the following formulas will /ladimir use

    !. C&ubD!2,"2F

    ". C!25"2$. CMinusD!25"2F%. C&ubD!25"2F

    3#. %avid wants to copy all the files from his office computer to his laptop. #o prepare,

    he calculates the total sie of the files he needs to copy. #he files and their sies aredisplayed in the e(hibit. %avid wants to enter the formula in a cell to calculate this sum.

    !rrange the steps in the following list in the order in which %avid will perform them.


    !. 8n the &elect ! -unction list, select &4M.

    ". &elect the cell range.$. Open the 8nsert menu.

  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    %. $lick O7.

    '. $lick -unction.

    -. $lick O7.

    3$. %avid uses Office '(cel 2003 to calculate his average marks. +e enters a formula in

    cell "9 to calculate the average based on the values in cells "2 to "G, as displayed in thee(hibit. %avid realies that he entered his &cience score as :; instead of :?.

    What will cell "9 display if he changes the value in cell "G to :?

    !. 4pdated average". "lank cell

    $. 'rror message

    %. H%8/I0J

    Objective 4.4% Insert charts and graphs in a spreadsheet. 

    3%. %ina plans her budget. &he wants to know what part of the total e(penses she spent

    on groceries last month. &he uses a spreadsheet and wants to make a chart to depict the

     portion spent on the groceries.

    Which of the following charts will meet her needs

    !. 6ine

    ". *ie

    $. &urface%. !rea

  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    &. Marko uses '(cel 2003 to create a budget sheet for the total e(penses that he spends

    on household items. +e wants to view the data in a graph.

    Which tool will he use to represent the data through a graph

    !. $hart Wiard

    ". !uto$ontent Wiard$. $lip art gallery

    %. "udget #emplate Wiard

    1. *atrik wants to show his household e(penses through a pie chart. +e wants to know

    the method to insert a pie chart in a worksheet in '(cel 2003.

    !rrange the steps in the following list in the se@uence that will help *atrik to insert the chart.


    !. 8n the 8nsert menu, click $hart.

    ". 8n the $hart type bo(, click *ie.

    $. &elect the cell range.%. $lick -inish.

    Lesson !: Presentation Programs

    Objective 5.1% Identify the basic functiona#ities offered by presentation programs.

    2. our friend sees you working on a presentation program. &he wants to know about

    the features of this program.

    8dentify the features of presentation programs. (elect t*o.

    !. $reate audio5visual presentations

    ". $reate handouts

    $. 'dit video%. *erform calculations

    '. 'nable real5time communication

  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    Objective 5.2% +reate a presentation. 

    3. %avid uses Microsoft® Office *ower*oint® 2003 to create a presentation. +e wants to

    add more slides to the presentation.

    Which of the following menus will he use to add slides to the presentation

    !. 8nsert

    ". #ools

    $. 'dit

    %. -ile

    . $arol is learning to create a presentation by using *ower*oint 2003. &he wants to

    know how to add display effects on various slides of the presentation.

    Which of the following options will you suggest to her

    !. &lide %esign

    ". &lide #ransition$. &lide &how

    %. &lide 6ayout

    !. *ia creates a presentation by using *ower*oint. #he slides in the presentation must

    contain a title, a bulleted list, and a diagram.

    Which of the following menu options will she select to do this

    !. $hart Wiard". &lide #ransition

    $. "ackground

    %. &lide 6ayout

    Objective 5.$% ,dd graphics and mu#timedia into a presentation.

    ". ou create a presentation by using Office *ower*oint 2003. ou open the 8nsert menuto add a sound file to a slide.

    !rrange the following steps in the order in which you will perform them to add a soundfile to the slide. *lace the first step at the top of the list.


  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    !. $lick O7.

    ". *oint to Movies !nd &ounds.

    $. &elect the audio file that you want to add.%. $lick &ound -rom -ile.

    #. ou create a presentation by using *ower*oint.

    Which of the following toolbars will you use to add geometric shapes to the presentation

    !. %rawing

    ". -ormatting

    $. 1eviewing%. &tandard

    $. 6aura opens a presentation that she creates by using *ower*oint 2003. &he wants tomanually set timings for a slide show. #herefore, she wants to view the slides in the

     presentation as thumbnails.

    Which of the following views will 6aura choose

    !. Outline

    ". &lide &orter

    $. ormal

    %. &lide &how

    %. &tella uses *ower*oint to create a presentation about the performance of her class. 8n

    the presentation, she wants to show a comparison between the assessment scores of herclass in the current year and the previous year.

    Which of the following ob)ects will &tella add to the presentation to display thecomparison

    !. !uto&hape

    ". /ideo clips$. $lip !rt

    %. $hart

    !&. ou use *ower*oint 2003 to prepare a presentation about the @uarterly performance

    of your organiation across various regions. ou represent this graphically by adding a

    6ine chart in your presentation. +owever, you want to change the 6ine chart to a $olumnchart. #o do this, you double5click the chart to display the $hart menu.

  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    Which of the following $hart menu commands will you use to change the 6ine chart to a

    $olumn chart

    !. $hart #ype

    ". $hart Options$. !uto-ormat

    %. !uto$orrect

    Objective 5.4% Identify the various options avai#ab#e to print presentations in different formats .

    !1. ou create a presentation by using *ower*oint. ou include e(amples in the

     presentation for your reference, as shown in the e(hibit. ou need to print the presentation to take it home.

    Which of the following options will you select in the *rint bo( to ensure that the

    e(amples are also printed-raphic

    !. otes *ages". &lides

    $. +andouts

    %. Outline /iew

  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    !2. 6arry prepares a presentation by using *ower*oint 2003. +e needs to print the presentation to keep the key points handy. +e wants an overview of the te(t in the slides,

    and he does not want to print the graphics.

    Which of the following formats will 6arry select in the *rint bo( to print the


    !. otes *ages

    ". &lides

    $. +andouts

    %. Outline /iew

    Lesson ": Data,ases

    Objective !.1 "p#ain basic database concepts.

    !3. *aula manages the recruitments for !. %atum $orporation. #he company hires 900

    employees. *aula needs to store on her computer the personal details, compensation

    structure, and insurance details for each employee.

    Which of the following programs will *aula use

    !. Microsoft® otepad". *hoto editing program

    $. *resentation program%. %atabase program

    !. 1aman is a school administrator. +e wants to store the records of all the students onhis computer. +e wants to maintain a database of all the records.

    Which of the following ob)ects can he create by using a database program (elect t+ree.

    !. 1eports

    ". -orms

    $. #ables%. /ideo clips

    '. *resentations

    -. *ictures

  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    !!. Michelle is a teacher at the &chool of -ine !rt. &he wants to start Microsoft® Office

    !ccess 2003 to update the student database by entering details about the students in her

    class.!rrange the steps in the following list in the order in which Michelle will perform them

    to start !ccess 2003 on her computer. *lace the first step at the top of the list.


    !. *oint to !ll *rograms.

    ". $lick Microsoft Office !ccess 2003.$. *oint to Microsoft Office.

    %. $lick &tart.

    !". 7en creates a database in !ccess and saves it on his computer. +e wants to open thisdatabase to view some details.

    !rrange the steps in the following list in the order in which 7en will perform them to

    open the database. *lace the first step at the top of the list.


    !. 8n the -ile menu, click Open.

    ". 8n the folder, double5click the database file.

    $. 8n the %atabase window, click Open.%. &elect the folder where the file is saved.

    '. 8n the %atabase window, click the ob)ect that you want to open.

    Objective !.2% +reate a database.

    !#. ou create a table in the employee database of your company. ou want the employee

    codes to be uni@ue.

    Which of the following actions will you perform on the 'mployee $ode field in the

    database table

    !. %efine the field as a primary key.

    ". &pecify the data type as te(t.

    $. &et a /alidation 1ule for the field.%. $reate an 8nput Mask for the field.

    !$. &tephanie wants to create a new table in !ccess.

    Which of the following options will she use

    !. Write a macro.". 4se a wiard.

    $. $reate a form.

    %. enerate a report.

  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


  • 8/19/2019 Productivity Programs Questions


    "3. ou create a table in Office !ccess 2003. ou want to view the names in the table in

    alphabetical order.

    Which of the following actions will you perform on the ame field

    !. &et up /alidation 1ule.". &et up a -ormat.

    $. &ort in ascending order.

    %. $reate a @uery.

    Objective !.4% "p#ain what database ueries are and how they work

    ". ou open a table in !ccess in %atasheet view. ou want to filter the data in the table.

    Which of the following menus will you use to select the filter command

    !. #ools

    ". 1ecord$. -ormat

    %. 8nsert

    "!. 1ichard )oins your team. ou ask him to update the office database. +e wants to

    know what a database @uery is.

    What will you tell 1ichard

    !. ! @uestion that retrieves data, based on the criteria you specify

    ". ! program that produces a printed report of the data in the database

    $. ! program that simplifies data entry%. !n ob)ect that updates the operating system

    Objective !.5% "p#ain what reports are and their uses.

    "". %aniel needs to work with databases fre@uently. +e wants to learn about database


    -or which of the following purposes can he use the reports (elect t*o.

    !. Organie data". &ummarie data

    $. 'nter data

    %. &earch data

    '. Modify data