project enrich year 2 synchronous session 2

Welcome to Synchronous Session 2 Strengthening Our Profession: Year 2 Online Academy for OSTEs and Clinical Teachers

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Welcome to Synchronous Session 2

Strengthening Our Profession:Year 2 Online Academy for

OSTEs and Clinical Teachers

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Rita JenningsProject ENRICH Academic [email protected]

Matt FisherOnline Professional Development [email protected]

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Collaborative NormsIn your weekly synchronous sessions 

o Be courteouso Be on time and attentive for class sessions o Be an active listener and participant in conversations o Agree to “judgment-free zone” (It is safe to share different perspectives)o When working in break-out rooms, be certain to begin working ASAP. The

activities are time sensitive.

o If you wish to contribute to a conversation in the MAIN room, simply raise your hand and we will give you access to the TALK function.

o OR use the chat window to send a message

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Outcomes for Module 4

By the conclusion of this professional development, participants will be able to:

• Cultivate skills to have meaningful conversations to promote professional growth of PST (pre-service teacher)

• Extend and practice the attitudes, language, behaviors and skills of effective CT (clinical teacher) that foster autonomous decision making in PST.

• Establish goals to deepen ability to assess and support PST development• Understand protocols for setting goals for PST based on professional

teaching standards

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Agenda for Module 1 • Briefly review the Mentor Continuum self-assessment and

Mentor Goal Setting• Have a conversation with Aleeda Doinitrite• Practice being transparent when teaching something• Receive directions for a project• Use the article “Minding Your Language” to learn about pre-

suppositions and what our words might mean.

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North Carolina Mentor Continuum



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Clinical Teacher Goal Setting


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CT Goal Setting Use the whiteboard text tools to share your thoughts on the task of reflection and

goal setting

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Johari Window• The window is a good frame

for identifying a student teacher’s level of skill and their awareness of what they need to do.

• On our Google Drawing, you were asked to indicate which stance, I-C-F, would be most appropriate for each window.

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Aleeda Doinitrite Packet

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Lesson Plan

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Notes for Pre-Observation Conference

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First Seating Chart Tool

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Post-Observation Conference Notes

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Collaborative Reflection Log

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Student materials for 2nd observation

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Student materials for 2nd observation

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2nd Seating Chart Tool

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Table summarizing student comments(raw data)

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Notes from 2nd Observation

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Aleeda Doinitrite Packet

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Aleeda Doinitrite• You are now going to be put in a group of 3. Your group is to

share your analysis of Aleeda’s data by way of a conversation.

• You are going to have a practice conversation with Aleeda the way you did conversations in the Year One Academy.

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Aleeda Doinitrite• The role of Aleeda

o Aleeda will rely on the analysis done on pgs. 15-20 to play this role. Aleeda may invent supporting details to enrich the conversation as needed.

• The role of her clinical teacher or OSTEo The Clinical teacher should pause and call for a time-out 1-2 times during

the conversation to ask for support from the Coach. Coaches of the CT can use pages 21 and 22 to capture data or script coaching language (pause, paraphrase, question) and stances (I,C,F) used to support Aleeda’s development.

• The role of coach for the clinical teachero The job of the Coach of the CT is to provide constructive feedback and

support to the CT.

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Aleeda Doinitrite• 5 minutes to talk about your roles and share any

information you want to share with your group before beginning the conversation.

• You will have 10 minutes for the actual practice conversation.

The purpose of this activity is to:practice having a coaching conversation using effective

coaching strategies (pausing, paraphrasing, and questioning) to enhance our listening skills while maintaining a trusting

relationship with your PST.

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Aleeda Doinitrite DebriefComments or observations from this conversation?

• Clinical Teacher / OSTE comments? • Coach comments?• Aleeda comments?

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Making Thinking

TransparentYou worked with this framework in planning an activity to share with a partner today.

• When I teach ________, I want to be sure the students know ________ .

• Things I think about ________, __________, and __________ .• Other things to consider ________, __________, and __________ .

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Making Thinking

Transparent1. With your partner, decide who will present the instructions first and who will listen and comprehend the task.

2. The presenter acknowledges their task and verbally presents the instructions to the listener. During the presentation, the listener will try to identify holes or areas of confusion in the instructions.

3. Listener: 1. Do you have any clarification questions? 2. Do you feel that there was any void of information in the instructions? 3. Do you think you could perform the activity based on the provided

information and instructions?

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Making Thinking

Transparent4. Repeat the activity but switch roles and tasks.

5. After both partners have gone, discuss the following: 1. What were the biggest challenges in understanding your

partner’s instructions?2. From what you learned in this activity about clarity and the

thought process, would this have an impact on your interactions with your pre-service teacher?

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Making Thinking

Transparent1. With your partner, decide who will present

the instructions first and who will listen and comprehend the task.

2. The presenter acknowledges their task and verbally presents the instructions to the listener. During the presentation, the listener will try to identify holes or areas of confusion in the instructions.

3. Listener: 1. Do you have any clarification

questions? 2. Do you feel that there was any void of

information in the instructions? 3. Do you think you could perform the

activity based on the provided information and instructions?

4. Repeat the activity but switch roles and tasks.

5. After both partners have gone, discuss the following:

1. What were the biggest challenges in understanding your partner’s instructions?

2. From what you learned in this activity about clarity and the thought process, would this have an impact on your interactions with your pre-service teacher?

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We will use the chat window to hear some of your thoughts on this activity.

1. What did you and your partner find difficult about the activity?

Making Thinking Transparent


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We will use the chat window to hear some of your thoughts on this activity.

1. What did you and your partner find difficult about the activity?

2. Was it more challenging to plan or learn?

Making Thinking Transparent


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We will use the chat window to hear some of your thoughts on this activity.

1. What did you and your partner find difficult about the activity?

2. Was it more challenging to plan or learn?3. How will the frame discussed and used in this activity

change your planning thought process when dealing with PSTs?

Making Thinking Transparent


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What does it mean to ‘pre-suppose’?

To presuppose is to assume something in advance. To believe that a particular thing is true before there is any proof of it. For instance, we hold our belief systems, values, feelings and

what we see ourselves as truth.

Language and Positive Pre-Suppositions

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In Padlet, we will be looking at 4 images and jotting down our initial thoughts on these images.

Link to Padlet is in the CHAT window.

Language and Positive Pre-Suppositions

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Now, we will watch a short video of the same images, which have been slightly modified.

The link to this video will be in the CHAT WINDOW.

Link to Padlet is in the CHAT window.

Language and Positive Pre-Suppositions

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Now, we will watch a short video of the same images, which have been slightly modified.

Now, think about how the words with images may have changed your initial response. On the same Padlet page, jot down your impressions / thoughts / reactions to the modified


Link to Padlet is in the CHAT window.

Language and Positive Pre-Suppositions

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Negative pre-suppositions More positive pre-suppositions  

Link to Padlet is in the CHAT window.

Language and Positive Pre-Suppositions

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Negative pre-suppositions More positive pre-suppositions • Negative: Didn’t we go over how to be consistent with classroom discipline



Link to Padlet is in the CHAT window.

Language and Positive Pre-Suppositions

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Negative pre-suppositions More positive pre-suppositions • Negative: Didn’t we go over how to be consistent with classroom discipline

procedures?• Positive: As you planned your lesson, what did you hope for classroom

student behaviors?


Link to Padlet is in the CHAT window.

Language and Positive Pre-Suppositions

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Negative pre-suppositions More positive pre-suppositions • Negative: Didn’t we go over how to be consistent with classroom discipline

procedures?• Positive: As you planned your lesson, what did you hope for classroom

student behaviors?

• Negative: Next period when you teach that again, are you actually going to assess the kids?


Link to Padlet is in the CHAT window.

Language and Positive Pre-Suppositions

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Negative pre-suppositions More positive pre-suppositions • Negative: Didn’t we go over how to be consistent with classroom discipline

procedures?• Positive: As you planned your lesson, what did you hope for classroom

student behaviors?

• Negative: Next period when you teach that again, are you actually going to assess the kids?

• Positive: What can we do next period to be sure all students demonstrate mastery?


Link to Padlet is in the CHAT window.

Language and Positive Pre-Suppositions

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Language and Positive Pre-Suppositions

Negative Supposition Positive Supposition

Why are you going to teach that?

How do you plan to keep the kids engaged during your lesson?

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Language and Positive Pre-Suppositions

Negative Supposition Positive Supposition

How much time did you spend planning your lesson?

If you were to teach this lesson again, would you want to assess

students’ readiness?

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Language and Positive Pre-Suppositions

Negative Supposition Positive Supposition

I modeled this for you before in class, so why did you choose to do

it differently?

Didn’t I tell you lesson plans are due a week before you teach?

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Stages of PST Development Stages we might see when following a co-teaching model are:

o Observation o Co-planning and Co-teaching with CT as leado Planning/Teaching for 1 on 1 / small groupo Planning/Teaching for lesson segments to the whole groupo Co-planning and Co-teaching with PST as leado Independent Planning and delivery of whole units

Poster Presentation – Synchronous Session 3 Examples of presentations


Link to Padlet is in the CHAT window.

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Review of Concepts • We have practiced using ICF, Johari Window and language

stems. • You’ve practiced using these ideas in a data based

conversation with Aleeda. • You planned and shared directions for an activity keeping

transparency in mind. • The article, “Minding Your Language” gave you information

about presuppositions to think about as you considered statements that could be made when giving feedback to your pre-service teacher  

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Teaching Vignettes• Step 1:   

o What are the issues?o What developmental stage is the pre-service teacher?o Where is the pre-service teacher in the Johari Window?

• Step 2:   o Identify the key issues of practice based on the TGAP. (TGAP link)o Determine the developmental stage of the pre-service teacher. (Module 5 Participant Packet)o Assess where the Pre-service teacher falls in the Johari Window. (Module 4 Participant Packet)o Explore options and motivations.  Think about what you would have done.o Think about the clinical teacher’s decision points.  Why did you, or the clinical teacher in the

vignette, make that decision?o Point out misconceptions or assumptions.o Establish the next steps to help move the teacher forward. You can refer to the Goal Setting Tool

or the Collaborative Reflection Log.  (Links to these tools.  Are in Google drive.) 

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Asynchronous AssignmentsWhat topics will we be covering this week?

• Looking towards next week and our last session, you only have 2 tasks to complete.

• You and a partner will create a presentation on one of the developmental stages of pre-service teachers Directions and suggestions can be found in Coursesites under Module 5 Asynchronous Activities.

• You and the same partner will also analyze a teaching vignette and be prepared to have a final practice conversation with another pair during the final synchronous session. Directions for this analysis are also in Coursesites under Module 5 Asynchronous Activities.

• Remember, if you have any questions, or concerns while working on these tasks, email Rita or Matt and we will be ready to help you through

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Thank you for attending our session!

Next session:Tuesday morning, August 12th at 10