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  • 8/11/2019 Professional Brochures Print


    Business Solutionsfor Professional

    Service Organizations


  • 8/11/2019 Professional Brochures Print



    (PSOs) are growing again. Theyre expanding into new markets, globalizing domestic accounts and pursuing information-

    intensive vertical markets. But as any PSO knows, sustaining growth and translating it into profits isnt easy. You have to

    understand global demand and maximize resource utilization. You have to properly price offerings and accurately forecast

    revenue. And you have to build and manage your resources so you can ensure that the right people are on the right job at

    the right time. Success depends on visibility and insight into your opportunity pipeline and across your entire portfolio of

    projects.And thats where Primavera comes in.

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    Vital Business Intelligence for Strategic Decision Making

    For more than 20 years, Primavera has helped PSOs optimize their global resources

    to deliver on customer commitments, increase utilization and minimize costs.

    With our proven professional services automation (PSA) solution, we bring together

    opportunity, resource, project and financial management tools to deliver vital business

    intelligence directly to your desktop. Easy-to-use dashboards ensure you have preciselythe information you need when you need it, so you can make the most informed,

    strategically focused decisions for your organization.

    Using Primavera, one large services firm reduced time to staff from two weeks to two

    days and increased resource utilization by 10 percent, with each percentage point

    improvement generating $2 million in savings per year. Another firm improved forecasted

    billable hours to within one percent of actual; at the same time they migrated over

    16 percent of billable hours from third-party contractors to employees, resulting in more

    than $500,000 in annual cost savings.

    Finding real-world answers to your toughest questionsIts not surprising then that our customers over 4,500 strong, with satisfaction ratings

    of over 90 percent view us as a trusted strategic partner for helping them make fully

    informed decisions about growth, innovation and workplace optimization. We help our

    clients answer yes to the following key questions:

    Can you speed up staffing to meet your global demand pipeline?

    Do you have the information you need to drive a 1% increase in

    resource utilization?

    Do you know who is on the bench and how to get them working?

    Can you use reliable forecasting to avoid surprises?

    Can you successfully balance risk and return when you price

    innovative service offerings?

    Can you bring in projects on-time and on-budget, while capturing

    best practices for future success?

    Primavera helped us to drive a higher level of gross margin.

    We feed the information from the tracking back into our business

    development or sales compensation plans. This helps us

    further enhance corporate performance.

    Jeffrey Davis

    President and COO


    Primavera One Solution to Manage

    Program portfolios

    Projects of all sizes Schedules, costs, resources

    and contracts

    Risk mitigation

    Change management

  • 8/11/2019 Professional Brochures Print




    For Projects ofAnySize


    eople. Right Projects. RightN



    for Professional Services

    Resource, Program & Project Management

    Portfolio Management

    Planning & Scheduling

    Budgeting & Cost Analysis

    Issue & Risk Management

    Resource & Capacity Management

    A Fully Integrated Solution for PSOs With Unmatched

    Resource and Portfolio Management Functionality

    Manage a global workforce while delivering effectively on local projects

    Drive measurable improvements in resource utilization

    Reliably forecast both revenues and resource availability

    Properly price offerings to remain competitive

    Identify and select the right investments to pursue

    Gain greater visibility into your opportunity pipeline

    Identify best practices for repeatable success

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    Since 1983, Primavera has been the leading provider of comprehensive project, resource and portfolio

    management software to professional service organizations. We have helped organizations

    successfully prioritize and deliver trillions of dollars worth of projects while managing countless

    resources located around the world.

    Our solutions are powerful, easy to use and scalable for projects and programs of all sizes.

    Primavera satisfies the project needs of your entire organization, helping executives, project and

    resource managers, portfolio analysts and everyone on your service delivery teams operate more

    efficiently, consistently and profitably.

    Enterprise Portfolio Management and Analysis (Primavera ProSight)

    Primavera ProSight is the worlds leading portfolio management solution, providing unmatched value

    for your enterprise decision-making process. Its patented features, scalability, configurability and

    flexible user interface have delivered measurable results for some of the worlds largest and most

    innovative companies.

    Primavera EvolvePrimavera Evolve is the worlds leading portfolio, resource and project management solution. By

    delivering unprecedented insight into the demand pipeline, workforce and project progress, Primavera

    enables PSOs to assemble the best team possible at the right time to win and deliver on strategically

    vital initiatives. Right People. Right Projects. Right Now.

    We wanted a resource management solution that would give us the ability

    to view and manage our resources across the enterprise (with Primavera),we know what our resource demands are, and we know what our availability

    is as each project and opportunity arises.

    Jason Feucht

    Director of Planning and Analysis


    Discover the Power of Primavera

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    Analyze Current and Future Allocation Needs

    Speed Up Staffing to Meet YourGlobal Demand Pipeline

    Analyze both currentand future

    demand to see surpluses and gaps by

    business unit, manager or location.

    Flexibly allocate people to both

    existing and future projects.

    With Priminto our ful

    skills and exforecastin

    With Primavera,you can quickly gain

    a clear view of both existing and future

    projects, and break down demand by job

    type, positions, role or job title.

    View your entire workforce, with each

    person clearly delineated within the

    system by their skill sets and levels of

    expertise. Track skills, education,

    certifications and proficiency levels

    people have against demand.

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    Drive a 1% Increase in Resource Utilization

    See Who Is on theBench and Get Them Working

    By bringing togetherresource, project

    and financial management tools, Primavera

    makes it considerably easier to drive

    measurable improvements in resource

    utilization of one percent, if not more.

    Get immediate access to all your key

    financial data, including historical

    project and portfolio revenues

    (and/or margins) over time.

    Capture detailed cost, revenue and margin

    information on each current contract, as

    well as employee and third-party

    utilization and the costs and revenue

    associated with each.

    For many PSOs,lack of visibility

    into their resources leads to too

    many consultants spending too

    much time on the bench.

    Primavera gives you full visibility

    into your entire workforce,

    including skill sets, education,

    certifications and proficiency levels

    against demand, as well as the

    time, training and experience

    required to fully meet that demand.

    This allows you to be much less

    conservative about your bench so

    you can deploy more people

    quickly to maximize profits.

    we get insighto of resources,s, as well as theand for them.


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    Avoid Surprises with Reliable Forecasting

    Accurately Capture Time and Expense

    Primavera improves productivity

    by showing each team member their

    actionable tasks through a personal


    Team members track expenses toensure all costs are allocated

    correctly. Timesheets make it easy to

    quickly capture and report information.

    Through secure document management,

    team members can easily check on

    the latest developments, documents

    and correspondence affecting

    their assignments.

    Primavera helps eliminatesurprises

    through an elegant integration of

    opportunity, resource, project and

    financial management tools. Get

    detailed, high-quality project data

    in minutes.

    Run what-if scenarios that allow you

    to reliably forecast both revenues and

    resource availability for the weeks and

    months ahead. For example, you can

    quickly plot the impact of a headcount

    change against budgets and deadlinesand, in doing so, save a project from

    unexpected disaster.

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    Perform Invaluable What-If Planning Scenarios

    Use Pricing Models to EasilyBalance Risk and Return

    Use this top-down planningor

    what if tool to help answer high-

    level workforce planning questions.

    Get a reliable picture of when work

    can realistically be delivered andwhat your true resource needs are.

    Primavera lets you perform

    automated analyses to

    determine gaps and surpluses in

    supply and demand that will

    affect revenue and costs.

    Identify profitable versus money-

    losing business. Analyze cost

    and bill rates in the context of

    required skills. Keep detailed

    historical data and best

    practices available.

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    Bring in Projects On-time and On-budgetWhile Capturing Best Practices

    Price Innovations to Remain Competitive

    Get enormously detailed insight

    into potential risks and returns,

    including the ability to model the

    impact of specific variables on how

    you deliver a service or product.

    Gather real-time,high-quality project

    data in minutes instead of weeks, thus

    gaining complete visibility and support

    for all decision-making.

    Use our dashboards to manage project

    deliverables and keep up-to-date on work

    scope, contracts and other documents

    pertinent to project success.

    Capture, track, assign and assess risks

    and issues on projects in order to develop

    resolutions and mitigations and

    control expectations. Identify and store

    best practices along the way.

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    Find out more today.

    We encourage you to learn more about

    how Primavera can help you meet your

    project goals and business objectives. For

    greater detail on Primavera solutions and

    real-world customer successes, visit today.

    Services & Support:

    Getting the Most from Your Primavera Solution

    When you choose Primavera, you get more than the industrys leading project

    and program management solutions. Primavera offers a full range of services

    and support to ensure your operational success.

    We get you up and running.

    Primavera is qualified to help you implement, roll out and maximize the use of

    your Primavera solution. In our more than two decades of experience, weve

    learned vital lessons about the realities of implementing project management

    systems. As a Primavera customer, you will directly benefit from this

    extraordinary experience.

    Primavera can help you manage change within your organization, standardize

    best practices and develop operating procedure manuals. Services also are

    available through our authorized business partners comprising numerous

    leading companies in technology, consulting and systems integration.

    We integrate your systems.

    Primavera also works with other leading technology vendors to deliver an

    integrated solution tailored to your needs. Whether you need to integrate

    project information with estimating and job cost, financial, human resources,

    risk management, asset management or engineering design systems, Primavera

    offers proven solutions you can trust.

    We provide award-winning customer support.

    From the moment you select Primavera, ouraward-winningsupport team is

    poised to quickly resolve any customer issues. You can take advantage of

    unlimited technical support via telephone, fax, e-mail and instant Web chat,

    or search our Support Knowledgebase online 24/7 for answers to common

    technical questions. Upgrades and enhancements are available free of charge

    to all customers with a current maintenance agreement. Primavera also

    recognizes that all customers are not alike so for those with unique

    support requirements, Primavera will ensure it provides the level of support

    to meet your needs.

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    P. +1.610.667.86001.800.423.0245

    F. +1.610.667.7894

    [email protected]



    P. +44.20.8563.5500

    F. +44.20.8563.5533

    [email protected]

    Copyright 2007 Primavera Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Primavera, the Primavera Sundial, Primavera Contract Manager, P6, P6 Primavera, Primavera Pertmaster,Pertmaster, and Primavera Inspire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Primavera Technologies, Inc. ProSight is a trademark or a registered trademark of Primavera ProSight Ltd.

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