professional registration support category c mentoring … · 2017-03-29 · professional...

Professional Registration Support Category C- Mentoring Programmes - for graduates and candidates across the Built Environment - Do you employ graduates and candidates in the built environment? Are they finding the road to professional registraon a lile daunng? Would accelerated professional registraon in the minimum amount of me, whilst maximizing professional confidence, capability and competence add value to your organisaon? This unique soluon opmises your candidacy development needs with your naon building and B- BBEE responsibilies.

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Page 1: Professional Registration Support Category C Mentoring … · 2017-03-29 · Professional Registration Mentoring Support Handbook for each Professional Body across whole Built Environment

Professional Registration Support “Category C” - Mentoring Programmes

- for graduates and candidates across the Built Environment -

Do you employ graduates and candidates in the built environment?

Are they finding the road to professional registration a little daunting?

Would accelerated professional registration in the minimum amount of

time, whilst maximizing professional confidence, capability and

competence add value to your organisation?

This unique solution optimises your candidacy development needs with

your nation building and B-BBEE responsibilities.

Page 2: Professional Registration Support Category C Mentoring … · 2017-03-29 · Professional Registration Mentoring Support Handbook for each Professional Body across whole Built Environment



4 Success™ –

“Category C”







Professional Registration Support Mentoring

Full “Category C”

recognition with DTI

Skills Matrix &

B-BBEE Codes

through leading

SANAS accredited


auditors – offering

significant costs and

points benefits to


Transforms the

traditional road to

registration into an



experience by



registration with



Candidate and

partnership progress

is continually

monitored and

motivated through

the state-of-the-art


Mentor™ and my-


™ Mobile Mentoring

Apps and analytics

dashboards .

The rapidly transforming new world of work and the demands and expectations of the

modern millennial learner have put enormous pressure on the traditional ways in which

young graduates approach professional registration and manage the most effective

progress of their early careers.

Coupled with global mobility and varying academic backgrounds, most learned societies,

professional bodies and voluntary associations are hard pressed to cater for the complex array

of circumstances which large volumes of aspirant young professionals present to them – and

the organisations and institutions in which they are employed have an even more daunting task

in trying to support and monitor the optimal road to registration of their young graduates.

A comprehensive modular 12 month mentoring and professional knowledge gathering and

packaging programme culminates in candidates producing a best-in-class Candidacy

Mentoring Action Plan (C-MAP) and portfolio of evidence in line with their

professional body’s requirements. Candidates will gain heightened levels of industry

knowledge, experiential wisdom, key relationships and general confidence through their

regular interactions with key industry stakeholders and experts involved. Candidates

develop sound reasoning and professional judgement skills for all future decision making

and project collaborations.

The M4S Professional Registration Support Mentoring Programme provides a world

class structured knowledge mentoring environment for candidates and mentors to engage in

meaningful and validated knowledge acquisition and assimilation. This is achieved through

the carefully crafted combinations of modern learning techniques and the latest mobile

knowledge mentoring Apps and dashboard technologies available anywhere in the world.

Page 3: Professional Registration Support Category C Mentoring … · 2017-03-29 · Professional Registration Mentoring Support Handbook for each Professional Body across whole Built Environment

Unique world class



Mentoring Support

Handbook for each

Professional Body

across whole Built

Environment with

specific templates,

best practice guides

and workflows.

Professional partner-

ship model with full

programme man-

agement and admin

- 12 month to 4 year

discipline specific

and cross-discipline

focused modular

programmes with

substantial training

aids and career

enhancing toolkits.


managed and

facilitated by

qualified and


Engineering and


Professionals – with

a focus on the

needs of the young

professional and ad-

dressing the new

world of work.

Mentors receive

maximum CPD

Points – with unique

additional option of

obtaining a



Designation through


Strategic Alliance.

Unique “Return on Candidacy Mentoring Investment” monitoring (ROCMI) model ROMI 6 : Potential and Contribution – measuring the wider impact and projected benefits of the

candidate’s long term potential and value add to the organisation, profession and others.

ROMI 5 : Productivity and Savings – measuring the real impact in organisational competitiveness,

project performance and / or cost savings directly attributed to candidacy mentoring.

ROMI 4 : Results and Outcomes – measuring the candidate’s increase in actual own job related

performance, key work outputs and other outcomes directly attributed to candidacy mentoring.

ROMI 3 : Behaviours and Attitude – measuring the candidate’s increase in positive and professional

behaviours and attitude towards colleagues, job, career, chosen profession and others.

ROMI 2 : Teaching and Learning - measuring the candidate’s increase in personal motivation and

developing new skills, knowledge, experience and relationships.

ROMI 1 : Response and Reaction – measuring the candidate’s positive acknowledgement, realistic

expectations and appreciation of the benefits and value of the candidacy mentoring opportunity.

Mentoring 4 Success™ has uniquely developed an integrated structured mentoring

solution which provides a total Professional Registration Support Mentoring “outsource

solution” for clients, offering a world-class methodology, a full professional mentoring

programme management and administration function, as well as professionally registered

facilitators - and our world class Mobile Knowledge Mentoring Apps, coupled with rich

monitoring and reporting analytics via our on-line and Mobile Dashboard App.

Page 4: Professional Registration Support Category C Mentoring … · 2017-03-29 · Professional Registration Mentoring Support Handbook for each Professional Body across whole Built Environment

Mentoring 4 Success™ (Pty) Ltd | [email protected] | +27 (0)11 958 0619

Our structured mentoring solutions and services are recognised and

accredited by these fine organisations:

The world’s leading innovator of strategic, structured

and knowledge mentoring solutions and services

We can make a difference…

We can REALLY make a difference !

We are driven to unlock the full potential of the modern millennial learner and empower

the high performance learning organisations of the future in this rapidly transforming

new world of work.

We will achieve this through our:

Keynote addresses and executive conference presentations

Short courses and workshops

Bespoke 12 month programmes

Available in standardised formats as well as highly “bespoke” client specific orientations