progressive age part 2 -★mckinley assassinated 1901 ★roosevelt president teddy...

Progressive Age Part 2

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Page 1: Progressive Age Part 2 -★McKinley Assassinated 1901 ★Roosevelt President Teddy Roosevelt ... ★Handpicked William Howard Taft to run for the Republican Candidate

Progressive Age Part 2

Page 2: Progressive Age Part 2 -★McKinley Assassinated 1901 ★Roosevelt President Teddy Roosevelt ... ★Handpicked William Howard Taft to run for the Republican Candidate

★ Born October 27, 1858 ★ First political job at 24

○ Elected to New York Assembly 1882★ February 12th-14th, 1884 - First daughter

born, wife dies, mother dies★ Moves to Dakota Badlands ★ Returned and ran for Mayor of NYC 1886

○ Lost

Teddy Roosevelt

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Page 4: Progressive Age Part 2 -★McKinley Assassinated 1901 ★Roosevelt President Teddy Roosevelt ... ★Handpicked William Howard Taft to run for the Republican Candidate
Page 5: Progressive Age Part 2 -★McKinley Assassinated 1901 ★Roosevelt President Teddy Roosevelt ... ★Handpicked William Howard Taft to run for the Republican Candidate

Cartoon of Theo’s Career

Page 6: Progressive Age Part 2 -★McKinley Assassinated 1901 ★Roosevelt President Teddy Roosevelt ... ★Handpicked William Howard Taft to run for the Republican Candidate

★ Served on the U.S Civil Service Commission 1888-95

★ Became President of the NYC Police Board - Cleaned up corruption

★ 1897- Appointed to Assistant Secretary of the Navy

★ Rough Rider Campaign

Teddy Roosevelt

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★ Republican candidate Governor of NY★ Republican party was corrupt★ Fierce Campaign/Corruption gets Roosevelt

into Vice Presidency 1900★ McKinley Assassinated 1901★ Roosevelt President

Teddy Roosevelt

Page 8: Progressive Age Part 2 -★McKinley Assassinated 1901 ★Roosevelt President Teddy Roosevelt ... ★Handpicked William Howard Taft to run for the Republican Candidate

★ Youngest President ever just 42★ Promised a Square Deal to the common people★ The Square Deal was based on three basic ideas:

conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection.

★ The Square Deal sought to protect both business and labor. It sought to ease the radical voice in both and come to compromise.

Once President

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★ Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890- Worked to maintain economic liberty, and to eliminate restraints on trade and competition. This act came into play during Roosevelt's trust busting activities.

★ The Elkins Act - stated that railroads were not allowed to give rebates to favored companies any longer. These rebates had treated small Midwestern farmers unfairly by not allowing them equal access to the services of the railroad. Instead, the Interstate Commerce Commission would now control the prices that railroads could charge.

Trust Busting

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In addition to the Elkins Act and Consumer Safety Laws, other Square Deal legislation included:1. The Antiquities Act of 1906, which gave the president authority to restrict use

of particular public land.2. The Hepburn Act of 1906, strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission

(prior to this law, the commission had minimal resources to carry out its duties)

3. The Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 and the Meat Inspection Act of 1906 were both widely accredited to Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, which revealed the horrific and unsanitary processes of meat production.

Part of the Square Deal

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★ Won the 1904 election would not run 1908★ Handpicked William Howard Taft to run for

the Republican Candidate 1908★ Taft angers some Republicans by decisions in

office Payne-Aldrich Tariff★ Party Splits before 1912 election

Next for Roosevelt

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★ Progressive Party/Bull Moose Party■ Theodore Roosevelt

★ Republican■ William Howard Taft

★ Democrat■ Woodrow Wilson

★ Socialist■ Eugene V. Debs

1912 Election

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Page 14: Progressive Age Part 2 -★McKinley Assassinated 1901 ★Roosevelt President Teddy Roosevelt ... ★Handpicked William Howard Taft to run for the Republican Candidate

★ Claimed Progressive Ideals★ Clayton Antitrust Act 1914 - Prohibited corporations acquiring the stock of

another if doing so would create a monopoly.★ Set up the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ★ Tariff Reform- 1909 16th Amendment Legalized a graduated federal income

tax, provided revenue by taking individual earnings and corporate profits.★ 17th Amendment 1912- Establishes the direct election of United States

Senators by popular vote.★ 18th Amendment 1917- Prohibited the manufacturing or sale of alcohol within

the US★ 19th Amendment 1919- Prohibits the denial of the right to vote based on sex

Wilson Wins

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Agenda1. Start with Imperialism Slides2. Get into the Spanish-American War3. Examine some primary sources4. See how the Spanish-American War endsObjectives1. Identify what Imperialism is2. Evaluate how the media covers events3. Distinguish the reasons the US entered the Spanish-

American War

10/15 Agenda and Objectives

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★ Imperialism- The policy of extending a nation’s authority over other countries by economic, political, or military means.

★ In the last third of 1800’s, Great Britain, France, and Germany divided up Africa and began to look at Asia. Indeed, the great powers of the world measured their greatness by the colonies they acquired.

★ 3 Factors that fueled American Imperialism○ Desire for Military Strength○ Desire for New Markets○ Desire for Cultural Superiority


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Page 18: Progressive Age Part 2 -★McKinley Assassinated 1901 ★Roosevelt President Teddy Roosevelt ... ★Handpicked William Howard Taft to run for the Republican Candidate

★ In the 1870s, some Americans began to look at imperialism as an important component of our economic, social, and political growth.

★ Between 1870 and 1900, foreign trade had become very important to the American economy. Exports more than tripled, from about $400 million in 1870 to over $1.5 billion in 1900.

★ In 1898, 10% of all American products were sold overseas, amounting to a billion dollars. American trade exceeded that of every other nation in the world except England.

★ By 1914, American investments in Central and Latin America alone amounted to $1.26 billion.

US Imperialism

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★ In the 1880s, the U.S. government signed bilateral economic treaties with Mexico, Colombia, the British West Indies, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Spanish-dominated Puerto Rico, and Cuba.

★ This means: Central and Latin American countries exported more raw materials to US. In return, the U.S. created a market in Central and Latin America for American manufactured goods.

★ This economic imperialism allowed American business to dominate Central and Latin American economies.

How did this Happen?

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Map of US in the Caribbean and LA

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★ 1895 - Cuban rebels began demanding independence from Spain. ○ US declared neutrality.

★ 1898 February, the USS Maine exploded in Havana harbor, killing almost 270 American crewmen.

★ April 11, President McKinley asked Congress for permission to use military force in Cuba

★ April 25th, Congress declared war on Spain. ○ Start of the Spanish-American War

★ By the end of April, the U.S.. North Atlantic Squadron had fully blockaded Cuba.

★ 17,000 Troops and the Rough Riders (Cavalry led by Roosevelt) lead American forces on the ground in Cuba

US and Cuba

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Visualizing The Spanish American War

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★ 1896 - Filipino guerillas under the leadership of Emilio Aguinaldo began fighting for independence from Spain.

★ 1898 Two days after the US Congress declared war on Spain, Commodore George Dewey sailed for Manilla with Aguinaldo on board.

★ On May 1, the US Navy arrived in Manilla Bay, securing the harbor while the guerrillas surrounded the capital city.

★ On June 12, Aguinaldo declared independence and established a Philippine Republic.


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End of Spanish-American War★ In December, Spain and the US signed the Treaty of Paris in which Spain:

● Agreed to Cuba's independence, as well as gave the U.S. control over Cuba's Guantanamo Bay.

● Give Puerto Rico (which the US wanted as a market for manufactured goods and to build a naval station) and Guam to the US

● Sold the Philippines to the US for $20 million.★ 1901 - Cubans agreed to sign the Platt Amendment this laid down several conditions to which

the Cuban Government had to agree before the withdrawal of U.S. forces and the transfer of sovereignty:

● Provide land for American bases● Sign no treaty with any nation that might be detrimental to American interests● Acknowledge the right of the U.S. to intervene at any time to protect its own interests in

Cuba● Provide for a permanent lease of Guantanamo Bay to the U.S.

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★ President McKinley issued the Benevolent Assimilation Proclamation which explained the U.S. have "come, not as invaders or conquerors, but as friends, to protect the natives in their homes, in their employment, and in their personal and religious rights." Moreover, the U.S. wanted to "win the confidence, respect, and affection of the inhabitants of the Philippines by assuring them in every possible way that full measure of individual rights and liberties which is the heritage of free peoples, and by proving to them that the mission of the United States is one of benevolent assimilation substituting the mild sway of justice and right for arbitrary rule."


End of Spanish-American War

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★ 1902 - The Filipinos surrendered. ★ Nearly 200,000 American troops fought to suppress the independence movement,

during which 16,000 to 20,000 Filipino soldiers died. An estimated 200,000 civilians died from war-related famine and disease. About 5,000 American soldiers died.

★ Congress passed the Philippine Government Act that provided a presidentially appointed governor to rule the islands, promised to elect a Filipino assembly, and to support self government.

★ 1946 - On July 4, the U.S. formally recognized the independence of the Philippines.

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Page 28: Progressive Age Part 2 -★McKinley Assassinated 1901 ★Roosevelt President Teddy Roosevelt ... ★Handpicked William Howard Taft to run for the Republican Candidate
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★ Russian Territory★ 1867- William Seward Secretary of State

○ Under Lincoln and Johnson ★ $7.2 Million = 2 cents an acre★ Land was rich with timber, minerals, and oil★ 1959 Alaska became a state


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Page 31: Progressive Age Part 2 -★McKinley Assassinated 1901 ★Roosevelt President Teddy Roosevelt ... ★Handpicked William Howard Taft to run for the Republican Candidate

● 1876- King Kalakaua traveled to the U.S. to negotiate a treaty to trade sugar on a tax free basis.

● 1885- Almost all Hawaiian sugar plantations were in control of the Americans. Planters start to demand a greater role in Hawaiian politics.

● 1886- In exchange for renewing the sugar treaty, the U.S. demanded that Pearl Harbor be given to the U.S. as a fueling station for American ships in the Pacific.

● 1891- King Kalakaua died and his sister, Liliuokalani, assumed the throne.


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● 1892- Queen Liliuokalani begins planning a new constitution that would give her more discretionary powers to help her fight the American planters.

● 1893- American and European resident merchants who had created an organization called the Committee of Public Safety forced the Queen from power.

● 1894- On July 4, Sanford Dole announced the creation of the Republic of Hawaii and declared himself president. His ultimate goal was annexation to the United States.

● 1895- An insurrection began to try to restore the Queen; after 10 days of fighting, most of the rebels were captured.


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● 1895- The Queen was arrested and imprisoned.

○ She was tried, found guilty, and given the maximum sentence of five years imprisonment at hard labor and a $5,000 fine.

● 1898- Hawaiians submitted a petition to Congress with 29,000 signatures opposing annexation and asking that annexation be put to a public vote. They were never permitted to vote on the issue.

● 1900- Hawaii became a territory of the U.S. and Sanford Dole became its first governor.

● 1959- Hawaii became the 50th state


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Page 36: Progressive Age Part 2 -★McKinley Assassinated 1901 ★Roosevelt President Teddy Roosevelt ... ★Handpicked William Howard Taft to run for the Republican Candidate

Panama Canal Video

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● 1904 - Roosevelt Corollary○ Reinforced the Monroe Doctrine

● Taft- Dollar Diplomacy○ US gov. guaranteed loans made to foreign countries

● Wilson Deals with Mexican Revolution○ Unrest among peasants and urban workers triggers

the Mexican Revolution. L○ Led by Emiliano Zapata in the south and Francisco

"Pancho" Villa in the north.○ In 1913, Mexican President Francisco Madero is killed

in a coup led by General Victoriano Huerta.


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In May 1916, Francisco "Pancho" Villa, who attained notoriety as a general during the Mexican Revolution, leads hundreds of Mexicans in an attack on the U.S. town of Columbus, New Mexico. Seventeen Americans are killed and the town center is burned. The incursion marks the first attack on U.S. territory since 1812. The American public is outraged, and U.S. President Woodrow Wilson send ten thousand troops into Mexico in pursuit of Villa. One year later, they withdraw, having failed to apprehend the guerilla leader.

Mexican Relations

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● Mexico wants the removal of the US troops

● US refuses ● Both Sides end up backing down ● Needed to focus on WWI

Mexican Relations