_programi për orë plotsuese

Programi për orët plotësuese 2013/2014 Klasa e VI-të - Arsimtari: Nedmiran Beiri !rët do të s"ëno"en te VI # 1 - 3 1. Extra exercises 2. Be : affirmative, be : negative: questions and short answe 3. Facts about me 4. Everda things !. "ave got # a $an or some, have got # some $ an %. &ossessive's (. Fami)ies *. +d ectives -. hings ou do 1/. 0here do ou come from 11. &osition of frequenc adverbs 12. ai) routines 13. &resent sim )e 14. "omes 1!. s$+re there 5 # short answers 1%. hings in a room 1(. &re ositions 1*. +bi)ities

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Orë Plotsuese per klasat e VI-ta


Programi pr ort plotsuese 2012/2013

Programi pr ort plotsuese 2013/2014 Klasa e VI-t - Arsimtari: Nedmiran BeqiriOrt do t shnohen te VI 1 - 3 1. Extra exercises 2. Be : affirmative, be : negative: questions and short answers

3. Facts about me

4. Everyday things

5. Have got + a /an or some, have got + some / any

6. Possessives

7. Families

8. Adjectives

9. Things you do

10. Where do you come from?

11. Position of frequency adverbs

12. Daily routines

13. Present simple

14. Homes

15. Is/Are there ? + short answers

16. Things in a room

17. Prepositions

18. Abilities