profiling and optimization

- Gayatri Nittala

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Page 1: Profiling and optimization

- Gayatri Nittala

Page 2: Profiling and optimization


Optimization - what, when & where?General Optimization strategiesPython specific optimizationsProfiling

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Golden Rule:

"First make it work. Then make it right.

Then make it fast!" - Kent Beck

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The process:

1.Get it right. 2.Test it's right. 3.Profile if slow. 4.Optimize. 5.Repeat from 2.

test suites source control

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Make it right & pretty!

Good Programming :-)

General optimization strategies Python optimizations

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Aims to improveNot perfect, the resultProgramming with performance tips

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When to start?Need for optimization

are you sure you need to do it at all? is your code really so bad?

benchmarking fast enough vs. faster

Time for optimization is it worth the time to tune it? how much time is going to be spent running

that code?

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When to start?

Cost of optimization costly developer time addition of new features new bugs in algorithms speed vs. space

Optimize only if necessary!

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Where to start? Are you sure you're done coding?

frosting a half-baked cakePremature optimization is the root of all evil!

- Don Knuth

Working, well-architected code is always a must

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General strategiesAlgorithms - the big-O notationArchitectureChoice of Data structuresLRU techniquesLoop invariant code out of loopsNested loopstry...catch instead of if...elseMultithreading for I/O bound codeDBMS instead of flat files

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General strategies

Big – O – The Boss!

performance of the algorithmsa function of N - the input size to the algorithm

O(1) - constant time O(ln n) - logarithmic O(n) - linear O(n2) - quadratic

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Common big-O’sOrder Said to be Examples

“…. time”--------------------------------------------------O(1) constant key in dict

dict[key] = valuelist.append(item)

O(ln n) logarithmic Binary searchO(n) linear item in sequence

str.join(list)O(n ln n) list.sort()O(n2) quadratic Nested loops (with constant time


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Note the notationO(N2) O(N)def slow(it): def fast(it): result = [] result = [] for item in it: for item in it: result.insert(0, item)

result.append(item) return result result.reverse( )

return result result = list(it)

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Big-O’s of Python Building blocks

lists - vectorsdictionaries - hash tablessets - hash tables

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Big-O’s of Python Building blocksLet, L be any list, T any string (plain or

Unicode); D any dict; S any set, with (say) numbers as items (with O(1) hashing and comparison) and x any number:

O(1) - len( L ), len(T), len( D ), len(S), L [i], T [i], D[i], del D[i], if x in D, if x in S, S .add( x ), S.remove( x ), additions

or removals to/from the right end of L

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Big-O’s of Python Building blocks

O(N) - Loops on L, T, D, S, general additions or removals to/from L (not at the right end),

all methods on T, if x in L, if x in T, most methods on L, all shallow


O(N log N) - L .sort in general (but O(N) if L is already nearly sorted or reverse-sorted)

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Right Data Structure

lists, sets, dicts, tuples collections - deque, defaultdict, namedtupleChoose them based on the functionality

search an element in a sequence append intersection remove from middle dictionary initializations

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Right Data Structure

my_list = range(n) n in my_listmy_list = set(range(n)) n in my_list

my_list[start:end] = []my_deque.rotate(-end) for counter in (end-start):


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Right Data Structures = [('yellow', 1), ('blue', 2), ('yellow', 3), ('blue', 4), ('red', 1)]

d = defaultdict(list) for k, v in s: d[k].append(v) d.items() [('blue', [2, 4]), ('red', [1]), ('yellow', [1, 3])]

d = {} for k, v in s: d.setdefault(k, []).append(v) d.items() [('blue', [2, 4]), ('red', [1]), ('yellow', [1, 3])]

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Python Performance Tips built-in modules string concatenation lookups and local variables dictionary initialization dictionary lookups import statements loops

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Built-ins- Highly optimized- Sort a list of tuples by it’s n-th field

def sortby(somelist, n): nlist = [(x[n], x) for x in somelist] nlist.sort() return [val for (key, val) in nlist]n = 1 import operator nlist.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(n))

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String Concatenation s = "" for substring in list: s += substring s = "".join(list) out = "<html>" + head + prologue + query +

tail + "</html>" out = "<html>%s%s%s%s</html>" % (head,

prologue, query, tail) out = "<html>%(head)s%(prologue)s%

(query)s%(tail)s</html>" % locals()

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Searching: using ‘in’

O(1) if RHS is set/dictionary O(N) if RHS is string/list/tuple

using ‘hasattr’ if the searched value is an attribute if the searched value is not an attribute

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Loops: list comprehensions map as for loop moved to c – if the body of the loop is

a function call

newlist = [] for word in oldlist: newlist.append(word.upper())

newlist = [s.upper() for s in oldlist]

newlist = map(str.upper, oldlist)

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Lookups and Local variables: evaluating function references in loops accessing local variables vs global variables

upper = str.upper newlist = [] append = newlist.append for word in oldlist: append(upper(word))

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Dictionaries Initialization -- try... Except Lookups -- string.maketrans

Regular expressions: RE's better than writing a loop Built-in string functions better than RE's Compiled re's are significantly faster'^[A-Za-z]+$', source) x = re.compile('^[A-Za-z]+$').search x(source)

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Imports avoid import * use only when required(inside functions) lazy imports

exec and eval better to avoid Compile and evaluate

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Summary on loop optimization - (extracted from an essay by Guido) only optimize when there is a proven speed

bottleneck small is beautiful use intrinsic operations avoid calling functions written in Python in your inner

loop local variables are faster than globals try to use map(), filter() or reduce() to replace an

explicit for loop(map with built-in, for loop with inline) check your algorithms for quadratic behaviour and last but not least: collect data. Python's excellent

profile module can quickly show the bottleneck in your code

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Might be unintentional, better not to be intuitive!

The right answer to improve performance- Use PROFILERS

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Spot it Right!HotspotsFact and fake( - Profiler Vs Programmers

intuition!) Threads IO operations Logging Encoding and Decoding Lookups

Rewrite just the hotspots!Psyco/PyrexC extensions

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RunSnakeRun Gprof2Dot PycallGraph

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timeitprecise performance of small code snippets.the two convenience functions - timeit and

repeat timeit.repeat(stmt[, setup[, timer[, repeat=3[,

number=1000000]]]]) timeit.timeit(stmt[, setup[, timer[,


can also be used from command line python -m timeit [-n N] [-r N] [-s S] [-t] [-c] [-h]

[statement ...]

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timeitimport timeit

timeit.timeit('for i in xrange(10): oct(i)', gc.enable()')1.7195474706909972

timeit.timeit('for i in range(10): oct(i)', 'gc.enable()')2.1380978155005295

python -m timeit -n1000 -s'x=0' 'x+=1'1000 loops, best of 3: 0.0166 usec per loop

python -m timeit -n1000 -s'x=0' 'x=x+1'1000 loops, best of 3: 0.0169 usec per loop

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timeitimport timeit

python -mtimeit "try:" " str.__nonzero__" "except AttributeError:" " pass"

1000000 loops, best of 3: 1.53 usec per loop

python -mtimeit "try:" " int.__nonzero__" "except AttributeError:" " pass"

10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.102 usec per loop

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def f(): try: str.__nonzero__

except AttributeError: pass

if __name__ == '__main__': f()

python -mtimeit -s "from test_timeit import f" "f()"100000 loops, best of 3: 2.5 usec per loop

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cProfile/profileDeterministic profiling The run time performance With statisticsSmall snippets bring big changes!

import[, filename])

python -m cProfile [-o output_file] [-s


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cProfile statistics

E:\pycon12> 100004 function calls in 0.306 CPU seconds

Ordered by: standard name ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function) 1 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 :0(setprofile) 1 0.000 0.000 0.292 0.292 <string>:1(<module>) 1 0.000 0.000 0.306 0.306 profile:0(example()) 0 0.000 0.000 profile:0(profiler) 1 0.162 0.162 0.292 0.292 100000 0.130 0.000 0.130 0.000

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Using the stats

The pstats moduleView and compare stats

import cProfile'foo()', 'fooprof') import pstats p = pstats.Stats('fooprof')

p.strip_dirs().sort_stats(-1).print_stats() p.sort_stats('cumulative').print_stats(10) p.sort_stats('file').print_stats('__init__')

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A picture is worth a thousand words!Other tools to visualize profiles

kcachegrind RunSnakeRun GProf2Dot PyCallGraph PyProf2CallTree

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RunSnakeRunE:\pycon12>runsnake D:\simulation_gui.profile

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Don't be too clever. Don't sweat it too much. Develop an instinct for the sort of code that

Python runs well.

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