project complete

Managing safely v3.1 – project Introduction As part of the Managing safely course, you have to complete a project and have it assessed. You will be expected to carry out a risk assessment based on your own work environment. You need to record the results on the attached sheets and submit them for marking. Do not submit any additional material in support of your project work as only the six parts of the A4 project will be assessed. The project can be word processed or hand written. When you have completed your work you should return it to There is a two week time limit for the return of the project. Your project must be completed and returned by Instructions Please read all of the instructions before starting work on your project. The project is broken down into a number of parts. Please complete each section as detailed below. MS Project Pack version 3.1 Obaid Al Jadry Operation Manager National Training Institute LLC Sohar Branch, Oman. 26 December 2012

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Page 1: Project Complete

Managing safely v3.1 – project


As part of the Managing safely course, you have to complete a project and have it assessed. You will be expected to carry out a risk assessment based on your own work environment. You need to record the results on the attached sheets and submit them for marking. Do not submit any additional material in support of your project work as only the six parts of the A4 project will be assessed. The project can be word processed or hand written.

When you have completed your work you should return it to

There is a two week time limit for the return of the project. Your project must be completed and returned by


Please read all of the instructions before starting work on your project.

The project is broken down into a number of parts. Please complete each section as detailed below.

Part 1 – description of the work tasks that are your responsibility

Record a brief description of all the work tasks within your work environment including:

description/labelled sketch of the location(s) people who work in or visit the area on a regular basis or from time to time. (Think

about the different groups of people who may be in the area and how often they may be there.)

permanent and temporary items of equipment and substances activities carried out within your work environment

MS ProjectPack version 3.1

Obaid Al JadryOperation ManagerNational Training Institute LLCSohar Branch, Oman.

26 December 2012

Page 2: Project Complete

Part 2 – a hazard checklist of the location(s)

Record a brief description of three location hazards that may arise in your work environment. For example, car park, stairs, uneven floor. For each of these hazards please include:

a description of the location a description of the hazard – in relation to the location the number and occupation of people who could be affected by the hazard – in

relation to the location whether a risk assessment is recommended

Part 3 – a hazard checklist of permanent and/or temporary items of equipment and substances used in your work environment

Record a brief description of three hazards that may arise from equipment or substances used. For each of these hazards please include:

a description of permanent and/or temporary items of equipment and substances used

a description of the hazard – in relation to the equipment/substance the number and occupation of people who could be affected by the hazard - in

relation to the equipment/substance whether a risk assessment is recommended

Part 4 – a hazard checklist of the activities carried out within your work environment

Record a brief description of three hazards that may arise from within your work environment. For each of these hazards please include:

a description of the work activity a description of the hazard – in relation to the work activity the number and occupation of people who could be affected by the hazard – in

relation to the work activity

Note: for the purpose of this exercise all three activity hazards that you are assessing on part 4 must require a risk assessment.

Part 5 – carrying out a risk assessment

Please carry out a risk assessment on all three of the activity hazards you have listed on part 4. Please make sure you include:

a description of the work activity a description of the hazard, hazardous event and expected consequence – in

relation to the work activity the number and occupation of people affected – in relation to the work activity an assessment of risk (please use the 5 x 5 matrix) – in relation to the work activity

Note: for the purpose of this exercise all three activity hazards that you are assessing on part 5 must require risk controls.

MS ProjectPack version 3.1

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Part 6 – risk control recommendations

Please complete the risk control form for all three activity hazards you have listed on part 5. Please make sure you include:

a description of the work activity and risk level from the risk assessment existing risk controls any further risk controls required - in relation to the work activity the residual risk (please use the 5 x 5 matrix) - in relation to the work activity a description of the type of monitoring required and how often - in relation to the

residual risk

Note: where you have large numbers of hazards in your work environment you will not have space to record them all. In these circumstances, select a representative sample of hazards for the purposes of this project and record only these. Remember that only three hazards are required for parts 2, 3, and 4.

Each part has a maximum number of marks which can be awarded and details are given in the table below.

Part Maximum marks

1 18

2 16

3 16

4 13

5 30

6 30

Total 123

Minimum mark 62

Finally, before returning your project check that your name, the end of course date, the name of your company, the site name and the name of your training provider are recorded on the first sheet.

Please also ensure that you sign each sheet to confirm that the work you submit is your own.

Please note: the small square boxes in the bottom right hand corner of each section on parts 2 to 6 are for the markers use only.

MS ProjectPack version 3.1

Page 4: Project Complete

Part 1 – description of the work tasks that are your responsibility (continued on the next page)

Delegate name: KASHIF ALI SABIRI End of course date: 12 Dec. 2012



A description/labelled sketch of the location(s)

A description of the people who work in or visit the area on a regular basis or from time to time and how often they’re thereRegular Staff: 8 in Mechanical Area 4 in Fabrication Area 2 on Contract are working on a welding project and will finish by the mid of January 2013. 2 Office boys for housekeeping. Mechanical and Fabrication Supervisors visit the workshop on alternate days. Assistant Mechanical supervisor, Mr Shankar visits the area on daily basis to inspect the working and tools and gives report to his seniors. Assistant Fabrication supervisor, Mr Yousuf Ali visits the area on daily basis to inspect the working and tools and gives report to his seniors. The operation manager visits the area on monthly basis. During any training session, the trainees are taken to area for practical apprenticeship as well as training. The TWO office boys attend the workshop twice a day for cleanliness and housekeeping. The company Electrician visits the area daily to maintain the electric supplies and connections.

Part 1 – description of the work tasks that are your

MS ProjectPack version 3.1

Marks allocated

Marks allocated

Please sign to confirm that this is your own work:__________________

Page 5: Project Complete


A description of permanent and temporary pieces of equipment and substances used in your work environmentPieces of equipment: (P for permanent and T for Temporary)Lathe Machine – P Milling Machine - THammer – T Mallet - TAxe – T Saw/handsaw - TBench & Pedestal Grinder – P/T Level -TScrewdriver –T Phillips screwdriver -TWrench –T Monkey wrench/ pipe wrench -TChisel –T Scraper -TWire stripper –T Hand drill -TVise –T Pliers -TToolbox –P Plane -TElectric drill –T Point spot welding machine - PCircular saw/ power saw – T Power sander –T Router – P Wire – P/TNail –T Washer -TNut –T Wood screw - TMachine screw –T Bolt –TSlotting Machine – P Shaping Machine – PSubstances:Mechanical Oil & Chips Metal Rust & Chips Common Dust Grinding SparksMachine CoolantsA description of the activities carried out within your work environment

Following are the activities carried out at workshop: Maintenance of all machines and tools on regular basis. Housekeeping and cleaning of the whole workshop twice daily. Cleaning of each and every machine daily Cleaning of tools after their use Checking of electric supply and connections daily Training activities for industries and companies Assembling and disassembling Safety checking like checking safe-guards, PPE and a lot. Work with drill press Work of Power and Lathe machines Metal folding Drilling of metals Repair work Manufacturing of mechanical infrastructure and devices The tooling for the detector supply tubes Manufacturing of gluing and production tools

MS ProjectPack version 3.1

Please sign to confirm that this is your own work:__________________

Page 6: Project Complete

MS ProjectPack version 3.1

Part 2Hazard Checklist: locations(s)

Company: NTI Department: HSE Site name: NTI / WORKSHOP

Description of the location

Description of the hazard(in relation to the location)

Number and occupation of people affected

(in relation to the location)

Risk assessment recommended? (If no, please explain)

Fire Exit at Fabrication Workshop.

Pellet Jack is lying in the doorway to fire exit. It is very much likely to pose crushed toes & scraped knuckles (slip, trip and ultimately fall) while trying to escape the fire through fire exit door way.

More than 20 persons and numberless visitors including trainees are highly likely to be affected due to this hazard. It is likely to affect the following occupations: Mechanical, Fabrication, Supervision, Maintenance, Housekeeping, Welding, Training and others.

Yes No

Main Entry to the workshop.

Welding is being done at the doorway. It is likely to cause acute and chronic hazards such as electric shock, radiation, heat, flames, fire, explosion, noise, magnetic fields, Respiratory irritant, etc.

More than 20 persons and numberless visitors including trainees are highly likely to be affected due to this hazard. It is likely to affect the following occupations:Mechanical, Fabrication, Supervision, Maintenance, Housekeeping, Welding, Training and others.

Yes No

Fabrication Workshop

The cable of the welding plant is lying in the doorway. It is likely to cause trip, slip and fall.

More than 20 persons and numberless visitors including trainees are highly likely to be affected due to this hazard. It is likely to affect the following occupations:Mechanical, Fabrication, Supervision, Maintenance, Housekeeping, Welding, Training and others.

Yes No

The location(s) you manage

Please sign to confirm that this is your own work:__________________

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MS ProjectPack version 3.1

Part 3Hazard Checklist: equipment and substances

Company: NTI Department: HSE Site name: NTI/Workshop

Description of the equipment/substances

Description of the hazard(in relation to the equipment/substance)

Number and occupation of people affected

(in relation to the equipment/substance)

Risk assessment recommended? (If no, please explain)

Non-Professionally handled Pellet Jack

It is very much likely to pose the hazards of crushed toes, scraped knuckles and pulled backs. Improperly stored and this device can also pose tripping hazards.

More than 20 persons and numberless visitors including trainees are highly likely to be affected. It is likely to affect the occupations: Mechanical, Fabrication, Supervision, Maintenance, Housekeeping, Welding, Training and others.

Yes No

Non-secured Welding plant

It is likely to cause acute and chronic hazards such as electric shock, radiation, heat, flames, fire, explosion, noise, magnetic fields, Respiratory irritant, Metal Fume Fever, sore and dry throat, chest pain and breathing difficulty, lead poisoning.

More than 20 persons and numberless visitors including trainees are highly likely to be affected. It is likely to affect the occupations: Mechanical, Fabrication, Supervision, Maintenance, Housekeeping, Welding, Training and others.

Yes No

Non-Professionally handled Grinding Machine

Entanglement of hair and clothes in rotating machinery parts, human body parts burn and/or eye infection, dangerous fire in the workshop, a m p u t a t i o n i n j u r i e s , and eye and hand abrasions.

More than 20 persons and numberless visitors including trainees are highly likely to be affected. It is likely to affect the occupations: Mechanical, Fabrication, Supervision, Maintenance, Housekeeping, Welding, Training and others.

Yes No

Permanent and temporary pieces of equipment and substances used in the work environment

Please sign to confirm that this is your own work:__________________

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MS ProjectPack version 3.1

Part 4Hazard Checklist: activities

Company: NTI Department: HSE Site name: NTI/WORKSHOP

Description of the Work activity

Description of the hazard(in relation to the work activity)

Number and occupation of people affected

(in relation to the work activity)

Risk assessment recommended?

Heavy Load Manual Handling

It is likely to result in Low back pain, low back injuries, and musculoskeletal disorders

8 persons and trainees are highly likely to be affected. It is likely to affect the occupations: Mechanical, Fabrication, Maintenance, Housekeeping, Training.

Yes No

Non-Secured Welding

It is likely to cause acute and chronic hazards such as electric shock, radiation, heat, flames, fire, explosion, noise, magnetic fields, Respiratory irritant, Metal Fume Fever, sore and dry throat, chest pain and breathing difficulty, lead poisoning. ,

4 welders, 6 trainees (currently under training), visitors, staff, electrician, housekeeping maintenance staff, trainees.It is likely to affect the occupations: Mechanical, Fabrication, Supervision, Maintenance, Housekeeping, Welding, Training and others.

Yes No

Non-professional Grinding

Entanglement of hair and clothes in rotating machinery parts, human body parts burn and/or eye infection, dangerous fire in the workshop, a m p u t a t i o n i n j u r i e s , and eye and hand abrasions.

2 grinding operators, visitors, trainees, mechanical, fabrication housekeeping and maintenance staff. It is likely to affect the occupations: Mechanical, Fabrication, Supervision, Maintenance, Housekeeping, Welding, Training and others.

Yes No

Activities carried out within your work environment

Note: For the purpose of this exercise, all three activity hazards must require a risk assessment.

Please sign to confirm that this is your own work:__________________

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MS ProjectPack version 3.1

Manual Handling

Part 5Risk assessment formCompany: NTI Department: HSE Site name: NTI/WORKSHOP

Work activity

Hazard, hazardous event and expected consequence

(in relation to the work activity)Likelihood



Manual Handling of heavy boxes. It may apply excessive force to the back resulting in low back pain, low back injuries, and musculoskeletal disorders.

3 3 9

Welding Welding in open area at the main entry. The sparks and light and non-secured cable can cause trouble. It may result in electric shock, radiation, skin irritation, flames and burns.

4 4 16

Grinding Grinding in open area without applying Safe Scheme of work and PPE resulting in entanglement of hair and clothes, burn and/or eye infection, dangerous fire in the workshop, a m p u t a t i o n i n j u r i e s , and eye and hand abrasions.

5 3 15

Date: Time: Review period: Date of next review:

Assessor’s name: Position: Signature:

Yes No

Yes No

Yes No

X =

Occupation: Housekeeping, Maintenance, Trainees

Number: 10

Occupation: Mechanical, Fabrication, Housekeeping, Trainees.Number: 18-25

Occupation: Mechanical, Fabrication, Housekeeping, Trainees

Number: 18-25

Please sign to confirm that this is your own work:__________________

Note: For the purpose of this exercise, all three activity hazards must require risk controls.

Assessment of risk(in relation to the work activity)

People affected

(in relation to the work activity)

Are risk controls required?

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MS ProjectPack version 3.1

Part 6Risk control formCompany: NTI Department: HSE Site name: NTI/WORKSHOP

Work activity and risk level

(from risk assessment form)

Existing risk controls

(in relation to the work activity)



New risklevel


Manual Handling

Manual Handling Training provided. More manpower hired for the same duty.

Provide an appropriate cart and provide training for its use. Discourage lone work.

1 3 3 Check the manual handling aid is being used during management safety tour. Inspect training records. Check First Aid.

Welding Welding training provided. SSoW implemented. Welding in allotted area only. Welding screens are provided

Ensure suitable protective clothing, Suitable tools for holding and moving hot work pieces to prevent burns and fires

2 3 6 Check the Machinery is electrically isolated and proper PPE is given for skin protection. Inspect training records. Test welding material regularly.

Grinding Work rests set on bench and pedestal grinders, loose clothing banned. PPE implemented.

Combustible materials are kept to a minimum. Keep combustible waste in lidded bins/containers

2 2 4 Check the use of PPE and bins. Inspect training records. Check First Aid. Check the housekeeping and floor markings.

Frequency: Monthly

Date: Review period: Date of next review:

Assessor’s name: Position: Signature:

Frequency: Weekly

Frequency: Fortnightly


Please sign to confirm that this is your own work:__________________

Residual risk(in relation to the work activity)

Further risk controls required

(in relation to the work activity)

Description of monitoring required(in relation to the residual risk)

Risk level: 9

Risk level: 16

Risk level: 15