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Professional Resource File: Bringing it all Together

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Page 1: Professional Resource File: Bringing it all · Professional Resource File Your Setting (for example,


Resource File:

Bringing it all


Page 2: Professional Resource File: Bringing it all · Professional Resource File Your Setting (for example,

What is the CDA Professional Resource File?

A collection of 17 specific resource materials to help you in your

work with children and families

A way to provide experience in locating and gathering resources

useful to your daily practice

One part of the CDA assessment process and a CDA

credentialing requirement

A way for the National Council for Professional Recognition to

evaluate your competence.

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What Does the CDA Professional Resource

File Contain?

Autobiography: Your autobiography describes who you are, why you chose to

work with young children, and what your goals are for your

future in the early childhood field. This should be approximately 300 words.

Resource Collection: The Resource Collection includes the 17 resources the National CDA Council requests related to appropriate practices and

relationships with families, along with community information

and professional development.

Six Competency Goal statements : The statements describe, in 200-500 words, your goals for

working with young children, your activities with young children

and how you incorporate these into your daily routines.

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Professional Resource File:

Bringing it all Together

Materials: Two inch three-ring binder Thirty clear plastic page protectors Eight dividers with tabs Twenty-five self-stick plain white labels (1” x 3”)

Creating the title sheet Type the following information, centered on the page:

Professional Resource File

Your Setting (for example, center-based infant/toddler or center-based preschool or family child care)

Your Name

Date (Note: Don’t fill in the date yet. This will be the date of your verification visit)

Don’t use any clip art, fancy fonts, or scrapbook graphics on this title sheet. This should look clean and professional.

Place this title sheet in the clear pocket in the front of the binder. (Note: card stock is easier to insert)

Creating the dividers Put the dividers in the binder first, making small labels to stick on the eight side tabs as follows: Autobiography Competency I Competency II Competency III Competency IV Competency V Competency VI Competency Goal Statements Type eight white labels to place in the middle of each corresponding divider sheet, as follows:

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Competency Goal I To establish a safe, healthy learning environment

Competency Goal II To advance physical and intellectual competence

Competency Goal III To support social and emotional development and to provide positive guidance

Competency Goal IV To establish positive and productive relationships with families

Competency Goal V To ensure a well-run, purposeful program responsive to participant needs

Competency Goal VI To maintain a commitment to professionalism

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Creating and Compiling the Materials


Write approximately 300 words. At the top of the page, in the center, type the heading and your name Example: Autobiography Jane Doe The statement must include these three things: 1.Some general background information about yourself. Write in the first person (My name is ___. I live in ___.) Do not include too much personal information. Keep this general! 2.When and why did you decided to work with young children? 3.What are your future goals in the early childhood field?

Put a copy in the Autobiography section of your binder. Make a copy to give to the council representative at the verification visit.

The Resource Collection:

Behind each of the next six dividers, are labeled sheet protectors. Inside these sheet protectors, put your 17 resource items. These resource items are divided among the six Competency Goals.

Competency Goal I: You will have four separate sheet protectors in this section. Create a label for each sheet protector and put it in the upper right corner. The labels will be numbered and should be completed as follows:

1. Provide a summary of the legal requirements your state has regarding child abuse and neglect. Be sure to include contact information for the appropriate agency and your program's policy regarding your responsibility to report child abuse and neglect.

2. Provide a copy of a current certificate of completion of a certified pediatric first aid training course that includes treating blocked airways and providing rescue breathing for infants and young children. Certification must be within the last three years.

3. Use the internet to obtain the name and contact information for an agency that supplies information on nutrition for children and/or nutrition education for families.

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4. Provide a sample of a weekly lesson plan that includes goals for children's learning and development, a brief description of planned learning experiences and accommodations for children with special needs.

Competency Goal II: You will have two separate sheet protectors. Create a label for each sheet protector and put it in the upper right corner. The labels will be numbered and typed as follows:

5. Select four songs, finger plays, word games, or poems that promote hearing the

sounds in spoken language (phonological awareness). Describe strategies that promote phonological awareness among children whose home language is not English.

(#6 will be unique to your specific setting) (Center-based Preschool) 6. Describe nine learning experiences for 3-, 4- and 5-year-olds; three for 3-year olds, three for 4-year olds and three for 5-year-olds. Each learning experience should promote physical, cognitive and creative development. Describe your goals, materials and teaching strategies.

(Center-based Infant/Toddler) Describe nine learning experiences for young children: three for young infants, three for mobile infants, and three for toddlers. Each learning experience should promote physical, cognitive and creative development. Describe your goals, materials and teaching strategies. (Add additional page protectors, if needed).

(Family Child Care) Describe nine learning experiences for young children: three for infants, three for toddlers, and three for preschoolers. Each learning experience should promote physical, cognitive and creative development. Describe your goals, materials and teaching strategies.

Competency Goal III: You will have three separate sheet protectors. Create a label for each sheet protector and put it in the upper right corner. The labels will be numbered and should be completed as follows:

7. Make a list of 10 age-appropriate children's books that can be used to support development of children's self-concept and self-esteem and to help children deal with life's challenges. Include the title, author, publisher, copyright date and a short

summary for each book.

8. Use the Internet, public library or your program’s professional library to obtain at least two resources designed to help teachers constructively deal with challenging behaviors like hitting or biting or shyness.

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9. Provide the name and telephone number of an agency in your community for family counseling referrals.

Competency Goal IV: You will have two separate sheet protectors. Create a label for each sheet protector and put it in the upper right corner. The labels will be numbered and should be completed as follows:

10. Find out where to obtain resources, materials and translation services for families whose home language is other than English. Provide the agency’s name and contact information. 11. Document your program's policies that specify parents’ responsibilities and what the program does for the parents.

(Note: If your program has a parent handbook, this is where you might find this information. You could also contact your program director to see what other information is available.)

Competency Goal V: You will have one sheet protector. Create a label for the sheet protector and put it in the upper right corner. The label will be numbered and typed as follows: 12. Provide three samples of record-keeping forms used in early childhood programs. Include an accident report form, an emergency form and a third form of your choice.

(Note: These should be blank forms, without any personal information.)

Competency Goal VI: You will have five separate sheet protectors. Create a label for each sheet protector and put it in the upper right corner. The labels will be numbered and typed as follows:

13. Use the internet to obtain the name, address and phone number of your state's agency that regulates child care centers and homes. These regulations are available at the website of the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care: . Make a copy of the section(s) that describes qualification requirements for personnel (teachers, directors and assistants) in a child care center.

14. Review the websites of two or three national early childhood associations (one with a local affiliate). Obtain information about membership, their resources and how to join. Download and include at least two resources from the Internet that will enhance your work with children.

(Note: Some examples of associations are: MLFCCA (Minnesota Licensed Family Child Care Association)-Local NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children)-National)

(#14 will be unique to your specific setting) (Center-based Preschool) 15. Obtain four pamphlets or articles designed to help parents understand how young children develop and learn. At least one article must relate to guidance.

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(Center-based Infant/Toddler) Obtain four pamphlets or articles designed to help parents understand how young children develop and learn. At least one article must relate to brain development.

(Family Child Care) Obtain four pamphlets or articles designed to help parents understand how young children develop and learn. At least one article must relate to guidance.

16. Locate an observation tool to use in recording information about children's behavior. One copy should be blank; the other one should be filled out to use as a sample of your observation of an individual child.

(Note: Do not include any child’s name on the observation form.)

17. Obtain contact information for at least two agencies in the community that provide resources and services for children with disabilities.

(Note: In many communities, the local school district provides these services. This would be ECSE, Early Childhood Special Education.)

Competency Goal Statements: Use the Competency Goal Statements to illustrate your understanding and knowledge of good early childhood practices and how you implement them in your work with young children and families. For each Statement of Competence, write a maximum of 500 words. Since there are six Competency Goals, this means six 500-word statements. You will use the Assessment System and Competency Standards booklet from the Council for Professional Recognition to write these statements. Depending on your setting, you will have either a blue (family child care), yellow (center-based infant/toddler), or green (center-based preschool) booklet.

Each of the six Competency Goals contains sub-categories called Functional Areas. There are 13 Functional Areas, which must be addressed in the Competency Goal statements. The Competency Goals and Functional Areas are organized as follows:

Competency Goal I: Functional Area 1: Safe Functional Area 2: Healthy Functional Area 3: Learning Environment

Competency Goal II: Functional Area 4: Physical Functional Area 5: Cognitive Functional Area 6: Communication Functional Area 7: Creative

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Competency Goal III: Functional Area 8: Self Functional Area 9: Social Functional Area 10: Guidance

Competency Goal IV: Functional Area 11: Families

Competency Goal V: Functional Area 12: Program Management

Competency Goal VI: Functional Area 13: Professionalism

Each of the six Competency Goal Statements should: Be written on a separate sheet of paper Be typed in 12-point font, using either Arial or Times New Roman Be spell-checked, be written in full sentences, and be grammatically correct.

Each of the six Goal Statements will start out with a heading (just as it is in the booklet), for example:

Competency Goal I To establish a safe, healthy learning environment

Write your name on the page. Staple together if the competency statement is longer than one page. Include each of the Functional Areas in that Competency Goal.

Write a clear goal for each Functional Area. In other words, describe WHAT you want to accomplish for the young children in your care. Example: “My goal

is to minimize the spread of germs in my child care setting and to keep children healthy.”

Write a philosophy statement for each Functional Area. In other words, describe WHY you do the things you do for the young children in your care. Example: “I know that young children in child care settings are more likely to be exposed to germs and to carry those germs to their families.”

Next, describe how you incorporate these practices and activities into your daily work with children, in each Functional Area. In other words, describe HOW you carry out good practices in your child care setting.

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Example in a center-based preschool setting: “To meet my goal, I practice safe hand

washing by using liquid soap and paper towels; and make sure to wash my hands after assisting a child in the restroom, before handling food, and after cleaning or coming in from outside. I teach the children to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds to get most germs off their hands.”

In a center-based infant/toddler setting provide two examples from your work with each of the following age groups: young infants, mobile infants and toddlers.

In a family child care setting, provide two examples from your work with each of the following age groups: infants, toddlers and preschoolers.

This example of a center-based preschool provider is for demonstration purposes only. Do not copy this for your own use. Competency Goal Statements must be specific to the candidate’s own particular setting, circumstances, and daily work with children and their families.


Mary Candidate

Competency Goal 1 To establish and maintain a safe, healthy, learning environment

Functional Area 1: Safe One of my goals in the functional area of safe is to prevent or reduce injuries while children are in my care. This is an important goal for the age group of children in my care because young children are often not aware of hazards in their environment or of behaviors that could cause injury. One of the ways I do this is by always making sure children are where I can see and hear them, even when they are napping. I also check the child care environment, both inside and outside, every morning before the children arrive to make sure that outlet plugs are in place, that child-safety latches are hooked, and that there are no broken toys or dangerous objects in the child care space. I check to be sure that there are no splinters, rusting equipment, or sharp pieces on outdoor equipment.

Functional Area 2: Healthy My goal is to prevent the spread of germs in my child care. This is an important goal for the age group of children in my care because young children do not have good control over bodily functions, and germs can be easily spread when children are in such close contact with each other. One of the ways I do this is by washing my hands before and after helping a child use the toilet, after wiping noses or cleaning up other bodily fluids, before and after handling food, after coming in from outside, and any other time my hands are dirty. I also help the children to wash their hands at similar times. I wash and sanitize all mouthed toys immediately, and other toys daily. I also make sure all the children have their own bedding and that the bedding is washed and sanitized weekly. Our program belongs to the USDA Food Program and we serve lots of fruits and vegetables for good nutrition. I always sit down to eat with the children to model good eating habits.

Functional Area 3: Learning Environment My goal is to provide children with many and varied opportunities for learning through play. This is an important goal for the age group of children in my care because young children learn by doing and using their senses to gather information about the world. One of the ways I do this is

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by regularly observing the children in my care to see what their interests, skills and abilities are. Then I plan activities to meet their interests and needs. Another way I do this is by setting my child care environment up in interest areas—blocks, books, art, writing, puzzles and small toys, and dress-up. I change the materials in these areas frequently, to keep the children interested in what’s going on. I like to show children new things: Last week I put mashed potato flakes in the sensory table. After playing with the dry flakes for a while, I added warm water. The children enjoyed watching the flakes change into fluffy masses that they could mold with their hands into shapes.

Each complete Competency Goal Statement must be between 200-500 words in length, including all of the Functional Areas, such as the example above. Each Goal Statement must be placed in its own page protector in the last section of the Professional Resource File.

An additional copy of each Goal Statement must be given to the Council representative at the verification visit. Put these copies together with the copy of your autobiography into a pocket folder to have on-hand during the verification visit.