project on horizontal growth coca cola (1)

Acknowledgement Co-operation and building up of moral are the essence of success. These are two factors that go a long way in achieving it. It is a Herculean task, which lacks these two determinants of success. It was an opportunity and great pleasure for me to be in such an environment and having interaction with concerned people. I express my heartly respect and thanks to Mr. Shrikant(A.S.M.) and Mr. S. Biradar (S.E.) for their informative and detailed guidance for the completing and evaluating of this project. Prof. V. V. Siddhanthi, Faculty, BLDEA’s MBA programme (Autonomous), Bijapur who was in the role of my Faculty Guide, left no stone unturned in guiding me along the course of my Summer Training Project work. I am grateful to them those given me this opportunity to work on such type of project, without their, it is not possible for me to complete the project. Finally, to my parents, for all the tea and care with which they overwhelmed me through these long months of creation. I sincerely hope that my first venue in this field is appreciated. Offering thanks. 1 | Page

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Page 1: Project on Horizontal Growth Coca Cola (1)


Co-operation and building up of moral are the essence of success. These are two factors

that go a long way in achieving it. It is a Herculean task, which lacks these two

determinants of success. It was an opportunity and great pleasure for me to be in such an

environment and having interaction with concerned people.

I express my heartly respect and thanks to Mr. Shrikant(A.S.M.) and Mr. S. Biradar

(S.E.) for their informative and detailed guidance for the completing and evaluating of this


Prof. V. V. Siddhanthi, Faculty, BLDEA’s MBA programme (Autonomous), Bijapur

who was in the role of my Faculty Guide, left no stone unturned in guiding me along the

course of my Summer Training Project work.

I am grateful to them those given me this opportunity to work on such type of project,

without their, it is not possible for me to complete the project.

Finally, to my parents, for all the tea and care with which they overwhelmed me through

these long months of creation.

I sincerely hope that my first venue in this field is appreciated. Offering thanks.

Syed Faheem

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1. Chapter 1

Literature Review

Introduction about the topic

Introduction about the company

2. Chapter 2- Research Methodology

Purpose of the study

Objective of the study


Data collection

Sampling methods


3. Chapter 3- Data analysis and representation

4. Chapter 4- Findings

5. Chapter 5- Recommendations and suggestions.

6. Chapter 6- Conclusion

7. Chapter 7- Bibliography

8. Chapter 8 - Appendix

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Global Strategy of Coca-cola:

(Zhang, 2010)

Indian market is one of the major developing economies in the world. The Coca-Cola

Company is mentioned as a global company with global products and global activities. In

1980 the company was moving towards centralized control. At that time the motive of the

company are to be global in order to expand geographical wise into many of the countries

in which the company does business today. In 1990 the world began to start smaller and

smaller as a town for the global companies. Globalization forced changes to appear so fast

that many countries could hardly manage the new global environment. “As a result, the

very forces that were making the world more connected and homogeneous were

simultaneously triggering and preservation of unique culture identity. The world is

demanding greater flexibility, responsiveness, local sensitivity, nimbleness, speed,

transparency and local sensitivity had become essential to success” (Draft, 2000). Coca-

Cola Company sees itself not as a global organization, but as a multi-local enterprise

(Swenson, 2001).

Coca-Cola Company historical strength came from operating as a “multi-local”

business that for a very long time relies mostly on the insight of local bottling partners.

That's why the global strategy of coca-cola allows its business in more than 200 countries

to act according for local laws, local culture, and local needs and so on. Coca-Cola pursues

an assumed global strategy, allowing for differences in packaging, distribution, and media

that are important to a particular country or geographical area. Hence, the global strategy is

localized through a specific geographic marketing plan. Instead of applying a global

strategy, it is likely to be a strategy of thinking globally, but acting locally. “The global

success of Coca-Cola is the direct result of people drinking it one bottle at the time in their

own local communities. So we are placing responsibility and accountability in the hands of

our colleagues who are closest to those billions of individual sales” (Draft, 2000). This

signifies that if their local colleagues develop an idea or a strategy that is the right thing to

do locally, and it fits within fundamental values, policies, and standards of integrity and

quality of the Coca-Cola Company, then they have the authority and responsibility to do


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Therefore, their multi-local strategy approach is still going strong and adequately

for the company's worldwide business activities. In addition Gould (1995) states that coca-

cola has become a part of people's daily meal, a price at which anyone can buy and it is

available to people in any part of the world. The IR framework has been used to critically

analyze the global strategy of Coca-Cola. COCA-COLA COMPANY saw that there is an

opportunity in Asian market and their home market situation is saturated. COCA-COLA

COMPANY decided to re-enter in the Indian market in 1993. Indian government plays a

major role in every international company and had a law that any international company

has to become a partner in Indian market with an Indian company. To overcome this

problem COCA-COLA COMPANY acquisition of local Indian popular brands including

the THUMS UP (the most trusted brand in India), Mazza, Gold Sport, Citra and Limca

providing a good base not only in bottling, manufacturing and distribution assets but also

very good strong consumer preference(Kaul, 2003). From this acquisition the leading

Indian brands join the family of global brand and its products like coca-cola, diet coke and

others. From this acquisition Coca-Cola enables to exploit the benefits global branding and

global trends in taste while also tapping in other domestic markets (lane, 1998). Coca-Cola

adopted the standardization strategy to produce and sell its standardized products globally

(Rodrigues, 2009). Coca-Cola Company do franchise with the local manufacturing bottling

companies through which they have a local response and local touch.

In India COCA-COLA COMPANY have 46 bottling plant from which 22 are

company own and rest are the franchise operated plant (Coca-Cola, 2010). After re-

entering the Indian market in 1993 the COCA-COLA COMPANY operations grown

rapidly through a model that supports local business which includes over 1.3 million

retailers and over 7000 distributors across the country. Coca-cola has been successful in

the global market as well as Indian market because it follows the local strategies and is

able to deliver as per the needs of the local people by manufacturing and distribution by

the local company (Hill, 2009). In manufacturing the product the water which is used is

local from which the customers get the local taste. The company has an approach where in,

their business does not get influenced by the area of sales. Rodrigues (2009), states that

Coca-Cola pursues the global strategy of producing diverse products as per the local

culture. For instance in India people prefer sweeter coke. Also Coca-Cola launched

Georgia, a canned coffee specially intended for Indian market which captured 40% of the

market soon after its launch (Hill, 2009).

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According to (2007), Coca-Cola trains their managers in their management

school, to make them aware of the global perspective of their operations.

Marketing is one of the back bones of any global industry in any country. As to stay in the

market ahead from the competitors, marketing plays the major role in Indian market for

soft drinks. The post- liberalization period in India saw the comeback of Cola but

Pepsi(one of the major competitor India) had already beaten Coca-Cola to the punch,

creatively entering the market in the 1980's in advance of the liberalization by the way of

joint venture. Coca-Cola Company benefited from Pepsi creating demand and developing

the market for soft drinks. (Kaul, 2004)

In 2001 Coca-Cola CEO Douglas Daft set the new direction for next generation of success

for global brand with a “Think global, act local” mantra. Recognizing that a single global

strategy or single global campaign wouldn't work, locally relevant executions became an

increasingly important element of supporting Coke's global brand strategy. Coca-Cola

Company re-examined its approach in an attempt to gain leadership in the Indian market

and capitalize on significant growth potential in the rural markets. The foundation the new

strategy grounded brand positioning and marketing communications in consumer insight,

acknowledging that urban versus rural India were two distinct markets on a variety of

important dimensions. (Kaul, 2004) In rural market, where both the soft drink category and

individual brands were undeveloped, the task was to broaden the brand positioning while

in urban markets, with higher category and brand development, the task was to broaden the

brand positioning while in urban markets, with higher category and brand development,

the task to narrow the brand positioning focusing on differentiation through offering

unique and compelling value. (Kaul, 2004)

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Coca-Cola used two different marketing strategies for each urban and rural market.

The first marketing “life ho to aisi” means life as it should be for urban market and the

other was “thanda matlab coca cola” which means cool or cold is coca cola which hit the

rural target very highly and gain the market very efficiently because the 96% of the

population are in rural and developing cities. Coca-Cola Company reduced its rate for the

rural market by providing 200ml bottle so that those customers and consumers whose

wages are not so high can also have it. (Kaul, 2004) At the same time, Coke invested in

distribution infrastructure to effectively serve a disbursed population and doubled the

number of retail outlets in rural areas from 80,000 in 2001 to 160,000 in 2003, increasing

market penetration from 13 to 25%. As a result of the marketing campaign, Coca-Cola

won Advertiser of the year and Campaign of the year 2003. (Kaul, 2004)

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What is Horizontal Expansion?

It means opening new outlets. It is done to increase the market share and to increase the

visibility of product in the market which will ultimately lead to higher sales volume and

larger market share. In microeconomics and strategic management, the term Horizontal

Expansion describes a type of ownership and control. It is a strategy used by a business or

corporation that seeks to sell a type of product in numerous markets.

Horizontal Expansion in marketing is much more common than Vertical Expansion is in

production. Horizontal Expansion occurs when a firm is being taken over by, or merged

with, another firm which is in the same industry and in the same stage of production as the

merged firm,

For e.g. Pepsi has adopted strategy of Vertical Expansion by which Pepsi wants to improve

it’s sale from Coke monopoly outlets, means Coke’s monopoly outlets are being taken

over by Pepsi now in this condition to improve its sale Coke need to open new outlets

which is called Horizontal Expansion Strategy. A monopoly created through Horizontal

Expansion is called a Horizontal Monopoly.

This is the expansion of a firm within an industry in which it is already active for the

purpose of increasing its share of the market for a particular product or service.

Reason of Horizontal Expansion

The ultimate objective of coke is to acquire more customers and serve them properly.

While doing Horizontal Expansion take care to the competitor’s strategy. The main

competitor is PEPSI, who has opted Vertical Expansion to generate more sell however

Coke do not believe on Vertical Expansion because Vertical Expansion has limited

preview so COKE is great believer in Horizontal Expansion and this strategy helped to the

company to maintain its leadership in the soft drink industry.

India is a big country having diversified taste and appearance and same character is

reflected in their demography. Horizontal Expansion helps the company to serve the more

people and more customers touch point because in the waste country many customers


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Benefits of horizontal expansion:

Provides Incremental Volume & Revenue for Business.

By horizontal expansion there will be more outlets of our product In the market

which will sell our product in more quantity. This will generate incremental

revenue for the business.

Helps Improve Route Productivity.

There are pre determined routes through which product is transported and delivered

at the coke outlets. If we open more outlets on the routes it will increase the

productivity because more outlets will be covered and more products will be

delivered with a negligible increase in time and efforts. Hence it will improve

productivity of the route.

Improves Profitability of Our Distributors Expenses on routes and delivery of

product are incurred by the distributers. Opening new outlets will give more

revenue to our distributors also. With the increase in route productivity will

improve profitability of the distributors.

Reduced Dependence on Large Customers, We know that coke products have a

very good demand. To comply with this we have to provide large amount of

supply. In case we have few outlets a large amount of stock is gathered at few

retailers. In this case they become monopolistic and demand many things like

coolers refrigerators discounts margins etc. from the company. So it is very

necessary to reduce dependence on large retailers by opening new outlets.

Increase market visibility selling at more outlets give more market visibility of the

product which gives higher product recognition and brand value to the products.

Increase in market power over supplier and downstream market channels.

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Advantage of horizontal expansion over vertical expansion:

Both expansion techniques are meant for increasing sales volumes. But in

horizontal expansion company can earn more profits by spending less. Let’s see the profit

story of horizontal expansion

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Measure 2008 2009

Number of Existing Outlets 10000 10000

Total Volume (in Lac Phy Cases) 50 55

VPO in Phy Cases 500 550

Number of New Outlets 2000

New Outlet VPO 125

Incremental Volume (in Lac Phy Cases)


Grand Total Volume in Lac Cases)

50 57.5

Horizontal Growth Horizontal Growth

New Outlet OpeningNew Outlet Opening

Impact of New Outlets on BusinessImpact of New Outlets on Business

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Above tables clearly indicate the importance of opening new outlets. By doing vertical

expansion only growth in profit was not very effective but because of opening just 200

new outlets sales increased to a large extent. Total profit margin and return on investment

also increased.

12 | P a g e

Measure 2008 2009

Number of Existing Outlets 1000 1000

Total Volume (in Lac Phy Cases) 3 3.5

VPO (in Phy Cases) 300 350

Numer of New Outlets 200

New Outlet VPO 150

Incremental Volume from New Outlets(in lac Phy Cases)


Grand Total Volume 3 3.8

Margin Per Case 12 12

Gross Total Margin (in Rs 000's) 3600 4560

Operating Expense (in Rs 000's) 7 6.5

Net Total Return (in Rs 000's) 1500 1925

Investment (in Rs Lac) 80 85

ROI 19% 23%IncreasedIncreased


MoreMore ReturnsReturns

BetterBetter MarginMargin

Impact of New Outlets onImpact of New Outlets on DistributorsDistributors

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How to Do Horizontal Expansion

To do Horizontal Expansion more efficiently I made a profit story and talk to the shopkeepers according to that story.


Salesperson – hello sir, I am from Coke and I have a proposal that will surely increase your income. May I present you?

Shopkeeper – yes please present it

Salesperson - Sir if you will start to sell coke then your overall sale will be increased and it is not tough to sell coke because Coke is the leader in beverage industry and a very well known brand.

Shopkeeper- yes, but how it can increase my overall sale?

Salesperson - Sir, you are selling Chips, Pastry and snacks. And these products have a very good combination with cold drink. If a person wants to purchase any of these products then it is quite possible that he will purchase Coke and vice versa.

Shopkeeper – But how Coke can increase my profit?

Salesperson – Sir if you are really interested to explore through Coke, you may be able to sell 2 cases of 200ml, 1 case of 300ml, 1 case of 6oo ml and 1 case of 2 liter. And for start selling Coke you need to invest only Rs. 420. We will provide you 3 empty carets

Weight of Product (ML)

Rate of case (Rs.)







200 168 24 8 192 24

300 214 24 10 240 26

600 488 24 22 528 40

2000 455 9 55 495 40

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Sir your daily profit from coke (in Peak season) = Rs. 154

Profit per month (in Peak season) = Rs. 4620

Profit of whole season = Rs. 13860

(Because the peak season for Coke is only of 3 months)

Profit of rest of the 9 months = Rs. 20790

(Because as per the Coke assumption income in the off season is decreased by half in comparison to the Peak season)

Profit of whole year = Rs.34650

Your investment = Rs. 1913

Your ROI = 34650 * 100/1913

= 1811.29%

Shopkeeper – But I do not think this much will work what about those stuffs that needs to support trading of Coke and I have to provide them like electricity, ice etc.

Salesperson – Sir that’s a really nice question, we can understand your anxiety and we have to offer much more for this. We have minimum Rs. 10 offer on 200 and 300 ml and Minimum Rs. 20 on Pet bottles. More over if you are keeping your refrigerator for the storage purpose of Coke if will be all right as the refrigerator can work by consuming power as low as 2 units per day which will cost you Rs. 8 per day.

So, what you have to say about our offer?

Shopkeeper – Yes, I think it will be a nice idea to accept your offer.

Salesperson – Thank you sir and Congratulation (Shaking Hands) I will be dropping my products within 10 minutes as I have the carrying vehicle with me and within next 15 minutes you are all set to go for selling Coke.

On some shops we set refrigerators and to keep a refrigerator we need to collect 1 photo copy of Voter ID card or Ration Card, 1 photo copy of electricity bill and 1 passport size photo of shopkeeper.

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Introduction of the Company

Every person who drinks a Coca-Cola enjoys a moment of refreshment and shares an experience that millions of others have served. All of those individual experiences combined have created a worldwide phenomenon – a truly global brand.

On the distribution front, 10-tonne trucks, open-bay three wheelers that can navigate the narrow alleyways of Indian cities, ensure availability of our brands in every nook and corner of the country.

The company-owned Bottling arm of the Indian Operations, Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited is responsible for the manufacture, sale and distribution of beverages across the country. A career at Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd. is truly a one-of-a-kind experience. Come taste life at Coca-Cola.


Coca-Cola Company, nourishing the global community with the world’s largest

selling soft drink since 1886, returned to India in 1993 after a gap of 16 years giving a new

thumbs-up to the Indian Soft Drink Market. In the same year, the Company took over

ownership of the nation's top soft-drink brands and bottling network. No wonder, our

brands have assumed an iconic status in the minds of the consumers. Coca-Cola serves in

India some of the most recalled brands across the world including names such as Coca-

Cola, Diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Thums Up, Limca, Maaza and Kinley (packaged drinking

water), Minute Maid Pulpy Orange.


In general The Coca-Cola Company (TCCC) and subsidiaries only produces (or produce)

syrup concentrate which is then sold to various bottlers throughout pharmacist John Stith

Pemberton in 1886. The Coca-Cola formula and brand was bought in 1889 by Asa Candler

who incorporated The Coca-Cola Company in 1892.

Besides its namesake Coca-Cola beverage, Coca-Cola currently offers nearly 400 brands

in over 200 countries or territories. The company operates a franchised distribution system

dating back to 1889 where TCCC only produces syrup concentrate which is then sold to

various bottlers throughout the world who hold an exclusive territory.

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Coca-ColaMainly preferred by the Youngster & Kids.

Thums-Up Youngster.

Limca Common Drink.

FantaBasically Preferred by Ladies and Kids.

Maaza Also Ladies and Kids.

Sprite Not clearly defined.

Kinley Soda Mostly those who consume liquor.

Georgia Premium class people.

Minute Maid Pulpy Common Juice

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Consumption of soft drinks has increased tremendously in India. Every age of group like

it, now a days it become a household necessary item.

In field of marketing many kind of surveys are conducted by coca-cola team time to time.

This is end and last feedback for any kind of organization. By the specific survey, which

was conducted by coca-cola organization want to know about the right picture of Hubli &

Bijapur market. This work study provides extensive information about the position of

company’s brand in Hubli & Bijapur.

To find out the present status of Coca-Cola brands in the retail outlets.


Primary Objective:

1. To understand & explain the Horizontal Expansion Concept with respect to HCCBL

operations at retail end.

2. To enlist the benefits of Horizontal Expansion for the company at retail end.

3. To enlist the roles and responsibilities for Horizontal Expansion at retail end.

Secondary Objectives:

1. To identify if there exists any training requirement for the improvement of sales to

its sales team.

2. To understand how to make The Horizontal Expansion Process more effective.

3. To study the distribution system of the company.

4. To study the behavior of sales man and distributer towards shopkeeper.

5. To develop the business, expand the market coverage, acquisition of retailers,

retention strategies and maintaining customer relations.

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This study has been done at Hubli & Bijapur region. During the study I went through

different aspects. The study would be only a drop in the ocean that can help to understand

the current status of activation elements of Coca-Cola in retail outlet.

The study can be conduct on the national basis also with large sample size & sufficient

time by taking feedback of many retailers which sell Coke products.

There are some important aspects of this study which are as follow—

This project work is helpful in making a deeper analysis of the

horizontal expansion strategy of Coca-Cola in Hubli & Bijapur.

This project work will be helpful in conducting higher studies regarding the overall

satisfaction of Coca-Cola from the dealer’s perspective.

This report work will help the company to devise further marketing & sales strategies.

During my project I came to know about Pepsi-Co Marketing strategy that is the biggest

competitor of Coca-Cola.

During my project I came to know about coke market share in two cities.

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This research involved a study, which was descriptive as well as explorative in

nature it basically aims at gathering data about how the coca-cola red element concept

&scheme playing in the mind of retailer & consumers. During the research period I

collected data direct from retailers by survey. For proceeding further first of all we should

know something about data and what the different type data are-


There are two types of data-

1. Primary data.

2. Secondary data.


Primary data collection:

Primary data can be collected by three methods-

1. Observation

2. Experiment

3. Survey

But here, only surveys method of data collection is preferred which is very suitable to

reach the researcher motto.

A. Research instrument: Printed Questionnaire was used as the research instrument to

collect the required information.

B. Area of surveys: The survey was conducted at Hubli & Bijapur.

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Sampling unit: The retailer of Grocery shop, general store, betel shop, and medical store

was selected from different places of Hubli & Bijapur.

Sampling size: 150 Outlets.

Type of sampling: There are two type of sampling.

Probability sampling.

Non probability sampling.

Probability sampling- It is also known simple random sampling. In this sampling

everybody gets similar chance to select as a sample unit.

Non probability sampling- In this sampling everybody gets not similar chance to select as

a sample unit. Example of non probability are cluster sampling, convenience sampling,

judgment sampling e t c.

Sampling procedure: Simple random sampling procedure was followed.

Sampling method: Data were collected by retailer survey. The retailers are directly

contacted and interviewed at their retail counter.


Considering the fact that “Nothing is perfect in the world, every individual is

bound to make mistake at some points, and it is genuine”.

The study was restricted to Hubli & Bijapur region only.

Limited knowledge of the researcher in the field of research may lead to

interpretation errors.

The respondents may be biased or influenced by other factor.

A busy schedule of dealers/ retailers also makes the collection of information a

very difficult one.23 | P a g e

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The project is purely based on observation & verbal meetings and may be

influenced by unprecedented factors.

Non-co-operative behavior of respondent was a big problem in this survey. .

The research was based on primary collection of data through voice interview and

observation so there may be chances of human error.

The research was depending on the information provided by the respondents

(retailers). It may insufficient.

As associated with project, time and money were the major limitations with this


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1 .Type Of Channel

Channel Response %

E & D 60 40

Grocery 30 20

Convenience 60 40

Others 0 0

E & D Grocery Convenience Others0















Response %


Through the above diagram we can know that out of 150 outlets how many outlets are

convenience, grocery and E&D outlets. Thus we can conclude that 40% outlets were E&

D, 20% were grocery, 40% were convenience.

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2. Type of Outlet

Outlets Response Percentage

Pepsi outlets 30 20

Coke Outlets 30 20

Never sell cold drinks 30 20

Both Pepsi and coke 60 40

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Through the above diagram we can know that out of 150 outlets,30 outlets sell pepsi,30

outlets sell coke,30 outlets don’t sell cold drinks at all and 40 outlets sell both

3. Chilling Equipment used

Chilling Equipments Used Responses Percentage

Coke Fridge 30 20

Pepsi Fridge 30 20

Own Fridge 15 10

Ice Box 21 14

Both Coke and Pepsi Fridge 54 36

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Through the above diagram we can know that out of 150 outlets,30 outlets have coca cola

refrigerators,30 have Pepsi refrigerators,15 use there own refrigerator,21 use ice box and

54 use both Pepsi as well as coca cola refrigerators.

4. Level of satisfaction on Communication From the Company

Level of satisfaction Responses Percentage

Highly satisfied 18 12

Quite satisfied 57 38

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 24 16

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Quite dissatisfied 39 26

Highly dissatisfied 12 8


Through the above diagram we can know the level of satisfaction on communication from

the company. Out of 150 outlets,18 are highly satisfied,57 are quite satisfied,24 are neither

satisfied nor dissatisfied,39 are quite dissatisfied and 12 are highly dissatisfied

5. What is done if a brand which preferred is not delivered properly?

outcomes Responses Percentage

30 | P a g e

1239245718 826163812

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Go for other brand 96 64

Call to distributer 0 0

Call to company’s sales person 39 26

Stop selling that brand 15 10

Other outcomes 0 0


Through the above diagram we can know what the retailers do if a brand they prefer is not

deliver to them. Out of 150 outlets, 96 of them go for other brands, 39 of them call to the

company`s sales person and 15 of them stop selling that brand.

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6. Promotions that affect the brand mostly

promotions Responses Percentage

scheme 63 42

Case refund 21 14

Price pack 12 8

Under crown scheme 54 36

Any others 0 0


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54 3612 0821 1463 42

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Through the above diagram we can know the promotion that affect brand mostly. Out of

150 respondents 63 replied schemes,21 case refund,12 price pack and 54 under crown


7. Effect of mega events (Ex. IPL) on sale of coke in peak season, like summer)

Effect Response Percentage

Increase 21 14

Decrease 18 12

No effect 66 44

Cant say 45 30

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Through the above diagram we can know the effect on sales in the occasions of mega

events (In peak seasons). Out of 150 responses 21 said that the sales increase,18 said that

the sales decrease,66 said that there is no effect on sales on mega events and 45 did not


34 | P a g e

45 3066 4418 1221 14

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8. Effect of mega events (Ex. IPL) on sale of coke in peak season, like summer)

Effect Response Percentage

Increase 42 28

Decrease 15 10

No effect 69 46

Cant say 24 16


Through the above diagram we can know the effect on sales in the occasions of mega

events (In non peak seasons). Out of 150 respondents 42 said that the sales increase,15 said

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24 1669 4615 10

42 28

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that the sales decrease,69 said that there is no effect on sales on mega events and 24 did

not answer.



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1. It is felt that outlet owner are more concern about schemes like offers on cases,

under crown schemes etc and Pepsi is providing them better schemes than Coke.

2. It is felt that distributor is not doing his work honestly, he is not sending route in

the market properly. When the salespersons generate orders with retailer, due to

problem like salesman is on leave, vehicle is not available etc they delay the order

and retailer cancel the order with the distributer that affects the sales volume.

3. Distributer is more concern about Wholesaler rather than Retailer.

4. As per policy, both companies are not entitled to collect competitor empty bottles

from the shops but Pepsi is not adhering to it. Therefore this hampering the

business of coca-cola in the market as Pepsi is more preferable to carry on the

business in a suave manner.

5. The distributor in its area is facilitating sales by establishing monopoly of offers

and schemes that do not reach to the outlet.

6. Due to infiltration, difference in the rates for the shopkeepers has been perceived as

a major problem in the market.

7. Distributor rarely keeps any interest to work and communicate with the customer

who results in of the company’s sales as well as image are getting adversely


8. It has been found that the shopkeepers has strongly responded to the option of

switching to the brand (Pepsi) when it has been inquired that what will they do in

order to continue trading at the time when their preferred brand is not been

delivered properly.

9. The shopkeepers have nodded to the view that schemes offered to them as per the

policies of the company plays a significant role in increasing profitability. As per

the notes taken apart from the data in the questionnaire it has been discovered that

PEPSI offers more schemes to the shopkeepers who are vindictive for the


10. Some outlets are maintaining old price strips and also these are not easily visible to

the customer.

11. I found that some retailer were not satisfied with our service, for that reason they

stopped to sell our product and started to sell Pepsi product. 37 | P a g e

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12. I found that Pepsi is doing aggressive advertisement in comparison with Coke, and

investing aggressively on activation like hording, glow sign board, DPS, also in terms of

providing good service and free chilling equipment to the retailer.

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Company should convince retailers to have promotional tools decorating with coke

products and should tell them why these elements are important and how company as well

as Retailers is getting benefit of using these activation elements.

Company should focus more and more on E&D Outlet because most of the E&D outlets

don’t have promotional tools of the company and overall average score of these outlets is

very less.

Company should reframe the Flange to an attractive and big size because the current look

and size of Flange is not attractive and fail to draw attention of the population.

Overall service should be improved because many of the retailers are not satisfied with

company service.

Company must provide free chilling equipment to the outlet where needed and also

company should work out on the complaint of Retailers.

The Company should measure Retailers satisfaction regularly and should maintain proper

communication with them.

Company can increase the sales when it considering more on retailers, their suggestions or

complaints about service or product so that necessary action can be taken.

Review meeting should be often held so that the working pattern of the executives can be

checked and improved if needed.

Company representatives should visit retailers and should make a long-term relationship

with retailer so that they can push the product.

Distributers should be convinced to pass the incentives to the retailers so that they are

motivated to promote this brand.

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Increase the number of dealers and retailers as this will help in making high sales volume.

Now company should launch new taste of soft drinks like recently launched Minute Maid

& also launched new product in another flavor.

In winter Season Company should give more discount & schemes to retailers so that they

sell more our product.

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Coca - Cola beverage Pvt. Ltd. is world’s largest beverage company and as we know that

the coca-cola company is on that stage because of its large number of products and by

giving the customer complete satisfaction regarding taste and quality. Now a day it’s

necessary to show customer and to make believe them that our product is better than others

in the aspects which can be done in a better way through merchandising the products.

As far as journey with the company is concerned, I grasped lots of knowledge within my

project period. Because many of the company officials has assisted and given me the

valuable notes and experience of their life.

The primary objective of the my research is to analyze the horizontal expansion strategy of

Coke and at the end of the research I found that there is requirement of changing the

strategy for acquiring new customer for Coke but company should take care of its existing

customer because they are the main instrument of promotion for any company so old

customer should be fully satisfied with the company.

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I have used following resources to prepare this study report to make it more accurate and



l no

Source of


Name Designation Organization’s/writer’s


1. Websites

2. Guidance


Mr. Shrikant

Mr. Biradar



Sales Executive

Coca Cola


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Appendix- A (sample questionnaire)

I am Syed Faheem student of BLDEA’s MBA Program(autonomous) undertaking a

summer project on the topic “Analysis of Horizontal Expansion Strategy of Coke”. I

would like to see your views and opinions on the same. Could you kindly spend a few

minutes helping me complete this questionnaire?

(1) What Type of Channel do you hold?

a) E & D

b) Grocery

c) Convenience

d) Other, Please specify ________________________________________________

(2) What Type of outlet are you in?

a) Pepsi Exclusive

b) Coke Exclusive

c) Never sell cold drinks

d) Both a & b

(3) What is the chilling equipment you are using?

a) Coca cola Fridge

b) Pepsi Fridge

c) Own your Assert Fridge

d) Ice Box

e) Both (A & B).

(4) Kindly rate the level of satisfaction on Communication from the company

a) Highly satisfied

b) Quite satisfied

c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

d) Quite dissatisfied

e) Highly dissatisfied

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(5) If a brand which you prefer is not delivered to you properly, then what do you


a) Go for other brand

b) Call to distributer

c) Call to company’s sales person

d) Stop selling that brand

e) Other actions please specify __________________________________________.

(6) Which of the following promotions affect the sale mostly?

a) Scheme

b) Case refund

c) Price pack

d) Under Crown Scheme

e) Any Other, Please Specify ____________________________________________.

(7) Is there any effect of mega events (Ex. IPL) on sale of COKE (In peak season,

like summer)?

a) Increase

b) Decrease

c) No effect

d) Can’t say

(8) Is there any effect of mega events on sale of COKE (In non-peak season)?

a) Increase

b) Decrease

c) No effect

d) Can’t say

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