profile inglês

Profile Name: Ana Luísa Surname: Fernandes e-mail: [email protected] My name is Ana Luísa. I’m 16 years old. I was born on 29 April, 1994. I study in José Saramago Secondary School in Mafra. I live with my parents and my grandma. I have two sisters, Isabel and Joana. They are older than me. They don’t live with us; they have their own home with their boyfriends. Isabel has already a son, Martim. He is very cute. My mother works in a library and my father is graphic designer. I have a dog, too, Sebastião. It is a very intelligent golden retriever. More about me I am a little bit shy. I don’t like to speak much. I love fashion. It is something that makes me feel very good. I also love music. I listen to every gender, except rap. I can’t be in a place without listening to music. It is essential for me. In my free time I also read. I love reading. I like to read, mainly, historical novels. I really appreciate to watch films, especially, horror or comedy. Normally horror films make me feel very scared while I am watching it but I see it any way because I like that feeling of “fear”. I like to feel that adrenaline. I love to go out with my friends too. My friends are very important to me. I like to walk near natural places. I love gardens and flowers. I care a lot about the environment. In the future Concerning my future I want to be a stewardess because I love travelling and I like to know different people and cultures. Also because I want a job that won’t mean “sitting behind a desk all day”. I hope to get this job.

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Post on 17-May-2015




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Page 1: Profile inglês

Profile Name: Ana Luísa

Surname: Fernandes

e-mail: [email protected]

My name is Ana Luísa. I’m 16 years old. I was born on 29 April, 1994. I study in José Saramago Secondary School in Mafra.

I live with my parents and my grandma. I have two sisters, Isabel and Joana. They are older than me. They don’t live with us; they have their own home with their boyfriends. Isabel has already a son, Martim. He is very cute.

My mother works in a library and my father is graphic designer. I have a dog, too, Sebastião. It is a very intelligent golden retriever.

More about me

I am a little bit shy. I don’t like to speak much. I love fashion. It is something that makes me feel very good.

I also love music. I listen to every gender, except rap. I can’t be in a place without listening to music. It is essential for me. In my free time I also read. I love reading. I like to read, mainly, historical novels.

I really appreciate to watch films, especially, horror or comedy. Normally horror films make me feel very scared while I am watching it but I see it any way because I like that feeling of “fear”. I like to feel that adrenaline.

I love to go out with my friends too. My friends are very important to me. I like to walk near natural places. I love gardens and flowers. I care a lot about the environment.

In the future Concerning my future I want to be a stewardess because I love travelling

and I like to know different people and cultures. Also because I want a job that won’t mean “sitting behind a desk all day”. I hope to get this job.

Page 2: Profile inglês

Who I am… Name: Andreia Santos; Age: sixteen; Address: PêroPinheiro, Sintra (Lisbon); E-mail: androxa_94

About me : I’m a very energetic and outgoing person, but in the beginning I’m very shy and not too much talkative. I’m funny, and I make my friends laugh all the time; They say that I am really crazy. I have a strong personality and I can really describe myself as being spontaneous, because nobody knows what will come out of my mouth. I am a generous and sensitive person and for me there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving, because when I help or give something to someone, I feel happy to get a smile and a thank you. It´s a feeling that fulfils me. Sometimes I can be quite grumpy, when I think I'm right even if nobody else shares my opinion, and I can also be very lazy when I have to do things that I don´t like. Things I like: When I have nothing to do, I like going to the beach just to meditate and see the waves breaking on the rocks. I stay there the whole afternoon watching the movement of waves, coming and going, it gives me a feeling of infinite pleasure. But the best is the sunset. That big ball in the horizon, touching the line of the sea and reflecting its tones of red and orange. I really can’t describe the feeling. It´s so perfect, It´s everything. I love music, it is a passion. It´s something that completes me. I listen to all kinds of music. I play the guitar and that´s a way of showing my feelings. My best friend is Cheila, she´s one of the most important ones to me. She´s someone that I can really say that is a true friend and she is like a sister. I love going shopping, who is the girl that doesn´t love it? I like acting, and I had the opportunity to have had three years of theatre lessons. I learned many things and it was a good experience. I´m so crazy about chocolate and candies, I can spend a day eating that junk food, but I do that just once in a while because at the end of the day my stomach really hurts me! Animals mean a lot to me, actually I have two cats and they are adorable. One of my favourite animals is the monkey; they are very intelligent and I love their peculiar sound!

Now you know who I am… And the things I like…

Page 3: Profile inglês

My name is Beatriz Rita.

I’m Portuguese and I was born on the 6th January 1994, which means I’m 16 years old. I was born in Lisbon. My e-mail is: [email protected]

My mouth: I talk a lot! I’m a really talkative person even if, in the beginning, I look a bit shy.

Here, in my head I’ve got my dreams:

- Be a photographer

- Visit many beautiful

places (like London,

Moscow, Venice, …)

My eyes: I love photography and that means I love to watch everything around me and the beautiful things planet Earth can show us.

My ears: I love music and I think it’s a great way to express our feelings. My favourite bands/musicians are: The Beatles, Michael Bublé, McFly, My Chemical Romance, Scorpions, Pearl Jam, Oasis, Queen, The Drums, Green Day, Coldplay, etc (I really could give you a two-page list). I also love classical music.

Here, in my heart, it’s easy to guess what I’ve got: my family and my friends. By the way, my best friends’ names are Madalena and Tiago and I live with my parents and my little sister. My mum (Sara) works in an advertising company and my dad (Vitor) is a soldier. My sister is 13 and, obviously, she’s in school. My hand: I love to write and

to play the guitar. Writing is a great hobby because it helps us to think about what we feel and what happens to us. About the guitar… I’m just starting to learn it but it is one of my favourite instruments and I really would like to play like a real rocker (you can see another dream here, this is a big one).

My legs: I love to travel and I love to visit new places (here is a reason why I’m in Comenius) and to know new cultures. I particularly like to visit big cities and to walk a lot to know them. It is exhausting but it is worth it. I also like to go for long walks into the woods.

My feet: I love to dance. I do ballet since I was 5 years old and it is my passion. I love the way we can tell so many things without opening our mouth. Other things about me: my favourite subjects at school are Portuguese,

English, French and History, I love to sing (but I really shouldn’t), I love to cook, I’m almost addicted to my iPod and I love to read! My favourite books are the Harry Potter saga.

Page 4: Profile inglês

Hi! My name is Catarina Ramos, I’m Portuguese and I’m 16 years old. My birthday

is on 10th September and my e-mail is [email protected]. I live with

my parents in Ericeira, a really beautiful village near the sea. My brother, who is 21

years old, used to live with us too but now he is at university in Faro, Algarve.

When I finish the 12th grade I will probably go to university,

exactly as my brother, but I want to study educational sciences

and work with children, because I think kids are very special

and important.

Besides being a kindergarten teacher, one of my dreams is to

do a humanitarian mission in Africa (Congo or South Africa,

mainly) but I would like to do it wherever I may be useful.

My favourite hobbies are

playing basketball, rugby and

other sports with my friends. I

also like reading action books and

speaking (a lot!). I like to sing too,

I sing everywhere and whenever I

can! I also do voluntary work in a

nursery school where my mum

works and I love doing it!

COMENIUS: This project is very interesting; we

can learn about other countries and know

other students who have different cultural

backgrounds. We live in a multicultural world.

European projects are always very useful,

because they improve the participants’


My personality... well, I can’t say

specifically what are my weak

points and my qualities, but I’m

really perfectionist, very friendly

and extremely close to my friends.

I’m hard with the world in general

and with me, and sometimes it

can harm me; I like to do

everything possible to help the

others, so that we can all live

better and get better results. I’m

very tidy and organized unlike

most teenagers.

Page 5: Profile inglês

Me… Hello! My name is Cheila Evaristo. I am Portuguese and I am 16 years old. I was

born on 26th March 1994, in Lisbon. I live in Mafra, very close to Ericeira and at a short distance to Lisbon. I live with my father and my mother. I have a brother, he is 20 years old, his name is Jonatã and he doesn’t live with us because he has already married. I have a very big family and a lot of friends. I am very close to them; I just can’t live without my family and friends! My personality: I am a little bit shy, quiet, friendly, sweet, caring and emotional. I am perfectionist, responsible, creative, very stubborn, lazy and clumsy and sometimes I am vain and proud. When I do something I give my best.

My hobbies and interests: I love to be in contact with nature. So, what I like most is to travel, know about other cultures, places, wonderful landscapes and people, and try new experiences. I am fascinated by history. Arts are my very big passion; I love drawing, painting, photography and fashion. Since I was little, I have always felt fulfilled when I had a sheet of paper and a pencil in my hand, because it meant I could express myself in my own personal way. I love summer time, the hot days but I like rain too. I just can’t live far away from the sea and my favourite hobby is to spend all day on the beach, see the sunset, sunbathing, swimming and scuba diving. So I love my country’s coastline because it has wonderful beaches. It’s also important to say: I am completely fan of chocolate; I am a Jehovah’s Witness, because it gives a meaning to my life and makes me a better person; I love to go to the cinema, and I like all kinds of movies. My hobbies are going shopping to buy clothes, be with my friends and family, draw, paint, dance, listen to music, specially rock, reggae and music from different decades, go to concerts and I also read and write a lot. To write makes me feel completely free.

My future career and dreams: In the future I want to graduate in languages and humanities, and after that I want to study arts. Then I would like to be a stylist or a primary school teacher and a writer. My dream is to visit all the countries in the world. I think that all countries have something special to show us, so I think that’s the best experience we can have. I think that’s the most important information about me and I am very curious about the COMENIUS project, so my big wish is to learn a lot with this exchange programme.

… the end.

Page 6: Profile inglês

More about me…

Hello, I live in Pero Pinheiro, which belongs to Sintra. My favourite subjects are History

and Geography, but I don’t like maths; I have only chosen it because I honestly

hate French. On my summer holidays, I always go to Sagres (in Algarve), which is

my favourite place in the entire world, where I really “feel” myself. My

relationship with Sagres is wonderful and I feel that I have a connection with

that place. It is strange but it is what I feel.

Some of my friends think that my house is a zoo because I have many pets. I

have a dog, two turtles, two cats, fifteen birds and two fishes.

My Family I live with my mother, my father and my sister Patrícia; she is younger than me. I

really enjoy spending time with my family, but what I really enjoy is when we go to

Sagres in the summer. We go camping in our caravan.

My Hobbies … I like going out with my friends, playing on my PC, reading, listening to music,

watching movies, eating chocolate, taking care of animals, going to the beach,

shopping and see the joy of children playing.

I swim once a week.

This is my life, and who I am… Bye bye…

First Name: Cláudia Surname: Falhuscas Date of birth: 16 May 1993 E-mail: Clá[email protected]

Page 7: Profile inglês

• My profile:

My name is Daniela Sofia Marta Santos, I’m sixteen years old and I was born on the 6th January 1994 in Torres Vedras. I’m Portuguese and I live in Encarnação (Mafra). I study in Secondary School José Saramago.

Now I’m going to describe myself; I’m 1,70 tall, I have got long brown hair, brown eyes, small lips and small hands. My personality is very strong. I’m very friendly and I love to smile all day long. I like to meet many people and talk about many subjects. If you want to talk with me, here is my e-mail: [email protected]

• My family:

I live with my mother, my father and my sister. My mother’s name is Filomena, she is from Silveira (Torres Vedras) and she is a housewife. My father’s name is José and he has lived in Encarnação (not very far away from Mafra) since he was born. He is a mason and a bicycle mechanic. My parents are very friendly. My sister’s name is Mariana, she is twelve years old and she is student. My sister is a little boring, as all brothers are, but she is also very nice and friendly.

• My hobbies:

I have many hobbies, but my favourite one is to go out with my boyfriend and my friends; I also like watching television (my favourite channels are Fox and SIC radical), playing Playstation 3, surfing on the net, going to the shopping centre and to the cinema. My favourite movie is: “The grudge: the curse 1, 2 and 3”.

Page 8: Profile inglês

First Name: David

Surname: Silva

Birthday: 3rd May 1994

E-mail: [email protected]

About Me … My full name is David João Farracho Silva, I’m 16 years old, and I live in Barril. Barril is a very small place but very “green and blue”, because it is in the countryside and close to the ocean. It is near Encarnação, Mafra (not far away from Lisbon), and my school is in Mafra (Secondary School José Saramago). I like school very much because I dream to become a lawyer or a judge and my favourite subjects are Mathematics applied to social sciences and geography. If I cannot be a lawyer or a judge, I would like to be an engineer (planning the territory), because it involves geography, and I like geography very much. I like my friends very much and I don’t stand liars and false people.


José Saramago is the name of my school and this is the name of a famous Portuguese writer (winner of the Nobel Prize). My Family: I live with my mother, my father and my sister. My father is 46 years old, and my mother is 45. My sister is 18 years old and she drives me crazy when she tries to look like my mother and scold me for no reason… oh! That Anger!!! My Hobbies: My favourite hobby is to travel. I would like to travel all over the world, but at the present time I don’t have many possibilities to travel much. I also like to watch television, walk, ride my bike, read and write and to think about the future. My future is very important so I have to make the right decisions. In my free time, I also help the football team in my village, organizing soccer games and events, since I'm pretty organized, one of my good qualities.

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I’m a very, very shy person in general and in class too, and I don’t really like oral

presentations. I like to learn about different cultures, and because of that I would like to share

my dream travel, and that is going to Japan. I personally like this country, because I think their

culture is very interesting and different from the other ones; it’s fascinating at least for me.

Japan also has so many beautiful places and, for all the reasons that I said before, I would

really like to go there.

My Family

About my family, I live with my mother, my stepfather and my little brother who is only two

years old. I really enjoy spending my time with them, we go to many places, it’s fantastic, and

we have a great time together.

Sometimes, my brother gets me crazy, he is always moving things, but sometimes he can be

very cute; I love him a lot.

My hobbies

Well, now talking about my favourite hobbies, I like playing volleyball, walking on the beach,

being with my friends, watching TV, listening to music, among other things. My favourite one

is being with my best friend Maria. I always have fun with her and we have a lot in common.

Now we aren’t next to each other which is very sad, I just see her a few times.

Bye, Bye

First Name: Flávia Surname: Gonçalves Date of birth: 5th January 1994 E-mail: [email protected]

Page 10: Profile inglês

About me:

I’m sixteen and I live in Mafra, Portugal, with my mum and my stepfather. My area of studies includes languages and humanities because I’d love to be a judge to change a little bit what is called justice in this world. At this moment, French, philosophy and Portuguese are my favourite subjects at school.

My interests:

Since I was 4 years old I do ballet and my mother is my teacher, obviously dancing is something that makes me travel to another dimension where all my problems disappear and everything else is irrelevant.

I’m totally obsessed by music. I love country music, indie, rock, reggae and jazz. I have a lot of idols like: Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison (The Doors), Joe Cocker, Kurt Cobain, Caleb Followill (kings of Leon), Matisyahu, Peter Doherty, etc.

In my free time I love to laugh, to watch movies and to go out with my friends. I love camping, going to the beach and swimming until the sunset. I also like to dream, learn and search. I love white and brown and I’m crazy about chocolate. I’m totally given to ‘’peace and love’’ and every day of my life I pray for our planet to be saved, and our society to be totally out of this wrong concepts like materialism, selfishness and egocentric values. We should support each other, like “one for all and all for one”.


I’m really interested in this project because it’s really important to improve my speaking skills in these two languages, to know people from other places and how to work with them in different areas. It’s also a great experience to travel and host other students, here, in Portugal, and obviously to be hosted by them. Thank you so much for your attention! See you soon.

First Name: Inês

Surname: Gonçalves

Birthday: 12th March

E-mail: Inês_

Page 11: Profile inglês



E-MAIL: [email protected]


Hey, my name is Isadora Gil, I was born on

the 23rd

September 1994, and so I’m 16

years old. I live in Ericeira, Portugal, with my

parents and I don’t have any brothers. I

study at Secondary School José Saramago, in

Mafra. I’m shy, friendly, funny and

everything you can imagine. My biggest

defect is being lazy; my defects depend on

the way they are seen.


The name of my mom is Carlota Gil, she is 52 years old and she is a pharmacist, she

works in Mafra. My father’s name is Ricardo Gil, he is 44 years old and he works in a

city hall (Oeiras, close to Lisbon).


I like surfing, bodyboarding and I swim a lot in the local pool. I study music in a Music

School - D.Dinis - in Odivelas (Santo António dos Cavaleiros). There I have music classes

- clarinet, guitar and piano. I’m also a DJ and I make my own music at home. I am in

front of the computer many hours per day because I make my own music and then I

put them on YouTube or I go to Facebook, Hi5, Dailybooth, Twitter and other sites.


At weekends I like to go out with my friends and we really have a lot of fun. I love to go

to the beach (I live close to the sea), listen to music, dance, travel, read and do other



I want to follow the areas of psychology, geography or tourism but I’m not sure yet.


I have chosen to participate in this project because I love to travel and meet

people form different countries and different cultures. It is really very interesting.

Page 12: Profile inglês

Name: Madalena Reis

Age: 16 years old

e-mail: [email protected]

Me and My Family

I was born on 10th June 1994, in Lisbon, and I live in a small village in Sintra, called Sabugo. It’s in the countryside, and I really enjoy living there because it is quiet and beautiful. I live with my parents and my brother. My mom’s name is Otilia, and she’s the executive director of the Fulbright Comission, here in Portugal. My dad, Luís, works in Sintra’s city hall, as an admnistrative and my brother, José Diogo (who’s younger than me, he’s only 12), is a 7th grade student. And as I’m speaking about my household, I’m going to refer my pets too! So, we have two dogs, Rex and Buk, a turtle, Becas, and a cat named Tom. I was the one who named it, after Tom Riddle, also known as Lord Voldemort, because I’m a huge fan of the Harry Potter series. My Favourite Things

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my friends, watching TV series and movies, reading and listening to music. Music is one of my passions, I’m obsessed by it, there’s not a single day that goes by without me spending some time listening to it. I have a lot of favourite bands and solo artists, such as U2, Robbie Williams, McFly, Coldplay, John Mayer, Maroon 5, The Killers, Bruce Springsteen, Pearl Jam, Oasis, Michael Bublé and Red Hor Chilli Peppers. Going back, I would like to refer some of my favourite movies, as “Forrest Gump”, “Big Fish” and “Sleepy Hollow”, and also some of my favourite TV series, as “Glee”, “Modern Family”, “Criminal Minds”, “CSI”, “The Simpsons”, “Family Guy”, “The Cleveland Show”, “ER” and “Grey’s Anatomy”. My Future Career

I don’t really know which profession I will do in the future, but I know that it will have something to do with communication and culture, because my dream is to participate in the organisation of cultural events (about music, fine arts, performing arts, etc). The Comenius Project

I want to participate in the Comenius Project because I think that is a great opportunity to explore Europe and share what’s good in our country, and also because I’ll be able to meet people my age from different countries.

Page 13: Profile inglês

NameNameNameName: Márcia Graça

Age:Age:Age:Age: 15

eeee----mailmailmailmail: Má[email protected]

About me:About me:About me:About me: Hi everyone!

My name is Márcia Graça and I’m from Lisbon, Portugal.

I live with my parents, Sandra and Francisco (Xico) and

my brother Martim, he’s 7 years old and he is very cute

and funny!

My area of studies is focused on languages but I love

painting and drawing all the time!

Hobbies and my freeHobbies and my freeHobbies and my freeHobbies and my free----timetimetimetime

I love weekends but I also like going to school very much. I love to be with

my boyfriend Rúben, who is also one of my best friends.

My parents have a bar, ‘varinos’ and at weekends I go out with Rúben

there and we have a lot of fun!

My other passion are animals because I think they are a really

important part of our world. I have a lot of pets at home.


About Comenius:About Comenius:About Comenius:About Comenius: I’m really interested in this kind of

project because we can learn very much

and meet awesome people, I hope.

It’s also a great way to promote our

country in different places and show

how beautiful it is.

…For now that’s all!

Page 14: Profile inglês

Profile Sheet

Name: Rodrigo Julião

Birthday: 10th

August 1994

Email: [email protected]

About me: Hello there, I live in a town called Fontanelas, I live mostly with my

mother and my sister, and sometimes I visit my father. I have three dogs, one

rabbit, two canaries and a lot of chickens to take care of.

I’m studying to become a psychologist and help other people beyond their

physical problems. The human mind is an interesting dimension.

If we move away from the “school atmosphere” I can say I’m pretty much a

simple “farm boy” who loves to go for long walks in the woods, but I’ll talk about

it later.

My dream is to travel around the whole world, see and experience almost

everything our world has to offer, I don’t care how I will do it, or the time it will

take, but when I’m older at least I’ll be able to say: “Hey, I was there once.”

Hobbies: If we count it as a normal weekend day it goes pretty much like this: I

wake up, turn on the computer and go outside while eating breakfast, feed the

chickens and play with the dogs. Fetch, Tag and Fight, are their favourite games,

it’s very comforting to have such friendly animals. After that, I spend the rest of

the morning on the computer. I enjoy playing all sorts of games.

Since I have three dogs to keep healthy, I go out and walk a few miles, finding

interesting places in the woods, hang around a river, stare at the ocean and go in

rotten abandoned houses. I know it may sound a bit childish, but it’s undeniably

fun. ☺

Page 15: Profile inglês

Name: Sérgio Nuno Macedo Castanheira Birth: 30th December 1993 Country: Portugal E-mail: [email protected] Me: My name is Sérgio Castanheira, I’m 16 years old and I live in Portugal. I study at Secondary School José Saramago, in Mafra, and my class is working on the project “Comenius”. My favourite subjects are English and Physical Education and I hate Mathematics and History. I’m not exactly a good student, but I’m trying to improve a bit in some subjects. I like sports such as skateboarding, boxing, football and basketball and I love animals. I have already visited England, Spain and France, but I would really like to visit Hawaii, because it’s a relaxing and beautiful place. Family: I live with my mother called Paula and my sister called Daniela who is 14 years old. I go to my father’s house some weekends where my little sister Leonor, who is 6 years old lives. My mother works in RTP (a TV channel), and my father works in the Nestlé enterprise. I also have a little puppy called Óscar. Hobbies: In my free time, I like to do many things, such as skateboarding, playing video games, surfing on the internet and being with friends. I usually do sports twice a week. On Wednesdays I go swimming, and on Fridays I do boxing. I love another activity that isn’t considered a sport, but a kind of art, called “Parkour” (free-running), that is the art of movement. I also like listening to music, and my favourite styles are heavy metal, rock and grunge. I like bands such as Metallica, Avenged Sevenfold, Bon Jovi, etc.

Page 16: Profile inglês

Myself... My name is Soraia Pedroso, I’m a sixteen-year-old Portuguese girl who was born in Torres Vedras on the 13th November 1993. I live in Pedra Furada, a small village between Sintra and Mafra.

My friends…

My best friend's name is Ângela Agostinho, and we know each other since we were little. My other best friend is my boyfriend, and his name is Daniel Martins. They are both very important to me and I have done amazing things with them.

My family… I live with my mother Célia and my two twin brothers, Sérgio and Nuno, who are 12. I also have a 5-year- old sister, but she's only from my father's side.

Hobbies… I love swimming, going to the beach with friends and going to the cinema. Reading is also one of my hobbies and I am particularly interested in novels and Sherlock Holmes books. My future career… I’m still not sure about what I would like to do. I’m interested in journalism but, if that doesn’t work, I will consider going into law school. My dreams… One of my dreams is… to be happy, love and be loved! Being a mother is also one my dreams, I just hope I’ll be responsible enough and have a decent loving husband to help me! Comenius Project… About Comenius Project, I think it’s a good opportunity to meet people from other schools/countries and improve my English and my knowledge about the European Union. Finally, I am enclosing a photo and my email. Goodbye, I'll see you soon!

Page 17: Profile inglês

Profile Sheet

Me and my family

Hello! My name is Tiago Batalha, and I am 17 seventeen years old. I live in Portugal, in the

countryside, in a very quiet place named Ribeira dos Tostões (near Mafra). I don’t live very far

away from my school and friends. I have a twin brother Telmo that is very different from me,

and an older sister, Irina who is 19 years old. My mom Cristina, and my dad, Fernando work

together in an enterprise related with stone transformation. My dad likes hunting, so I have

17 dogs. (It’s just a curiosity…)

Hobbies and friendship

At weekends, my brother and I love to ride our motorcycle with some friends in muddy

places! Another great hobby that I have is playing my guitar. I love it! I always listen to good

music, and in the summer I spend all my money in live concerts! I go out with my friends at

night and, it’s good because I think that in a bar we can meet different people. My sports

activities are swimming, cycling and sometimes running. Doing sport is very important to our

body, so I try to do it every time I can. About friendship, I love my friends and meeting people,

and I give much importance to friendship, because I think when a friend is a real friend, it’s


School and Comenius Project

I am on the 11th grade, in the area of studies of languages and humanities, and I study at José

Saramago Secondary School in Mafra. My class is awesome, each classmate has a different

personality and we are very close. My class is included in the Comenius Project. I will work

very hard for this project because I think that is exciting! I don’t know If I will travel to another

country or not but I want it very much! If I can host people from another country in my house

it will be very interesting and they will enjoy it a lot!

Page 18: Profile inglês


Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the

person you are.

Kurt Cobain


My name is Vanessa Santos, I’m 16 years

old, my birthday is on July 14th

and I live

with my parents, in Mafra, in a beautiful

place with a beautiful house and a

beautiful view. I have a sister too but she

has not the same mother as me so... I am

kind of an only child. Future…

My favourite word and at the same time I dislike it. It’s

what I most hope and fear. I want to get there but I

don’t know how. So if the question is: “What do you

want to do?” or “What university are you going to

choose?” Forget it, because I don’t know yet. But I know

that I want to see the world before thinking about any of

those things, so maybe one day I will see you in the



I’m a friendly person who likes to

laugh and to joke a lot. I am a little

bit shy in the beginning while I

don’t know people better. I like

good jokes, fast cars and beautiful

guys. I love watching films,

reading books, go for long walks in

nice places, music, Guns N’Roses,

the sun, the sea, the stars. This is

me, a very passionate person.