proficiency testing schemes helping you deliver analytical...

Proficiency testing schemes Helping you deliver analytical excellence food and feeds • water and envir on m e n t b e v e r a g e c l i n i c a l c o n s u m e r s a f e t y f o r e n s i c s o n l i n e r e p o r t i n g b espoke and closed programmes LGC Quality - ISO/IEC 17043 • ISO 9001

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Page 1: Proficiency testing schemes Helping you deliver analytical · Proficiency testing schemes Helping you deliver

Proficiency testing schemes Helping you deliver analytical excellence

food and feeds • water and environment • beverage • clinical • consum

er safety • forensics • online reporting • bespoke and closed programmes

LGC Quality - ISO/IEC 17043 • ISO 9001

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INTERCOMPARACIONES MICROBIOLOGÍA Contact for Spain and Portugal: LGC Standards, Salvador Espriu 59, 08005 Barcelona, SPAIN email: [email protected] ; Tel: +34 933 084 181
Page 2: Proficiency testing schemes Helping you deliver analytical · Proficiency testing schemes Helping you deliver

4 Tel: +44 (0)161 762 2500 Fax: +44 (0)161 762 2501

LGC Standards - your first choice in proficiency testing

LGC is an accredited international provider of Proficiency Testing (PT) schemes also known as External Quality Assessment (EQA) schemes. We have over thirty years experience in all aspects of providing PT services to laboratories undertaking chemical, clinical, microbiological, and physical testing as well as measurements.

LGC Standards annually runs over 1,500 proficiency testing exercises, serving more than 9,000 laboratories. We produce in excess of 200,000 test materials per annum which are distributed to over 150 countries worldwide.

We offer an unprecedented breadth of PT schemes across a wide range of sectors such as food, beverages, environment, clinical, forensics, consumer safety and industrial.

In addition to the variety of schemes offered, LGC Standards can also provide managed solutions for in-house proficiency testing providers and training for participants and their customers.

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Email: [email protected] Website: 5

Aim of proficiency testingProficiency testing is defined in ISO/IEC 17043 as the evaluation of participant performance against pre-established criteria by means of interlaboratory comparisons. The term External Quality Assessment or EQA is often used for proficiency testing in the medical / clinical area.

LGC Standards provides a wide range of schemes designed to improve the quality of analytical testing and measurements in those sectors covered. The schemes involve the regular distribution of test materials in order for participants to test for defined parameters, and to have their results statistically analysed. Participation provides laboratories with a means of assessing the accuracy and comparability of their results with peer laboratories over time.

When performed within the context of a comprehensive quality assurance programme, proficiency testing is an independent means of assuring the quality of test and calibration results, as described in ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 15189.

Quality standardsLGC Standards is committed to continual improvement in quality and efficiency through sound quality assurance procedures. This commitment is demonstrated through certification to ISO 9001 for all our activities. Our PT schemes are accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Services (UKAS) certificate number 0001 and operated in accordance with ISO/IEC 17043. For details of the accredited schemes, please refer to our scope of accreditation at:

Please note that the AFPS, DAH, FIRMS and OIL PT schemes are currently not included.

Our proficiency testing services are supported by the scientific excellence of the LGC Group, the UK National Measurement Institute for analytical chemistry, as well as reference materials from LGC Standards, our market- leading manufacturing and distribution business.

Benefits of proficiency testing There are many benefits associated with participation in a proficiency testing scheme or external quality assessment. Key is the independent assessment of performance and the opportunity to compare your performance with peer laboratories, often on a global basis.

Other benefits include:

• Monitor the quality of measurements made and thereby identify improvements required• Greater process control• Demonstrate competency to customers, accreditation bodies and other regulatory bodies• Identify staff development and training needs• Compare methods or procedures

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6 Tel: +44 (0)161 762 2500 Fax: +44 (0)161 762 2501

Who should participate in proficiency testing schemes?Anyone who needs to independently demonstrate the quality of their analytical results should participate in PT / EQA schemes, because quality of results relates directly to quality of product, reputation in the market and, ultimately, brand value. Whether operating in the food, beverages, environmental, clinical, forensic, pharmaceutical, or other sectors, many regulators view PT schemes as an essential part of quality monitoring and many laboratories link PT results to key performance indicators in the quality assurance process.

Who participates in LGC Standards’ proficiency testing schemes?LGC Standards exports to laboratories in over 150 countries worldwide and our customer base ranges from single small enterprises to inspection organisations of global repute. Our customers include hospitals, clinics, pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, major international food and beverage manufacturers, research organisations, commercial and contract laboratories. At present we annually run over 1,500 proficiency testing exercises, serving more than 9,000 laboratories.

LGC Standards manages a number of bespoke schemes for multi-national companies to meet their particular requirements. These special schemes cover up to 500 laboratories.

Why choose LGC Standards as your proficiency testing provider?We provide high quality, accredited PT schemes with a strong customer base and a proven track record over many years. Additional attributes that position LGC Standards as a global leader in proficiency testing include:

• A dedicated purpose built PT facility• PORTAL – Proficiency Online Reporting and Trend AnaLysis tool• Rapid turnaround of results – reports provided typically between 4 and 10 working days after the result deadline• Value for money• Schemes tailored to specific sectors• Customer service of the highest quality• Technical support of in-house experts and external advisors• Worldwide sales and logistic network, supporting our customers from local offices in local languages

Page 5: Proficiency testing schemes Helping you deliver analytical · Proficiency testing schemes Helping you deliver

LGC Quality - ISO/IEC17043 • ISO9001

QWAS – Water microbiology proficiency schemeMicroorganisms live in water naturally and most are relatively harmless. However some of them can cause devastating disease in humans. Many of the world’s hospital beds are filled with people suffering from a water related disease. In developing countries, a large proportion of illnesses are linked to poor water quality and substandard or nonexistent sanitation conditions.

In several countries, water microbiology is the subject of legislation. Regulations specify how often water sources are sampled, how sampling is done, how analysis will be performed, what microbes are detected, and the acceptable limits for the target microorganisms in the sample.

The QWAS scheme is solely intended for microbiological analysis of a wide range of water samples, effluents and sludges. For laboratories that perform the analysis of water, participation in a relevant proficiency testing scheme can provide confidence that results of these analyses and the equipment used to produce those results are meaningful and accurate which, in turn, helps to ensure the safety of water.

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No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any retrieval system, without the written permission of the copyright holder. © LGC Limited, 2015. All rights reserved. 4531/LB/1015

Brazil • Bulgaria • China • France • Germany • Hungary • India • Ireland • Italy • Netherlands • Nordic countriesPoland • Romania • Russia • South Africa • Spain • Turkey • United Kingdom • USA

Science for a safer world

Scheme operationThe QWAS scheme year operates from January to December and test materials are despatched ten times per annum. Round despatch dates and reporting deadlines are available on the current QWAS application form, and further information can be found in the QWAS scheme description. These documents can be downloaded from our website

Test material Analytes

Bathing, recreational & surface water

EnumerationCoagulase-positive staphylococci, Staphylococcus species, Sulphite-reducing Clostridia.

Bathing, surface & wastewater

EnumerationEnterococci (faecal streptococci), Escherichia coli, Faecal coliforms, Total coliforms.Detection Salmonella species.

Effluent sludge

EnumerationEscherichia coli.Detection Salmonella species.

Environmental water

EnumerationLegionella pneumophila by culture, Legionella pneumophila by PCR. Legionella species by culture, Legionella species by PCR.Detection Legionella pneumophila, Legionella species.IdentificationLegionella pneumophila, Legionella species.

Mineral water

EnumerationEnterococci (faecal streptococci), Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Total aerobic count at 22°C & 37°C.Detection Coagulase-positive staphylococci, Sulphite-reducing Clostridia, Sulphite-reducing Clostridia spores ONLY.

Paper exercise Colony count and calculation of number of microorganisms.

Potable water

EnumerationClostridium perfringens, Coliforms, Enterococci (faecal streptococci), Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Sulphite-reducing Clostridia, Sulphite-reducing Clostridia spores ONLY, Total aerobic count at 22°C & 37°C.Detection Coliforms, Enterococci (faecal streptococci), Escherichia coli, Legionella species (low levels), Sulphite-reducing Clostridia.Identification (non pathogenic)Identification of organism to correct family, genus or species level.

Process water EnumerationPseudomonas species, Total aerobic count, Yeast, Mould, Yeast & mould (total).

Sea water

EnumerationEnterococci (faecal streptococci), Escherichia coli, Faecal coliforms, Total coliforms.Detection Salmonella species.

For further Information contact LGC Standards: • [email protected] • +44 (0)161 762 2500@LGCStandards

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LGC Quality - ISO/IEC 17043 • ISO9001

QMS – Food microbiology proficiency schemeFood testing is an essential element of the ‘Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point’ (HACCP) process in food production as it verifies the controls are working at the critical points in manufacturing.

Failures leading to food poisoning outbreaks caused by microbiological contamination can have a devastating effect on reputation, brand value, a decline in consumer confidence in the product, and ultimately profits. In rare cases it

may also lead to civil and criminal charges.

Our QMS scheme is intended for microbiologists working in the food, dairy, and many other related industries. The range of organisms offered for testing covers spoilage and indicator organisms, pathogens, normal background flora and occasionally atypical strains to challenge the laboratory.

Laboratories participating in QMS will be able to demonstrate they are producing accurate and meaningful results and help identify problems before they affect the quality or safety of products.

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Scheme operationOur QMS scheme year operates from January to December and test materials are despatched twelve times per annum. Round despatch dates and reporting deadlines are available on our current QMS application form, and further information can be found in our QMS scheme description. These documents can be downloaded from our website

Test material Analytes


EnumerationAerobic psychrotrophs.DetectionShigella species, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio species.

Skimmed milk powder.

Enumeration Salmonella species.Detection Cronobacter species, Yersinia enterocolitica.

Oatmeal or skimmed milk powder.

Enumeration Bacillus cereus, Bacillus species, Coagulase positive-staphylococci, Coliforms, Clostridium perfringens, Enterobacteriaceae, Enterococci (faecal streptococci), Escherichia coli, Lactic acid bacteria, Listeria monocytogenes, Listeria species, Pseudomonas species, Staphylococcus species, Thermotolerant coliforms.

Anaerobic sulphite-reducing bacteria, Mesophilic aerobic spores, Mesophilic anaerobic spores, Thermophilic aerobic spores, Total aerobic mesophilic count, Total anaerobic mesophilic count, Osmophilic yeast, Osmophilic mould, Yeast, Mould, Yeast and mould.

DetectionClostridium species, Coliforms, Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli, Escherichia coli O157 (non toxigenic strain), Listeria monocytogenes, Listeria species, Salmonella species.

Lyophilised vial.

EnumerationBifidobacterium species, Lactobacillus species, Campylobacter species.DetectionCampylobacter species.IdentificationUnknown microorganism.SerologySalmonella.

Herbs. Detection Salmonella species.

Spice. Detection Salmonella species.


EnumerationCoagulase positive-staphylococci, Coliforms, Total aerobic mesophilic count, Yeast and mould.DetectionSalmonella species.

Paper exercise. Colony count and calculation of number of microorganisms.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any retrieval system, without the written permission of the copyright holder. © LGC Limited, 2016. All rights reserved. 4806/CF/0516

Brazil • Bulgaria • China • France • Germany • Hungary • India • Ireland • Italy • Netherlands • Nordic countriesPoland • Romania • Russia • South Africa • Spain • Turkey • United Kingdom • USA

Science for a safer world

For further information contact LGC Standards: • [email protected] • +44 (0)161 762 2500@LGCStandards

Page 9: Proficiency testing schemes Helping you deliver analytical · Proficiency testing schemes Helping you deliver

LGC Quality - ISO/IEC 17043 • ISO9001

QMAS – Meat and fish proficiency schemeInternational consumption of meat and fish in human diets has increased rapidly. Therefore the manufacturing processes of these produce need to be highly regulated, otherwise major food safety crises could occur.

Measures must be taken to prevent contamination with hazardous chemical materials above specified limits, and reduce the number of microorganisms capable of causing human disease. In addition, customers require animal products to be authentic and genuine, especially

in light of the recent horsemeat scandal which exposed the presence of various species in both raw and processed meats.

Customers want to be assured the food they consume has been thoroughly tested by competent laboratories especially those participating in proficiency testing.

Our QMAS scheme offers a wide mixture of tests for laboratories that perform basic proximates, authentication/identification, and quality evaluations. Microbiological checks include the testing of indicator, spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms.

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Scheme operationOur QMAS scheme year operates from January to December and test materials are despatched six times per annum. Round despatch dates and reporting deadlines are available on our current QMAS application form, and further information can be found in our QMAS scheme description. These documents can be downloaded from our website

Test material Analytes


*AuthenticitySpecies stated to be screened for presence of other species of meat. Analytes will vary each round.ProximatesHydroxyproline, Mono-unsaturated fats, Poly-unsaturated fats, Saturates, Total fat, Total trans fatty acids.*Trace elementsArsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, Phosphorus, Zinc.

Dried and cured meat. Proximates Ash, Carbohydrate, Dietary fibre, Energy, Fat, Moisture, pH, Phosphate, Protein, Salt, Sodium, Total sugars.

Precooked, processed and raw meat.

Proximates Ash, Calcium, Carbohydrate, Dietary fibre, Energy, Fat, Moisture, pH, Phosphate, Potassium, Protein, Salt, Sodium, Total sugars.

Lyophilised meat.

*Quality evaluationNitrate, Nitrite.EnumerationCoagulase-positive staphylococci, Coliforms, Clostridium perfringens, Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli, Lactic acid bacteria, Mould, Pseudomonas, Sulphite-reducing clostridia, Total aerobic mesophilic count, Yeast.DetectionListeria species, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella species.

Lyophilised meat + Vial.

Detection Campylobacter species, Escherichia coli 0157 (non-toxigenic strain).


*IdentificationFish speciation.ProximatesAsh, Fat, Moisture, pH, Protein, Salt.*Quality evaluationHistamine, Trimethylamine (TMA), Total volatile nitrogen (TVN).Trace elementsArsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, Phosphorus, Zinc.

Shellfish. Trace elementsArsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, Phosphorus, Zinc.

Lyophilised fish or shellfish + Vial.

EnumerationCoagulase-positive staphylococci, Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli, Total aerobic mesophilic count. DetectionSalmonella species, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio species.

*Not included in our scope of accreditation.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any retrieval system, without the written permission of the copyright holder. © LGC Limited, 2016. All rights reserved. 4806/CF/0516

Brazil • Bulgaria • China • France • Germany • Hungary • India • Ireland • Italy • Netherlands • Nordic countriesPoland • Romania • Russia • South Africa • Spain • Turkey • United Kingdom • USA

Science for a safer world

For further information contact LGC Standards: • [email protected] • +44 (0)161 762 2500@LGCStandards

Page 11: Proficiency testing schemes Helping you deliver analytical · Proficiency testing schemes Helping you deliver

LGC Quality - ISO/IEC17043 • ISO9001

HYGIENE* – Environmental hygiene monitoring proficiency Regular hygiene monitoring of environmental surfaces and equipment, in manufacturing and healthcare, is a key part of any quality system. Ensuring control of microbial contamination can directly affect the quality of both products and patient care.

Environmental hygiene is a critical issue in many industries. In food and beverages it can help avoid food spoilage and food poisoning, both of which can damage brand value and profits. In pharmaceutical

manufacturing, parenteral medicines, and the environment they are produced in, need to be free from microbes, and other products and areas are screened to ensure absence of potentially harmful strains. In healthcare, regular environmental monitoring can demonstrate cleaning and disinfection has been carried out correctly, helping to reduce the potential spread of infection.

The HYGIENE scheme provides a defined surface to test, monitoring the entire process in one go, (both the swabbing technique and the laboratory analysis). The HYGIENE scheme can help you prove your environmental monitoring is effective and in control.

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No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any retrieval system, without the written permission of the copyright holder. © LGC Limited, 2015. All rights reserved. 4323/CB/0315

Brazil • Bulgaria • China • France • Germany • Hungary • India • Ireland • Italy • NetherlandsNordic countries • Poland • Romania • Russia • South Africa • Spain • Turkey • United Kingdom • USA

Science for a safer world

Scheme operationThe HYGIENE scheme year operates from January to December and test materials are despatched three times per annum. Round despatch dates and reporting deadlines are available on the current HYGIENE application form, and further information can be found in the HYGIENE scheme description. These documents can be downloaded from our website

Test material Analytes

Surface testing*Swabbing

Microbiological enumerationEnterobacteriaceae, Total aerobic mesophilic count, Yeast and Mould

Surface testing* Swabbing

Microbiological detectionListeria species, Salmonella species

Surface testing Contact plates

Microbiological enumerationTotal aerobic mesophilic count

* Not included in our scope of accreditation.

For further Information contact LGC Standards: • [email protected] • +44 (0)161 762 2500


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LGC Quality - ISO/IEC17043 • ISO9001

AFPS – Animal feed proficiency scheme Animal feed quality is highly regulated since the majority of animals, or their products, will be converted into food for human consumption.

EC Regulation 767/2009 stipulates the requirements for the marketing and use of animal feeds, and (with reference to related regulations) requires complete traceability of feeds, personnel, and additives, and defines the compulsory labelling requirements.

Major food safety crises can occur from the contamination of animal feed causing risks to animal and human health resulting in recalls; financial damage as large quantities of product have to be destroyed; and the potential for considerable damage to the reputation of any businesses involved.

Preventing these issues through reliable analysis at source backed up by independent verification through participation in a proficiency scheme, can help to save large sums of money for a very small investment.

Page 14: Proficiency testing schemes Helping you deliver analytical · Proficiency testing schemes Helping you deliver

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any retrieval system, without the written permission of the copyright holder. © LGC Limited, 2015. All rights reserved. 4355/CB/0615

Brazil • Bulgaria • China • France • Germany • Hungary • India • Ireland • Italy • NetherlandsNordic countries • Poland • Romania • Russia • South Africa • Spain • Turkey • United Kingdom • USA

Science for a safer world

Scheme operationThe AFPS scheme year operates from January to December and test materials are despatched four times per annum. Round despatch dates and reporting deadlines are available on the current AFPS application form, and further information can be found in the AFPS scheme description. These documents can be downloaded from our website

Test material Analytes

Animal feedProximate analysisAcid detergent fibre (ADF), Ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid, Crude ash, Crude fat, Crude fibre, Crude protein, Moisture, Neutral detergent fibre (NDF), Pepsin protein digestibility (PPD), Starch, Sugars.

Animal feedMineral and trace elementsArsenic, Cadmium, Calcium, Chloride, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Lead, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Sodium, Zinc.

Oil or fat*

Fat qualityAnisidine value, Free fatty acids, Insoluble impurities, Iodine value, Peroxide value, Polymeric triglycerides, Unsaponifiable matter, Saponification value, Water,12:0 Lauric acid, 14:0 Myristic acid,14:1 n-5 Myristoleic acid, 15:0 Pentadecanoic acid,16:0 Palmitic acid, 16:1 Palmitoleic acid,17:0 Heptadecanoic acid, 18:0 Stearic acid,18:1 cis-9 Oleic acid, 18:2 n-6 Linoleic acid,18:3 n-3 Linolenic acid, 20:0 Eicosanoic arachidic acid, 20:1 Eicosenoic acid, 20:5 n-3 Eicosapentaenoic acid,22:6 n-3 Docosahexaenoic acid.

Animal feed*AflatoxinsAflatoxin B1, Aflatoxin B2, Aflatoxin G1, Aflatoxin G2, Ochratoxin, Total aflatoxins.

Simulated animal feed EnumerationEnterobacteriaceae, Total viable count, Yeast and Mould.

Simulated animal feed DetectionSalmonella species

*Not included in our scope of accreditation.

For further Information contact LGC Standards: • [email protected] • +44 (0)161 762 2500@LGCStandards

Page 15: Proficiency testing schemes Helping you deliver analytical · Proficiency testing schemes Helping you deliver

LGC Quality - ISO/IEC 17043 • ISO9001

QCS – Chocolate proficiency schemeCacao trees were first cultivated by the Aztecs, who used the beans both as a form of currency and to produce a spiced drink known as ‘chocolatl’.

Over the years, many different types and flavours of chocolate have been developed and cacao derivatives are often blended with other ingredients to produce a diverse range of produce.

Chocolate products are also one of the few food commodities whose composition is controlled at European Union. Directive 2000/36/EC ‘relating to cocoa and chocolate products intended

for human consumption’, sets common rules and definitions with regard to the composition, manufacture, packaging and labelling of chocolate and cocoa products.

Consumption of contaminated chocolate is rare yet there have been sporadic global outbreaks which have led to product recalls. The consequence is damaged reputations, possible legal actions resulting in huge financial damage and more.

Our QCS scheme offers chemical and microbiological testing parameters for chocolate and cocoa powder.

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Scheme operationOur QCS scheme year operates from January to December and test materials are despatched three times per annum. Round despatch dates and reporting deadlines are available on our current QCS application form, and further information can be found in our QCS scheme description. These documents can be downloaded from our website

Test material Analytes


ChemicalButyric acid, Fat, Moisture, Theobromine, Total nitrogen, Total sugars. EnumerationColiforms, Enterobacteriaceae, Enterococci, Total aerobic mesophilic count, Yeast and mould.DetectionSalmonella species.

Cocoa powder.

Chemical Ash, Fat, Moisture, Theobromine.Enumeration Coliforms, Enterobacteriaceae, Enterococci, Total aerobic mesophilic count, Yeast and mould.Detection Salmonella species.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any retrieval system, without the written permission of the copyright holder. © LGC Limited, 2016. All rights reserved. 4806/CF/0516

Brazil • Bulgaria • China • France • Germany • Hungary • India • Ireland • Italy • Netherlands • Nordic countriesPoland • Romania • Russia • South Africa • Spain • Turkey • United Kingdom • USA

Science for a safer world

For further information contact LGC Standards: • [email protected] • +44 (0)161 762 2500@LGCStandards

Page 17: Proficiency testing schemes Helping you deliver analytical · Proficiency testing schemes Helping you deliver

LGC Quality - ISO/IEC 17043 • ISO9001

QGS – Gelatine proficiency schemeOur QGS scheme has been developed in collaboration with the trade body, Gelatine Manufacturers of Europe (GME).

GME members account for nearly half of the worldwide gelatine production and the key role of the GME is to ensure that gelatine is manufactured to a consistently high quality for the benefit of gelatine customers and consumers.

The most common use of gelatine is in cosmetics and food followed by the pharmaceutical, photographic and printing industries.

Gelatine is an excellent nutrient for most bacteria and for this reason the manufacturing processes have to avoid contamination, otherwise the safety and/or quality of the gelatine could be affected. In the past, outbreaks due to the use of contaminated gelatine were a common cause of Salmonellosis.

QGS test materials are presented on a gelatine hydrolysate matrix in order to represent a realistic challenge, and the range of organisms include the relevant microorganisms for laboratories involved in the quality control analysis of gelatine.

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Scheme operationOur QGS scheme year operates from January to December and test materials are despatched two times per annum. Round despatch dates and reporting deadlines are available on our current QGS application form, and further information can be found in our QGS scheme description. These documents can be downloaded from our website

Test material Analytes

Gelatine hydrolysate.

EnumerationSulphite-reducing bacteria, Total aerobic mesophilic count.DetectionClostridium perfringens, Coliforms, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella species.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any retrieval system, without the written permission of the copyright holder. © LGC Limited, 2016. All rights reserved. 4806/CF/0516

Brazil • Bulgaria • China • France • Germany • Hungary • India • Ireland • Italy • Netherlands • Nordic countriesPoland • Romania • Russia • South Africa • Spain • Turkey • United Kingdom • USA

Science for a safer world

For further information contact LGC Standards: • [email protected] • +44 (0)161 762 2500@LGCStandards