productivity revolution


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LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!• The “Productivity Revolution”, along with “Team Temps and Contracting” is first a Philosophy, second a Movement,

and third a Business.

• You have to join the Movement to join the business. (And you have to at least not be violently opposed to any aspects of the Philosophy, and ought to agree with most if not all of it.)

• Important: I am either starting the “Movement” myself…or joining an existing Movement once I find the Others.

• There are four planks to the Movement:

• The Snowflake Principle…where we advocate for transgender inclusion and acceptance.

• The Apple Seed Principle…where we advocate for profit sharing, ESOPs, and employee ownership

• The Wheelhouse Principle…advocating for the bodacious goal of the abolishment of scarcity.

• The Rock Bottom/Second Chance Principle…the point at which we build America’s most loyal and hardest working labor force.

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• The Snowflake Principle: The longest, most complex, and most important of the four principles.

• Human beings are snowflakes, uniquely designed so every single person is different and unique and no person is exactly alike.

• In fact, when we fully realize and actualize our individual uniqueness, we become a type of “Chosen One”, with a Purpose in Life, a la Paulo Coelho’s “Personal Legend”. (Or maybe the “Matrix”.)

• But…

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• There is a problem that prevents individual human beings from realizing their full potential.

• It is a dangerous world out there…and for Safety and Security, human beings have gathered together to form Societies.

• Society is Amoral (rather than Immoral…big difference), and acts in accordance with it’s purpose, which is the safety and security of its members.

• So Society imposes Conformity…because strength against the dangerous forces in the world comes through conformity.

• Examples: we don’t want non-conformity in Infantry Soldiers. We don’t want non-conformity in rush hour traffic.

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• Society enforces Conformity upon us from the outside.

• And Peer Pressure enforces Conformity on the inside!

• It’s an evolutionary thing…children are programmed to listen to their Mother when their Mother says “that snake is dangerous” or “if you fall off that cliff, you will die”.

• Human beings have a built-in IFF system (Identification, Friend or Foe), a la Malcolm Gladwell and “Blink”. This is a powerful tool in a dangerous world. But in a Safe World, this inner-IFF pushes us toward conformity.

• So there are two powerful forces…Society and our inner Voice…clamoring for Conformity.

• But Conformity is antithetical to the full realization of personal, individual freedom.

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• So Conformity gives us Safety, Security, and Stability.

• But only through Non-Conformity can we realize our full human potential…only through Non-Conformity can we become the Snowflake we were meant to be…only through Non-Conformity can we have even the slightest chance of pursuing and achieving happiness.

• It’s the pendulum of individual human freedom vs. group security.

• Example: the Patriot Act after Sep 11.

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CONCLUSION OF THE SNOWFLAKE PRINCIPLE• Despite the ridiculous demagogues who want to “make America great again”, we live in the most safe

and secure country in the most safe and secure era in the history of history.

• So right now, in 2016, it is a great time to make a major push, both in our personal lives and in Society, for Non-Conformity.

• In 2016, we recognize the issue of Transgender Inclusion as the Catalyst, the Leading Wave of a New Push for individual freedom, non-conformity, and the pursuit of happiness. The successful resolution of the issue of Transgender Inclusion will be recognized by History as the Last Bastion of WASP-Male Privilege.

• But we recognize the primacy and priority of Safety and Security. If I am worried that my 14 year old daughter will get blown up by a suicide bomber if I send her to the market for apples and onions, then I will put up with Sadam Hussein as my Leader, granted he promises and delivers said Safety and Security.

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• We live in a Universe of Abundance, where one apple seed can yield 10,000 apples in a 20 year period.

• Some seeds fall by the wayside and never grow. The difference is made when a human being plants and tends to the apple seed, and nurtures it into a full grown, productive tree.

• Thus, when human energy is input in the overall “System”, abundance is manifested.

• “Abundance” has another word: Wealth.

• And the Wealth given back by the Universe is not a zero-sum game, unlike gambling where someone has to lose in order for someone else to win.

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• So Wealth is created when we work.

• But when Capitalism met up with the Industrial Revolution, the risks were so high that enormous returns had to be promised in order to attract the necessary investment dollars. So the Wealth created by the workers was largely spent paying off the investors.

• High risk deserves high rewards, so there was no problem with this….until critical mass was achieved.

• As Risk went down, the Wealth created by Human Energy and Work could have been shared more equally, with the Investor getting their fair share, but the workers getting an increased share.

• Capitalists and Businessmen, of course, would not share the wealth without being coerced…and History has shown us the Socialist Movement, the Communist Movement, and the Labor Movement.

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• We believe the Economic Solution is to allow the workers to keep their fair share of the wealth created by their work.

• This will not be achieved by Minimum Wage increases. Minimum Wages violate the laws of the Dismal Science, and help to decrease the available number of jobs.

• Profit sharing, Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP), and other forms of employee ownership, are the solution, and this is what we advocate.

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• Definition: Wheelhouse: A part of a boat serving as a shelter for the person at the wheel.

• Definition: Wheelhouse: In baseball, the part of a batters strike zone most likely to produce a home run. “He loves an inside fastball” for instance.

• Definition: Wheelhouse: For workers in the marketplace, the job or task for which they are best suited, for which they can do their best and contribute their most…kind of like an individual version of Ricardo’s Principle of Comparative Advantage.

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• We advocate for the abolishment of scarcity…through new levels of productivity.

• Most people get a job, do a half-way decent job at it, then keep that job for the rest of their lives, without even trying to find something they are ideally suited for.

• It takes desire and effort and opportunity for an individual person to do different things and try different things until they are functioning and doing tasks they are most suited for.

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• The Team Temps Concept includes rotating people into different jobs in different industries, until each individual manifests their unique Snowflake-like abilities and skills.

• Then, when we find each person’s Wheelhouse…we put them on teams and harness the power of teamwork.

• Then we blow the roof off all existing levels of productivity.

• This is a new Movement for maximum productivity to solve the problem of scarcity.

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• From my experience, productivity can be tripled through individual effort. I proved this on the Lighting job sites, and we proved this in the Army every time we returned home from the Field…when the carrot is “you can go home as soon as you clean up and put everything away” it is amazing how fast and how productive people will get.

• So if you could get every human being operating at full potential, you could triple productivity.

• Then, when you harness the elusive power of teamwork, you can triple it again.

• Then, when you harness technology and adapt it to the individual and team effort, you get yet another increase in productivity.

• Wow! Imagine how things could be if we realized a tenfold or greater increase in productivity! This would change the world a lot faster than any of the other schemes presented these days.

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• Life sucks. We all careen into our adult years, only partially prepared, and we fuck up, and we hurt other people, and other people hurt us, and we make a mess of our lives.

• After we hit Rock Bottom, we are kinda-sorta “back from the dead” and we have the ability to find a new life, one of hard work, productivity, and peace. (Peace is probably better than Happiness.)

• After Rock Bottom, we become the best people we can be (if we survive that is…some people die before they make it past Rock Bottom).

• And it’s Post Rock-Bottom people who make the best and most loyal and hardest working employees and contractors and business owners.

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• The problem is…we ourselves don’t necessarily know when we’ve hit Rock Bottom.

• Dysfunction rears it’s ugly head.

• We deal with dysfunction and uncertainty by deploying as a Team. In a 7 person team, we might have 5 solid and proven individuals, with two “trainees”. The “trainee” could be a person with a Ph.D., but a substance abuse problem landed him/her in jail and now they think they are ready to be productive again, but they need the safety and nurture of a Team to get them back on track.

• Gandalf the Grey…Gandalf the White. The best people are those who have gone through the deepest shit….but they may have scars from the battle and they may be carrying baggage as well.

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CONCLUSION: A PRODUCTIVITY REVOLUTION!• The Snowflake Principle: we advocate for human uniqueness, the pursuit of happiness, the triumph on

non-conformity over conformity, and we choose the issue of transgender inclusion and acceptance as our catalyst and focal point.

• The Apple Seed Principle: People need to keep more of the wealth they create…we advocate for the many forms of employee ownership and profit sharing.

• The Wheelhouse Principle: When everyone works in their Wheelhouse, and is deployed on a functioning Team, we can soar to new, never before realized levels of productivity and perhaps create a world where scarcity is abolished and allocation of scarce resources is no longer necessary.

• The Rock Bottom/Second Chance Principle: we are actively building America’s Hardest Working and Most Loyal Labor Force. Those who have been in the deepest shit become the strongest people.