project on poverty in india

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  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    SST PROJECPoverty In


  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    Presentation Flow

    What is Poverty?

    World Poverty Conditions

    Poverty in India



    Some Facts About Gujarat.

    Role of NGOs

    Social ar!etin" for Poverty

    What can we do?



  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    What is Poverty?

    Poverty is hun"er$

    Poverty is lac! of shelter$

    Poverty is bein" sic! and notbein" able to see a doctor$

    Poverty is not havin" access toschool and not !nowin" how toread$

    Poverty is not havin" a %ob& is fear

    for the future& livin" one day at ati#e$

    Poverty is losin" a child to illnessbrou"ht about by unclean water$

    Poverty is 'owerlessness& lac! ofre'resentation and freedo#$

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    World Poverty Conditions

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    (ffects on Children

    )ccordin" to UNIC(F& 22,000children die each day due to 'overty$

    )round 27-28 %of all children in develo'in" countries are esti#ated to

    be underwei"ht or stunted$

    For the 1.9 billion children fro# the develo'in" world& there are*

    640 million without ade+uate shelter ,- in ./

    400 million with no access to safe water ,- in 0/

    270 million with no access to health services ,- in 1/


    10.6 million died in 233. before they reached the age of 5 ,sa#e as

    children 'o'ulation in France& Ger#any& Greece and Italy/

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    (ffects on Wo#en

    Wo#en #a!e u' half of the world4s 'o'ulation and yet re'resent a

    sta""erin" 70%of the world4s 'oor$

    Of the 500,000 wo#en who die in childbirth every year& 99%live in

    develo'in" countries$ In other words& in develo'in" countries& a "irl or a

    wo#an dies every #inute in "ivin" birth$ 4 million "irls and wo#en a year are sold into 'rostitution$

    I#'ro'er Sanitation

    Of the around si5 billion 'eo'le in the world& at least 1.2 billion do not

    have access to safe drin!in" water

    ore than 2.4 billion 'eo'le do not have 'ro'er sanitation facilities& and

    #ore than 2,2 million 'eo'le die each year fro# diseases caused by

    'olluted water and filthy sanitation conditions$

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    (ffects on (ducation

    6ased on enroll#ent data& about 12 #illion children of

    'ri#ary school a"e in the develo'in" world were not in school

    in 23307 01 'er cent of the# were "irls$ )nd these are re"arded

    as o'ti#istic nu#bers$

    Nearly a billion 'eo'le entered the 2-st century unable to read

    a boo! or si"n their na#es$

    121 million out of education worldwide.

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    Poverty in India

    8es'ite the "rowth and develo'#ent of the Indian econo#y durin" the last cou'le

    of decades& 'overty is& 'arallel& increasin" in absolute ter#s$

    9he bare fact is that nearly 27.5 % of India:s 'o'ulation still lives below the

    'overty line& and 75 % of this& lives in rural areas$

    ) recent re'ort la#ents that 77 %of Indians live on a daily inco#e of !.20only$

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India



    )bout two thirds of India:s #ore than 1 billion 'eo'le live in rural areas& and

    al#ost 170 million of the# are 'oor$

    )lthou"h #any rural 'eo'le are #i"ratin" to cities& " o#t of 4 of India:s 'oor

    'eo'le live in the vast rural 'arts of the country$

    Poverty is dee'est a#on" scheduled castes and tribes in the country:s rural areas$

    India:s 'oorest 'eo'le include 50 %of #e#bers of scheduled tribes and 40 %of

    'eo'le in scheduled castes$

    On the #a' of 'overty in rural India& the 'oorest areas lie in 'arts of Ra%asthan&

    adhya Pradesh& Uttar Pradesh& 6ihar& ;har!hand& Chhattis"arh& Orissa and West


    In these areas shorta"es of water and recurrent drou"hts i#'ede the transfor#ation

    of a"riculture that the Green Revolution has achieved elsewhere$

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    $a#!e! of #ral Poverty

    Ra'id Po'ulation Growth

    With 1,210,000,000 1.21 billion& 'eo'le& India is currently the world4s

    second lar"est country$

    Fro# the total 'o'ulation of India 68.84% 'eo'le live in rural area of

    India and are "rowin" very fast if we see the statistics of 'ast few decades$

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    (overnment)! Initiative!

    For (#'loy#ent

    ;awahar Gra# Sa#riddhi =o%ana ,;GS=/ ,For#erly !nown as ;awahar

    Ro>"ar =o%ana/

    9rainin" rural youth for self e#'loy#ent 9R=S( Sche#e

    Sa#'urna Gra#in Ro>"ar =o%ana

    National Rural (#'loy#ent Guarantee Sche#e

    For Fa#ily Plannin"

    Fa#ily Plannin" Welfare Pro"ra# for Po'ulation Control

    For Far#ers Insurance


  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    For @ousin"

    Rural @ousin" Pro"ra#

    For 8evelo'#ent

    S#all Far#er 8evelo'#ent Pro"ra# ,SF8P/

    8rou"ht )rea 8evelo'#ent

    Pradhan antri Gra#odaya =o%ana ,PG=/

    Swarna ;ayanti Gra# Swaro>"ar =o%ana

    Inte"rated Rural 8evelo'#ent Pro"ra#

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India



    )s 'er the latest NSSO survey re'orts there are over 80 million 'oor

    'eo'le livin" in the cities and towns of India$ 9he Slu# 'o'ulation is also

    increasin" and as 'er 9CPO esti#ates 233-7 over 61.80 million 'eo'le

    were livin" in slu#s$

    9he bul! of the urban 'oor are livin" in e5tre#ely de'rived conditions

    with insufficient 'hysical a#enities li!e *

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    With over 575 million'eo'le& India will have 41%of its 'o'ulation livin"

    in cities and towns by 23.3 of its nearly - billion inhabitants& an esti#ated

    260." million are below the 'overty line& of which 19".2 million are in the

    rural areas and 67.1 million are in urban areas$

    9he 'overty level is below 10%in states li!e 8elhi& Goa& and Pun%ab etc

    whereas it is below 50%in 6ihar ,4"/ and Orissa ,47/$ It is between "0-

    40% in Northeastern states of )ssa#& 9ri'ura& and eh"alaya and in

    Southern states of 9a#ilNadu and Uttar Pradesh$

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    $a#!e! of *rban Poverty

    Slow %ob "rowth

    Increasin" Urban 'o'ulation ,currently around "8 +rore/

    Severe co#'etition$

    9hose who use to "et %obs or 'ro#otions easily now have to stru""le #ore due to

    the 'o'ulation hi!e in the cities$

    i"ration of Rural =outh towards Cities

    a%ority of rural area de'ends on a"riculture ,which is hi"hly de'endant on rain


    Inade+uate rain fall and i#'ro'er irri"ation facilities these days$

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    Boicelessness: )nd Powerlessness

    any ti#es it is seen that 'eo'le are not able to raise their voice a"ainstthe ill social 'ractices 'revalent in the cities and town$

    9he local afiasD ta!e @aftaD fro# the street haw!ers& leavin" very less

    a#ount of #oney for their livin"$

    (ven voice is not raised a"ainst wron" 'olitical activities and ele#ents$

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    Public 8istribution Syste# ,P8S/

    9he Public 8istribution Syste# ,P8S/ continues to absorb substantial

    'ublic resources at al#ost 1% of G8P$

    While it covers u' to25% of the households& its benefits for the 'oor have

    been li#ited$

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    (overnment)! Initiative

    For (#'loy#ent

    Nehru Ro>"ar =o%ana ,NR=/

    Self (#'loy#ent Pro"ra# for the Urban Poor ,S(PUP/

    Pri#e inister:s Ro>"ar =o%ana ,)lso i#'le#ented in rural areas/

    Swarna ;ayanti Shahri Ro>"ar =o%ana

    Self (#'loy#ent to the (ducated Urban =outh ,S((U=/ Pro"ra#

    For @ousin"

    Financial assistance for Constructin" @ouses

    Other Pro"ra##es

    Urban 6asic Services for the Poor ,U6SP/ Pro"ra#

    Pri#e inister:s Inte"rated Urban Poverty (radication Pro"ra#


  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    Facts About Gujarat

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    Role of NGOs

    In hel'in" the 'oor to cli#b out of 'overty& NGOs use two a''roaches*

    Su''lyAside icroAtas!s

    Fro# the su''lyAside or #icroAtas!s a''roach& NGOs 'rovide various basic 'ublic services

    to the 'oor$

    It is ar"ued that es'ecially in countries where "overn#ent lac! 'ublic services& NGOs 'lay a

    si"nificant role in the direct 'rovision of social and econo#ic services$

    In "eneral& NGOs e#er"e and 'lay the roles as service 'roviders$

    8e#andAside acroAtas!s 9he de#andAside NGOs 'lay indirect roles$ 9he de#andAside role of NGOs can be seen as

    bein" an articulator of the 'eo'le:s Evoice:$

    NGOs #obili>e and clarify the de#and for services& fro# both the "overn#ent and the

    #ar!et& so that the 'eo'le are able to achieve its develo'#ent "oals$

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    In line of these a''roach& NGOs have develo'ed various strate"ies to

    influence the 'rocess of 'ublic 'olicy #a!in" and to control the

    i#'le#entation of develo'#ent 'ro"ra#s or 'ro%ects$

    Few NGOs in )h#edabad

    ;yoti San"h

    )'an" anav andal

    BidhyaNa"ar Sewa Sa#eeti

    Shivbaba Shraddha Halyan )ssociation

    Shree an"lay Seva Helavani andal

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    Social ar!etin" for Poverty

    8evelo'in" a Social ar!etin" Plan

    Ste' -* 6ac!"round& Pur'ose& and Focus

    Ste' 2* Situation )nalysis

    Ste' .* 9ar"et )udience Profile Ste' * ar!etin" Ob%ectives and Goals

    Ste' 0* Factors Influencin" )do'tion of the 6ehavior

    Ste' * Positionin" State#ent

    Ste' 1* ar!etin" i5 Strate"ies

    Ste' J* Plan for onitorin" and (valuation

    Ste' K* 6ud"et

    Ste' -3* Plan for I#'le#entation and Ca#'ai"n ana"e#ent

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    What can we do?

    In our own s#all way&

    let us not waste resources&

    the fruit of hard earned ta5 'ayer:s #oney&

    which #i"ht better be used to eradicate the #isery of others$

    e the drea# of seein" a 'overty free India$

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    How To Eliminate Poverty?

    Wienin! t"e conce#t o$ em#loyment

    Ensurin! $inancial services even to t"e #oorest

    #erson%eco!ni&in! every sin!le "uman bein! as a #otential


    %eco!ni&in! social entre#reneurs as #otential a!ents

    $or creatin! a worl o$ #eace' "armony' an #ro!ress%eco!ni&in! t"e role o$ !lobali&ation an

    in$ormation tec"nolo!y in reucin! #overty.

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India



  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India



    9hou"h India shows a hi"h econo#ic "rowth& it is sha#eful that there is

    still lar"e scale 'overty in India$

    India has the world4s lar"est nu#ber of 'oor 'eo'le livin" in a sin"le


    Poverty in India can be defined as a situation when a certain section of

    'eo'le are unable to fulfill their basic needs$

    @un"er& #alnutrition and susce'tibility of 'oor to natural disasters #a!e

    the# ta!e u' anti national and anti social activities

    It is the duty of the "overn#ents in 'articular and all citi>ens in "eneral to

    try their best to alleviate 'overty to establish har#ony and 'eace in the

    societies and in the world$

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


    el *!

    e a #man

    Thank You

  • 7/25/2019 Project on Poverty in India


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