project 3 chapters guidelines.doc

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  • 8/10/2019 Project 3 chapters guidelines.doc


    Stanley College of Engineering & Technology for Women Department of Business Management

    Project Work (2013-15)

    Guidelines and requirements for the Project

    Hard co ies should !e "i#en for correction$ %he entire content should !e in %&' * W +,' * font$

    1$ Headin"s .ith font si/e 12$ ontent or !od te t .ith font si/e 123$ %he headin"s ha#e to !e centre ali"ned and !od te t in justified form$

    $ %he line s acin" is 1$5 lines and al.a s the ara"ra h has to start from !e"innin"

    line of the sentence not from in !et.een$ %here ha#e to !e se arate .ord documents .hich ha#e to !e maintained$

    1$ %itle a"e and !i!lio"ra h (these .ill not ha#e an a"e no$4s)2$ With +oman no$4s as a"e no$ at the centre !ottom of the a"e$

    tudent4s eclaration ( nne ure-&)u er#isor4s ertificate ( nne ure-&&)!stractckno.led"ements

    %a!le of ontents6 7ist of %a!les 7ist of fi"ures 7ist of endices

    3$ Headin"s .ith font si/e 0 and mar"ins$ (no a"e no$4s)ha ter-&

    &*%+, 8 %&,*$ %he actual content of the roject .ith normal a"e no$4s at the centre !ottom of

    the a"e$ %he soft co ies ha#e to !e maintained date .ise$

    Chapter IIntroduction

    hould ha#e almost a a"e of introduction a!out our roject$1$1 +esearch Pro!lem$

    A research problem is a statement about an area of concern, a condition to be

    improved, a difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in

    scholarly literature, in theory, or in practice that points to the need for

  • 8/10/2019 Project 3 chapters guidelines.doc


    meaningful understanding and deliberate investigation. In some social science

    disciplines the research problem is typically posed in the form of a question. A

    research problem does not state how to do something, offer a vague or broad

    proposition, or present a value question .1$2 need for stud 9si"nificance of the roject1$3 o!jecti#es1$ h otheses (H+ students)1$5 methodolo"1$: sco e of the stud1$; sam le desi"n (H+ students)

    research desi"n (finance students)

    This study is analytical research design. Analytical research design is used to analyze the

    existing facts from the data collected from the officials and annual reports.

    1$< sources of informationPrimar dataecondar data

    1$= tools and techniques of anal sis1$10 structure9 or"ani/ation of stud

    The study is systematically presented to understand the capital structure of NT ! "T#.

    The study is arranged in a logical pattern.

    The first unit consists of INT$%#&!TI%N to the study.

    The second unit consists of the $'(I') %* "IT'$AT&$'+ "IT'$AT&$' &$('-

    The third unit is about the !% AN-.

    The fourth unit is #ATA $' 'NTATI%N, ANA"- I / INT'$ $'TATI%N based

    on the collected data from various secondary sources.

    The fifth unit consists of *IN#IN0 , !%N!"& I%N , &00' TI%N /

    "I ITATI%N concluded with

    1I1"I%0$A 2-

    Chapter II

    Review of Literature

    1 Histor

    2 rticle sur#e

    3 #olution of conce tual and methodolo"ical issues ertainin" to research ro!lem

  • 8/10/2019 Project 3 chapters guidelines.doc


    %ools and techniques used in detailed

    Chapter III

    The Company1 Histor

    2 Head office

    3 >ranch in detailed

    .ards and accolades

    Bibliography %here is no a"e no$ for >i!lio"ra h $ ?ollo. Har#ard st le of referencin"$

    or Te!tboo"#$

    &n the references and !i!lio"ra h sections of the Project re ort@ the referencin" tomaterial used from te t should a ear as follo.s6

    %he author@ ear of u!lication follo.ed ! the title of the te t!ook (in italics)@ u!lisher@

    location of the u!lisher$


  • 8/10/2019 Project 3 chapters guidelines.doc


    aunders@ '$ et al (2003)@ $esearch ethods for 1usiness tudents (3rd edition)@ Pearson

    ducation@ Harlo.$

    or %ournal article#$

    &n the references and !i!lio"ra h sections of the Project re ort@ the referencin" to

    material used from journals should a ear as follo.s6

    %he author4s name@ follo.ed ! the title article@ journal name in italics@ #olume num!er$


    tore @ A@ ress @ P@ 'orris@ % and Wilkinson@ (1==;) B han"in" em lo ment ractices in 8C

    !ankin"D case studies4@ Personnel +e#ie.@ 2:61@ 2 - 2$

    or web#ite#$

    &n the references and !i!lio"ra h sections of the Project re ort@ the referencin" to

    material used from .e!sites should a ear as follo.s6

    &f ou are referrin" to a s ecific article@ it should !e detailed as for journal articles as

    mentioned a!o#e@ !ut .ith the additional information as to .here it is a#aila!le on the



    Aones and mith (eds) 2001 BWhat e actl is the 7a!our ?orce ur#e E4 (online) (cited

    20 ecem!er 2001)$ #aila!le from8+76 htt 99...$statistics$"o#$uk9n!ase9do.nloads$themeFla!our9.hatFe actl Fis7? 1$ df

  • 8/10/2019 Project 3 chapters guidelines.doc


    %he first 3 cha ters should !e si"ned on9!efore 2 th e tem!er@ 201 $ %here .ill !e questions .hich .ill !e asked durin" resentations$ Please re are

    accordin"l $ *o a!senteeism .ill !e encoura"ed$ 'eet our res ecti#e "uides re"ularl $