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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series Resumes and Interviewing Implementing Your Marketing Plan

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Resumes and Interviewing

Implementing Your Marketing Plan

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Agenda□Resume Overview

□Resume Tips, suggestions, samples□Formats□Exercise

□Interviewing□Introduction and sharing of experiences□Discussion□Let’s practice!

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

A Resume is…□Designed to peek the readers interest in you and create the desire to interview you□The first introduction to an employer/school□The principle written piece with which you communicate your goals, experience, skills and accomplishments□Going to create a lasting impression that will carry through all stages of the interview/hiring process□A Document in progress

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Writing a Professional Resume

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Writing a Professional Resume□There is no one right way to write a

professional resume□Think of your resume as a written

argument to obtain a goal rather than as a diary

□Make a commitment to tailor your resume to a school or potential employer – this does not mean just write an objective statement and call it a day!

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Writing a Professional Resume

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Writing a Professional Resume□Five prevailing sections of a chronological resume

□Heading□Objective or Summary□Education□Work Experience□Other Information (multitude of choices here)

□Other popular sections□Profile or “Summary of Qualifications”□Academic Experience□Relevant Projects□Leadership Experience

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Writing a Professional Resume□Headings

□All contact information should go on top□Do not include personal information

such as age, marital status, or health□Use a permanent address (local if at

school as well)□Use a permanent telephone number□Use a professional email address□Include webpage only if it reflects your

professional ambitions

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Writing a Professional Resume□Objective

□Be specific about the job you want or school you are applying to□Tailor your objective to each employer you target and every job you seek□Let’s go over the writing objective statements handout in your packet

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Writing a Professional Resume□Education

□New Graduates with little to no work experience should list education information first

□Most recent education listed first□Include your degree, major, high school

attended, and your minor/concentration□Add academic strengths and GPA□Mention academic honors

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Writing a Professional Resume□Work Experience

□To give an overview of where you obtained your skills□Write “Action-Oriented”: Use Action Verbs! (Provided in handouts)□Be specific and concise, no narratives, first-person writing, etc.□Write in “the language of the reader”□Include work/school experience in reverse chronological order

□Most recent job first, working backwards to your first job□Again, transferable skills!

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Writing a Professional Resume□Society of Numbers – Results Oriented□Specific Results, Responsibilities and the creation of value to the reader□Examples:

□Advised students regarding their career plans□Provided personal career advising and planning to approximately 50 undergraduate students per week

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Writing a Professional Resume□Continued:

□Worked as a shift manager □Promoted to shift manager after six months of employment□Responsible for scheduling 12 employees, organizing a restaurant with a 200 guest capacity

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Writing a Professional Resume□Continued:

□Performed a feasibility study for a new area golf course□Designed and implemented a feasibility study for a new area golf course. Public results of study increased interest by 47%

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Writing a Professional Resume

□Other Information□Seek advice on relevance to your resume

□Special Skill or competency□Leadership Experience□Volunteer Experience□Clubs and/or Activities, Affiliations, etc.

□Relevant Projects, Academic Experience, etc.

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Writing a Professional Resume

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Writing a Professional Resume□General Rules to follow..

□Determine who the reader is□Write for the reader□Make your resume easy to read and aesthetically pleasing

□Bullet job descriptions□Write with substance and depth, not length

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Writing a Professional Resume□Formatting Suggestions

□Keep your resume to one page*□Use standard formatting (Times New Roman or Arial)

□Standard size, adjustable if necessary□Proofread!!!!!!□Tailor your comments to each job/application□Be selective in what you include and organize your information logically and strategically

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Writing a Professional Resume□Formatting suggestions (cont.)

□Aesthetically speaking, leave white space on your resume

□Aim for 1-inch margins□Ivory or white space, no dark or hard to see

paper on original paper□Resume is not the place to be fanciful,

whimsical or cute. Avoid colors, thick boxes, or anything that would be distracting to the content itself


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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Video Clip - Whimsical

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Writing a Professional Resume□Exercise

□Start putting together the pieces□Review resume samples

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

References□A quick note on references

□Should always be on a separate sheet□“References available upon request”□Acquiring permission FIRST□Changing your reference relevant to the position□On reference sheet, be sure to include the following for each reference:

□Mr./Ms./Mrs. First Name, Last Name□Proper Title, Company□Mailing address□Phone number□E-mail address

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series


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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Interviewing□An interview…

□Offers you and the employer/school the opportunity to learn whether or not there is a fit between you and the organization□Is a two way street□Indicates general qualifications as demonstrated on your resume/transcripts□Takes time and preparation

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Interviewing□Regardless of school/employers are interested in…

□Communication Skills□Interpersonal and Teamwork Skills□Leadership Qualities/Potential□Organizational Skills□Analytical and Problem-Solving Ability□Maturity□Academic accomplishments□Others?

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Interviewing□ Preparation for the Interview

□ Careful Systematic Preparation□ Calmer, more organized and articulate

□ Four Critical Areas of Preparation1. Know Yourself and Your Career Objectives2. Gather information about the organization and position you seek3. Anticipating probable questions and formulated responses to those questions4. Come to the interview ready to ask informed questions

Process of Effective Interviewing

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Interviewing – Areas of Preparation□Know Yourself

□Results of Self-Assessment□Goal Setting□Exercises from Project Challenge

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

□Knowing the Company/School□Websites□Talk with counselors, family, friends, current students□What did I miss?

Interviewing – Areas of Preparation

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Interviewing – Areas of Preparation□Process of Effective Interviewing

□Reading the Interviewer exercise (page 9)

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Interviewing – Preparation Points to Consider

□Practice makes perfect!□Recording yourself answering questions, etc.□Watch for filler words and habits

□Interview Attire□Non-Verbal Body Language□Know your goals and what makes you, you□Prepare PSR’s, questions and answers

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Interviewing□Day of the Interview

□Environmental and Logistical Factors□Personal Preparation□Upon arrival and before you meet your interviewer

□Receptionist□Waiting Room Behavior

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Interviewing□Stages of an interview

□Getting started□The Body of the Interview

□Down to Business□Can you do the job? Will you do well in our academic programs? Will you fit in here?

□Answering Interview Questions□Closing the Interview□After the Interview

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Interviewing□Answering Interview Questions

□Listen Carefully to the questions being asked!□Focus on what is really being asked□Answer questions briefly and always as an advantage/credit to yourself□Answer the real question by presenting your related skills and track record□Practice answering sample interviewing questions

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Interviewing□Closing the Interview continued…

□Do□Leave the interviewer with a positive image

of you being confident, enthusiastic and courteous

□Ask the recruiter when you can expect to be contacted

□Re-emphasize your interest in the position□Ask for a business card□Shake the recruiter’s hand, and thank

him/her for considering you□Send a thank you letter within 24 hours

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Interviewing□ DO Be honest and realistic with your job expectations.□ DO Be a few minutes early to the interview. Call them

ahead of time if you need to cancel or will be late□ DO Bring a resume along with you.□ DO Be respectful of the interviewers and all other

employees you might meet during the interview.□ DO Make a good first impression.□ DO Dress appropriately.□ DO Be prepared. □ DO Talk about what types of things you've done that have

made a positive impact on your clubs, organizations, church or other activities.

□ DO Know how many hours per week you can work and when you can work. Be able to tell them your school and activity schedules.

□ DO Be yourself.

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Interviewing□ DON'T Get involved if it seems like a job you might not do

well.□ DON'T Be late for an interview.□ DON'T Miss an appointment without letting them know you

aren't coming!□ DON'T Walk into the interview unprepared.□ DON'T Be shy and quiet.□ DON'T Act like you just rolled out of bed 20 minutes ago

and you are still half asleep.□ DON'T Dress like a slob□ DON'T Come to the interview without thinking about what

possible questions you may be asked or what you want to □ DON'T Rattle off a list of everything you are involved in

without telling them how you've made a difference in those □ DON'T Go to the interview with NO CLUE how often you

expect to work or when you are able to □ DON'T Put on a false show to impress the interviewer. If

you get the job, you will soon be found out!  

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Interviewing□Follow up notes, letters are critical

□Common courtesy□Make a favorable impression□Reiterate certain points that came up in the interview

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Graduate Career Services Fall Workshop Series

Interviewing□In closing

□Review information packet for samples and additional tips□Remember the four most important things in preparing for an interview

□Know yourself and your career objective□Know the company/school and the position/major□Be ready to answer and ask questions informatively