programming guide - shulcloudderech. he has written extensively about this derech halimud and is...


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    2020 · 5780GUIDE

  • MESSAGEFROM THERABBIRabbi Aryeh Lebowitz

    With Hashem's help, this year promises to be a very special one for the Beis HaKnesses of North Woodmere. Our long awaited building is nearing completion and will provide a home for the many elements of our spiritual lives. With all of the excitement about the physical structure, we realize that a building is only as valuable as what we fill it with.

    WithWith that in mind we are very proud to present our programming guide for the winter and spring of 5780. We invite everybody to come learn with us, as we welcome world class talmidei chachamim and magidei shiur to enhance the Torah learning in our shul. We invite everybody to come and daven with us as the energy and passion of our tefilos inspire, while the kavod hatefilah reflects the levels of yiras shamayim that we strive for. We look forward to a very bright future in our new building, as hope to serve as a home base for growth in Yiddishkeit to families who are looking to continue their growth in ruchniyus, through the values of torah, avodah, and gemilus chassadim.chassadim. The programs reflected in this beautiful booklet (so expertly designed by the inimitable Rabbi Natan Farber) represent a sampling of the fulfillment of the beracha offered by Moshe Rabeinu at the completion of the mishkan - יהי רצון שתשרה שכינה במעשה ידיכם!

  • MAZELTOV!This year’s programming booklet is dedicated to the everyday heroes in our kehilla who are learning daf and finishing shas who inspire us and our familes all to increased consistency in our Avodas Hashem!

  • DAF YOMI SUN · 7:45 AM / MON- FRI · 6:15 AM / SHABBOS · 45 MIN BEFORE MINCHARabbi Lebowitz delivers one of the most popular Daf Yomi shiurim, listened to by people all throughout the world through the power of the internet. Experience it at BKNW live as Rabbi Lebowitz weaves the text of the daf with real halacha l’maaseh applications.

    SEMICHAS CHAVER TUESDAY EVENING · 9:00 PM FOLLOWED BY MA’ARIVThe Semichat Chaver Program is an exciting newly developed learning program for working professionals. Upon completion of each topic, and succesfully passing a written exam, members will receive a certificate of accomplishment This semester, we will be studying the intricate halachos of Bishul B’Shabbos.

    NEFESH HACHAIM MONDAY EVENING · 9:45 PM FOLLOWED BY MA’ARIV In Nefesh Hachaim, Rav Chaim of Volozhin shares his outlook on many fundamental Jewish beliefs. It is well-known that before the author's passing, he urged his son to publish the Nefesh Hachaim to influence the people to achieve greater fear of G-d and intense love of Torah. Study this seminal work with a small chaburah and gain inspiration for life!

    LIKUTEI MAHARAN THURSDAY EVENING · 9:00 PMWhether your advanced or just starting out this shiur is for you. This text based shiur will focus on learning the Lekutei Maharan of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov inside. Topics will include Emunah, Simplicity, Tefilah, Hesbodedus, happiness and the role of the Tzaddik. If you’re looking to learn

    FRIDAY NIGHT CHABURA FRIDAY NIGHTS at the BUTLERSThese winter nights are long and cold - and what better way to warm up than enjoying this weekly Friday Night Chaburah delivered by our very own Gavri Butler. The chaburah focuses on the Sefer HaMitzvot, analyzing a different mitzvah each week.

    HASHKAMA CHABURAH SHABBOS FOLLOWING 7:20 MINYANThis rotating Chaburah is hosted in a different BKNW member’s house each week, following the Hashkama minyan. Enjoy hot chulent, kugel, and refreshments, while learning from one of our many knowledgeable and talented congregants on a range of fascinating topics.

    QUESTION OF THE WEEKSHABBOS DURING SHOLOSH SEUDOSWith Rabbi Lebowitz receiving shaylos from all over the world, you can imagine that some pretty interesting questions come his way. Join us every week for a fascinating and interactive discussion as we tackle the hottest and most cutting-edge issues in contemporary halacha.


  • MONTHLYMUSSAR VAADFrom Local RabbonimThursday Nights9:55 PM followed by Maariv

    *WednesdayApril 22Rabbi AkivaWilligRabbi, Beis Medrash of Woodmere

    March 26Rabbi MottiNeubergerAsst. Rabbi,White Shul

    February 20Rabbi IsaacRiceAsst. Rabbi,Anshei Chessed

    January 30Rabbi Ya’akovTrumpRabbi, YILC

    December 19Rabbi ShaySchachterRosh Beis Medrash, YIW

    November 21Rabbi Yoni LevinAsst. Rabbi,Aish Kodesh

  • RABBI MOSHEBAMBERGERParshas VaYigashJanuary 3-4


    Rabbi Moshe Bamberger serves as the Mashgiach Ruchani at Beis Medrash L’Talmud of Lander College for Men. Rabbi Bamberger studied under the late Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach at Yeshivas Kol Torah in Jerusalem, at Yeshivas Ohr HaChaim, and at Mesiand at Mesivta Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin, where he was ordained. Rabbi Bamberger, who previously taught at Mesivta Toras Emes Kaminetz in Brooklyn, is author of numerous books including several volumes of original commentary on the megillos and tefillah.and tefillah.

    Rabbi Bamberger is the author of a series of Artscroll books.

  • Rabbi Netanel Wiederblank is a Maggid Shiur at Yeshiva University where he teaches college students and semikhah students Tanakh, Talmud, Halakha, and Jewish Philosophy at RIETS and MYP. He is widely considered one of the grgreatest young minds in yeshiva university, with a breadth and depth of knowledge that is virtually unmatched in his age group.

    He recently published “Illuminating Jewish Thought: Explorations of Free Will, the Afterlife, and the Messianic Era.”

    RABBI NETANELWIEDERBLANKParshas TerumahMarch 20-21


  • RABBI AZARYABERZONParshas Acharei-MosMay 1-2


    Rav Azarya Berzon studied in Eretz Yisrael for three years (two years under the tutelage of HaRav Moshe Shapiro shlita, one of the greats of our generation).

    Returning to the US, he continued learning Returning to the US, he continued learning for the next five years under the direction of HaRav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik, whose Derech HaLimud he faithfully absorbed.

    He then taught for 13 years at Yeshivat Birchat Moshe in Maaleh Adumim and Yeshivat Shaalvim.

    In 1991 Rav BeIn 1991 Rav Berzon founded Yeshiva Sha'arei Mevaseret Zion where he served as Rosh Yeshiva for 18 years. In August of 2009, Rav Berzon came

    to Toronto, Canada, to establish the Torah Mitziyon-Yeshiva University Beit Midrash Zichron Dov where Rav Berzon serves as Co-Rosh Kollel. Rav Berzon is acknowledged as an educator who utilizes the Brisker DeDerech. He has written extensively

    about this Derech HaLimud and is currently completing a work on the Rambam. Rav Azarya’s fervent Ahavas Yisrael was inculcated by his father, one of the outstanding Rabbanim in America.

  • Rabbi Chaim Jachter has earned an international reputation as a Get Administrator, consultant for community Eruvin and a prolific writer. His publications include a series of four well-received books entitled Gray Matter on contemporacontemporary topics in Jewish Law.

    He is a veteran teacher of Judaic Studies at Torah Academy of Bergen County, Rabbi of Congregation Shaarei Orah (the Sephardic Congregation of Teaneck) and Dayan on the Beit Din of Elizabeth. Rabbi Jachter has lectured on topics of significance at a wide variesignificance at a wide variety of venues worldwide. Rabbi Jachter lives with his wife and five children in Teaneck, New Jersey.

    RABBI CHAIMJACHTERParshas Beha’aloschaJune 12-13


    significance at a wide variety of venues worldwide. Rabbi Jachter lives with his wife and five children in Teaneck, New Jersey.

  • The SEMICHAT CHAVER PROGRAM is an exciting recently developed learning program for working professionals.

    Shiurim run once a week, and begin with the ethical and philosophical meaning behind the halachos we cover. This is followed by a discussion of a number of cutting-edge contemporary questions. The questions are then answered by learning through the relevant Rishonim, Shulchan Aruch, and modern-day poskim.

    UponUpon completion of each topic, and succesfully passing a written exam, members will receive a certificate of accomplishment signed by HaRav Hershel Schachter, Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar and HaRav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg.

    delivered by our very own

    Rabbi AryehLebowitz

    *new semester*

    HILCHOT BISHULB’SHABBATThursday Nights · 9:00followed by Maariv at 10:15

    Great Learning Initiative






    Motzei ShabbosDecember 21stDecember 21stin the Shuldetails to follow

    TEEN BOYSSHOLOSHSEUDOSfeaturingRabbi Eli Portal

    ShabbosParshat MishpatimParshat MishpatimFebruary 22nd





    Chag HasemichaFIVE TOWNS SHABBOS



  • HabayisChanukasCELEBRATION


  • BEIS HAKNESSES OF NORTH WOODMERE655 Hungry Harbor RoadValley Stream, NY 11581