project management hacks

Project Management Hacks How to Reduce Administrative Glut and Get More Done! 4/25/2013 1 Dr. Andrew Makar [email protected] Twitter: @andymakar Feel free to tweet using hashtag #pmhacks

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DESCRIPTION presents: Project Management Hacks How to Reduce Administrative Glut and Get More Done! In this presentation, you'll learn several project management hacks to improve productivity, methodology, meeting management, schedule management and make email and communication easier. After reviewing this presentation, you'll understand how to reduce administrative glut and get more done. After all, we've got projects to deliver!


Page 1: Project Management Hacks

Project Management HacksHow to Reduce Administrative Glut and Get More


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Dr. Andrew [email protected]

Twitter: @andymakar

Feel free to tweet using hashtag #pmhacks

Page 2: Project Management Hacks

Start with the Outcome in Mind

• Share project management “hacks” to improve PMproductivity

• Provide you with resources to put these hacks intopractice

• Links• Articles• Tools

• Share your own PM hacks

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The Productivity Challenge

• Do more with less• Reducing resources yet more work is expected• “No” is not an acceptable answer

Response• Superhero mentality• Working long hours is not a badge of courage

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How do you deliver more with less?

• Consultants will sell “Accelerators” or “Enablers”• We need short cuts• What hacks allows us to be more productive in 8

hour day?

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Gathering the hacks

• Based on professional experience• Identified several project management hacks• Surveyed the PM community

• Promoted via LinkedIn• Tactical PM Blog• Facebook Discussion Group

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One Simple Question• What is your favorite tip, tool or technique to

reduce a project’s administrative burden?

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Response Rate

• 11 pages of qualitative responses• 86 responses

• How do you summarize all this information in apresentation?

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Project Management Hacks Summary

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Qualitative Observations

• Common themes for• Methodology• Standards• Templates• Checklists• Centralized Tools

• Do these increase or decrease administrativeburden?

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The survey doesn’t end here

• Write down your favorite PM Time-saving tip, toolor technique that improves PM efficiency

• Gather at the end of the talk• Publish results to the blog• Augment this presentation with the results

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The PM Hacks

• Methodology Hacks• Meeting Hacks• Schedule and Task List Hacks• Email and Communication Hacks• Tool Hacks

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Methodology Hacks

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PMO pre-populates the templates

• Does the PM methodology have too manytemplates?

• What If…• Enterprise PMO publishes the template standard• Department PMO pre-populates the standard with

department boilerplate information

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PMO & the PM Plan

• Requires minimal customization by the projectmanager.

• Consistent process & tools• document risks• issues• change requests• quality management• configuration management.

• Same Org = Same Tools• PM can then tweak a PM plan that is already

customized for the immediate organization

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How am I going to get the PMO todo that?• Talk to them!• Effective PMOs want to help their PMs deliver

better• Too Many Templates

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PowerPoint the PM Plan

• Skip the massive treatise that no one will read• Implement a format you can use• Include slides for each component of PM plan• Use in your Project Kick off meeting and new team

member training• Rinse and Repeat for future projects

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PowerPoint the PM Plan

Project Management Plan Slide Deck

Goals and Objectives Change (Scope) Management

Project Scope Cost Management

Org Chart and Stakeholders Quality Management

Communications Management Document (Configuration) Management

Schedule (Time) Management Resource Management *

Issue and Risk Management Vendor Management *

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* Include and share with appropriate audience as necessary


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Survey Feedback

• Team members were not aware of all the processesneeded to run the project

• The PowerPoint format quickly sets expectations ina consumable format

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Draw the Communication Plan

• Use mind mapping software for PM deliverables

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Draw the Communication Plan

• IdentifyCommunicationFrequency

• Assign to mind map

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Replace templates with mind maps

• Communicate in pictures rather than words• Easier to communicate visually• Faster to document• Better organization of thoughts• Improved collaboration

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Survey Feedback

“I’ve used mind mapping tools and have created tonsof templates that REDUCE the time it takes to workwith most common project documentation”

- David Esko, Symytry,

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Traditional Visual

Project Scope Statement

Work Breakdown Structure

Organization Chart

Issue Management

Lessons Learned


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Scope Statement Mind Map

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Work Breakdown Structure

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Team Organization Chart

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Issue Log

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Lessons Learned Mind Map

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One Page Status Reports

• Create One-Page Status Reports per workstream• PowerPoint• Excel• Mind Map

• Forces brevity (Good)• Or a smaller font size (Bad)

• Roll up status reports for large project, programs orportfolios

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One Page Status Reports

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Even better…

• Use a centralized project management system togenerate status automatically

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Meeting Hacks

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Daily Standup

• Isn’t just for Agile projects• 15 minutes every day is a good checkpoint• Enforce the time limit• Focus on the important items

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Survey Feedback

• 10 Minute Stand Up meeting in the morning

• 5 Minute Wrap up end of the day

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15 Minutes with Stakeholders

• Busy staff are open to a 5 to 15 minute checkpoint

• No one wants a 60 minute meeting

• Be prepared with your list of important questions

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Meeting Bombs = Major Time Waster

• Use an agenda with time limits and item owner• Set expectation item owner brings answers to the

meeting• Provide enough notice to get the answers• Avoid the Meeting Bomb

• No one is surprised• Everyone has a chance to bring answers to the meeting• Avoids scheduling another meeting to get answers

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What if there was a tool…

• Set an agenda• Assigned item owners• Allowed owners to collaborate on agenda BEFORE

the meeting• Automated follow-up actions after the meeting• Generates agenda items based on the past meeting• And it was FREE!

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• Tool Shop: AgreeDo

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Mind Map Your Meeting Minutes

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Mind Map Your Meeting Minutes

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Action Items and Notes in the Map

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Related PM Articles on Mind Mapping• A Better Project Map

• Mind Mapping a Better WBS

• Mind Mapping a Better View

• Mind Mapping Your Project Schedule

• Don’t Fear the WBS

• Project Schedule Control with MindManager

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3 Minutes to Effective Issue Management

• How much time can you spend reviewing 12 issueson a project log?

• 20 minutes…not 90!• Anyone have a project status meeting run over?

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3 Minutes to Effective Issue Management

1. Sort issue list by priority and next review date2. 3 minute time limit per issue3. Quickly and succinctly describe

• Issue status• Actions in-progress• Required help

4. Exceed time limit – talk after meeting

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3 Minutes to Effective Issue Management

• Kitchen timer• Stopwatch• Smartphone

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Schedule and Task Hacks

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Top 3 Things

• How can I move the project forward today?

• Neil Whitten – What are the Top 3 things to do?

• Focus on those items for the day

• Did I Move The Project Forward Today?

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Convert Mind Map to a Schedule

• Brainstorm Scope in a mind map• Organize into a WBS• Assign high level durations• Export to MS Project• Refine schedule

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Work Breakdown Structure

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Use pre-built and custom MSProject filters• Apply custom filters and graphical indicators to

project schedule• Custom views and tables can short cut

administration• Deadlines• Quickly identify late tasks• Traffic Light indicators

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Survey Feedback

“My specific tool is to setup a Red, Yellow, Greenradio button to show individual task status at aglance” – V. Srinivasan

Everyone can perceive status immediately

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Deadlines in Microsoft Project

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Managing Deadlines in Microsoft Project


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Late Task Indicator

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Add Late Task Indicator Tool


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Highlight Late Tasks by Resource

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Using VBA to Find Late Finish Dates


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Finding Late Tasks Filter

The Behind Schedule Filter

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Apply Social Task Management

• Eliminate manual task tracking• No more Command and Control• Centralized Tools• One Version of the Truth• Work Management and Notification• Derive Organization from Chaos• Low Administration

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Social Task Management

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Social Task Management

• Future is moving to true collaborative projectmanagement systems

• Best-in-class will feature• Ease of use• Scheduling engine• Collaborative work and communication features• Organize information easily

• Desktop schedule management tools are dinosaurs

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Survey Feedback

• Use a central project management system forstatus and reporting

• Organizations need to invest in EPM tools toeliminate the PM burden for schedule tracking

• Use Microsoft Project Enterprise for advancedproject tracking

• Let the tool generate the templates and reports• Of course, the information still needs to be kept up

to date

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Social Task Management Thought Leaders

Solution Provider Link






Microsoft Project Online with ProjectPro

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Email and Communication Hacks

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Survey Feedback

• Use a detailed Responsibility and CommunicationMatrix

• If every task has clear agreement, the headachesdisappear

• Communicate with a Project Wall• WBS and Schedule• Resource Assignment• Track progress on the wall daily• Update computer schedule weekly based on wall

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Happiness is an empty inbox

• Too much email creates too much stress• Hoard emails like a cache of knowledge• Search, sort and hunt and peck• Ineffective and really can’t find anything quickly• Email Processing Rule

• Delete, Do It, Delegate Defer

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Happiness is an empty inbox

Switch to a simpler folder system1. Create a Archive and Follow Up folder2. Move attachments to Archive folder3. Archive or delete everything else in your inbox4. Clear the Follow Up folder each day5. Delete the Archive each month

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Happiness is an empty inbox

• PDF any important emails• Sent items safety net• You can always go back to the original sender• 800 unread emails does not equate to bragging


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Email Ping Pong Rule

• Email should be used for facts, figures and meetingnotices

• Not discussions• If there is more than 4 email exchanges• Pick up the phone and call• Original – Response - Clarify – Response - CALL

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Are we too connected?

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Evolution of Distraction

We’ve implemented the perfect distraction system

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Project Squirrels


Losing Focus How to Avoid Project Squirrels

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Turn Off Email and Instant Messaging

• Want to work effectively?

• Turn off the Big Distraction Machine

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Turn Off Email and Instant Messaging

• Thinking time is not communication time• How much more could you get done?• Just avoid the inbox for an hour or two

(It will still be there waiting for you)

• Establish core hours so you can FOCUS!

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Check Email 2 times per day

• Tim Ferris, author - Four Hour Work Week•


• Check email at 11:00 a.m. and 4pm each day• Inform colleagues• Set out of office reminder to indicate you

respond to email 2 times per day• If it is an emergency, call cell

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Tool Hacks

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Siri is your friend

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Use Microsoft OneNote

• Use OneNoteas a one placefor all meetingnotes andactions

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Evernote Your Notes

• Checklists• Tagging• Task list in Evernote• Private folders• Some organizations block Evernote

via the firewall

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Evernote in Action

• Snapshot business cards and throwaway the business card

• Forward emails to your Evernotebox

• Whiteboard Photo and tag it

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Evernote and The Secret Weapon

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Evernote• Dave Engberg, Chief Technology

Officer, Evernote• Multi-tier security model with strong

auditing controls.• SAS70 compliant with regular audits• Use common sense• Review your corporate security policy• Send only what you feel comfortable

residing on another email server

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Use the Pomodoro Technique

• Time management method• Decide on the task to be done• Set the pomodoro (timer) to 25

minutes• Work on the task until the timer

rings; record with an x• Take a short break (3-5 minutes)• Every four "pomodori" take a longer

break (15–30 minutes)

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The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working

• 90 minutes and always took a renewalbreak in between sessions

• We need activity and rest to perform atour best

• Intense periods of focus and activity• Consistent periods of renewal if we are

to perform at our best

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Download the presentation

• Slides• Article links• Recommend Tools

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