_programi për orët shtuese

Programi për orët shtuese 2013-2014 Klasa e VI –të - Arsimtari : Nedmiran Beqiri Orët do të shkruhen te VI – 1 - 3 1 My daily routine(revising present simple) 2 Reading “London-the capital of UK) 3 Listening to a story and answering the questions 4 Writing an e-mail 5 Revising grammar through games(present continuous) 6 Making a poster about famous places 7 Giving opinions about film characters 8 Listening to a song and filling the missing words 9 Speaking:comparing life in a city and a village 10 Collecting things 11 Writing:The importance of internet 12 Correcting mistakes(comparing mistakes with partners) 13 Using the dictionary 14 Writing :”My favourite film” 15 Grammar game:”Past Simple”

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Orët Shtuese per klasat e VI-ta


Programi pr ort shtuese 2012-2013

Programi pr ort shtuese 2013-2014Klasa e VI t - Arsimtari: Nedmiran BeqiriOrt do t shkruhen te VI 1 - 31 My daily routine(revising present simple)2 Reading London-the capital of UK)3 Listening to a story and answering the questions4 Writing an e-mail5 Revising grammar through games(present continuous)6 Making a poster about famous places7 Giving opinions about film characters8 Listening to a song and filling the missing words

9 Speaking:comparing life in a city and a village10 Collecting things

11 Writing:The importance of internet12 Correcting mistakes(comparing mistakes with partners)13 Using the dictionary

14 Writing :My favourite film15 Grammar game:Past Simple

16 Around the USA

17 Polite behavior18 Readig a book: Streets of London