professional development module

1 Professional Development Module iNACOL International Association for K-12 Online Learning National Standards for Quality Online Teaching “Designed to provide states, districts, online programs, and other organizations with a set of quality guidelines for online teaching” (iNacol 2011). Standard F iNACOL National Standards for Quality Online Teaching Next Back

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Professional Development Module. iNACOL International Association for K-12 Online Learning National Standards for Quality Online Teaching “Designed to provide states, districts, online programs, and other organizations with a set of quality guidelines for online teaching” ( iNacol 2011). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Professional Development Module iNACOLInternational Association for K-12 Online LearningNational Standards for Quality Online Teaching

Designed to provide states, districts, online programs, and other organizations with a set of quality guidelines for online teaching (iNacol 2011).

Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBack#1Professional Development Module Outline WelcomeiNACOL, International Association for K-12 Online LearningNational standards for quality online teaching. Identification of Learning GoalsModule Learning OutcomesModule Desired OutcomesOnline Teaching IntroductioniNACOL Standard FOverviewDetailsAssessmentsActivitiesResourcesSourcesStandard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBack

This is a professional development self directed module encompassing audio, video, pdf, and hyperlinked content. Running time for 36 slides is approximately 45 minutes.#2iNACOL Standard FModule Identification of Learning GoalsThis presentation & outline is designed to help teachers and faculty gain a better understanding of iNACOL Standards for Quality Online Learning.Indicators have been divided between what the online teachers should know and understandwhat the online teachers should be able to do for evaluation purposesThis module will outline the iNACOL Standard F: Cognizant of Diversity of Student Academic Needs and Incorporates Accommodations.Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBackView Standard F Here#7

Professional Development Module Outline WelcomeThis Professional Development Module Focuses On Standard F of the National Standards for Quality Online Teaching.More information and professional development opportunities will be available, including issues related to Standard F at the iNACOL 2012 Virtual School Symposium.2012 Virtual School Symposium (outside Link)October 21 - 24, 2012 New Orleans, LAIn October 2012, iNACOL's Virtual School Symposium (VSS) will bring experts in K-12 virtual education together to have robust networking opportunities; learn about the latest trends, challenges and opportunities in e-learning; interact in session presentations; and gain access to the latest research and best practices reports.Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBack

#4Professional Development Module Outline Welcome

Note that the roles and responsibilities of an online teacher are diverse, many and varied:Facilitator, teacher, administrator, instructor, , technician, advisor, coach, consultant, mentor, model, motivator, or even researcher. The ability to fulfill the primary responsibility lay in the expertise, experience, ability and determination and flexibility in teaching and meeting the needs of all students. Just as regular teachers do, online teachers facilitate learning through the use of a variety of instructional strategies based on traditional or current models and theories of education iNACOL 2011).Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBackMeet The Module Facilitator

#5Professional Development Module Outline Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBackWelcomeBefore teaching online for the first time, faculty often have questions:How and where do I begin, What does a quality online course consists of? What does a quality online course look like?This faculty development program, centered around the iNACOL Standards is intended to provide faculty with an overview of teaching and learning online, an introduction of various pedagogical considerations, an orientation of the best online practices, and provide a guideline for integrating appropriate instructional technologies to facilitate online teaching (Sloan Consortium, 2011) and learning for all student populations. These components are necessary to offer a quality online learning experience for students.This professional development module includes the following learning units: Standard F. Cognizant of Diversity of Student Academic Needs and Incorporates Accommodations.#6iNACOL Standard F.Module Identification of Learning GoalsStandard F (iNACOL) requires that teachers be cognizant of the diversity of student academic needs and incorporates accommodations for all students.Standard F (iNACOL) requires that teachersidentify, understand and implement instructional strategies for all students,including legal stipulations associated with special needs students, assistive technologies, options for delivering instruction,and the communication process and collaboration requirements for special needs students.

Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBackDownload a PDF of the iNACOL National Standards for Quality Online Teaching#8Participants/Teachers will demonstrate cognizance of the diversity of student academic needs through formative and summative assessment.Participants/Teachers will demonstrate an understanding of Web 2.0 educational tools through application of learning objectives in various online environments.Participants/Teachers will assemble a digital wiki composed of hyperlinks of relevant government laws, standards and stipulations relating to education for disabled, disadvantaged and disenfranchised students.Participants/Teachers will compare and contrast various student needs by compiling a questionnaire/survey using online survey hosts to create and disseminate and gather data.Participants/Teachers will create a blog site for reflection upon a personal/hypothetical account of how one might make(d) accommodations available to students of different learning, academic and physical needs and post this journal entry online.Participants/Teachers will record a brief personal introduction podcast as demonstration of one mode of alternative assistive technology accommodating students needs.Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingiNACOL Standard F. Module Participant Learning Objectives & OutcomesNextBack#9The ability to interpret, recall, analyze, and apply Standard F (iNACOL 2011) for online teaching with respect to course delivery.The ability to identify, apply and synthesize Standard F (iNACOL) technology and tools into online teaching and course delivery.The ability to design, administer, deliver and assess an innovative approach to online course delivery with respect to Standard F (iNACOL 2001) for online teaching.Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingiNACOL Standard F. Module Learning Objectives & Performance OutcomesNextBack#10The ability to put together an online course and instructional plan that a potential online student and associated guardians would value as a diverse, accommodating and enriching online course.The understanding that all students including online students have varied talents and skills of which require a quality online teacher to be cognizant/aware, available, and accommodating the individual needs of all students and options for course and content delivery.Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingiNACOL Standard F. Module Desired Learning OutcomesNextBack#11What is an Online Teacher?Who Are Online TeachersWhy Be An Online Teacher?View this brief video from the Pearson Foundation, Learning Online: Online to LearnStandard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingOnline TeachingIntroduction NextBack

#12Question: Online learning includes a(n) _________ high quality core curriculum?

1. Expensive2. Generic3. Personalized4. SolitaryOnline Teaching Video Assessment In the Pearson Foundation Video from the previous slide, Learning Online: Online to Learn, Educators and Online Teachers Gave Testimonials on The Profession , the Advantages and Disadvantages for Teachers and Students. Provided That, Choose the Correct Answer to Question Posed.Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBack13Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingStandard F. Module Major ConceptsSo What Does It Take To Be A Good Online TeacherThe Online Teacher is Cognizant of the diversity of student academic needs and incorporates accommodations into the online environment, includingLegal Mandates & Federal StipulationsStudents Have Varied Learning StylesTechnologies & Tools for AccommodationsAdaptive/Assistive TechnologiesOptions for & Obstacles to Student LearningIEP & 504 Communication ProcessDiversity of Needs, Languages & Backgrounds

NextBack#14Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingStandard F for Quality Online Teaching OverviewLegal Mandates & Federal StipulationsStudents Have Varied Learning StylesTechnologies & Tools for AccommodationsAdaptive/Assistive TechnologiesOptions for & Obstacles to Student LearningIEP & 504 Communication ProcessDiversity of Needs, Languages & BackgroundsNextBackMonitor Progress, Apply Activities & ToolsAddress Learning Styles & Create Multiple Paths to Address Diverse LearningUse Appropriate Tools & Technologies to Make AccommodationsApply Adaptive & Assistive TechnologiesI.D. Struggling Students Such as ELL, Literacy & Apply Strategies To SupportCommunicate with Appropriate School Staff Regarding 504 Accommodations & IEPDemonstrate Awareness of Learning Preferences, Diversity and Universal DesignWhat the online teacher should know and understandWhat the online teacher should be able to doThe Online Teacher is Cognizant of the diversity of student academic needs and incorporates accommodations into the online environment, including#15Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingStandard F. 1. Legal Mandates & Federal StipulationsNote to Remember:The Quality Online Teacher Knows & Understands AND Has the Ability to Incorporate All Concepts into the Online EnvironmentThe Teacher Must Know the Legal Mandates & Federal Stipulations for AccessibilityADA-American with Disabilities ActIDEA-Individuals with Disabilities Education ActAssistive Technology Act & Section 508The Teacher Must Accommodate the Needs of All StudentsMonitor Student ProgressApply Activities & Tools Relevant to NeedsCollaborate with Appropriate Staff & ResourcesNextBack#16Question: Online teaching requires knowledge of laws such as the _________?

EOCRTIIDEALEAPSection F. Assessment The U.S. Government has laws, policies and procedures that are applied to all students, especially those with special needs. Familiarity with these legal concepts and requirements is requisite to providing quality online instruction for all students.

Provided that, Choose the Correct Answer to the Question Posed.Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBack17Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingStandard F. 2. Varied Learning StylesNote to Remember:The Quality Online Teacher Knows & Understands AND Has the Ability to Incorporate All Concepts into the Online EnvironmentThe Teacher Must Know the Varied Learning Styles of All StudentsVaried TalentsVaried SkillsVaried Learning StylesThe Teacher Must Incorporate the Varied Learning Styles of All StudentsCreate Multiple Paths to Address Diverse LearningAddress Learning Styles, Needs, & Abilities

NextBackDownload a pdf of the IDEARegulations for I.D. of Specific Learning Disabilities

#18Question: Which Learning Style is more appropriate for a student having a visual impairment?

VisualPhysicalAuralIndependent Standard F. 2. Varied Learning Styles AssessmentLearning styles of all students are important to understand, especially so for students with special needs and for those needing accommodations. Below are four types of learning styles, which would be most appropriate for use with a student having a visual deficiency?Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBack19

Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingStandard F. 3. Technologies & ToolsNote to Remember:The Quality Online Teacher Knows & Understands AND Has the Ability to Incorporate All Concepts into the Online EnvironmentThe Teacher Must Know & Understand Tools & Technologies to Meet Student NeedsAppropriatenessAccommodations The Teacher Must Use Tools and Technologies to Meet Student NeedsAppropriatenessAccommodations


#20Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingStandard F. 4. Adaptive/Assistive TechnologiesNote to Remember:The Quality Online Teacher Knows & Understands AND Has the Ability to Incorporate All Concepts into the Online EnvironmentNextBackListen to a Podcast on Assistive Technology from Brian Friedlander of VizThink

The Teacher Must Know & Understand How Adaptive/Assistive TechnologiesBenefit to the ParticipantAccess to Information Otherwise Inaccessible

The Teacher Must Apply Adaptive/Assistive TechnologiesAppropriateness in InstructionAccommodations

#21Question: Technology can _________ students in overcoming obstacles to learning?

HarmConfuseAssistHamperSection F. Technology Assessment Technology comes can benefit students in the online environment as well as in the classroom. The key to understanding technology is that these tools work with the student to expand learning opportunities. Standard F.

Provided That, Choose the Correct Answer to the Question Posed.Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBack22Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingStandard F.5. Options for & Obstacles to Student LearningNote to Remember:The Quality Online Teacher Knows & Understands AND Has the Ability to Incorporate All Concepts into the Online EnvironmentThe Teacher Must Know & Understand Options to Expand Student LearningAddress Styles of LearningProvide Avenues for Enrichment or Intervention

The Teacher Must Identify Struggling Students & Apply Strategies to SupportELLLiteracy Issues


#23Question: The online teacher is able to _________ strategies and alternate paths to expand student learning online?

LimitRestrictApplyShelveSection F. Assessment Students with special needs often times can be motivated by a teacher that is skilled in differential instruction and how those skills and abilities may be used to enhance and personal the learning experience. Standard F.

Provided That, Choose the Correct Answer to the Question Posed.Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBack24Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingStandard F.6. IEP & 504 Communication ProcessNote to Remember:The Quality Online Teacher Knows & Understands AND Has the Ability to Incorporate All Concepts into the Online EnvironmentThe Teacher Must Know & Understand the Process for Connecting with Support PersonnelVerify IEP Requirements504 AccommodationsThe Teacher Must Communicate with School StaffSpecific Accommodation and/or ModificationsNeeds Listed in IEP or 504 AccommodationsCollaborate with Others


#25Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingStandard F.7. Diversity of Needs, Languages & BackgroundsNote to Remember:The Quality Online Teacher Knows & Understands AND Has the Ability to Incorporate All Concepts into the Online EnvironmentThe Teacher Must Know & Understand the Diversity of Student Learning NeedsLanguagesBackgrounds

The Teacher Must Demonstrate AwarenessDifferent Learning PreferencesDiversityUniversal Design PrinciplesNextBack

#26Wiki of Legal Mandates ActivityUse one of the popular online Wiki services e.g., to create a topic specific public wiki.Assemble a list federal and educational websites that address disabled, handicapped and all special needs student accommodations for virtual learning and classroom learning. Make certain to link each agency, website or NGO.Summarize and/or outline the legal mandates, laws, policies and procedures that address the needs of disabled students, including learning styles, handicapped, and disenfranchised students.Include at least two of the wikis widget functions, e.g., include a photo, embed a movie, add chart, etc.A sample wiki on K-12 state supported virtual schools is located at here at the wiki link when 10 entries are posted, to [email protected] to receive full credit for completion of this professional development module.Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBack#27Survey of Needs ActivityUse one of the popular online survey web services, e.g., to make a survey for students, parents and potential online course participants that requests information on student needs that might assist these students in the online classroom.A sample questionnaire has been created for reference located at the final product link to [email protected] for complete credit for participation in this professional development module.

Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBack#28Reflect on a Personal Scenario ActivityUse one of the popular online web services, such as Google Sites,, or similar host and write an entry that describes a scenario you may have had regarding accommodation of student needs, such as the use of assistive technology, lesson adaptation, obstacles you and the student have overcome, or a similar related experience acknowledging the individual or groups special needs.A sample blog and entry has been created for reference located at the final product link to [email protected] for complete credit for participation in this professional development module.

Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBack#29Record a Podcast ActivityRecord a digital podcast or audio broadcast and post that recording on the journal blog site created in the previous activity. If unable to post the audio file, email the file directly to [email protected] sample podcast entry was introduced earlier in this presentation.Email the final product link or file to [email protected] for complete credit for participation in this professional development module.

Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBack#30Professional Development ModuleStandard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBack

iNACOLInternational Association for K-12 Online LearningNational Standards for Quality Online Teaching Standard F Click dot to return to slide 7 in presentation after viewing Standard F.#31Question: The _________ is an act that mandates accommodations to students with learning disabilities?

FCA(Federal Communications Act)LEA (Learning Enrichment Act)ATA (American Technology Act)ACA (Accommodations & Communications ActSection F. Final Assessment Technology and assistive technology are important parts of online instruction.

Provided That, Choose the Correct Answer to the Question Posed.Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBack32Certificate of Completion Professional Development iNACOL Standard F. ModuleCongratulations-This marks the end of this particular professional development module on iNACOLs National Standards for Quality Online Teaching, Section F. Print for your records.

Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBack

Name: ____________________Date: ____________________Facilitator: ___M. Coffman____#33Resources.Relevant items for virtual schooling professional development, including K-12 online learningAssistive Technology and the Disability Identity Webinar. Retrieved from on June 27, 2012.Cathy Cavanaughs Online Learning Research References Dr. Cavanaugh, iNACOL Research Committee Chair, has an excellent and comprehensive website listing books, articles and journals for online learning at Issues Brief: Equity and Access in Virtual Education (2007)by Ray Rose and Bob Blomeyer identifies the issues that also impact professional development and diversity.Virtual Schools and 21st Century Skills paper by NACOL and the Partnership for 21st Century Skills (2006). NACOL reports. Retrieved from on June 27, 2012.Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBack#34Center for Teaching and Learning. Speaking of Teaching. Stanford University (2004). 13, 2. Retrieved from on June 29, 2012.Friedlander., B. (2008, November 26). Assistive technology. Vizthink Podcast. Podcast. Retrieved from on June 30, 2012.IEP Process. [Video File. Retrieved from on June 29, 2012.iNACOL. About Us. Retrieved from on June 29, 2012.iNACOL. Virtual School Symposium. Retrieved from on June 29, 2012iNACOL. (2011). Professional Development for Virtual Schooling and Online Learning. Retrieved from on June 27, 2012.iNACOL. (2011a). National standards for quality online courses. Retrieved from on June 27, 2012.iNACOL. (2011b). National standards for quality online teaching. Retrieved from June 27, 2012.Learning Disabilities Accommodations. [Video file]. Retrieved from on June 29, 2012.Sloan Consortium (2011). Overview of Six Learning Units for Professional Development. Retrieved from on June 28, 2012 .Pearson Foundation. Learning Online: Online to Learn. [Video file]. Retrieved from on June 27 Learning Obstacles Impaired Vision. [Video file]. Retrieved from on June 29, 2012.Vanderbilt University. Teaching Through Touch. [Video file]. Retrieved from on June 30, 2012.Universal Design & Accessibility. [Video file]. Retrieved from on June 30, 2012.Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextReferences.Back#35Professional Development Module Outline iNACOLInternational Association for K-12 Online LearningNational Standards for Quality Online Teaching Standard F Module For more information on this module contact:Mitch [email protected], Presentation for EDLD 871 SU12Dr. Luke Dowden University of Louisiana, Lafayettereturn to the beginning of presentation

Standard FiNACOLNational Standards for Quality Online TeachingNextBack#36